October 6, 1969
CALL TO Meeting called to order at 7:30 P.M. by Mayor Coco.
PLEDGE OF Led by Mayor Coco.
INVOCATION Given by Councilman Mack.
ROLL Present: Councilmen: Coco, Mack, C. Miller, Marstots,
CALL L. Miller.
Absent: Councilmen: None
Others Present: City Administrator Harry E. Gill
City Attorney James Rourke
Planning Director James Supinger
City Clerk Ruth Poe
APPROVAL OF Moved by Marsters, seconded by Mack. that minutes
MINUTES o'f 'Sep~ember"l'5, 1969 be'approved as written.
Appeal of the decision of the Planning Commission
denying application of Tustin First investment
Company for a variance to permit the installation
of a free-standing sign to indicate an existing
apartment development (Villa Viento). proposed
sign would have an overall height of 12', an area
of 32 sq. ft. per side, a total area of 64 sq. ft.
and be located within the front setback area.
Site fronts approximately 95 ft. on the north side
of First Street, approximately 240 ft. west of the
centerline of North "B" Street.
Mr. Supinger p~esented the Staff Report and stated
that the Pta'nning Commission denyed the application.
The public portion of the meeting opened at 7:40 P.M.
Mr. George Argyros, partner of First Investment
Company, 17411 Irvine Boulevard, Suite D, stated
that he wanted to apologize for not having attended
the Planning Commission meeting as he was out of
town at that time. He stated that they had contrac~
with a sign company by the name of Rustic Sign
Shop. In their contract it called for them to appl~
for and obtain the sign permit, and they thought
that, in fact, this had transpired, but they had
a telephone call from Rex Waldo, the Building
Inspector and found that the sign permit had not
been obtained by Rustic Sign shop. At this time
the sign was almost finished; the posts up; and the
outside motif installed; and then they found them~
He assured the Council that this oversight was not
intentional. He then gave a graphic demonstration
on a few s]ides to show their acr'~al problems
covering ci~c z~rea fro~ ¥orba tc a~c west zo
Council Minutes
Page 2
E1 Camino Re~ east. Their main problem
is basically the fact that they are located in .the
older part of Tustin on First Street. The area
is cluttered wi~% old buildings and signs. Their
basic problem is identification of the pro3ect tha~
they have called Villia Viento. Another problem
Ks that they sit back at the ultimate dedication
of the street, which is 50 feet from the center
line. He mentioned that you can't see their site
at all when approaching their property.
Mr. Argyros showed slides of this development
stating they had spent a good deal of time and
money on the entrance as well as the entire
development to give the best first impression
possible. He felt this development in the old
section of town is really private enterprise at
work in urban renewal. By this they hope to
encourage more redevelopment of the area, but they
really need identification.
There being no further comments and no objections, the
hearing was declared closed at 7:55 P.M.
In answer to questioning by Mayor Coco, Mr. krgyros
replied that they had specified a size, and they
thought it was the right size. The sign shop
evidentally is not used to working with cities
as the shop doesn't do the illumination or metal
work that a normal sign company would be involved
Councilman L. Miller stated that he personally
agrees with the Planning Commission regarding
the poor judgement of building and erecting a
sign without the permits. He felt that this
points out the. difficulty of legislation. Relative
to good judgement and good taste, he felt that
a sign of thus caliber, even though it exceeds
the prescribed size, is in a lot better taste
than a small sign that might have a plastic,
lighted background. He questioned if this size
was approved~would it open the door to variations
in the future or are we specifically approving
this sign. Mr. Rourke stated that you could
approve this sign as it's been proposed here and
then it would be-a variance to install the very
sign that was shown in the diagrams, and they
could have no other sign but that one.
Mr. Supinger commented that the notice of hearing
in the newspaper did not include an arrow hanging
below the sign as suggested by Mr. Argyros so
they would not be able to permit them to put up
the arrow addition on the bottom of the sign.
