HomeMy WebLinkAboutCC 8 O.C. HAZ WASTE 03-06-89= ~ m~m m I ~'~ A '~ CONSENT CALENDAR
'~ NO. 8, .
DATE: IqARCH 6, 1989- ~
TO: /
It is recommended that the City Council authorize staff to schedule final
consideration of the Orange County Hazardous Waste Management Plan for the March
20, 1989 agenda.
" In late 1986' the California State Legislature approved Tanner Bill 2948 which
requires each county in the state to prepare a Hazardous Waste Management Plan
(OCHWMP). The County of Orange has worked as the lead agency for preparation of
the Orange County Hazardous Waste Management Plan (hereafter referred to as the
"Plan"). Representatives from many Orange County cities, including Tustin, have
worked with the County to prepare the Plan and its accompanying Environmental
Impact Report (EIR) in accordance with the California Environmental Quality Act
The first draft of the Plan was submitted to the State for approval in December
of 1987. The State did not approve the draft Plan and transmitted numerous
comments and corrections back to the County. During 1988 County and City
representatives have worked to revise the draft Plan and to prepare an EIR.
On January 25, 1989 the Orange County Board of Superyisors certified the EIR
and approved the Plan for circulation to all Orange County cities for their
consideration. A copy of the report which was presented to the SuPervisors is
attached to this report. This report includes background and processing
information as well as a summary of the Plan. The Plan, EIR and a staff
analysis of these documents were presented to the Planning Commission on
February 27, 1989.
Tustin's role in the processing of the OCHWMP is to provide input on the Plan
and establish a formal position on the document. In order to meet the
City Counctl RepOrt
March 6, 1989
Page two
· .
requirements of the Tanner Btll, at least 50% of .Orange. County cities must
approve the Plan. Fatlure to obtain thls 50% approval will result tn the
State's assundng planning, stttng; and facilities decisions related to hazardous
waste for Orange County. To facilitate the City of Tustln's consideration of
the Plan, staff have prepared a schedule for Planntng Commission and Ctty
Counci 1 revtew of the Plan:
1. February 27, 1989 - A 5:00 p.m. workshop of the Planning Commission for
revlew of the Plan and EIR was held. A publlc hearing for the purposes of
accepting publlc testimony was also held as part of the Plannlng Commission
meetlng on the same date. The Plannlng Commission reviewed the Plan and
adopted Resolution No. 2570 whtch recommends approval to the City Council.
The resolution Is attached to this report for review.
March 20, 1989 - City Councll consideration of a resolution to either
approve or deny the Plan and certify the Program EIR. City and County
staff to be present to dlscuss the Plan and answer the Council's questions.
The schedule allows for transmittal of the adopted City Council Resolution to
the Orange County Board of Supervisors p.rior to the 90 day time limit for City
consideration. Included with this report are the Plan and its accompanying
EIR. Due to the size and nature of these documents, additional time has been
provided for Council consideration. The City Council nmy review these docunents
and prepare any questions for the March 20th Council meeting.
Laura Kuhn ........
Senior Planner
Attachments' Planning Commission Resolution No. 2570
Exhibit A
Orange County Hazardous Waste Managenent Plan
Environmental Impact Report (#490).
Corn rnunity Developrnen~ Depar~rnen~
The Planning 'Commission of the City of Tustln does hereby resolve as
I. The Planning Commission finds and determines as follows:
A. At the request of the Orange County Board of Supervisors, the
City of Tustin was requested to review the Orange County
Hazardous Waste Management Plan ("Plan") and Environmental
Impact Report (No. 490) and to make a determination whether to
approve or deny the Plan.
B. For the purpose of receiving public testimony from Tustin
residents, a public hearing was duly called, noticed and held on
the Plan on February 27, 1989.
C. A Final Program Environmental Impact Report (No. 490) was
certified by the Orange County Board of Supervisors on December
20, 1988 and adequately addresses all environmental impacts
associated with the adoption of the Plan.
