HomeMy WebLinkAboutOB 2 CROSSING GD TRNG 01-16-89~ ?$,: JANU.~.Y 3, 19 8 9 ~ L TO: FROH: S UBJ ECT: WILLIAM A. HUSTON, CITY MANAGER _ FRED WAKEFIELD, ACTING CHIEF OF POLICE . GROSSING GUARD TRAINING Recommendation Receive and file. Back~round During a regularly scheduled meeting of the City Council a member of the community raised a question concerning possible solutions to provide improved traffic control at the intersections of Yorba and Amagansett and Prospect and Beneta, specifically citing barricades as used in Phoenix, Arizona. At that time Councilmember Kennedy requested the Police Department provide the City Council with information relative to our Crossing Guard Program. There are 22 permanently staffed Crossing Guard positions. We attempt to keep five reserve or substitute guards available to fill vacancies. Although our guards are adequately compensated, it is very difficult to find and retain qualified personnel. Recruiting and processing applicants is a year-round process. Attached are the guidelines and procedures we are currently using for our Crossing Guard training. The results of an investigation conducted into the Crossing Guard training program offered by the city of Phoenix, Arizona, revealed Tustin provides a more comprehensive program than Phoenix in both training and equipment. Each new Tustin Crossing Guard must complete a physical examination, undergo a background check and interview, and watch a video presentation about Crossing Guard duties and responsibilities. They must read and understand a training handout designed to reinforce the video. Next, the Guard receives approximately six hours of in-field, supervised instruction and monitoring. They must also sign our training material. Additionally, just prior to the beginning of each school year, we assemble our Crossing Guards who have had previous experience. At that time both the video and the written training program are reviewed. Our Crossing Guards are issued clothing consisting of a bright yellow windbreaker (donated by the Tustin Host Lions Club) and/or an orange reflective vest. This equipment, coupled with their hand-held stop signs, provides for increased visibility. As a safeguard, unlike the Phoenix study, we encourage the use of a whistle. In our society today, "quiet ride Mr. Huston - 2 -. January 3, 1989 .. cars", "amplified stereo systems", and "preoccupation" constitute a large majority of the driving public. One'only has to look at the tremendous increase in accidents nationwide for justification. Whistles are an effective way to gain motorists' attention. In five years, not one whistle complaint has been received, and it is certainly more acceptable than shouting at motorists. We closely monitor our Guards in many ways. The Crossing Guard Coordinator, the Traffic Sergeant, and our Police Officers all make frequent, unannounced spot checks to monitor the Guards. We have a complaint tracking process to monitor and document all deficiencies, and we complete annual Performance Evaluations on the Guards. This maintains the high level of personnel we currently possess. If a complaint is received, we take immediate corrective action, which may include termination in chronic situations. Providing our community with these qualified, dependable part-time employees requires a year-round effort of recruitment and training. We will always remain open to new ideas and suggestions so that we might service our citizens more effectively. FRED WAKEFIELD Acting Chief of Police FW:MB:kh Attachments EQUIPMENT The.following equipment will be issued to you upon your acceDtance as a crossing guard: YELLOW JACKET PONCHO, RAIN RAIN BOOTS Vest Whistle Hand-held stop si~n The vest is light enough to wear on warm summer days, and made to fit loose enough so that it can be worn over heavier clothing in the 'winter time. The city will furnish you with rain gear , but it is advisable that you have some of your own on hand fo~ for those rainy days'until we can obtain rain gear in your size. Be sure to wear the vest on the outside of any other garment(s) worn. You defeat the purpose of being readily visible by motorists if you put a coat or sweater over your vest. The stop sign should be held up high so that it can be seen from a distance by the on-coming traffic. Be sure it is facing the traffic and not the pedestrians. The sign is NOT to be used to signal the children or