HomeMy WebLinkAboutNB 4 ADD'S & ZIP CODES 04-3-89NEW BUSINESS TO: ¥ILLZAN A. HUSTON, CZTY PIANAGER FROM' SUBJECT: CONNUNITY DEVELOPNENT DEPARTHENT · . CITY OF TUSTIN ADDRESS AND ZIP CODES FOR NEWLy ANNEXED TERRITORZES RECOIIqENDATION mil i iii ii iii ii Pleasure of the Ctty Counctl. BACKGROUND In response to a request from Mr. Feldman at the City Council's meeting on March 21, 1989, the Council requested that this matter be agendized for further discussion. Attached for the Council's information is prevlou~ correspondehce requesting a Tustin Zip Code for the Ranchwood/Bellwick Tract (Annexation No. 138) and other recently annexed areas to the City of Tusttn. Staff discussions with Mr. Feldman revealed that the post office may have recently departed from their previous policy and are in the process of changing a small recently annexed area in the vicinity of 17th and Prospect to a Tustin zip code. Staff however, have not been able as of the writing of this report to verify this information. ristine A' 'S~lngl~j~n Director of Community Development CAS'ts Attachments SERVICES COMMITTEE HOUSE ADMINI.~TRATION COMMITTEE JOINT COMMITTEE ON PRINTING REPUBLICAN STUDY COMMITTEE REPUBLICAN POLICY COMMITTEE August 10, 1988 ROBERT E. BADHAM 40TH DISTRICT, CALIFORNIA RECEIVED MayOr Rona!d ~. Hoesterey City of Tustln 300 Centennial Way Tusttn, CA 92680 Dea~ Na7o~ ~oestere¥: Enclosed is the reply f~'om the United States Postal Sea-vice' iff responae to my ~eeent inquiry on 'your behalf. I hope you find this info~'mation From the ~ Postal Service to be useful. Please do no~ hesitate ~o oontae~ me with any fuP~heP ques~ions o~ eo~ents you ~gh~ have. Z ap~eoia~he oppo~i~y ~o-be of service. ~ < ,:~: · " /: ~" ' -'t' -Co'~diall[, /~ r: .'. ~.;' ~.~. ~..~f '~ ~ ~ Neabe~ off C~8~ess REB:Jk TES UNITED STATES POSTAL SERVICE Government Relations Department 475 L'Enfant Plaza, SW Washington, DC 202611-35~ Honorable Robert. E. Badham House of Representatives Washington, D.C. 20515-0540 Dear Congressman Badham: This is in response to your June 23 letter on behalf of Tustin Mayor Ronald B. Hoesterey, concerning the request of City · officials to have newly annexed areas assigned ZIP Code 92680. As Mayor Hoesterey has been advised on numerous occasions, there are no plans to make this change. To do so would entail additional expenses on the part of the Postal Service with no commensurate service benefits tO customers. Santa Ana postal managers have promised to review the situation at such time as all of the proposed upcoming annexations have taken place. There is, however, no guarantee that a ZIP Code change will result from this review. It should be further noted that the fact that additional annexations are anticipated would militate against any change prior to that time. If changes ultimately are to be made, it would be more cost effective and less disruptive to customers to make them all at one time. The situation in which delivery addresses differ from legal residency is a common one throughout the country. As new housing developments emerge in growth areas, delivery must be extended primarily according'to the capability of a particular off~ce to accommodate the new delivery territory and according to mail processing and transportation efficiency. Besides situations in which political jurisdictions expand, areas also incorporate into separate communities. Naturally, there are literally thousands of communities throughout the nation which do not have a delivery address identity, because it would be too. costly to establish a corresponding post office simply for this purpose. Nor are ZIP Codes created for areas within communities, as these are assigned only to facilitate mail processing and delivery and typically reflect substantial mail volumes. -2- With both new development and incorporation occurring in many areas across the nation, the Postal Service will be unable to accommodate.each area's desire for pure community identity. Service problems, in the form of delayed and lost mail, would ensue from the complicated transfers of deliveries between offices. In addition, there would in some cases be a lack of necessary space to accommodate new deliveries, a waste of space currently being used, prohibitive relocation costs, or the relocation itself likely to be opposed by other affected customers. Added to these costs are others for retraining of employees, rehandling