September 15, 1969
CALL TO Meeting called to order at 7:30 P,M. by Mayor Coco.
PLEDGE OF Led by Mayor CocoD
INVOCATION Given by Mayor Coco,
ROLL Present: Councilmen: Coco, Mack, C. Miller, Marst~rs,
CALL L. Miller
Absent: Councilmen: None
Others Present: City Administrator Harry Gill
City Attorney James Rourke
Planning Director James Supinger
Acting Secretary Doreen Henson
APPROVAL OF Moved by L. Miller~ seconded by Mack that minutes of
MINUTES September 2~ 1969 be approved as written. Carried.
PUBLIC 1. APPEAL - VARIANCE 69-251 - Continued from 9/2/69
a. A pole sign within required setback area with a
height of 35 ft., an area of 88 sq. ft. each
side, total area of 176 sq. fro both sides with
a revolving mechanism,
b. Total sign area for subject business of 224 sq. ft.
Site fronts 90 fro on the southeast side of Newport Avec,
approximately 120 fro southwest of the centerline of Old
irvine. Boulevard,
Mr. Supinger stated the Planning Commission conditionally
approved total sign area of 148 sq. ft. and one sta'tionary
free standing sign within the required setback having a
maximum height of 21.5 fro and maximum total area of 100
sq. ft. The condition is the installation of sidewalk along
the Newport frontage.
Mayor Coco stated this was a continued hearing from the
last Council meeting and the public portion of the hearing
--- was still open,
Mro Clay Reavis, Attorney, representing the Tandy Corp.,
12570 Brookburst, Garden Grove, stated they had studied
the area very closely and their main disagreement with the
Planning Commissio~ was the height of the pole sign and the
rotating factor. They are offering to reduce the speed of
rotanion from 8 RPM's to 4 RPM's and requesting a height of
30 fro Dueto the area being a very small triangle, they
felt it necessary to go 30feet in order for the sign to be
seen from all six directions.
Ilearing closed a~ 7:45 P.M.
Council Minutes
9/15/69 Pg. 2
In answer to questioning by the Council, Mro Supinger.
stated this site would be considered a complex and because
Newport and Old Irvine are both select system streets, 2
pole signs would be allowed within the complex.
Mayor Coco called for a short recess since no business could
be conducted durin~ the sounding of a Fire Department warning
device. Meeting reconvened at 7:50 P.M.
Councilman L. Miller commented on the publication put out
by the Radio Shack, stating that advertising of this nature
was usually distributed to do away with the impulse buyer.
~ J. Cernie, representing the Radio Shack, stated that
whem they c,ome into a new area they have to rely on the
impulse buyer in o~der to obtain a mailing list.
CounCilman C. Miller stated he felt they did need a pole
sign, but not a rotating sign. He asked how many lineal
feet of sidewalk was involved in the condition of approval.
Mr. Gill advised the entire Newport frontage was involved,
approx/mately 120 lineal feet.
Councilman Marsters felt there was a definite need for a
pole sign at the location, but felt it should be held down
to 21~ feet and was adamant against a revolving s~gn.
Moved by C. Miller~ seconded by L. Miller that the Planning
Commission action be upheld in this matter and the appeal be
Councilman Marsters stated he felt the Planning Commission
was overly generous in the area allowed; however, he would
be voting in favor of upholding their action.
Councilman L. Miller concurded.
Motion carried unanimously.
Application of Wilfred Taylor and Robert Hall (ZC 69-195)
for rezoning of a 1.52 acre parcel from the R-1 (Single
Family Residential) District to the R-3 (1500) (Multiple
Family Residential - 1500 sqo ft. of lot area per dwelling
unit) District°
Site fronts 220 feet on the south side of Third Street, 300
feet on the west side of Pacific and 220 feet on the north
side of Main Street.
Mr. Supinger advised that the Planning Commission recommended
denial of this application.
Councilman Marsters stated he would be abstaining from any
discussion or voting on this matter.
Hearing opened az 8:28 P.M.