to signal traffic. Use your free hand for any signaling. IMPORTANCE OF A CROSSING GUARD As a crossing guard, you are a non-sworn agent of the Tustin Police Department. Citizens and/or schools will call us to report any problems, or to complain about the way a crossing guard is doing his/her job. They will also call to compliment a crossing guard for outstanding performance. Complaints and/or compliments will be brought to your attention. If too many complaints are received, and are justified, the city will have no alternative but to dismiss you. SECTION 2815 OF THE CALIFORNIA VEHICLE CODE "Any person who shall-disregard any traffic signal or direction given by a school crossing guard, authorized by a city police department 6r the Department of the California Highway Patrol, when he/she is wearing the official insignia of such a school crossing guard, and when in the course of his duties he is protecting any person in crossing a street or highway in the vicinity of a school, or while returning thereafter to a place of safety, shall be guilty of an. infraction and subject to the penalties provided in Section 42001. If this type of a problem occurs more than you feel is necessary contact the Tustin Police Department (544-5424) and an extra patrol in that area will be assigned. The officers will, upon determining there was in fact a violation committed, cite any driver violating Section 2515.CVC. YOUR DUTIES AS A CROSSING GUARD 1. Try not to disturb the flow of traffic for just one child (unless absolutely necessary), but gather as many children as possible on the curb, then 2. Walk to the cen~er of the street (in the crosswalk) ALONE, keeping the children standing.On the curb until such time that you signal to them (with your free hand-not the one holding the stop sign) that it is safe for them to cross the street to where you are standing. Hold your stop sign up high and when you are sure the traffic has come to a complete stop at the crosswalk, motion the children to walk across . Your stop sign will be held up high (facing the traffic) throughout this entire procedure. REMEMBER, NEVER DIRECT OR MOTION THE TRAFFIC OR THE CHILDREN WITH THE STOP SIGN-YOU CAN USE YOUR FREE HAND TO DO ANY SIGNALING NECESSARY. Instruct the children not to run, but to walk as quickly as possible and to remain within the confines of the crosswalk markings. NOTE: If so desired, you may use the whistle to help you get the attention of the motorists and/or the children. Don't be afraid to use the whistle as often as you think it necessary. 3. Once you have crossed the children safely to the opposite side of the street DO NOT REMAIN IN THE STREET OR IN THE PEDESTRIAN CROSSWALK. We have had complaints from drivers -~ regarding this. It seems that some of the crossing guards, even though they have crossed the children, remain in-the street, near the curb. A citation can be issued to a driver proceeding through the intersection, if a crossing guard (or anyone else) .is still in the pedestrian crosswalk. Get yourself back to the proper side of the street as quickly as possible. If you need to use your stop sigh, use it. High school students and some adults get p~rturbed when you escort them at an intersection where there are no lights or stop signs. Don't let this bother you-they can be issued a citation just as easily as can a driver of a car that does not follow your instructions, or if they disturb you in the process of doing your job. If, of course they cross at a crosswalk not covered by you, they are on their own. PAY DAY AND TIME CARDS Your pay day is every other Friday. Your time card, however, MUST be turned in EVERY FRIDAY. It can be left with the Records Clerk at the front counter and she will give it to the person in charge of payroll. -3- Time cards that are not turned in at the proper time will delay the bookkeeping process and could mean that your pay will be held up until the following payday, resulting in a three weeks waiting period. Be sure to turn in your time cards EVERY Friday. SAMPLE OF YOUR TIME CARD . . · S.%. ooo-'}0- flq G N~.ME NO. ENDING 19 , , '- J6B. NA~E 0.~ NO. KIND OF WORK DOI~ $ M T W T F .% HRS. RATE ~OUNT ~ , , , ,, Total Regular Time ,, ,,, Total Overtime APPROVED DEDUCTIONS WITHHOLD S.D.'