of mail, and updating of computerized address systems. The fact that residents have difficulty with insurance rates is an issue that should be taken up with the respective agen- cies. The Postal Service has no authority over their incorrect use of ZIP Codes, which are assigned by the Postal Service only as an operational tool used to facilitate mail distribution. I can only reiterate that the purpose of ZIP Codes is to assist in processing and delivering mail. We have no control over any industry or local jurisdiction wishing to adapt the ZIP Code system for another purpose. We can not, however, .alter the system to accommodate a purpose which is not consistent with the original objective. If I may be of further assistance, please let me know. Sincerely, William J. Weagley Representative Office of Government Liaison RUC~ ITUOY June 23, 1988 · Hayor Ronald B. Hoesterey City of Tustin 300 Centennial Way 'Tust~n; CA 92680 · ROBERT E. BADHAM 40m Dm~m~r, !10 Nsw~,o~ Cmn~ lun~ 240 ~ BI,Ol, CA 12eeo (714l 044-4040 Dear Hayor Hoesterey: ' '-- :-.- --,,;~,"'~ ~.:.~,-'.!".': ..... _,.: ".~.. ;;.;:L:._-:.,. ................................. Thank you ,~or your correspondence regardin~ address and zip codes for annexed territories. ~n order to thoroughly address the situation you have raised, I have taken the .liberty of foreardins your correspondence to the U. S. Postal Service for its revie~ and comment. As soon as ! receive a response, I eill be back in touch eith you.' I appreciate the opportunity to' be of service. Nember of Congress REB: Jk City of Tustin RO~^LD 8 HO~S'r'=R~, ~ URSULA E. KEHI~.DY. ~ Pro Tern RICHARD B. EDGAR. Cou,~l t,~ember JOHfl KI~L.Y, Council h~.n~ F. ARL 4. PRESCCY~. Council ,'~,~,mber WILLIA~ A. HUSTOH, City b~an~r ~une 9, 1988 The Honorable Robert E. ~dham Untted States Congress, 40th District 2427 Raybu~n HouSe Office Butlding ~shtngton, DoC. 20515 SUBOECT: ADDRESS AND ZZP CODES FOR ANNEXED TERRZTORZES Dear Congressman Badham: Zn February 1987, the Ctty of Tusttn annexed a portion of unincorporated County territory known as the Ranch~ood-Bellwtck area .(located at the southeast- corner of Zrvine Boulevard and Browning Avenue). The Ranchwood-Bellwtck area encompasses approximately 20 acres of land and is fully developed with 80 stngle faintly residences. At the time of annexation, these 80 resldences used a Santa Aha address with a 92705 (Santa Ana) zip code. After annexing to the Ctty, the residents of this area submitted a request to the local postmaster, Hr. Hector Godtnez, asktng that their address and zip code be changed to 'Tusttn, 92680 (92680 ts the ztp code for most of the Ctty). Zn December 1987, Mr. Oodtnez responded to this request stating that these residents could use the name "Tusttn" tn their address, but that they would have to conttnue to use the g2705 ztp code. On Apr11 20, 1988, several Ctty officials, Including myself, met wttt; Hr. Oodtnez and his top operational managers to discuss this issue further. Due to spectflc operational considerations, Hr. Oodtnez Indicated that he was not prepared to renumber' extsttng:.ztp code boundaries on an Incremental basis as small areas are annexed to Tusttn. He dtd commit to further evaluating the tssues tn the event that the entire Tusttn Sphere of ]nfl uence ts ultimately annexed over time tnto the City of Tusttn. Zn the meantime, residents of newly annexed areas would be able to use the name Tusttn tn their address. While the City understands Hr. Godtnez's reasons for this proposal, the - ultimate annexation of the Tusttn Sphere of Influence could take up to five years, )r longer'. That ts a long ttme to ask the residents of the Ranchwood-Bellwtck area, not to mentton residents of other annexed areas, to wait to use the 92680 zip code. .. · ~une 9· 19~8 Address and ~p Codes for~nne~ed Terr~r~es Page 1~o .