HomeMy WebLinkAboutRPT 1 P.C. ACT AGENDA 04-17-89AGENDA,s. · . A_C!!O! AGENDA TUSTIN PLANNING COIdHISSION REPORTS NO. 1 4-17-89 REGULAR iqEETZNG APRIL 10, 1989 CALL TO ORDER: 7:00 p.m., .City Counctl Chambers PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE/INVOCATION ROLL CALL: Present: Well, Baker, Le Oeune, Ponttous, Shaheen PUBLIC CONCERNS: (Ltmtted to 3 minutes per person for items not on the agenda) IF YOU WISH TO SPEAK TO THE COMMISSION ON A SUBJECT, PLEASE FILL OUT THE CARDS LOCATED ON THE SPEAKER'S TABLE. ALSO, PLEASE GIVE YOUR FULL NAME AND ADDRESS FOR THE RECORD. CONSENT CALENDAR: (ALL MATTERS LISTED UNDER CONSENT CALENDAR ARE CONSIDERED ROUTINE AND WILL BE ENACTED BY ONE MOTION. THERE WILL BE NO SEPARATE DISCUSSION OF THESE ITEMS PRIOR TO THE TIME OF THE VOTING ON THE MOTION UNLESS MEMBERS OF THE COMMISSION, STAFF OR PUBLIC REQUEST SPECIFIC ITEMS TO BE DISCUSSED AND/OR REMOVED FROM THE CONSENT CALENDAR FOR SEPARATE ACTION.) . Minutes of the March 27, 1989 Planning Commission Meeting and March 27, 1989 Housing Element Workshop Commissioner #ell noted that on page three of the Housing Element Workshop Mtnutes, paragraph ftve, next to the last 11ne should read 'ruling of eminent domatn, that the City does not have the rtght to tell people that their...'. Comt,,sstoner,Ne11 moved, Ponttous seconded to approve the minutes as amended. Morton carrted 5-0. PUBLIC HEARINGS 2. Amendment to Use Permit 84-20 and Variance 89-03' APPLICANT/ OWNER' PACIFIC BELL 177 E. COLORADO BLVD. PASADENA, CALIFORNIA 91105 LOCATION' 1452 & 1472 EDINGER AVENUE (S/W CORNER OF RED HILL AND EDINGER) ZONING' · ENVIRONMENTAL STATUS' (M) INDUSTRIAL ZONING THE PROJECT IS CATEGORICALLY EXEMPT PURSUANT TO THE PROVISIONS OF SECTIONS 15301e.2 (CLASS 1) AND 15311a (CLASS 11) OF THE CALIFORNIA ENVIRONMENTAL QUALITY ACT. Planntng Commission Actt~ Apr11 :LO, 1989 Page two ,genda REQUEST: APPROVAL TO: (1) CONSTRUCT AN 8,000 SQUARE FOOT. BUILDING COMPRI-SED OF A MECHANICAL EQUIPMENT .ROOM (2,720 SQ.FT.) AND AN EMPLOYEE FITNESS CENTER (5,280 SQ.FT.) AT AN EXISTING OFFICE DEVELOPMENT AND (2) INSTALL TWO 50+ SQUARE FOOT WALL SIGNS (ONE ON 'EACH BUILDING). Recommendation: It is recommended that the Planning Commission' 1) Adopt Resolution No. 2579, approving an amendment to Use Permit 84-20, subject to the conditions contained in Exhibit 'A', attached thereto, as submitted or revised; and. 2) Adopt Resolution No. 2580, approving Variance 89-03, subject to the Conditions contained in Exhibit 'A', attached thereto, as submitted or revised. Presentation: Steve Rubin, Senior Planner Co. mlsstoner #etl moved~ Pontl,,ous' seconded to approve the proposed amendment to Use Permit 84-'20 by '~he adoptton of Resolul~lon !1o. 2579, subject to the conditions contained tn Exhlbtt A wtth the folloutng modifications: In Exhibit A, I~ 6.1, the'first sentence should ~ changed .~ read: 'Submit at plan check complete detalled landscaping and Irrigation plans for all areas. Immediately surrounding the proposed building, consistent with adopted City of Tusttn Landscaping and Xrrtgatton Submittal Requirements. and add' '6.4 The unimproved southwesterly portion of the subject property Shall be Installed with landscaping as originally committed to by Pac Bell in Use Permit 84-20 within two (2) years from the date of thls Resolution. I~tlon ca~ted 5-0 C~tssto~r Pontlous ~ved~ ..Le deune s~onded to approve Vartance 89-03 by the adoptton o~ Re'solution iio. 2580, sub:~ct to the conditions contained tn Exhtbtt A as submitted, l~tlon carried 5-0. 