December 16, 1968
I. Meeting called to order at 7:30 P.M. by Mayor Coco.
II. Led by Mayor Coco.
III. Given by Councilman Mack.
IV. Present: Councilmen: Coco, Mack, Klingelhofer
ROLL Miller, Marsters
CALL Absent: Councilmen: None
Others Present: City Administrator Harry E. Gill
City Attorney James G. Reurke
City Clerk Ruth C. Poe
Planning Director James Supinger
V. Moved by Marsters, seconded by Mack that minutes
APPROVAL of December 2nd meeting be approved as mailed. Carried.
HEARINGS Application of G. L. Lewis Enterprises Inc. for
rezoning (ZC 68-183) of approximately 0.77 acres
of land from the R-1 (Single Family Residential)
District to the R-3 (Multiple Family Residential)
District. Site fronts 150 ft. on the east side of
Mountain View Drive, approximately 300 ft. north
of the centerline of First Street.
Hearing opened at 7:32 P.M.
Mr. Supinger explained location and presented the
Planning Commission's recommendations for denial.
Mr. G. L. Lewis, applicant, of 550 East Chapman
Avenue, Orange, spoke on his own behalfr showing
a map of the area and stating that with the R-3
zoning presently in the area this rezoning would
not create an island. Mr. Lewis stated that he
would be willing to set specia~ conditions on the
rezoning including one garage and one car space
per unit, architectural control, street widening
and bringing in of adequate water facilities. He
is asking for R-3 on a 150' parcel which ms not
substandard as a 70' frontage is required by the
City. Mr. Lewis made reference to a petition
previously submitted of those area residents in
favor of this zoning. Mr. Lewis asked that this
zoning be considered entirely separate from Hearing
No. 2, ZC 68-1~4 of Attebery. He also stated that
as he had not been at the last hearing before the
Planning Commission and therefore could not present
all the facts, he would not have any opposition to
this matter being referred back to the Planning
Mr. Glenn Burres, 130 Mountain View, stated that
the only names on the petition in favor of this
zone change are those involved an getting rid of
their property. The three owners across from this
property are opposed to the change because of small
Council Minutes
12/16/68 Pg. 2
lots, narrow street and with the existing trailer
park there is already a traffic and parking problem.
This development would put apartments on a strictly
residential street and would be very poor planning.
Mr. Lewis stated that the petition in favor of
this zoning does not include those involved in
this transaction.
There being no further comments or objections,
the hearing was declared closed at 7:58 P.M.
In answer to questioning by the Council, Mr.
Supinger stated that this matter had been
referred back to the Planning Commission at the
September 16th Council meeting at the request of
the applicant. The Tustin City Study was
presented to the Commission November 25th and
will be taken under consideration at the December
123rd meeting. The Economic Study is still at
the point of interviewing consultants. The
staff recommendation in the report was for R-2
zoning for this area. Mr. Supinger said it is
his understanding the proposed development covers
only 100' of the total 150' of proposed zoning.
Mr. Lewis stated they are using only the northerly
100 ' the small 50' portion is a portion of the
trailer court and this zone change would be in
keeping with this court. The piece to be developed
is 100' X 256' and does not include the trailer
park. In answer to further questioning Mr. Lewis
stated he would be willing to consider any practical
approach of less than R-3.
Mr. Supinger said there had been no discussion of
lower density except in the Tustin City Study.
Councilman Miller felt that there are several
questions that shculd be answered. Some overall
plan with consideration of street widths and water
supply. A lot of the residents have been here
for years and are worried about zoning and
development. Mr. Miller did not feel that either
the Commission or the Council are ready to decide,
at this time, what is best for the future of the
community. This is too piecemeal and the area
should be considered as a block.
~ayor Coco felt that studying the overall plan
as the ideal approach but was concerned with
the timing of such a plan. The applications for
zoning are coming in with increasing frequency
and we are not getting any closer to this ideal
Councilman Miller felt that more effort must be
put into accomplishing a plan by a certain time.
