HomeMy WebLinkAboutCC MINUTES 1969 02 03 MINUTES OF A REGULAR MEETING TUSTIN CITY COUNCIL February 3, 1969 CALL TO Meeting called to order at 7:30 P.M. by Mayor Coco. ORDER IIo PLEDGE OF Led by Mayor Coco. ALLEGIANCE IIIo INVOCATION Given by Councilman Miller. IVo ROLL Present: Councilmen: Coco, Mack, Klingelhofer, Miller, CALL Marsters Absent: Councilmen: None Others Present: City Administrator Harry Gill City Attorney James Rourke City Clerk Ruth Poe APPROVAL OF Moved by Klingelhofer~ seconded by Mack that minutes of MINUTES January 20~ 1969 meeting be approved. Carried. VI. PUBLIC None HEARINGS VII. OLD 1. RESOLUTION NO. 981 BUSINESS A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF TUSTIN, CALIFORNIA, COMMENDING THE STAND OF DR. S. I. HAYAKAWA IN HIS ADMINISTRATION OF SAN FRANCISCO STATE COLLEGE AND URGING ALL THOSE IN ACADEMIC AUTHORITY TO GIVE FULL SUPPORT TO THE ACTING PRESIDENT OF SAN FRANCISCO STATE COLLEGE Moved by Marsters~ seconded by Mack that Resolution No. 981 be read by title only. Carried unanimously. Moved by Marsters~ seconded by Mack that Resolut{on Noo 98]~ comnending Dr. S. I. Hayakawa be passed and adopted. Carried unanimously. VIII. NEW 1. ORDINANCE NO. 428 - first reading BUSINESS AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF TUSTIN, AMENDING THE TUSTIN CITY CODE RELATIVE TO BUILDING RELOCATIONS Moved by Klingelhofer~ seconded by Mack that Ordinance No. 428, amending the Tustin City Code relative to building relocation~, have first reading by title only. Carried unanimously. 2. AGREEMENT FOR FINANCIAL PARTICIPATION BY THE CITY WITH THE COUNTY IN A MASTER PLAN OF DRAINAGE IN THE EL MODENA- IRVINE AREA Movedby Miller, seconded by Mack that the Mayor and City Clerk be authorized to execute an agreement with the County of Orange for the preparation of a Master Plan of Drainage in the E1 Modena-Irvine Area, and authorize the transfer of $2~000 from the Unappropriated Reserve of the City to Account 4013 for this purpose. Carried. Council Minutes 2/3/69 Pg. 2 3. PROPOSED MYRTLE AVENUE STORM DRAIN FROM NEWPOR~ AVENUE TO MEDALLION AVENUE Mr. Gill explained that the additional cost over the original estimate is due to the additional 433 feet in length. This will place water in the storm drain in Myrtle Avenue before flooding the intersection of Myrtle and McFadden. Moved by Mack~ seconded by Klingelhofer that the City Council authorize the transfer of $35~700 from the ~nappropriated Reserve to Account 5000 for additional funds in order to construct the Myrtle Avenue drain from Newport to Medallion Avenues° Carried. 4. SELECTION OF ECONOMIC CONSULTANT TO CONDUCT A COMPREHENSIVE ECONOMIC MARKET DEMAND STUDY AND FEASIBILITY ANALYSIS OF THE PROPOSED "TUSTIN- IRVINE PLANNING AREA" Councilman Mack reported that at the Council interviews they had spent over three hours talking with represent- atives of Economic Research Associates and Development Research Associates. No decision was made but it wab felt that both firms were of equal ability and capability. Economic Research claims more studies in Orange County and are now working with Irvine Company and the University. Development Research has done more actual city studies° The Council agreed that Development Research Associates might give a more personalized efficient study and as they are not involved with Irvine, would perhaps have a freshet approach° Moved by Mack~ seconded by Miller Chat the Mayor and City Clerk be authorized to execute the necessary ~reements with Development Research Associates to conduct a comprehensive economic market demand study and feasibility analysis of the City of Tustin and surrounding area designated as the "Tustin-Irvine Planning Area" and to appropriate $25,000 from the Unappropriated Reserve to the Finance Department, Account 1312, for this purpose° Carried~ 5. RENAMING OF THE ECONCMIC DEVELOPMENT STEERING COMMITTEE AND SELECTION OF ADDITIONAL REPRESENT- ATIVES TO SERVE ON THE COMMITTEE, AND APPOINTMENT OF A CHAIRMAN The Council discussed the recommendations of the Economic Development Steering Conmittee for members to serve on the Development Committee and the suggested names for this cQmmittee. It was felt that the addition of three members consisting of one professional representative and two residents of the Town Center Area would be helpful and that members of the City Staff be in an advisory capacity only. With regard to appointing a Chairman, Mr. Mack stated that he felt it would be an honor for the Council to have Mr. Marsters serve as Chairman, Councilman Marsters requested that this appointment be held in abeyance for a week. He is now under a heavy schedule and would appreciate a week to consider. Council Minutes 2/3/69 Pgo 3 From the suggested names for this .committee, the Council favored "Tustin Now and Tomorrow" with a symbol of "TNT." Moved by Mack~ seconded by Klingelhofer that the Council accept the recommendations of the steering committee with the additional membership suggested and that Mr. Marsters be asked to accept the chairmanship on an interim basis with the hope that he will be able to continue, and that the name of the Economic Base Study be Tustin Now and Tomorrow (TNT). Carried. Mro Gill stated that the committee will be constituted as soon as possible and the first order of business will be a comnittee meeting with. D.R.A. to set guide lines as to goals, objectives, etco Councilman Mack suggested that the committee members be notified of a date set for reply and committee be ratified at the next regular meeting. 