HomeMy WebLinkAboutCC MINUTES 1968 08 19 MINUTES OF A REGULAR MEETING TUSTIN CITY COUNCIL August 19, 1968 CALL TO Meeting called'to order at 7:32 P.M. by Mayor Coco. ORDER II. PLEDGE OF Led by Mayor Coco. ALLEGIANCE III. INVOCATION Given by Father John Sammon, St. Cecilia's Church. IV. ROLL CALL Present: Councilmen: Coco, Mack, Klingelhofer, Miller, Marsters Absent: Councilmen: None Others Present: City' Administrator Harry Gill City Attorney James Rourke City Cl~rk Ruth Poe Planning Director James Supinger APPROVAL Moved by Mar~ters, seconded by Mack that minutes OF MINUTES of the ~ugust 5th meeting be approved. Carried. VI. PUBLIC 1. ZC 68-173 OF JOHN H. SIEGEL HEARINGS APPLICATION FOR REZONING OF A 2.78 ACRE PARCEL FROM THE R-4 (SUBURBAN RESIDENTIAL) DISTRICT AND THE "U" (UNCLASSIFIED) DISTRICT TO THE R-3 (MULTIPLE RESIDENTIAL) DISTRICT. Property fronts 275 feet on the north side of First Street at the intersection of First Street and "H" Street. Hearing opened at 7:34 P.M. Staff report and location presented by Mr. Supi~ger. Mr. John H. Siegel of S.E. Skyline Drive, applicant and owner, spoke requesting approval of this zone change, stating he felt the best use of this property to be an adult apartment development. Mr. Siegel presented exhibits showing the proposed plan which gives full consideration to the mature trees on the property, including the rare African Cape Myrtle around which the project will be centered. Mr. Siegel stated this project would not be detrimental to the area and would provide a transitional buffer from the R-4 to the C-1. Correspondence presented from Attorney Cohen of Cohen, Oster and Millard, representing owners of Palmwood Gardens stating their objections to this zone change. There being no further objections or comments, the hearing was declared closed at 7:42 P.M. Council Minutes 8/19/68 Pg. 2 In answer to questioning, Mr. Supinger stated that property to the east is zoned C-l, property to the west is the Palmwood Gardens zoned R-4. The 80 foot strip to the north and eas~'is zoned "U" and will be heard tonight for rezoning to C-1 and R-4. Mr. Supinger also presented the tentative Tract ~ap of the Tustin Savings and Loan property showing commercial lots backing up to this proposed development. In answer to questioning by the Council, Mr. Siegel stated that he had originally applied for R-3 zoning but would accept the R-3-1600 as recommended by the Planning Commission. He'stated that this project would be primarily one bedroom units,and that all buildings fronting on First Street would be one story as well as the center building. Moved by Klingelhoferr seconded by Miller that ZC 68-173 of John H. Siegel be approved and the City Attorney directed to draft the necessary ordinance. Carried by roll call. Ayes: Coco, Mack, Klingelhofer, Miller, Marsters. Noes: None. Absent: None. 2. ZC 68-180 PLANNING COMMISSION INITIATED REZONING (ZC 68-180) OF PROPERTY TOTALING AN AREA OF APPROXIMATELY 35,000. SQUARE FEET FROM THE "U" (UNCLASSIFIED) DISTRICT TO THE C-1 (RETAIL COMMERCIAL) DISTRICT AND THE R-4 (SUBURBAN RESIDENTIAL) DISTRICT. Property fronts 40 feet on the north side of First Street and 80 feet on the south side of Fourth Street, and extends 838 feet between First and Fourth Street. Hearing opened at 7:53 P.M. ~r. Supinger presented the staff report and'described location. There being no objections or comments, the hearing was declared closed at 7:54 P.M. Moved by Miller, seconded by Mack that ZC 68-180 be approved and the City Attorney directed to draft the necessary ordinance. Motion carried unanimously. 3. CONSIDERATION OF CHANGE OF NAMES OF CERTAIN STREETS IN THE CITY OF TUSTIN Fourth Street to Irvine Boulevard "D" Street (First Street to Laguna Road) to E1 Camino Real Laguna Road to E1 Camino Real Hearing opened at 7:55 P.M. Mr. Frank Greinke, of Greinke Petroleum Company, 1011 Laguna Road, presented a petition of 133 names protesting the proposed change of name of Laguna Road. He stated that these residents and business men of Laguna Road did no~ feel that a name change would be any improvement and that the name Laguna Road is well established. Council Minutes 8/19/68 Pg. 3 Dr. H. Stanton, Laguna Road, stated he is just as concerned as he had been the last two times a change had been proposed, and he could see no concrete reason at this time and could not see where the name was causing any difficulties. Mr. Bob Hall, 3701 Fourth Street, stated that he is in favor of the proposed change from Fourth Street to