HomeMy WebLinkAboutMINUTES 04-03-89Ie ZZ. ZZZ. IV. Ve VI. VIZ. CALL 'LC) O~D~R/?ZJDGE OZ' ALLEGZJaI'CB The meeting was called to order by Mayor Kennedy at 7:03 p.m. in the Cit7 Council Chambers, 300 Centennial Way. The Pledge of Allegiance was led by Councilman H.oesterey. INVOCATION .. The Invocation was Presbyterian Church. e given by Don Wright, Pastor of the Tustin Council Present: Council Absent: Others Present: Ursula E. Kennedy, Mayor Richard B. Edgar, Mayor Pro Tem Ronald B. Hoesterey John Kelly Earl J. Prescott None William A. Huston, City Manager James G. Rourke, City Attorney Mary E. Wynn, C£ty Clerk Christine Shingleton,' Dir./Community Development Fred Wakefield, Acting Chief of Police Rober~-Ledendecker, Director of Public Works RoyleenWhite, Dir./Community & Admin. Services Ronald A. Nault, Finance Director Steve Rubin, Senior Planner Valerie Whiteman, Deputy City Clerk Approximately 170 in the audience . PROCL;UMATION - PUBLIC 8C~OOL~ WEEK, ~RIL 2-8, 1'989 , Mayor Kennedy read and presented a proclamation to Pete Petersen, represehtingTustin Masonic LodgeNo. 241. The proclamation declared the week of April 2-8, 1989 as "Public Schools Week" and urged citizens to rededica~e themselves toward continuation and perfection of the public school system. Pete Petersen introduced Robert Little, Master of Tustin Masonic Lodge No. 241 and other Lodge members, Joe Presutti, Jesse Berry and William O'Connor. Robert Little said the theme for the week would be "Public School~ - Learning for Living, A Place to Stop Drug Abuse" and thanked Council for the proclamation. PRESENTATIONS 1. CRAB SLIDE PRESENTATION REGARDING JOINT USE OF MARINE BASE Steve Rubin, Senior Planner, introduced David Paine, representing the Coalition for Responsible Airport Solution. Mr. Paine gave a b~ckground report on his organization and a 15-minute slide presentation regarding the negative impact of joint use or full commercial use of the Marine Corp Air Station, E1 Toro. 2. SANTA AlTA FREEWAY TRAFFIC SYSTEMB MANAGEMENT PLAN Albert Miranda, Caltrans District 12 Chief of Public Information, gave a presentation on Caltrans' Public Awareness Campaign which will assist and inform area residents/commuters effected by the. widening of the Santa Aha Freeway. PUBLIC HEARING - None PUBLIC INPUT 1. DIAMOND LANES Carole Bryant, 15500 Tustin Village Way, Tustin, addressed the Council regarding her opposition to diamond lanes. CITY COUNCIL MINUTES Page 2, 4-3-89 XI. OLD BUSINESS (AGENDA ORDE]~) 2 · ' R~SOL~TZO~ NO. 89-38 REGARDING ABORTION Mayor Kennedy requested, with Council concurrence, this item be' taken out of agenda order. Councilman Prescott requested the following Resolution No. 89- 38 be'read in its entirety: RESOLUTION NO.. 89-38 - A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF TUSTIN, CALIFORNIA, OPPOSING ABORTION AND PETITIONING THE UNITED STATES SUPREME COURT TO REVERSE ROE VS. WADE Following the'reading of Resolution No. 89-38 by the City Clerk,' Mayor Kennedy instructed the audience on procedures for addressing the Council. The following members of the community spoke in favor of Resolution No. 89-38.: Mark Bachan, 234 Preble Drive, Tustin Phyllis Petty, 14602 Hyannis Port, Tustin Forrest Ricker, 1820 E. Meats, Orange Lawrence Luppi, 23961 Calle De Camagdalena, Laguna Hills Sue Boatright, 275 E. Sixth Street #107, Tustin Brad Hamel, 7233 Loma Verde #204, Canoga Park Sandy Goldstein (no address given) Leo Celano, 1042 Star Route, Orange Karen Kelly, 16791 Main Street #21, Tustin Shelley Burke, 670 W. Third Street, Tustin Sheila Smith, 15560 Tustin Village #36, Tustin Cathy Sullivan, 10242 Finchley Avenue, Westminster Dale Jones, 1782 Nisson Road #114, Tustin