6. APPROVAL OF DEMANDS Moved by Marsters, seconded b~ Klingelhofer tha~ demands in the amount of $57,227.21 be approvedo carried. IX. OTHER 1. MUNICIPAL WATER SERVICE REPORT - H. GILL BUSINESS Mr. Gill presented report relative to consideration of purchasing by the City of the Tustin Water Works. This report told some of the advantages and disadvantages of a Municipal Water system and stated that the Council might find it prudent to employ the services of a consultant which would develop an economic study at a cost of approximately $15,000 to be shared by the City and the Water Works. If then determination is made to proceed, a feasibility study should be made at a cost to the City of approximately $5,000. After a discussion by the Council as to costs involved, feasibility, financing, advantages or disadvantages of the campany remaining in private hands if sold to an outside campany and the need for studies, Mayor Coco directed that the City Administrator set up a Council workshop with officials of the Tustin Water Works and then a workshop at a later date with the consultants. 2. PROPOSED ORDINANCE PROVIDING FOR A DEVELOPPrENT REVIEW COMMITTEE The Council felt the idea of the Ordinance to be good but should includ~ building relocations and signs. Mayor Coco suggested that committee name be changed to Development Preview Committee as they would be previewing potential developments. Councilman Miller thought that this Ordinance needs further study and should obtain thoughts of the Planning Commission. It might be best that the committee be formed of three members with .all Planning Commissioners and they should have professional advice to aid them with the benefit of professional opinions. Council Minutes 2/3/69 Pg. 4 CounciLman Klingelhofer stated that the Architectural Committee seems to have functioned' very well and unless being short technical advice is a great burden, he would rather not see professional people involved other'than the staff. ~ayor Coco directed that this proposed Ordinance be redrafted to include sign review and building relocation~;. 3. CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH - RESOLUTION NO. 6925, stating the position of Newport Beach ccmcerning Harbor dissolutionment; Council Discussion on Regional Position of Newport Harbor as Recreational Facility; City report to Orange County Chamber of Commerce regarding Harbor District Dissolution; Harbor and Beaches Statistical Data. ~r. Gill stated that Mr. B. Tieman, Executive Assistant to Supervisor Hitstein, has requested that the City Council read the above in detail. The office of the Supervisor is concerned about the 'possibility of Cities in Orange County supporting Newport Beach in much of the area and revenue of the County going to Newport Beach. - The Council felt that they could not support Newport Beach and that Tustin should stay with their original reconmendations for Dissolution of the Harbor District. 4. B. WHEELOCK, PUBLIC WORKS DIRECTOR TO PARKS AND RECREATION CONFERENCE ~oved by Miller~ seconded by Mack that Mr. B. Wheelock he authorized to attend the Parks and Recreation Con- ference in San Francisco and to incur all necessary costs at City expense. Carried. 5. BEAUTY AND CLEAN UP MONTH .Mayor Coco stated that he had signed the Proclamation designating the montk of May as Beauty and Clean Up Month and May 10, 1969 as Clean Up Day° The Women's Club, Boy Scouts and United California Bank have expressed their interest and he hopes that by May it will have generated momentam. The following correspondence received, no action necessary. 1) Minutes of City Accident and Safety Review Committee. 2) Personnel Activity Roster° 3) Letter commending Captain Ferdig and Fireman Hernandez - Roy J. Sloano 4), Letter conm~nding Tustin Fire Department R. W. Bingham. 5) Orange County Research Notes - Cal State Fullerton. 6) Acknowledgments of Resolution Noo 978 re minors crossing the border - Congressman James B. Utt, Congressman R. T. Hanna, Senator J. Whetmore, City of Cypress. 7) Resolution No. 4365 re Effective Relief and Tax Reforms - City of Daly City. 8) Resolution No. 2115 re'Inequities pertaining to Assessing and Taxing real property - City of Indioo Council Minutes 2/3/69 P'g. 5 9) Resolution 3089 - re legislation to restrict Sale, Distribution and Exhibition of pornography and Obscene material - City of Orange. ADJOURN- Moved by Marsters, seconded by Mack that meeting be MENT adjourned to a personnel session. Carried. MAYOR CLERK