HomeMy WebLinkAboutCC MINUTES 1969 05 05 MINUTES OF A REGULAR MEETING TUSTIN CITY COUNCIL May 5, 1969 CALL TO Meeting called to order at 7:33 P.M. by Mayor Coco. ORDER / PLEDGE OF Led by Mayor Coco. ALLEGIANCE ' III. INVOCATION Given by Mayor Coco. ROLL CALL Present: Councilmen: Coco, Mack, Klingelhofer, Miller, Marsters Absent: Councilmen: None Others Present: City Administrator Harry Gill City Attorney James Rourke City Clerk Ruth Poe Planning Director James Supinger M~yor Coco presented a plaque to Mr. Don Castle, Principal of Tustin High School, commending the school for selecting an outstanding student, Robert Brice Shirley,~to compete for Gemco Scholarship A~ard. Mayor Coco also introduced Robert Shirley, who had received first place award, and his parents. APPROVAL OF Moved_b_y Mac__k_~_~_seconded by K!in_D~elho!e~_r that minutes MINUTES ~1, ~96~ meeting be a_p~roved. Carried. VI. PUBLIC 1. RED HILL AVE - MITCHELL AVENUE NORTH ANNEXATION HEARINGS Annexation consists of 15.67 acres bounded by Red Hill Avenue on the east, Mitchell Avenue on the south, Nisson Road on the north and Utt Drive on the west. Hearing opened at 7:40 P.M. There being no protests or comments the hearing was declared closed at 7:41 P.M. Moved by Kli_n~g~l~r..,..sec__onded by__M_a_~k that Ordina~nce. No approving the annexation of certain uninhabited territory designated Red Hill Avenue - Mitchell Avenue North Annexation, pave first readin~ by title only. Carried unanimously. 2. ZC-69-193 - INITIATED BY TUSTIN PLANNING COIlMISS!ON Application initiated by the Planning Cormaisslon (ZC-69-193) for rezoning of a 10 acre parcel located on the south side of Main Street from the U (Unclassified) District to the R-3 (1700) (Multiple Family Residential, 1700 sqo ft. per unit and lot area) District. Site fronts 392 ft. on ~he south side of Main Street, approximately 850 ft.-west of the centerline of Willimns Street. ~. Suplnger explained location and size of subject property and zoning and uses of adjacent properties and Planning Comnission recommendation for approval. Hearing opened at 7:45 P.M. There being no protests or comments the hearing was declared closed at 7:46 Council Minutes 5/5/69 Pg. 2 ~puncilm~n Ma~ stated that he believed this zone change to be in keeping with the General Plan and it is adjacent to like zoning. Moved by Mack~ seconded b_~v. ~linZ~lhofer that Ordinance No. 43~, ---. rezoning property on application ZC-69-193 of the Planning " Commission, ~ave first readi~by title only. Carried unanimously. 3. PZ--69-116 OF FIRST WEST MORTGAGE. COMPANY Application of First West Mortgage Company for prezoning (PZ-69-116) of an 8.3 acre parcel to the R-3 (1750) District. Site fronts 550 ft. on the southwest side of Mitchell Avenue, approximately 660 ft. southeast of the centerline of Newport Avenue and is the site of existing 118 unit apartment complex under construction, ~r. Supin~e__rexplained location, uses in adjacent properties and Planning Commission approval for R-3-1900 zoning. Hearing opened at 7:48 P.M. There being no objections or comments the ~earing was declared closed at 7:49 P.M. ~F. S.upine~ stated that the developer has preliminary plans for new units. Analysis is based on completion of existing 118 units ~nd proposed additional 56 units, making a total of 174 units. -- Property to the west is developed at 12 units per acre, On the south is the Castillian Apartments at approximately 25 units per acre, with R-1 on the east and west. In answer to questioning, Br. Gill stated that this project had been started in 1963. The applicant did not want to build to the density of R-3-1750 and had suggested,.R-3-1900. As to the present status of the development - they are now rebuilding, changing the architectural characteristics. The developer desires to annex due to the time problem of getting permits from the County and wants the availability of City services. If this property is prezoned and annexed, it would then be subject to City standards and the annexation would eliminate one County pocket area.. ~pved by Mack, seconded by Kli~gelhofer that Ordinance No. 43!, prezoning property on application PZ-69-116 o~ First West Mortgage Company, have first readin~ by title only. Carried unanimously. ~p~nciiman Miller said he voted yes on this first. reading rather than have the Ordinance read in its entirety, but would rather see this constructed in the County at a lower density than in the City. at a higher density. He believed this to be the basic issue on this matter. The County is holding the line better