HomeMy WebLinkAboutCC MINUTES 1969 06 16 MINUTES 0F A REGULAR MEETING TUSTIN CITY COUNCIL JUNE 16, 1969 CALL TO Meeting called to order at 7:34 P.M. by Mayor Coco. ORDER PLEDGE OF Led by Mayor Coco. ALLEGIANCE III. INVOCATION G~ven by ~o~nciLy, an Miller. IV. ROLL Present: Councilmen: Coco, Mack, Klingelhofer, Miller, Marsters. CALL Absent: CounciL~aen: None. Others Present: City Administrator Harry Gill City Attorney Jaraes Rourke City Clerk Ruth Poe Planning Director J~es Supinger APPROVAL OF Moved by Mack~ seconded by Marsters that minutes of meeting of MINUTES June 2, 1969 be ~pproved as mailed. Carried. VI'. PUBLIC 1. PZ-69-115 HEARINGS APPLICATION FOR PREZONING OF A 3.07 ACRE PARCEL TO THE R-3 (MULTIPLE FAMILY RESIDENTIAL) DISTRICT. Site fronts approximately 314 ft. on the northwest side of "B" Street, approxhately 30 ft. northeast of the centerline of McFadden Street. Mj~. Sup~!ger described 'site location and explained that this prezoning is again before the Council at the request of }ir. J~es Goodman, new owner of the property. ~jr_~er stated that it is his understanding that the only problem as far as the original recommended cQnditions, is the requirement of an 8' landscaped strip along the westerly boundary. Hearing opened at 7:38 P.M. Mr. James Goodman, new omler of subject property, stated that the 8' planter str~p could be used for parking. With the 6'8:' wall the landscaping could not be seen. Mr. D.M. Arictc., 15702 CalifOrnia Street, questioned the disposition of the avocado trees and was told that any on this properuy would probably be removed. There being no objections or further c~uents the hearing was declared closed at 7:45 P,M, Co~jg~]aan Miller stated that he was concerned vith having the parking up to the fence, ~ere this occurs with no buffer, the wall is soon battered and becees a maintenance problem as well as a problem to the adjoining propercy ox~ers, In answer to q~=estioning~ Mr. Goodman stated that there will be concrete barriers 5"or 6" high and 6' long placed 40" fr~ the wall for parallel parking spaces as well as diagonal, ~, Arick stated that he saw no proi~i~m with buffer stops., Council Minutes Mbved by Msclj, secondej, by Klii~lelhofer that the 8 ' b,~dscapinE. requirement be substituted with the requircmcn~ for buffg__r stops Z~0" from the block wall for all paricing and following requirements. as originally set. forth be retained: That development in excess of one story shall not be permitted within eighty feet (80') of the westerly property line. That the applicant execute an agreement with the City to impose the aforesaid conditions on the subject property to the satisfaction of the. City Attorney. Motion carried. 2. PROPOSED DEVELOPMENT PREVIEW COMMITTEE AN AMENDMENT OF THE ZONING ORDINANCE, ORDINANCE NO. 157, AS AMENDED, AND THE SIGN ORDINANCE, ORDINANCE NO. 305, AS AMENDED, TO PROVIDE FOR THE ESTABLISHMENT OF A DEVELOPMENT PREVIEW COMMITTEE (the proposed Development Preview Committee would take the placeof the existing Architectural Committee). Mr. Supin~er stated that this amendment is to establish a new review con~nittee to take the place of the Architectural Review Committee. This proposed Ordinance has been recon'~ended by the Planning Commission after considerable study by the Co~r~ission and various interested groups° M_~ayor Coc% stated that this Co~m~ittee will be the heart of the new Sign Ordinance. The sole intent is to come to closer agreement between the applicant and the City° Hearing opened at 7:58 P.M. Mr. Willi~ Moses, 649 South "B" Streat, stated that ha viewed this Committee with mixed emotions. It is a sad cop~nentary that taxpayers face when a person applies for a pa~-~it they cannot go in the City offices and get a yes or no answer. Although the name and intent is good to try to simplify and to possibly cut down the time spent in Planning Comnission meetings, he wondered if, in our zeal to simplify, we are not confounding simplicity. There being no further objections or comments, the hearing was declared closed at 8:00 P.M. ~ayor Coc~ referred to section 5.240 of proposed Ordinance for suggested changes. After a discussion'by the Council relative to appointment, terms and compensation of menibors~ and reference to correspondence from Mrs. M. Ludwig and Mr. Royce W. Coln~ Area Manager of Building Industry Association of California, inc.