HomeMy WebLinkAboutOB 2 J.W. AIRPORT RPT. 03-06-89/ I I ! · / I '":, OLD BUSINESS
NO. 2
Receive and file.
JWA- The City received three (3) copies of the County's report on aircraft
ar'-'Fival noise levels on February 22, 1989. A copy of the entire document has
been sent to John Van Houten, the City's consultant for review and comments. We
hope to provide Mr. Van Houten's comments to the City by March 20th.
Staff presented the City's concerns regarding the Phase 2 Access Plan to the
Airport Commission on February 15, 1989, The Commission received testimony
{from only *two speakers, Wings West and the City), and gave general direction to
County staff. The actual Phase 2 Access Plan is expected to return to the
Airport Commission in mid-March and then go to the Board of Supervisors in
mid-April. Staff will review the Phase 2 Plan and provide additional comment as
necessary and appropriate.
According to the FAA, the report on air traffic controls for JWA was reportedly
published in the Federal Register on February 21, 1989. When staff visited the
Orange County law library on February 23rd to copy the report, we were informed
that copies of the Federal Register typically take one (1) week to arrive;
therefore, they expect the 21st edition on February 28th. However, staff was
able to obtain a draft of the report (by Fax) from the FAA, a copy is attached
for the Council's information (Attachment I). The quality of the document is
poor due to the FAX. A copy of this draft was also sent to Mr. Van Houten for
his review and comments. The report states that all .comments must be received
by the FAA on or before April 21, 1989. Upon completion of staff and the
consultant's review, a proposed draft response will be transmitted to the City
Council for their information and approval.
ASC - Staff attended the meeting held on Saturday, February 25th. ~t that
meeting, the caucus teams reviewed the criteria that will be used to evaluate
- potential airport sites, and also assigned weights to each criteria based on its
relation to other criteria. At the next meeting to be held on April 8, 1989,
caucus teams will begin evaluating a total of 23 potential airport sites.
Clty Council Report
Airport Status Report
March 6, 1989
Page two
CRAS - The City sent a letter to the Board of Directors of CRAS, formally
nominating Councilman Kelly as a candidate for the Board elections to be held in
March. At the Board of Directors meeting held on February 27, 1989, the Board
discussed the Airport Site Coalition meeting of February 25, 1989 (see
preceedtng section of this report). City of Irvine staff gave a presentation on
a meeting held on February 8, 1989 on the proposed Southern California Regional
Airport Authority (proposed by Senator Bergeson, et. al.). A slide show was
presented illustrating why there should not be joint or full commercial use at
MCAS E1 Toro (the slide show is available to be shown at City Council meetings,
if Council is interested, staff can arrange for this). Councilman Kelly's
election to the Board is expected at the annual meeting, which will be held on
March 22, 1989. A copy of the announcement for the March 22nd meeting is
attached (Attachment II).
HOTF- Staff attended the meeting held on February 22nd. At that time, City of
TF~Tne staff and representati yes of the Marl ne Corps gave
presentations/evaluations of the alternate routes that had been proposed at the
previous meeting. From a technical standpoint, it was determined that the
"Reservior Route", could function as a supplement to the Irvine Boulevard route
for daytime visual flight rule (VFR) approaches to MCAS Tustin. The Reservior
Route would bring helicopters into the Browning Corridor north of Irvine
Boulevard, thereby increasing the number of overflights of the northern Tustin
Ranch area. Accordingly, staff voiced the City's objection to the Reservior
Colonel Wagner of the Marine Corps has acknowledged receipt of Mayor Kennedy's
letter of January 6, 1989 in which she expressed similar opposition. In his
letter, Colonel Wagner assured the City that the Marine Corps will discuss any
proposed changes or additions to helicopter routes with the City, prior to
entering into any commitment with the City of Irvine. Staff will continue to
participate in the task force to represent the City's interests and keep the
Council informed of all developments.
Senior Planner
Attachments' Attachments I and II
Christine A. Shingleton//
Director of Community D~Kelopment
Corn rnunity Development Department
· .
[A~rspiae Oooke~ No. 88,AS~A-7] . .....
