HomeMy WebLinkAboutRPT 1 P.C. ACT AGENDA 03-06-89 GE NDA ...... '~'~ REPORTS ""' "' "" NO. 1 3-6-89 ~C T I-O N A G E N D A TUSTIN PLANNING COIqHIS$ION REGULAR lqEETING FEBRUARY 27, 1989 · CALL TO ORDER: 7'05 p.m., Ctty Counct1 Chambers PLEDGE OF ALLEGTANCE/TNVOCATION ROLL CALL: We11, Baker, Le Jeune, Ponttous, Shaheen PUBLIC CONCERNS: (Ltmtted to 3 minutes per person for 1terns not on the agenda) IF YOU WISH TO SPEAK TO THE COMMISSION ON A SUBJECT, PLEASE FILL OUT THE CARDS LOCATED ON THE SPEAKER'S TABLE. ALSO, PLEASE GIVE YOUR FULL NAME AND ADDRESS FOR THE RECORD. CONSENT CALENDAR' (ALL MATTERS LISTED UNDER CONSENT CALENDAR ARE CONSIDERED ROUTINE AND WILL BE ENACTED BY ONE MOTION. THERE WILL BE NO SEPARATE DISCUSSION OF THESE ITEMS PRIOR TO THE TIME OF THE VOTING ON THE MOTION UNLESS MEMBERS OF THE COMMISSION, STAFF OR PUBLIC REQUEST SPECIFIC ITEMS TO BE DISCUSSED AND/OR REMOVED FROM THE CONSENT CALENDAR FOR SEPARATE ACTION.) . Minutes of the February 13, 1989 Plannin..~ Commission Meeting Comtsstoner #etl noted a change to the minutes, on page ten, second to the last line add in quotes "texture and materials'. ~xmtsstoner Le deune moved~ i Ponttous seconded to approve the mtnutes as amended. Hotton c~rrted $-0'. ' ' ' PUBLIC HEARINGS 2. Second Amendment to Ves~tng Tentative Tract Map 13274. APPLICANT- LOCATION: ZONING: ENVIRONMENTAL STATUS: IRVINE INDUSTRIAL COMPANY 2 PARK PLAZA, SUITE 300 IRVINE, CALIFORNIA 92714 TUSTIN MARKET PLACE & RETENTION BASIN PD-PLANNED DEVELOPMENT; EAST TUSTIN SPECIFIC PLAN - MIXED USE. A PREVIOUS PROGRAM ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT REPORT WAS PREPARED FOR · THIS PROJECT. REQUEST: APPROVAL OF A SECOND AMENDMENT TO VESTING TENTATIVE TRACT MAP 13274 TO SUBDIVIDE 129 ACRES INTO 22 NUMBERED AND THREE (3) LETTERED LOTS. THE AMENDMENT IS RELATED TO THE CREATION OF THREE (3) LOTS, #21, #22, AND LOT 'C' ADJACENT TO THE TUSTIN AUTO CENTER. ' Recommendati on - 1. It is recommended that the Planning Commission approve the environmental determination for the project by adopting Resolution No. 2569, as submitted or revised. Planning Commission Actt,.., February 27, 1989 Page . It ls recommended that the Planning Commission recommend approval of the proposed Second Amendment to Vestlng Tentative Tract Hap 13274, to the City Counc'tl by adopttng Resolution No. 2571, subject, to the conditions contained in Exhibit A, attached thereto, as submitted or revised. Presentation- Steve Rubtn, Senior Planner ..Co,~lssloner Ponttous moved, Wet1 seconded to reco~aend to Ctty Counct] approval of the .second Aaend~n~"to Vestlng Tentative Tract Map 13274 by the adoptton of Reso]utt'on Iio. 2571 wtth the following revlsto, to Exhlblt A. page t~o: add "1.8 Prtor to approval of the Ftnal ~p. the subdivider shall execute an agreement wtth the Ctty specifying the nature and extent of do~n stream tmprevenents to the E1 Hodena Channel as ~ell as responsibility for tntract tmproveaents to be known as the Auto Center Drtve Terminus stor. drain extentlon to be completed tn con~unctton wtth developaent of the expanded Tusttn Auto Center stte (retention bastn area}. The agreeaent shall clearly establish the 11.lts of responsibilities for all Improvements for all parttes. Hotton carrted 5-0. Comtssloner Ponttous moved, #el1 seconded to approve the Envtronmonta] Determination for the project by the adoptton of Reso]utton #o. 2569. Hotton carrled 5-0. Comtssloner Pontlous moved. #et1 seconded to note that Resolution Ho. 2569 be adopted prtor to No. 2571. There was no opposition. 