In answer to questioning by the Council, Mr. Argyros
stated that unfortunately the smgn company did not
include the arrow in the drawings. He felt that
they could live without the arrow, however,
graphically he didn't feel it was unpleasing.
Since it wasn't'ionthe drawings, they wouldn't
put it up.
Mr. Argyros sta~ed that they have been renting since
August and are ~bout 75% filled. They need
identification now as there is no way that anyone
knows what this!project Ks. The reason they have
been sucCessful~in renting is the fact that they
have 410 units ~hat are owned and operated in the
immediate area and can refer to it with maps.
/ ~7 Council Minutes
Page 3.
Mayor Coco explained that in the event of a lot
split where the property along First Street would
then go commercial, we would at that time undoubtedly
have a request for some type of commercial sign
in that same location at which time we would then
lose the apartment identification as well. This
could cause additional difficulty and additional
applications at that time.
Mr. Argyros stated that they have anticipated the
future problem of commercial fronting on First9 '~
They have run an electric conduit out in the cent
island of the .entry street, which is a private
street so that when the frontage is developed the
sign could be moved. He stated that a permanent sign
is necessary primarily to keep the project full.
Counciiman Marsters complimented Mr. Argyros on
thesign's appearance, but he did feel that it
was much too large.
Councilman L. Miller agreed with Councilman Marsters
that the sign is much too large, but in very good
taste and also complimented Mr. Argyros on the
good appearance of the area.
Moved by CoUncilman L. Miller, seconded by Mack
that the variance be approved as specified in
drawings and plans presented with the conditions
(1) The applicant stipulate that no bootleg
signs will be installed on-site, off-
site or within public rights-of-way
within the City of Tustin.
(2)-' Approval of the sign plans, revised to
show all copy proposed, by the Development
Preview Committee.
Councilman Marsters asked if the sign was damaged
or had to be replaced woul~ it have to be replaced
with the exact type of sign. Mr. Rourke stated
that it would have to be the same as the drawing
Above motion carried 4-1. Ayes: Coco, Mack,
C. Miller, L. Miller. Noes: Marsters. Absent:
In answer to questioning by Mayor Coco, Mr. Argyros
stated that he would be willing to allow the use
of his photographs. Mayor Coco felt it was a
good idea to show these pictures to interested
parties who have the power to do something about
renovation of the core area.
Application of Hester Trust on behalf of Harriet O.
Enderle for prezoning and rezoning of a parcel of
approximately 22 acres.
a. pC-C~2 (Planned Community-Central Commercial)
on the northerly approximately !1 acres
fronting 464 ft. on the south side of 17th
Street and 880 ft. on the east side of YoDba
Street (existing gas station and drive-in
milk store are not a part of the application)-
..... Council Minutes
Page 4.
b. PC-R-3 (1750) (Planned Community-Multiple
Family Residential 1750 sg. ft. of lot
area per dwelling unit) District on the
southerly approximately 11 acres fronting
620 ft. on the east side of Yorba Street
(nor~ of the Enderle Gardens).
Site is located at t~e southeast corner of tie
intersection of 17th Street and Yorba Street.
Mr. Supinger ~resented the Staff Report and stated
that the Planning Commission recommended denial
of this application since the proposal is n~t in
conformance witi the General Plan, and adeguate
evidence has not been prepared to justify an
amendment Of the General Plan, and a study of
commercial use needs prepared as part of the General
Plan progra~ indicates that adequate commercial
zoning exists in the subject area.
~ear~ng opened'at 8:15 P.M.
Mr. Jim Matthfas, 14321 ~esteria Lane, Secretary-
Treasurer of Enderie Gardens Property Owners
Association stated their position. They would
like to continue the present zoning, but would
like to see a plot plan before they would consider
going along with any of their plans. They would
like to see something ~n black and white as to
what they plan to do with the high density apart-
ment area before they approve an/thing.
Mr. Jim Gianulias, 2840 Monterey Avenue, Costa Mesa,
--- commented that'Ethel Dory, who is the owner of
land adjoining subject property has no objections,
and they have met with Enderle Gardens and expressed
their desire to be harminous with them. He felt
this development would be a major contribution
to the City. It would add approximately $120,000
to the Treasury, on sales of $12,000,000.