:Proposed gsuab~£1haen~ ina alceraC~on og A~rpor~ Raddr !~qeFv~oe Area
ACF3~,. F'eder&l AvAacf;on Ada£n£aCriC~.on (FAA}, IX)T,
bp:LenencaC~on o~ AASA pro. ad. Fei al: cbs ~r£ooced loose,eno vou~d pcoao~e the
b~' aubuf. CC:L~,$'su~h w~.Aa~eT~;dar, d,, v~-uws, or &:Eumencs &i ~:he7 ma7 deaf, rs,
°°6 '
pz,*efsncod are pa~C~ulmr~Ly h-2,1)fuX in developS, ns reopened r*eg~,acox7 deota~.on~
on proposal, ~ow.lln~l arm mpoo&~l, cally l,nv~ce4 on
assassins, e~w~.rounencal, and energ2' aspects o£ chi propos&:l,. ComunAoe~,on.
should f, den.~l,~p the af. rspa~o doolw~ and.be submf, cCed. S,n ~.w~.px~.oat:a co -...he
. .
above, G~,meni:mrs vif~h~,n~ the FAA CO aoknov:Lsdgo roce~,pq; o~
s~ed ~d ro~ed es eke e~n~er, All co~cs~Aons ~eeel~ before ~
specie,ed elos~nf ~Ce ~o~ ~mnca vZ~ be co~dec~d bo~o~e cak~n6 ace~oa on
~e p~ae~ ~le. ~e p=~oaal e~sa~ued ~n ~l uoc~ao ~y ~ ehansed ~n
-AVA- 7 ]
&vemAe, '8V., VashAnl~un, D.~. 20S~X, e~ b2 ~allins (202)
On April 22, .1~82, .~e;H&C~ouaX.AA~ap&ce bv~ev ¢~) plan va.
~n ~he FZO~ ~lS~ C&7 FA X7~81. T~e plan enoonp&ase~ & ~ev~av
and pcocodu~&l aspeoca 0£ oho A~C~ rTwCom. Amonl~' ~ho mLLn
obJeo~ivel o~ ~he MA~ yam ~h· Lnproveuen~ o£
e~f~aLeno~ and ~e~Ln8 e~exA~.' 2n
~~ B, IL~o ~a~aco~ ~, via 'r~e~~
[eO-AVA- ] "'
~ober~ }(nobler HunLeLps& A~t-po~, Auld&n, TX, and Che ~or~ of Columbus
2nCerna'~:Lona~, Ai, Fpoi's. 0 (~O2,Uml~LS, Git, ARJA'I .voL'~ ~saLSn&ced it; chefs. &S, LTort;s .
co pz.oqrLcta an Oper&u£on&2 con£Lx~naeLon of she ARSA eonoepu £or pouon~a~
app~oo~Xon on · nac~ona~
Fo~ov~n& a con£:raac~n pe#~od o£ more Shah I ~oar, the FAA a~opcsd 'che
operoC/on vichAn ouch an
A~SA's vote perUanen~17 es~iblLshed ac chi AuSCLn, TX; Golund)us, OH; and che
tnple~encicLon plan co replace TiSA'I v~h'AX~'a. ~b As ~. o~ a .owls. o~
~'s ~~ v~~c ~~uCac~, o~ ~ ~A.. ~a noc~co proposes ~A
~s~~ sc one of ~o. ~ocac:o~ ~nc:~:ed aa c~~cef ~or ~ ~A '~n
vt~ be proposed
. .
~miced App~aah C~c~o1 FaelIA~, ~e at~~ ~evac~o~
q~t~a ~acLed i& ~ ~e m~ o~.airo~a~C, 8poed~. vanes, frei ~o
~rom ~he ,xareme~y msno~erab~, co' ~l sl~or ~M~r~n~ s~rar~c.
and opor&~ns r~,e. ara nec os~ablLshsd b7
Chi l~Amber ne~olsa'r~ for AILSA candidacy.
