HomeMy WebLinkAboutNB 7 CALTRANS CONST. 04-03-89~' ~'~ ~.~ F: ,"'~ !'~ · NEW BUSINESS
NO. 7
Inter Corn
That the Tustin City Council at their meeting of April 3, 1989 approve
the Cooperative Agreement No. 12-028 between Caltrans and City of Tustin
with deletion of Improvement No. 6 in Stage I as shown on Exhibit "A" and
authorize Mayor to,execute said Agreement subject to final approval by
the City Attorney's office, and authorize a supplemental 1988-89 budget
appropriation in the amount of $19,000.00.
As a phase of the Stage II construction of the Santa Ana (I-5)/Costa Mesa
(Rte. 55) Interchange construction, Caltrans has determined that it will
be necessary to demolish and construct each of the following local street
bridge structures across the indicated freeways:
Local Agency
Street Freeway
Santa Ana
Tustin/Santa Ana
Santa Ana
Fourth Street
Irvine/Fourth Street
First Street
First Street
Santa Ana (I-5)
Costa Mesa (Rte.55)
Santa Ana (I-5)
Costa Mesa (Rte.55)
This demolition and reconstruction of each structure will require the
total..,closure of each street across the respective freeway for a period
of one (1) year. These closures will require re-routing of traffic
during the periods of closure.
The City staffs of Santa Ana and Tustin had expressed concerns to
Caltrans on the traffic impacts that would be experienced by each City as
a result of these street closures for a combined period of two (2) years.
In 1988, the City Council of each City authorized a First Street/Fourth
Street-Irvine Boulevard detour study which has been completed by the firm
of Parsons, Brinckerhoff, Quade and Douglas, Inc. This study evaluated
the traffic impacts to each City as they relate to the various
combinations of street closures and suggests certain local street and
traffic signal improvements to help reduce the effects of these impacts.
Some of these suggested improvements are those outlined in Exhibit "A" of
the subject agreement. A list of similar type improvements was included
within the City of Santa Ana agreement which was approved by the Santa
Ana City Council in early March 1989.
MARCH 27, 1989
Caltrans has selected the desired alternative outlined in the City's
consultant study where the work is described as follows:
o Phase I includes the demolition and reconstruction of two
bridges simultaneously. One bridge on Irvine Boulevard/Fourth
Street over the Costa Mesa (Rte.55) Freeway and one bridge on
Fourth Street over the Santa Ana (I-5) Freeway. This work will
require street closures at each location for a period of one (1)
o Phase II includes the demolition and reconstruction of two
bridges simultaneously. One bridge on First Street over the
Costa Mesa (Rte.55) Freeway and one bridge over the Santa Ana
(I-5) Free~ay. This work will also require street closures at
each location for a period of one (1) year.
The previously mentioned local street improvements will help reduce the
anticipated traffic congestion as a result of the street closures. These
proposed improvements within Tustin and their estimated costs are shown
Phase I - Closure of Irvine Boulevard/Fourth Street
at I-5 and Rte. 55
1... Widen west side of Yorba Street between
First Street and Irvine Boulevard ....................... $ 82,000
2. Remove on-street parking and re-stripe Yorba Street
between First Street and Irvine Boulevard ................ 2,000
3. Remove on-street parking .and re-stripe First Street
between Tustin Avenue and 300 to 400 feet easterly of
Y~rba/Pacific streets ................................ ~irst -- ~treet 1,000
4. Modify traffic signal at Street/Yorba
· Pacific Street ........................................... 30,000
5. ~odify traffic signal at Irvine Boulevard/Yorba Street ... 30,000
6. Widen south side of First Street at Tustin Avenue and
modify traffic signal .................................... 218,000
Phase II - Closure of First Street at I-5 and Rte. 55
1. Re-stripe northbound Yorba Street at Irvine Boulevard ...$
2. Modify traffic signal at Irvine Boulevard/Yorba Street ..
3. Re-stripe eastbound Irvine Boulevard at Yorba Street ....
4. Remove on-street parking and re-stripe Irvine Boulevard
between Yorba Street and Prospect Avenue ................