3. .Use Pemtt 89-03 APPLICANT/ OWNER' LOCATION: ZONING: E NV I RONME NTAL STATUS: REQUEST: W & S COMMERCIAL, INC. 2402 MICHELSON DRIVE, #230 IRVINE, CALIFORNIA 92715 1492 INDUSTRIAL DRIVE AT RED HILL AVENUE M-INDUSTRIAL A NEGATIVE DECLARATION HAS BEEN PREPARED FOR THIS' PROJECT. TO CONSTRUCT A BUILDING PROPOSED FOR OVER 50% PROFESSIONAL OFFICE USE IN THE M-INDUSTRIAL ZONE. Recommendation - It is recommended that the Planning Commission approve Use Permit 89-03 by adoption of Resolution No. 2567 as submitted or revised. Presentation' Laura Kuhn, Senior Planner Co, mtsstoner Shaheen moved, Le deune seconded to approve Use Permit 89-03 by the adoption of Resolution No. 2567 revtsed as follows: Exhibit A, Page two, item 3.2, line one after 'All exterior colors' add "and materials' and 1the two after 'Oepartment' add "subject to general conformity with the orlgtn~l submitted plans date stamped February 27, 1989.'; Page five, delete item 4.2. Hoti on carrted 5-0. Planning Commission Acttu.. A? February 27, 1989 Page three ® Use Permit 89-04 APPLICANT- OWNER' LOCATION' ZONING- ENVIRONMENTAL STATUS- BOBBY GILBERT (B & J TREE SERVICE) 17300 17TH STREET, SUITE J231 TUSTIN, CALIFORNIA 92680 FRANARGOFIN ARNEL DEVELOPMENT 950 SOUTH COAST DRIVE #200 COSTA MESA, CALIFORNIA 92626 1062 EL CAMINO REAL (SOUTH SIDE OF EL CAMINO) TUSTIN, CALIFORNIA 92680 RETAIL COMMERCIAL (C-1) CATEGORICALLY EXEMPT FROM THE REQUIREMENTS OF THE CALIFORNIA ENVIRONMENTAL QUALITY ACT (CLASS 4) REQUEST: AUTHORIZATION FOR THE CONTINUATION OF THE STORAGE OF FIREWOOD, VEHICLES AND SUPPORT SALES ACTIVITY FOR B & J TREE SERVICE. Recommendation - Approve Resolution No. 2568 which authorizes the continuation of outdoor storage and sales, as revised or as submitted. Presentation: Mary Ann Chamberlain, Associate Planner Commissioner Wet1 moved, Le deune seconded to approve Use Permlt 89-04 by the adoptlon of Resolution No. 2568. Commissioner .Wetl moved, Le deune seconded, to amend Resolution No. 2568, page two, section E to add "Inoperable vehtcles Shall not be stored on thls property.' and to move the amendment before the orlginal morton. ~otton carrted 5-0. 5. Variance 89-02 APPLICANT. OWNER' LOCATION' ZONING: ENVIRONMENTAL STATUS: REQUEST: DURFEE GARDENS PARTNERSHIP 1700 RAINTREE ROAD FULLERTON, CALIFORNIA 92635 SAME 14372 S. YORBA STREET (S/E CORNER OF YORBA AND NORWOOD PARK PLACE) R-I, SINGLE FAMILY RESIDENTIAL CATEGORICALLY EXEMPT (CLASS 3, SECTION 15303(a)) TO REDUCE THE REQUIRED REAR SETBACK FROM THE CENTERLINE OF YORBA STREET FROM 65 FEET TO 60 FEET ON LOT 2 OF TENTATIVE TRACT MAP 13822. Recommendation - It is recommended that the Planning Commission approve Variance 89-02 by adopting Resolution No. 2565, suqject to the conditions contained therein, as submitted or revised. Presentation' Steve Rubln, Senior Planner Comtsstoner Wetl imoVed, Shaheen seconded to approve Variance 89-2 ~by adoption Of Resoltulon #o. 256S subject to the conditions contained In Exhibit A. F~otton carrted $-0. Planning Commission Acttb._ Ag February 27, 1989 Page four 6. Orange County Hazardous Waste ..Management Plan . Presentation: Laura Kuhn, Senior Planner Commissioner Wetl moved, Le deune seconded to recomend approval to the City council of the Orange County Hazardous Waste Management Plan by the adoptton of Resolution No. 2570. Motion Carrled 5-0. 7. Widening of I-S Free. way - East of Red Hill Avenue Presentation' Laura Kuhn, Senior Planner Recetved and filed. 8. Color and Materials Board for the Golf Course Clubhouse Review 88-53 Presentation: Steve Rubtn, Senior Planner Comlsstoner #et1 moved, Le deune seconded approve the color and mtertals board as ~,bmJtted for the ~'roject' by mtnute order, with the folloutng conditions: i. Reflective glass to be placed with the reflective surface on the tnstde; said glass .to be used only tn the Pro Shop wlndods. 2. Rose colored glass 'may be used In wtndoffs above seven (7) feet tn helght. 3. Kalwa11 material may be used In vertlcal elements, specifically on the clear story behlnd the curved wall tn conjunction wlth the rose colored glass. 4. Adoqutn stone may be used .ms veneer on wall surfaces near the entry walk (porte-cochere) and the Pro Shop. Plans for the application of satd veneer at plan check shall be subject to revte~ and approval of the Community Development Department. 