Mr. Ed Lohrbach, 18121 Fourth Street of Morris
and Lohrbach,'Architects showed a presentation
graphically of the shopping center and some pro-
posed layouts of the apartment complex.
Mayor Coco called a five minute reqess so that
interested persons could look at Mr. Lohrbach's
graphic presentation.
Meeting reconv~ned at 8:35 P.M.
Mr. Lohrbach stated that in regard to the apart-'
ments, he believed that Hester Trust Company
would be proposing a one story unit on the
southerly property line with a distance of
about 100 feet. He stated that they would prefer
_. not to be pinned down to that dimension at this
time. They would like to keep the design plan
open so they could work with the City and Enderle
Gardens Association. He stated that he has been
asked by Mr. Gia~ulias to keep the Spanish motif
and to keep the buildings as low as possible for
a town and cduhtry atmosphere.
Mr. Gianulias believed that their major tenant
has made an economic study of the area and knows
they will do w~ll. They now have Handyman as
their major tenant and a major market has approached
Council Minutes
Page 5
M~. Saul Shapiro, 14222 Mimosa, who lives
~djacent to this proposed project stated that
there must be enough buffer to take care of any
noise and the people who are submitting this
proposal were supposed to submit a plan back
to Enderle Gardens showing development, height,
etc. of the immediate adjoining property.
Mr. Ralph Yeaman, 14242 A-~'.'~ 'rive, who also
lives close to this propc.- '~ stated '-
that there is less than three hou~c~ per acre
in Enderle Gardens. He mentioned that the
architect and HeSter Trust did get together 'with
them and showed p~c'cuT'~,s- ~ at that time the
residences told them ..... - ,, ould have to see
some type of plot plan and did g~ve them ideas
that they would want at least 150 feet of slng!e
story houses next to their area. They do not
want 24 units per acre in there. He stated.that
Hester Trust did call them this week stating they
were unable to complete a drawing. He stated
that Enderle Gardens Association would not agree
until they saw something of a plot plan.
Fir. Gianulias stated that they had set up a
meeting with Enderle Gardens, but to set up a
sketch wasn't as easy as it seems. They are
willing to sit down and discuss problems with
There being no further objections or comments,
the hearing was declared closed at 8:45 P.M.
In answer to questioning by Councilman Marsters, --
Mr. Mattbias stated that they would be glad to
work with Hester Trust - with a plot plan on
hand - and they are concerned with the number of
units that are adjacent to them.
Councilman L. Miller stated that he concurred
with the people from Enderle Gardens. He felt
a more finalized plan was needed relativeto
buffers, landscaping, etc., and that the developer
should consider a postponement until the next
meeting, and in the meantime, present their
plan to Ende'rle Gardens and then come back to
the meeting with specifics.
In answer to questioning by Mayor Coco, Mr. Gill
stated inasmuch as the PC as outlined here is
somewhat broad, the Council could require in
this pr~zonlng that it would be conditioned upon
a Use Permit for the actual development. Of
course, the Use Permit can only be executed upon
annexation of.the area to the City. At that time,
a public hearing for a Use Permit would be held
and all specifics presented.
In answer to questioning by Councilman C. Miller
Mr. Sup~nger stated that the density of the
Castilian apartments ~s approximately 25. Recent
developments built at this density are Walnut
East between Newport and Red Hill on Walnut and
another project next door ~hat are both 1750.
Councilman C. Miller felt that the people in
with the amount of units and stated that 1750 per
acre would be something that hasn"t been represented
to them correctly nor to the Council - and would be
Council Minutes
~ Councilman Marsters concurred with C. Miller and
stated he couldn't condone this type of development
in this area.
Councilman C. Miller felt that some consideration of
the General Plan should be taken as this is ~n direct
conflict with this plan.
~ayor Coco discussed the General Plan stating that it
Ks considered ~n all cases before a prezone, and if
there is one fallSout of this application to require a
formal amendment; it could set a precedent, and then it
must be done in every case.