- As ! am sure you are aware, ztp codes are frequently used by Insurance companies to determJne rates for home and auto Insurance. The difference between a Tusttn and Santa Ana ztp code can be substantial. On behalf of all of the residents of newly annexed territories, ! respectfully request that you contact the appropriate Postal Officials Jn I~ashtngton, D.C. to see what can be done to speed up the assimilation of these new residents tnto the 92680 ztp code servtce area, so that they may real lze all of the beneftts of betng a restdent of the Ctty of Tusttn. --" Thank you tn advance for your assistance on thts matter. If l, or any of our Ctty staff: can be of any assistance to you, please do not hesttate to ca1] our Ctty Manager, Ht]]tam Huston at (714) 544-8890, extension 210. Sincerely, Ronald B. Hoesterey Mayor cc: 40th Dtstrtct Ot'ftce 180 Newport Center Drtve, Sutte 240 Newport Beach, Ca g2660 Ct ty Councti I~tll tam Huston Christine Shtngleton Hector Godtnez RI~I: Jk COUNCIL I~INUTES homeowners group and they have revte~KI the ~nvtronmental. documents and wt11 provtde tnpuC and ask questions durtng the Publlc Heartng · on ~y 31, 1988. It ms rayed b)' Ed{art seconded by IC!nnedy_, to approve the follo~ng as recmmended by ~.he Public ~iorks Oepartmnt/Engtneertng Division: TUSTIN RANi:{{ WOAD IRTER~ CI~ULTANT CONTRACT MIE~NT Approved the ~t to the Ctty/lrvtne Company agreement for desJgn consulting servtces for the Tusttn Ranc~ Road/Santa Aaa Freeway Interchange Project to provtde for an augmentation or $83,906.00 to the Ookken Engineering destgn contract. The mot1 on ,.,,carried S-O. VZ. (]RDINNr. ES FOR INTROOUCTION - None fiX. Qi~OIWA//:ZS FOR N)OPTZON - None : vzzz. U ,,/MA RDIS~ ~NITORXNG PROGRJ~ - STATUS R~PORT Chr. tsttne ' ShJngleton asked that the staff recomendatton be medtfted, Correspondence ms recetved that day from the atrport concerning the Installation of the Localtzer Dtrecttona! Atd equtwt, The program ~11 be acted upon thts week and the Ctty of Vt1 la Park has taken 4 very acttYe role oppostng the Jnstallatton of the equtpmento Staff belteYes thts equipment wt11 1reprove conditions for the Ctty of Tusttn and asked for direction from COun¢tl to draft a letter for the Iqayor's signature. The letter would encourage the atrport department to proceed wtth the Installation OF the LDA equipment. It was moved b)' Ed~lart seconded by Kelly, that a 1eCl.er be sent rrm the Ha~dr encouraging the airport to proceed wtCh the Installation of the LDA equtpmonC. h/t'111am Huston also requested that Counctl constder sendtng a representative to appear at the Board meettng on Hay 24, 1988. Because of over-flJght' problems and Villa Park aggressively oppOstng the program, he felt tt would be fn the best tnterest of the CttY to acttve.ly support thts program. The situation needs to be monitored and the atrport $oard should kn~w the fee]lngs of the Ctty. It ms moved ..b)' Prescott that Counctlm&n Xel]y represent the ctty at the 8-oard meettng on Hay Z4, 1988. iqayor' Hoesterey asked that he be the representative and Councilmen Ket ly and Prescott agreed. As an addttton to the ortgtna] morton, tt was moved by Edgar, seconded b)' Kenned),, that Hayor Hoestere/ represent the Counctl at the Board moetlng m ~y Z4,' ~988. The motto.ri.carried 5.-0. AND ~P COD~ OIAN~ FOR ~14.Y NII~X~ AREA IN TUSTIN Jerry Fe]dman, 13191 141ckshtre bane, Santa Ann, representing the '~ "Bellevlck ~muntty Association, thanked Hayor Hoesterey, Christine Shlngleton and ~t]11am Huston for meettng wtth Hector ~dtnez, Orange ~unty Post.stet, tn an attest to s~lve the ~dress and '.~ ': ztp c~e pr~lms. Hr, .FelOn ~elt that fu~her dtscusst~ w{th '*~ ' ~he local ~sC offtce officials ~u]d no~ ~ OF benett~. The c~nt~ ~n Chat a~l wants a Tus~tn ztp c~e and 1~ ~hey canno~ have tt no~, they ~uld have felt ~re ~fortable havtng a c~t~nC ~rM the post of~tce thaC the ~ange ~uld occur aC a deftntte tt~ tn ~e future. On ~half OF ~e Association Board, he ~quest~ that the ~ant~ ~ sta~ to aC least a11~ th~ the ~e ~ ~e'~ TusCtn ~.th a 9Z705 ztp ~de. AG NDA . . .~ OLD BUSINESS · ~ ~ -. NO.. 2. DATE:- NAY 16~ 1988 ~(Cdt~~r ........ I FILE. COPY TO: A. CITY FROM: SUBJECT: · C(~NITY DEYELOPPIENT DEPARTHENT ADORESS AND ZIP CODE CHANGES FOR 'NEHLY ANNEXED AREA IN TUSTIN .j RECO~ENDATZON Racet ve and ft] e. BACKGROUND Zn response to a request from Hr. derry Feldman representing homeowners tn the recently annexed Ranchwood-Bellwtck area, representatives from the Ctty of /'-~Tusttn recently met wtth the local postmaster, Hector Godlnez tn an effort to request that residents ~n the area be permitted to*use the name Tusttn Jn thetr address and also the 92680 ztp code. ~ayor Ron.Hoesterey, Ct ty Hanager Btll Huston and Comnmntty Development Otrector Christine Shtngleton met ~tth Hr. Godtnez' and hts top operational managers on Apr11 20th. Due to spectftc operational considerations, I~r. Godtnez was not prepared tO renumber exlsttng