HomeMy WebLinkAboutCC MINUTES 1969 02 17 MINUTES OF A REGULAR MEETING TUSTIN CITY COUNCTL February 17, 1969 CALL TO ORDER Meeting called to order at 7:30 P.M. by Mayor Coco° PLEDGE OF Led by Mayor Coco ALLEGIANCE INVOCATION Given by Mayor Coco Present: Councilmen: Coco, Mack, Klin~elhofer, Marsters Absent: Councilmen: Miller (Mr. Miller arrived at 10:05 P.M.) Others Present: City A~ninistrator Harry Gill City Attorney James Rourke .City Clerk Ruth Poe Planning Director Jmnes Supinger ~oved by Marsters~ seconded by Mack that minutep of ~phruary 3~ 1969 meeting be approvedo Carried 1. ZC-69-189 - PAUL- B. TREAT Application for rezoning an approxinmte 12 acre parcel from the PM (Planned Industrial) and M (Industrial) Districts to the R-3-1750 (Multiple Residential, 1750 sq. ft. per unit of lot area) District. Site fronts 480' on the southeast side of Newport Avenue, approx- imately 700' southwest of the centerline of Sycamore Avenue° Hearing opened at 7:35 P.M. ~r. Supinge__rexplained size and location of site and recorffaendations of Planning Cormmission for denial by a 4 to 3 vote, and the following staff recommendations: 1. That plans for water lines, fire hydrantss access and fire extinguishers be subject to the approval of the Fire Department. 2. Dedication of street right-of-way in accordance with the Master Plan of Arterial Highway plus a cul-de-sac at the end of Newport Avenue. 3. Grant sufficient right-of-way and construct street improvements for a cul-de-sac at the end of Carfax Avenue to the satisfaction of the City Engineer° ~' Access rights shall be given to the City and used for {~ emergency access only. 4. Installation of asphalt pavement, curb, gutter and sidewalk, 5. Installation of street trees and street lighting. 6. Installation of a drainage structure to direct storm runoff to the Flood Control Channel. Council Minutes 2/17/69 Pg. 2 Mr. John Stanlel, attorney representing o~,~aers, Pacific Drive-In ~eaters and developer~ Mr. Paul Treat, submitted aerial photo and map to the Councils Mro Stanley stated he felt this land could be used for little other than multiple° Bite is adjacent to apartments and single family residential 6n the north, undeveloped property of Mr. ~illiams to the west and he has a letter from Mro Williams stating he is in favor of this zoning, school property is tothe east, Flood Control and spur tracks to the south and due to the proximity of free- way° Mr. Stanley felt there was a dearth of information pre- sented at the Planning Commission hearing and that City department heads seem to see no problem with the development° Mr. William St Phelps, 914 E. Katella Xvenue, Anaheim, '~uilding Designer for this development, presented plans of tentative development. Mr. Phelps stated that this is a difficult site to develop with the conditions to the south° Tried to make conditions on the north so that there are one story individual low density conditions that will border next to the ~xisting R-lo Carfax Street as a cui-de-s~c would not be usable to t~is development but would ~e a turn around for the R-1 deyelopment and for pedestrian traffic with a crash wall for access by emergency vehicles'~ Plans aall for both multiple and single story along Newport Avenue with a diagonal facing. In answer to questioning, ~r. Supinger stated that parking requirements are one space per bachelor unit, 1~ spaces for I and 2 bedroom units and 2 spaces for units of more than 2 bedrooms° All call for 1 to 1 covered~ There being no further con~nents and no objections, the hearing was declared closed at 7:40 P.Mo In answer to questioning by M~yor Coco, Mro Supinger stated that Mr. Willjams' property is designated as heavy density on the General Plan which would be camparable to the R-3-1750 zoning° The property in question tonight is designated for a community park and as high density residential which is comparable to our R-4 zoning° The General Plan is half the density proposed° Amount of multiple zoning was a concern when considerations were made at Newport and Walnut° His reasons for favorable recognition on this application is that he felt the conditions are similar on this property as they were at Newport and Walnut or possibly even a little more detrimental to this particular property° As to the density on Sycamore Gardens - it is zoned R-4 in the County and he would assume that it is developed at about 12 to 14 units per acre. ~r. Gill explained that at the time