HomeMy WebLinkAboutOB 4 YORBA ST PKNG 01-16-89DATE: JANUARY 9, 1989
Inter -
NO. 4
That the Tustin City Council at their meeting of January 16, 1989 take no
action on the parking removal matter so that all on-street parking will
remain as it currently exists, but direct staff to provide additional
traffic enforcement for' speed violations along Yorba Street between
Irvine Boulevard and Seventeenth Street.
At the November 7, and 21, 1988 City Council meetings, staff was directed
to mail a letter questionnaire to residents and businesses that would be
affected by the removal of on-street parking along Yorba Street between
Irvine Boulevard and Seventeenth Street. The need for the on-street
parking removal was generated from the request for protected left-turn
lanes at each intersection of Yorba Street, as outlined in the attached
November 1, 1988 staff report marked Exhibit "A". The letter
questionnaires were mailed on November 10, 1988 and November 29, 1988.
The first mailing covered the areas within the six cul-de-sacs on the
westerly side of Yorba Street and the two residences that front on the
easterly side of Yorba Street for a total of 42 residences. The second
mailing included all the residences easterly of Yorba Street for a
distance of approximately 300 feet between Amaganset Way and Norwood Park
Place and all of the residences within the confined neighborhood of
Vinewood Avenue, Mimosa Lane, Roseleaf Avenue and Pacific Street,
consisting of a total of 98 residences.
The second mailing was initiated when the City Council members received
concerns from residents that they were not included in the process to
provide input.
The City Council meeting of January 16, 1989 was designated as the date
for the Council to review the results of the letter questionnaires.
Following is a recap of the responses received as of this date:
Mailinq Letters
Number Against
Parkinq Removal
Number for
Parkinq Removal
Number of
No Responses
First 42 24 (57.1%) 12 (28.6%)
Second 98 46 (46.9%) 23 (23.5%)
6 (14.3%)
29 (29.6%)
Total 140 70 (50%) 35 (25%)
35 (25%)
JANUARY 9, 1989
In addition to the above-mentioned responses, two residents submitted
signed Petitions from seventy-eight (78).residents opposing any parking
removal along Yorba Street. These petitions were previously transmitted
to the Council upon the~r initial receipt in late November, 1989.
Attached as Exhibits "B" and "C" are summaries of comments from the
responding residents. Also attached as Exhibit "D" are six letters from
residents that were received with the questionnaires.
Two of the primary concerns in the above-mentioned comments were the
speed of vehicles along Yorba Street between Irvine Boulevard and Yorba
Street and the safety of school children crossing Yorba Street at
Amaganset Way. The issue of the pedestrian crossing at Amaganset will be
covered in another report and it is suggested that additional traffic
enforcement be implemented the entire length of Yorba Street to help
minimize the speeding violations.
As a result of the above-mentioned responses opposing the removal of
parking by a 2:1 margin along Yorba Street, it is recommended that no
action be taken by the City Council and that all on-street parking along
Yorba Street remain as it presently exists.
Bob L~dendecker
Director of Public Works/City Engineer
That the Tustin City Council at their meeting of November 7, 1988
authorize the removal of all on-street parking along Yorba Street (both
sides) between Irvine Boulevard and Seventeenth street, and the
restriping of Yorba Street to provide continuous left-turn
channelization and two travel lanes in each direction for the entire
length of Yorba Street.
At the october 3, 1988 city Council meeting, a concern was raised
regarding left-turn movements from Yorba Street to Heights Drive. Staff
was directed to review this intersection with respect to providing a
protected left-turn lane.
Staff reviewed both the feasibility of providing a northbound left-turn
channelization onto westbound Heights Drive and the placement of a stop
sign on Yorba Street at Heights Drive.
Yorba Street is classified as a secondary arterial highway having a
street width of 64 feet between, curbs between Irvine Boulevard and
Seventeenth Street. This street width can accommodate a 12-foot wide
left-turn lane and two travel lanes in each direction with the
prohibition of parking.
In addition to the Heights Drive intersection, there are fourteen' other
streets intersecting with Yorba Street that would benefit from the
installation of a channelized left-turn lane along the entire length of
Yorba Street between Irvine Boulevard and Seventeenth .Street'.
The installation of this left-turn channelization along Yorba Street
would require the removal of all on-street parking. In most instances,
the majority of residences do not front onto Yorba Street and would not
be directly.affected by the parking prohibition. However, the following
parcels may experience some hardship due to the required parking
* Office building at 17291 Irvine Boulevard utilizes some on-street
park.i~g on-the w.esterly side of Yorba street from 250_+ feet
northerly o3 Irvlne Boulevard to Roseleaf Avenue.
