HomeMy WebLinkAboutCC 10 T.T.M. 13822 01-16-89CONSENT CALENDAR NO. 10 1-16-89 TO: FROM: SUBJECT: WILLIAIq A. HUSTON, CITY HANAGER COPOtUNITY DEVELOPHENT DEPARTHENT TENTATIVE TRACT WlAP 13822 APPLICANT: & ONNER LOCATION: ZONING: DUPJrEE GARDENS, A CALIFORNIA LIIMITED PARTNERSHIP 14372 YORBA STREET (S/E CORNER OF YORBA & NORWOOD PARK PLACE) R-l, SINGLE FAI~ILY RESIDENTIAL ENVIRONMENTAL STATUS: A NEGATIVE DECLARATION HAS BEEN PREPARED IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE CALIFORNIA ENVIRONlqENTAL QUALITY ACT RECOI~IENDATION _ It is recommended that the City Council approve Tentative Tract Map 13822 by adopting Resolution No. 89-10. BACKGROUND __ At their regular meeting on January 9, 1989, the Planning Commission adopted Resolution No. 2556, recommending to the City Council app6oval of Tentative Tract Map 13822, a proposed subdivision of a 1.73 acre parcel into six (6)lots for the purpose of developing six (6) detached single family dwelling units. The subject property, located at the southeast corner of Yorba Street and Norwood Park Place is presently developed with a two-story, Spanish Colonial style, single family residence, a detached garage, numerous overgrown ornamental trees and shrubs and an unmaintained orange orchard on the southern half of the property (see attached tentative map). Surrounding land uses include detached single family residences across Norwood Park Place and Yorba Street to the north and west as well as to the immediate south and east. DISCUSSION The attached staff rePort from the January 9th Planning Commission meeting provides a detailed description and discussion of the proposed project and its related issues. Briefly, the project proposes the construction of six, two-story, single family residences. Two floor plans are proposed of L City Council Re'port Tentative Tract Map 13822 January 16, 1989 Page two approximately 3200 square feet, four bedrooms and a 3 car garage each. The proposed architecture incorporates 3 styles, ~with a different color scheme for each unit. The proposed street and lot configuration replicates a pattern found in numerous other developments in the immediate vicinity. The primary issues discussed at the Planning Commission meeting of January 9th are as follows: 1. Grading/Privacy -The subject property presently drains to the southeast, away from Norwood Park Place. In order to achieve drainage to Norwood Park Place, the grade on several lots would be raised by as much as 4 feet. Conditions of approval of Resolution No. 2556 will limit the. height of perimeter walls to 6'-8" as measured from the lowest elevation {adjacent properties) so as to avoid having those residents look at a 10 foot high wall. For safety purposes, wrought iron railing may be placed on top of the retaining walls. Landscaping along the rear property lines of the new lots wil 1 be requi red for screening. Setbacks - As proposed, the unit on Lot 2 of Tentative Tract Map 13822 would encroach into the required 65' rear setback measured from the centerline of Yorba Street by as much as 6 feet. Condition No. 3.1 of Exhibit B, Resolution No. 2556, requires the applicant to redesign the unit plan and/or process a lot line adjustment to meet the isetback, or obtain approval, of a Variance. 3. Historical Significance - The existing house was built in 1928 '(approximately), typifies Spanish Colonial architecture and is an example of the grove houses built during the hey-day of the citrus industry in Orange County. The house, is included in the draft survey of historical structures located in the City (which was received on 1-5-89). However, the historical significance of the house is clouded by the following: There are approximately five' other such groves h'ouse with similar architecture in the City; There have been two additions to the house that are not faithful to the original architecture; as well as change cuts of the wood casement windows to aluminium sliding windows; ° The house is in a poor state of repair; and ° The house is not located in the Cultura.1 Resources District. Having considered all of the above, the Planning Commission incorporated mitigation measures recommended in the t4egative Declaration into the conditions' of approval, requiring the applicant to determine if any sites within the City, Corn rnunity Developrnen~ Department City Council Report Tentative Tract Map 13822 January 16, 1989 Page.three or elsewhere in the County, were available to move the house and evaluate thle feasibility of moving the house. If no site were identified, or lt.'was documented that moving the house was infeasible, upon adetermination of 'the Director of Community Development, the applicant would be permitted to demolish · the house, after pro.vidlng the City wi th a thorough photo survey of the structure (see condition 9.1, Exhibit A of Resolution No. 2556). CONCLUSZON Given the Planning Commission's review of the project and its related issues, and subject to the conditions contained in Exhibits A and B of Resolution No. 2556, it is recommended that the City Council adopt Resolution No. 89-10, approving Tentative Tract Map 13822. Steve' Rubl n Seni or Planner Chri-stt6~ 'A. Shing~ton Director of Commun~fty Development SE:CAS:ts Attachments: Planning Commission staff report of 1/9/89 Resolution No. 2556 Tentative Tract Map Community DeveloPmen~ Department 1 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 2O 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 RESOLUTION NO. 89-10 A RESOLUTION OF THE .CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF TUSTIN APPROVING TENTATIVE TRACT MAP NO. 12822 The City Council of the City of Tustin does hereby resolve as follows: I. The City Council finds and determines as follows: A. That Tentative Tract Map No. 13822 was submitted to the Planning Commission by Durfee Gardens, a California Limited Partnership. B. That a public hearing was duly called, noticed and held for said map on January 9, 1989. C. That there are no significant impacts associated with-the subject project and a Negative Declaration has been prepared in conformance with the requirements of the California Environmental Quality Act. D. That the proposed subdivision is in conformance with the Tustin Area General Plan, Zoning Code for the R-1 District and Subdivision Map Act as it pertains to the development of single family dwellings. E. That a parkland fee is required for this p6oject in-lieu of dedication of actual parkland. F. That the site is physically suitable for the type of development proposed. G. That the site is physically suitable for the proposed density of devel opmen t. " H. That the design of the subdivision and the proposed improvements are not likely to cause substantial environmental damage or su'bstantially and avoidably injure fish or wildlife in their habi tat. I. That the design of the subdivision and the type of improvements proposed will not conflict with easements acquired by the public-at-large, for access through or use of the property within the proposed subdi vi si on. K. That the design of the subdivision and the types of improvements proposed are not likely to cause serious public health problems. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 1(; ~0 21 23 ~5 2¢ 27 28 Resolution No. 89-10 Page two II. The City Council hereby approves Tentative Tract ~4ap No. 13822 subject to the conditions contained in Exhibits A and B of Resolution No. 2556, incorporated herein by reference. PASSED AND ADOPTED at a regular meeting of the Tustin City Council, held on the day Of , 1989. Ursula E. Kennedy Mayor Mary Wynn, City Clerk 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 It; 17 18 19 2O 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 RESOLUTION NO. 2556 A RESOLUTION OF THE PLANNING COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF TUSTIN RECOMMENDING TO THE TUSTIN CITY COUNCIL APPROVAL OF TENTATIVE TRACT MAP NO. 13822 The Planntng Commtsslon of the City of Tusttn does hereby resolve as follows: I. The Planning Commission flnds and determines as follows: A. That Te~ntattve Tract Map No. 13822 was submitted to the Planntng Commission by Durfee Gardens, a California Ltmtted Partnership. B. That a publlc heartng was duly called, nottced and held for satd map on ~lanuary 9, 1989. C. That there are no significant tmpacts associated wtth the subject project and a Negative Declaration has been prepared tn conformance wtth the requirements of the California Environmental Qua1 try Act. D. That the proposed subdivision is in conformance with the Tusttn Area General Plan, Zoning Code for the R-1 District and Subdivision Map Act as it pertains to the development of single family dwellings. E. That a parkland fee is required for this project in-lieu of dedication of actual parkland. F. That the site is physically suitable for the type of development proposed. G. That the site is physically suitable for the proposed density of de ye 1 opmen t. H. That the design of the subdivision and the proposed improvements are not ltkely to cause substantial environmental damage or substantially and avoidably injure fish or wtldltfe in their habitat. I. That the design of the subdlvisi?n and the type of improvements proposed will not conflict with easements acquired by the public-at-large, for access through or use of the property within the proposed subdivision. 5 6 ? 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 19 2O 21 23 2~ 26 27 Resolution No. 2556 Page K. That the destgn of .the subdivision and the types of Improvements proposed are not ltkely to cause sertous public health problems. !!. The PlannJng Commission hereby recommends to the City Councll approval of Tentative Tract Hap No. [3822 subject to the conditions attached hereto as £xhlbtts A and B. Penn1 Foley P^SSED AND ^DO.P, TED at a regu~aT meeting of the Tusttn Planntng Con~ntss~on, held on the .. ~,74.. day of .. _(~~.¢~.~-~_ , 1989. A o L. Chatrman ~ Secretar~ EXHIBIT A TENTATIVE TRACTMAP 13822 RESOLUTION NO. 2556 CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL PUBLIC/PRIVATE INFRASTRUCTURE IMPROVEMENTS (1) 1.1 Prior to recordation of the final map, the Subdivider shall prepare plans for (2) and construct or post security guaranteeing construction of all public and/or (3) private, infrastructure improvements within the boundary of said tract map in (4) conformance with applicable City standards, including but not limited to the following: A. Curb and gutter/cross gutters B. Sidewalks including access facilities for physically handicapped persons C. Orive aprons/approach O. Street paving E. Street signing and paving F. Landscaping/irrigation facilities G. Sanitary sewer service facilities H. Domestic water service facilities I. Reclaimed water service facilities J. Utility connections (i.e., gas, electricl telephone, and cable T.V. facilities) ). K. Traffic control devi ces L. Street 11 ghtl ng M. Undergrounding of existing and proposed util~ity distribution lines N. Lot monumentation / O. Fire hydrants (as deemed appropriate) (1) (4) The amount of acceptable security for construction of public improvements shall be reviewed and approved by the Public Works Department. The amount and acceptable security for private improvements shall be reviewed and approved by the Building Official. (1) 1.2 All construction within a public right-of-way and/or public easement shall be (4) shown on a separate 24" X 36" plan with all construction referenced to applicable City, County, or City of Tustin Water Service standard drawing numbers. (1) 1.3 All changes in existing curbs, gutters, sidewalks and other public (3) improvements shall be responsibility of subdivider. SbURCE'"'cODEs ............................. (1) STANDARD CONDITION (2) NEGATXYE DECLARATION MITIGATION (3) UNIFOI~I BUILDING CODES (4) RESPONSIBLE AGENCY REQUIREJqENT EXCEPTION ($) LANDSCAPING GUIDELINES (6) PC/CC POLICY (7) OTHER MUNICIPAL CODE REQUIREMENT ResolUtion No. 2556 [xhlbtt A Page two (6) shown on a separate 24"- X 36" 'plan wtth all construction referenced to applicable Ctty, County, or Irvtne Ranch I~ater Dtstrtct standard draw.trig numbers. (1) :1.4 All changes tn extsttng curbs, gutters, sidewalks and other publlc (4) Improvements shall be responsibility of subdivider. - (:L) 1.5 Preparation of plans for and constructlon of: (3) A. All santtary sewer facilities must be submitted as required by the City Engtneer and local sewertng agency. These facilities shall tnclude a gravtty flow Syst~em per standards of the Irvtne Ranch l~ater District. / B. A domesttc water system must be to the standards of the Irvtne Ranch l~ater District/City of Tusttn I~ater Servtce, whichever ts applicable at the~ tlme of plan .preparation. Improvement plans shall also be revtewed and approved by ~the Orange County Ftre Department for ftre protection purposes. The adequacy and reliability of water system destgn and the distribution of ftre hydrants w111 be evaluated. The water distribution system and appurtenances shall also conform to the applicable laws and adopted regulations enforced by the Orange County Health Oepartment. Any requtred reclaimed water systems shall be to the .standards as requtred by the Irvtne Ranch Nater District. (1) 1.6 Proposed public streets shall be destgned to the following speclftcattons: (4) A. All proposed streets shall be destgned tn substantially the same wtdth and allgnment as shown on the approved tentative map unless modtfted and approved by the 01rectors of Community Oevelopment and Public I~orks. 1) Public streets Identified on the map shall be at least 40 ft. In wtdth from curb to curb. t4axlmum right-of-way of 60 ft. and a cul-de-sac tad11 of 58' at curb face and shall tnclude a 4 ft. sidewalk, street trees tn deep root control, and street 11ghts. B. All publlc (* and/or prtvate) streets shall be constructed tn accordance