~ the follgwing suggestions and con~nents for wording of this section were agreed upon: The City Council ~hall appoint a Development Preview Committee which shall consist of five (5) mcn~ers selected from!at least three (3) of the following groups: 1. Licensed Architects or Building Designers. 2. Registered Landscape Architects. 3. Persons associated with the Reel Estate or Building Industries having had dc~nonstrated experience in the visual arts. Conncii Minutes 6/16/69 Pg. 3 4. Any other group~ the selectea from x.J~ich "the City Council at its discretion determines could significantly contribute to accomplishing the stated goals of the Development Preview Committee .... The City Council shall invite the Tustin Chamber of Comnerce to subfair four (4) names from any combinatioff of the above groups, from which the Council may appoint one (i) member to the Conunittee. Alternate members of similar qualifications shall be appointed to serve in the absence c7- Comnittee members shall be appointed for z~co (2) year staggered terms. Of the first members appointed, t~.7o (2) members shall be appointed for a one (1) year term and three (3) m~mbers shall be appointed for a t~.~o (2) year term. Thereafter each member shall be appointed for a two (2) year term. Compensation shall be set from time to t~ane as determined by the Council. Moved by__}fack.z_~sec_qnded _bT_ Miller that the .C_it__y .Atto. rn_e_! be directed to draft an Ordinance providing for the establish_merit of a Development Preview Cox~mittee for the nexz regular meeting incorporating suggestions and c~.mnenns made at this meetiDg~ Carried. 3. RESOLUTION N0o 1003 -- A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY OF TUSTIN ADOPTING THE CITY BUDGET AhD APPROPRIATING REVENUE OF THE CITY FOR THE 1969-1970 FISCAL YEAR. Mayor Coco stated that the Council have copies of the proposed budget and copies have been on file in the City Hall. This budget has been discussed at workshop level with several interested citizens in attendance. Hearing opened at 8:26 P.M. Mr. William M_oses~, 649 South "B" Street, questioned when this hearing had been noticed and was told that a paid advertising was not required and that this matter had received front page coverage in the Tustin News° Mr. Moses stated he had the utmost respect for the City Administrator's integrity and ability. It is his duty ~o present the best budget he can, but the Council sho~.ld not forget their prerogative to discuss the budget in public. With the increase in assessed valuation Mr. Moses believed that the Council could lower the City tax rate. Economy should begin at home and if there lwas ever a tinge to cut uaxes any citizen would say it is now. Mr. Moses also stated that he had never seen a budget that could not be cut 10% and 10% should -- be taken off. the top of the tax rate. Mr. Robert Wall, 370 west Fourth Street, stated that be is a heavy taxpayer in the City and is glad to pay local taxes if getting his money's w6rth and he thinks he is. Any money on services and capital improvements is spent in the right places. This makes money for the businessman as it nmkes for a healthy cormnunityo Mr. tlall stated he would like to put a plea in for as much as the City can afford in the type of improvement such as the Fourth Street divider which spurred developmeu~ on this Council Minuses 6/16/69 pg. 4 'There being no further conmlents or objections the hearing was declared closed at 8:44 P.M~ M_~.yor Coco stated that