HomeMy WebLinkAboutOB 5 DOC'S FAM PLNG 04-03-89WILLIAM A. HUSTON, CITY MANAGER MARY E. WYNN, CITY CLERK RESOLUTION BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF TUSTIN REGARDING DOCTORS FAMILY PLANNING RECOMMENDATION: Pleasure of the City Council. BACKGROUND: Councilman Kelly requested that this resolution be placed on the April 3rd City Council Agenda. RESOLUTION BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF TUSTIN REGARDING DOCTORS FAMILY PLANNING WHEREAS, one unalienable right in the United States of America, as"~the'. Declaration of ~ndependence affirms so nloquently, is the right to life. ~n the 16 years since tho Supreme Court's decision in Roe vs. Wade,, however, America's unborn have been denied their right to life; WHEREAS, among tho. tragic and unspeakable rem,d+.n ir'. the ,~an! r~ccadc and a half have b~en the loss of lifo of over 22 milli~'~ infants before birth; the nrnssure and anguish of counilnss women and ~rls who are driven to abortion; and a cheapening of respect for the human person n'~d t!~e ~?,~otity of human life: -.. ~THEREAS, those who champion..the right to life know the distress and anxieties that drive some women to consider abortion. The most moving testimony to our reverence for human life has been the generous, even heroic efforts made by so many religious and charitabl~, organizations to help women with problem pregnancies and t~. facilitate the adoption of infants into families eager to give them love and care; WHEREAS, in opposition to the right to life are those in our midst who champion infanticide. Dri~,ren by the warped and twisted imaginations of judicial activists in Roe vs. Wade and a perverted sense of compassionate service, the champions of infanticide have, established "Doctors Family Planning"; WHEREAS, "Doctors Family Planning" is permitted to lease office space from the Santa Ana-Tustin Medical Pavillion from owners identified on the attached public document #2683900 Karl Nishimura of Tuntin, Robert Amato of Villa Park, and Santa Ana residents ~.., L. Ilarville, Jr., William T Parks L~wrenee Lee, Donald R Dicus, John H. Holiday, Edgar B. SI'eward, Carl Selin, Tad Lonergan, and Lawrence A. Strait; WHEREAS, the citizens of Tustin have in their midst a business that promotes the antithesis of life -- the killing of innocent human beings, Then be it, RESOLVED, that the city council of the City of Tustin hereby disapproves of, as morally reprehensible and as ethically unconscionable, the presence of "Doctors Family Planning" within the city limits of Tustin, and its existence in principle; and hereby requests that the stated owners of the Santa Ana-Tustin Medical Pavillion rescind their lease agreement with "Doctors Family Planning" as soon as legally feasible. When recorded mail to: I oF-~-N-~E C0,NTy. CALiFOrNIA · Nelson Kogler ~ECO~D,,~ Atto y t Law 2014 N. Broadway Santa Ana California 937~ ~IEN DED STATE~-~.~V~ RTN ERS l! I P OF SANTA ANA-TUSTIX .The undersigned, constituting all of the TUSTIN .~IEDICAL PAViLICN, a ¢;c:~c:'.~~. P.~:".::.,:. i::~, '.of the State of California, on or .,ho~t :.l.::a'l: · "fore recorded a Statement of partnuruhj:~ .~_-' S,,nt.~ ..'.::.~-T:'.~tin :.:~dical 'Pavilion, and Amended Statc.m, unt~ of P..:"...:~.r.~:.::~ Medical Pavilion, which Statu::~un,. - in their';entirety by this St~t~:r.,_::'.t ~' Medical Pavilion. Thc un~k. ru~,]:,,.,! i',,.:', ~... . :'.:'.:, ,',. ', '' [c.:tu un,!cr ., the prbvisions of Section 15010.5 of t:~c · ' '-',~:':-~-~ c~'-'porations Code. 1. The name of this MEDICAL PAVILION. 2. The names and addru~c,: o'. :i'.c :~..:'t:...:r~: -:re: W. L. HARVILLE, JR. 13651 Carlsbad Santa Ana, California WILLIAM T. PARKS 2021 North Olive Santa Ana, California LAWRENCE LEE 1061 Ravencrest Road Santa Ana, Ca!iforni.~ DONALD R. D!CUS 1125 East 17gh Street Santa Ana, C~lifornia I %1 ..... ".'A D .,0., E;.,~,:\ N 12'3L1 Olympia W,~v S~nta Aha, california KARL NISHIMURA 400 West Fourt~ Tustin, California ROBERT M. A~iATO 18602 Jocatal Villa Park, California LA'.{REN CE A. 1545 Wyndom Court Santa Ana, California .. 9950 3. The persons named in Paragraph 2 of this certificate are all of the partners of the partnership. 4. All conveyances of title to partnership l~nd or intcrests therein, all loan agreements and documents, notes, deeds of trust, agreements, contracts, application to gcvc':n;:',unt~.! agcnciu, s and any and all other matters and documents affecting or re!a~inc to the b~siness of the partnership shall bc u:<ucutud ~:~. partnership by any two (2) of the ,)artnc,::3 !i~tcd hereof, as the authorized agents of thc. The parties hereto have e×ccut~,.] t!'.i:, set forth in their rcu~3ccti\,c .:c:c~',u'...~',:.!.::::, ~t:, .,~:.! , '' this certificate. STATE OF CALIFORNIA ) ) ss. COUNTY OF ORANGE ) The undersigned, bein~3 duly u,wo.~?., at,~t=: That they are all the partners General Partnership of Santa Ana-Tustin . amended~ that they have read the forc,3oin,~ ~artnership and know the contcnt~ thc~=z:' stated are true. ..... ~. ~ · , , . , ..,,, ..... ~,~':. ~.~..~ 3 . STATE OF CALIFORNIA ) ) ss. COUNTY OF ORANGE ) a Notary Public in and appeared W. L. ~DXRVILLE, E~AR B. STEWART, CARL SELIN, . PAVILION the partnership acknowledged to mc tk.~t WITNESS my hand and NELSON S. KC,'OLLR St,,, of O,,,,,~,n,, I I'r,nc,l.~ Ott,,.. I. J N[LSOt~ 5. kO'L.,LLR Mi, Com.~o. ~p~,,, Jm~. !~, 4e