5. Modify traffic signal at First Street/Yorba Street ......
6. Re-stripe Yorba Street between First Street and
Irvine Boulevard ........................................
Total Phase I and Phase II
MARCH 27, 1989
Please note that Item No. 6 on the Caltrans Exhibit "A" has been deleted.
Staff does not concur with re-striping Main Street between Pacific Street
and Elk Lane (in Santa Ana) to four travel lanes due to the narrow
roadway, the Main Street underpass, the driveway access to Main Street,
and upcoming freeway construction of the underpass.
Caltrans has prepared the attached agreement that provides the vehicle
for the City to construct the suggested improvements and for Caltrans to
reimburse the City 100% of the construction cost, provided they do not
exceed the costs outlined on Exhibit "A" of the agreement. This
agreement provides~ for the City to furnish all engineering design and
construction contract administration at the City's sole cost. Estimated
design cost for this work is $24,000 wherein approximately $5,000 may be
reimbursable through the City's AHFP project at First Street and Tustin
These proposed improvements include some key issues which could be a
concern to the adjacent residents/businesses. These issues are
identified as follows:
1. Removal of on-street parking on both sides of Yorba Street between
First and Irvine Boulevard.
2.. Removal of on-street parking on both sides of First Street between
Tustin Avenue and 300-400 feet easterly of Yorba/Pacific Streets.
3. Removal of on-street parking on both sides of Irvine Boulevard
between Yorba Street and Prospect Avenue.
It is anticipated that the adjacent residents/businesses would oppose any
on-street parking removal despite the fact that these developments all
have on-site parking as required by City development standards.
Eac~' of the directly affected intersections within Tustin's jurisdiction
were reviewed for existing conditions and project conditions with each
phase of the street closures and are summarized in volume/capacity ratios
and levels of service on Table 1.
Level of Service (LOS) definitions as defined by the 1985 Highway
Capacity Manual are provided in Table 2. Typically, LOS D is considered
the maximum LOS appropriate for an urban setting.
Trip assignments for the suggested detouring for Phase I and Phase II of
the proposed street closures allocate all trips to the shortest available
route during the reconstruction project, and do not take into account
possible trip diversions created by congestion. These potential
congested conditions required evaluation of alternative routes throughout
the study area to accommodate any likely spillover traffic demand.
MARCH 27, 1989
In order to minimize the effects of additional traffic congestion on
streets and intersections within the impacted areas of Tustin, it is
recommended that the City Council approve the street/intersection
improvement listed in Exhibit "A" of the Caltrans agreement, with the
exception of Improvement No. 6 in Stage I, and direct staff to commence
with the plan preparation for said improvements at an estimated net cost
to the City of $19,000.00. Additionally, it is recommended that the
subject agreement be approved by the City Council and the Mayor be
authorized to execute same, subject to final approval by the City
Attorney who is currently reviewing this document.
Bob Ledendecker
Director of Public Works/City Engineer
0 u~
Level of
Traffic Flow/Delay Characteristics
Very low delay, i.e., less than 5.0 sec per vehicle.
This occurs when progression is extremely favorable, and
most vehicles arrive during the green phase. Most
vehicles do not stop at all. Short cycle lengths may
also contribute to low delay.
Delay in the range of 5.1 to 15.0 sec per vehicle. This
generally occurs with good progression and/or short
cycl~ lengths. More vehicles stop than for LOS A,
causing higher levels of average delay.
Delay in the range of 15.1 to 25.0 sec per vehicle.
These higher delays may result from fair progression and/
or longer cycle lengths. Individual cycle failures may
begin to appear in this level. The number of vehicles
stopping is significant at this level, although many
still pass through the intersection without stopping.