Time and money must be budgeted for this area.
He did not feel that either R-2 or R-3 take into
consideration the wishes of a great number of
people living in this area.
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12/16/68 Pg. 3
Councilman Klingelhofer stated that the
Council had best meet with the Planning
Commission and devote some sessions to this
Tustin Town Study immediately.
Mayor Coco stated that the interests in this
area can be divided into two groups. The residents
and the developers. It is up to the City to take
the leadership role and find in favor of one group
or the other or decide on zoning such as Planned
Development with conditions for parking, architectural
control, etc. to benefit both groups.
Councilman Mack suggested that the Council consider
deferring any action in this matter to the
Council's second meeting in January and request
~that the Planning Commission present some answers
to the recommended City Study to the Council by
the first meeting in January.
Mayor Coco suggested a meeting with the Commission
the third Thursday of January & said this seemed to
be agreeable with Commissioners he had talked to.
After further discussion as to timing, needs,
importance of the Town Study and the Economic
Base Study, and the hiring of a consultant, it
was moved by Miller, seconded by Marsters that
the City Administrator be directed to report at
next regular meeting on the cost and time of
hiring a consultant to give a study of Downtown
area that the Council can use as a guide in the
request before the Council.
Moved by Mack, seconded by Klingelhofer that
motion be amended to include that the request of
G. L. Lewis be referred back to the Planning
Commission with a synopsis of this meeting's tape
for consideration at the next meeting. MotiOn
carried. Mr. Miller voting no.
Original motion carried unanimously.
Mr. Rourke stated that the Commission would have
to set this zoning application for a hearing.
This date could be determined at their next meeting.
2. ZC 68-184 OF T. V. ATTEBERY
Application of T. V. Attebery on behalf of 16
property owners for rezoning (ZC 68-184) of approx-
imately 4.5 ac~es of land from the R-1 (Single
Family Residential) District to the R-3 (Multiple
Family Residential) District. Site comprises a
majority of the block bounded by First; Pacific,
Third, and Myrtle Streets. A more complete
description is on file in the Planning Department
Hearing opened at 8:35 P.M.
~r. Supinger explained the location and presented
the Plannin~ Commission's recommendation for denial.
Mr. Supinger also informed the Council that two
lots have been withdrawn from this application at
the request of the owners.
Council Minutes
12/16/68 Pg. 4
Councilman Marsters stated he wished to abstain
from any discussion on this application and
left his Council seat,
Mr. Rourke ruled that anyone on the C6uncil who
wishes to abstain, may do so.
The following persons spoke regarding this change:
Ernest Beckman, 665 West Third Street, stated that
the old residents should be consulted. The
sewer lines and water pressure are inadequate.
Increase in traffic, Apartments will make this
the jungleland of Tustin.
Mr. Torres, 695 West Third Streetr stated he had
withdrawn from the application when he understood
this would bring the road in close to his house.
He would rather it remain R-1.
Mr. T. V. Attebery, 155 Myrtle, stated that they
have some long lots and asked if the Council could
help them do something with them.
Mr, Webb, 185 South Pacific, stated he had bought
his property and redeveloped it as R-1 and would
not have done so if he thought the zoning would
Mr. J. Hunter, 180 Pacific, stated he is planning
on retaining his residence and likes the long
lot and is for keeping the R-1 zoning.
Mr. Bob Hall, Realtor at 370 West First Street,
felt that a higher density such as Planned
Development could be compatible with those in
the area who wish to keep their homes. Two or
three of these long lots could be added together
to make a parcel for a nice residential Planned
Development. Mr. Hall felt these could be a
feasible solution and that something should be
done for those owners wishing to sell.
In answer to questioning, Mr. Supinger stated that
lots 22, 23, 24, and 14, 15, 16 are zoned R-1.
Lots 10, 11, 19, 20 and the four lots directly
behind the lots fronting on First Street are zoned
Mr. Knight, 165 Myrtle (Lot 13) stated his thought
when he signed for this zone change was that he
might put one house on the back ~f his lot and that
most of his n~ighbors seemed to have the same idea
and were not thinking of building apartments. Mr.