. j F.I.C.A. J STATEWH. j T°tal Earnings ~ J Total Deductions ,,, 4K4ffi ~edi~rm ,, ~ ~ Dote Paid Check No. , NET PAY Complete your time card as shown above, listing the time worked each day. After the first two paydays it will not be necessary to note your social security number on the time sheets. Time is listad by the hour or half hour. You will show either the hour or the hour and decimal point five (.5) ABSENCE NOTIFICATION Report ALL absences from duty to either the Crossing Guard Coordinator, ~~ ~ (544-5424, Ext. ~OS,any weekday from 8 a.m. to 12 p.m.~ or to Traffic Supervisor, Sgt. ~~ ~~o,~'V at the same telephone number. After 5 p.m. and/or weekends and holidays or before 8 a.m. report an absence to Department ' t~. Tustin Police .... Watch commande'r at Ext.~ and ask him to arrange a SUDS~l~u~e for you. , FACT SHEET 1988-89 ..~ .~ BOARD OF EDUCATION President ........................................ ' ............ Barbara Benson Vice President/Clerk ............................................ Gloria Tuchman Member ........................................................... Jane Bauer Member - - · · . Joyce Hanson e.e e e e ® e e e e e., e e'e' e e e e e e'e e e e e e., eoe e · · ~ ,.e s · · · · e. · · · · · ..Member~. ...,... ....' ' ' ..........'.,... ...'..., :.,... ;. ~.; :....: .......... - ....... Chris Layton . · . .. BOARD OF EDUCATION MEETINGS First and-Third Mondays of the'month at 7:30 p.m. '-'Board Room, District Administration Center 300 SoUth "C" Street, Tustin, CA 92680 (Next to Peppertree park) PARENT-TEACHER ORGANIZATION COORDINATING COUNCIL (President of PTOs of each school in District) President · ' .......... ' ...................... ..' .... ~ .............. Ann Long Vice Presidents ............. · .......................... Mary Lundy/Judy Schnitzer Recording S~:retary · · Mary Lawrence · · e'e · e'~ · e'e · · · · e.e e~ e', · · · e · · · · · · e~e Secretary/Treasurer ................... ~ ......... : ................. Karen Thrailkill parliamentarian ................... ' ............................ .... Jackie Powell .... . . .. LOC,~TIO N · . Area surrounding.the intersection of Santa Ana and Newport Freeways in Orange County · ' '" "" Area' inClUdes: · ' "... . City of Tustin Easterly portion of City of Santa Aha · .-. "".. Foothills-Portion of'unincorporated area of.Orange County .... NorthWesterly portion of City of.lrvine SiZE AND POPULATION Approximately 23 square miles Approximately 60';000 residents NUMBER OF SCHOOLS '9 Elemen.tary' 3 Middle- 3 High schools 8/88 Unil:ieb 5choot Dis~ic~ )ISTRI'CT MAP DMINISTRATION CENTER :)0 South "C" Street. JstJn, CA 92680 30-7301 DULT ED./GUIN FOSS )492 Vanderlip Avenue .~nta Aha, CA 92705 30;7395 Joe De Camp JPPORT SERVICES FACILITY 502 Service Road $15 8ill Teter HIGH 'SCHOOLS · :3OTHILL (9-12J )251 Dodge Avenue ~nta Aha, CA 92705 )0-7464 .James Rhyan . . IL.C~EW' 19-121 )061 Footlqill Boulevard .~nta Aha, CA 92705 30-7356 8ob LaRue USTIN 19-121 · ' t71 El Camino Real 'ustJn, c,,A,.92~o .. .... : 30~7414 . Dully Clark · MIDDLE SCHOOLS GARDEN GROVE FWY. (22) $~Ni'A CI~RA 4TH FAIRHA.VEN . . .. · ESTOCK ELEMENTARY m LOMA VISTA ELEMENTARY · . .... BENETA NCOLUMeUS TUS MIOOLE IRVINE ADULT ED./ OOOGE moll FOOTHILLBm HIGH SCHOOl. · ARROYO ELEMENTAllY ELEMENTARMyEMORIAL~ FAClUTY 'THORMAN ELEMENTARY ELEM[NTARY OLUMBUS TUSTIN (.6-8) 7952 Beneta Way ustin; CA 92680 30-7352 Regina Cain- ARROYO IK-$I 11112 Coronel Road Santa ',Rna,. CA 92705 730,7381 Gerry Aust URRIE 16-81 Sycamore Avenue , CA 92680 / 360 ~(/illiam ~/ingo BES~Y/ICK IK-5l 1362 Mitchell Avenue Tustin, CA 92680 730-7385 Pete Brower ~ 16-81 Es"rocK IK-5I 3232' Hewes"Aven~e'- .... -...... ~...t4741 North:'B, Street~... : .anta Ana, CA.92705 Tustin, CA 92680 30-7348 Julie Hume 730-7390 Chris Gregg - HEIDEMAN ( l-SI. 15571 Williams Street Tustin, CA 92680 730-75-21 Pat James LOMA VISTA (K-SI 13822 Prospect Avenue Santa Aha, CA 92705 730-7528 Pete Schaefer NELSON IK-Sl ' m 14392. ~owning'Avenue. Tustin, CA 92705 730-7536 Dan Brooks THORMAN IK-Sl 1402 Sycamore Avenue Tustin, CA 92680 730-7364 ~/illi~m ~/ingo TUSTJN MEMORIAL (K-S) 12712 Browning Avenue Santa Aha, CA 92705 730-7546 Angelo DiMino VEEH IK-$1 · 1701 San Juan-Street · Tustin, CA 92680 730-7544 Nancy Baker .I. GUIDELINES FOR TRAINING PROGRAM FOR SCHOOL CROSSING GUARDS OBSERVATION OF TRAINER a. S · Show proper Use of handheld sign. · 1. Hold ~lgn so it is clearly visable to drivers. 2. Sign should be held up before you step into street, pause, gi~ing cars time to stop. Step into street when safe. 3. Do no obstruct your own vision with sign. Proper position in crosswalk. 