the budget had been prepared by the City Administrator and had been reviewed carefully and any necessary changes made at workshops at which 'the press was present. The City tax rate was cut a few years ago ~ticb gave Tustin the lowest tax rate in the County and the City has a balanced budget. Mr. Coco said he was in sympathy with the ~verage citizen which Mr. Moses had stated were numb, hypnotized and discouraged. Perhaps anotker explanation for the lack of citizenry here tonight is that they may not be as informed as they might be. Perhaps it is the Council's fault that they h~ve not been informed that Tustin h~s a balanced budget, the lowest tax rate~ and City employees again decreased per capita. Where should the budget be cut? The budget has added 8 in the Police Department~ 5 in the Fire Department, h'as ~aproved streets and traffic signals projected that Mr. itaI1 referred to as being necessary, more parks and more recreation. As he recalled there had beenno concrete suggestions on where to cut this budget. The Council has approved some quarter of a million dollars in deletions from departmental requests. A .third of a million'was cut last year. Councilteen Mack stated that the Council had had 6 or 7 workshops leading up to this budge~ all published on the City calendar and open to the public. The Council likes to hear from various depart~p~nts ~.~ich has been done every year. This enlightens them as to needs throughout the c~n~unity. A lot of hours have been put into the budget by both the staff and the Council. The people in this con~unity are still getting the best bargain p.er dollar spent of any taxes they pay in the entire tax year. It is true that assessed valuation has risen, but compared with the increase in population and increase in demands for all services, Tustin is giving excellent and outstanding services at a bargain price. Council~D Ma~r~t~r!stated that he did not believe it urgent that the budget be adopted at this meeting and would welcome any scrutiny and any concrete suggestions° There has been explained growth, need for salary adjustments and need for additional personnel. This budget has added 8 Police Officers and in'his mind there are even more needed. Mayor Coco clarified the point that the Council is noK setting the tax rate at this hearing. However, budget figures are based on no increase in the 95 cent tax rate. Page 10 of the proposed budget sets forth estimated revenue to the City from all sources. Moved by Ma6.k~ seconded by Marjter~ that Resolution No. 100B be read by title only. Carried unanimously. Moved by Marst~Es_~_seconded by Mack. that Resolution No. 1003, adopting the City Budget and appropriating revenue of the City for the 1969-1970 fiscal year, be ~assed and adopte~. Councilman Klin~e._l_hofer stated that he will be leaving the Council in the very near future. In regards to budgeting, throughout the time it has been his pleasure to be a Councilman and to be a part of local government, it has been more than gratifying to see how frugal and well local goverrm~enz'can operate. He concurred with Mr. Moses and is sure he does fee~' as a responsible citizen he must be a devil~s advocazc because Council Minutes 6/16/69 Pg, 5 if citizens are not this way they have lost control of the gover~m~ent. It is unfortunate there is not more feedback from the coam~unity, This is the disheartening thing about local goverr~nent, We sometimes tend to poke and pry when we should raise the flag on the great thing we h~ve. It is unfortunate we do not have more of this, Tustin has a good thing and certainly should not relax in awareness of what is going on, He said he would like to see more people say that we do h~ve something good and participate from that standpoint also, Motion carried unanimously, Mayor~ ~pg__odeclared a 5 minut~ recess, Meeting reconvened at 9:10 P.M. VII. OLD 1, APPEAL OF THE DECISION OF THE PLANNING COMMISSION BUSINESS