* Residence at 14632 Yorba Street on the easterly side of street.
NOVEMBER 1, 1988
.PAGE 2. .. ,
* Residence at 14372 Yorba Street on the easterly side of street.
This parcel is planned for redevelopment and future access will
be taken from Norwood Park Place.
* Residence at 14332 Yorba Street on the easterly side of the
A warrant study for the placement of a stop sign on Yorba Street at
Heights Drive was completed and the subject intersection did not satisfy
the stop sign warrants. This is primarily due to the low volumes of
traffic accessing Yorba Street from Heights Drive residential area. .The
stop sign installation could lead to the willful disregard of the
signage by drivers utilizing Yorba Street.
Director of Public Works/City Engineer
-300~ feet easterly and westerly is not needed. Drop the 300~ feet.
Let it affect Yorba only. ~- '
· ·
There is not enough traffic-from those side streets to require left-
turn lanes. We need Yorba Parking.
Believe money could be better spent on other streets, e.g.~ better
light coordination on Irvine Boulevard.
11. Too many people inconvenienced for just a few complaints.
12. By putting left-turn lanes, you would increase traffic speed. Yorba
is already too fast.
How many accidents have there been on Yorba Street resulting from
left turns? - none to my knowledge - few at best - Yorba would
become a speedway.
I make left turns from Yorba Street onto Parker Drive at "rush hour"
every day of'the week and have no trouble. This would be ridiculous.
14. The major difficulty is in making a left turn from an intersecting
street to Yorba, not the other way around. Having five lanes across
will make Yorba less safe for bicycle riders and others who also
share the street.
Putting in left-turn lanes will make traffic even more unbearable
because thru traffic will have a tendency to speed more than they do
now. Traffic does not get tied up waiting for people to turn left
at the present time so we do not see the need for prohibition of
parking. If anything, it will make exiting and entering Yorba even
more dangerous for residents. Please reconsider.
I don't understand how a left-turn lane will make things any easier.
I am not an engineer, but what about a stop sign at Amaganset and
Yorba? This would also solve the only real problem on Yorba - stop
this street from becoming an alternate freeway, i.e., speeding
vehicles (your Police Department would have a field day then).
Re-striping and making a two way vehicular lane is only opening ~p
this street to be a genuine freeway alternate. I pray your Council
will leave this alone.
We have lived here for twentY-four years. I have never had a
problem making left turns onto or off of Yorba. Re-striping would
not solve left turns. It would'encourage more people who do not
live or work in this area to use this section of Yorba as a freeway
bypass. It would also cause more congestion at the Irvine Boulevard
Intersection and the 17th Street intersection. Put your people at
these intersections during the evening rush hours and see for your-
18. We have lived here 22 yea.rs and have never.:h.ad a- problem making a
left-turn off Yorba.
19. We both strongly oppose the parking prohibition. We need the
parking every Friday morning because of street sweeping - there are
4-8 cars parked on Yorba between Amaganset and Roseleaf.
Re-striping would surely increase the traffic load. We already
place side bets on the daily UPS truck races.
There's a crosswalk at Amaganset. AnYthing that would increase
traffic load would further endanger an already dangerous situation.
Do something constructive and put a stop light or a stop sign at
that corner.
20. Ail these cars would then park along my street as they already do to
some extent.
21. I do not want Vinewood made into additional parking for the office
22. I do not want our street used for parking because they cannot park
on Yorba.
23. My observations do not convince me that left-turn l~nes would be of
any advantage. During busy hours waiting is necessary, whether
there is a lane or not. We already have enough parking restrictions
in our neighborhood and overflow parking from business building near
us. This would make it much worse.
Negligible advantage for left turns off Yorba. Restricts capability
for overflow parking from neighborhood.
24. Many residents on Roseleaf, Mimosa and Pacific use Yorba to park
their cars on Fridays due to posted street cleaning.
It also would be safer if the curbs were painted red at all streets
entering Yorba between Irvine and 17th to. facilitate cars turning on
Yorba, especially on Fridays.
Restricted parking on Yorba and adding left-turn lanes would only
create even a busier street in a residential area than already
26. Having used Yorba for 22 years, it still does not appear to have the
amount of traffic to justify the need for a left-turn lane.
On Friday mornings (street sweeping day), the residents in this
neighborhood will literally be left with no place to park their
cars. We have 4 cars.
Do not feel left turn is a problem at this time. Also, businesses
along Yorba would then park vehicles on'Vinewood and Roseleaf,
creating Parking problem.
28. It is a raceway at night'now. What would it be like with no
29. Traffic is heavy and fast now. If there are no parked cars, it
would be worse than it is now.