3. Variance 89-01 APPLICANT: EUGENE F. TUTT P.O. BOX 461 TUSTIN, CA 92681 OWNER: EUGENE F. TUTT LOCATION' 1501 NISSON ROAD AT THE SOUTH SIDE OF THE I-5 FREEWAY ZONING' C-1 RETAIL COMMERCIAL ENV I RONMENTAL STATUS' A NEGATIVE DECLARATION IS REQUIRED PURSUANT TO THE PROVISIONS OF THE CALIFORNIA ENVIRONMENTAL QUALITY ACT. Planning Commission Actt~ April 10, 1989 Page three ~genda REQUEST: TO CONSTRUCT TWO NEW DOUBLE FACED BILLBOARDS AT A MAXIMUM HEIGHT OF 65, FEET REPLACING THREE EXISTING, SINGLE FACED BILLBOARDS AS A RESULT OF THE 1-5 FREEWAY WIDENING. Recommendation' It is recommended that the Planning Commission deny Variance 89-1 by adopttng Resolution No. 2578, as submitted or revised. Presentation' Eric Haaland, Assistant Planner Comtsstoner Hell moved, Ponttous seconded to deny Variance 89-01 by the adoptlon of Resolution No: '2578.' #btion carrted 5-0. i 4. Use Permtt 189-09 Recommendationn It is recommended that the Planning Commission continue the public hearing for Use Permit 89-09 indefinitely and direct staff tO readvertise the hearing prior to consideration by the Commission. Presentation: Laura ~. Kuhn, Senior Planner Comntsstoner PonttOUSlmOVed, Shaheen seconded to continue the public hearing for Use Permit 89-09' indefinitely and direct staff to readverttse the hearing prior to constderatl,on by the Comlsslon. Hotlon carried 5-0~ 5. Des...tgn Revile, w, 89-24_ APPLICANT: THE IRV INE COMPANY 550 NEWPORT CENTER-DRIVE NEWPORT BEACH, CA ENV I RONMENTAL STATUS' PROJECT IS COVERED BY A PREVIOUS EIR (85-2) FOR THE EAST TUSTIN SPECIFIC PLAN REQUEST: 1) MODIFICATION OF THE CONCEPTUAL LANDSCAPING PLAN FOR TRACT 1287.0 TO ALTER THE ORIGINALLY PROPOSED COMMUNITY WALL DESIGN. 2) MODIFICATION OF THE CONCEPTUAL SECTOR DEVELOPMENT PLAN F. OR SECTOR 9, TRACT 12870. Recommendation' It is recommended that the Planning Commission'~ 1) Approve Environmental Determination for the project by adoption 'of Resolution No. 2576; and 2) Approve Design Review 89-24 by the adoption of Resolution No. 2577. · Presentation' Christine A. Shingleton, Director of Community Development Planntng Commission Act~c April 10, 1989 Page four ~enda m t. ssto~r lletl .oved~ Shaheen seconded to approve the Envtromaental Deteretnatton o~ the'.proje~t~ by.. adoptlo~ of Resolution No. 2576. Hot!on carrled 5?0. Co.mlssloner tie11 ,mved~ Shaheen seconded to approve Design Revtew 89-24 by the &doption of Resolu~i"on 257~ wi~h" the follo~!ng revision: Exhlbtt A. Item II. A, add to the last sentence: 'provided that the Community' Oevelolxeent Department can approve .1nor substitutions on the locations where any combination of approved mtertals wtll be used.' Motion carried 5-0 OLD BUSINESS e P_ubltc Norks. ho.p on ,Proposed Amendments..t.o ,,t. he Hous, tnc~,, Element,,.,of the Tusttn Area General Plan Recommendation' It is recommended that the Planntng Commission' 1) Direct staff to transmit the 1989 Draft Revisions to the Housing Element to the State Department of Housing and Community Development for review and comment; and 2) Schedule a public hearing for formal consideration of the revised Housing Element on June 12, 1989. Presentation' Laura C. Kuhn, Senior Planner Coemlssloner Le 3eune moved. Wetl seconded to direct staff to transmit the 1989 Draft Revisions tO the Housing Element to the State Department of Housing and Commnlty Oevelolxaent for revle~ and comment; and to schedule a publlc hearlng for formal consideration of the revtsed Houstng Element on June 12. 1989. Motion,carried ,5-O. STAFF CONCERNS 7. Report on Actions Taken at the April 3, 1989 City Council Meeting Presentation' Christine A. Shingleton, Director of community Development COMMISSION CONCERNS ADJOURNMENT At 9:15 p.e. Comtsstoner Netl moved, Pontt. ous seconded to adjourn to the next regular scheduled meettn§ on Apr11 24. '1989 at 7-00" 'P.m. tn the Clty CoUnc11 Chambers. Morton carrted $-0.