the school purchased their site fronting Red Hill from the Irving Campany, a portion of the parcel here owned by Pacific Drive-In Theaters was purchased al~o by the schools° The concern the City had at that time was that any development on this parcel would cause traffic to flow onto Carfax Avenue~ The schools had thought of using Carfax as access to the school site but now intend to put warehousing along the easterly boundary of the site° Purposely no access would be provided to the school site from Carfax~ There should be same access provided for children walking to the school which can be worked out with the schools and emergenc~ access from Carfax to Fire. The thought was that ther~ be no traffic going up Carfax. Traffic would go on Newport Avenue~ The Fire Department's only concern would be water, hydrants, extinguishers and access to the area° Council Minutes 2/17/69 Pg. 3 Moved by Klingelhofer~ seconded by Mack that Zone Change 39-189 for fezcuing from Planned l~strial a~ Industrial to the R-3-175D(Multipte Residential) be aDproved subject to stipulated conditions. Carried unanimously. , 2. PZ-68-114 - RINKER DEVELOPMENT CORPORATION ON BEHALF OF FIRST WESTERN BANK AND TRUST CO. For prezoning of a 4.34 acre parcel to the PC (Planned Co~munity-Conmarcial) District, Site fronts 310' on the northwest side of Red Hill Avenue and 610' on the southwest side of Irvine Boulevard° Proposed uses include a market, satellite retail shops and a bank. Mr. Supin~e_!.r explained size and location of subject property, proposed zoning and uses and recommendation of the Planning Commission for denial. ~pyor Coco qpened the hearing at 8:01 P.Mo and made clear to the audience that the Cnuncil does have considerable amount of data from the Planning Commission hearings on this and the next agenda item and-the Council would appreciate it if the comments were confined to any new data that might have developed since the Commission hearing. Mr~ Ro~er Bowell 401 W. Eighth Street, Santa Ana, attorney representing applicant, Rinker Development Corporation° In summarlzingthe situation he felt that at the Planning Commission hearing they were faced with three problems: First, violation of the General Plan; secondly, unfavorable comparison made with other shopping centers and finally, the feeling by some that no matter what, the property could be developed for R-1 uses° Mr. Howell stated that after thorough investigation he felt that this property was definitely a problem and rated a change of use, He had met with neighbors to see if any development was possible and if so to give any suggestions, The key problem to this property is that there are no roads stubbed in from adjoining tracts, leaving the property isolated. As to conflict with the General Plan, Mr, Howell stated that as defined by law a general plan is merely a guide not a lawo In comparison with other commercial developments~ this is not comparable to any commercial in this City or area and they have asked for annexation under the toughest commercial zoning. Thirdly, as to development under R-l, this property poses a hardship situation and property ~ould be rezoned in court if not in normal legislative processes, but they are in no way proposing or made any steps toward a court action° Mr. W. Frome, Secretary-Treasurer of Rinker Development Corporation, stated that they were aware of the difficulties of developing the property. They knew there was a need for the type of zoning reque~'ted as shown by the interest by Von's Market {n developing in this area and that due to proximity to the residential area, they would have to come in with a development that is out of the ordinary. ~F. James Stewart, representing Von's Market, displayed an aerial photo of the Tustin area and stated that Von's had made an extensive economic study and found this to be a high income area with great potential growth° A lot of spending is being dra~a out of Tustin and that there is an opportunity for a high quality market here that would attract sales tax ~ich is now going out of the community° Council Minutes 2/17/69 Pgo 4 Mro Frome stated that because of the character of the area they would have to do an outstanding job ~nd showed slides of the East Bluff development which is comparable to that planned here~ Mr~ Frome pointed out the lighting, signs, architecture and landscaping used° Also the enclosed areas for trash from the market and stores. Mr. John Seig~l., 1841 