D. Adoption of the Plan by the City of Tusttn is in accordance with
all State laws and regulations and, once the Plan is approved by
the State, the City of Tusttn will amend the Tustin Area General
Plan and/or the Municipal Code to accommodate hazardous waste
facility siting and permitting requirements.
E. Any proposed hazardous waste facilities are subject to siting,
permitting and environmental review persuant to State law and
approval of the Plan does not constitute a basis for waiving any
II. The Planning Commission hereby recommends to the City Council
approval of the Orange County Hazardous Waste Management Plan.
meett of the Plannlng on
PASSED AND ADOPTED at a regull~l~- ng Tustin Commissi ,
held on the ~ day of~, 1989.
Secretary ~'
I, PENNI FOLEY, the undersigned, hereby certtfy that I am the Recording
Secretary of the Planntng Commission of the Ctty of Tusttn, California; that
Resolution No. ~~6 was duly passed and adopted at a ular-meettng-of-
thefts:ttn planntngc°mmlss't°n'198 held on the~~-day of~,
~ NO ~ ~ NOt Goncur
Oranlle County Fire Servia, es ICaren lt. Peters 74~-0563
and Envtronmenta:L ttanalement Asenc7 , Barbara Shelton 83Z~-3&l&
-MEETJNO OATS "SUBJECT " ' ' ' '.--" " '
County Hazardous Waste Hanagement Plan and
Januar7 25, 1989 Final Program Environmental Impact ie~ort 690.
~RSOUGST (~esc~ ~ age.m)
Request for certt£tcatton o~ Final Prosram Environmental Tmpact Report 890 on the proposed
County Hazardous Waste ~lanagement Plan, approval of County Hazardous Waste Nanagement Plan
and transmittal o~ o~e to the dictel and the State Department of Health Semites.
See attached repots.
;tetWhile thio item has been noticed for a public hearths, there was no lesal
requirement to do. so.
ard [esolution 87-22l
· c~tlnsent upon funding. ' ices to distribute the ~£nal
Plan to the State Department o~ Health Se~tces on or De,ore ~eoruary
acco~pany~n$ expenditure ~eport. (continued)
C;3NCURRENCES (11 al~lical~le) 1. County Hazardous Waste Management Plan
Orange County Tanner Advisory Connnittee 2. Environmental Impact Report 890
'.ounty Counsel 3. ltesolu ttou
&. CommtS$tm Iolutton
A''January [3,. 1_~89 ~Elal~ESfNrlr~v~
O&Tt Director ·
O. CF'D EXEC I¥1GHT T,~' ~o.171~"?~,:.1055i. .... ]mn 2a,89 16:'..12 r,lo.OO$
]I,~C~I~I'D~-.D ACTZON (conC[nued)
&. -Dt.rec~ t~e Hazardous N&terials Program O£~lce/~£re Services to ldenti£Y
Plan implemen~acion costs, explore al~erna~ive sources o~ revenue, and
report back to the Board with a £isca[ impact report w[Khin 180 days.
Tr,~ klo.171ZlTZlZlO$$1
~an 24,89 16:42 1'.1o.00:5 P.04
_Southe~ California Hazardous Waste Hanaaemen~ Au~horitv.' In 1985,
O--range County Joined wi~h =he counties of-Imperial, Riverside, San
Bernardino, San Diego, Santa Barbara and Venture, and the cities
of Los Angeles, Orange County, and San Diego to found the Southern
California Hazardous Waste Management Authority throu~ha Join=
exercise of powers agreement.
The Authority provides a regional framework for local Jurisdictions
~o establish an equitable allocation of hazardous waste facilities.
The Authority adopted a -fair share" _p?licy by w~ich each
Jurisdiction is expected tO approve the sit~ng of hazardous waste
facilities capable of managing appro~ima=ely the volume of
hazardous waste produced in =he community.