30. There is no problem the way it is. It will only increase speed
demons. It's a raceway now. I have no problems making a left turn
onto Amaganset.
We would like the street to remain as it is now. We would prefer
that it were not used as an alternate source to the freeway,
however, that probably cannot be accomplished.
It will only make it more of a thoroughfare than it already is.
Traffic goes too fast along Yorba now. We do not need to encourage
or invite more speed or more traffic.
33. This restriction will change the residential atmosphere of Yorba and
cul-de-sacs, and will invite speeding which is undesirable.
34. People drive fast enough on Yorba, endangering the children in the
area. I don't want to facilitate faster speeds.
Most of the housing on the west side of Yorba is cul-de-sacs which
cause limited parking due to the number of driveways on each cul-de-
sac. There is insufficient parking when you have visitors. Traffic
moves very well, even during rush hours on Yorba - I have not
observed any traffic tie-ups on Yorba. Most of my neighbors own 3
cars which take up cul-de-sac parking. My neighbors and I have
complained about large earth moving trucks and other trucks parking
on the street. A sign prohibiting trucks from parking on Yorba
would be sufficient.
If this happens, we have very restricted parking on Bergen Circle.
I don't have a problem making a left turn and I want to be able to
park in front of my house if needed.
37. ~We would prefer a stop sign or two right on Yorba to slow down the
traffic. Yorba is too much like a freeway now. Turn lanes would
make it worse.
Yorba Street needs to be patrolled on a regular basis. It is a
speedway and if left turn lanes are striped in, I'm positive it will
Living in a cul-de-sac with minimum parking, Yorba is often needed
for parking of visitors. Besides, some inconvenience might deter
Yorba from being more of a thoroughfare.
40. It is unfair and unnecessary at this time to take away a right that
is needed by many for the purpose of a few.
41. We do not want to prohibit parking on Yorba Street. Please do not
change it.
I think changing Yorba to no parking because one or two incompetent
drivers can't make a left-turn turn is silly. I think to accomplish
the same thing as no parking, a slower speed would take care of it.
If you were to create no parking on Yorba, the small cul-de-sacs
would have a parking problem. I also think a stop sign should be
put on Yorba or the speed limit greatly reduced and enforced.
43. We desire to keep conditions on Yorba Street as they are.
1. Since 1977 when we moved here, the traffic has increased tremendously.
We think the left-turn lane would be to a great advantage and helpful.
2. The intersecting street one block south of 17th on Yorba Street is
very dangerous. Should have a stop light. Visibility is limited.
3. The sooner the better.
4. This has been long in coming and should be implemented as soon as
possible. We shall applaud a speedy action.
With a 5' to 6' block wall within 7' of the curb, it is a real severe
traffic hazard to allow cars to park within 100' of the centerline of
the cross street.
Please take down the street sweeping signs on Mimosa Lane or there
will be no place to park our cars. Also, when exiting Roseleaf on
street sweeping day, it's awfully dangerous - you can't see around
all the cars parked there - something really should be done about
the street sweeping signs~
7. We don't have trouble making turns and don't think others do either.
On Roseleaf Avenue there is no on-street parking until 12:00 noon.
because of street sweeping. This would be a hardship for many who
have several cars, R.V.'s, etc.
9. Residential area.
10. Our only reason is for safer left turns. We don't like having "no
parking" for those homes facing Yorba. Perhaps some compromise can
be worked out in those areas.
11. Speeding is the real problem on this section of Yorba.
12. Enforce the "no parking" just south of 17th on Yorba.
13. We will be building six homes at the corner of Norwood Park Place
and Yorba within the next few months.
14. I hope this means no parking as you enter Heights Drive.
using it to park all day.
People are
15. Too much traffic at A.M. and P.M. rush hours and need left-turn
November 15, 1988
17291 Bergen Circle
Tustin, California 92680
714-835-4717 or 714-731-08§7
NOV 17 19 8
Mr. Robert Ledendecker
Departr~nt of Public Works & Engineering
City of Tustin
Tustin, Califo~a 92680
Dear Mr. Ledendecker.
Thank you for giving me the opportunity to express my thoughts and concerns about the situation on
Yorba Street.
There is no doubt that Yorba Street is an extremely busy street and I do not think re-aligning or
eliminating parking would solve the problem. My two sons, David and Michael, use the crosswalk.
About I 1/2 years ago, David was almost killed in the crosswalk on Yorba because the traffic refused
to stop for him. When I approached your department and the police department; I was told there was
no way the City of Tustin would agree to a crossing guard because there were not enough children
using the crosswalk so, in the mornings, I crossed the children while the police and someone from your
department watched. We now have an excellent crc~_$ing guard and'the Children are safe while She
is "on duty." What happens when she is not there. David participates in after school sports. When he
cane~ hame the crossing guard is gone and Yorba is once again like a "freeway." If my neighbor
cannot cross him he has to walk from Amaganset to the Ught on Il'vine and back to Bergen Circle.