with Ctty requirements tn terms of type and qualtty of materials used. (1) 1.7 Annexation to the Tusttn Landscape and Ltghttng Dtstrtct tn July of 1989. The Ctty wtll requtre a letter from the property owner stating that he will not protest satd annexation. The developer shall |provide notification of thts annexation to prospective buyers and obtaln thetr consent to satd anne. xatton as a condition of escrow. Verification of acceptance by buyers shall be provtded to the Ctty. (2) 1.8 Trafftc stgntng shall be Installed at the tnte ectton of Norwood Park Place and the new cul-.de-sac, controlling vehicles turntng onto Norwood Park Place, subject to the revtew and approval of the Ctty Traffic Engineer. Resolution No. 2556 ~xhl bi t A I r~ Page three DEDZCATIONS/RESERVATION, S/EASEHENTS (I) 2.! The subdivider shall satisfy dedication and/or reservation requirements as (2) applicable, Including but not llmlted to dedication of all required street and (4) flood control rl.ght-of-way easements, vehicular access rights, sewer easements (6) and water easements defined and approved as to specific location by the City Engineer and other reasonable agencies. CONSTRUCTION ACTIVITIES ADJACENT TO PUBLIC RIGHT-OF-WAY II I mi iiillm i i i i i i · (1) 3.1 Prior to recordation of the final map, subdivider shall post with the (4) Community Development Department a minimum $2,500 cash deposit or letter of credit to guarantee the sweeping of streets and clean-up of streets affected by construction activities. In the event this deposit is depleted prior to completion of development or City appearance of public streets, an additional incremental deposit will be required. (1) 3.2 Any damage done to existing street improvements and utilities shall be (4). repaired before acceptance of the tract and/or issuance of a Certificate of Occupancy for the development on any parcel within the subdivision. .... (1) 3.3. Prior to any work in the public right-of-way, an Excavation Permit shall be obtained and applicable fees paid from the Public Works Department. GRADING/GENERAL (1) 4.! Prior to issuance of grading permits: (2) (4) A. A detailed soil engineering report shall be submitted to and approved by the Building Official conforming to the requirements of the Uniform Building Code, City Grading Requirements, and all other applicable State and local laws, regulations and requirements. B. Preparation and submittal of a grading plan subject to approval of the Oepartment of Community Development delineating the following i n forma ti on: 1. Methods of drainage tn accordance wi th' all applicable City standards. 2. All recommendations submitted by geotechnical or soils engineer and specifically approved by them. 3. Compliance with conceptual grading shown on tentative tract map. 4. A drainage plan and necessary support documents such as hydrology calculations to comply with the following requirements: a. Provision of drainage facilities to remove any flood hazard to Resolution No. 2556 Exhtbtt A -=age four the satisfaction of the City Engineer which will allow building pads to be safe from inundation from rain fall which may be expected from all storms up to and including the theoretical 100 year storm and dedication of any necessary easements on the final map as required. b. Elimination of any sheet flow and ponding. c. Provision of drainage facilities to protect the lots from any hi gh Velocity scouring action. d. Provision for contributory drainage from adjoining properties. 5. All flood hazard areas of record. 6. A note shall be placed on the grading plan requiring Community Development Department approval of rough grading-prior to final clearance for foundations. The Departme~nt will inspect the site for accuracy of elevations, slope gradients, etc. and may require certification of any grading related matter. C. Preparation of a sedimentation and erosion control plan for all construction work related to the subject T~act including a method of control to prevent dust and'windblown earth problems. D. Submittal of a construction traffic routing plan to be reviewed and approved by the Director of Public Works. Written approval shall be obtained from adjacent property owners for rights-of-entry for construction activity across lot lines. (1) 4.2 All earthwork shall be performed in accordance with the City of Tustin (3) Municipal Codes and grading requirements. Resolution No. 2556 Exht bt t A Page ftve FIRE DEPARTNE~ (1) 5.1 The subdivider shall co~ly with all requirements of the Orange County Fire (4) Marshal, including required fire flow, installation where required of fire (2) hydrants subject to approval as to location by the Fire Department, City of Tustin Public Works Department and 1trine Ranch Water Distr. ict, and compliance with all requirements pertaining to construction. (1) 5.2 Prior to issuance of building permits for combustible construction, evidence (4) that adequate water supply and operational fire hydrants are available for (2) fire protection shall be submitted and approved by the Orange County Fire Marshal. The subdivider shall also submit water improvement plans for approval of Fire Marshal. (1) 5.3 A construction phasing plan shall be submitted for review and approval by the (4) Fire Chief for the evaluation of emergency vehicles access. NOISE ii (1) 6.1 Prior to the issuance of any building permits: (2) (3) A. A final acoustical analysis report describing the acoustical design features of the structures required to satisfy the exterior and interior noise standards shall be submitted to the Tusttn Community Development Department for approval along with satisfactory evidence which indicates that the sound attenuation measures specified in the approved acoustical report(s) have been incorporated into the design of the project. The acoustical analysis shall be prepared by an expert or authority in the field of acoustics. All residential lots and dwellings shall be sound attenuated against present and projected noises, which shall be the sum of all noise impacting the project, so as not to exceed an exterior standard 65 dBa CNEL in outdoor living areas and an interior standard of 45 dBa CNEL in all habitable rooms is required. Evidence prepared under the supervision of an acoustical consultant that these standards will be satisfied in a manner consistent with applicable zoning regulations shall be provided. (1) 6.2 Prior to issuance of any Certificates of Use o~ Occupancy, field testing in (3) accordance with the Title 25 regulations may be required by the Building (2) Official to verify compliance with STC and IIC design standards. (1) 6.3 All construction operations including engine war~ up shall be subject to the (?) provisions of the City of Tustin Noise Ordinance and shall take place only · Resolution No. 2556 _ Exhtbtt A 'age stx ! during the hours of 7:00 a.m. until 6:00 p.m., Monday through Frtday unless the Butldtng Offtctal determines that satd acttvtty wtll be tn substantial conformance wtth the Notse Ordinance and the public health and safety w111 not be tmpatred subject to application betng made at the. time the permtt for the work Is awarded or durtng progress of the work. CCR'S (1) 7.1 If a Homeowner's Association ls proposed prtor to approval of the final map, (3) all organizational documents for the project Including any deed restrictions, (6) covenants, conditions, and restrictions shall be submitted to and approved by (7) the Community Development Department and Ctty Attorney's Offtce. Costs for such review shall be borne by the subdivider. A copy of the ftnal documents shall be submitted to the Community Development Department after thetr recordation. CCR's shall tnclude but not be 11mired to the following provisions: A. Stnce the Ctty ts Interested .