Tanner Le~isletion. In late 1986~ spurred by upcoming federa} ~ans
on landfill disposal of untreated hazardous was~es and in'sufficient
treatment facilities in Califo~nia, S~ate le~islat$on AB 2948
(Tanner) was.approved. The bill authorized and par~ially funded
the preparation of countywide hazardous waste management ~lans.
The State Departmen~ of Healt~ Services was charged wi~h.developing
plan prepara~ion guid~lines an~ approving county plans. The
legislation also establishes specLal provLsLons for local hazardous
waste facility permit processes, and a state appeal process for.
local si=lng decisions on facili~ies.
Phase Ig Draft County Pl~ Develo~men~ 198~_. In February 1987,
the Board of Supervisors directed'~he prepare=lon of a County Plan
under ~he Tanner process, and asked par~icipa=ion of the cities.
The Tanner Advisory Committee was appointed by ~he Board o~
Supervisors in June 1987 =o oversee plan development. Members
include represen=a=ives of cities, industry, environmental groups,
and citizens.
The Draft county Plan was ~repared. bya coordina~ed effor~of
from county agencies. F~re Services/Hazardous Materials Program
ac~ed as project lead for intergovernmental coordination and public
parCicipatLon, Health Care Agency/Environmen~al Health compiled
technical data base on hazardous waste generation and reduction and
EnVironmental Management Agency/Planning developed 2he Plan and
EIR. In addition, i five working subcommittee groups, ~ county
inter-agencY technical committee, and s~aff from each c~ty were
involved in developmen~ of the Draft -Plan. Oppor~uni=ies for
public involvemen~ were provided through five public informational
~eeti~gs, extensive mailing list and media notification of
committee meetings, and. Hazardous Materials Awareness Week
activi=ies. The Draft Plan was completed in December 19S7.
Phase II.t ReV~S~_~untv pl~ an~ ~R _P~eDa=a~ion~. 1988.
adver=iZe~ public hearings were held a6r0s~ =he county in February
and March.1988 to obtain co,eats on =he Draft Plan. In addition,
T"'- No
.7an 2z;,89 16:,42 No.O0$ P.05
numerous presentations were m~de to city planning commissions, city
co~ncils,, and civic and business organizations. More"than 1200
copies of.the Draf-= Plan-Were distribu~ed to public and private
organiza~ions and individuals. Two public cable television shows
were'completed,'and Coverage of the planning process was provided
in local newspapers. Two workshops on waste reduction were held.
Well over bOO letters of commen~ on the Draft Plan were received.
Monthly meetings of the Tanner Advisory Committee and City/County
Coordinators were held to develop.Plan revisions.
Draf~ Environmental Impact Report (EIR) #490 was prepared pursuant
2o the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA), to analyze
po~ential effects on the environment which could result from Plan
implementa~ion. A 45-day SIR public comment period was held in
October and Novembe~ 1988. The Final EIR 490 contains responses
~o twenty-two letters of commen~.received. ..
Policy differences of local gover.nm, ents across California with
State Department of Health ServLces extended_the plan revision
process. The primary.iss~e centered around the auth .~rity of local
governmen~ in determLning criterLa for use ~n sit~ng hazardous
waste facLlities. The County Supervisors Association of ~alifornia
formed a Tanner Hazardous Waste Committee to organize local
gov-ernme~ policy -response. In August. 1988, ~he _Soft,er,
CalifornLa Hazardous Waste Management Authority =acillta=ea a
policy discussion wi~h the State Department of Health Services
resulting in a consensus repoz~ on fair share regional facility
planning, contaminated soils and the use of incineration in the
south Coas~ Air Basin, and requirements for facility siting
criteria and mapping components of the county plans.
The orange county Planning Commission recommended cez~cification of
EIR 490 on December 20, 1988. The revised County Plan was approved
by the Tanner Advisory committee on December'21, 1988.
rev~e~ an~ rage action on the ~an. ~pp~ova~
ci~ies representing 50% or,he.urban populatxon is requxred. After
local approval, ~he State Department of Heal~Se~ices has 90 days
~o approve or disapprove ~he plan.