Councilman Mack felt that the interpretation of the
General Plan in this case is 3ustified as a reasonable
request. He stated that when the General Plan was
adopted that they all agreed that it was a gen&ral plan,
and there would be those times when it would have to
be looked at in various areas on the basis of what it is,
and whether or not it would fit in with the picture of
the entire overall City goals. He felt that it should
be weighed on its ~erits in the absence of specific or
exact plans adopted by both groups - the County and the
In answer to questioning by Councilman Mack, Mr. Rourke
stated that the Council could act on the commercial and
defer any action on the second portion of the request.
He stated that there were several possibilities: (1)this
could be continued as discussed; (2) could act on a part
of it; (3) could require at the time of rezoning or pre-
EDning that the development standards be set in detail
as was done with t~he Grant Company; (4) could approve any
part of it subject to a use permit; and at the time of
the granting of a use~permit it would be necessary ~o
establish the development standards; At a zoning you could
establish or not establish-the density.
Mr. Rourke read a portion of the General Plan for
clarification purposes:
"The General Plan is a policy document, intended to
be used as a guide by public officials in-the preparation
of precise plans, provisions of public facilities, and
adoption of pertinent laws and ordinances, and by
citizens in the development of land. The Plan should be
followed as closely as reason, justice and its own
general character make practical and possible.
The General Plan-is not a precise plan and does not
show the exact outline o~ use districts, or the exact
location of streets or public facilities. It shows rather
the general location, character, and extent of such land
use patterns, streets, and public facilities, etc."
~ygr Coco spoke on the ~lternative methods of zoning
and stated that if the Council does not feel this area
to be a reasonable~lace for the zoning applied for, there
is no need to go further into terms of the application.
Councilman Marsters stated that he did not feel that
R-3 is compatable. It could possibly be a good commercial
development, but w~th.the information on hand he could
not justify pursuing a prezone to C-2 in this area. He
stated that he wou~d agree to a continuation for more
information and justification. He is also concerned with
the creeping comme;cial toward the foothills.
Council Minutes
page 7
Councilman L. M~ller agreed with Mr. Marsters stating
that t~is is a big decision and the Council does not have
enough facts on hand. There ~ave apparently been
promises to the Enderly Gardens Association of a more
detailed approach. Mr. Miller agreed ~hat a continuation
might be in order to satisfy the Association and to
answer questions of the Council.
Councilman Marsters asked Mr. Gianulias if he would
rather have a decis'ion tonight either pro or con or would
he seek a. continuance.
Mr. Gianulias said thls was not his decision and reques
time to confer with the landlord, Mrs. Enderle.
Mayor Coco declared a 5 minute recess to allow time
for the applicants to confer.
~eeting reconvened at 9:25 P.M.
Mr. Gianulias stated that there is a precise p~an for the
commercial development and they would prefer a decision
on this. They are willing to continue the hearing for
precise plans for the apartment development. In answer
to questioning by Mayor Coco, Mr. Gianulias said that the
plans for the commercial do show a 60' & a 35' sign on
17th St. and a 35' sign on Yorba Street, but this could
be amended.
Councilman C. Miller stated that he could see this as a
potentially good commercial development. He is not
opposed in principle to commercial on this property nor
more than single family on the property now zoned
but he could not in good concience approve the precise
plans as shown tonight. The parking lot is not that of
a high quality development and does not set the tone
what we would want in this area. The signs do not rep-
the character which has been considered high quality.
commercial is going to be extended beyond what it is it
must be the finest. Mr. Miller said that he could not
approve this development based on what he has seen so far.
Moved by Marsters, seconded by C. Miller (for discussion)
that Prezone 69-119 be denied.
Councilman C. Miller stated that he would like to see a
more developed proposal. In speaking with Mr. King, a
representative of the developer, at the recess, Mr. King
stated that they could present more precise plans. It
had just been that they did not want to invest the money.