1. Positioning of yourself in intersection should be dependent upon configuration of intersection. Do no obstruct crosswalk - keep it clear for peds. 3. Use front or back of crosswalk, with your visibility uppermost in your mind. 4. Face the oncoming traffic. Use of-whistle. 1. Use whistle when you have stopped all traffic and it is safe for peds to enter crosswalk. Use two (2) short toots. ., 2. A long loud blast of the~.whistle may be used to attract attention of student or driver who is disobeying rules. 3. Use standard whistle blasts. (One long - Stop; two short - Go) D. DO'S 1. DO maintain eye contact with drivers. 2.Do be aware of turn signal indicators as a reference to which way vehicles may be moving. 3. Do keep your.head moving to observe not only peds cross- ing but peds or bicycles approaching intersection and approaching vehicles to be sure they see you and are stopping. 4. Do check traffic and wait for breaks if possible. 5. Do wait'for peds to get to corner and group several to- gether if possible. 6. Do be polite to all people. 7. Do keep eyes on corner while conversing With anyone. page 2 GUIDELINES FOR TRAINING E. Do riot ' s I. Do not signal cars to go. 2. Do not swear or use abusive language. 3. Do not be late to post. '. Do not converse with peds while crossing them. them to wait for you on the corner. Ask II. WORKING · A. Work ~p~PR~'~t~ree (3) hours on uncontrolled inter- section. 1. Position yourself in center of traffic lanes. . 2. Set up reference points for distance needed for vehicles to stop based on your estimation of speed. B. WOrk ~~ ~ ' t~ree (3) hours on four(4) way 'stop. · 1. Position yourself in center of traffic lanes. 2. Point out vehicles are stopped but you still wait for breaks in traffic. 3. Wait for your turn - go with corresponding traffic but also observe for thrning vehicles. 1. Use of walk button. 2.Do not cross if you do not get walk signal - wait until next change in light. 3. Use center of available traffic lanes where you have turning traffic to stand instead of center of street. * Observe and re-enforce instructions given during training time for at~east one day after training is completed. Supervisor signature Employee signature CROSSING GUARD COORDINATORS DUTIES HIRING CROSSING GUARDS Applications for Crossing Guards are usually maintained in the Personnel Office at City Hall, When a Crossing Guard is needed (permanent or substitute) contact Personnel to ascertain if they have any applications on file. If they do, request they be forwarded to Traffic. 2. If Personnel has no applications on file, request that ads be placed in the local newspapers through an Inter-Com to the Services Captain. The ad should run until such time as a sufficient number of applications are on file. We are presently budgeted for ~ permanent Crossing Guards and 5 substitutes. Once Personnel receives applications ask them to forward them to Traffic. 3. When you receive the applications scrutinize them carefully, run a background check (see attached background investigation form) on any possibilities. Telephone the applicant (or send them a letter in the event that you areunable to reach them by telephone) to confirm that they are still interested in the position, then set up an interview appointment. 4. If the applicant is acceptable after being interviewed request that City Hall Personnel schedule the applicant for a physical. 5. Personnel will notify you when an applicant has passed the physical. You will then complete a Personnel Action Form and forward it to the Commander of Operations for approval. 6. Notify the applicant that he is hired and schedule him to come in for training, fingerprinting, and to be photographed. Arrange with Property to have new hires fingerprinted and photographed. Send fingerprints with fingerprint letter to Finance (copies in desk file) with amount to be charged to our account. TRAINING OF CROSSING GUARDS 1. At the beginning of the school year you can conduct one meeting to review the Crossing Guard Instructfons with all of the Crossing Guards. When hiring after the big September training meeting, Crossing Guards can come in and view the Crossing Guard .Instruction Video Tape. After the tape you may review the instruction booklet with them and answer any questions You may then issue equipment and schedule him to go out on two main corners in the city with experienced Crossing Guards for one of the main shifts (a.m. or p,m.). Examples are Newport and Sycamore and Prospect and Beneta. 