The Tanner legislation, and subse~en= legislation AB 477 (Greene,
1987) specifies time frames and ~p~ions for local plan
implem~a=ion. Within l~0.days followLng final State approval of
~e Plan, the county and CLtLeS shall eider inco~ora=e applicable
,.~,~ ,~ ~h~ plan i~o ~he local General Plan, or enact an
use pe~its, and variance decxsLo~s ~o
Plan's siting criteria for hazardous was=e facilities. (Cities
may also opt to adopt a city plan consistent with the approved.
county plan.)
TF~ No.171474z~0551 ....
3an 24,89 16:42 1',1o.005 P.06
action within' six months, one year, and' three years. 'An annual
p%a~ 'implementation report wi. lI be prepared to monitor progress.
Update of the Plan is scheduled to occur every three' years.
8umma_~ Of Plan. The Orange County Hazardous Waste Management Plan
~Xh[~_it 1) ~es~ablishes a city and county action program for
managing hazardous waste between now and the year 2000.
"~'",.e, Plan characterizes current and projected hazardous waste
generation in orange County from industry, household, and
contaminated sites and identifies the need for additional'
facilities to collect, recycle, trea~, and dispose of waste. Based
on the projection of approximately 119,007 tons per year of
hazardous waste ~equiring off~ite treatment ~n the year 2000, the
following additxonal ~acilitxes":..ars ne?ded, aqueous~ treatment
facility for metals/neutra}i'zation, incLnerator, solveht and oil
recycling facility, stabilL~ation facility, ~esiduals reposi~o.cy,
and transfer stations. The Plan also establishes facility sLtzng
criteria per~ainLng to health and safety, land use compatxbility,
hydrogeologic hazards, water quali~y, air.q~al~ty, ~nvironmental
resources, transpor~ation, and socioeconomic and planning issues.
Countywide goals, obJectiv~sppolicies, and implementation'programs
are es~abli~hed in the Plan..for a variety of hazardous waste
~anagement xssues= . . ' ',.
o Reduction of hazardous waste .
o Facility siting and permit~ing process to be established in
t~e county and each city
o -- Household hazardous waste collection
o Transportation of hazardous waste
o clean-up of contaminated sites .
o Ongoing regula~ion and enforcement of hazardous waste
generators '
o Public and industry eduua~°n · " ·
o Coordination with regional plan~ing efforts. ·
FisCal !~Dact~ A major co~mitmer~cof city, county, and ~tate f~ds
£s needed to implement the Plan in a time of significanu reduction
of available public resources. Estimated countywide costs for
implementing new programs associated with the Plan approximately
$1.8 million dollars. These programs range from site
identification, permitting, small quantity generators and'public
information and education. Until new funding sources are
identified these programs cannot be implemented.
The Hazardous Ma~eriala Progra..m.O££ice/F£re Services will continue
~o identify program funding needs and explore potential revenue
sources, for Plan implementation; Approval of ~he Plan a~ ~his time
does not ..obligate ~he Board to implemen~ the new program as.
describe~ ~n this ~ocument if fun~ing is not available.
¢ommliance wi~h C~Oa': ~ZR 4gO. Environmental Impact Report 490
(Exhibit 2) is a program EIR prepared to analyze'the Plan for
potential adverse impacts on the environmen~. The EIR is 'in~ended
for use by the public, ~he County of Orange (Lead Agency), and the
cities and Sta~e (Responsible Agencies).
The EIR evaluates the general types of hazardous waste facili=ies
contemplated by the Plan, ~he facility siring criteria, and the
policies and programs es~ablished by the Plan. The following
environmental ~o~ics were addressed: geology, hydrology, land use,
air quality, noise, visual resources, energy, biological resources,
cultural resources, transportation, health risks, planning,
socioeconomics, and public services. ....