Knight said he would leave it in the hands of the
Commission and the Council but would like to see
it possibly zoned R-2.
Mr. Collar of Pacific Street (Lot 23) stated he
~as not in favor of apartments but would like to
see the property zoned to permit a second house
on a lot.
Mr. Beckman, spoke at length as to the number of
residents opposed to this zone change and felt
Council Minutes
12/16/68 Pg. 5
that consideration should be given to the
longtime area residents. He agreed with the
idea for a Planned Community.
Mr. William Moss, 215 South Myrtle (Lot 18)
stated that they had requested R-3 but that they
did not have the building of apartments in mind and
would be happy with either R-3 or R-2 zoning.
Mr. Moss suggested that the Council wait for more
information before a quick decision is made as
this will effect the town in the future, but
that you can't stop growth. As to water and
fire hydrants this too would have to be changed.
Mr. Moss suggested that some criteria for building
be set and map made so that everyone knows what
is going to happen to the town rather than
letting areas like this sit until somebody wants
a rezoning. Something should be done about this
area instead of putting it off, year in and year
Miss Blaylock of 675 West Third Street said she
was representing her father and speaking in
opposition of this zone change.
Mr. Beckman commented on the need for updated maps and
owners lists obtained from the Assessor's office.
After further comments on the residential character
of the neighborhood and the petitions submitted,
Mr. Beckman urged the Council to deny this applicatio]
for R-3 zoning.
There being no further comments or objections, the
hearing was declared closed at 9:15 P.M.
Councilman Miller stated that the discussion
held on the previous property applies with equal
logic to this application.
Moved by Miller, seconded by Klingelhofer that this
area be included in the proposal of cost and time
to hire a consultant to give a study of the
Downtown area, that the Council has asked the staff
to present at the next regular meeting and that
this application be deferred and referred to the
Planning Commission for further consideration and
to include transcripts of the minutes. Motion
carried, Mr. Marsters abstained.
Mayor Gcco declared a recess.
Meeting reconvened at 9:30 P.M.
Application of Mary Broomell for rezoning (ZC 68-188)
of a parcel totalling 2.3t'acres as follows:
Parcel 1 fronting 164' on the north side of
17th Street and 150' on the west side of Yorba
Street from the PD-3500 (Planned Development
3500 sq. ft. per unit and lot area) District
to the C-2 (Central Commercial) District.
Council Minutes
12/16/68 Pg. 6
Parcel 2 - fronting 16~' on the south side of
Medford Avenue and 470' on the west side of Yorba
Street from the PD-3500 (Planned Development
3500 sq. ft. per unit and lot area) District to
the R-3 1900 (Multiple Family Residential 1900
sq. ft. per unit and lot area) District. Subject
property is adjacent to and east of the Ralph's
Shopping Center.
Hearing opened at 9:30 P.M.
Mr. Supinger explained location of subject property
and Planning Commission recommendations for approval.
Mr. Mel Cohen, attorney representing Foodmaster
Incorporated, operators of Jack-In-The-Box,
presented plot plans and renderings for development
of Parcel No. 1. Mr. Cohen stated that as 17th
Street is a primary highway with a traffic count
of 24,000 cars daily and Yorba Street a main
artery, the P.D. zoning is unrealistic. C-2
is a natural extension of th~ present Commercial
Development to the west. The architectural design
will be compatible with the existing buildings.
The building will seat 52 people and the operation
is of a family type and no liquor will be served.
Petitions in opposition to this zone change
application were presented by Mr. Jack Simmons,
Mr. Felix Barsanti Jr., Mr. E. Dyer, Mr. Robert
Kin, Mr. Eugene Gott.
The following spoke in opposition of this zone
change application:
Mr. Jack Simmons, 1744 Bonner Dr.
Mr. Felix Barsanti Jr., 13772 Palace Way
Mr. E. Dyer, 13672 Yorba St.