DISAPPROVING PARKING FACILITIES FOR PROPOSED STENOTYPE SCHOOL AT 436 W, SIXTH STREET, TUSTIN. M_a_Xq_r_~oco announced that Mrs, Adams had rescinded her application. Moved~.yMack~ seconded by Marstars that this matter be taken off calendar. Carried, 2, DEODAR TPGE~ES - YORBA STiR/SET NORTH OF IRVI~Z BOULEVAF~ Report on Deodar Trees on Yorba Street north of irvine Bird, received from the City Engineer. Councilman Miller stated that due to the pessimistic report of how these trees could be saved, hewould withdraw his objections to their removal as much as he hated to see this happen. M_o~y~_d._D.X__Ma__c_k~. s~c_~_e.-db~y K~li__~!gelh0~e__r that the Coundil ~ccepu the recommendations of the C~X__E~i__nee_ r regarding Deodar Trees on Y0rba Street north of Irvine Boulevard, Carried. Mr. Robert Hall stated that old trees are one of the most valuable thin~ a City can have and would like to see a directire to the staff to change curbs or sidewalks where possible, It would be well worth any effort. M_~yor Coco replied that the Council concurred with this but on some highways the trees had to be forfeited in the interest of safety, VIII. NEW 1, RESOLUTION NO. 1004 BUSINESS A RESOEDTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF TUSTIN AMENDING THE 1968-69 GENERAL CITY BUDGET. ~oved~_X.__K.l__i~.~!]3ofer~._~_ea~o__~.c.1 b__~V_~ that ~es~3~ti~o2! No. 1004 be read ~jy titla only. Carried unan~nously, Moved b_~l_M_ac]__!c~ s_p coJd__cbh b~.V._M.~!S~3c_s' that Re s o].~_t~ on_N__o. 1004, amending the 1968-69 General City Budget, be ]~.ssed and ~. Carried unanimously, Council Minutes 6/16/69 Pg. 6 2. RESOLOTION N0. 1905 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF TUSTIN, CALIFORNIA, INFORMING THE ARTERIAL HIGHWAY FINANCING PROGRAM ADVISORY C0MMITTEE OF THE STATUS OF THE CITY OF TUSTIN MASTER PLAN OF ARTERIAL HIGHWAYS. Moved b_y_Milt~e.r~.~_Esecon_dje~d.~.by.j(l~in~_ej=h_o_~fe__r that Resolution No. 1005 be read by title only. Carried unan~r~ously. M__o_v~ed ,bi~Mack.~ Je~cp..nde__~d_!by._Mjll__,e_2L that Res ely%ion, ~o_. 100~ informing the Arterial Highway Financing ProSrare Advisory Co~mnittee of the status of thd City of Tustin Master Plan of Arterial Highways, be passed and adopte_jd. CarriCdo 3. AGREEMENT WITH THE TUSTIN CHAMBER OF COMMERCE FOR SERVICES. Moved by Miller.~ seconded _by Mars ters that F=g~eement with the Tustin Chamber of Commerce for services ~prov.e_d and the Mayor and City Clerk be authorized to execute said agreement. Carried. 4. AGREEMENT FOR INSTALLATION AND MAINTENANCE OF TRAFFIC SIGNALS - Tustin Village Way and McFadden S~reet. Moved b_y_M_~ck~. se,c~}2cle__d]_j!y Miller that ~grcer~ent for installation and maintenance of traffic signals at Tustin Village Way and McFadden Street pe ap~roved. effective July 1, 1969 and the Mayor and City Clerk be authorized to execute said agreement. Carried. - 5. DESIGNATION OF OFFICIAL CITY TREE MaWr_ Coco announced that the Red Flowering G~l~ (Eucalypnus Ficifoli~) had been reconmlended by the Tustin ?ark and Recreation Cotmnission and by the Tustin Area Woman's Clubo It was reported that this tree is somewhat sgnnbolic of the' area's historic past, is a clean tree, not unduly subject Eo wind, soil conditions or frost~ is suitable for parkways or center islands and is on the City's approved tree list, Mr. Moses reported that the Eucalyptus had originally been imported from Australia as a wind break and for its oil~ but that the Sycamore is the only tree native to the erase Moved hi, z, seconded _bZ,_M~ck that the Red Flowerin~ Gu~ (Eucalyptus Ficifolia) be ado~ted, as the official City of Tustin Tree, as recommended by the Tustin Area Women's Club and the Tustin Park and Recreation Conmlission., Carried. Moved by Mille, r~~_jse~co_njed IIb_b~I Mack that the City Attorney draf~ ,_ a Resolution of apj~reciation and conm~endation to the Tustiu Area Women's Club for their service to the City. Carried. 