McCready Johnston, 11911 Red Hill, Tustin Lisa Maloney, '1782 Nisson Road #62, Tustin Bob Shelly, 253 Sandpiper Circle, Orange Sean Dodds, 15541 Williams #D17, Tustin Robbie Harley, 340 E. Second St. #9, Tustin Ed Marestaing, 24581 Sadaba, Mission Viejo Randy Wolf, 17272 RoSeleaf, Tustin Tina Wells, 4515 W. Chapman, Orange The following members of the community spoke in opposition to Resolution No. 89-38: Ruth Harmon, 13271 Fairmont Way, Santa Ana Jan Clark-George, 12550 Wedgwood, Tustin Jeanette Reese, 12526 Wedgwood, Tustin Lori Souder, 611 Heliotrope, Corona Del Mar (letter read by City Clerk) Rowene Medina, 1791 Sirrine Drive, Santa Aha Margie Fites Seigle, 12771 Elizabeth way, Tustin Stanley van den Noort, 17592 Orange Tree, Tustin Barbara Simon, 13224 Newport #25A, Tustin Susan Yedor, 1622 Sierra Alta, Santa Aha Patricia Powell, 10392 Strand Terrace, Santa Aha Jack Miller, 17352 Parker Drive, Tustin Faith Parsons, 12901 Bubbling Well Road, 'Santa Aha Harry Lerner, 1322 Walnut #108, Tustin Donna Wolf (no address given) Stacy McDaniel, 3834 Lemon Avenue (no City given) Linda Schwarz, 12011 Theta Road, Santa 'Aha Karla Bell, Newport Beach Tomydan Jordan, 170-1/2 Del Mar Avenue, Cost~ Mesa Loyola Seymour, 12952 Hickory Branch, Sahta Aha Councilman Prescott stated a 'Council meeting was a very appropriate forum to debate this issue of life and death and took exception to those that felt otherwise. If the issue of abortion could not be debated in this forum, where'could it be debated. It should not be discussed only at'the Federal level, but the debate should also occur at the local level.where those effected can express their feelings. He urged Councilman Hoesterey to support the Resolution. CITY COUNCIL MINUTES Page .3, 4-3-89 Mayor Pro Tam Edgar commented ~hat he had lived what he considered a moral life withe strong churchaffiliation, but had deliberately withheld his feelings on aboz~cion because it was a personal matter. He believed the elaborate supported him because he had knowledge of and understood t/as issues that directly related to the City and the issue of abortion did not belong on a City Council agenda. Councilman Hoestsrey said from a personal standpoint he was opposed to current pra~cices concerning abortion, however, as an elected City Councilman he was required to make a decision as a member o~ a governmental body, not as an individual. After .considerable and thoughtful consideration, as a Councilmember he would not support t. he Resolution. Councilman Kelly said that as elected public officials, charged under the Constitution and the clause "public health and welfareS, the Council had an obligation to discussion this issue and certainly the live birth of humans was very worthy of discussion. Everyone began life as a fetus and that was why he believed, as public officials, the Council should take this action and he was fully supportive of the Resolution. It was moved by Kelly. seconded by Prescott, to adopt Resolution No. 89-38. Mayor Kennedy felt the issue of abortion was complex and tragic beyond %~nderstandinq and belief. When elected to the Council eleven years ago, she understood from the electorate that her jurisdiction involved the City of Tustin and her duty was to provide citizens with City services, police protection, street maintenance, traffic monitoring, land planning, parks, special events, and development control. Each Councilmember, as an individual and private citizen qould support or not support abortion, but she could not support an issue that had nothing to do with the City of Tustin. The motion failed 2-3, Kennedy, Edgar and Hoesterey opposed. - OLD BUHZNES8 (AGENDA ORDER) RESOLUTION NO. 89-4~ REGARDING DOCTOIt~ FAMILY PLANNING Mayor Kennedy requested, with Council concurrence, that this item be taken out of agenda order. Mayor Kennedy stated. Council had been informed by the City Attorney and lawyer~ representing the subject business that Council had taken actionable, tortious and other legal jeopardy. It was moved by Kennedy. seconded by Eda&r, that this subject be tabled without further discussion under Robert's Rules of Order. The motion carried ]-~, Kelly and Prescott opposed. The meeting was recessed at 9:35 p.m. and reconvened at 9:48 p.m. VIII. CONSENT CALENDAR It was moved by HoesteFe¥, seconded by Edaar, to approve the Consent Calendar. The motion carried $-0. 1. ~iPPROVEDMINUTES - MARCH 20, 1989, REGULAR MEETING 2. APPROVED DEMANDS IN THE AMOUNT OF $2,224,716.85 RATIFIED PAYROLL IN THE AMOUNT OF $201,411.87 3. RESOLUTION NO. 89-46 - A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF TUSTIN, CALIFORNIa, CALLING FOR THE INSTALLATION OF STOP SIGNS AT: (1) SECOND STREET & "A" STREET AND (2) SECOND STREET & PACIFIC STREET Adopted Resolution No. 89-46 calling for the installation of the above stop signs. CITY COUNCIL MINUTES Page 4, 4-3-89 IX: Z. XI. 4. TI~[FFIC ANALYSIS FOR THE WEST LEG TRANSITION AREA OF THE EASTERN TRANSPORTATION CORRIDOR Authorized City's participation in the preparation of a subarea traffic mode~ for the Traffic Analysis of the'West Leg Transition Area of the Eastern 'Transportation Corridor and authorized a supplemental 1988-89 budget appropri, ation in the amount of $5,000.00 for Tust/n's sh&re of the total cost. .. ORDINANCES FOR INTRODUCTION - None ORDINANCES~ FORA D OPTION 1. AMENDMENTS. TO TUSTIN CITY CODE'RELATEDTOGRADINGANDEXCAVATION, ORDINANCE NO. 1018 . o It was moved bv Hoesterev. seconded bv Eda~r, that Ordinance No.. 1018 have second reading by title only. The motion carried 5-0. Following second reading by title only of Ordinance No. 1018 by the City Clerk, it was moved by Hoesterev. seconded bY Edgar, that Ordinance No. 1018 be passed and adopted as follows: ORDII~tNCE NO. 1018 -AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY ~OUNCIL OF THE CITY OF TUSTIN, CALIFORNIA, AMENDING SPECIFIED SECTIONS OF ARTICLE 8 OF THE TUSTIN CITY CODE TO ADOPT PROVISIONS RELATING TO GRADING AND EXCAVATION The motion carried ~-0. (Roll call vote) OLD BUSINESS STATUS REPORT - JOHN WAYNE AIRPORT NOISE MONITORING PROGRAM (JWA), COALITION FOR A RESPONSIBLE AIRPORT SOLUTION (CRAS), AIRPORT SITE COALITION (ASC) AND HELICOPTER OVERFLIGHT PROGRAM TASK FORCE (HOPTF) It was moved by Hoesterev. seconded by Edaar, to receive and file subject report and authorize the Mayor to execute the Joint Policy Memorandum supporting ASC efforts to reach a consensus on a second commercial airl0ort site convenient, to Orange County, subject to condition that the City of Tustin is opposed to full or joint commercial use of the U.S. Marine Corp Air Station, E1 Toro. Christine Shingleton, Director of Community Development, requested a correction regarding paragraph 4 of the Joint Policy Memorandum. She noted that the City of Irvine and other cities had requested that the subject condition contained in paragraph 4 be transmitted separately and she suggested the recommended action be modified accordingly. Following Council discussion regarding inclusion of the subject condition, Mayor Kennedy clarified, as an addition to the motion, that the Joint Policy Memorandum from the City of Tustin executed by the Mayor would have reference to an attached condition that the City of Tustin is opposed to full or joint commercial use of the U.S. Marine Corp Air Station, E1 Toro. The motion carried ~-0. RESOLUTION NO. 89-38 - ABORTION Please ~ee Page 2. 