than the City on the General Plan density in this area. 4. PZ-69-117 OF GEORGE L. ARGYROS Application of George L. Argyros for prezoning (PZ-69-117) of a 3.5 acre parcel located at the northwest corner of the intersection of Fourth Street and Yorba Street, The proposed zoning is PC (Planned Community - Commercial) and PC (Planned Community - Professional Offices) for an automobile service station and professional office. (Specific plans are on file in the Planning Department.) Council Minutes 5/5/69 Pg. 3 ~r. Suingexplained location, surrounding zoning and uses and presented recon~nendations of the Planning Co~ranission for approval with the following conditions: 1.The approval of Specific Plans under the Use Permit procedure for Plot Plan, Elevations and Signs. 2. This approval is not an approval of the Plot Plan and Elevations submitted ~Tith the application. 3. Dedication of street right-of-way in accordance with the Master Plan of Arterial Highways, installation of full street improvements and street trees in a standard street section in accordance with the City of Tustin Standards. 4. Installation of street lighting with all utilities placed underground. 5. Installation of a cross gutter across Yorba Street or the development of other satisfactory means to resolve the drainage problem at this location. 6. Acceptance of the app!icant's offer to install planter median . islands in Fourth Street subject to th~ approval of plans by the City Engineer. 7. Completion of street improvements for the total parcel prior to occupancy of any part of Phase I. 8. The installation of a block wali, 6'8" in height, along the northerly property line in accordance with the representations of the developer. 9. That trees be installed along the northerly property line and along Yorba Street, with said trees having a minimum height of 15 feet at time of installatioR~ in order to screen the development from residential areas. 10. That a freeway identification sign, if approved by the Planning Commission, shall be located along the freeway side o.f the property, not more than 145 feet north of Fourth Street and with a maximum height of 35 feet. Hearing opened at 8:05 P.M. Mr. Dan Worthin~g!_q~of 17342 Vinewood stated that this is an important zoning for surrounding residents and requested that this hearing be continued on the grounds that one of the major property owners is unable to be in attendance. Quite a few homeowners in the area have been out and not able to be here tonight and since the development will effect the homes in this area for some time in the future, they would'like to be sure they have given it every close consideration. ~r. Geor_8~ Ay~jfrp~, applicant, of 415 West' Fourth Street, stated they did not feel they could go along with request for continuance as they are worbing on a very tight schedule as it involves annexation and escrow. The developer did meet with the homeowners to tell their side of the story and they would like to proceed with their presentation. 81ide's were shown of the proposed development and Mr. Kennit ~_IDoriu~_~ architect for the applicant, 3111 Second Avenue, Corona del Mar~ described proposed development for two, two-story office complexes Council Minutes 5/5/69 Pg. 4 fronting primarily on a central courtyard with some frontage on to the street. The main parking will be between the buildings and the freeway and another parking area on the north between the building and the R-1 District, They have provided for ample setback on all sides to provide room for landscaping around the perimeter of the buildings and a 6'8" wall on the north side with tree planting to shield the R-1 area. Also proposed is a service station on the southwest corner. This area provides the .. most shielding from the rest of the property with minlmumvisibility from Yorba or the 'intersection. The'station will be designed in confonnance with the design for the office building. The present plan is to build the office building on the corner in Phase I, then Phase 2 will be the office building to the north. They will both be of similar design. The exterior will be a very warm residential quality. Anticipate the use of stones, natural stained wood, landscaping and tiled roofs. ~r. F~j~_j'showed elevation slides showing that residents from the north could see only the roof from their homes and from rear yards the view would be shut off even more. Mr. Ar~vros stated that this is the same pro~ess used on their Fourth Street buildings. The original building was erected at 415 Fourth and ].eased