2. Crossing guard equipment includes: a. Stop sign bi Vest cl Whistle d. Rain suit e. Rain boots f. Crossing Guard jacket Instruction booklets are kept in the Traffic desk. Ail other equipment is stored in the basement. The Crossing Guard should sign and understand the receipts for equipment. (see samples included). CROSSING GUARD FILES Make a file folder for each Crossing guard. Each file should contain: a. Copy of employment application b. Background check c. Copy of Personnel Action Form d. Photograph e. Receipts for equipment f. Any other information regarding the employee TERMINATION OF A CROSSING GUARD Fill out a termination PAF, sign it and forward it to the Operations Commander. 2. Have the Crossing Guard relinquish all equipment assigned to him. Be sure to have the equipment signed in (the Records Clerks will be responsible for this when you are not on duty). Place all equipment in the basement storage area. 4. Eventually there will be two (sometimes three) copies of the PAF returned to you. Mail one copy to the former employee, .place one copy in the former employee's file, and destroy the third copy in the event that you re ceive one. 5. Type a "Write it Don't Say It" to the Dispatcher and Watch Commander, informing them to remove the name of the former Crossing Guard from their list. Also place a copy of this memo in the former employee's file. 6. When time permits, and there have been sufficient~ changes to warrant it, revise the Crossing Guard Roster and distribute new copies to the Dispatcher and Watch Commande r. CROSSING GUARD ABSENCE If the guard has advised you of his absence it will be your duty to arrange for a substitute guard. Should the guard notify the Dispatcher (as they will do when you are not on duty) it will be incumbent on the Traffic Supervisor, Parking Control Officer, Dispatcher and/or the Watch Commander to make the arrangements for the substitute. The Dispatcher is required to advise you of any absences of Crossing Guardsl CROSSING GUARD COMPLAINTS When a complaint is received regarding a Crossing Guard, a Crossing Guard Complaint form shall be filled out. If the complaint is minor, the Crossing Guard will be made aware of the complaint and the complaint will be filed in his personnel folder. 2. If the complaint is a major complaint and is found to be warranted and may result in the Crossing Guard being released from duty, the following will apply: a. Fill out Crossing Guard Complaint Form. ~ b. Obtain written statements of witness's, c. Advise the Crossing Guard of the complaint and that an investigation will be made. (at this point the Crossing Guard may wish to resign or submit rebuttle), d. Turn all information and personnel file over to the Traffic Supervisor for final disposition of the matter, e. File everything in personnel folder, f. Advise Crossing Guard of final disposition. CROSSING GUARD TIME CARDS Every Monday check over the Crossing Guard time cards as they are turned in to assure accuracy. Add the time down and initial in area provided. Turn these cards into the Operations Administration Secretary. CROSSING GUARD LISTS The following procedure will apply to all Crossing Guard Duty Lists. Distribute a copy to: 1. Dispatch 2. Watch Commander 51 Traffic Bulletin Board 4. Maintain'a. seperate assignment sheet f'or ea~ch Substitute Crossing Guard on the Traffic bulletin board including substitutes name, phone number, date, and location of each assignment. PAY INCREASE Do an evaluation on each Crossing Guard at their aniversary of hire date. Use the Confidential Rating Form (see sample). Review the evaluation form with the employee and have him sign it. Make two copies, one for the Crossing guards file and one to go with the PAF. 2. Fill out a Personnel Action Form for salary increase (see sample). Forward the PAF and Employee Performance Record to the Commander of Operations for his signature after you have signed them. 4. When the forms are returned to you forward to Personnel. CROSSING GUARD COMMENDATIONS Ail commendations as all complaints should be documented. An Inter-Com form can be used for this purpose. CHANGE OF ADDRESS Should a Crossing Guard change his address, have him fill out a Change of Address form. (see sample) 2. Make three copies of the form a. One copy goes in the Crossing Guards personnel file b, One copy is sent to City Hall Personnel c. One copy is.sent to Finance MID YEAR TRAINING UPDATE Send a memo to all Watch commanders requesting notitication of any problems observed with the Crossing Guards. 