195 MAIN STREET It was moved by Hoesterev. seconded by Edqar, to receive and file subject report. .Christine Shingleton, Director of Community Development, informed Council that staff had met with Mr. Zahn, tenant at. 195 Main Street, on March 29, 1989, with staff and Mr. Zahn agreeing to conditions for extending the time frame for completion of work. 'Staff had no further contact from Mr. Zahn nor had the promised letter of agreement been received from him. She recommended that cITY COUNCIL MINUTES Page 5, 4-3-89 staff Proceed wi~h the actions outlined in .the Community Development memorandum dated April 3, 1989. Councilman Prescott questioned why the fee owner' was not held responsible. Christine Shingleton, .Director of Community Development, responded that the fee owner had been notified, however, the tenant impr~vements had been instal.led illegally by Mr. Zahn and he was in violation of Building Codes. -. William Huston, City Manager, fuz~cher explained'that Mr. Zahn, as a licensed contractor, was very familiar with BUilding Codes and requirements for building improvements. The recommended staff ac=ion would entail posting the property as. uninhabitable, it would not require corrective construc~cion measures. The motion carried 5-0. 4. AMENDMENT TO LETTER OF UNDERSTANDING CONCERNING THE COMMUNITY PARK FOR THE TUSTIN PJ~NC~ COMMUNITY It was moved by Hoesterev. seconded'by Edaar, to authorize the City Manager to execute a modification to the March 11, 1989 letter of understanding with the Irvine Company. The motion carried 5-@. 5. RESOLUTION NO. 89-48 REGAHDZNG DOCTOR~ FAMILY PLANNING Please see Page 3. XII. NEW BUSINESS 1. LASER PRINTER It was moved by Hoesterev. seconded by Edaar, to authorize the expenditure of $20,699.89 of budgeted funds for the purchase of a Hewlett Packard Laser Jet 2000 Forms Printer and Paper Stacker from Hewlett Packard Corporation, 2100 Muirlands Avenue, Irvine, California. The motion carried. 5-0. 2. SIGN'CODE EXCEPTION NO. 89-1 FOR TEMPORARY SIGNS IN THE TUSTIN AUTO CENTER Christine Shingleton, Director of Community Development, notified Council that the Tustin Auto Dealer's Association had requested this item be removed from the agenda. It was moved by Hoesterev. seconded bY Kennedy, that Resolution No. 89-45 be removed from the agenda and no action be taken. The motion carried ~-O. ' , 3. WORE~HOP FOR CIVIC CENTER PROJECT, Councilman Prescott requested assistance from the press in notifying the public of the Civic Center Project Workshop. Council concurred to hold the workshop on May 4, 1989, at 7:00 p.m. in the Council Chambers. 4. CITY OF TUSTIN ADDRESS AND ZIP CODES FOR NEWLY ANNEXED TERRITORIES Gerald Feldman, 13191 Wickshire Lane, Tustin, representing.the' Bellewick Community Association, informed Council that he .had received incorrect information when he stated that the area near 17thStreetand Prospect Avenue had received a Tustin address/zip code. He again cited problems with delivery, of mail when serviced through the Santa Aha Post Office. CITY COUNCIL MINUTES Page 6, 4-3-89 Mayor Pro Tem Edgar noted the basic inefficiency of service through a post office not located within the City and reported three specific areas in the northern part of the City with a Santa Aha address/zip code= (1) Arbo-Lada Way and Fiesta Way; west of Prospect, (2) Prospect Avenue, Santa Clara Avenue, Laurinda Way, and Flint .Drive~ south of Santa Clara and west of Prospect and (3) the west side of Yorba Street; south of Santa Clara Avenue. He. suggested .writing letters'detailing the inefficiency of service through the Santa Ana Post Office, specifying 92705 islands_ within the City that are surrounded by 