Mr. Miller felt that a continuance was more in order.
If a continuance is not in order then he would be in
favor of a denial.
Councilman Marsters stated that as he understood, the
applicants were more in favor of getting a decision now
on the commercial - either pro or con.
Mayor Coco stated that it is up to the Council, but it
may help the applicant if he could get a feeling a~ tki?~--
time. If the majority of the Council feels there ~s
possibility that this land can be developed commercia?
multiple as has been proposed, with certain restricticnj;
then the continuance may very well be in order. if the
Council on the other hand feels there is no use pursuing
~he development, as such~ then ~he denial probably would
Councilman L. Miller stated that he would have no
opposition to a commercial and apartment development in
this area if it was the right quality, and there were
more specifics providing the Developmen~ Preview
Committee, residents, and Plann2f Commission concur.
Council Minutes
Page 8
If a continuance-is nOt=iin order then he would be In
favor of denial.
~ ~ Mayor Coco stated that there is a motion on the floor for
~'~!~!~II?~enial, but a substitute ~otion for continuance is in
Councilman C. Miller stated that Mr. Gianulias wanted
the decision of the Council to be based on the precise
plan presented for~the commercial development. If so,
he would be in favor of denial. He also commented that
he would be more than happy to vote for a continuance
as he felt something could be worked out. If Mr. Gianulius
would modify his position then he would vote for continuance
Mayor Coco.stated that there were three ways to go.
The Council can ask the applicant if he would agree to
a continuance, the Council could deny the application or
continue the hearing without asking the applicant. If
the Council wishes to continue this hearing the motion
to continue would take precedence over the motibn now on
the floor.
In answer to questioning, Mr. Supinger stated that if
this application iS denied and the applicant refiled
there would be no fee as this 'is ~a prezone and no fee
had been charged~ A new application could be instituted
this week.-
Mr. Gill mentioned,that the applicant would like to annex
to the City prior to December 31st and the annexation
would depend on the prezon~ng.
Moved by L. Miller~ seconded by Mack that PZ 69-119 of
Hester TruSt be continued to the next regularly scheduled
Council meeting. Carried.
Moved by C. Miller, seconded by Mack that Ordinance No.
'447 relative to special speed zones have first reading
y~7'title only.
Mayor Coco stated that this is a proposed ordinance to
change the speed on Williams St. from Main St. to McFadden
St. to 35 m.p.h., a reduction of 10 m.p.h.
Above motion carried unanimously.
Moved by Marsters, seconded by C. Miller that the mauter
of fire lanes in Tustin Meadows be deferred until
October 20, 1969. Carried.
DIVISION. (Primarily for fire and police examinations)
Moved by Mack, seconded by C. Miller that the City
~dministrator be,authorized to execute the Cost Service
Contract Agreement with the State of California, California
State Personnel Board, Cooperative. Personnel Services
Division, for the ~ur.pose of performing examining services
for the City of Tu~tin. Carried.
Council Minutes
Page .9 ,
Moved by Councilman Mack, seconded by Councilman
L. Miller that Resolution No. 1024 be read by
title on'~.~ Carried: Unanimously.
Moved by Councilman Marsters, seconded by Councilman
Mack that Resolution No. 1024 be adopted. Carried:
Ayes: Coco, Mack, C. Miller, Marsters, L. Miller.
Noes: None. Absent: None.
Moved by Councilman L. Miller, seconded by Councilman
Mack that demands in the amount of $86,962.63 be
approved an'8'~'~. Carried.
OTHER 1. Staff Report on Joint Use Agreement with
BUSINESS Southern California Edison Company. Mr. Gill
stated that'a workshop could be he'ld relative
to this matter. The Staff Report shows the
stand the Staff has taken.
Councilman C. Miller felt that everything
had been said 'in the Staff Report, and he __
didn't feel a workshop was necessary.
In answer to questioning by Councilman C. Mil!er~
Mr. Gill stated that he did not know what the
outcome would be if no agreement is ever
executed with the Edison Company. It is possible
that the P.U.C. could require Edison Company
to relocate and provide service to the property
in question. He felt the agreement as written
should not be executed.