The flAX Task Oz'oq,rp s~a~ed ~lmc, due ~e Cha dl££eren~ le~els o£ scL-vise
o££ezod L.n ~erminal &eau such as John ratio AtrpevC/0wanBe Gannet, ~eFe awe
create a~so~te. ~d .aqua. tn· u ~e ~~.bua ~ ~ t~~ o~toc
.~ricely ~l~za~. ~e oaZ~ se~ia, available ouul~e ~e al~orc ~a~le
aFea (A~) Is fepaFa~lon fo~ t~~n~ ~l~ ~es (X~) ~a~la and ~
· | flfl-AWA. 7]
Ra~ATe ,e~ S~ap Il a~ aLrpe~u v~ch node~a~e ~a~£la levelm deea hOC
the 'ane...l..evel~,.?£ mow:Lee, and in the mane aa:me{, =o
oho cna.ray rod:Lo oommmteactAone rnquAremen~ o£ saect:Lon SI.87' Th:La ~ond:L~Aen
~0 aeeepuble unu~ the volume end denK~e£ ~rdtL. a~ ~he pfluzTatrpor~.
b~lacions (l~ ~ Faw~ 71) ~C. ~d odJ~ ~o h~oral l~8 of ~o
.. .
~X ToTo ~S ~SA U ~Goono~. ~e-a~eLn~nS hn~a ~ ~ and ea~ablAah an .
~A a~ ~ohn Va~e AL~orc/Or~e ~~, ~Ca ~, ~, ~XI loaac~ ~a a
and parachute ~ , ~,n~Aonf :La a~spau des~83~ed as an ~'~3A.
in.an A~JA or :fl, y~,Zl~ ~l~ou~h an A~A, prior ~o
aecabl:Lah .eve-yaM radAo ~omnunAoa~Aonf v~ch Che A~ £aoAl£Cy havAnS
£rom ~e ru:£sao so mn a~LC~,Cudm or &,O00 ~eeC ~~ ~C &~~'g e~av&C~on,
~o~ ~e200 fee~ ~~ ~, ~a=e ~o ~ s~tlt~, g~ 4,000
& .
ti-AVA. 7] "-
ALrpoz~/0r~nge C:oun~y vh:Lle hoc dea~inaciA8 ~ unneoeslary mounc 'o£ LLripaa.,
fo:Ll6vLn8 .ea~eiorief ~
. .
! ·
and p:LXo~: esh,ma,~:Lon.
(3) AddL~lorm:L
...... (&) Pocens~&l b~ eeo~a resulC~ns ~eu epe~e~Aonf v~hAn an AASA~
.,- .
· .
hL&h, &."~4 tho eepero~on .cm~dLvdo 1~rmLccmd ~n /JJ,A,'~ vL.3.3, oXXov
v,£11 bo aonduo~od alu:Lng no.mol vor~n; hOoFS, iUd Joh~ V~ne
~ II · .......... ' ......
mm IlllO, i. i i.
Lrt~orua~ton oosu VhAnh £o~ov &go ecg~o~7 i~z&buCmb~e ~9 tho A~A
The FAA..eX'poo~S ~o
.~0 u:L2,is of' oaah AB, SA is~.cff exp~,aLn~nS ~he oporaC:Lon and cor~:te:~caC(on of' Chi
ARSA's. ~no oomb~ned boost co A~nen ind pgora~o~ AdYLsoz7 ~;ou~T GOoCs
of. GuLf'Lo&nv oom~., re,re oxpeoeed ~o bo Lnou#s'ed m~m & F,'oau~c of' ~'.ho £o3.~,ov-on
A~$A Co a~2ov ufe~m ~o posy&de ~eedbaek es ~he FAA o~ lo~al ~q~A opeg&~£oww.
£fl.AVA.?] -.
. .
an-~A rearer ~in par~Aetpa~o, lone i~nor ~1~-oeeC. vAl~ be
o~ee~ ~o mr~ ~he ~A, o~ ~rinf~ belay ~i X,200 teac
CA) f~0or be~,en ~e' 5- a~ ~0-~u~&ws~,mL~e FXntl. Al~~
~r., d~m~fh~n; u ~to~~ll ;~"opara~n0 .spenCerian v~ ~A's and
advinmaBe of oho e££AeAeuoAoJ penitu~ed b7 A~SA'm, ~hLs he be~.* dl~ - -
· .