92680 zip codes and continue to write letters untilthe situation was resolved. Mayor Kennedy suggested that Mayor Pro Tem Edgar chair a committee, with Mr. Feldman and the Mayo~ assisting, to oversee- the task of changing addresses/zip codes of the annexed areas. Council concurr~a. 5. A~DIT COMMITTEE VACANCIES It was moved by Kennedy, seconded by Hoestere~, to appoint alternate Walt Sullens as a permanent member of the Audit Committee and direct staff to advertise for applicants. The motion carried 5-0. Mayor Kennedy requested assistance from the press in notifying the public of the Audit Committee vacancies. SEMI-A~TOMATIC WEAPONS Fred Wakefield, Acting Chief of Police, reported to the Council .that the subject of duty weapons for police officers was a personal issue and had been debated for several years. He said · a committee had recently been established consisting of police officers and supervisors to review all aspects of the duty weapon issue. The committee would be submitting a .report and a recommendation within the ~ext 2-3 months. He requested that the committee be allowed to continue their task and the information be utilized in making a Yinal decision. It was moved bY Edaar. seconded bv Hoestere¥, to receive and file subject report. The motion carried 5-0. 7. AGREEMENT FOR CERTAIN CITY STREET IMPROVEMENTS AS MITIGATION MEASURES FOR CALTRA~S CONSTRUCTION It was moved bY Hoesterev. seconded bY Edqa~, to approve the Cooperative Agreement No. 12-028 between Caltrans and the City .of Tustin with deletion of Improvement No. 6 in Stage I as shown on Exhibit "A" and authorize the Mayor to execute said Agreement subject to final.approval by the City Attorney's office, and authorize a supplemental 1988-89 budget appropriation in the amount of $19,000. Mayor Pro Tem Edgar commented on the pending traffic problems due to extensive Santa Aha/Costa Mesa freeway improvements and the approximate $500,000 which will be received from Caltrans for mitigation improvements. Council/staff discussion followed regarding increased traffic on Main Street and Bryan Avenue; notifying community of complete street closures of portions of Fourth Street, Irvine Boulevard and First Street; C~ltrans compensation to area businesses for loss of revenue; and City monitoring of construction scheduling. .Robert' Ledendecker, Director of Public Works, will request Caltran~ to conduct a presentation focused on the street closure concerns and their impact upon residents and'businesses. The motion carried ~-0. CITY COUNCIL MINUTES Page 7, 4-3-89 It was moved by Hoesterev. seconded bv Edaar, to grant a waiver of ~he street dedication requirement along Sycamore Avenue for ~he proper~y lo~ated a 14732 Charloma Drive. The motion carried 4-0,- K~llY a~stained. .. Councilman Kelly stated this item was preposterous, an attempt to completely control the agenda and lim/t the healthy exchange of-ideas. He said it was the prerogative of each Councilmember to agendize any subject. · It was moved by Kelly. seconded bv Pres~o~, to table this issue. Councilman Hoesterey responded that this subject was placed on the agenda with Council consensus and that is what he wanted to occur in the future with all agenda items. He said the City Council, acting as a governmental body, had been placed in severe jeopardy because of c&rtain topics placed on the agenda and, as a body of five members, should decide what subjects would or would not be placed on the agenda. Councilman Prescott felt the right of free speech was being extremely threatenedand said every member of the Council had the right to .agendize any item. He implored the Council not to endanger the process which allowed.free