The EXR concluded 2ha= poten2ial environmental im.~acts of the Plan
could be adequately mitigated. The at2ached re~olut$on (Exhibit
3) summarizes impacts and mi=iga=ion measures iden=ified in the
BXR. ' "-
Adopt resolution certifying Final Program Environmental
Impa~c RepoL~c 490 and approving the revised Coun=y
Hazardous Waste Managemen..~ Plan.
Authorize ~e Hazardous Ma~erials Program. Office/Fire
Services ~o distribute the Final Program Environmental
.Impact:Report:490 and the approved County Hazardous Waste
Managemen~ Plan to Orange Coun=¥'s 28 cities for ~heir
Authorize the Hazardous Materials Program Office/Fire
Services to transmi~ ~he Final Program Environmen~al
Impa~Repo=2490 and the approved County Hazardous Waste
Management ~Plan to the "'$~a~e Department. of' Health
Services on or beforeFebt~laryl, 1989, with accompanying
expendi~ure report.
Direct the ~Nazardous Materials Program Office/Fire
Services to identify Plan implementation cos~s, explore
al~erna~ive sources of revenue, and repor~ back ~o the
Board with a fiscal impact report within 180 days.
F£nalL Pro,ram EZ~ ~90 ~or zh~ Orange' Gou~y Haz~rdo~
Al: tachnaeut; /~
I ii I
RES. NO, 88-77
DE'cembet' 20, 19
Off NOTXON OF P~ING CONNZS$ION~lt Wooden dul7 seconded and
~E~~ the County of O~an~e seeks to provide policy direction and
pro~ra~ ~o address current and ~uCur$ local hazardous waste ~ua~emen~ ~ssues.
~~, Final Pro,ram [IR Ag0 for the Oran~e County Hazardous Uasce
~ana~emenc Plan thoroughly analyzes and doc~eue$ ex~sC~n~ envLronmen~a~
and ~t~icanc env~roumeueal impacts oE ~he proposed plan.
~~~ Final El~ &90 for the Orange Couney Hazardous ~asee Hana~emene
Plan vas preparmd pursuant co the requ~remenes-o~ She Califo~a Env~ronmeneal
Ace (CE~A), che ~eaee CEQA Guidelines, and ch~ Couney CEqA procedures t and pub~Lc
review a~d comenc 'periods ~re pr0vtded ~or both eht ~oc~ce of P~epara~Lon and she
Dra~ EZRI ~nd ~
~~A~, ~he Pl~nnLn~ C~L~o~ of the County of Orange conducted a public
' meecinl on Dec~be~ 20, 1988 Co ~eceLve public co.enos wt~h respect to Draft
$90j ......
NOW~ ~~FO~, BE ~T ~SOL~D ~T' ~hLs P~annLn$ C.o~ss~on approves
Pro,ram E~R ~90 as co, Lets, adequ4Ze and in c~pLLancn v~th the requ~r~m4nCs o~
and She SCats C~QA Guidelines ~or the Orange Co~ey Hazardous Waste Nanag~euC
and hereby recomenda cer~i~icaCion by the Orange Co~ey Board o~
~ HEIIXBY CnTITY that the ~ore$otng Reso].uctou No. 88-77 vas adopted o~
D~'cember 20, 1988 by the Orange County Planking ConnLssion. J..
HLchaet H. turns, Director 0£ PlannLn$
~t~l ce(a/001)
DATE: December 20, 1988
TO~ Orange County Planning Commission
gltON~ ENA/Pl&nning (Environments! and Special Projects Division)
SUBJECT: Orange County Razardous Vaste'Naflagement Plan/Program Environmental
Impact Report
CONTACT PERSONS: Karl ~rebs (83~-~5~2), hrbara Shelton
This report provides an overview of the Orange County Hazardous Waste
F. anagement Plan and related progra~,..gnvironmental Impact R~port &90, The
Plan establishes a ~a! Statement, Objectives, Policies, and
Zmplement&tton Programs which together form a city and county ac~ton
program for addressing the manag~ent of hazardous waste in Orange County
between nov and the year 2000. Some of the hazardous v~ste issues
addressed in the plan are listed beZov: .- o '
Current and pro~ected h&zardo.u.s, waste generation in Orange County~ Vesta
reduCtiOn and onsite-treatments" Siting of offsite r~cycling, collection,
PUbllc ~nd indust~ education~ Household and smlll qu~i~y business
ienera~ors, ~le~-vp ot c0ntan~n~ted sites.