· TAe a~ueCnen, c of the E1 Toro HGAS ~q~A wLll us= re~u:L~ An an~ addA=Aoz~l
east, Tho p~ox~uLC7 o~ the John Va~*r~ AL~'~orc/C)ranse C:ounc7 Co 'the E1 To~o
~h of ~he bene~%; chat vXXl reeul; ~ron ARSA,ILf nonquAnt:£1abl, and
pro~edurH. ~r~her, once oxper£~.noe, if Sa~ned Ln A~SA spirit:Asea, chi
individual eandidaCe aA~por~:a, buc rache~ vAll rafulc £~om ~he overall
Lapr~ve~en~ An ~eruLna~ area ATG prooe~LVea realized aa AR~A'O are
f~PleaenCa~on 0£ chi AASA p~oiran r~tAMmll7 nay prMn; a~ro~Mcely oM
~Ar aoll~lXon ~~ I es 2 7e~ ~roush~ ~b VnA~ad Scares,
~~AfA~%o benefA~ of ~r~e~S a mth&r eollAm~ou san z~e ~u lmm.
~h~n ~200,000, duo r~ ~e pr~en~on o~ · n~nor nou~acaI sol,dent 'biCvoen
peer. al a~a~Aon aAwer&~c, Co 0300"nail,.on or uo~o, dui Co cbs pcevenc~o~ o£ ·
_ £a~mlicAes. Es~ablLshuenc o£ an A~SA R ~ho I~:e proposed ~n chtl uocVcm rill
A dAree~ coup&rLmon o~ ~he comCm "and
&eL~l mAda&r ~oXX&m&onm. For theme won·nm, ~m FAA
emro m ·
ce aArPo~e o~aLde or ~e AR.qA oo~e~,...T~e TAA has prgpofod ~o e~alud4 usn7
ft&ce2,X£ce af. cporcs 1.oc. iCed, v:Lch:Ln ~ naucf, oa2 BS, I, os o~' the p~r:r, aa~-~. &'~z.~or~
I'~&~X. baXloonAn~, paraahucAn~,"~l~raXLSh~; ']u~'bAz~i~"~ze~'~e~LvA~e6, i~ "'
A~eo.L~d~,nsX?, p~ca~mac co the auchozLc7 da:Le~aced ~o me,' the FecLeFal
X. The au~hoz'i'~ c,~cac~on £oz' ~a~ 71 conc~uel' co ~ead
AuchorAcT~ ~! ~.S.O. ~3~8Ca),' X3SACa), XSX0: Exeeu~lv· 0rde~
U,S,0. LO6'(I) (~ev~se~ Fub. L. ~7-44~, Jmes, r,/ 12, 1983);
~, 172,. ~0~, ~.s auond, d u £o:L3.ovs:
Jan=& Ann, g& [~qoY]
e~ MS~ v~Ln a S-mL~. r~~ of cho ~o~n Vi~o A~orC/O~l.
(~i~. 33*&0'3~'H) ~ons. ~7'32'0~'V.) exo~ud~nf ~ 4~rop4~8 aisc o~
X~ne be~een ~e po~. ~.=a ~e ~-mL~e ~o of Jo~n Wi~e
~o~ ~nCeroep~s ~e ~-mt%e are et E% To~o X~f (~m~. 33'40'~'~.. lea..
~d ~ne~Ln& 4,400 ~eoc ~L v~n i ~O-BL~i riG~ of ~t .~O~ VI~o
X~. Cg ~hg pv~n~ ~ezo ~e ~0-a~o l~o of ~o~ v~.
u~a~d ~m ~.SO0 ~eec ~L ~o i~ L~I~nS ~,~ fae~ ~L v~ch~n a
~at a~rapaa, ex,end,nS ~a~ rrm 3,S00 ze.~ ~L co an4 .Lfl~Ln; ~,~00
- '-5.600 fee~ KSL ~zom'~e'lhoro~:M co ~O San DKoso ~eevi~ (~-405).
. ~xG~ng ~hic aL.pace VilC.~f i X~Ro ~gOl ~i 3~0 bearAnS from John
AA~rt/O=~ ~~. ~d ~ a~rsp.. ,x~o~M u~ard free 2.500 hR
£40~ HSL v~chLr~ a 5-n~ia radius o£ chi ~1 To~o.HCAS (la~. 33 40'3A.g.,
ps,nco vhero tho 5-n~o sL*o of B~ ToEs HGA~ Ln~o~o.pts the 5-mi2. ira o£
and Ch&C aLrspsce ezCend~ng upvard £~on 2.500
zzT6roHCAO. CA [Revised]
. ~rp?r~/~.rani,. u?.c7 ~ron ~? amt D. Le;o ~lwa7 eloo~ti. ~ ~0 360'
~.C of a line ~on the 3J~' bdar/fl; ~roa Jo~ va~. AL~o~c/0ran&e ~o~
. ,~ . ., ..~ .... . .... .... . . ..~ ....~ .~.... . ......... . .... ~~ ...~.,~....~, ,~....,,..~..
