HomeMy WebLinkAboutOB 1 J.W. AIRPORT RPT 02-21-89DATE: OLD BUSINESS 'FEBRUARY 21, 1989 TO: FROM: SUBJECT: WILLIAR A. HUSTON, CITY MANAGER COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT AIRPORT STATUS REPORT' JOHN WAYNE AIRPORT (JWA), AIRPORT SITE COALITION (ASC), COALITION FOR A RESPONSIBLE AIRPORT SOLUTION (CRA~) ANn HFITKflPTF~ flVF~FITAHTK T~K~ Pfl~P (HOTF) RECOMMENDATION Receive and file. DISCUSSION JWA - There is no new information regarding the noise monitoring program. The Airport Commission met on wednesday, February 15, 1989 to receive input from interested parties regarding the Phase 2 Access Plan. Representatives from the City presented the City's concerns {a draft of these concerns is attached to this report, Attachment I)'. As of the writing of this report the FAA .report on air traffic controls for JWA is expected to be published on February 17, 1989. Either a 45 or 60 day review peri od will follow {this will be specified in the report itself). ASC - The next meeting will be held on Saturday, February 25, 1989 at 8-30 a.m. at the F1 our Daniel facilites located at 3333 Michelson Avenue in Irvi ne. CRAS The next Board of Directors meeting will be held on Monday, February 27, 1989, staff will attend this meeting and report back to Council in our next status report.' HOTF - The next meeting will be held on Wednesday, February 22,-1989. Staff will attend this meeting and report back to the Council in our next status report. Steve Rubin Senior Planner Christine Shi nglet6n- /~ Director of Community Dev~ylopment SR'pef Attachment: Attachment I City of Tustin ORS/JLA E. KENNEDY, Mayor RICHARD B. EDGAR, Mayor Pro Tern RONALD B. HOESTEREY, Council Member JOHN KELLY, Council Member EARL J. PRESCO'Fr, Council Member WILLIAM A. HUSTON, City Manager February 15, 1989 Mr. George A. Rebella Airport Manager John Wayne Airport 3151 Airway Avenue, #K-101 Costa Mesa, California 92626 SUBJECT: PHASE 2 ACCESS PLAN - 1ST STAFF REPORT Dear Mr. Rebella: Please find enclosed comments from the City of Tustin regarding the December 1988 staff report for the Phase 2 Access Plan. Following the February 15th Airport Commission meeting, the City may again offer comments regarding final recommendations for the Phase..2 Access Plan. Please contact Steve Rubin with the City's Community Development Department when the Plan is drafted, or should you have any questions regarding the attached comments. Si ncerely, William A. Huston City Ma nager WAH -BC 'ts enclosure ATTACHMENT I 300 Centennial Way · Tustin, California 92680 · (714) 544-8890 CITY OF TUSTIN COMMENTS JOHN WAYNE AIRPORT PHASE TWO ACCESS PLAN STAFF REPORT (DECEMBER 1988) A strong concern of'the City of Tustin continues to-be the issue of approach noise. The City considers Environmental Impact Report (EIR) 508 to be deficient in addressing that issue. Related to this concern, there has not been adequate encroachment protection of the Very Higk~ Frequ~ncy Omnirange (VOR) / Loca!izer Directional Aid (LDA) approach (w[~ich allow reduction of approach noise along the ir~strument Landing System (ILS) approach). We are also concerne~i] that evening and night time approaches may cause noise annoyances to Tustin and Tustin area residents. Therefore, our comments on the Phase Two Access Plan Staff Report will concentrate on the potential impacts of the Plan on JWA approaches over Tustin~ The format for our comments follows the JWA Staff Report. NUMBER OF COMMERCIAL OPERATORS & OPERATIONAL CAPACITY The City believes that a prime determinant in making decisions about operators and capacity should be approach noise. Both takeoff and approach noise profiles should be used to classify aircraft (A, AA, and E). This may affect operational capacity if the Boeing 767 receives a noisier approach classification as is indicated in Environmental Impact Report (EIR) 508, page ~.15-83. If aircraft classification is based on both takeoff and approach noise, then impacts of class A, AA, or E aircraft would not substantially differ regardless of whether the operator is an air carrier, commuter, air taxi, or cargo operator. That an approach class E aircraft woul~l theoretically have about the same noise profile regardless of the tyN~e of operation.. However, to maximize passenger service levels while minimizing impacts from 'operations (by seeking higher aircraft load factors), and to maximize flexibility in short, medium, and long-haul (inbound or outbound) capability, then provision for cargo operations skould be considered only operators operating Class E or quieter .ai'~craft outbound), and then only when peak hour an~t curfew limitations are not reached. The Access Plan should limit peak hour and pre-curfew concentrations of o?erations. As per our comments regarding peak hour restrictions, the City recommends that operations should steadily decrease after 7:00 P.M. (versus the increase illustrated in EiR 508 Figure ~.15-9) so that the last hour before curfew has no more than one-half the number of operations of the least busiest evening hour. CITY OF TUSTiN COMMENTS JOHN WAYNE AIRPORT PHASE TWO ACCESS PLAN STAFF REPORT (DECEMBER 1988) Page 2 . . TERM The City supports the JWA staff position that periodic review of the Plan is appropriate (as per Alternative 3 - Fifteen Year Term With Mandatory Reviews, on Page 