Irvine Boulevard and felt it would eliminate th~ confusion with Fourth Street in Santa Ana, and asked if the east and west designations which also cause confusion would be eliminated and how much notice business firms and residents would have. ~ayor Coco stated that all City numbering would be changed to the County numbering system which would eliminate the need for east and west. It was explained that the changes, if adopted, would take place immediately. The Post Office would continue to ~eliver mail for two years and new signs would also state the former street names. Mrs. Horace Stevens of 228 Main Street, stated that she objected to the proposed name changes for sentimental reasons. Mr. Len Miller, a tenant at 520 East Fourth Street, stated that he concurred with the recommended change to Irvine Boulevard, and felt it would eliminate a good deal of the confusion. There being no further con~ents or objections, the hearing was declared closed at 8:06 P.M. As to the initial costs to residents and business firms, Mr. Gill stated that he had contacted several printers and they would. give a discount for initial letterhead paper. After further discussion by the Council as to the City heritage, feelings of residents and businessmen, and the need to eliminate confusion, the following action was taken: Moved by Mack, seconded by Klingelhofer that the City Attorney draft a Resolution renaming all'of "D" Street to E1 Camino Real, Fourth Street to Irvine Boulevard, and that further action on the renaming of Laguna Road be referred back to the Street Naming Committee for further study and consideration. Carried unanimously. VII. OLD 1. ORDINANCE NO. 415 BUSINESS AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF TUSTIN, CALIFORNIA, REZONING PROPERTY OF FREDRICKS ON APPLICATION NO. ZC 68-179 Property fronts 295 feet on north side of McFadden, approximately 180 feet west of cen~erline of Pasadena. Council Minutes 8/19/68 Pg. 4 Moved by Marsters, seconded by Klingelhofer that the second reading of Ordinance No. 415 rezoning property of Fredricks, be deferred to the next [egular meeting pending receipt Of necessary right of way or guarantee of these improvements. Carried. 2. ORDINANCE NO. 416 AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF TUSTIN, CALIFORNIA, REZONING PROPERTY ON APPLICATION NO. PZ 68-110 OF BAIER. Southwest corner of. Red Hill Avenue and Walnut Avenue. Moved by Mack, seconded by Marsters that Ordinance No. 416 have second reading by title only. Carried unanimously. Moved by Mack, seconded by Marsters that Ordinance No. 416, rezoning property on Application No. PZ 68-110 Bf Baier, be. passed and ad~pted. Carried by roll call. Ayes: Coco, Mack, Miller, Marsters. Noes: None. Abstained: Klingelhofer. Absent: None. VIII. NEW 1. RESOLUTION NO. 958 BUSINESS A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF TUSTIN, CALIFORNIA, ANNEXING TO THE CITY OF TUSTIN CERTAIN UNINHABITED TERRITORY DESIGNATED WALNUT AVENUE - RED HILL AVENUE, WEST ANNEXATION (REVISED). Moved by Miller, seconded by Mack that Resolution No. 958 be read by title only. Carried unanimously. Moved by Marsters, seconded by Mack that Resolution No. 958, annexing to the City certain uninhabited ~erritory designated Walnut Avenue-Red Hill'Avenue, West Annexation (Revised), be passed and adopted. Carried by roll call. Ayes: Coco, Mack, Klingelhofer, Miller, Marsters. Noes: None. Absent: None. 2. DENIAL OF CLAIM OF EUNICE, JOYCE, KATHY, AND JANICE DARTER Moved by Marsters, seconded by Klingelhofer that claim of Eunice, Joyce, Kathy, and Janice Darter be denied. Carried. 3. FINAL ACCEPTANCE OF CONTRACT FOR IMPROVING WILLIAMS STREET BETWEEN MAIN AND MCFADDEN, AND EXONERATION OF BONDS. Moved by Miller, seconded by Mack that the contract with Industrial Contracting Company for improving Williams Street be acceotedin the amount of $17,631.80 and the City Clerk directed to exonerate the bonds. Carried. Council Minutes 8/19/68 Pg. 5 4. TRAVEL REQUEST - CITY ADMINISTRATOR TO ATTEND MEETINGS IN SACRAMENTO ON AUGUST 21 AND 22, 1968 ON ANNEXATIONS AND SALES TAX MATTERS, AND TO ATTEND THE WGRA CONFERENCE IN SAN DIEGO, SEPTEMBER 19-21, 1968. Moved by Miller, seconded by Marsters that the City Administrator be authorized to attend meetings of the League of California Cities Annexation Committee and State sales tax office in Sacramento on August 21-22, 1968 and the Western Governmental Research AssOciation Annual Conference in San Diego on September 19-21, 1968, and to incur all necessary costs at City expense. Carried. 