La Colina Drive, spoke in opposition ~f this prezoning and stated he had been connected with the sale of the property on two sides and this property was created with the knowledge of the present o~ners when they sold off portions of their groves° He said that property could be sold for residential prices and would be no financial hardship to any of the owners° Mr. J. HiSgins, real estate respresentative with Jo Ojeda, stated that this property did not have to go commercial. There is now a church that has nude an offer which is more than the residential price° ~ys.Blanche"Wolfe, real estate developer .of Tusein Heights Shopping Center, stated'that there is commercial within one half mile and now have all the conm~ercial development needed in this areat The slides shovn were beautiful but how will they keep it as shown even with cleaning up everyday. There is no reason to zone. any more commercial when 100,O00 acres of commercial are in the area° ~ro Jim Hill, 1392 Garland Avenue, representing the home owners in section of Red Hill and Irvine, also spoke in opposition and referred to a petition Bearing 434 names filed with the Planning Conmissiono This zoning conflicts with the General Plan, is strip zoning, destroys the surrounding residential property and a need has not been shown~ Mro Hill also referred to a letter fromMro F. Dickason, County Planning Director, opposing this zoning. Mr. Frank Markus of 1422 Garland Avenue, stated he appreciated the slides shown by the developer. These slides showed the surrounding area of a park~ apartments, a wide boulevard, tennis courts and a bluff. This is not a logical comparison° All trucks entering the proposed project will pass houses abutting 'the wallo At a shopping center there are about 57 trucks in one day° As to the walled trash areas, he visited East Bluff and some refuse still falls out. What is built will increase traffic in this area. A proposal is now bein~ made for a large gas station sign.at the Rinker Development at Red Hill and Walnut. Who is to say this will not happen at this development if approved. Mr. Ray Pet__tof 1542 Tiffany Place, representing Red Hill Homeowners Association, felt this would not enhance the business community but would be taking trade from existing Tustin centerS. Mr. Pete Markus, 1422 Garland Avenue, spoke in opposition stating that even with walls and enclosed areas, wind will still blow trash into peoples' yards° If there is commercial in wrong places in Tustin, it should not be compounded° If they only want to move in if in harmony with the neighborhood, the amount of opposition should be their answer. Mr. Frome stated that to eliminate noise of trucks at the rear of residential property, they are relocating the area so that trucks can enter off Irvine Boulevard and no trucks will be required at the far end of the property. As to Council Minutes 2/17/69 Pg. 5 trash, it will be kept up and in contained areas° Mr. Frome'felt that the need had been established by the fact that a major corporation has made a surv&y and is willing to invest hundreds of thousands of dollars for this development. ~. Howell made further reference to meetings held with .property owners in the area and the fact that they are open to any suggestions for any economically.feasible use of this property. There being no further new comnents or objections, the hearing was declared closed at 9:26 P.M. ~ouncilman Marstots stated he was very impressed with the presentation of Rinker Development CorporatiOn and heard nothing that would make him think they would not develop the property as they represent they wodld. As long as they are in control of the property, they would develop it with all integrity. HoweveX, Mr. Marsters stated he did not feel this to be a justifiable request. In this application they state-that they feel this would be the highest and best use at this intersection. There are many other intersections perhaps even more desirable in the City. In the letter from the County of Orange, it states that they see no Justification in this use; that it would encourage spot commercial development an~ destroy established residential area. There are 3 shopping centers in the area and perhaps there is already too much competition° The Council will be discussing the economic survey and perhaps as that develops it will shed more light on this problem. He feels this property could he developed economically as an R-1 development° ~oved