62 of the Staff Report). This position was expressed in our comments date~'~ September 1~, 1988. The City looks forward to the development of such "express [Access Plan] 9rovisions" reviews, and will provide input for them. At this time, we recommend that the following provisions be included in the Plan: That any changes in the general trend in noise complaints should trigger a review (Threshold criteria should be provided); That a first review occur within two years of Plan adoption so that it is possible to "fine-tune" the Plan; That reviews then occur at intervals of no greater than five years; That significant changes in the fleet mix operating at JWA trigger a review; , That any proposal for a new airport serving all or part of Orange County trigger a review; and , That municipalities be afforded reasonable opportunities to review and respond to potential changes. This includes review of and response to the Phase 2 Acces~: Plan itself. ADD (AVERAGE DAILY DEPARTURES) ALLOCATIONS The City has concerns about the supply of service and the allocation of enplanements to air carriers using aircraft operable at quieter approach noise levels. Some quieter departure planes may be noisier on arrival, and it is Tustin's position that approach noise must be considered in aircraft classffication. Moreover, the County should retain the discretion to allocate ADDs (Average Daily Departure . authorizations), based on aircraft classification. The City reco~.mends Scenario 4 -"Trade-out" for New Allocations (Staff Report Page 57 et seq.), because it offers more advantages ~n both compatibility and flexibility. CITY OF TUSTIN COMMENTS JOHN WAYNE AIRPORT PHASE TWO ACCESS PLAN STAFF REPORT (DECEMBER lS~8) Page 3 .~ REGULATION OF PASSENGER LEVELS OR MAP CONSTRAINTS Tustin continues to be ~oncerned about approach noise and the related topics of number of operations (an operation being defined as either a takeoff or a landing) in total and by aircraft class. The City recommends that the Plan vest regulation of MAP (Million Annual Passengers) share to the County rather than air carriers, because the County Board of Supervisors is more atuned to local concerns and attitudes. Moreover, it would provide greater flexibility in meeting environmental constraints, especially during a fifteen year Access Plan term. PEAK HOUR RESTRICTIONS Tustin's primary concern regarding peak hour restrictions, is that the City should not be saturated with overflights during the course of JWA's operational day or during the last hour of the operational day (actually the evening hour just before curfew), as is illustrated in EIR 508 Figure ~.15-9. Therefore it would seem appropriate for the Airport to maintain some regulatory control over the permiss, ible.number of operations per hour. Operations should steadily decrease after after 7:00 P.M. so that the last hour before curfew has no more than one-half the number of operations of the least busiest evening hour. RON (REMAIN OVER NIGHT) RESTRICTIONS Our comments dated September l~th stated that a quieter solution might be to maximize RONs (Remain Over Night allocations), since that would logically decrease early morning arrivals (which would serve early morning departure demand). However, the City also stated a concern about a concentration of pre-curfew arrivals. If RONs are to be maximized or deregulated, then peak hour restrictions shou!~l be imposed which avoid such a concentration. PERMISSIBLE NOISE LEVEL DEFINITIONS Tustin acknowledges that JWA has spent a good deal of effort in monitoring departure noise as land use changes occur, but recommends that it is appropriate to also address approach noise as it relates to overall noise compatibility, an~ aircraft classification. The latter is important because so CITY OF TUSTIN COMMENTS JOHN WAYNE AIRPORT PHASE TWO ACCESS PLAN STAFF REPORT (DECEMBER 198S) Page 4 many operational decisions are based on aircraft classification and because some quieter ~eparture aircraft may indeed be noisier approach aircraft, potentially increasing impacts on communities under or i.n proximity t~} the approach path. For example, the Boeing 767 is shown, in Environmental Impac~ Report (EIR) 5~}8, page 4.15-83 as having a noisier approach profile. . ENVIRONMENTAL EVALUATION The City believes that a significant environmental issue that was not adequately addressed in Final Environmental Impact Report (EIR) 508 involves Single Event Noise Equivalent Level (SENEL) of aircraft approaching JWA from the north as they impact the residential areas to th~ north and in the City of Tustin. In recent months, the County has performed extensive monitoring of approach aircraft noise levels and should utilize this information to form a baseline SENEL for the various classes of aircraft approaching JWA from the north. This is similar in nature to the extensive work that has been done with SENEL for ~ircraft south of JWA (i.e., see Page 91 of the Staff Report). Such information would provide a basis for decisions on the different Phase Two Access Plan provisions. Because Final EIR 508 did not assess such impacts, the City recommends that additional environmental analysis be performed to properly address the long term noise impacts of aircraft approaching JWA from the north as part of the Phase Two Access Plan preparation.