out. From that they built their second building. This development represents 53,000 sq. fro of gross building .area, approximately 47,000 sq. ft? of net rentable area. This would probably be approximately 40 or 50 different businesses. It represents about a $2,000,000 project which in ternm of tax dollars would amount to approximately $50',000 a year. ~r,~ArgTros stated they had Chosen Mobil Oil for their station as they are willing to work with the development's architect. They have conducted a study and feel that the proposed plan presents a fine solution to this strategically located parcel. The highest and best use for the site that is so close to the freeway would be a freeway oriented business such as a service station, restaurant, motel, etc. He feels that the service station can be an intrical part of this development completely screened off ~y the office building and will be an asset to the community. ~z~ro~. then commented on the recommended'conditions. 1) The approval of specific plans under the Use Permit procedure for plot plan, elevations and signs. This presents a legal problem in that Mr. Rourke informed them that they cannot file for a Use Permit until after the annexation is final. They would prefer the approval of specific plans by the Architectural Committee. They are willing to go to Use Permit for signs~ 2) As to approval. of plot plan, they are more than willing to conform to code if not better on parking regulations. They would like to have plot plan approval with minor modifications. He said condition numbers 3, 4, 5, 6, 7 and 8 are no problem. 9) Tree height of 15' at installation - they would prefer a minimum size of 15 gallon. If they plant.'15' trees they would have a tendency to be a tall tree that is not strong. They would rather start with larger trees and keep topped for a year to assure a good foundation. ~yo~' Coco referred to draft of proposed Ordinance containing different nun~ering s~stem of conditions. ~y. ArgyFo~_clarified that with regards to the Ordinance he was speaking of conditions c), d), and f); that conditions a), b), e), g), h), etc. are no problem. Council Minutes 5/5/69 Pg. 5 .Mr. Robert Hall, 370 West Fourth Street, stated that he is happy to see the office buildings but is concerned about the service station and did not feel that economics require it. There are enough stations to last until 1980. He recon~nended careful weighing of facts. There are no neon signs from the freeway .. east for approximately one-half mile. If service station has " signs, it would be conceivable that there could be small lighted signs for the office buildings. Consideration should be given to the traffic flow. Freeway traffic would have to cross two lanes to enter the station. The factor of service stations on other three corners of Fourth and Yorba should be considered. The property wants sewers and would have to annex to the City in order to connect to sewers. Mr., Ar~y_ros stated that the property is strategically located as far as sewers are concerned and can be serviced by the Sanitation District. The City does not have control of the sewers. They would like to bring this property into the City and be identified with the City of Tustin and are asking annexation by choice. .M~r. E~d Dri~scol~l_, 17372 Roseleaf Avenue, stated the residents have not had the time to meet. Would like time to make presentation of objections to the service station and re, quest continuance of the hearing. .Mr..P.. Ri~e, 14701 Mimosa Lane, asked for clarification on position of the Council regarding the Richfield Station appli-~ cation last year. At that time there was a meeting with County ~lanr, ing to settle the question on gas stations and he would like to know the results. Mayor__Coco stated there had been a meeting with the County and he believed that the City took the position of attempting to bring into the City and encourage in the City a development that would be of' quality construction whatever the use would be. It must present a good visual image, must be a good neighbor and of good, quality appearance. The County Planning C~nmission expressed willingness to uphold their part of that gentleman's agreement on any land that would be in the County area. It was brought out that their legal standards are somewhat different than the written legal standards of the City. The City does require certain architectural controls which the County does not, .such as sign control. Recognizing these differences, the County did agree that Tustin is a somewhat special area ~nd they would