~n protecting the publlc health and safety and ensurtng the quality and maintenance of common areas under control, of a Homeowner's Association, the Ct ty shall be Included as a party to the C, CR's for enforcement purposes of those CC&R provisions tn which the Ctty has Interest, as reflected by the following B through J. However, the City shall not be obligated to enforce the CCR's. B.' The requirement that association bylaws be established. C. t4embershlp In any Homeowner's Association shall be Inseparable from ownership tn Individual lots. O. Architectural controls shall be provided and may include but not be limited to provtstons regulating exterior finishes, roof materlals, fences and walls, accessory structures such as pattos, sunshades, trelleses, gazebos, awnings, room additions, extertor mechanical equipment, television and radio antenna. E. Homeowner's Association approval of extertor Improvements requiring a butldlng permtt shall be obtatned prtor to requesting a building permtt from the Ctty of Tusttn Community Development Oepartment. All plans for exterior Improvements shall conform to requirements set forth 'by the Ct ty and the CCR's. F. Residents shall not store or park any non-motorized vehicles, tratlers or motorized vehtcles that exceed 7 feet high, 7 feet wtde and '[9 feet long tn any parking or drtveway or area except for purpose of loadtng, unloading, maktng deliveries or emergency repatrs except that the Homeowner's Association may adopt rules and regulations to authorize exceptions. . Resolution No. 2556 Exhlbtt A Page seven G. All utility services serving the stte shall be Installed and mai ntai ned underground. The Association shall be requlred to ftle the names, addresses, and telephone numbers of at least one member of the Association Board and where applicable, a Manager of the project before January 1st of each year wtth the City of Tusttn Community Development Department for the purpose of contacting the association In the case of emergency or tn those cases where the City has an interest In CC & R violations. I. Perimeter project block walls to be constructed on private property shall be maintained and replaced, tf necessary by a Homeowner's Association. This shall not preclude a Homeowner's Association from assessing charges to Individual property owners for structural damage to the wall or fence. No amendment to alter, modtfy, termtna..Lte or change the Homeowner's Association's obligation to matntatn the common areas and the project perimeter wall or other CC&R provisions In whtch the Ctty has an Interest, as noted above, or tq alter, modify, terminate or change the Ctty's rtght to enforce mathtenance of the common areas and maintenance of the project perimeter wall, shall be effective wtthout the prtor wrttten approval of the City of Tusttn Community Development Department. FEES (1) 8.1 Prior to recordation of any final map, SUbdivider shall pay plan check and (3) inspection fees for all public and/or private infrastructure improvements (4) within City's responsibility excluding those financed by an Assessment (7) District. , (1) 8.2 Prior to issuance of any building permits, payment shall be made of all (3) required fees including: (4) (7) A. Major thoroughfareland bridge fees to Tusttn Public Works Department. B. Sanitary sewer connection fee to Orange County Sanitation District. Resolution No. 2556 Exht bi t A - Page eight C. Grading plan checks and_ permit fees to the Community Development Department. D. All applicable Butlding plan check and permtt .fees to the Community Oevelopment Oepartment. E. New development fees to the Community Development Department. F. School facilities fee to the Tusttn Unified School District subject to any agreement rea'ched and executed between the Olstrtct and the Irvtne Company. G. A fee tn-lteu of dedication of parkland In the amount of $480.00 per untt. (2) 9.1 The developer shall perform the following relating to the existing house on the subject property: 1. Within 60 days of approval of the tentative map and prior to approval of the final map the developer shall provide a report to the City listing potential sites that the existing house could be moved to and/or fe[sibility of relocating the house. Upon approval of a site by the Community Development Department, the developer shall obtain the necessary permits and move the existing house to said site, including placement on a foundation and upgrading of all plumbing and electrical wiring to current code standards. The developer may also solicit local historical societies/organizations to assume ownership and responsibility to relocate said house within the City or elsewhere in Orange County. 2. If no relocation sites are found within the City or elsewhere in Orange County or if relocation is infeasible, the developer shall provide a report to the Community Development Department documenting their efforts to find a site or information that moving the structure is infeasible. The Community Development Director may review the report with the City's Cultural Resources Advisory Commission for an advisory recommendation only. Upon acceptance of the report by the Director of Community Development, the developer shall provide a complete, detailed photo survey and record of the subject house for ~.he City's records. In the event the report is not accepted, the Community Development Director may request that additional steps or documentation be provided by the applicant for review. Resolution No. 2556 _ Exhibit A Page nine GENERAL (1) 10.1 Ntthln 24 months from tentative map approval,, the Subdlv'lder shall ftle wtth appropriate agencies, a ftn'ai map prepared In accordance wlth subdtvtslon requirements of the Tusttn Huntctpal Code, the State Subdivision Hap Act, and applicable conditions contained heretn unless an extension ts granted pursuant to Section 9335.08 of the Tustln Municipal Code. (1) 10.2 Prior to occupancy of units, the Subdivider shall record a final map in conformance with appropriate tentative map. (1) 10.3 Prior to ftnal map approval. A. Subdivider shall submit a current