HomeMy WebLinkAboutRPT 1 P.C. ACT AGENDA 05-01-89ACTION AGENDA TUSTIN PLANNXNG COI~FIXSSION REPORTS NO. ! 5-1-89 REGULAR MEETING APRIL 24, 1989 CALL TO ORDER: 7-00 p.m., C1 ty Councl 1 Chambers PLEDGE OF ALLEGXANCE/INVOCATION ROLL CALL: Weil, Baker, Le Jeune, Pontious, Shaheen PUBLIC CONCERMS: (Limited to 3 minutes per person for items not on the agenda) IF YOU WISH TO SPEAK TO THE COMMISSION ON A SUBJECT, PLEASE FILL OUT THE CARDS LOCATED ON THE SPEAKER'S TABLE. ALSO, PLEASE GIVE YOUR FULL NAME AND ADDRESS FOR THE RECORD. The Comtssloner's Individually thanked Comtssloner Wetl for her 7 years on the Planntng Comdsston and al1 her hard work. CONSENT CALENDAR: (ALL MATTERS LISTED UNDER CONSENT CALENDAR ARE CONSIDERED ROUTINE AND WILL BE ENACTED BY ONE MOTION. THERE WILL BE NO SEPARATE DISCUSSION OF THESE ITEMS PRIOR TO THE TIME OF THE VOTING ON THE MOTION UNLESS MEMBERS OF THE COMMISSION, STAFF OR PUBLIC REQUEST SPECIFIC ITEMS TO BE DISCUSSED AND/OR REMOVED FROM THE CONSENT CALENDAR FOR SEPARATE ACTION.) 1. Minutes of the April 10, 1989 Planning Commission Meeting 2. Final Tract Map 13557 APPLICANT' OWNER- . LOCATION- ZONING' REQUEST: DONAHUE SCHRIBER 3501 JAMBOREE ROAD . SUITE 300, SOUTH TOWER NEWPORT BEACH, CALIFORNIA THE IRVINE COMPANY P. O. BOXI NEWPORT BEACH, CALIFORNIA 92660-8904 THE TUSTIN MARKET PLACE MIXED USE, COMMERCIAL; EAST TUSTIN SPECIFIC PLAN AUTHORIZATION TO SUBDIVIDE A 40.949 ACRE SITE, BEING A PORTION OF AMENDED VESTING TENTATIVE TRACT MAP 13274, INTO 7 NUMBERED AND ONE (1) LETTERED LOTS FOR THE PURPOSE OF CONSTRUCTING PHASE II OF THE TUSTIN MARKET PLACE, A MIXED USE COMMERCIAL DEVELOPMENT, IN ADDITION TO MAKING CERTAIN RIGHT-OF-WAY DEDICATIONS TO THE CITY Recommendation- It is recommended that the Planning Commission recommend approval of Final Tract Map 13557 to the City Council by adopting Resolution No. 2597 as Planning Con~lsslon Action Agenda April 24, 1989' Page two submitted or rev1 sed. Presentation: Steve Rubtn, Senior Planner Commissioner P,ontlous,,,moved, Well seconded to approve the minutes as amended. carrie~l 5mO~ ! PUBLIC HEARINGS Mo ti on .3. Use Pe~it 89-8 ........ III APPLICANT' OWNER: LOCATION' ZONING' ENV I RONMENTAL STATUS' · REQUEST' COLCO PROSPECT L.P. 17320 RED HILL AVENUE; SUITE 190 IRVINE, CALIFORNIA 92714 COLCO PROSPECT L.P. 17602 E. SEVENTEENTH STREET; SUITE 8C PLANNED COMMUNITY - COMMERCIAL A NEGATIVE DECLARATION HAS BEEN PREPARED FOR THIS PROJECT PURSUANT TO THE CALIFORNIA ENVIRONMENTAL QUALITY ACT TO INSTALL TENANT IMPROVEMENTS FOR A DRY CLEANING STORE WITHIN A NEW RETAIL SHOPPING CENTER Recommendation' It is recomnmnded that the Planning Coneission' 1) Certify-the Negative Declaration for the-project by adoption of Resolution No. 2596; and 2) approve Use Permit 89-8 by the adoption of Resolution No. 2589, as submitted or re vi sed. Presentation: Eric Haaland, Assistant Planner Cmmtssloner Wet1 moved, Pontlous seconded to certify the Negative Declaration for the pro)&ct ~nd adopt Resolution' Nb. '2596~ .... Notlon...carrted 5-0. 