HomeMy WebLinkAboutCC MINUTES 1968 10 21 MINUTES OF A REGULAR MEETING TUSTIN CITY COUNCIL October 21, 1968 CALL TO Meeting calle~ to order at 7:32 by Mayor Coco. ORDER II. PLEDGE OF Led by Mayor Coco. ALLEGIANCE III. INVOCATION Given by Councilman Mack. IV. ROLL Present: Councilmen: Coco, Mack, Klingelhofer, CALL Miller, Marsters Absent: Councilmen: None Others Present: City Administrator Harry Gill City Attorney James Rourke City Clerk Ruth Poe Planning Director James Supinger Ve APPROVAL OF Moved ~l. Marsters, seconded by Klingelhofer that MINUTES ~inU~es of Oc'tober.7 mee~i'ng be ~pproved. Carried. Vi. PUBLIC 1. ZC-68-181 - ROBERT HALL (cont. from 10/7/68) HEARINGS Application for rezoning of approximately 2.46 acres from the C-1 (Retail Commercial) District to the R-3-1500 (~ultiple Family Residential, 1500 square feet of lot area per dwelling unit) District. Subject site is a portion of a parcel totalling 4.63 acres which fronts 672 feet on the north side of First Street, approximately 175 feet east of Prospect Avenue and across from the Post Office. Councilman Miller stated that it was his under- standing that this matter had been continued to this me~ting in order te determine the effects of the rezoning on surrounding property values and that a statement had been received from the appraiser which says that the zone change in question would not have a smgnificant effect on the vaIue of the Palmwood Gardens property. Councilman Mack stated that other than the above, there should be a clarification as to two parking spaces per unit on the proposed development. ~or Coco stated that Mr. Hall, the applicant, had said he could provide two parking spaces per unit if he redesigned the cul-de-sac. Moved h}l Miller, seconded bl Klingelhofer that the City Attorney be directed to draft the necessary ordj.nance ~m~pT_9~i_e~ Zone ~j~_n_g~__6__~iA~f[ sub/~ect to {he Planning Colr2~ission's recommendations and there be two on--site parking spaces per unit with one per unit covered. Carried unanimously. 2. FOURTH STREBT AND NEWPORT FREEWAY ANNEXATION Property consists of 9.42 acres located West of Yorba St., both North and South of Fourth St. Council Minutes 10/21/68 pg. 2 Hearing opened at 7:40 P.M. Mr. Gill repozted that a letter had been received from Mrs. Daisy Ao Newcom, owner of 100% of the property, protesting the annexation at'this time. In answer to questioning, Mr. Gill stated that the joint City, County meeting had not yet been set, Moved by Mackr seconded ~y__Klin~elhofer that the Council determine that a majority protest has been' 'filed and directed the Ciiy Attorney draft the necessary resolution declaring disapproval of this annexation. Carried unanimously. 3. RESOLUTION NO. 965 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF TUSTIN, CALIFORNIA, CHANGING DESIGNATIONS OF IRVINE BOULEVARD (Elizabeth Way to Newport Avenue) TO OLD IRVINE BOULEVARD, AND "H" STREET TO CENTENNIAL WAY. Hearing opened at 7:4~ P.M. There being no co~nents or objections, the hearing was declared closed at 7:45 P.M. Moved'p~y K~ingelhofer, seconded ~y Miller that Resolution No. 965 beread ~title only. Carried unanimously. Moved b_jfMarsters, sedonded b_~y Klingelhofer that Resolution No. 965, changing designation of Irvine Boulevard (Elizabeth Way to Newport Ave.) to Old Irvi~f~'~~~" Street to Centennial Way, be pgssed and 'adopted. Carried unanimously. 4. APPOINTMENT OF TWO MEMBERS OF THE TUSTIN PLANNING COMMISSION Mayor Coco an~ounc'ed that both Mr. Webster and~ Mr. Sharp, incumbent members, had expressed their desires to continue serving on the CoE~ission0 Other applicants present were: Mr. Milton Curtis Mr. George ShambeCk Mr. James Harris ~oun__c~_~man Kli~gelhofer stated that both Mr. Webster and Mr. Curtis were appointed to fill unexpired terms and have not served the full four years. He. said he found no dissatisfaction with these men and would like to see them serve a proper term until 1972. ~oyp._~db~v__K.l_jzn_~elhofer, seconded hX Marsters that Reso].utio~_9_6_6_!p~o~o_i. nting Laurence Webster be read by.title only. Carried unanimously.