title report. B. Subdivider shall submit a duplicate mylar of the Final Map, 'or 8 1/2 inch by 11 inch transparency of each map sheet prior to final map approval and "as built" grading, landscape and improvement plans prior to certificate of acceptance. (1) 10.4 Subdivider shall conform to all applicable requirements of the State (7) Subdivision Map Act, the City's Subdivision Ordinance and the Negative. (2) Declaration for this project. o 10.5 The applicant shall complete and ,submit on an Agreement to Conditions Imposed Form prior to approval of the Final Map. SR: ts: pef EXHIBIT B DESIGN REVIEW 88-41 CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL RESOLUTION NO. 2556 GENERAL (1) 1.1 The proposed project shall substantially conform ~tth the submitted plans for the project date stamped January 3, i989 on file with the Community Development Department, as hereln modified, or as modified by the Director of Community Development Department in accordance with this Exhibit. (1) 1.2 Unless otherwise specified, the condltions contained in this Exhibit shall be complied with prlor to the tssuance of any building permits for the project, subject to review and approval by the Community Oevelopment Department. (1) 1.3 Design review approval shall become null and void unless building permits are issued within eigh~en (18) months of the date ~n this Exhibit. PLAN SUBMIITAL (3) 2.1 At building plan check submittal: j A. Construction plans, structural calculations and Tttle 24 energy calculations. Requirements of the Uniform Buil~lng Codes, State Handicap and Energy Requirements shall be complted wtth as approved by the* Butldtng Official. (2) (3) B. Preliminary technical detail and plans for all utility installations including cable TV, telephone, gas, water and electricity. Additionally, a note on plans shall be included stating that no field changes shall be made without corrections submitted to and approved by the Building Official. (2) (3) (2) (3) C. Final grading and specifications consistent with the site plan and landscaping plans and prepared by a registered civil engineer for approval of the Communlt~ Development Department. D. A precise soils engineering report provided by a soils, engineer within the previous twelve (12) months. SOURCE CODES (1) STANDARD CONDITION (2) NEGATIVE DECLARATION (3) UNIFORM BUILDING CODE/S (4) DESIGN REV IEW *** EXCEPTION (5) RESPONSIBLE AGENCY REQUIREMENT (6) LANDSCAPING GUIDELINES (7) PC/CC POLICY Exhibit B Resolution No. 2556 Page two (2) (3) E. A detailed acoustical noise 'study prepared by a qualified acoustt6al expert shall be subject to review and approval by the Community Development Department to insure that interior noise levels do not exceed a maxi mum of 45 dBa's. SITE AND BUILDING 'CONDITIONS 3.! The site plan shall be modified as follows: A. The unit plan for Lot 2 shall be redesigned to conform to the required 65' foot rear setback from the centerltne of Yorba Street (pursuant to Section g271u of ~he ?usttn City Code) and/or the developer shall perform a lot line adjustment to accommodate said unit or obtain approval of a .va ri ance. 3.2 Modify building elevations and proposed exterior materials as follows: A. Provide exact detatls and exterior door and window types and treatments (i.e., framing color glass tint). B. Show all downspouts and gutters. (1) 3.3 All exterior colors to be used shall be subject to review and approval of the (4) Otrector of the Community Oevelopment Oepartment. All exterior treatments must be coordinated with regard to color, materials and detailing and noted on submitted construction plans and elevations shall indicate all colors and materials to be used. (1) 3.4 Note on final plans that a six foot high chain linked fence shall be installed around the site prior to building construction stages. Gated entrances shall be permitted along the perimeter' of the site for construction vehicles. (1) 3.5 All mechanical and electrical and gas fixtures and equipment shall be (4) adequately and decoratively screened. The screen shall be considered as an element of the overall design of the projec~ and shall blend with the architectural design of buildings. All telephone and electrical boxes shall be indicated on the building plans and shall be completely screened. Electrical transformers (if any) shall be located .toward the interior of the project maintaining a sufficient distance from f~ontage of the project. (1) 3.6 Submit detail for all on-site subdivision walls to be constructed by developer (3). including patio block walls within interior of project wood fencing is not (4) acceptable. Show type of wall cap and type of color and decorative treatment of all exposed walls. Patio block walls which do not also serve as perimeter walls for project shall be consistent with main building treatments. A protective rail or guard must be installed on top of retaining walls where Exhlbl t B Resolution No. 2556 Page three there ts more than a thlrty (30) lnch drop. Check the building code and provide detatls for such treatment. Provide wall/fence legend on stte plan. Haxlmum wall heights shall not exceed 6'8" as measured from the lo, est adjacent grade. The wall along the Yorba Street frontage may exceed 6'8" as may be recommended I n accousttcal study. LANDSCAPZNG, GROUNDS, AND,, HARDSCAPE ELL~IENT$ (6) 4.! SubmJt at plan check complete detailed landscaping' and irrigation plans for all landscaping areas consistent with adopted City of Tustln Landscaping and Irrigation Subndttal Requirements for the parkways. Provide summary table applytng tndextng Identification to plant materials in thetr actual location. The plan and table must 11st botanttcal and common names, sizes, spacing, actual location and. quantity of the plant materials proposed. Show planting and bermlng details, soil preparation, staking, etc. The irrigation plan shall show location and control of backflow prevention devices, pipe size, sprinkler type, spacing and coverage. Details for all equipment must be provided. Show all property lines on the landscaping and irrigation plan, public right-of-way areas, sidewalk widths, parkway areas, and wail locations. The Department of Community Development may request minor substitutions of plant materials or request additional 'sizing or quantity materials during plan check. Note on landscaping plan that coverage of landscaping irrigation materials is subject to field inspection at project completion by the Depar. tment of Community Development. 4,2 Provide details, colors, and materials for all exterior walkways, stairs and walls. 