debate. Mayor Pro Tem Edgar stated tonight's ag~ndizing of Old Business Items No. 2 and 5 was a misuse of priorities and those items should not have been placed'on the. agenda. He was apprehensive about a "gag rule" but when that opportunity was misused he felt the Council should not be manipulated into having subjects on the agenda that were irrelevant to the Tustin City Council. The following members of the community spoken in opposition to the proposed policy: -- Harry Lerner, 1322 Walnut #108, Tustin Mark Bachan, 234 Preble Drive, Tustin Mayor Kennedy said tonight she had seen abuse of the Council dias greater than she had ever witnessed. It was not appropriate for a Councilmember to agendize an issue they feel is personally very important, expending valuable Council and staff time, When the Council had absolutely no jurisdfctiQn and no right to speak as a body. As a substitute motion, it was 'moved by Kennedy. sg~nded by Hoesterey, to continue this item and the Mayor to meet individually with each Councilmember in an attempt to reach a compromise. The motion carried 3-2, Kelly and Prescott opposed. 10. DEFINITION OF TUSTIN RANCH GOLF COURSE It was moved by Edaar' s~onded bY Kennedy, that staff, through open discussion, reach an agreement with the Irvine Company regarding the public's accessibility to the Tustin Ranch Golf Course. The motion carried 5-0. 11. AIRPORT SITE COALITION It was moved by Hoesterev. seconded by Edaa~, to continue this item until placed on the aqenda by Clarence Turner, Vice President of the Airport.Site Coalition. Councilman Kelly said he would not consider contributing funds to the Coalition. He believed private airlines and other CITY COUNCIL MINUTES Page 8, 4-3-89 interested parties should donate the funds rather than City government.. Councilman Hoesterey did not feel it benefited the citizens' of Tustin to participate in the Airport Site Coalition. Mayor Kennedy thought the Coalition was very effective in maintaining curfews and providing alternatives to phase 'out aircraft with excessive noise. As a substitute motion, it was moved by Kelly' ~e¢onded bY Prescott, to table this item. The motion carried'4-1, Kennedy opposed. XIII. REPORTS 1. PLANNING COMMISSION ACTION AGENDA - MARCH 27, 1989 It was moved by Hoesterev. seconded by Sdq0~, to ratify the Planning Commission Action Agenda of March 27, 1989. The mot~0n carried 5-0. XIV. PUBLIC INPUT 1. OLD TOWN TUSTIN HOME TOUR XV. Ruth Harmon, 13271 Fairmont Way, Santa Aha, invited the Council and the public to attend the Old Town Tustin Home Tour on Saturday, April 8, 1989, from 9:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. 2. TRAFFIC SIGNAL AT BROWNING AND BRYAN AVENUES · Gerald Feldman, 13~91 Wickshire Lane, Tustin, questioned when a traffic signal would be installed at the intersection of Browning and Bryan Avenues. Robert Ledendecker, Director of Public Works] said request to advertise for bid on the 'traffic signal at that intersection would he submitted for COuncil approval on May 1, 1989. OTHER BUSINESS 1. FLOWERING TREES ON EL CAMINO REAL Mayor Pro Tem Edgar commented on the beautiful flowering trees on E1 Camino Real. 2. NOTIFICATION TO RESIDENTS REGARDING SANTA FE RAILROAD CONSTRUCTION PROJECT Mayor Kennedy noted that staff will. be forwarding letters to residents regarding construction of the railroad tracks in the area of Edinger Avenue between McFadden and Harvard Avenues. The project will commence on April 2, 1989, for approximately four months and will'take place between the hours of 8:30 p.m. and 5:30 a.m. 3. REQUEST TO DONATE EMERGRNCY SHELTER ASSISTANCE Mayor Kennedy had received a letter from Supervisor Stanton requesting the City consider donating emergency shelter assistance. She requested the matter be agendized at the May 1, 1989, Council meeting. Counc~% ¢oncurued. 