W. B. Taylor, 7281 Ladera Senda, Cowan Heights,stated he had
owned this property for 26 years. Ite has spent a good deal
of time in Tus~in, keeping the property neat and green and
Council Minutes
9/15/69 Pg. 3
has paid $6300 in taxes in the last 10 years. This land is
not R-1 quality. Over the past 5 years at least 8 competent
contractors have .found that no market exists for new single
family houses at this location for anywhere near the price
that would be required. He said he could not qualify as an
expert .in planning, but was experienced in picking up beer
cans and had become convinced that he needed professional
help in developing this property. He had engaged Bob
for this professional help.
Bob Hall, 17452 Irvine Boulevard, Tustin, stated that back
in JanuaryMro Taylor had come to him and asked his advice
on the property. As he indicated he has owned the property
for a long time. It has got to be replaced with an economical
use and as he nears retirement age, it becomes more important.
It is pretty hard to get any production from an orange grove
and it has become a maintenance problem. He has tried to sell
it and has been unable.to do so as single family property.
They have studied the move-on homes possibility but there are
not 10 move-on homes available. He recommended R-3 (t500)
last April, but has re-studied the project and developed a
new plan. He found that thereis a shortage of single story,
low profile, low density, garden apartments. There are very
few of these around. He has divided the parking into 3 areas
to make them more convenient to the individual units, scattered
the buildings in such a manner to have lots of green area,
shake roofs, parking for 12/3 cars per unit. It would be an
inward facing development~ There are probably a lot of
· people in that area who don't want to maintain their own
home and don't want to move out of the neighborhood. This is
providing a nice area but allowing them to get out from under
the maintenance of their house. There would be lots of open
space and no children. They are amending their request from
R-3 (1500) to R-3(2800) (SingleStory) and rather than have
the Council deny the application, requested they be sent back
to the Planning Conmission.
~r. Arthur Witten, 245 Pacific, stated he has lived here for
37 years and wants to keep it in single family dwellings.
He asked why they have to come down here every 6 months or so
to keep this frommultiple family dwellings.
Councilman C. Miller replied by stating that when people come
to the Planning Commission and Council, by law the City has
to hear them.
Mrs. Carolyn Campbell, 690 W. 3rd 7Street, stated that 7 years
ago she had come before the City Council and had spoken on
this same subject. She has lived here for 42 years and is
proud of her property and keeps it up well. She wants to
stay there and keep it single family. She asked what
obligation Mr. Taylor and Mr. Hall have to go ahead and
develop this as they present it. She said Mr. Taylor had
never had any signs on the individual lots trying to. sell
them for single family.. She asked if the Council had received
a petition signed by residents in the area.
~ayor Coco advised that Council was in possessionof the
petition containing 54 names wl~ich included some husbands
and wives who had signed separately.
Mr. Supinger pointed out that ~h0uld the applicant be granted
his request, it would not obligate him nor would it obligate
the City to accept the revised'plan.
Council Minutes
9/15/69 Pg. 4
Mayor Coco commented that there is nothing in the R-3
provision in the Ordinance that would specify that this
would be an adults only community - it does not have the
Planned Community provisions. He asked if this would go
before the Development Preview Committee.
Mr, Supinner stated that it would go before the Development
t>rev~ew Committee and there was some question in his mind as
to whether it would be acceptable in this form. It would
have to be PD to signify single story°
Bob Blaylock, 675 W. 3rd Street, stated there are 3 move-on
houses in the area and all are a credit to the community.
Most of the people living in the neighborhood are approaching
retirement age and they don't want the property cluttered
up with apartments° He said it appeared that the proposal
before the Council at this time would place a lot of blank
walls facing their homes. He would noz be in favor of
staring at a blank wall for half a day. He does not feel
that any of the homes in this area are in a rundo~a status.
If they put apartments in, the street would have to be widened
whic~ would be additional cost to the property owners already
Bob Hall stated he wished to point out that not all of the
property owners in the area feel the way those who signed
the petition feel~ About a year ago approximately 70% of
the property owners to the north requested R-3 (1250)o He
felt that when apartments are mentioned some people think
of the young, wild bunch. The proposed type of density
requires expensive apartments - about $200,00 per month.