4. Conditional Use Permit 89-11, Variance 89-04 (El Camino Enterprises) APPLICANT/ OWNER: LOCATION: ZONING: ENV I RONMENTAL STATUS: REQUEST: MR. ROD ANDERSON EL CAMINO ENTE RPRI SES P.O. BOX 1247 TUSTIN, CALIFORNIA 92681-1247 705 EL CAMINO WAY C-2: CENTRAL COMMERCIAL A NEGATIVE DECLARATION HAS BEEN PREPARED FOR THIS PROJECT 1) TO APPROVE A CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT TO CONSTRUCT A 5,737 SQUARE FOOT BUILDING PROPOSED FOR OVER 50% PROFESSIONAL USE IN THE C-2' DISTRICT. 2) TO APPROVE A VARIANCE TO REDUCE THE REQUIRED PARKING FROM 26 TO 24 SPACES TO ACCOMMODATE A 1,675 SQUARE FOOT CHIROPRACTIC Planning Commission Acrid., agenda Apr11 24, [989 Page three OFFICE WITHIN THE PROPOSED BUILDING. Reco~nendation' It is reco~nended that the Planning Commission- 1) Certify the ~egat~ve'' 'Declaration for Conditional Use Permit 89-11 by the adoption of Reso?ution No. 2595; 2) approve Conditional Use Permit 89-11 by the adoption of Resolution No. 2591, as submitted or revised; and 3) deny Variance 89-04 by the adoption of Resolution No. 2592. Presentation' Daniel Fox, Associate Planner Commissioner Wetl moved, Le deune seconded the Negatlve Declaration for the project by adoptingI ReSolution Ho. 2595";I Motion"carrted 5-0. C~lssloner Wet1 moved, Le Jeune seconded to appro~ Use Pe~lt 89-11 by adopting ~solutlon NO. 125d'/'. ~t~oh cart)ed 5-Oj C~lsslo~r Hetl,i Le Jue~ seconded ~ conttnue the Public Hearing on Vartance 89-04 tn an at,rapt ~ 'explo~ deslgn al~atlves vhtch my not requtre a ~rlance. Morton ~led 5-0. 5. Conditional Use Perm. it 89-12 (phystctan_'s Offtc.e ~Serv!ces) APPLICANT' PHYSICIAN'S OFFICE SERVICES C/O MR. RICHARD WRIGHT 14662 NEWPORT AVENUE TUSTIN, CALIFORNIA 92680 14692/14702/14772 NEWPORT AVENUE C-1 (RETAIL COMMERCIAL) LOCATION: ZONING: E NV I RO NMENTAL STATUS: REQUE ST: A NEGATIVE DECLARATION HAS BEEN PREPARED FOR THIS PROJECT TO ALLOW OVER 50% OFFICE USE IN A C-1 (RETAIL COMMERCIAL) DISTRICT TO ACCOMMODATE A 10,500+ SQUARE FOOT SPORTS MEDICINE CENTER. Recon~ndatlon: It is recomnmnded that the Planning Commission: (1) Certify the Ft'6al' 'lNegative Declaration as adequate for Conditional Use Permit 89-12 by the adoption of Resolution No. 2594; and 2)' Approve Conditional Use Permit 89-12 by adoption of Resolution No. 2588 as submitted or revised. Presentation' Daniel Fox, Associate Planner C~lssloner Wetl moved, Ponttous seconded approval of Resolution No. 2594 certifying the' Negative Declaration.' Motion ca~led.i' 5-0. C~lsslo~r Well moved, Pontlous seconded to approve Use Pe~tt 89-12 by adoptlon of Resolution No. 2588. Motion ~arrted'"'5-O. i 6. Tentatil.Vme...Tract Map 137011 and Des.i. gn Review_88-45 APPLICANT' AKINS DEVELOPMENT COMPANY 1 CIVIC PLAZA, STE. 175 Planning Commission Acti~ ..genda Apri-1 24, 1989 Page four OWNER: LOCATION' ZONING- ENVIRONMENTAL STATUS: REQUEST' NEWPORT BEACH, CA 92660 LYON COMMUNITIES/AKINS ASSOCIATES _ LOTS 1, 2, A, B, AND C OF TRACT 12870 PLANNED COMMUNITY LOW DENSITY RESIDENTIAL - EAST TUSTIN~ SPECIFIC PLAN THIS PROJECT IS COVERED BY A PREVIOUS EIR (85-2) FOR' THE EAST' TUSTIN SPECIFIC PLAN. NO ADDITIONAL DOCUMENTATION IS REQUIRED. 