5. REQUEST BY KATUKTU CHAPTER OF THE NATIONAL SOCIETY OF THE DAUGHTERS OF THE AMERICAN REVOLUTION TO INSTALL A BRONZE MARKER ON RED HILL AVENUE IN COMMEMORATION OF CALIFORNIA HISTORICAL MARKER NO. 203 Moved by Mack, seconded by Marsters that this item be tabled pending further information, as requested by the Daughters of the American Revolution. Carried. 6. TRAVEL REQUEST - FIRE CHIEF TO ATTEND I.F.C.A. CONFERENCE TO BE HELD IN LOUISVILLE, KENTUCKY SEPTEMBER 29-OCTOBER 3, 1968, AND TO PICK UP NEW VEHICLE IN SPRINGFIELD, OHIO. Moved by Mack, seconded by Klingelhofer that the Fire Chief be authorized to attend the I.F.C.A. Conference in Louisville, Kentucky, September 29-October 3, 1968, to pick up new vehicle in Springifeld, Ohio and to incur all necessary costs at City expense. Carried. 7. APPROVAL OF DEMANDS Movedby Klingelhofer, seconded by Mack that demands in the amount of $41,490.40 be paid. Carried. IX. OTHER 1. SUMMER RECREATION REPORT BUSINESS Mr. Gill referred to the written report on the 1968 Summer Recreation Program, and stated that this was the biggest year for registration. 2. REQUEST FOR REMOVAL OF EUCALYPTUS TREES ON LAGUNA ROAD Request from Mr. Frank Greinke for removal of these trees received. Mr. Gill stated that these trees are a hazard to traffic as well as to pedestrians and that when school is in session, there is an increased problem. Mr. Gill recommended funds be allocated for the removal of these trees. Council Minutes 8/19/68 Pg. 6 Councilman Mack stated that he is highly in favor of the removal of these trees. In answer to Councilman Miller as to replacing these trees, Mr. Gill stated-that this is not a fully improved street and t~at. removing the existing ~ trees and installing an asphalt walk is not the final solution. Mayor Coco stated that he shares Councilman Miller's concern for replacing these trees and, as the property is now developed, what possibility do we have for curb and gutter improvements? Councilman Mack said that as stated some time ago, the problem is that the existing street is too high. When the street is lowered and curbs and gutters are installed such as they were in front of the high school, then the situation will correct itself enough to replace trees on a permanent basis. The action now is to remove a hazard and install a temporary measure of an asphalt walk to improve safety conditions, and sooner or later the street is going to have to be done. At that time, the trees can be replaced. This is probably a part of the work of the City Engineer on the Capital Improve- ment Program. Councilman Klingelhofer felt that this is an immediate problem. The best we can do at this time is to _ eliminate a hazard and proceed with as much investi- gation as possible to see how thi~ can be permanently corrected. Councilman Miller stated he would like to see some- thing positive done about replacing trees where improvements can still be done and we can get some growth on the trees in the ~ime we are waiting for the final curb and gutter. Mayor Coco directed the City Administrator to conduct an investigation on this matter and report to the Council at the second meeting in September. Moved By Mack, seconded by Kli~gelhofer that funds be transferred from Unappropriated Reserve to the proper account and request for removal of trees be granted. Carried. 3. RECREATION PROGRAMS MayorsCoco noted a letter received from the Tustin Boys' Club commending George Beaman, City Recreation Director, for his he~p in conjunction with their High Sierra Camp. Mayor Coco also commended Mr. Len Miller, Par~and Recreation Commissioner present at this meeting, for a job well done on the Summer Program. Mr. Gill stated that the Parks and Recreation Commission will be considering, at their next meeting, the Winter Recreation Program, some of which will envision further appropriations. One item under consideration will be the continuation of the band prdgram. Proposals of rent for facilities for this band program ran around $1,600 to $1,700. Father Sanunon has offered Council Minutes 8/19/68 Pg. 7 the use of the St. Cecilia's hall at Main and "D" Street from 4 to 6 P.M. Through his graces, we would have a place for band practice and sa~e many dollars. 4. VETERANS' ASSOCIATION - REQUEST FOR MONETARY SUPPORT Mr. Rourke stated that it is not legal to give City funds in this manner. 