~nce~copcs cna 3-EL~t (~O ag &~ To~o x~$ ~o ~e poLn~ ~l~l ~l 10-m~.
~h~ ~, ~erO ~ha ~-mtle a~ g~ IX ~o~0 ~S tn~eroepc~ ~e ~-atle
atropaae from 2,500' £oeC ~L to and tnoludtnS
X0-mt~e radt~ o~ the
. ToFo
ara o~ ~e John
area .if .efb~tve'
ZX Toro ToveT
~ .....
bmod tn ~ashtn~eu, D,~,, on ~ 10; 1989
· Mona. Sol, AArrpeee-lulea and · " " :'
. iili i I:BLE AIRPORT SO' ' TION.
,'B~;'_.'~_:..~i:~:i:~:i:~:i:i:i:i:i:i:!:~:i:~:. .a'.!:~:i:'.:.':.'::.':::~.:.:..:~i~i~i~~?_'_.~_ ~
February 24, 1989 --
Thank you for your suppor~ of the Coalition For-A
Responsible Airpor~ Solution. Our ranks have grown
~remendoualy in ~he first year of our existence --
including four cities, nearly 20 homeowners associations,
and 4,000 individuals -- and we're continuing to expand.
In appreciation.of your suppor~, enclosed is your lifetime
membership card '
The Coalition will be holding its first meeting of the
---general membership on-Wednesday, March 22' at' Clubhouse 3.
in Leisure World. The Coalition will ~ake =his
opportunity [o info=m you .of the activities i~ has
conducted ~o help ensure tha= Marine Corps Air Station
(MCA S) E1 Toro never becomes 'a commercial airport.
The annual meeting will begin at 6~00 p.m. with a business
session to elect the 1989 Board of Directors. The
speakers program will begin a= 7~00 p.m. Colonel Wagner
from MCAS E1 Toro will address the membership on the
Marine Corps position on commercial use of the base, the
base's role in national security as well as answer any
be~eS=ions from the audience. Additional speakers have not
en confirmed, but be assured they' will be informative.
Enclosed is ~he first edition of the Coalition's
newsle=ter, which will be published periodically to keep
you informed of our activities and the s=atus of MCAS E1
Toro as a potential commercial airport. - .....
We look forward to seeing you at ?he annual meeting. Feel
free to bring friends interested an learning more about
the Coalition For A Responsible Airpor~ Solution and how
they can help fight commercialization of the E1 Toro base.
For further information, contact Terri Mehrguth at
Eric Sims
To get to Clubhouse 3, enter at Ga~e 3 which is off
Moulton Parkway at Aragon in Laguna Hills. Mention
to the guard =ha= you are attending =he Coali=ion
For A Responsible Airport Solution meeting.
·.. A Group Opposed to Joint or Commercial Use of MCA$-EI Toro
23704-5 El Toro Road, Suite 411, El Toro, California 92630
Survey Finds Residents
I ?o COmmercial. Of
M TO-R-O .........
.An overwhelming majority of resi-
dents in south and central Orange
County are opposed to use of
Marine Corps Air Station El Toro as
a commercial airport, according to
- ,'ecent research study conducted
Opinion Research of California
and commissioned by the Coalition
For A Responsible Airport Solution.
Sixty percent of the residents
surveyed said they would vote
against joint military and commer-
cial use if it were on the ballot
l~day. Only 26 percent would favor
Ihe idea and fourteen percent were
undecided. In addition, the survey
found that 59 percent disagreed
with the statement that MCAS El
Toro "can serve both military and
commercial" operations. Only 29
percent agreed.
Leading the list of reasons for
opposing joint-use was concern
about military and commercial
flights operating together and its
impact on national security. Thirty-
seven percent of the respondents
opposed to joint-use said that mill-
tary and commercial operations
should be kept separate. Sixteen
percent expressed concerns about
the impact of joint-use on the
base's ability to protect national
security interests, and 14 percent
said they were concerned about
safety issues. Twelve p_erce_nt said
increased noise was of concern,
while 11 percent said there already
was too much air traffic congestion.