by Marsters~ seconded by Mac~ that PZ 68~-114 of Rinker Development Corporation be ~eniedo ~ouncilman Klingelhofer stated that he felt that this has been one of the finest hearings the City has had, typified hy fairness and apparently a great deal of grass roots groundwork to bring it ~o this point° There are, however, some problems in the conmercial zone as presented here that cannot be surmounted by structure placement or sound abatement or aesthetics and that the adjacent homeowners would be compelled to bear this hardship regardless of any benefits that might i~cur to the City or the property owners° Moved by Klingelhpfer~ seconded by Mac~ that the previous ~uestion be called° Carried. Frevious motion to deny PZ 68-114 carried nnaD{m~usly. 3. PZ-68-113 - RINKER DEVELOPMENT CORPORATION ON BEHALF OF SONIA ADERHOLD For prezoning a lo86. acre parcel to the PC (Planned Community-Commercial) District including an automobile service station, a restaurant and retail stores° ~ocation is the northwest corner of the intersection of Red Hill Avenue and Irvine Boulevard° Mr. Supinger explained size~ location and proposed uses and conveyed the Planning Conmission recommendation for denial° ~ayor Coco announced that any testimony heard tonight in agenda item #2, as well as ~fitten testimony, will be in- cluded as a part of this agenda item #3, if there are no objections. Council Minutes 2/17/69 Pg. 6 HeariBg opened at 9:32 PoM. ~__r., Roger Ho~ell, attorney for Rinker Development Corporation, stated that as testimony from previous hearing will be included in this hearing, it does not need repeating but there is a difference he would like to present° The major .difference in the t~o properties is the storm drain problem on the south which leaves no access on this parcel and the development costs leave no way to go but non residential. He felt that this property meets all requirements of la~ for this zone change due to the hardship application such as access, storm drain, traffic, size, shape, etc. Mro Frome, Rinker Development Corporation, stated that the costs of covering this storm drain and the street improvements, if spread over 7 residential lots, would amount to approx- imately ~8,500 per loto He invited any®ne to suggest what alternative development possibilities might beo This is an economic problem° ~ro Willia~'_Ha__rr.i~, 1472 Kenneth Drive, neighborhood ~pokesman, stated they realized the problems but felt that something besides what is proposed could be developed° He felt that proposed development would be a problem for year~ to come~ There is a service station in this propbsal & a report put out by the Planning Dept. covers 'any need for more stations. There is no w~y to bypass this corner to get to the residential area. As to satellite stores, there are presently vacancies in other centers in the area. One of the biggest businesses proposed is the restaurant and cocktail lounge and there is no way one can filter the noises, smoke, dirt and smells from such an establishment and no need for a cocktail lounge in a residential neighborhood° Mro Harris questioned whether this property could be annexed to the City as it is not contiguous unless the property in PZ-114 were annexed° Mayor Coco stated that it could not be annexed if not contiguous. A prezoning can be passed with the stipulation that when and if the property becomes a part of the City it will be so zoned. Additional annexation would be necessary for this parcel to be annexed. There be{rig no further conments or objections, the hearing was declared closed at 9:50 P.M. Councilman Mack asked that Mr. Frome be permitted to present some new evidence, ~r. Frome stated that as the main objection seemed to be the cocktail lounge, they will eliminate it from the plans and propose in lieu thereof a commercial retail establishment which would not have the sale of foodstuffs, Mr. Frome also stated that they would further stipulate that they would retain o~mership of the 'property at least until it is fully developed and all buildings built. Councilman Klingethofer felt that gover~ental bodies have the need to investigate what uses a parcel could be developed under. Asked if the Council had any suggestions of potential uses for this parcel. Mayor C~c__oreferred to the statement by Mr. Harris regarding other uses and the proposals for change of commercial use and retaining ownership° He then asked if perhaps this nmtter should be