This is insane!
I urge the City of Tustin to (1) stop guessing and meter the traffic on Yorba so that you know exactly
how busy it is; (2) decrease the speed limit to 25 miles per hour -- 15 miles per hour near the
crosswalk; (3) install a STOP sign at the crosswallq (4) have the police in the area ciuring morning and
aftenoon/evening rush hours.
It is important, Mr. Ledendecker, that we protect our childmm I cannot replace my sons Should one
of them be s~ and killed on Yorba Street.
Anita Foley
P.S. Your deparunent should also be concerned with the heavy traffic problem on Prospect. There
are many children using that crosswalk.
14661 Yorba Street
Tustirb California 92680
November 14, 1988
Mr. Robert Ledendecker
Department of Public Works & Engineering
City' of Tustin
Tustin, California 92680
Dear Mr. Ledendecker.
RE: Yorba Street Re-alignment and No Parking
Our response.to your querY"regarcltng the re-alignment and elimination of parking on Yorba Street
is a definite NO. You are, in effect, depriving us of our right to park in front of our homes. You would
be penalizing us so that some of.f-street residents could benefit.
-Your survey into this matter should include all the restdents on the small cul-de-sacs on the west side
of Yorba Street. We do not include Heights Drive as it does not have these problems. The residents
on these small cul-de-sacs will be greatly lmpact~l by any ban on space to accommodate the extra
vehicles that will be forced onto these already full streets. Yorba Street is used quite extensively by
family or social gatherings and you must realize that any dectston made regarding this issue concerns
other residents as well as ~ with Yorba Street addresses.
The solution to the problem could be solved in a much simpler and economical fashion.
1. Install a STOP sign somewhere between 17th Street and Irvlne, preferably at Heights Drive.
We understand that is the crux of the problem, at least thatts where the complaint arises. This
would automatically give residents the opportunity, to make left turns and return the flow of
traffic to a more tolerable speed. It ts a reasonable statement that traffic on Yorba Street
travels at a ~ speed of 45 to 50 miles per hour. No one appears to exert any control
over this ~errible situation.
2. Decrease the s~ limit at the crosswalk area to 15 miles per hour. This would also have the
result of breaking the steady stream of htgh sp.~'~'d traffic thus, allowing left turns.
We have lived at the above addr~s since 1973 and have had a first hand view of the situation since
then. We think the above suggestions have merit and deserve consideration.
Lloyd and Dorothy Archer
B ob I_ o..dend¢c/~e~
/3Laectoa of PubiLc ~orfia/Cgty Eng. Lnecr
300 Ccntenn~i ~cty
7u~ t Ln, C~ ?2680
NOV g 1 19Bt
13 ccitt ~ ~. l~ cdendo..chca:
ThLa leitca La, w~-.Lt'ten LA oppoaLtLon ~o
/bane ~e many home~ ioc~ed LA ~he cui-de-a~c~ on ~he we~ aLde
uhde~ ~La p~oooa&g. The ~omea dL~ee~gy-~eeLn~ Yo~be wougd be
~om ~h~. ~e~e wou2d ~uea~a, ae~Lce ~ucha and deiLve~ veh-
Legea paah?
I~e addL~on o~ a ee~ea ~e~ ~uan Zaae
be aL~ nex~ ~o ~e aLdewa~ha - ZeavLn~ no
aa~et~ o~ /fie man~ waihe~a, b Lhe~a etc.
I[ we a~e to ~e/aLn the ~e~LdeniLai cha~acie~ o~
TuatLn no~th o~ /~vLne Bouleva~d, Lt La Lmpo~tant
'pen about Lt~ uZtLmate LntentLon~ and ae~one
~onba to co~encLag at thL~ tLme.
[he tteaLderti,,i need to ha. ow Li~ /beLa ctttect L~ to be ct corttLrtuLny.
ne,~LdentLai ctnect on Li~ Li La to be convented to commencLcti one
ct~pect crt a ii. me.
Ihe hctad,,l/ttp Oapo,,led'lon tho~e gtvLn~, orr oa =acta ~oabct wLZg at~.nL-
ahouZd a~aLn ouaa aa Li L~ wLih ahy othea tax ay ZLvLn~ LA a
~eaLden~Lal a~ea La ~ cL~ of [ua~Ln. -P ~
SLnceaeiy, , ~
Baabaaa ~ ~Lcfiaad O'bonneii
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