4.3 Indicate lighting scheme for project., note locations of all exterior lights and types of fixtures, lights to be installed on building shall be a decorative design. No lights shall be permitted which may create any glare or have a negative impact on adjoining properties. The location and types of lighting shall be-subject to the approval of the Director of Community Development. (4) 4,4 Landscape plans shall address potential privacy impacts with adjacent parcels through the use of trees planted adjacent to common property lines. Placement and tree selection shall be determined with the review of detailed plans. STATE OF CAL!FORN!A ) COUNTY OF ORANGE ) CITY OF TUSTIN ) .o ]:, PENN:[ FOLEY, the undersigned, hereby certtfy that ! am the Recording Secretary of the Planning Commission of the City of Tusttn, California; that Resolution No. o2~-~ was duly passed' and adopted at~t regular meeting of the Tusttn Planning COmmission, held on the ~'- day of ~._~_._~ , Recordtng Secretary Report to the' Planning Corn miss ion ITEM NO. 8 D~E ' OANUARY 9, 1989 SUBdECT: TENTATIVE TRACT MAP 13822 APPLICANT' Ok'NER' · DURFEE GARDENS PARTNERSHIP 1700 RAINTREE ROAD FULLERTON, CALIFORNIA 92635 SAME LOCATION: 14372 S. YORBA STREET (S/E CORNER OF YORBA AND NORWOOD PARK PLACE) ZONING: R-l, SINGLE FAMILY RESIDENTIAL ENV ! RONMENTAL STATUS - REQUEST: A NEGATIVE DECLARATION HAS BEEN PREPARED IN ACCOROANCE WITH THE CALIFORNIA ENVIRONMENTAL QUALITY ACT APPROVAL TO SUBDIVIDE A 1.73 ACRE PARCEL INTO SIX (6) LOTS WITH A CUL-DE-SAC FOR THE DEVELOPMENT OF SIX (6) SINGLE FAMILY RESIOENCES RECOIIqENDATION It is recommended that the Planning Commission adopt Resolution No. 2556, recommending to the City Council approval of Tentative Tract Map 13822. BACKGROUND The applicant proposes to subdivide a 1.73 acre parcel into six (6) lots for the purpose of developing six (6l) detached single family dwelling units. The subject property, located at the southeast corner of Yorba Street and Norwood Park Place is presently developed with a two-story, Spanish Colonial style, single family residenEe, a detached garage, numerous overgrown ornamental trees and shrubs and an unmaintained orange orchard on the southern half of the property (see attached tentative map). Surrounding land uses include detached single family residences across Norwood Park Place and Yorba Street to the north and west as well as to the immediate south and east. L Planning Commission Report 3anuary 9, ].989 Tentative Tract Map 13822 P~age two pRO~IECT. DESCRIPTION../SXTE P.LAN Submitted development plans for the project propose construction of six (6), two-story single fandly detached d~elling untts on lots ranging from 7,205 square feet to 8,978 square feet in size. All proposed lots exceed the mtnlmum requtred lot stze in the R-1 dlstrtct of 7,200 square feet. The project contatns two bastc untt types (A & B, wtth an "A-i" reversed plan). All untts are proposed with four bedrooms. Untt A is proposed with 3,103 square feet of ltving space, a 44 square foot balcony and a three-car garage. Unit B is proposed wtth 3,288 square feet of 11vtng area, a 44 square foot balcony and a three-car garage. Haxtmum butldtng hetghts proposed are 27'6" for Untt A and 24'6" for Unit B as measured to the htghest rtdge of the house (maximum allowed height ts 30 feet). The proposed lot configuration Is destgned wtth stx lots layed out around a cul-de-sac; a conflguratlon that fs found In as many as 11 other locations In the general vicinity, and Immediately to the south, east and west across Yorba Street (see Attachment I). i The length and radlus of the proposed cul-du-sac meet the standards of the Engineering Department. As shown on the attached stte plan, all unlts meet the requtred 20 foot front yard setback, ftve foot lntertor stde yard setback, 10 foot street side yard setback, and ftve foot rear yard setback. In addltton to rear yards, there Is also not less than 1,000 square feet of clear and unobstructed open space on the rear one-third of each lot. The maxtmum lot coverages proposed are approximately 31~ compared agatnst the allowable lot coverage of 40~. However, as proposed, the house on Lot 2 encroaches tnto the required 6S foot butldtng setback from the centerline of Yorba Street, a secondary htghway (thts ts a requtred setback for all rear yards adjacent to a secondary highway [80'R-0-W]); consequently the applicant w111 etther have to redestgn the plans for that lot, and/or process a lot 11ne adjustment or obtatn approval of a variance. Additional features can be summarized as follows' The project proposes four (4) foot wtde sidewalks behind four (4) foot wtde landscaped parkway (Including street trees). City standards require a flve (5) foot wide stdewalk when it is adjacent to the curb and four (4) foot when ls tt behind a parkway. The project pro'Poses to grade the subject property so all lots will drain to the street (at the present time the property drains to the southeast corner). This will necessitate raising the pads of the proposed lots as much as four feet above exts'tlng grade. A six foot decorative block wall will be required along the east, west and south property lines of the subject property. Corn rnunity Development Depar~rnen~ L Planning Commission Report' Tentatnlve Tract Map-13822 January 9, 1989 . · Page three ARCHXTECTURAL DESIGN The proposed architectural design for the project incorporates three (3) styles- 1. An upgraded tudor style for Unit A, including multt-paned windows on front and some side elevations, brick or rock veneer on the lower front level, stucco and wood siding on the second level and a concrete tile roof. 2. An upgraded ranch style for Unit A-l, including a combination of wood siding and brick or rock veneer on the lower front level only, siding only on the front second level, and stucco on side elevations, multt-paned windows on front and some side elevations with shutters on the front elevation, and a concrete tile roof. 3. An upgraded spanish style for Unit B with an arched entry-way, second level pot shelf above the garage, multi-parted windows on the front elevation, brick or rock veneer on the lower level and a concrete tile roof. In addition to the three basic architectural styles described above, the applicant proposes to use a different color/material scheme for each lot, as follows (see display board at meeting)- Lot i (Unit B)' a dark gray tile roof, primary stucco and trim color of gray, off-white for fine trim areas and river rock veneer. Lot 2 (Unit B)' a dark brown tile roof, primary stucco and trim color of beige, white for fine trim areas and dark brown brick veneer. Lot 3 (Unit A-l)- a dark gray tile roof, off-white stucco, light beige wood siding, forest green trim and a used brick veneer. Lot 4 (Unit A)- Same as Lot 1, with gray and off-white reversed for wood trim and a "quarried rock" veneer. Lot 5 (Unit B)' Same as Lot 2 with off-white and beige reversed for wood trim. Lot 6 (Unit A)' a dark gray tile roof, beige stucco, off-white and beige wood trim and used brick veneer. The overall effect of this scheme is a large variety of styles, colors and materials. The proposed treatment, in conjunction with the three architectural styles will reduce the potential for "sameness" within