try to do things that would be a credit to Tustin. There was never to his recollection any mention in any meeting about a limit to the number of service stations but rather the quality of any kind of development. Councilman Miller stated that his recollection of the meeting with the Planning Coxr~nission is that the Council was not willing to have a service station of the kind, type and location of the one proposed at that time. They were most concerned that the applicant would go to the County and get ~That he could not get from the City so they ~eld a meeting with the County Planning Commission. He thought they had reached an understanding that even though the General Plan red dot for cc~.mnercial area had been drawn around Fourth' Street and the freeway so that it could be construed to be in the General Plan to have that sort of development on the Tustin side of the freeway, their concern was such that the County Planning Con~nission thought perhaps they should really begin to amend the General Plan for this area to show Residential Professional and not Con~mercial use. Council Minutes 5/5/69 Pg. 6 .M~yor Co~co~ stated that it had been suggested that the Plan be changed to show professional all down Fourth Street. ~Councilman Miller referred to the request for continuance and realized it would be a hardship on the developer but felt the people living in the area are entitled to equal consideration. _Mr. DonYode,r, 415 West Fourth street, a partner in this develop- ment, said he would strenuously object to a continuance. They have had a meeting with property o~mers and there was the opportunity at the Planning Cor~aission hearing and now to be heard. The County has expressed their feelings that this is an excellent development. There being no further objections or comments the hearing was declared closed at 8:45 P.M. In answer to questioning, Mr. Arga stated that the service station ground will be und~ a ~ year lease and could not say just when they would start building but that the office building would probably be started just before or at the same t~ne. Co___uncil_~m.a.j~ }__iarsters stated that he is concerned with prezoning and ~ot ready to vote at this time and homeowners should be heard. Moved by Marsters_~seconded by Miller that hearing. on PZ-69-117 De continued to next regular meeting. _Councilman Klin~J..h. pfe_r_ stated he would be opposed to a continuance unless shown more cause as to why more people are not here this evening. · .Mayor, Coco, asked proper~y owners present why three weeks is insufficient time. All hearings have been duly noticed. _My. Ed Driscoll stated that although proper notice was given and they had met with Mr o Argyros, other than work days there had not been time to meet with all property o~mers. The notice of the Council hearing prior to the Planning Commission hearing had shortened their time to contact approximately 100 people. Mayor Co~c_o_ said it is incumbent upon the Council to make a decision based on the best interestof the Cit~. In his opinion, this is by far, in his five years on the Council, the best proposed use of this particular land. This proposal seems to answer a great many of the questions before the Council; the · problems that have cropped up before and caused denial. The CoUncil has been very strong in denial of any commercial in this particular area. No one is prouder of the entrance to Tustin than the Council is. There is also the consideration of the LA.FoC° hearing - time problems not only on ~he part of the applicant but on the part of the City as ~,~ell. As to the problem of the homeowners presentation, he sympathi.zed with it, but there was a three week interval, If the City had done anything contrary to law there wo~ld be no question as to defennent. Mowever, as all laws and requirements were adhered to, there appears to be no justification at this time for a deferment end can see at least the three reasons above against deferment. AbOve .motion to continue this hearing failed. Ayes: Marsters and MIller, Noes: Madk, Klingelhofer, Coco. Council Minutes 5/5/69 Pg. 7 Councilman Marsters said he could see no reason .for denying ~We'ove~a~'oTment but can see no reason for the service station. If a station allowed, he could see applications filed for stations on the other three corners. Councilman Miller stated that the elevations drax~n by Mr. Dorens showy a very fine development and because the applicant has asked that they not have to go to a Use Permit but rather directly to the Architectural Committee, he would suggest