continued to explore other uses because of the hardships. Council Minutes 2/17/69 Pg. 7 _Councilman Mack felt that the Council had one thing to consider and that is the question for prozoning and to suggest any other use is against principles of zoning° Co~ncit must keep in mind the possible prezoning, not ---- annexation° The answer to this question may be found in the economic study° .Moved by..M..ack, seconded b3_ Marsters thaf' Prezone 68-113 of Rinker Development Corporation be denied~ Mayor Coco stated that he would prefer continuance rather than denial if there is any willingness to continue. In answer to questioning, Mro Harris said he felt they were open minded to other opportunities, although, he did not feel that the prezone before the Council should be changed tonight and would not like to see this continued. Mr. Frome stated he wohld:prefer continuance rather than denial o Moved by Mack~ seconded by Marsters that .question on previous motior~ be called for. Carried° ~ Motion to deny PZ-68-113 carried una{~im~uslyo M~yor_C_9.o~o called a 5 minute recess. --- . .C. ouncilman Miller arrived at 10:05 PoMo Meeting reconvened at 10:10 P°M. VII. OLD 1. ORDINANCE NO. 428 - Second reading BUSINESS AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF TUSTIN, AMENDING THE TUSTIN CITY CODE RELATIVE TO BUILDING RELOCATIONS Moved by_.Mack~ seconded by Marsters that .Ordinance No~ 428 have ,second reading by title only. o Carried unanimously° .Moyed by Mack~ seconded by Klingelhofer that Ordinance Noo .428~ amending the Tustin City Code relative to ,b.uildin~ .relocations, be passed and adopted. Carried by roll call. Ayes: Coco, Mack, Klingelhofer, Miller, Marsters. Noes: None. Absent: None 2. .APPOINII4ENT OF MEMBERS TO THE TNT ECONOMIC COMMIITTEE .Mayor Coco stated that responses are in from all but three letters of appointment and asked that calls be made on Tuesday to the three who have not responded for their ... dec is ion° Due to press 'of present commitments, .Councilman Marsters asked that he be relieved of the duties of Chairman of this Committee, but he would like to serve as a member° .~ouncilman Mack suggested that the Council consider appointing Charles Greenwood as Chairman, stating that Mro Greenwood has for many years been interested in this particular subject and would do a fine job° Councilman Miller agreed with Mro Mack and suggested that a formal request to serve as Chairman be sent to Mr. Greenwood. Council Minutes 2/17/69 Pgo 8 Mr0 Gill suggested that if it is the Council's desire, ~o appoint Mr. Greenwood as Chairman unless he says at a later date that he would not. It is planned to call the first meeting for Marth 4th and it wduld be well to have a Chairman for this m~eting. · 'M_~yor C9~co' stated that this appointment .ha's been discussed with Mr. Greenwood and he has expressed'willingness to accept if Mr. Marsters could not° Mayor Coc~ appointed Mr. Greenwood as Chairman of the TNT bommittee conditioned upon his acceptance and asked that a letter be sent to him witb this invitation° ~ayor Coco presented the existing list of Con~nittee members and stated that three additional names .had been received° Moved bX__Macl_~c seconded by Klingelhofer that apppintment of the existing list 6f Cbma~ittee members as presented be ratified~ Councilman Marsters stated that he was given to understand ~hat perhaps Mr. Moses would like to substitute John Hardy in his place. Mr o Hard/t s rated he would 'be attending for Mr. Moses~ Councilman KlinEelhofer asked how the Council was going to replace members if a vacancy occurs. If a person finds it difficult to attend a lot of the meetings he felt it incumbent upon the Chairman to bring this to the Council's attention and the Council should so stipulate so that if anyone misses more than 3 or 4 times let it be the Council's discretion to appoint other members o It may be well at the first meeting to have a charge presented and let them know what the Council expects of them - discipline as well as production. Motion to ratify Committee carried. Councilman Klin~elhofer proposed that if any member of the Committee misses 3 meetings, the Chairman should let the Council know. The Council should receive attendance reports as well as activity reports° Councilman Marsters suggested that the Council consider alternates for the members. Councilman Mack suggested that at the first meeting each member be authorized to appoint his alternate° If the appointed member or his alternate misses 3 meetings then it should be brought to the Council's attention for replacement° Ma~ Coco said he woul& like to see the Council make some very definite charges to begin with: 1) Attendance reports° 2) 100% attendance of member or alternate and alternates to be appointed at first meeting. 