1) AUTHORIZATION TO SUBDIVIDE 34.5 ACRES INTO 161 NUMBERED AND 25 LETTERED LOTS FOR SINGLE. FAMILY DEVELOPMENT; AND 2) APPROVAL OF SITE PLAN AND ARCHITECTURAL DESIGN OF THE PROPOSED PROJECT. Recommendation: It is recommended that the Planning Commission take the following actions: 1) Approve Environmental Determination for the project by adoption of Resolution No. 2593 as submitted or revised; 2) approve Design Review 88-44 by adoption of Resolution No. 2583, as submitted or revised; and 3) recommend City Council approval of Tentative Tract Map 13701 by adoption of Resolution No. 2584, as submitted or revised. Presenl~ation' Eric Haaland, Assistant Planner -Commissioner Ponttous moved, Wet1 seconded to approve Resolution No. 2593, the Environmental Deter~ln'att'on .for.the project. Motion carried 5-0. r Commissioner Ponttous moved, Wetl seconded to .recommend to City Councll approval of TentatiVe Tract 13701 by adoption '~f' Resolution No. 2584, revised as follews: In Exhlbtt A of Resolution No. 2584, item 1.5 A. (1) the right-of-way for 'A' Street shall be described as '56-60 feet,per City Standard" instead of just the '60' feet noted. Item 4.1 (7) - the ftrst two sentences shall be modlfled as follows: 'Note on plans that a qualified palentologtst/archealogtst as appropriate shall be present at a pre-grading contractors conference to provide information to the grading contractor about what to look for during rough gradt~g operations that mtg~t indicate the presence of a paleontoglcal or archealogtcal resource. If resources are found, work shall stop in the' affected area, the paleontogtst/archealogtst shall be notified and all resources shall be excavated and preserved as deemed appropri ate or as recommended by the paleontologtst/archealoglst subject to revtew and approval by the Department of Public #orks and Community Development.' The remtntng portt on of the condition would be unchanged. With the Commissioner's unanimous concurrence, the public hearing on Design Review 88-44 for the project was continued to permtt staff revlew of driveway wldths and to determine whether Aklns would support a hold harmless statement If the Clty approved the center ctrcular medlan at the ~T' intersection of etther stale of 'B' Street. Plannlng Commission Actlo,, Agenda Apr11 24, 1989 Page ftve 7. Vestln9 Tenl:atlve Tract Map N0....13796 and...Deslgn Re.vlew 88-51 APPLICANT: - LOCATION: REQUE ST: ZONING: ENVIRONMENTAL STATUS' THE BREN COMPANY LOT 27 AND LOTS RR AND SS OF TRACT 12870, SE CORNER OF TUSTIN RANCH ROAD/GALLERY WAY 1) AUTHORIZATION TO SUBDIVIDE 12.268 ACRES INTO 5 NUMBERED LOTS AND 4 LETTERED LOTS TO ACCOMMODATE 108 CONDOMINIUM DWELLING UNITS. 