Mr. Robert Kin, 13781 Palace Way
Miss Ona Lee Elliott, 13631 Yorba St.
Mr. George Brewer, 13791 Palace Way
Mr. Roy Fletcher, 13832 Fairmont Way
Mrs. Roy Fletcherr 13832 Fairmont Way
Mr. Richard Randallr 13751 Fairmont Way
Mr. L. Conrady, 13761 Palace Way
Mrs. L. Conrady, 13761 Palace Way
Mr. L. Sinclair, Laurie Lane
Mr. Eugene Gott, 13811 Palace Way
Reasons given in opposition by the above named
residents were:
1) Detrimental to land values in the residential
2) Increase in traffic flow.
3) Parking problems.
4) Driveway cuts at intersection.
5) Increase in children in the area due to
apartment house which will have inadequate
green area and recreation facilities.
6) Added Police and Fire problems.
7) Noise, dirt and litter from ~he Jack-In-The-Box.
Council Minutes
12/16/68 Pg. 7
Mr. Jack Thoner, builder-developer, Fourth
Street, Tustin spoke in behalf of the application
and stated that it was not economically feasible
to build under the P.D. 3500 and that R-3 1900
will not bring in any more children.
Mr. R. Harvey, representing Foodmaster Inc., spoke
in behalf of proposed Jack-In-The-Box and read
portions of correspondence from other cities and
companies commending the operation and maintenance
of Jack-In-The-Box restaurants in their areas.
Mr. Harvey stated he felt this to be a compatible
use to this area and conforEsto the General Plan.
In answer to questioning regarding the effect of
petitions and number of residents protesting,
Mayor Coco stated that petitions are extremely
helpful and important but they are not the sole
basis of decision.
There being no further comments or objections, the
hearing was declared closed at 10:30 P.M.
Councilman Marsters stated that he is concerned
about commercial on Seventeenth Street and felt
the original zoning of FD-3500 was the best for
the area. He felt that an apartment project of
some sort could be developed but that the Jack-
In-The-Box could be a kickoff for anything and
would create congestion. He was concerned with
C-2 on the corner and felt that professional building
might be the solution.
Councilman Klingelhofer stated that the General
Plan is not a precise plan and shows a black blob
at this corner and could be commercial. He,
therefore, took exception to the County saying
that this zoning would be against the General Plan.
Dr. Klingelhofer also stated that he lives in this
region south of Santa Clara and two houses from
Yorba Street and did not feel this zoning would
be objectionable or that a Jack-In-The-Box would
be so adverse as to make his home an objectionable
place to live. The apartments would be a bufEer
against Ralph's Center and that PD-3500 does not
seem to be economically feasible.
Councilman Mack stated that he felt that the County
breached the buffer of PD-3500 when they zoned the
parcel east of Yorba to the professional zone which
in the County allows commercial uses.
In answer to q~estioning Mr. Supinger said that Count5
professional does allow certain commercial uses
such as a beauty salon.
Mayor Coco explained the makeup of the General Plan
Committee and stated that the aim was to preserve
and protect this fine residential community and tc
locate tax base in non-interference.
Council Minutes
12/16/68 Pg. 8
Mr. Supinge~ stated that this application for
multiple could be zoned PC-R-3-19D0 which would
then require a Use Permit and would give the
maximum amount of architectural control and be
added assurance that property owners could inspect
plans and express opinions. This would also be
true i.f C-2 area was zoned PC-C-2; although, a
Jack-In-The-Box would require a Use Permit in any
Moved by Klingelhofer, seconded by Mack that
Zone Change 68-188 as presented be approved
with the exception of a PC-R-3-1900 zoning for
the northern portion and PC-C-2 zoning for the
southern portion.
Councilman Marsters stated he would have to vote
for denial as he feels very strongly on use of
the corner property.
Councilman Miller felt that one unit per 1900
sq. ft. to be too high a densitY.
Moved by Miller that motion be amended to'zone
northern portion PC-R-3-3000. MOtion failed
for lack of second.