3) Any rules of the Committee be transmitted through the Chairman to the Council for approval so that anything not thought of tonight but thought of by the Committee could be incorporated into the Conm~ittee charter. Council Minutes 2/17/69 Pgo 9 ~ouncilman Kling~.lhofer felt that the consultants might have some very good ideas and would, therefore, not like to cut it off at that, but when this charge is made that, in consultation with Mro Gill, this could be discussed and a very formal presentation made at that time° ~ayo~ Coco stated that in any changes in appointments, it might be to the Council's advantage to ask that any changes that the Conm~ittee makes or additions be submitted to the Council for approval. An alternative to that would be to allow the Chairman of the Committee to make appointments and create new categories as necessary, similar to the way the General Plan Committee was run. C~uncilma__n_..~ack suggested that the Chairman be authozized to make any changes° The Council is certainly going to be kept abreast of what is happening and can offer input if necessary° This will help expedite things and not bog them dox~a with simple details that should be handled by the Chairman° ~ouncilman Kli__p_gelhofer ~elt that the Chairman would appreciate the Council letting him know if they have definite feelings on any matter. The ~ouncil shouid .encourage the appointed members and not the alternates to attend° Should not encourage alternates but could mention that we expect attendance and if they cannot possibly be there, they are expected to send someone in " their place to carry the word of that meeting back, but not to make it a practice to send someone elseo Councilman Mack suggested that the Mayor be present at the first TNTmeeting to express the thoughts of the Council and the importance of this study to the City and the fact that the Council is fully supporting them. ~ouncilman Miller stated that he concurred with Councilman Klingelhofer on the ratification of new members by the Council. Councilman Marsters stated that he agreed° ~ayor Coco stated that it seems to be the general feeling that matters of major change to the make-up of the Committee, namely in category and actual membership to be appointed, should come before the Council as suggested by the Committee, whereas rules of procedure of the Corm~ittee be left to the Chairman. Mayor Coco directed that the above comments be recorded from the tape of this meeting and stated that he will make every effort to attend the first meeting of the TNT Cor~ittee and " make a presentation of tonight's discussion. V NEW 1. RESOLUTION NO. 982 BUSINESS A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF TUSTtN, ANNEXING TO THE CITY OF TUSTIN CERTAIN UNINHABITED TERRITORY DESCRIBED HEREIN, AND DESIGNATED "RED HILL AVENUE-SANTA ANA FREEWAY SOUTH ANNEXATION" ~oved by Klingelhofer~ seconded by M~rsters that R._esolution ~po 982 be ~ead by title only.. Carried unanimously. /O Council 14inures 2/17/69 Pg. 10 Moved. by_Mack~ spconded by Marsters that Resolution Moo 9%~, ~nnexing to the City of Tustin certain u~i~labited territory designated Red Hill Avenue-Santa Ana Freeway South Annexation, be passed and adop~__e~o Carried by roll cello Ayes: Coco, Mack, Klingelhofer, Miller~ ~arsterso Noes: None. Absent: None°. 2. RESOLUTION NO. 983 ARESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF TUSTIN, CALIFORNIA, APPROVING PLANS AND SPECIFICATIONS FOR CONSTRUCTION OF MEDIAN CURBS ON FIRST STREET FROM CENTENNIAL WAY ("H" STREET) TO NEWPORT AVENUE, AND AUTHORIZING AND DIRECTING THE CITY CLERK TO ADVERTISE FOR BIDS. pouncilman Miller stated that he did not think the plans for this divider are i~ keeping with ~hat he anticipated° BoYle sections~ 4' wide~ are sho~n for concrete and appear to he wide '&hough for planting and perhaps this could even be widened° Mr. Gill stated that maintenance is a problem in'narrow ~trips and that according to the engineer this would have to be the ~idth~ Moved by Mil~er u seconded by Marsters that this matter be deferred to the next re_J~l~F meet~n~and request that