ztp code boundaries on an Incremental basts as small areas are annexed to Tusttn. However, he dtd commit to further evaluating the tssues tn the event that the enttre Tusttn Sphere of Znfluence ts ultimately annexed over ttme tnto the Ctty of Tustln. Residents of the recently annexed Ranch~ood/Be11~tck area, however, ~ould be permitted to use a Ctty of Tusttn address. · Developmen Dtrector of Commuht+.y t CAS:ts -- RECEIVED TO: HONORABLE KAYOR & MEHBERS OF THE CTTY COUNCTL APR 1 d= 1988 FROM: 'WILLIAH A. HUSTON, CITY HANAGER ' COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT sUBJECT: MEETING WITH POSTK~TER HECTOR GODINEZ For the City Council's information, a meeting has been scheduled with Postmaster Hector Godinez for 10:00 a.m., Wednesday, April 20, 1988 to discuss the *issues regarding changing zip codes for Annexation No. 138 (Ranchwood-Bellwick area), as well as any other postal service issues regarding future development or annexations. Mayor Hoesterey, Christine Shingleton, and myself will beI representing the City. WAH:jh ~ cc: C.A. Shingleton / / ~'~ SUFI:RVI$OI~, FIRST DISTRICT ORANGE COUNTY BOARD OF SUIIII'RVI$OR$ ORANOE: COUNTY HALL OIl' ADMINISTRATION IO CIVIC C£NT~:R ImLAZA. SANTA ANA.CALIFORNIA gZTOI PHONE 834-3110 (AREA COOE 714) March 29, 1988 Mr. Hector Godinez Regional Otrector United States Post Offtce 1056 Town & Country Road Orange, California 92668 Dear Hector: Tustin Mayor Ron Hoesterey spoke with me last week about a persistent inquiry he has received from a constituent whose neighborhood recently annexed to the City of Tustin.' The constituent resides in the Ranchwood development in the vicinity of Irvine Boulevard and Browning. The constituent-desires postal service from the Tustin gg680 post office so that the City of his mailing address would match his City of residence, Presently ,the neighborhood is served by the Santa Ana g2705 post office. Mayor Hoesterey would appreciate it if you would ask your staff to check into this situation. Ron Hoesterey may be reached at 832-0287, or a message may be left at City Hall, telephone 544-8890. On behalf of the Mayor, thank you for looking into this matter. Rogel Supe~ikvj~br, First District RRS: smd cc: Mayor Ron Hoesterey, City of Tustin E DA -:...: · _ DATE: ~ARC~ 21, 1988 ~ ,I TO:. FROM: SUBJECT: I #ZLLZAFI A. HUSTON, CZTY IR/UJ~ER COPIIJItZTY DEYELOPtlENT DEPARTHE]JT ADDRESS AND ZIP CODE CHANGE FOR tlEk'I.Y ANNEXED AREA IN TUSTIN RECOI~DATTON Pleasure of the Counctl. BAC~GROUIiD . In response to a request from Mr. Jerry Feldman representing homeowner's in the recently annexed Ranchwood-Bellwtck area, the Counctl directed ~he r4ayor ito transmit a request to the local region Postmaster to let residents in the 'ecently annexed area use the name Tusttn ,in their' address and also the' 9~680 zip code (see attached letter).. No response from the Post Office has been recetved to date. The Council did tndtcate that they would consider.additional aCttons in the event of a lack of response or negattve response to the request from the Postmaster. Director of Community Development CAS: ts Attachment tJRS,LII..~ E. I'".lZ.t~mi~DY..~av::.r P,"~ Tern E.~iRL J. P~E$COI'T. Col-'n¢~l t'ember ~ILLiYa A. HCISTO~'t. Ci~./V~nager Mr. Hector Godtnez Postmaster 3101 Sunflyer Avenue . Santa Aha, California 92799 ' ' February 18, lgB8 SUBJECT: ADDRESS MID ZIP CODES FOR NEWLY ANtIEXED TERRITOP, IES Dear Postmaster Godinez: J I'n February 1987, the City of Tustin annexed an area of unincorporated County territory identified as Annexation No. 13B {the Ranch.~ood-Bellwick annexation), located at the s'outheast corner 'of Irvine Boulevard and Bro'~ning Avenue. Annexation No. 138 enco.mpasses approximately 20 acres of land and is fully developed with 80 single family, residences. At the :time of annexation, these 80 residences used a "Santa Aha" address with a 92705 zip code. Subsequent to their annexation' into the City of Tustin, these 80 residences n~Jst still use this same address, rather than that of "Tusttn", with a 92680 zip code. The City recognizes that this area is surrounded on' two (2) sides by unincorporated County territory which also uses a "Santa Ane" address and a 92705 zip code. However, this area is also surrounded on t~vo (2) sides by tt~e East Tusttn, Tustin Ranch development, within the City of Tusttn. Located just over ;.30 feet to the south of A~nexatton