2) APPROVAL OF SITE PLAN AND ARCHITECTURAL DESIGN FOR THE SUBJECT PROPERTY. MEDIUM DENSITY RESIDENTIAL: EAST TUSTIN SPECIFIC PLAN THIS PROJECT IS COVERED BY A PREVIOUS 'EIR (85-2) FOR THE EAST TUSTIN SPECIFIC PLAN. NO ADDITIONAL DOCUMENTATION IS REQUIRED. Recommendation: It ts recommended that the Planning Commisslon take the followin~ a~l~'lons: 1) Approve the Environmental Determination for the project by adoption of Resolution No. 2585; and approve Design Review 88-51 by adoption of Resolution No. 2586 as submitted or revised; and Recommend to the City Council approval of Vesting Tentative Map 13796 by adoption of Resolution No. 2587 as submitted or revised. Presentation' Daniel Fox, Associate Planner Motion by .Co, missioner Wetl, .seconded by Le Oeune to approve the Environmental DeterminatiOn for the p~jeCt-"by adoptto~ of ReSol'utton 2585. Motton..carrled 5-0. lbtton by Co,missioner. Wetl, seco,ded..by Le. Jeune to approve Design Revte~ 88-51 by adoptiOn 6f Res61~tlon "2586. Morton carrled 5-0. n nmll m ii mi ~ Motion by Cmmissloner Well, seconded by Le Jeune to recom,end approval of Vesting Tract gap '137~'6 by adoption o~ ResolutJ'on '#'o. 2587. Morton ca.rrte,d.,5-,O. 8. Use Permit 87-6 APPLICANT' OWNER: LOCATION: ZONING: ENVIRONMENTAL STATUS: REQUEST: EXXON CORPORATION C/O MC CLINTOCK, KIRWAN, BENSHOFF, ROCHEFORT & WESTON 444 SOUTH FLOWER STREET, FIFTH FLOOR LOS ANGELES, CALIFORNIA 90071 EXXON CORPORATION P.O. BOX 4415 HOUSTON, TEXAS 77210-4415 14082 RED HILL C-1: RETAIL COMMERCIAL CATEGORICALLY EXEMPT, CLASS 1 1) DETERMINATION ON EXPIRATION OF USE PERMIT 87-6; and 2) REVOCATION OF USE PERMIT 87-6 Planning Commission Act, Apr11 24, 1989 Page stx .,genda Recommendation: Tt iS r. ecommended that the Planning CommiSsion either' 1) Determine' by minute morton that Use Perndt 87-6 explred on June 1, 1988; or 2) Adopt Resolution No. 2590 recommending that the City Counctl revoke Use Permtt 87-5. Presentation' C. hrtstlne Shtngleton, Director of Community Development Co~,tsstoner Well -oved.,..seconded by Cmmlsstoner Ponttous ·otton that Use Per.11~' 87-6 'ex~"~red 6n aune' 1. 'J[98~'. abs,tenston., by, Sha.,heen ). to deter~ine by ~tnute Morton carrled 4-0 (1 i i ii i i iii i i i i OLD BUS[NESS 9. Cod.e Enforcement Acttytt¥ Recommendation' Receive and file. __ _ Presentation' Christine Shlngleton, Dtrector of Communlty Development Comatsston by concurrence recelved and filed. NEW BUS[NESS STAFF CONCERIIS 10. Action Agenda of Apr11 17, 1989....Clty. Coun_c.~!.l~eettng Presentation' Christine Shingleton, Director of Community Development COMMISSION CONCERNS Commissioner Shaheen asked for lnformtlon on the status of the abandoned railroad right-of-way adjacent to Peppertree. ADdOURNNE#T Adjourn to the next regular meetlng of the Planning Commission on I~ay 8, 1989 at 7'00 p.m. in the City Counctl Chambers. At 11:40 p.e., Commission by concurrence adjourned to thetr next regular eeetlng on /4ay 8, 1989 at 7:00 p.e. in the Clty Council Chambers.