the Parks and Recreation Conm~ission have a special meeting to consider these plans and make a recommendation to the Council° Carried° 3. RESOLUTION NO. 984 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF TUSTIN, CALIFORNIA, AUTHORIZING THE ACQUISITION BY THE CITY OF NECESSARY PROPERTY FOR A NORTHBOUND OFF-RAMP FROM THE SANTA ANA FREEWAY AT NEWPORT AVENUE WITHIN THE CITY OF TUSTIN. Moved by_M__ij. ler~. seconded by Mac~t[at Resolution Moo 984 he read by title on~Z. Carried unanimously° Moved bX Mack~ seconded. by M~ller that Resolution Noo 984, authorizing the acquisition of necessary property for a northbound off-ramp from the Santa Aria Freeway at Newport Avenue, be passed and adopted° Carried unanimously° 4. RESOLFfION NO. 985 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF TUSTIN, CALIFORNIA, PETITIONING THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS OF THE COUNTY OF ORANGE TO CANCEL TAXES. Moved by_Marsters~ seconded by. Mac__kthat. R~solution Moo 985 ~e read by title only. Carried nnanimduslyo Moved by Millef~ seconded by Klingelhofer that Resolution No. 9~.5, petitionlug the Board of Supervisors of the County of Orange to cancel taxes, be passed and adopte~. Carried unanimously° Council Minutes 2/17/69 Pg. 11 5. CIVIC CENTER SITE ACQUISITION -PARCELS THREE, FOUR AND FIVE OF PROPERTY LOCATED AT NORTHWEST CORNER OF MAIN AND CENTENNIAL WAY ("H" STREET). Moved by Mack, seconded b_~y Marsters that the ~i~.yp_r a__n_~d ~i~y Cl~_~k b; authorizYe~ ~'d'i~reT~ed to execute escrow ~nstructions approving legal d. escriptiou.a~id conditions, and that ~eposit of ~150z000 in escrow be authorized under provisions of the escrow instru'ltions and that the transfer of $150,675 from Unappropriated Reserve to Account 1881 be approved for ~his purpose. Carried. 6. REQUEST FOR AUTHORIZTION OF RECREATION DIRECTOR POSITION ~pved by Marsters,__seconded b~_Mack that ~L~_0p be ~ran_s_i- ~rred from the UnaDjE~_PF.i~ted Reserve to the appropriate accounts in the Recreation Bude~as proposed, and that inm~ediate action~be c~i'~to recruit for the. position ef Recreation Director~ Carried. 7. DENIAL OF CLAIM OF DAVID W. PETERSON ~ Moved bX Miller, seconded by Mack that ~laim of David W. Feterso~ be ~e~ie~o Carried. 8. APPROVAL OF DEMANDS Moved blMi~ller, seconded, bX Mac_~ that ~mand~ in the amount of $46,111o71 be apjj~. Carried. IX. OTHER 1. Re_~.p_qrt from Mr, Gill relative to Borchard Propert_~o BUSINESS 2o ~port from Mr. Gil'f on ~.tatu_3.s of Diszussions of rFoposed Newport Avenue off-ram_/lfor Santa And Freewayo Mro Gill also reminde~'lhose present that the bus to the hearing Thursday morning would be leaving from City Hall at 7:45 A.M. Followipg Correspondence Received: 1) Appointments to Committees - League of California Cities (Harry Gill appointed to Annexation Committee). 2) Notice of Joint Council-Planning Commission Meeting February 20th at 7:00 P.M. 3) Mail delivery - R. Huisenga, Tustin Post Office. 4) January Activity Report - Building Department~ 5) January Activity S~mmary - Police Department. 6) Letter of Commendation to Public Works Personnel° ?) Minutes of General Meeting - Orange County Division, League of California Cities° .. 8) Harbor District Dissolution - Assemblyman Briggs. 9) Calif6rnia-~fexico Border - Assemblyma~ Badham, -_ U.S. Senator George Murphy and Vernon Sturgeon for Governor Reagan. 10) Relative to Council Resolution Commending President Hayakawa - Glenn So Dumke, Chancellor. 11) Quarterly Business Review - First National Bank of Orange County. 12) Politics of Beauty - William F. Buckley Jro 13) Open Acreage Zone Study Moves Along - The Register. 14) Higher Fees for Zoning - The Register. 15) Crackdown Readied on illegal Laguna Beach Signs - The Register° Council Minutes 2/17/69 Pgo 12 16) Resolution Noo 795, regarding Ta~ Inequities City of Stanton. 17) Alternate Fiscal Models for Tax and Revenue Sharing - California Council on Intergovernmental Relations° Councilman Miller felt that the City should take ~ome action through the League on some ite~.~s in this report° Basis that state, city and counties develop stronger tax base several ways. Certain taxes to be collected at a local level which would then he deductible on Federal Income Tax. This would eliminate money being collected by the Federal government and then allotted back to governmental subdivisions° ADJOURNMENT Moved by MackJcon~ed blMarsters that meeting be adjourned. MAYOR CLEt% ' ~\