The element these people are so concerned about, he felt,
would prefer the swinger type buildings that other developments
have provided. This type Of development would be quieter and
more compatible to the area than if there were 10 families
Richard Kruppe, 12312 Newport, spoke in.favor of this proposal.
He felt these people in the area should be proud of their
older homes but when there is a group of homes surrounded by
R-3, R-2, etc., if it can't go R-3 what can a person do that
is economically feasible with ~he property.
Mayor Coco stated ~he question is justified, but there just
is not an answer available at this time. These R-1 parcels
have been the subject of at least 12 months extensive study.
Being discussed this evening~swhat can be done me help an
applicant who is paying taxes, who is trying to sel.i or
develop the land and has been unable to do so. The other side
of the Council's dilemma is if any of the small applications
are granted in the area, the small development will remain with the
City for 30-40 years and preclude any large scale development in thei
vicinity. The only decision the Council can make is what is over-all
best for the City° At this point it is not known; the Council
does not have the data. All that can be said at this time is
that the Council is very aware of the need to answer this
question. The time is being taken to do a thorough analysis
of it.
A~.~ Oh~le~oU~ 460 W~se ~d 8~e~, s~a~ed i~ is ~o~ too
long ago since he came before the Council and requested a
change in the lot nex~ to his. ilis requesm was denied and
he put a single family dwelling on the lot which he is very
happy with. He does hem thinlc single family dwellings are
going out of style. He felt Chat if the Councilmen lived
~t~ · i'~Council Minutes
9/15/69 Pg. 5
' ~f~apartments, they would understand why he and his
neighbors were objecting to them.
Edward Hurd, 12871 Barrett Lane, stated he owns the
property just north of the Taylor property. At one time
it was referred to as ~he Attebery tract. He felt that
Mr. Hall and Mr. Taylor were doing everything they could
to be quite lenient by changing their request to R-3 (2800).
He said he would not want to build any new single family
houses in that area because he did not feel the property
would be single family residential in some years to come.
Whether soma want it or not, it is going to change.
Mrs. Campbell said she felt it was a mistake to listen to
~. Hurd and Mr. Kruppe because they are separate instances.
Hearing closed at 9:10 P.M.
~ouncilman C. Miller stated he had driven through that area
tonight to take a look at the 'neighborhood and see how it is.
He noticed that what Mr. Taylor says is true, that he is
doing an excellent job in keeping up his property. The
single family residences around there are all very nice and
neat. He aoesn't want anyone to feel that the old part of
Tustin is synonymous with rundo~ra. It's probably the nicest
part of the City with its old trees and well kept homes. The
things that are concerning the people living in that area are
of prime importance to the Council.. He said he could understand
how they feel about a proposal that would put a wall around
the entire property, He lives very close to some apartments
and knows just what the people are concerned witk. The prime
criterion for any development to take place in this area is -
what is going to be done will haveto upgrade the area. The
interest of the people living in this area must take first
precedence with anything that the Council does°
Councilman Mack stated under the City's Ordinance in regards
to development standards, controls or requirements in developing
multiple uses are much s~ricter than R-1 or E-4 standards.
'The City is going to gr~¢ more and the attitude of the Planning
Commission as well as the City Council is that its got to be
good and the next one has got to be better to keep Tustin a
nice place in which to work and live.
~ayor CoCo felt the recent proposal of R-3 (2800) needed
Planning Commission perusal. Mr. Hall's requesE that this
be sent back to the Planning Commission is the best possible
action for the applicants as well as the residents.
~oved by Mack~ seconded by L~. ~ille~ that this matter be
referred back to the Planning Cormnission for study, to be
taken up at the earliest possible time.
Councilman C. Miller did not feel this the best action to
take. He does not think the Planning Commission is in a
position ~o act on this matter. He felt the best thing for
the Council to do would be to uphold the decision of the Planning
CommisSion made previously.