Delay in the range of 25.1 to 40.0 sec per vehicle. At
level D, the influence of congestion becomes more notice-
able. Longer delays may result from some combination of
unfavorable progression, long cycle lengths, or high v/c
ratios. Many vehicles stop, and the proportion of
vehicles not stopping declines. Individual cycle
failures are noticeable.
Delay in the range of 40.1 to 60.0 sec per vehicle. This
is considered to be the limit of acceptable delay. These
high delay values generally indicate poor progression,
long cycle lengths, and high v/c ratios. Individual
cycle failures are frequent occurrences.
Delay in excess of 60.0 sec per vehicle. This is
considered to be unacceptable to most drivers. This
condition often occurs with oversaturation, i.e., when
arrival flow rates exceed the capacity of the intersec-
tion. It may also occur at high v/c ratios below 1.00
with many individual cycle failures. Poor progression
and long cycle lengths may also be major contributing
causes to such delay levels.
12-0RA-5/55 Stage 2
12209 - 101641
District Agreement No. 12-028
is between the STATE OF CALIFORNIA, acting by and through its
Department of Transportation, referred to herein as STATE,
a body politic and a municipal
corporation of the State of
California, referred to herein
as CITY.
1. STATE and CITY, pursuant to Streets and Highways
Code Section 130, are authorized to enter into a Cooperative
Agreement for improvements to CITY streets within the CITY, said
CITY streets which would be impacted by the construction of the.
STATE's project to reconstruct the 5/55 Interchange.
2. .STATE recognizes that with reconstruction of the
Routes 5/55 In~terchange, inter-city traffic flow will be
diverted to certain CITY streets and is willing to cooperate to
alleviate the expected traffic congestion by participating in
street improvements listed on Exhibit A, hereinafter called
PROJECT. Exhibit A is attached and made a part of this Agreement.
3. CITY recognizes the potential impacts to CITY
streets and is willing to cooperate in completing PROJECT.
4. This Agreement supersedes any prior Memorandum of
,. ~nderstanding (MOU) relating to this project.
5. The parties hereto desire to define herein the
terms and conditions under which said PROJECT will be developed
and designed and under which the CITY is to be reimbursed.
- 2 -
1. To fund one hundred (100) percent of construction
cost of PROJECT provided these costs do not exceed the amount
shown in Exhibit A and are completed prior to their need to
mitigate the impacts of construction caused by STATE's Stage 2
project to reconstruct the 5/55 Interchange.
2. To provide, at no cost to CITY, prompt reviews and
approvals as appropriate of submittals by CITY, and to cooperate
in timely processing of the PROJECT.
3. To issue at no cost, upon proper application, an
encroachment permit to CiTY authorizing entry onto STATE's
right-of-way to perform survey and construction activities
required for completion of PROJECT.
4. To deposit with CITY within 25 days of receipt of
billing therefor (which billing may be forwarded immediately
following CITY's bid advertising date of a construction contract
for PROJECT) the amount of $439,000, which figure represents
STATE's share of the expense of construction costs required to
complete PROJECT, as shown on Exhibit A. STATE's total obligation
for said anticipated PROJECT costs under this Agreement shall not
exceed the amount of $439,000.
- 3 -
1. To prepare PS&E and to administer the construction
contract, at no cost to STATE, for said PROJECT with CITY and/or
consultant forces. The PS&E are to be prepared in accordance with
STATE's laws, rules, regulations, policies, procedures, manuals,
standard plans and specifications, and other standards including
compliance with Federal Highway Administration (FHWA) requirements.
Said PS&E are to be subject to ongoing review and formal draft
and final review and approval by STATE and FHWA. The CITY and/or
its consultants shall not incorporate in the design any materials
or equipment of single or sole source origin without the written
approval of' the~STATE.
2. To furnish STATE, prior to commencing work on the
PROJECT, a proposed time schedule to complete the PS&E and the
construction contract for PROJECT.
