HomeMy WebLinkAboutCC MINUTES 1968 07 15 MINUTES OF A REGULAR MEETING TUSTIN CITY COUNCIL July 15, 1968 CALL TO Meeting called to order by_~%o_M' p~o_~e_m._.~_i_ap~__a_~_Tj3~_p_.._M_.' .............. ORDER II. PLEDGE OF Led by Mayor pro tern Mack. · ALLEGIANCE III. INVOCATION Given by Councilman Miller. IVo ROLL Present: Councilmen: Mack, Klingelhofer, Miller CALL Absent: Councilmen: Coco, Marstore Others Present: City Administratqr Harry Gill City Attorney James Rourke City Clerk Ruth Poe Planning Director James Supinger APPROVAL Moved bX Eli_ n.A~hofer~ seconded by Miller that minutes of July OF MINUTES meeting be ~approved as mailed. Carried. PUBLIC 1. ZC 68-179 - FREDRICKS DEVELOPMENT CORPORATION HEARINGS For rezoning of 3.2 acres of land from the C-2 (Central Commercial) District to the R-3 (Multiple Family Residential) District. Subject property fronts 295 ft. on the north side of McFadden St.' approximately 180 ft. west of the centerline of Pasadena and fs bounded on the westerly side by the Newport Freeway. Mr. Supinger explained property location and presented Planning Commissions recommendations for approval. Hearing opened at 7:35 P.M. Mr. Donald Severa represe.nting Fredrisks Development Company stated that they agree with the findings of the Planning Commission and would be happy to answer any questions. 'There being no protests or further comments the hearing was declared closed at 7:36 P.M. Councilr~an Klin%elhofer stated that he concurred with the recommendations of the Planning Commission and he felt this to be a logical use for this property. Dr. Klingelhofer also said that he is happy to see another fine development by this company come into Tustin. Moved b~ K].i~!~e~jlb_._ofer~ seconded bS~ Miller that Zone Chan~e No. 68-179 of Fredricks Develop.ment Co. be ~npr__ov~_d_ and the City Attorney directed to draft the necessary ordinance. Carried unanimously. VII. OLD 1. ORDINANCE NO. 408 - 2nd Reading BUSINESS AN ORDINJl{CE OFTHE CITY OF TUSTIN, CALIFORNIA AMENDING ORDINANCE NO. 305, AS AMENDED, RELATIVE TO SIGNS IN PLANNED COMMUNITY DISTRICTS. Moved bTtMille~,_ seco~.~ded b!_Kj.!n_~], ~ofer that Ordinance No. have second read~n~ by title only. Carried unanixngusly. [tojf.¢d_kv_.E.]j~gelh_or_Fe__!~, seconded by Miller that Ordinance No. 408, amending Ordinance !(o. 305, relative ~o s~gns in Planned Districts, be ~'~s~.d =_rid adooted. Carried bv roll call Ayes: Mack, Klingelhofe~.~ ~.iYl~?i"ii~..'~y{e, Absent: Coco, Marst.re .................................................. Council Minutes 7/15/68 Pg. 2 2. ORDINANCE NO. 409 - 2ND READING AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF TUSTIN, CALIFORNIA REZONING PROPERTY ON APPLICATION NO. 68-176 OF LUDWIG. Moved by Miller, seconded by Kl~m~e].hofer %hat Ordinance No. ~0 ......................... have second read~nM by title only. Carried unanimously. k[U][' ~'/' r .................~ .....:u .......-n ........: ..............'---- __._n- ....=uz "='-'~ v- Moved by ~inEelhofer~seconded)y Miller that Ordinance No. rezoning property on application No. 68-176 of Zudwig, be passed and adopted. Carried by roll call. Ayes: Mack, ~ingelhofer, Miller. Noes: None. Absent: Coco, Marsters. 