The plan also directs cities and the Count7 to establish a model
ordinnnce/permit process and facility siting criteria for controlling the ·
location, design, maintenance and sa£ety of offsite hazardous-.vas~e
facilities within both cities' and the unincorporated areas. The plan
Identifies the £ollovin~ ~actlities ne,td~d Co handle hazardou~
generated in Orange Countyt one small aqueous vute metals/'
neutralizatton~ one snell aqueous waste organic~ one small incinera~orj
one small solvent recoveL~r; one large otl recovery~ one small
stabilizacien~ one large residuals reposi*o~ ~d one large ~ans~er
IX.. l~tOJRCr FrsToIt!
Preparation of the Orange County Hazardous Waste Nanagement Plan vas
directed by the Orange County Board g~ Supervisors in February, 1987,
pursuant to State Assembly Bill &9~8 (Tanner, 1986), which authorizes the
preparation of countywide hazardou?_ waste management plans.
A draft plan vas developed by County sca£! from Fire Services'~
Environmental Naflagement Agency and Health Care Agency, vt~h the review
and oversight of the Orange County Tanner Advisory Committee, a ~hir~een-
member committee consisting of representatives of cities, .industry,
environmental groups and concerned citizens. In addition, five
subcommittee working groups, a county inter-agency technical advisory
group, and staf~ from each city were involved in development of the draf~
orange County Plannin; co~isston
~ublic informational mee~ing.~ ver~ h.eld in five locatinns across the
County in October 1087 to provide additional opportunities loc pub~
p~rticipation during preparation o~ the draft'.plan. Public nott~ication
o~ committee ~etings also occurred through an extens, ive mai~ing list and
media notification.
The draft plan vas completed la December I987, vith Board of'SUpervisors'
direction that the draft be transmitted to the State Department of gealth
Services by December 31, 1987, and the public conunent period and
environmental reviev process be initiated.
The plan development process continued in 1988. A Notice of Preparation
(NOP) of an Environmental Impact Report and Notice of Scoping
prepared on February 3, 1988, sent to the State Clearinghouse and
circulated to responsible end interested agencies and members of the
public. Outing the months of February and Hatch, eight (8) public
meetings on the draft plan and EZR seopin~ sessions veto held.throughout
the County. Copies of the draft plan veto sent to over a thousand
individuals and organizations, gach library and each city received
draft plan vith a full set of appendices. Co,u~ents.-received on the draft
plan vere considered during the pr~p~ration of the ~IR. °
Environmental Impact Report &90 vas prepared by Roy
Associates attar the County Environmental ~anageaent Agency determined
that a program Bile vas required to comply vith CE~A. The Oraft
received a a~-day public teviev and co~ment period from October a, 1988,
The proposed Orange County Bazardous Vaste Nanagement elan under
considerat~on affects the entice Orange County area includin~ all
unincorporated cities.
The intent of Znvironmental Impact Report &90 is to inform
decision-makers and ithe general public of any si~iftcant adverse
environnental ef£ects o~ the Orange C0unt7 Hazardous Vaste Nanagement
Plan before adoption by the County of Orange and the 27 cities located
vithin the CountT, and approval by the State of California. -.
This EIR evaluated t~e folloving components of the Plan:
o The general' types o~ hazardous vesta management faci~ities (e.8.,
...... storage, transfer, treatment and disposal facilities) identified by
the plan as needed ~or hazardous vaste generated v~thin Orange County.
l~aclltt7 siting criteria established to aid in selectin~ a site eot
hazardous vaste ~aciltties.
o Policies and prosrans established to ensure the safe and efficient
management o~ hazardous vastes vithin Orange County.