// Moved b_j~ Mack, seconded hy K3i._n~lhofer that Resolution 906 be passed and adapted. Carried by roll call. Ayes: Coco, Mack, KY[{~elhofer, Miller, Marstars. Noes: None. Absent:' None. Counsil Minutes 10/21/68 Pg. 3 Moved by Millel~, seconded by Mack that Resolution No. 967, ap_~ointing J~n~es B. Sharp be read by title only. Carried unanimously. MQved by Miller, seconded by Klinqelhofer that Resolution No. 967 be passed and adopted. Carried by roll call. Ayes: CQco, Mack, Ktingelhofer, Miller, Marsters. Noes: None. Absent: None. ' OLD 1. CONSIDERATION OF REVISION OF CITY'S TRAVEL BUSINESS POLICY. Councilman Mack stated that he felt the report submitted and the requested revisions were proper and went along with the City budget. Moved b_.V Mack, seconded by Marsters that a Resolution amending the City's Travel Policy be prepared for the next regular meeting. Mayor Coco requested that the Policy include the requirement that a periodic report of any trips taken be submitted to the Council before too much time elapses. A s~nmary report similar to the personnel activity report would suffice. Motion carried. 2. FALL/WINTER RECREATION PROGRAM FOR 1968-69. Mr. Gill stated that the Park & Recreation Commission hopes to have further ideas and information after their public mee'ting to be held October 29, and requested that the band program be contihued through the next Council meeting and a report will be submitted at that time. In answer to questioning, Mr. Gill said he did not know how many are now 9articipating in the band program. At last report there were about 50. The cost for the in ...... structor had been $8'.00 per hour for two hours per day, but he did not believe it had been that extensive so far this winter. Moved-.-by Marsters, seconded by Miller, that the band program be held over to the next Council meeting pending further report and information from the Park & Recreation Commission. Councilman Mack felt that until better brought up to date, he could not vote in favor of this measure. Councilman Klingelhofer stated that he is opposed to the band program and unless the City had made a commitment, he could not vote for it and would like to see it terminated. Councilman Marsters asked if funds are not appropriated, ~o"e~.fi~o~ have to go out to all participants. When told by Mr. Gill that this was so, Mr. }.~arsters stated he felt the program should be continued as the solution .to the entire program is inminent. Above motion to continue band program until next meeting carried, Councilmen b~ack and I<lingelhofer voting No. Council Minutes 10/21/68 Pg. 4 3. ORDINANCE NO. 421 AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF TUSTIN, CALIFORNIA, REZONING PROPERTY ON APPLICATION NO. Z.C. 68-185 OF CROSS. Rezoning property fronting 150' on ths north side of First St., approx. 180' east of the centerline of Prospect Ave. from C-1 to the C-2 Zone. Moved by. Mack, seconded ~y Miller that Ordinance No. 421, rezoning property on Application No. ZC-68-185 of Cross, have first reading by title o__nl_y~. Carried unanimously. 4. ORDINANCE NO. 422 AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF TUSTIN, CALIFORNIA, PREZONING PROPERTY ON APPLICATION NO. PZ 68-111 OF BOLYARD. (prezoning to R-3-1500) Site fronts approx. 94' on the southwest side of Nisson, 60' on the east side of Pasadena and 60' on the'north side of Myrtle, in the south Tustin area. A portion of Section 2 of proposed ordinance was corrected to read, "requiring not less than two parking spaces per dwelling unit, with at least one of' the parking spaces per each unit being covered" Moved by Mack, seconded by Miller that Ordinance No. 422, as corrected, prezoning property on Application No. PZ 68-111 of Bolyard, have first reading bZ title onll. Carried unanimously. VIII. - .... NEW 1. APPOINTMENT OF ALTERNATE MEMBERS TO SERVE ON BUSINESS THE LICENSEAND PERMIT BOARD. Moved by Miller, seconded by l!ac~ that the ~ollowi~g_ be e~pJinted alternates for the r!gular members of the License and Permit Board: City-Clerk - alternate for City Administrator Police Lieutenant - alternate for Police ChiSf Vice President of Chamber of Commerce - alternate for President of Chamber of Commerce. 