6. APPROVAL OF DEMANDS Move.dby Mack, se_cond_e_cl~__b_y ~arsters that demands in the amount of $62,614.86 bcj._pj~roved and p_~i~.l:. Carried. 7. REPORT FROM MR. HALUS RE: SUMMARY REPORT - PART I -- ORANGE COUNTY GENERAL PLANNING PROGRAM .Mr. Ualus delivered copies of the above report for their information and sta[;ed that .the County would be as]cin,~ for endorsements from the Orange County PlanninS Commission, League of California Cities - Orange County Division and the individual cities ~n the Coun~. Council Minutes 6/16/69 Pg. 7 OTKER 1. NEWPORT AVENUE OFF RAMP to the Santa Aria Freeway - BUSIh~ESS Report from O. Myers, City Engineer. Workshop on this matter scheduled for July 2, 1969 at 7:30 P.M. with the Council, Chamber of Co~rm~erce and the press. 2. OFFICIAL STATE CENSUS Mr. Gill announced that the official population for the City as of April i, 1969 is 18,300. 3. CORRESPONDENCE COMMENDING CITY EMPLOYEES Dick Jenkins Mayor Cgc_q read a letter from Mr. Jenkins, Pacific Telephone employee, c~m~ending the City staff for their patience and cooperation during the inconveniences caused by the recent telephone system changeover. 4. Resignation received from ~'ames B. Sharp, Member of the Planning Co~ission~ Moved .by Mijler ~Je~onded bV. Marsters that resignation of James Sharp be ~.cc~pted with regret effective June 30,-1969. Carried. Public hearing for appointment of a Com~issioner to fill this vacancy to be noticed for July 7, 1969. 5~ Mission Bells for E1 Camino Real Councilman Mack suggested that in recognition of the California Bi-Centennial the City obtain mission bells to be placed intervals on E1 Camino Real~ Mr~ Mack stated that according information received, these bells are available at approx~ately $25~00 each plus the standards~ ~t was suggested that perhaps the public would like to contribute to this project and that the City contact the ~omen's Club~ The City Clerk ~as asked to investigate further as to the full in- stalled price, for approx~ately eight bells. 6~ ~esi~nation of Counc{lman Ronald Moved~j Mac~ s~pn~ej~ Miller that the Council with extreme regret the resignation of Ronald I~ Kling~elhofer effective this date. Carried~ The Council expressed their regrets at losing such a fine dedicated Councilman. Mr_. G~=Ij_ expressed ~he feeling of the staff of losing a good friend on the Council. ~.o~nci]~n~n Kl_j.j~lbofer stated that he had expressed his feelings in his letter to the Council~ He expressed his sincere appreciation ~o the staff and elected officials and said this had been an experience he will alx~ays cherish and one he profired fr~ in many ways~ Council l~I~nutes 6/16/6~j l~go 8 7. APPOINTMENT OF A MEMBER TO FILL THE UNEXPIRED TERM Of DR. KLINGELHOFER. ~oved .~. M__f~rsl~er__~_~_~gx~.de~lj~__~acl~ that I~r~ Leo~arc] !li!Ier be appointed as Member of the City C~uncil to fill this u~.- expired term~ Carried unanimously by roll cail~ ~ouncilman Klingelhofe~ abstained~ Oath of office was administered to Mr. Miller by the' City Clerk. '~e following reports and correspondence received: 1. May Fund Balance Report - City Treasurer 2. Correspondence regarding flag poles Mr. William Leigh and 14ayor Coco. 3. May Activity Reports - Tustin Police Departrent and Building Department~ Resolution opposing dissolution of Orange County Harbor District - City of Ne~port Beach 5. Minutes of Executive Meeting - Orange County Division~ League of Californil Cities. 6. Legislative Bulletin & Fifth Digest of 1969 Satiate Bills - Leag~e of California Ciuies~ 7. Resolution supporting legislation to allow the 1970 Census Questionnaire to be on a voluntary basis - City of Signal Hill ~ 8, Use of state land for park - Division of Highways= 9. Outline of study regarding Managerial t~ne .- allocation Univez~sity of Irvine. 10. Request for clean up of private property. X, ADJOURNMENT Moved by C. Miller, seconded by ~clc zhat, meeting be adjourned. Carried. ~YOR CITY CLE~