Original motion by Councilman Klingelhofer carried
by roll call vote. Ayes: Coco, Mack, Klingelhofer.
Noes: Miller, Marsters. Absent: None.
VII. 1. ORDINANCE NO. 425 2nd reading
Rezoning a parcel of land with an area of approx-
imately 2.5 acres from the U (Unclassified)
District to the R-3-1750 (Multiple Family
Residential, 1 unit per 1750 sq. ft. of lot area)
District. Subject parcel is a portion of a 13.5
acre parcel fronting 625 ft. on the northwest side
of Red Hill Avenue and 910 ft.-on the southwest
side of Walnut Avenue.
Moved by Marsters, seconded by Mack that Ordinance
No. 425 have second reading by title only. Carried
Moved by Mack, seconded by Marsters that Ordinance
No. 425, rezoning property on Application No.
---- ZC 68-187, be passed and adopted.
Carried by roll call. Ayes: Coco, Mack, Klingelhofer,
Miller, Marsters.
Council Minutes
12/16/68 Pg. 9
Moved by Klingelhofer, seconded by Mack
1. that the budgeted project for the
improvement of Walnut Avenue from
Browning easterly to the railroad
tracks be deferred to the next fiscal
year, and the budgeted Gas Tax Funds
of $15,400 for this project be used
for the improvement of Walnut and
Browning as described in the reimburse-
ment agreement with the Standard-Pacific
Corporation, and the remainder of funds
be used for the additional costs of
improvement of signals at McFadden and
Newport and the widening of Main Street
at Witliams
2. that the Mayor and City Clerk be
authorized to execute an agreement
with Standard-Pacific Corporation
for reimbursement of street improvement
costs on Walnut and Browning Avenues
at an estimated cost to the City of
$11,100 from Gas Tax Funds. Carried.
(Tustin Meadows Sycamore and Red Hill -
Second Unit)
Moved by Marsters, seconded by Mack that the final
improvements in Tract No. 6479 be accepted and
the City Clerk authorized to exonerate the bonds
upon receipt of the $65z000 faithful performance
bond from the Grant Company.' Carried.
Moved by Mack, seconded by Marsters that demands
in the amount of $140,712.68 be approved and
paid. Carried.
BUSINESS Mr. Gill presented a report on Leave approvals.
Mayor Coco directed that Mr. Gill prepare a policy
covering this matter as per report with the
exceptions that Councilmen or Commissioners who intend
to be absent will notify the Mayor or Chairman, as
appropriate, either directly or through the City
Clerk or Secretary, and that leaves of absence for
the City Administrator of three days or less will be
approved by the Mayor; over three days will require
approval by the City Council~
Councilman Marsters requested that Mr. Gill make
a survey of compensation of Planning Comalissioners
throughout Orange County
that maps and radius lists for hearings be upgraded.
Council Minutes
12/16/68 Pg. 10
Mr. Gill'stated that the hearing information
would dovetail in with the current fee schedule
Request for financial aid for sending three
students and an advisor to this tournament
to be held in Pittsburgh, Penn. December 31st -
January 5th was referred to the Chamber of
Commerce with the suggestion that they contact
local service clubs for assistance in this matter,
The following correspondence and reports received:
1. Rezoning Red Hill and Irvine - Harry S. Rinker.
2. Minutes of November 14, 1968 meeting of
Orange County Division, League of California
3. Activity Summary - Tustin Police Department.
4. Activity Summary - Tustin Building Department.
5. A.I.P. Newsletter - Jim Supinger.
6. Resolution ET-1115 - Publi~ Utilities Commission.
7. Resolutions re closing border to minors
City of Brea, City of E1 Segundo, and City
of Newport Beach (referred to Police Chief).
8. Application for rate change for Southern
Counties Gas Co. Public Utilities Commission.
9. Resolution commending Dr. Hayakawa - City of
San Clemente.
10. Rate changes Western Union Telegraph Co.
X. Moved by Marsters, seconded by Mack that meeting
ADJOURN- be adjourned to a personnel session. Carried.