the project and create additional interest. Cornmunity Development DeparTment L Planning Comh)lssiofi Report Tentatnive. Tract Map 13822 January g, 1989 Page four ISSUES Co. mpattbtltty with Surrounding Development 'The proposed project is essentially an "in-fill" development, replicating a lot and street configuration commonly found in the general area. The surrounding single family residences are mostly two-story, with some one-story units. The proposed residences will undoubtedly be larger than the surrounding residences, however this is a fairly natural con,trion that results from the cost of land and the expectations of buyers in the present economy. Privacy may be a potential issue, relating to second story windows and grade differences. The siting of the houses on Lots 3 and 4 has these houses facing away from the existing houses on the adjacent lots. The house on Lot 5 is also skewed in its siting (although not as much as on Lots 3 and 4) but also maintains an 18+ foot rear setback at its narrowest dimension, which puts it 36+ feet from the ~xisting house on the adjacent lot. The proposed house on Lot '~ faces directly towards the existing house on the adjacent lot; however, all of the unit designs have just one full size window and one small bathroom W~dow (for the master bed and bath room) on their second story rear elevations. Staff believes that this design minimizes potential privacy issues. The second potential privacy issue may result from the proposed grading of the project. As noted earlier, grades may be raised as much as four feet above existing grades at the building pads, resulting in the rear yards of several lots being higher than the adjacent lots. To prevent the adjacent property owners from looking at overly high walls, the perimeter walls for the project will be limited to 6'8" as measured from the lowest side. In order to maintain some privacy from the higher side, the yards of the proposed lots may have to be sloped down to their rear property lines. A precise grading plan will be required at building plan check. The alternative to raising the grade is to allow run-off to continue to drain to the southeasternmost portion of the property, resulting in cross lot drainage within the project as well as a greater volume of runoff entering adjacent properties than presently occurs (due to increased impermeable surface areas). Cross lot drainage is usually not encouraged. EX~ stinO Trees The proposed development anq grading will necessitate the removal of all of the orange trees and most ofth~ ornamental trees. Where it is possible to save an existing ornamental tree (most likely on the northern half of Lots 2 and 5 and on Lots 1 and 6) such will be required as a condition of approval. Street Parking Some concerns may arise about the lack of available on-street parking on the Community Development Depar~mem Planning Commission Report Tentatlv6 Tract Hap 13822 January 9, 1989 Page fi ye L proposed cul-de-sac due to its short length. This situation exists in numerous other cul-de-sacs in the general area; however, according to the Public Works Department, less on-street parking is experienced with three car garages because the wi der driveway provides more off-street parking. The Public Works Department did not express concerns in their review of the project. Environmental Analysi~s Under the Cultural Resources section of the Initial Study, the existing residence was built in 1928 (approximately), typifies Spanish Colonial architecture and is also an example of the grove houses built by prosperous ranchers in the hey-day of the cithus industry in Orange County. Briefly, the basic features of the house include stucco exterior, clay tile roof and a covered porch at the fronlt entrance. The original casement windows on the north, south and east elbvations have been replaced with aluminum sliding windows. Two additions have been added on, one being a one level, flat roofed room with a brick chimney and the other being two-levels with a clay tile roof. The site itself is not noteworthy in a historical sense (i.e. historical events) nor were any of its previou~ residents of historical significance. In addition to this house, there are approximately four or five other grove houses having the same architectural style located in the City. Because the subject house is not a singular example in the City, has experienced several physical modifications, is surrounded by relatively new development (vs. being located in a concentrated area of historical structures), is not located in the City's designated Cultural Resources District and is in poor physical condition, it may not be considered historically significant. As the proposed project requires the removal of the existing house, staff believes that there are several alternate mitigation measures which would be appropriate to impose as conditions of approval if the project is approved as proposed. These are listed below in ranked order, with the first item to be attempted first, etc.-' 1. Within 60 days of approval of the tentative map and prior to approval of the final map the developer shall provide a report to the City listing potential sites that the existing house could be moved to. Upon approval of a site by the Community Development Department, the developer shall obtain the necessary permits and move the existing house to said site, including placement on a foundation and upgrading of all plumbing and electrical wiring to current code standards. The developer may also solicit local historical societies/organizations to assume ownership and responsibility to relocate said house within the City or elsewhere in Orange County. If no relocation sites are found within the City or elsewhere in Orange County, the developer shall provide a report to the Community Development Department documenting their efforts to find said site. The Community Development Director may review the report with the City's Cultural Community Development Depar~mem L Planning Commission Report Tentative Tract Hap 13822 January 9, 1989 - Page six Resources Advisory Commission for an advisory recommendation only. Upon acceptance of the report by the Director of Community Development, the developer shall provide a complete, detailed photo survey and record of the subject house for the City's records. In the event the report is not accepted, the Community Development Director may request that additional steps or documentation be provided by the applicant for review. A Negative Declaration has been prepared for this project including the mitigation measures discussed above, which have also been incorporated into the conditions of approval in Exhibit A of Resolution No. 2556. CONCLUSZON Given the analysis conducted by staff and consideration of comments from other agencies, it is concluded that the proposed project meets requiremenmts of the City and State Subdivision Codes and the California Environmental Quality Act. It is therefore, recommended that the Planning Commission recommend to the City Council approval of Tentative Tract Map 13822. Senior Planner SR:pef Attachments: Resolution No. 2556 Attachment I Tentative Map Site Plan Elevations Ch)istine Shingleton // ' ' Director of Community D~elopment Community Development Department I~1 I 15 i , · I-. O: W O. UJ 0 Z - ~TTA~I-II~,'II:ikIT I ii · 4,,e* S. YORBA STREET ~ ',. ~ 1~.. ~. ~ ~ '~ V[~ ~,,~.