No. 13B are two (2) new residential developments of approximately 600 units total, which will utilize a "Tustin" address and a 92680- zip code. While the City of Tusttn very much appreciates your agreeing to let new residents in Annexation No. 138 use the name "Tustin" in their address, we still would like them to be able to use the 92680 zip code. Recent requests to your office to change addresses and zip codes from the affected Bellwick Homeowner's Association have received an unacceptable response. It would seem that if new development in East Tustin can be serviced from the Tustin postal 'facility, these BO residences could also. The City realizes that there are limits to the capacity of the Tusttn facility; however, we find it difficult to accept that 80 residences (added on to 600) would have a significant impact'on that capacity. At the very least, these residences should be able to use the name "Tustin" in their address, even if they must keep the 92705 zip code, and still receive the same level of service for first class mail delivery they could expect from the Tustin facility (we recognize that as the City grows, it may not be possible to use the 92680 zip .-~ :.. code throughout). FebrUar.y 18, 1988 Postmaster I~age t~o Furthermore, as other 'Portions of unincorporated County territory annex into the City of Tusttn, this Issue wtll resurface; therefore, the City believes .it is' appropriate tO establish specific cr. tterta as to how .these new areas will hal.dealt with. ,. To address the Issue of Annexation No~; 138, as we;l a.~ future annexation areas, I respectfully request that we arrange,, to meet and discuss these m~tters at the earltest posstble date. Please contact our City Manager, ..'.1,. Wt111am Huston, at 544-8890, ext. 210, to schedule this. meeting at your eaF~ie.~ convenience. Thank you tn advance for your prompt attention to thts matter. S i ncere ly, ~onald ~. ~oester~y Mayor RBH:SR:pef cc: Ctty Council William Hus%on, City Manager Christine ~hfngleton, Director of Community Development Kurt Holbrook, Officer in Charge, Tus%in Post Office ~OOOOOOO OOO¢ )00000 00000000 )000000000 0000~ )O000C OOOOOO0 )OOOOOOOOOO 0000000000000000( ~0OOOOOOOOOOOOOO00 O00000000000000000G )000OOOOOOOOOOOOOOO' 00000000000000000 ~O000000000000000E OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO )00000000000000 00000000000000¢ )0000000000000 O00000C ,~ )0000000000o( O000000000C ~. :00000000 000000000~ '~ ~00000OO0 OOOO ~000000~ )000000 C. 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Box 861 Tuatin, CA 92681-0861 Dear Mr. Feldman, In response to your letter dated September 30, 1987, requesting a ZIP Code change for the Ranchwood/Bellewick area, the Postal Service has agreed to allow residents of this area to use the following address as an option to their present city/state/ZIP Code. (Street Address) Tustin, CA 92705 As we pointed out in our meeting recently, there is a pcssibil- ity that with the change, the residents may experience occasional, one day delay with mail addressed to Tustin, CA 92705. This is due to machine sortation and the human factor in processing the mail. We request your patience and understanding in this matter. Should you have any questions, feel free to contact Richard Elliott, Director, Field Operations, at 836-2642. It should be noted that we are advising all residents not to use the ZIP Code 92680 as this is likely to cause' unwanted d---~lays in handling/that, mail.. /R~(.F/~o E-G · Godinez/ 1 /'Fi'eld Oivis~on. G~nera Manager/Postmaster · / Santa Ana D~visfon FROM: · SUBJECT: ii · · . WILLIAM A. HUSTON; CITY RRNAGER DISTRICTS FOR PROPERTY AT 13191 WICKSHZRE LANE .j Id ii i i i At the 1-18-88 Ci-ty Council meeting, Geral.d Feldman requested that the City use it's influence to have the Zip Code fo'r Annexation No. 138.changed f¢om Santa Aha, .°.2705, to Tustin, 92680. Following are the distric:s for the property of Gerald Feldman, !i191 Wick~.hire Lane, Santa Aha, California Congressional D':strict No.