5. CITY FLAG Councilman Mack felt that, going along with the Centennial, the ~ity should have a flag. He had investigated and found that one could be obtained at a nominal cost of less than $100. Councilman Mack recommended that the City proceed with obtaining a City flag so that it will be available for ~he festivities in September. Mayor Coco directed that Mr. Gill'proceed with this matter. 6. COUNCILMAN MILLER - ABSENT FROM THE STATE Moved by Mack, seconded by Marsters that 'Councilman Miller be granted permission to be absent from the State September 3rd and 4th. Carried. 7. SIGN ORDINANCE Councilman Klingelhofer commented on the Sign 6rdinance study to be held by the Chamber of Commerce Thursday evening, August 22nd, and stated he hoped there would be some publicity on this in the local paper in order to obtain more participation~ 8. COLUMBUS TUSTIN MEMORIAL WREATH Mr. Fred Waitman, Chamber Manager, announced that on Tuesday, August 20th, at 9:00 A.M., Mayor Coco, Congressman Utt, and Chamber President Con Adams will place a wreath on the grave of Columbus Tustin in commemoration of the founding of Tustin one hundred years ago. 9.. MR. MCHARRIS RELATIVE TO PZ 68-110 Mr. McHarris of Dartmouth Circle (Tustin Meadows) stated that he realized the hearings had been held and this prezoning approved and the property annexed to the City. He said there was opposition to this zoning by residents of Tustin Meadows and, as the development will house about 25% of the population of Tustin, he felt an opportunity should be given to these people to present their feelings. Mayor Coco stated that he had corresponded wi~h Mr. John Henneke and Mr. Peter Greene of Tustin Meadows and their primary objections seemed to be that they were not informed. Mayor Coco said he had written a two-page letter to these gentlemen which he would like Mr. McHarris to rea~. The annexation itself was-approved this evening ~hrough legal procedures. Mayor Coco asked Mr. McHarris to get in touch with him at his convenience or to see him after the meeting. ~"~ Council Minutes 8/19/68 Pg. 8 Councilman Mil~er stated he understands that there is a community organization in Tustin Meadows. He felt that it would be well for the Council to offer to meet with organization members and explain how the City C~uncil handles its business, how notices are put in papers, and what action citizens can take to bring their interests to the Council. He requested that the staff find out who heads the'organization and extend an invitation to them to mee~ with any or all of the Councilmen at their convenience. Mayor Coco asked Mr. McHarris to contact the City Hall with the names of the officers of this organi- zation in order for a meeting to be scheduled. 10. The following correspondence received: 1. Boys' Club of Tustin - commending George Beaman for his assistance during their High Sierra camp. 2. Orange County Division, League of California Cities - general meeting notice and executive. meeting minutes. 3. League of California Cities - Legislative bulletin. 4. Mrs. E. W. Bond - cluttered property Mayor Coco stated that this matter was ~iscussed at the last Council meeting after a similar letter as to blighted areas had been received. It was mentioned that perhaps citizen action could remedy some of this, either through the local press or Chamber of Commerce. The Chamber has indicated some willingness and has asked for specific' details. The City tries to send along these items as they c~me and would be happy to meet with the Chamber on the project. Mayor Coco said he is very interested in receiving letters of this nature as it shows community interest. He would not like to see the City involved and does noE want to see a form of punitive tax or added legislation, but it might some day come to this if these blighted areas are not voluntarily cleaned up. 5. Commercial Mobile Chest X-Ray - Orange County Health Department 6. July Building Department Report - John Coffey 7. Police Department Activity Report - Chief Sissel 8. Fire Prevention and Suppression Reports - Chief Hilton Council Minutes 8/19/68 Pg. 9 ADJOURNMENT ~ayor Coco ahnounced that due to the holiday ! September 2nd, this meeting'will be adjourned to Tuesday, September 3rd, at 7:30 P.M. Moved by Miller, seconded by Klingelhofer that the meeting be adjourned to a personnel session. Carried. Those present at personnel session: Councilmen Coco, Mack, Klingelhofer, Miller and Marsters; City Administrator, City Attorney, and City Clerk. Moved ~yMiller, seconded by Mack that meeting be ~djourned to September 3rd at 7:30 P.M. Carried. · v MAWOR CITY CLERk_.,