Mr. Rourke commented that Edison Company had
advised h~ thaot no.'one has ever denied signing
the agreement so the results of not signing
are not known. Could be handled as stated by
Mr. Gill by the P.U.C.
Mayor Coco stated that there are just a few
paragraph~ inthe agreement that are objectionable
to the City, and public relations wise, the Council
could execute an agreement with the deletions
of the objectionable provisions.
Councilman C. Miller felt that the people in
the City have a right to help in ~heir own
particular service problems.
Mayor Coco stated that a first approach on
the matter might be to correspond directly
with the'Edison Company and offer to execute
the agreement with the deletio~ and send a
copy to the P~U.C. Mayor Coco requested
Mr. Rourke ~O go through the agreement, deleting
~he ~b~ections a~ ~end the revise~ ag~eemen~
Council Minutes
Page 10
'MoVed by C'ou'~cilman Mack, seconded by
touncilman Marsters that the Mayor and
City Clerk be authorized to execute an
Agreement with the .Edison Company incor-
porating the discussion tonight with
deletions by the City Attorney of those
paragraphs objectionable to the City.
2. Report on Litter and. Weed Abatement from
the City Administrator.
Councitman'C. Miller requested that the.
Staff get a list of those pieces of property
that they think action should be taken on
first - by the next Council meeting.
Mayor Coco requested that the Press receive
copies of this report, and thanked Mr. Gill
and Mr. Blankenship for the fine report~
3. Request to close off a portion of Berkshire
Place for block' party.
Moved by Councilman L. Miller, seconded
by CounCilman Mack that permission be
gra'nted toclose off Berkshire Place at
t'~of'te~ul de Sac for a block party,
subject to~approval of Police and Fire
4. Councilman Marsters commented that on First
and A Streets there is a vacant lot with
a gas meter left there. He felt this was
a danger and requested this matter be looked
5. Councilman L. Miller requested that a
County study be made on the off ramps of
the Newport freeway southbound off of
Fourth Street, and northbound getting off
at 17th Street. Mr. Gill stated that
he has requested the City Engineer to
contact the County relative to this matter.
The Following Correspondence and Reports Received:
1. Tentative Schedule for 1969-70'Public Improve-
ment Construction.
2. Letter from the Fire Department re: Siren Policy.
3. Correspondence re: Objectional establishment.
4. Report from Building Official re: 47th
International Conference of Building Officials.
5. Report from City Engineer re: Orange County
Chamber of Commerce Luncheon Meeting 9/24/69.
6. Letter from Ronald E. Oster, III re: Operation
7.Letter from Mr. McMahan to A.J. Coco re: Town
Hall Meeting.
8. Commendations for Police Department - Mro and
Mrs. Paul Nie!son, Ellen B. Stewart, Julian J.
Iorio, Reverend Frank Scott, Paul Kuras,
Paul M. Gleason, Thomas N. Urban.
9. Letter from George Argyros to Frank Greinke
re: New businessman to the community.
10. Orange County City Managers' September Meetmng
ll. Minutes of Executive Meeting, Orange County
Division, League of California Cities.
12. League of California Cities Bulletin. "
13. Resolution from the Board of Supervisor~,
County of Los Angeles re: Pollution.
14. Resolution from Seal Beach re: Request the
Resolution Committee of the League of California
Cities to submit a resolution of the League's
annual convention opposing any change in the
current tax exemption on state and local
government bond interest.
15. Resolution from the City of Westminster re:
Urging the President and the Congress to
take active steps to assure Amermcans freedom
of religion and basic right to express a
belief in God.
16. Resolution from City of Seal Beach.re:
Protesting the expenditure of funds to
implement Orange County General Planning
17. Resolution from City of Stan~on re: Corps
of Engineers work in the Santa Aria River,
urging expediency therefor.
18. Bulletin re: So You Got Elected]
ADJOURNMENT Mayor Coco adjourned the meeting to a personnel