Orange County PXanntng CommXs$ton '
EZa 490
, .
For purposes Of the EXR pro3ect description, it is ass,~med tha~
facilities necessitated by county waste g~neration will actually be si.ced
within Orange County. These ~aciltties include= one small aqueous waste
metals/neutralization; one small aqueous waste organic; one small
incinerator; one small solvent recovery; one large oil recovecy;'one
small stabili=ation; one large residuals repository and one large
transfer station.
EXit 490 has been prepared in eccordance vt th the CallEornia Environmental
~ualit7 Act (CEQA) and State Guidelines for the implementation of CE~A.
~Ilt 490 addresses the stsni~icant environmental e~fecCs of the p~oJecc
relative to the ~ollovtng environmental topics:
Land Use
Air Qvali t7
visual ~tesources
Biological Resources
...... Cultural Resources ...
Transportation ~esources
Human Health Risks
Relevant Planning "
Public Uttlttt.e~p and Services
Factors detezmin~d not to be significantly affected are light and glare.
- .This. Ell~ viii be used by the County of Orange (Lead Agency) and the 27
cities (~espoasi~le Agencies) in Orange Count7 to evaluate the e£fects' o~
the pl~. Upon completion of thi~ evalua~ioa and cecti~icacion o~ this
E~, the ~unt7 o~ Orange and cities viii. take action (approval or
denial) off the Plan.
EXit Alterna~,tves
The Cali£ornia ~nvironmental Quality Act requires that Environmental
Impact Reports include a section on Project Al~ernatives. El~ 490
addresses three alternatives~ ~o Project', 'Treatment Consolidation' and
"Fair Share'.
A "No Project" alternative would' avoid impacts associated with hazardous
waste management ~acilit7 development, however, this alternative would
also be expected to result in overall countywide adverse impacts which
could exceed ~hose o£ the Flan.
A 'Treatment Consolidation' alternative would provide savings in tiaa and
resources. Countywide risk and pollution levels could be reduced due to
~ewer sources ot risk and pollution. Since many treatment facilities
often feed one another, coabiming these technologies into one [acility
may. be beneficial.
The 'Fair Share' alternative voul~ site a limited number o! h~=ardeus
waste facilities to handle Orange County's [uture hazardous waste
generation. However, the County would also continue to rely on
[acilities located outside the County. The logic o~ this alternative is
to site regional-sized ~acilities and share between counties,.~hereby
reducing ~he ~verall number o[ ~acilities each county voul~ need to st~e.
- -. The-intent is based on the amotm~ of vesta seneraced in each county co
achieve a..fair share 'allocation.
· .
Comments ,and Responses_
Tyenty-tvo letters of~ comments on ~he Draft EZE vere received, .and are
responded to in the ltesponse to Comments document included at she end o!
Attachment 2 - FEZR 490. -
All environmental impacts identified in Bllt &90 vere found to be
adequ&tely mitigated. The draft Board o~ Supervisors' findings included
as Attachment 3 summarize identified impacts and mitigation measures.
The ~tnal IXR requires determination by the Orange County Planning
Commission and the Orange County Board of Supervisors that:
a) The Fina~ gXR has been completed in compliance vith C£~A; and
b) The in~or~ation in the Panel fIR has been revieved and considered
prior to approval of the Plan. .
(The Planning Commission is not lesally required to m~ke a
reco~endation on, the Plan but is entitled to do so iL desired.
reco~sendations or co~ents are o~ered, these comments vOuld be
craflsmitted to the Board o£ Supervisors.)
Adopt attached resolution approving Final Program gilt 490 as adequate and
co~lete C~OA documentation for the Orange County 8azardous vesta
Nanagmsent Plan, and recome~end certification by ~he Board of Supervisors.
Respectfully submitted,
Environmental and Special Projects
Attachments: l. 8asardous Vesta NansgemenC P~an
2. gilt' &90 (including Response to Comments)
3. Draft Findings
&. Ora£t Pl~nin~ ~mmisston Resolution