~. ,,,~ :~,, ~ / ~'~'~ ~. ~ ~,~ ~ ~,, ~, ~ ~ I% .... F .' . , . { - . - I ,, ,,,.:.,,,, ,,.,.,,,,,, ~' ;;-" ~'~ 'h:'q; il ,. J .{ '='~9, { · flNi,t', , ,!"d,~l, jl {Ii ':"" .,,.l., , .,,_t.I . ,. -. ,,.. ,, ~ ~a lmLllT~ ~FOR~A Ii YORBA PROIECT 14]71 SeX/TH Y(~A STREET T~ISTIN C~FOIt4A IlttI i (~illl FOIIEFRONT DEVEL~NT 1700 lAIN ROAD FU~.LFITON CALIFORNIA NEGATIVE'DECLARATION CITY OF TUSTIN . 300 CENTENNIAL WAY, TUSTIN, CA. 92680 l Project Tttle: Tentative Tract Map 13822/DR 88-41 Ftle No. (Same as Title)- Project Location: 14372 Yorba Street (S/E corner of Yorba St. & Norwood Park Place). Project Description: A proposed six lot subdivision of a 1.73 acre site for the development of six single family residences. Project Proponent: Durfee Gardens, A California Limited Partnership Contact Person: Steve Rubin Telephone: 714-544-8890 Ext. 278 The Community Development Department has conducted an initial study for the above project in accordance with the City of Tusttn's procedures regarding implementation of the California Envtr'onmental Qua11W Act, and on the basts of that study hereby find: That there, ts no substantial evidence ~hat the project may have a significant effect on the environment. That potential ~tgntftcant affects were identified, but revisions have been included in the project plans and agreed to by the applicant that would avoid or mitigate the affects to a point where' clearly no significant effects would occur. Satd revisions are attached to and hereby made a part of this Negative Declaration. Therefore, the preparation of an Environmental Impact Report is not required. The initial study which provides the basis for this determination is on file at the Community Development Department, CtW of Tusttn. The publtc ts Jnvtted to comment on the appropriateness of this Negative Declaration during the review period, which begins with the publlc notice of a Negative Declaration and extends for seven calendar days. Upon review by the Community Development Director, this review period may be extended tf deemed necessary. REVIEW PERIOD ENDS 4:30 p.m. on December 30, 1988. i DATED: December 23, 1980 ~~~~~~, ~ 'Community Development~JYirector "I CITY OF TUSTIN Consn~nit¥ Oevelopmen: Oepari:nent ENVIRONMENTAL iNITIAL STUDY FOISt Ocfl~ of (=~sd~llst Sobmi~ A~jencr Rsquirir~j ~llst 5.' Name of ~1~ if ~l~ticnble (E~Ics~t~ of ell ~us" crud ~ ansu~fs ~m r~luir~ on attaci~ sh~s~) ~ Wlll tbs p~l sit im Unstable ~ ~nditlons ar in changes in geelc~ji¢ sul~lt-u~mms? b. Dis~etlera, dimlo:m~nls, ar ova~ir~j of th~ s~il? mtlef lectures? f. Any increase in wind ar ,~' msion of mils, either on ar off the site? C~cjes in ctemsition ar msion of smci~, ar chancjes in siltation, dex~itio- or msion ,~4'Hc~ may river a~ stmcs~ ar the bed of the my b~, inlet ar 3~ gic haz~. such c~ eom~cluc~m~ la~l~ll~:.. mucl~llcim~ ~ fm~urm, ~' simiksr hazcr~? Air. Wlll H'm prowl result " of arr~ieftt dr Cluoli~? b. The c:r~atkm of obj~-fioflable edom? c. Ait~utfcfl of oir movmflw.~, moisture, tmrr~~ o~ ~ change iff c~Imcrfe, W, afm'. Wlll th~ prell, mi r,mesut? im a. Cho~' in curmfl~ ~ th~ ceu~ of di- ~-tt~ of wqrl~r mav~m~flt~ in eitt~ t~rm, ~ 1t~ 'mtm ~ crmuflt ~f eu'rfoc~ runoff?. " AlferQtlerm h~ tl~ ca, me er f1~,~ of flood. cl. Chcr~je in the amoum of surface w~rfer in f. Al~tm of ~ ~i~ ~ mm of f1~ ~ ~ in ~ ~ti~ of ~~ ~~ ei~ ~ di~ ~lti~ ~ ~i~ ~ Jim? ~ Plant llfe. Wlll the pro=omi result im · . Chcr.~ in. the diversify of meci~, cr numb~ of my mecie, of plc,~s (including trees, si'rubs, gross, cmos, mci amxttlc b.. R~l=n of the numbem of my unique, rar~ ar endangered mecle, of plants? Introductlm of new $)~:ies of plants into mareG, or in a barrier, to the normal re;lenisf,Ym~ of existing ~ecies? cL. Reductlm in Ocrecxje of m~, agricultural Anlm~l UfL Will the a. Chaxp in the div~rsi~ of m~cies, ar numbers of my ,l:~.¢:im of anirr~ls (birds, ~ mimcih includlng r~tiles, fl,fl ,xi sheilfbh, I:mnthic argmbrm, ar imects~? Reductlm ~of the numbem of cm_. unique, mm ar .nliangered ,;~:i~ of m~rr~b? c. l~fm of ne~. ~ecie. of' mlmah into an ~ ~r result in a ixrrle to tl~ migrcrtfm =r mmmrn~nt of mirr~is? · cl. Oet~riar~tlm to existing fbh ar wildlife Will the pr~3aml ~lt im a. IrK:manes in existing b. E. mmure of I~=;le t~ sw~em noise levels? I-JgM ~ Glcm~ Will the pmlMsal produce n~w Iigtrt or gl~'e? ~ Use. Will the ~1 ~sult in a ~ stontlal alt~ration of the pres~t or planned lancl use of an area? Will the pra;asal result · a.. lnc,~ in the rate of uae of my ncrluml Y~ !0. b. Subst~tial ddloleflon of any nonrenewable. natural re~urce? ' .. A rL~k of m ea~taeian or th. release of i-~zeC~a..~ {imtudlng, but nat limited to, oii, I~Sttci6as, ~Ls ar radiation) in the e~nt of c, ac=idm~ ar ptgm? II. Popuk~tcm. Will the prmoml alter the l~t~' d~~m, ~i~, ~ g~ ~ of ~ mit im a. ~lan of substantial additional ~,hicular. rnavement?. b. Effecl~. m exisflncj i~rkincj facilities, cl.mmd pc ki ? e.. SUb~tantid i,i&~,~; ~ exiatincj trina;er- cl. Altercrtlam to present IXrtterm of circula- tim or movement of I~eal~te and/or goads? e. Alteratlam to w~terbarne, rail er air traffic? f. Increase in traffic hazards to motor vehicles, bicyclists ar pedestri~? Public ~im Will tt~ ;r~m~i have m effect ul~n, or r~suit in a need fa' new or altered governmental services ;n c~y of the following c~eas~ a. Fire protection? b. Police protecti~? c. Schools? Yes I& 16. cL' Parks ar other r~creatiqnal facilities? Maintenance of public fa~ilitiess including roads? · f. Other governmental schick? Enercj~. Will the pragos21 result im Use of substantial ~rnaunts of rue! or ermrgy? Sui~t~ial inc~ea~ in clmmmd u~an exist- incj sautes of enerc~, or r~cluim the cl~el~ af new sautes of energy? Ultltli~s. Will the p~l result in a need far new systems~ or substantial alt~mtions to the following utllitie~ -- a. Power or natural gas? · b. Comrrt~icatfaru s,~jten~? ¢. ~ar? d. ~ ar segtic te~les? e.. StOrm ~ drainage? f. S~lid m ~d dbaasat? 17. I-lumm I-Imith. Wlll the praomal result im 18. C~atlan of cmy. health hazc~cl ar potential health hezord (exciudincj mental headily)?. b. ~x~um of people to potential health hazcl~s? A~rlfls~tcs, Will tt~ pr~x~l r~ult in ai~t~ctlan of ~ ~ vbM ~ ~ ~ to ~ p~l~ ~ will t~ ~im of m ~i~l~ ~ ~l~ vi~? Recreetian. Will the proposal result in ~ impact ~ the quality or quantity of existing recreatianai c~ortunities? a. WI11 the I~;e.-I sit in the ait~aticm of ar the destructim of a i~d~istoric or histm~ archa~tagical sit~? Y~