2. Send a memo to all Crossing Guards notifying them of the date of the meeting. The day they return to work from the winter vacation is an excellent time for review. 3. Arrange for a Traffic Officer to be present to answer questions. ' END OF THE SCHOOL YEAR 1. Fill out a termination PAF on each Crossing Guard, Each Crossing Guard who wishes to return to work the following year must fill out a new application and take another physical before being rehired. 2. An end of the year coffee is usually held the day after school is out. At that time you can collect all equipment and thank the guards for a job well done, Have interest cards available at the coffee. All Crossing Guards who wish to return the following school year can fill out an interest card and leave it with you. The interest cards can be turned in to City Hall Personnel. Personnel can have everyone who filled out an interest card cometin and fill out a new application when hiring is reopened. DATE COMP~T RECEIVED: .. C(I~IP~ANT: TUSTIN POLICE' DEPARTMENT CROSSING GUARD C(/4PLAINT CfI. IPLAINT RECEIVED BY: R.]~IARKS: .o ACTION TAKEN: CITY OF TUSTIN · EMPLOYEE PERFOR~.tANCE REPORT (Instructions for completion on reverse side) Name Title Dept. . .. Date of Report_. Salary Step~ Check appropriat~ box - leave blank where cannot rate. . , ,, ,. ,., . Consistently Superior Satisfactory· ' LNeeds Improvement . . ~ua~tity Amount of work performed Completion of work on schedule Quality ' AcCuracy Neatness of work product Thoroughness Oral expression Written expression i~ork Habits Amount of supervision required Job interest Observance of rules, inciuding safety rules · · )ersona! Relations . ' Co0Pera~i0n %$i~h fell6w employees · Dealing with .pubIic Personal appearance & habits · ~daD~ability PerformanCe in new situations Performance in emergencies Performance with minimum instructions PF44 Comments · Com~.ents must De maae explaining rat{ngs which indicate: (1) Consistently SuperiOr, or (2} Needs Improvement · ! , Overall' Evaluation · If given your choice of this individual among many others you know in similar %.;ork, indicate your opinion below: Rather not have: Acceptable as most: Prefer to most: Name Crossing Guard Training History DOB Hire Date Crossing Guard Training Date Completed Training Video Manual Review Post Training Date Location Hours Officer/Guard Comments' .Any Additonal Training' Comments' Crossing Guard Coordinator Traffic Supervisor Date Date POLICE DEPARTMENT The undersigned, by affixing his/her signature to this document after each item received, does acknowledge about the following: Hand-held stop sign Vest Whistle Jacket Rain poncho Rain boots That the above described items a~e the property of the City of Tustin and with said acknowledge- ment agrees to return all property to the City upon his/her termination of employment or at the end of the school term and further; That should the above listed equipment be lost, stolen, or damaged due to negligence on his/her part, the replacement cost of said property shall be made to the City and further; That all equipment shall be returned in a clean manner (launder-when necessary) upon termination of employment with the City or at the end of the school term; and It is further agreed that should he/she fail to return said property for any reason, upon term- ination of employment, that the City may initiate legal proceedings for the return of said property. Signed: Date: Date returned: Received by: 300 Centennial Way Tustin, California 92680 (714) 544-5424 CROSSING GUARD INTERVIEW N~E.'qE 0._HOW DID YOU HEAR ABOUT THIS POSTION? 1.. WORKED tVITH CHILDREN? ASSERTIVE, GET THES[ TO WALK BIKES? 2. WORKED OUTSIDE? · RAIN GEAR? SHOE SIZE? JACKET SIZE? 3. CAR? 4. SUBSTITUTE OR FULL TI}.IE? STUDENT? SCHOOL HOURS? S. TI~IE IN TUSTIN? FA}.IILIAR IVITH TUSTIN SCtlOOLS? 6. SMOKE ? 7. EXPECTATIONS OF THE JOB? 8. REPRESENTATIVE OF TUSTIN! WEAR CITY SEAL. NEAT APPEARANCE. 9. PUNCTUAL I. TY 10. CO~.I,NION SENSE 11. ,~IOVE QUICKLY, RE.tCT QUICKLY 12. P[IYSIC.\L APPOI×T,',IENT. 13. CP"I,"Itv\I.,.- , RECORD ,,~:IXCE ;8,.