In answer to questioning by Councilman L. Miller, Mr. Gill
stated that Phase II of the Tustin Area Study had been
completed and they would now move into Phase III. He could
give no estinated date for completion of Phase III.
Above motion carried 3-1. Ayes: Coco, Mack, L. Miller. Noes:
C, Miller. Abstained: Marstc~s.
Council Minutes
9/15/69 Pg. 6
Mr. SupinNer advised that the earliest possible time this
matter could be heard by the Planning Commission would be
October 13, 1969~
Mayor Coco called for a short recess.
Meeting reconvened at 9:50
Mr. Gill requested that this matter be deferred for 2
Moved by Marsters~ seconded by Mack that the matter of
the fire lanes in TustinMeadows be deferred .until
10/6/69. Motion carried°
Mayor Coco stated the report indicated that the low bid
for this project was 60% over the City Engineer's estimated
Moved.by C. Miller~ seconded by Mack that all bids be re~eeted
and the staff be asked to come back to the Council with some
other recommendation. Carried.
Moved by Marsters~ seconded by L. Miller that permission
be granted to barricade one end of cul-de-sac on Kimberly
C,ircle September 20, 1969 for block party, subject u. the
following conditions as set forth by the Fire Department:
1. Let the Fire Department know what time the street
will be blocked.
2.One side of the street is to be kept open,for
emergency traffic.
3. No cars shall be parked on either side of the street.
Motion carried.
Moved by L. Miller, seconded by Mack that demands in the
amount of ~64~566.78 be approved and paid. Carried.
CERTAIN ITEMS. (one 1/2 ton Pick Up truck)
~oved by Macl~, seconded b~ C. M~ller that ResolUtion No.
1021 be ~. by title only. Carried unanimously.
MOved by Ma~Ic, second~d by L. Mlllo~ d~at l~e~ol~:Lo~ NO,
k0'21. authorizing: u,~c Dc!~nranenu of Central Services o[ the
State of California z, r .Tchasc certain itcn~. be passec and
~j~2L./aj/L. Carrio d unan h',~o:.~; i,.~
9/15/69 Pg. 7
2. Mayor Coco commented on the General Revenue Summary.
It was the opinion-of the Council that the Computer
Service was very worthwhile.
3. .Councilmen C. Miller asked for the status of the clean-up
campaign. Mr. Gill advised that a report would be
presented to the Council at the next regular meeting.
4. Councilman L. Miller asked if anything was going to be
done about the 4th and Prospect "swamp." Mr. Blankenship
advised he had heard nothing new from the County; they
had promised to maintain the property, but evidently
nothing had been done az this point.
5. Mr. Richard Kruppe, 12312 Newport, Tugtin, asked if there
was any definite date set for the results of the
area study. Mr~ Gill said that Phase II of the study had
been completed and they would now move into Phase III ~ He
could give no estimated date for completion of Phase !ii.
The Following Correspondence and Reports Received:
1. Los Angeles Times article from Norm Halus, Planning
Commission Chairman, regarding Garden Grove's beautification
2~ Commendations for Police Department - Mr. & Mrs, J.L.
Gardner, Mr. & Mrs. D.M. Persinger, Mr. & Mrs° R.M. Kent
Mr. & Mrs. ViseUr (vacation checks); Congressman William
J.B. Dorn (assistance in locating missing subject),
3. Commendation for Fire Department - Mr. & Mrs. Louis A. Riehl.
4, Transportation Association of Southern California (TASC)
Resolution of the Executive Board.
5, Orange County Water District Report.
6, Resolution No. 3200, City of Orange, opposing State
enactments imposing mandatory costs of enforcement on
local governmental agencies.
7. Resolution No, 69-132, City of Santa Ana, re Corps of
Engineers' work Ion the S.A. River & Sant'iago Creek.
8, Letter from John H. Siegel re Development Preview Committee.
9. Police Dept, activity summary for the month of August.
10. Building Dept~ report for the month of August.
11. Bulletin re Fall Recreation Program,
ADJOURN- Moved by Mack~ seconded by C. Miller that meeting be adjourned
MENT to a personnel session. Carried, "