3. ORDINANCE NO. 410 - 1ST READING AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF TUSTIN, CALIFORNIA, AMENDING THE TUSTIN CITY CODE RELATIVE TO SWIMMING POOL WASTE WATER Moved by KlinEe!hofer~ seconded by Miller that Ordinance No. 410, amending the ~stin City Code relative to ~dmming pool waste water, have first reading by title only. Councilman ~inEelhofer noted that this Ordinance now makes it mandatory for the person constructing a pool to attach to the sewer line if a line is within 200' of the property and that ~is is not retroactive. Above motion carried unanimously. 4. ORDINANCE NO. 411 - 2ND READING AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF TUSTIN, CALIFORNIA, ESTABLISHING REGULATIONS AND PROCEDURES FOR THE REMOVAL OF OVERHEAD UTILITY FACILITES AND THE INSTALLATION OF UINDERGROUND FACILITIES IN UNDERGROUND UTILITY DISTRICTS . Moved by Miller~ seconded b[KlinEelhofer that Ordinance No. 411 have second readiDg by title o~ly. Carried unanimously. ~oved by Klin~elhofer~Jeconde8 by ~i].ler that Ordinanc!. Fo~..41~, establishing reg~ations and procedures relative to Undergroun~ Utilities, be passed and adopted. Carries by roll call. Ayes: Mack, ~ingelhofer, Miller. Noes: None. Absent: Coco, Marsters. 5. ORDINANCE NO. 412 - 1st reading AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF TUSTIN, CALIFORNIA, REZONING PROPERTY OF STUTSMAN ON APPLICATION NO. ZC 68-177. Property fronts 330' on the northeast side of Walnut Ave. approx. 1,000' southeast of the centerline of Ne~,~ort Ave. Moved by Klinge].hofer~ seconded by Mjlle~ tMt Ordinance No. 412, rezoning property of Stutsman on Application No. ZC 68-177, have first reading b~ titIe only. Carrie8 unanimously. 6. ORDINANCE NO. 413 - 1ST READING AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF TUSTIN, CALIFORNIA, AMENDING THE TUSTIN CITY CODE TO PRESCRIBE CITY HOLIDAYS. Moved ~y_ MilIer. seconde~ bM..K~ ~=n%elhofer that Ordinance No. 41~ amending the ~stin City Code to prescribe City Hol~.days, have first teasing by title only. Carried unanimously. 7. SIGN ORDINANCE AMENDMENTS ~ter Council discussion and agreement by the Co~cil ~s %o %he ........ desirability of a Planning Commission - Council workshop on %his ' matter, Mayor pro %em ~ck set Monday July 29%h at ?:~0 P.M, in Tl_fz/f_xflT..rlrT!kTZrr/izl.i_th~ Council C}~mbers as th~T6~and~plac~'for this NEW 1. RESOLUTION NO. 949 BUSINES A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF TUSTIN, CALIFORNIA, APPROVING THE STREET NEEDS ESTIMATE STUDY AS PREVIOUSLY SUBMITTED TO THE CALIFORNIA DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS, DIVISION OF HIGHWAYS. Moved by M~.~ secpnded!y ~inEelhofer that Resolution No. 949 be read by title only. Carried unanimously. ~oved hy Miller~ se~nded by ~tin~elhofer %hat Resolution No~ 949, approv~ng Street Needs Estimate Study,' be passed and adopted. Carried by roll call. Ayes: Mack, ~ingelhofer, Miller. Noes: None. Absent: Coco, Marsters. 2. a) RESIGNATION OF BUEL A. WILLIAMSON Moved by Miller.., sec~ed by ~in{elhofer that the resigns%ion Buel A. Williamson as Civil Defense Director be ~cepted with p.egret. Gastied. b) RES0LUTION NO. 950 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF TUSTIN, CALIFORNIA, COMMENDING BUEL A. WILLIAMSON FOR EXEMPLARY SERVICE TO THE CITY OF TUSTIN. ~ove~hL~ihEelhofer~ seconde~ by~{iller that Resolution No. be read by title only. Carried unanimously. Moved by MilleE~ s%conded by ~iL%~ofer that Resolution No. commending Buel A. Williamson, be passed and adooted. Carried by roll call. Ayes: Mack, Klingelhofer, Miller. Noes: None. Absent: Coco~ MarstePs. 