2. APPROVAL OF DEMANDS Moved by Marsters, seconded by_Mack that demands ~n the amount of ~Y~[033.52 be approved and paid. Carried. IX. OTHER 1. RECOMMENDATION REGARDING THE AREA BOUNDED BY BUSINESS FOURTH STREET, NEWPORT. FREEWAY, SANTA ANA FREE'WAY AND THE TOWN CENTER AREA. The Planning Commission, at its meeting October 14, 1968, voted unaniiously to reconnnend to the City Council the freezing of all reqnests for rezonmng to permit an increase in residential density in the area bounded by Fourhh Street on the north, the Ne~l~ork Freeway on the west, the Santa Ana Freeway on the scuth and the Town Ccnter Area on the sash. Council Minutes 10/2t/68 Pg. 5 It is further recolr~ended that the Council direct the staff to compile recolmnendations on the following areas: Site area Street Width Lot Frontage Water Service Parking Sewer Service Building Height Setbacks Block Zoning vs. Individual Lot Zoning Mr. Supinger explained the boundaries and stated that in some cases there would be a necessity to overlap. These overlaps would be small, but should be considered. The temporary restriction is just on zone changes involving higher residential densities and not commercial applications. Mr. Sup~ilg~r said that the only outside help he would require would be that of the water company. He felt this study should have top priority and he could complete it in one month. Mayor Coco felt the only justification for deferring any rezoning would be to giv- the Planning Commission concrete guidance. Also that consideration should be given to amending the General Plan in this area once the Commission has come up with a General Plan philosophy for the area. Moved by Elin~elhofer~ seconded p~ Miller that the Council accept the recommendation of the Planning Commission and defer for a period of one month any zone change from residential to a higher density use in this stipulated area. Carried. 2. REPORT ON AIR CONDITIONING CITY BUILDINGS Report of costs and recommendation for window type air coolers received from Mr. Wheelock. Councilman Marsters stated that he concurred with the report and recommended that the Council give, serious thought to installing window coolers and see that funds are allocated. Councilman Miller suggested that this matter of allocatj.ng any funds be carried over to the second meeting in November. Mayor Coco felt that this should be carried over until November along with the unimproved and unmaintained parkway report. Councilman Mack requested that these matters be deferred ~o the second meeting in November for further study. So directed by Mayor Coco. 3. COUNCILMAN MILLER -- PERMISSION TO LEAVE STATE Moved by Mack, seconded bv Klie~,J~hofer that Councilman Miller be granted permlssmon to be Council Minutes 10/21/68 Pg. 6 4. MAYOR COCO -- PERMISSION TO LEAVE STATE. Moved by Miller, seconded ~y. Mack that'MD%¥or Coco be granted bpermission to be out of the 'stake November 1 - 4 and 24 30. Carried. 5. PROGRESS REPORT - LEAGUE COMMITTEE RE COUNTY BUILT AND MAINTAINED FIRE STATIONS. Councilman Miller reported that this committee had_ met and each member had been assigned a task and would be reporting back at their future meeting. They would also be meeting with representatives of contract cities to hear the advantages of this contracting service. Mr. Miller felt that they have a good working co~tee and said he would have further reports for the Council after further committee meetings. FOLLOWING CORRESPONDENCE AND REPORTS RECEIVED: 1. REPORT ON TAX RATES OF ORANGE COUNTY CITIES. Mayor Coco commented on the fact that Tustin has the lowest City tax rate in Orange County and that Tustin is in an extremely favorable condition as far as confined tax rates in city limits. 2. LEAGUE OF CALIFORNIA CITIES CONFERENCE REPORT AND RESOLUTIONS ADOPTED - HARRY GILL. 3. TAX LIMIT A HOAX ~ CALIFORNIA HOMEOWNER MAGAZINE - HARRY GILL. 4. PROPOSITIONS 7 AND 1A - LEAGUE OF CALIFORNIA CITIES REPORT. 5. MINUTES OF ORANGE COUNTY DIVISION, LEAGUE OF CALIFORNIA CITIES GENERAL MEETING 6. RESOLUTION OPPOSING USE OF COUNTY FUNDS TO BUILD FIRE STATIONS IN ANY MUNICIPALITY CITY OF PLACENTIA. 7. RESOLUTION OPPOSING PROPOSITION #9 - CITY OF PLACENTIA. 8. SEPTEMBER ACTIVITY REPORT - TUSTIN POLICE DEPARTMENT. 9. SEPTEMBER ACTIVITY REPORT - TUSTIN BUILDING DEPARTMENT. 10. PERSONNEL ACTIVITY REGISTER - HARRY GILL. Mr. Fred Waitman informed the Council that everyone on the Chamber of Comnerce mailing list wi!ll be receiving a'report put out by the League of Women Voters on propositions appearing on the November 5 ballot. X. ADJOURNMENT Moved by Marsters, seconded by Mack that meeting be adjourned. Carried.