5. good wtndou frames shall be pat nted to match the stucco or be treated wtth the transparent stutn ms used tn the trellises and porte-cochere. Motlon carrted 5-0. g. Final Tract Map 13834 APPLICANT/ OWNER- LOCATION' ZONING: ENVIRONMENTAL STATUS: REQUEST: THE IRVINE COMPANY 550-C NEWPORT CENTER DRIVE NEWPORT BEACH, CA 92660 TERMINUS OF AUTO CENTER DRIVE CUL-DE-SAC BETWEEN THE TUSTIN AUTO CENTER AND THE EL MODENA FLOOD CONTROL CHANNEL PC-MIXED USE, EAST TUSTIN SPECIFIC PLAN · CATEGORICALLY EXEMPT (CLASS 15) TO SUBDIVIDE THREE (3) NUMBERED LOTS AND ONE (1) LETTERED LOT ON' A 7.274 ACRE AREA ORIGINALLY SHOWN AS LOTS #21, #22, AND 'C' THE OF SECOND AMENDMENT TO TRACT 13274. Recommendation - It ts recommended that 'the Planning Commission recommend approval of Final Tract Map 13834 to the City Council by the adoption of Resolution No. 2566 as submitted o.r revised. Planning Commission Acti~.. Af February 27, 1989 Page five Presentatidn' L~ura Kuhn, Senior Planner Comissioner Le deune moved, iWell seconded to recommend approval to the City Counctl approval of Ftna] Tract Map 13834 by the adoptlon of Resolution No. 2566 wlth the roi]owing revisions: Add 'I.C. The Final Map reflects only a portion of the ortgtnal land area shown on Tract Map 13274. The Subdivision Map Act permits filing of phase Flnal Maps on lots whlch conform wlth the ortglnal Tentative Tract Map.' ~lotton carried S-O. STAFF CONCERNS 10. R. eport on Actions Taken at the February 21, lg8g City Council Meeting Presentation- Christine Shingleton, Director of Community Development COMMISSION CONCERNS Commissioner Le Oeune noted that he was sorry that the reporter from the Tusttn News had 1left as he wanted to note that the newspaper had quoted the Comrisston as spendlng 30 ,~nutes discussing whether to name the golf course a 'golf course' or a 'golf club". Commissioner Le Jeune noted that the Commission spent apprexlmately ten mtnutes discussing that 1tern. He also asked about guldance from the Ctty Counctl regarding sidewalks. Staff responded that they would be happy to provide the pollcy guidelines to the Comd sston. Cemntssto~r Le Jeune also noted concern on the screening of the Water Works site along Main Street; noted that a complaint had been rode to his about the house on Paclflc and Second where people are unloading large 1toms after hours; and noted that there are several signs that bltnk that are not tn co,fformnce wtth the stgn code, and that he would call staff wtth a 1t st. The Director noted that staff would look into these items and respond to the Comdsston. She also noted that .staff w111 not be able to remove t11eega1 non-conforming signs until the stgn code is adopted and a complete survey Is completed. She Indicated that staff wtll provide a revised schedule for the stgn code as soon as possible. Commissioner Shaheen asked what was happening with the abandoned property on the west Side Of the Peppertree subdivision and asked for a letter for btm to glve ~oncerned homeowners. The Director noted that storm drain improvements are scheduled for the area. She alsO noted that the Otrector of Publtc Works is working closely with a representative from the Peppertree Homeowner's Association and that she wtll obtain a copy of the letter that was provided to the Homeowner's Association. Planntng Commission Actl~,, Ac February 27, lg89 Page six Commissioner Pontlous noted that there are stgnage problems tn the wlndo~s along Newport Avenue across from Tusttn Plaza. Staff responded that enforcement actton Is betng taken. Commissioner lie11 asked the status of reappotntment of Pla~ntng Conmtsstoners and also noted"'that she had some changes to be made on the Fence Gutde provtded at the last meetlng. The Otrector noted that the Commission serves at wt11 untt1 removed by the City Counc11. ADdOURIIqE#T At 9:20 Co,,Btssloner Le Jeune moved, #etl seconded to ad;iourn to the next regular meetlng on March 13. 1989 at 7:00 p.m. llotlon carrted 5-0.