3. RESOLUTION NO. 951 A RESOLUTION DECLARING THAT PROCEEDINGS HAVE BEEN INITIATED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF TUSTIN TO ANNEX TO SAID CITY CERTAIN UNINHABITED TERRITORY DESCRIBED HEREIN, AND DESIGNATED AS "FOURTH STREET AND NEWPORT FREEWAY ANNEXATION" TO THE CITY OF TUSTIN AND GIVING NOTICE OF THE PROPOSED ANNEXATION Moved ~i Nlin~elhof~?, secgpd~ bx Miller %hat Resolution No. be read by title only. Oarried unanimously. Moved .by P~l~._p.econded hy ~in~91~fer %ha% Resolution N6. initiating proceedings and setting date of hearing for the Fourth Street and Newport Freeway Annexation, be ~assed Rnd ~dop%~. Carried by roi1 c~ll. Ayes: Hack~ ~in~e!hofer, Miller. Noes: None. Absent: Coco, MarstePs. 4. .RESOLUTION NO. 952 A RESOLUTION DECLARING THAT PROCEEDINGS HAVE BEEN NINTIATED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF TUSTIN TO ANNEX TO SAID CITY CERTAIN UNINHABITED TERRITORY DESCRIBED HEREIN, AND DESIGNATEDAS "SANTA CLARA AVENUE AND FAIRMONT WAY ANNEXATION" TO THE CITY OF TUSTIN AND GIVING NOTICE OF THE PROPOSED ANNEXATION Council Minutes' ....... Moved bY Miller, seconded by Klingelhofer that Resolution No. 952 be ,read by ti'~te only. Carried unanim ~usly. ................ Moved bE Mill ~ seconded by Kli~gelhofer that Resolution No. 9~, initiating proceedings and settin~ date of hearing for the Santa Chrs Avenue an~_.~.~!~?ay..AD~a-~ipn,._be..passed and adopted ............. '.'-'.~7~-_3'f._.Tfi~'.~'.~":'~'-' .........___Carried by'roll call. Ayes: ~ck, Klingelhofer., Miller.' Noe~': None, Absent: Coco, ~rsters 5. CONFIRMATION OF WEED ABATEMENT CHARGES FOR 1967-68 FISCAL YEAR In answer to questioning, Mr. GilI stated that these charges do not include any service charge and were only the direct charges of the contractor. ~r. Rourke stated ~aat the service charges could not be added to the 1p68 charges and that it would take an a~endment to the City Code in order to include any such charges in the future. It was the desire of the Council that 'the idea of service cha~ges ~ investigated and that the Council provide for ~ese charges in the futwe. Moved b~ Miller~ seconded_~y KlinEelhofer that all weed abatement phar~e~ for the fiscal year 1967-68, as specifie~, be confirmed, Carried. ~ ~AT~T C~G~ A.P. ~ Amount . A.P. ~ Amount 62-360-32 $ 25.00 62-084-01 $ 19.00 120-O10- 32 25. O0 62-263-02 19.00 __ 10~242-12 25,00 62-140-68 28.50 62- 671-04 7.00 103-282-04 80.75 62- 671-12 15.00 62- 272- 01 18.00 62-671-13 73-00 62-272-02 20.00 62-03~20 30.00 10~621-01 76.00 62-322-10 65.00 103-641-19 19.00 62-323-06 35.00 10427~19 35.00 62-592~17 ll0.00 104-27~ 30 25.00 62-280- 37 25.00 62-161- 07 9 · 50 62- 632 - 07 35 · 00 62-161- 08 9.50 6. AWARD OF BIDS l) Aerial Tower 2) Brush Chipper Moved by Miller~ seconded by ~i~.hofer that the Council acceot the low bid of $12.075.00 for Aerial Tower from Calavar Coloration an8 the low bid of_~002.60 for Brush C,h~ppe! from Dearth Machinery Co. for a total of $16,077.50 and transfer $525.00 to Account 5684 an8 $327.60 to Account 5686 from t~ Unappropriated buds. Carried. 7. AWARD OF BID FOR FIRE DEPARTMENT Movpd by D-]ngelhofer~. seconded b~ Miller that bid for Fire Department vehicle be awarded to ~nternational ~vester Cobany, the low bidder ~.$5~p26.~!. Carried. 8. APPROVAL OF DEMANDS Moved bX K]in~elhofer~ seconded by Miller t~t ~eman~s in amount of $49,634.06 De ~a~ Carried. ............................................................................. f .......Council Minutes ............................................................................................. ......?