4. HELICOPTER NOISE Councilman Kelly was concerned about noise from the Marine Corp Air Station helicopters and suggested forwardin~ a letter to the - House/Arms Services Committee supporting the purchase of the new V-22 Osprey, the tilt rotor aircraft. CITY COUNCIL MINUTES Page 9, 4-3-89 XV~o $ .' RUDENESS TO COUNCIL DISPLAYED BY TUSTIN ' POLICE OFFICERS ASSOCIATION · Councilman Kelly commented on the conduct of me~bers of the Tustin Police Officers Association at the March 20, 1989, .Council meeting and said their display of disrespect and rudeness toward the Council was intolerable. CLOSED SESSION ' : Mayor Kennedy announced that the city Council would recess to Closed Session to consider personnel matters pursuant to Government Code Section 54957. At 11:05 p.m., the meeting recessed to the Redevelopment Agency, then to the above Closed Session, and then adjourned to interviews of Planning Commissioner applicants on Monday, April 17, 1989, at 5:00 p.m., and then to the next Regular Meeting on Monday, April 17, 1989, at 7:00 p.m. ACTION FP~M CLOSBD SESSION Following the Closed Session, it was moved bv Kennedy. seconded by ~, to adjust the City Manager,s salary to $7,568.00 per mont~ effective January 1, 1989 and $7,973.00 per month effective July 1, 1989. The motion carried 3-0. MAYOR' I~NUTE~ OF A RE~ULAJlMEETZN~ OF T~E RE. DEVBLO~HENT A~ENCY OF THE C~TY OF TU~T~N~ CAL~FORNL~ ~PR~L 3~ ~989 ~ TO ORDER · The mee~nq vas called to order by Cha£~person Kennedy at 11:05 p.m. ~n Y. he C~¥ Council Chambers, 300 Centennial Way, Tustin, California. Members Present: Ursula E. Kennedy, Chairperson Richard B. Edgar, Chairperson Pro Tem. Ronald B. Hoesterey John Kelly Earl J. Prescott Members Absent: None O~hers Present: William A. Huston, Executive Director/City Manager James G. Rourke, City Attorney Mary E. Wynn, Recording Secretary/City Clerk Christine Shingleton, Director/Comm. Development Fred Wakefield, Acting Chief of Police Robert Ledendecker, Director of Public Works Ro~leen White, Director/Community & Adm. Services Ronald A. Nault, Finance Director Steven Rubin, Senior Planner Valerie Whiteman, Deputy City Clerk Approximately 20 in the audience 3. APPROVAL OF MINUTES - M~RCH 20, 1~89, REGULAR MEETING 4e 5e It was moved by EdGar. seconded by Kelly, to approve the Minutes of March 20, 1989. The motion carried 5-0. DESIGN REVIEW 89-07 It was moved by Edaar. seconded by Kelly, to approve Design Review 89-07 by adopting the following Resolution No. RDA 89-11/ gubject to the conditions contained in Exhibit "A", as submitted or revised: RESOLUTION NO. RDA 89-11 - A RESOLUTION OF THE COMe, UNITY REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY OF THE-CITY OF TUSTIN, CALIFORNIA, AUTHORIZING. INSTALLATION OF SIX STORAGE SILOS AND A CHILLED WATER SYSTEM, AND CONSTRUCTION OF A' 27 FOOT TALL ENCLOSURE AROUND THE 'SILOS AND COOLING SYSTEM, AT AN EXISTING INDUSTRIAL BUILDING LOCATED AT 1301. SANTA FE DRIVE (DESIGN REVIEW 89-07) Mayor Kennedy"was concerned about air quality and odors of melting plastic from this plastic bag manufacturing plant. Christine Shingleton, Director of Community Development, responded that the silo enclosures would contain pellet material that would be transmitted into the building and they were not chemically hazardous or odorous. Milan Dostal, an attorney representing the Durabag Co., informed Council he was available for any questions. The motion ca~ed 5-0. 60 OTHER BUSINESS - None At 11:10 p.m., the meeting was adjourned to the next Regular Meeting on Monday, April 17, 1989, at 7:00 p.m.