~..,,"'~ Robert Badham Assembly Distri.:.t No. 67, dorm Lewis Board of Supervisors District No. 5, Tom Riley March 17, 1987 , UNITED STATES POSTAL SERVICE Ms. risti Shingl Director of C~ty Devel~t City of Tustin 300 Centennial Way Tustin, CA 92680 RECEIVED c°'~U~WrY l)O~.tOP~r£~tr ~E= Pr~ Postal'Facility - Tustin, CA Dear Ms. Shingleton: I have ~--~n asked to reply to your letter of. February 25, 1987, addressed to Mr. Hector Go~nez, General Manager/Postmaster, of our Santa Aha Field Division. It ~uld appear frcm your letter that you have a basic misunderst~ of the status of the Postal Service as it relates to state and local laws and regulations, as w~ll as our regulations implementing the National clarify the situation in an effort to avoid possible conflict between the City and the Postal Service as 'this project develops. First, the regulations referenced in the notification letter are the implerenting regulations published in 39 CFR; which, among other things, establish a threshold for projects which are to be considered categorically exempt frcm the re~H~ts for either an environmen~ assessment or an ~tal impact statement. In the case of new construction, including lease construction, that threshold is 30,000 net square feet or less. This, of course, does not exclude every project of less than 30,000 net square feet; but would, in my experi~, exclude the vast majority frcm the D_~ for an enviror~ental assessment - much less an envi n n state t. · . The next point I should make os the fact that many state regulations do not apply to the Postal Service as a matter of law. The National Environ- mental Policy Act has pre-e~ued the field as to Federal projects, and .there is no State review of such projects, ex~ within the framework of NEPA. In addition, a cc~ditional. ' use pezmit is not required for a projects. To this end, I have taken the liberty of enclosing a copy of the 1985 decision, No. 85-102, prepared by the Attorney General's Office; which clearly i~zlicates that the Postal Service does not need to comply with County zoning regulations in const~,_cting a. Post Office on ~ owned or leased by the United States. It should be noted that cases referenced ~E: Proposed Postal Facility - Tustin, CA March lT, 1987 Page 2 you so desire. I should' state, however, that .is is r~t our intention to be uncooperative; since it is our practice to cooperate to the fullest extent practicable with local goverr~ents, pursuant to the Inter-Govern- mental Cooperation Act', and would w~l~ any ~ts your office might ~have relative to the design and location of the facility. In fact, it of'the plans and specifications to local officials for ccement. Daniel M. Cuffs , Se.,',/or Assistant Regi°hal Counsel City o'f Tu$'tin ROHALD B. HOESTEREY. Mayor URSCII~ F_ KEHHEDY. Mayor Pro Tem RICHARD B. EDGAR. Council fa. ember · JOHH KELLY. Council Member EARL J. PRESCOTT. Council Member : WILU,~ A. HUSTOH, City Manager ~r. Hector Godlnez Postmaster 3101 Sunflower Avenue Santa Ana, California 92709 r* February 18, 1988 SUB,]ECT: "ADD~$'"'AND ZZP CODES FOR NEHLY ANNEXED TERRZTORZES Deaf Postmaster Godtnez: · I'n February 1987, the Ctty of Tusttn annexed an area of unincorporated County territory identified as Annexation No. 138 (the 'Ranchwood-Bellwtck annexation), . located at the southeast corner of Zrvtne Boulevard and Browning Avenue. Annexation No. 138 encompasses approximately 20 acres of land and ts fully developed with 80 single famtl~ residences. At the time of annexation, these 80 ' residences used a "Santa Aha" address with a 92705 zip code. Subsequent to their annexation* into the City of Tustin, these 80' residences must still use this same address, rather than that of "Tusttn", with a 92680 zip code. . The .Ctty recognizes that thts area ts surrounded on two (2) stales by unincorporated County territory which also uses a "Santa Ana" address and a 92705 zip code. However, this area is also surrounded on two (2) sides by the East Tusttn, Tusttn Ranch development, within the City of Tusttn. Located Just over 130 feet to the south of Annexation No. 138 are two (2) new residential developments of approximately 600 units total, which will uttltze a "Tusttn" address and a 92680- zip code. · t~htle the CttY of Tusttn very much appreciates your agreeing to let new residents in Annexation No. 138 use the name "Tusttn" in their address, we sUll would 11ke them to be able to use the 92680 zip code. Recent requests to your offtce to change addresses and zip codes from the affected Bell~tck Homeowner's Association have received an unacceptable response. It would seem that tf new development in' East Tustln can be servtced from the Tusttn postal facility, these 80 residences could also. The City realtzes that there are limits to. the capacity of