/l /6s Pg OTHERR 1. REPORT OF STREET RENAMING COMMITTEE BUSINESS ......................................... Councilman Mack, Chairman of this committee reviewed the "f =[~.=r[.fi~']=']'"'[y[["']'~"""[ 'follOwing recow, nendations presen'~ed by a unanimous vote of the committee. ............... 1) No-extension of the City numbering system." D) Renaming of Fourth Street from Elizabeth Way to Newport Fre~ay to Irvine Bird. ~) Renaming of D street and Laguna Road to E1 Camino Real The Committee report requested that the Council hold' public hearings on the above recommendations. ~oved by Miller~ seconded ~y KlingelhofeE that the pity Clerk set these recommendations for public hearing. Carried. Councilman Klingelhofer congratulated Mr. Mack and his committee for their hard work and aecomplishments~ 2. PETITIONS RELATIVE TO RECREATION PROGRAM Mr. Gill presented petitions received requesting cooperation bet~;een the City and the Elementary School District for adequate summer recreation programs and request for a program such as that held in 1966 and 1967. Moved by Klin~elhofer~ seco_nd__ed by Mi%~.9.~ that these petitions be forwarded to the Parks and Recreation. Commission with Council recommendation that the Commission consider forming a Citizen's Committee to work closely with the Commission. Carried2 Councilmah Miller stated that he would not like to have the petitioners think that nothing was being done and he suggested that letters be seh% to each petitioner suggesting that they contact the Parks and Recreation Commission and letting them knox~ that their City Government is concerned. ~r. Gill was directed %o draft and send letters. 3. RESIGNATION OF MR. W. GRAY, ASSISTANT DIRECTOR OF CIVIL DEFENSE Moved ~y Miller~ seconded by Klingelhoflr that resignation of Mr. · QraX be accepted with regret and a letter of appreciation sent· Carried. 4. MR. R. SOMMERS Mr. R. Sommers, 1052 ~alnut Ave.~ operator of laundromat protested the construction of another laundromat at Pasadena & ~ZcFadden Ayes. Mr. Supinger stated that this property is zoned C-2 in which a laundroma% is a permitted use. Mr. Sommers was advised that the Council can not regulate the economics of business in the area· The follo~,~in~ corresiondence and Re~orts received: 1. 1.969 Outstanding Civic Leader Ax,~ard - request for 4 nominations. Mayor [ro tem Mack asked that suggested names for this a~qard be calle~ in to Mr. Gill 2. Unkept Property in City - Mrs. E. Martin Mr. Gill re[ cried that the owner of property referred %o bad been contacted and property ~as being disked. Councilman M~ler stated that Mayor Coco had some ~deas_ ~ the handling of uncared for property and he requested that this letter b~ ~n the folder ~or the next Council meeting. ~. Letter of appreciatiom 'to ~i EaSe L "~i'~'~'i~'~'&'~U ........ ~ ~ ~: ....." ' Saddleback Mobilodge. 5. Commending Police Dept for Vacation check - Lou Gerding 6. Legislative Bulletin - League of Califomia Cities. 7. Notice of Southern Califomia Edison Company rate increase - Public Utilities Commission. 8. Western Greyhound rate increase - Public Utilities Commission. 9. Summer Recreation Program Report - George Beaman. t0. June Activity Report ~ Police Dept. 11. Activity Reports - Building Dept. X. ADJOURNMENT Moved by ~ingelhofer, seconded by Miller that meeting be adjourned. Carried o MAYOR PRO