that the slides shown tonight be submitted to the Council as evidence of their intent .to be on hand for the Committee. Mr. ArgO submitted slides. ~ Coco directed that these slides be a part of any future consideration or action on the part of the Architectural Co~ittee. In answer to questioning by Mr. Miller, M__r~. ~J~Lq_s_stated that the ~Iobil architects are the best to handle the design of the service station. They have worked out a program where Mr. Dorens will approve all of the elevations, etc. so it will be compatible with the same type of nmterials being used on the office buildings. This is established in the lease. In answer to Councilman Mack, Mr. Rourke stated that the idea of precedent in zoning has been overstressed. All that has ever been said on that point is that it would be necessary for the Council or Planning Comnission, depending on the proceedings~ to give equal treatment to equal property if they could make no distinction between one property or another. This has primarily come~p in questions where Variances or Use Permits have been granted for something where all property in a particular area has identical situation° It does not really apply to zoning at all. You are not required to zone all identical property to the same use° MaWr ~oc~ stated that the q~estion of precedent has been before the Council before on this same property. At that time he had made the point that those corners were in the City of Tustin or controlled by the City; ~tereas, the parcel before the Council tonight is not. He was very much concerned about that parcel not so much about the other parcel. At that time he state~ that he could see differences and Mr. Rourke just pointed out between the two parcels the locational enviroranent is vastly different although the geographical proximity is very close. M_!y_or C_oc__9.o said he would state again for the record that he does see those differences in his mind as a voting member of the Council there is no precedent being set here tonight. If there is a service station granted on this corner there is no such precedent in his mind for those other corners. And, again - he had stated at that time and will restate - that the corner of Yorba and Fourth Street, in his o~amind, given the present situation and in forseeable situation, is not the place for a service station. This is an on-ramp situation, it is a screened situation, there is no view from Fourth Street as has been pointed out, because of the angle of the proposed office'building. So speaking as one member of the Council, M. jypr Coco saw no precedent ~atsoever for granting service stations on any of the corners of YOrba and Fourth Streets. Mr. Gill stated that the annexation will include both sides of the street so tbat all corne~s will be in the City. The south side of Fourth Street will come in as E-4 Zone. When this property is annexed all proper'ty easterly of the Newport Freeway in this vicinity will be under City jurisdiction. Council Minutes 5/5/69 Pg. 8 A discussion by the Council followed relative to conditions c) (size of trees), f) (Use Permit requirements), and g) (street ~nprovements) of proposed prezoning Ordinance and i) (drainage). It was the consensus of the Council that condition c) be deleted, condition f) become condition e) and read - The approval of signs under the Use Permit procedure; condition g) to become f) and read - Dedication of street right-of=way in accordance with the Master Plan of Arterial Highways, and installation of full street improvements and street trees; condition i) to bec~ne h) and read - Installation of drainage facilities across Yorba Street and Fourth Street, or the development of other means satisfactory to the City Engineer° A study is to be made on the disposition of the Deodar trees on Yorba Street and decision left up to the City Council. Moved b_~fKlingelhofer~ seconde~__~y__M_ack that Ordinance No. 435, ~s~di~'~ed, p~oning~ on ~Yicatioh No. ~'-~-i17 of George Argyros, have f_irst readiD_fz. by title onlyo Cou__._n~ilman Miller stated that 'he would be voting yes for the reading only so as not to have read in entirety, but he intends to vote no when the Ordinance has its second reading by title only because he does not think the City has given those ~o requested continuation the fair shake usually given developers when it comes to continuing for presentation of their side of the question. Co.