the Tusttn facility; however, we find it difficult to accept that 80 residences ' (added on to 600) would h~ve a significant impact on that. capacity. At the very II least, these residences should be able to use the name "Tusttn in their address, even tf they must keep the 92705 ztp code, and sttll receive the same level of "service for first class matl deltvery they could expect from the Tusttn facility (we recognize that as the City-grows, .it may not be'posstble to use the 92680 zip code throughout). · February 18, 1988 Postmaster Page t~o Furthermore, as other portions of unincorporated C. ounty territory annex tnto the Ctty of Tusttn, thts tssue will resurface; therefore, the Ctty belteves tt ts appropriate tO establish spectftc criteria as to how these new areas wtl1 be dealt with. To address the iS'sue of Annexation No. 138, as well as future annexation areas, I respectfully bequest that we arrange to meet and discuss these matters at the earliest possible date. Please contact our City Manager, Mr. William Huston, at $44-8890, ext, 210, to schedule this meeting at your earliest convenience. Thank You in 'advance for your prompt attention to this matter. S.t ncerely, - Ronald B. Hoesterey Mayor RBH:SR:pef cc: City Council William Huston, City Manager Christine Shtngleton, Director of Community Development Kurt Holbrook, Officer in Charge, Tustin Post Office .'.. }OG 0'0000~ )000000000000 )00000~ :: 0:000000000000000~ 100000000000000000 · -- 0~0000000000000000~ ' )~00000000000000000' ~00000 I~:O00000000000000~ ;, I000000000000000 · ~O000000C OO000000000000~ )0000000000000 · OOOOC .~ 7000000000004 00000000000 0~0'0000000~ ~ ~OC ~ooooooo~oooooooCNL · ?." poOOOOO~J~ooooooooo~ IOooooo~oo oooooooooolb .. 1~ooooc~ooooooooooooo0~.. igooog~ooooooooooooooo~) p~O00~000000000 O000 O00~' I0:0 ~I1~ 0 O0 000000000000 q4~ pO.g~ 000000000000000g~' iC~'O000000000000000.~~ i~O000000000000000~ · ~0000000000000000'~ ~OLO000000000000000~ I0.0000000000000000000~'~ DO.O000000000000000000~I~ 10'0'0000000000000000000~4~ D:O;OOOOOOOOOOOO0OOOOOOOO~ I0'0000000000000000000000o~ b.O~O000000000000000000000~ O000000000000OO0000000000~I~L -. )oo0ooo0o00oooooooooo0o00o3~ )0~000000000000000000{~' 00000000000000000~' ~00000000000000~' ~OOOOOOOQOOOO~' 00000000000(~' 0000~ )00000000 00000 )0~0 ~00000000 )000000000 000 0'00000000000 O00000E ~O000000000000C )00000 O0000000C O~ rO00000000C 000 000000~ )000~' O000C 00000000000 )00000000000000000000~ 0000000000000000000 )0000000000000000000 )0000000000000000 00' 00000000000 )OC )0000000000 00000 00000000 )0000000~ )00000000, 00000000000 )0000000000, 000 )0000000~ 0000000000000000000000~ 0.0000000000000000000 )O000000000000OO00000~ 00000000000000000000000 000000 0000000000~ )O0000000000OO00 '000000000000000000000000000~ )O0000000000C ooo0ooeooooooooooo~oooooo~ ~00000000000o00 ooo000oo0oo00o000oooo0~ ooooo0ooooooooooo ~000000000000000000004 00000000000000000 000000000000000000~ )000000000000000 00000 0000000000000 00000000000 0000000000000~ 000000~ 0000000000000 00000000000, O0000C )00000000 )0000000000000000 0000000~ 000¢ 000000 )0000000000~0000000 )000000~ 00000000000000000000000 )00000000000000000 0000000000000000 0000000000000000000000' ~00000000000000000( 0000000000000000000000~ 00000000000000000000000 )0000000000000'00000 00000000000000000000000~ 0000000000000000000000000¢ 00000000000000000 ~0000000000000000000000 ~O0000000000000000000OO00000000 ~00000000000 ~000000000000000000 ~00000000000000000000000000000000 )00000000000000000000~ 00000000000000000000 000000000000000000000000000000000( 00000000000000000000 )000000000000000000( 000000000000000000000000000000000 tO00000000000000000 )000000 )00000000000000000000000000000000000~ )00000000000000000 )00000 0000000000000000 000000000000000000000000000000000( )0000000000000000 '00000 )00000000000000' 0000000000000000000000000000000~ 000000 00000 0000000000000( 000000000000000000000000000~ )'000000000000004 )OOO0000000 ,0000000000 O000000000000~O0000000000000E 000000000000000 00000000000 )0000000 O00000OO0000000000000000000~ )00000000 00000000000000000 000000000 )000000000000000000000000000000000~ 0000000000000~ 00000000000000 )0000000~ 00000000000000000000000000000¢ )00000000000 )00000000000000~ )000000000000000000000000000000000000~ )000000 0000000000000000~ )000000000000000000000000000000000000 00000000~ ~000000000000000000000000'000 000000000000000000000000000000000000~ ,000000~ )000000000000000000000000 I~0000000000000000000000000000000 )00000000¢ )00000000000000000000000000000 )00000000000000000000000000'0000000000000, 000000000000000000000000000000 )0000000000000000000000000000000000000 )00 000000000000000000000000000000 )00000000000000000000000000000000, )0000000000000000000000000000 0000000000000000000000000000000000( 00000000000000000000000000000000 )00000000000000000000000000000000000, 0000000000000000000000000000000 00000000000000000000000000000000 ,000.00000000000000000000000000000~ ,000000000000000000000000000000000~ ANNEXATION -,+ 138 ANNEXATION 138 TUSTIN CITY UMITS NO NORTH RCAI_E .o UNITED STATES PC~STAL SERVICE 8ante Ane Field Division Sent. An., CA g279G.ggg8 December 28, 1987 Mr. Gerald Feldman Chairman, Board of Governo'rs Bellewick Community Association P.O. Box 861 Tustin, CA 92681-0861, Dear Mr. Feldman, In response to your letter dated September 30, 1987, requesting a ZIP Code change for the Ranchwood/Bellewick area, the Postal Service has agreed to allow residents of this area to use the following address as an option to their present city/state/ZIP Code. (Street Address) Tustin, CA 92705 As we pointed out in.our meeting recently, there is a p.ossibil- ity that with the change, the residents may experience occasional, one day delay with mail addressed to Tustin, CA 92705. This is due to machine sortation and the human factor in processing the mail. We request your patience and understanding in this matter. Should you have any questions, feel free to contact Richard Elliott, Director, Field Operations, at 836-2642. It should be noted that we are advising all residents not to use the ZIP Code 92680 as this is likely to cause unwanted ~lays in 'handling~ tha~ mail. Sincr 1 , · i / ~'Ff'eld Division G~'neral Manager/Postmaster ~." :Santa Aha Divis.fon FRO~: $1JBJ ECT: I, IZI. I. ZAN A. HUSTON, CZTY PIANAGER NARY £. WNN, CZTY Ct.£RK ~ ~t~~-- DZSTRZCTS FOR PROPE:RTY AT :13:19:1 #ZCI(SHZR£ LANE: '. At the 1-18-88. Ctt.y Counctl meett~dman"~'~tlu, ested~'-"'" '"' that the Ctt~v use tt's Influence to have the Z,p ~r. A~~~ Code f~ r Annexation No. ~38 canged from Santa Ana, 9970S, to Tusttn, 99680. . . Following are the districts for the property of Gerald Feldman, 23292 Ntckshtre Lane, · Santa Aha, California 9Z705: Congressional 0istrtct No. 40, Robert. Badham Assembl~, 0t strtct No. 67, ~lohn Lewts , Board of Supervisors Olstrtct No: 5, Tom Rlle~, TO: FROM: SUBJECT: HILLINII A. HUb'TON, CITY HANAGF..R CHRISTINE SHINGLE'TON, DIRECTOR OF COPIIqUNI~ DEVELOPHENT~ ADORESS/Z]:P CODE: 'HZX-UP', ANNE:XAT]:ON NO. 238 As a follow-up to thts matter', staff has spoken to the Southern California £dtson · Company.. Ms. Pat Buttress, Area Manager, explained that upon notification that ~ ...~ thts area had been annexed trite the Ctty of Tusttn, she had Incorrectly assumed that.the Ctty name and zip codes would change to that of Tusttn's. She went on to .- say that measures have been taken to ensure that no further mtx-ups would occur. She'also tnformed staff that $! of the 80 subject btlls were patd on time, Indicating that they had to have been delivered. Furthermore, only. seven (7) were returned to SCI! as incorrect, leavtng the other 22 btlls unaccounted for. Lastly, she stated that no late charges would be assessed. Staff has also spoken with Post Master Bob Boone of the Tusttn Post Office to inquire about changing the annexation 138 area's addresses and zip codes to that of "Tusttn", "92680". Mr. Boone informed staff that it is not a simple process, and that for the Postal Servtce to change routes and distribution areas, tt must be demonstrated that such an action would result tn 1reproved efficiency and also be more economical. Mr. Boone further stated that staff should contact Ms. Rosemarte Calabrese, tn charge of Deltvery Services, Santa Aha Division, if the Ctty sought to pursue the matter further. Appropriately, staff is in the process of drafting correspondence to Ms. Calabrese regarding the possibility of changing the annexation 138 area addresses over to "Tusttn", "92680" at the ttme that deltvery begins to the Sycamore Glen Condominiums (248 untts) and Rancho Altsal Apartments (344 untts). These projects -. wtll both be served by the Tusttn Post Offtce and use '~Tusttn ", "92680" addresses. Both of these projects wtll have residents movtng tn Hovember of thts year. CAS :SR:pef