For a copy of the complete
survey results, please write to the
Coalition For A Responsible Airport
Solution at 23704-5 El Toro Road,
Suite 411, El Toro, CA 92630.
· Message From The Chairman
Thank you for supporting 'the
Coalition for a Responsible Airport
Solution (CRAS). In just our first
year of existence our membership
I~as grown from a handful of com-
munity leaders to include four
~ities, two chambers of commerce,
~arly 20 homeowners associa-
,,ons and more than 4,000 indi-
,~iduals--and we're continuing to
expand. Your Board of Directors
has been busy with a number'of
activities to create awareness of
CRAS' position that MCAS El Toro
is not the solution to the air trans-
portation needs of Orange County.
Our efforts include drafting a posi-
tion paper as well as commission-
lng a survey of Orange County
residents and pubticizing both with
the media. In addition, we have
been contacting government offi-
cials, associations and individuals
for their support. On behalf of the
Board of Directors, we look for-
ward to meeting you and your
neighbors at the annual meeting
on March 22.
Sally Anne Sheridan
· I.C Residents Can Participate In
Airport Site Selection Process
As the airport issue gains more
public awareness, you may be
wondering how you can be a part-
of the process of selecting an ad-
ditional airport site to service the
region. If so, we encourage you to
participate in organized discus-
sions on the issue, sponsored by
the Airport Site Coalition (ASC).
The ASC, comprised of Orange
County residents, businesses, as-
sociations and public officials, is
conducting a 20-month study to
find an additional airport site to
serve Orange County's growing air
transportation needs. The study,
called the Airport Site Consensus
Program, is funded by the Federal
Aviation Administration and public
and private sectors. Following the
study, which began in May 1988,
the ASC will make a site recom-
mendation to the Orange County
Board of Supervisors.
If you wou!d like to play a vital
role in this consensus process
and voice your opposition to
MCAS El Toro as a potential site,
we encourage you to attend the
Airport Site consensus Program
meetings. Meetings are held one
Saturday morning per month at
the Flour Daniel Corporation
building in Irvine. For further information
on upcoming meetings, please
contact Eve Somjen at 660-3647.
CRAS Responds To Closing Of 86 Military Bases
On January 5, 1989, the Depart-
men, of Defense announced that it
-' ',uld support the recommenda- ,
· ~s of a bipartisan commission to
close 86 U.S. military bases across
the country. The following is an
excerpt of a statement released to
the media by chairman of the
Coalition' For A Responsible Airport
Solution, Irvine City Councilmem-
ber Sally Anne Sheridan.
"... It is highly significant that of
the bases to be closed, MCAS El
Toro was not among them. This
clearly contradiCts statements by
some individuals who have sought
to downplay the importance of
MCAS El Toro as a way to justify
permitting joint commercial and
military use of base facilities. The
fact that MCAS El Toro was not
recommended for closure...
strongly supports our longstanding
position that MCAS El Toro plays
an extremely vital role in our pres-
ent and future national defense
and that the base is completely in-
appropriate for joint use ...
Coalition Schedules
Annual Meeting
-The annual meeting of the general
membership of CRAS has been
scheduled for Wednesday, March
22 at Clubhouse 3 in Leisure World.
The meeting will include presenta-
tions by prominent and informed
speakers. A business session to
elect the 1989 Board of Directors
will be held at 6:00 p.m., to be
followed with the speakers program
at 7:00 p.m. We look forward to
eeing you and all interested per-
.OhS there. For more information
on the meeting, contact Terri
Mehrguth at 755-0400.
The Coalition For A Responsible Airport Solution is a non;-profit
organization and, therefore, relies on the financial support of
those individuals, businesses and cities that also agree that
MCAS El Toro is not an appropriate site for another commercial
airport in Or.ange County. We need your support now to help
protect the community we live in from being destroyed by the
presence of a commercial airport. Contributions will be used for
a direct mail campaign, production of a newsletter to keep
members informed and to help fight any attempts to open the way
for commercial flights at MCAS El Toro. Please make checks pay-
able to: Coalition For A Responsible Airport Solution, 23704-5 El
Toro Road, Suite 411, El Toro, CA 92630