__upc~lman Ma~ster~s_ stated that he shares the same feelings as Mr. Miller, Councilman Mack stated that he will be voting in favor of this prezoning as he had to look at it in the best interest of the entire City. Although he sincerely s~mpathizes with the home- owners as to time element etc., he is in favor of this project and will personally do everything in his power to see that it is done in the best interest to make a good neighbor for the neighbors that are there. Above motion for first reading of Ordinance Noo 435 by title only carried unanimously. ~ayor Coc~_odeclared a 5 minute recess. VII. OLD 1. ORDINANCE NO. 431 BUSINESS AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF TUSTIN, CALIFORNIA, REZONING PROPERTY OF THOMAS BERNATZ ON APPLICATION NO. ZC-69 -192. Site fronts approximately 207' on the north side of First Street, approximately 350' east of the centerline of Prospect Avenue. Moy e~ by Mac. ~, secon~'~y Miller that Ordinance No. 431 have ~e~pnd readi_~j~ by title only. Carried unanimously. Moved by Mac~ s__~pnded by KlinSe_l_hofer that Ordinance No. 431, rezoning property of Thomas Bernatz on application No. ZC-69-t92, be passed and adop_~ed. Carried by roll call. Ayes: Coco, Mack, Klingelhofer. Noes: Miller, Marsters. Absent: None. Council Minutes 5/5/69 Pg. 9 2. RESOLUTION NO. 994 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF TUSTIN, CALIFORNIA MODIFYING VARIANCE GRANTED ON APPLICATION NO. V-69-240 OF ALPHA BETA-ACME MARKETS, INCORPORATED. Modifies variance to allow one pole sign 17' high with max~ma~n of 36 sq. ft. on each of twolfaces for service station at southwest corner of Red Rill and Walnut. Moved~byMarsterp_~s~con_ ded~bJf. Mac_ ~ that Resolution No. 994 be re__a__dby title only. Carried unanimously. Moved~byMarst_ei.s_~ secgn~d b_y_Miller that R._e..solpti__o__n_~o__.~9!, modifying variance granted on application Noo V-69-.240 of Alpha Beta-ADiE Markets, Incorporated, be passed and adopied'. Carried unanimously. VIII. NEW ii CONSIDERATION OF REVISED VEHICLE POLICY CONCERNING BUSINESS POLICE, INSPECTION AND OTHER VEHICLES. Moved ~_l_bii__l_l_~r~__Se~_cond.~Jjy Mack that the' appropriate officials be authorized to obtain a third leased ve. khSa.l_.e under the terms of the City's lease with Yellow Cab Service of Northern Orange County and that the City Administrator be authorized to dispose of the two. defective vehicles. and that the City follow in general the basic practice of providing and ~pl_ac~p_E_polic~_ ~ndoth_e~. ~h~icles, as recommended, on a four year or 50,000 to 60,000 mile basis, whichever is earlier, Carried. Moved>yMille_r., se%~nd__e.,d~ Klingelhofe!that ~he. Ci__t.y~nrchase seven 3ool vehicles through the State purchase plan, and that Resolution 995 be F~a_jd~bj title onlX. Carried unanimously. ~oye~__by ~ack. L_secondedb_.yMarsters that Re__so__l~,io__n_N__o. 99~., authorizing the Department of General Services of the State of California to purchase certain items, be passed and adot~. Carried unanimously. Discussion of vehicle allowance for City Administrator and Assistant City Administrator deferred to a workshop in the near future. 2. REQUEST FOR APPROVAL OF SUMMER RECREATION PROGRAM Moved .b_y__Mitle!~ seqon~ed by Mack that the s_!urme~. rp_r~fral_a.~ be a_iproved and implemented as recentmended at a total cost of approximately $13,161 and a ~et cps~t o~_a_~p_~o__xj~ately $7,jp.0. o Carried. Mr. Gill reported that the Recreation Director and Assistant Administrator were at the school board meeting tonight and presented a tentative agreement for jofi~t use of school facilities which was adopted in principal by the board pending approval by the County Counsel. Included in this agreement was the clause that they have subrogated insurance requirements so we will not be paying double insurance. ~ayor Coc_~. commended Mr. Blankenship and Mr. Harrison for their part in achieving the adoption of this agreement. Council Minutes 5/5/69 Pg. 10 3, MEMORIAL DAY OBSERVANCE Request from Tustin Jaycees to hold Annual Memorial Day --- display and observance in Fourth Street center divider between Yorba Street and North "A" Street, ~r, Jim Zat_~le__[ spoke on behalf of this request, Moved blMarste~onded by Mack that request of Tustin Jaytees for Memorial D.a.y__~j~__la~ and observance be ~jproved subject to final arrangements being approve~"~' P~lic Works and Police Department, Carried, 4, ACQUISITION OF TAX DEEDED PROPERTY IN TUSTIN AVENUE Moved b~_ y Mitler~_Jseconded ~Mac___ k that the M.__aoy_~_and Cit~ Clerk be authorized to execute the_j_g~eement with the County of Orange for ac_q_~uisition of tax deeded__~.F._oEejt__Zy in Tustin Avenue described as AP 62-140-54, code 13-000. Carried. 