3. To have the final design documents and drawings of
structural, mechanical, electrical, civil, architectural, or other
engineering features of the PROJECT prepared by or under the
direction of engineers or architects registered and licensed in
the applicable professional field in the State of California.
Any reports, the specifications, and each sheet of plans shall
- 4 -
bear the professional seal, 6ertificate number, registration
classification, expiration date of certificate, and signature of
the professional engineer responsible for their preparation.
4. To retain all books, documents, papers, accounting
records, and other evidence pertaining to costs incurred,
including support data for cost proposals, and make such materials
available at the respective offices of the CITY and its subcon-
tractors at all reasonable times during the contract period and
for three years from the date of final payment under the contract.
The STATE, FHW~, or any duly authorized representative of the
Federal Government shall have access to any books, records, and
documents of the CITY and its subcontractors that are pertinent
to the contract for audits, examinations, excerpts, and
transactions, and copies thereof shall be furnished if requested.
0. 1o Ail obligations of STATE under the terms of this
Agreement are contingent upon the appropriation of resources by
the Legislature.
2. The total cost reimbursement payable by STATE to
CITY under this Agreement will not exceed $439,000, and will be
subject to audit verification as to all elements of costs and
- 5 -
fees charged. Any STATE funds remaining on deposit with CITY for
work by CITY shall be returned to STATE within 30 days after
completion and acceptance of PROJECT.
3. Nothing in the provisions of this Agreement is
intended to create duties or obligations to or rights in third
parties not parties to this Agreement or affect the legal liability
of either party to the Agreement by imposing any standard of care
respecting the maintenance of State highways different from the
standard of car~ imposed by law.
It is understood and agreed that neither STATE nor
any officer or employee thereof is responsible for any damage or
liability occurring by reasons of anything done or omitted to be
done by CITY under or in connection with any work, authority or
jurisdiction delegated to CITY under this Agreement. It is under-
stood and agreed that, pursuant to Government Code Section 895.4,
CITY shall fully defend, indemnify and save harmless the State of
California, all officers and employees from all claims, suits or
,actions of every name, kind and description brought for or on
account of injuries to or death of any person or damage to property
resulting from anything done or omitted to be done by the CITY
under or in connection with any work, authority or jurisdiction
delegated to the CITY under this Agreement.
- 6 -
4. It is understood and agreed that neither CITY nor
any officer or employee thereof is responsible for any damage or
liability occurring by reasons of anything done or omitted to be
done by STATE under or in connection with any work, authority or
jurisdiction delegated to STATE under this Agreement. It is
understood and agreed that, pursuant to Government Code Section
895.4, STATE shall defend, indemnify and save harmless the CITY
from all claims, suits or actions of every name, kind and
description brought for or on account of injuries to or death of
any person or damage to property resulting from anything done or
omitted to. be done by STATE under or in connection with any work,
authority or jurisdiction delegated to the STATE under this
5. No alteration or variation of the terms of this
Agreement shall be valid unless made in writing and signed by the
parties hereto and no oral understanding or agreement not
incorporated herein shall be binding on any of the parties hereto.
6. STATE reserves the right to terminate this Agreement
°~pon written notice to CITY. At the time of termination, CITY
will be paid for work accomplished and delivered in accordance
with the terms of this Agreement.
7. The STATE will only participate in PROJECT work that
will be completed prior to the commencement of the Stage 2 -
Route 5/55 Interchange Reconstruction PROJECT.
- 7 -
8. Except as otherwise provided in Article 6 above, this
Agreement shall terminate upon completion a~d acceptance of the
construction contract for PROJECT or on November 1, 1990, whichever
is earlier in time. Any CITY refunds due STATE shall be determined
after final accounting of costs.
Department of Transportation
Director of Transportation
District Director
City Clerk
Approved as to Form and Procedure
Department of Transportation
Certified as to Funds and Procedure
District Accounting Officer
- 8 -