5. REQUEST TO BARRICADE LORETTA DRIVE, BETWEEN LEAFWOOD AND LAURIE LANE MAY 30TH FROM 2 TO 6 P.M. FOR ANNUAL BLOCK PARTY Moved~q!~' seconded bE Marsters that request to close ~Ietta Dri.__y! between Leafwood and Laurie Lane be ~e'~ subject to final approval by Police and Fire Departments. Carried. 7. APPROVAL OF DEMANDS Moved ,by Klin_p_gelhofer, seconded ~y__~ack that demands in the amount of $51,642.20 be ap_~j~. Carried. IX. OTHER 1. Air California - Request for support in their efforts to BUSINESS establish direct airline service between Orange County and Sacramento. Matter deferred for study to next regular Council meeting. 2. Report on number of dwellin~ units authorized for construction Security Pacific National Bank. Mr. Gill presented following excerpt from above report: The Leading Cities A ranking of incorporated cities in the ten Southern California c_.o,~D.ties reveals that fourteeh cities authorized 1,000 or more dx~ellings in 1968. Leading the way was San Diego which authorized 12,526 dwelling units in 1968, -- followed by Los Angeles with 11,490. Occupying third, fourth and fifth places were three Orange County cities - Huntington Beach, Anaheim, and Tustin - with 1968 authorizations of 2,752, 2,443 a~'d'~,'403 dwelling units, respectively. 3. Property for proposed off-ramp at Ne~,~ort Avenue and Santa Aria Freeway. Co___un__cil___m,~,M__~ecks~ggested that the City enter into some form of option to tie dozen the subject property with the idea that the City will get this northbound off-ramp. This would mean a lot at the State Conmission level in showing the City's good faith. Council Minutes 5/5/69 Pg. 11 The Council directed Mr. Gill, in conjunction with the City Attorney~ to investigate the most feasible method of putting some form of hold on this property and to report to the Council at the next regular meeting. 4. City communication with State Legislative representatives. Councilman Iaclc stated that timing on State legislation coming to the cities from the League level on items effectlug local home rule seems~ to be getting steadily worse. Mr. Mack thought it would be wise to corm~unicate to all our legislators that it would be a good thing if our representatives would come talk to the Council before they introduce some of their ideas, We should convey to them that the Council is interested in a better form of conmunication~ It was suggested that the City take the initiative and invite our representatives to hold periodic sessions and address several cities in the district at one time; perhaps, just prior to the Legislative Sessions~ M~yo__r Coc~was requested to direct a letter on this matter to representatives of this district, 5. Police Report on Child Molest Programs Councilman Marsters conmended the Department on this en- lightening report and the success of this program. 6. Senate Bills 62 and 63 - Pornography and Obscene Matters C_.qo~c~i_l~j~an_F~jlle___,~i stated he would like to see Tustin take a stand in snpport of these measures and send communications to the legislators concerned. Mayor C__ o_c_o_directed that telegrams be sent to the Chairman of the Conmittee studying this matter and to each of Tustin's representatives° 7. Following correspondence and reports received 1) City Personnel Activity Roster. 2) Letter Cormsending Police Department - James Preble. 3) Report on 1969 AlP Cal Chapter Conference - J. Supinger. 4) Request from Orange County Bi-Centennial Committee for Tustin to adopt and plant an official City Tree. It was reported that this has been taken under con- sideration by the Parks and Recreation Con~ission. 5) Invitation to participate in Orange County Fair and Exposition - Referred to Chamber of C~merce. 6) Invitation to participate - Southern California Association of Governments. 7) Letters of appreciation for recent communications - Office of Governor Reagan~ Senator James Whetmore, Assemblymen R. Burke, K. Cory and J. Briggs. 8) Resolution C--20446 relative to daylight saving time - City of Long Beach. 9) Resolution 69-32 urging adoption of AB 1356 - City of Costa Mesa. 10)Resolution No. 69-13 re penalty for Possession of Marijuana - City of La Palma. 11) Correspondence urging support of AB 1445 - City Administrator of Westminster. Council Minutes 5/5/69 t'g. 12 12) League of California Cities Legislative Bulletin dated 4/11/69. " 13) Third Digest of 1969 Senate and Asscrc.bly bills _.._ effecting cities. ADJOURNMENT ~oy~d, by__~ql~_seconded t~__~.iar~tcrs that ~getin_~f{ be .ac__l]'o__urRe__d to a personnel session. Carried. MAYOR