HomeMy WebLinkAboutNB 1 T.C.A. LEGISLATION 5-15-89 NEW BUSINESS A' NO. I · DATE: MAY 9, 1989 ~ I TO: FROM: SUBJEC:I': HONORABLE MAYOR AND CITY COUNCIL WILLIAM A. HUSTON, CITY MANAGER TI~SPORTATION CORRIDOR ~GENCY LEGISLATION Mayor Pro Tem Edgar has requested that the City Council support legislation introduced by Senator Seymour. The bills, SB 1435, 1436 and 1437 are required in order to proceed with a plan to finance construction of the Eastern and Foothill transportation corridors. Copies of the bills and a report from the Corridors Agency staff are attached. City Staff has reviewed the legislation and recommends that the City Council support each bill. As a member of the Corridor Agency, Tustin will benefit because the legislation will facilitate the issuance of bonds to finance construction of th.e Eastern and Foothill-transportation corridors. WAH/dsh. Attachments TRANSF- TATION CORRIDO" kGENCIES · ORANGE COUNTY, CALIF,..NIA ~-' Voothill/Eastern Transportation Corridor San Joaquin Hills Transportation Corridor March 22, 1989 TO: Distribution FROM: John Meyer, Executive Director SUBJECT: SB 143.5, 1436, 1437 The TCA's Legislative and Legal Committee has asked us to seek your individual and collective support for the above bills, to be sponsored by Senator Seymour, and copies of which are attached. Those bills were the result of extensive research done by the Finance Committee following requests by the financial consortium for clarification or strengthening of our existing legislation in order to make our Finance Plan fully viable. Your questions and comments are welcomed and we-are looking_forward to receiving 'your resolutions of concurrence and support. Attachment Distribution: TCA Member Agencies OCTC - Attn: Monte Ward, Manager of Governmental and Community Affairs Relations OCTD - Attn: Mary-Evelyn Bryden, Manager of Government Affairs Landowners Group Industrial League of O.C. - Attn: Todd Nicholson, Executive Director O.C. Chamber of Commerce - Attn: Lucien Truehill, Executive Director $45 Clinton Street, Costa Mesa, CA 92626 (7t4) $$7-3298 N055~, G~, 1QI0Z &ELL, ZOTT MEMORANDUM ~0: John l~eyer FROM: DATE: James E. EriCklon Hatch 6, 1989 198'9. hegislat:ive Matters Enclosed are legislative counsel drafts of the fOllowin~ bills: 1, An Act to amend Section 66~8~.3 of the Government Code to permit the cross-collateraltzation of toll revenues between the TCA'$ on a Subordinated loan basis upon the making of specified findin&s. (P.N 89. 006~+3~+) 2. An Act amendini Section 66&84.3 of the Government Code clarifying the procedure for modification of development f. ees for reasons other than increa.ses in the Constructxon Prxce Index, to consolidate the public hearings and actions in the single' proceeding before the. Boards of the A&encies rather than the multiple proceedtn&s before each of the member agencies, repeated before the Boards of the Agencies. (RN 89 006436) 3, An Act to amend Section 6644,3 of the ' Governmen~ Code to clarify that financi~g and costs related to financzng are included within the:"d~rect and ~ndtrect environmental, engineering, accounting, le~al, administration of construction contracts, and other , services necessary therefore" authorized'to be funded by development fees. (RN 89 006437) The purpose of this is to make sure that development fees can be used for payment of these financing costs in the unlike event of a total abandonment of the TCA projects, tll ~oz~s o~ ~his le$tslation see~,to be app:opriate, with the possible expansion of the last bill, to make sure that the £inancinS itself,.'as veil as the ,,cost-related to £inancin$" aye included within the p~rmissible uses of development-fees. This is consistent with the original intent of the TCA's in establishin~ the development fee pro,ram, since it always was assumed that these £ees would be used 'for construction, eh.ich necessarily ent~il#.~ayin~ the debt service on bonds used to pay £or construction of the facilities. · ! 40 BE'~ 0064.34 PAGB 10C:). I LEC;I'ST.,ATIV;E CO~NfB]:~,' S BL~ Ho. Genor&~ Sub,eot:= OraAge Co~n~::Ft hLgl~waFo, t:o~ revenues. o~ Orange County and the city council of thlt ~ounty, to require the pa~men~ of development £ees, · is speci~£ed, £or p~rposel o~ de~&ylflg the eo.s~s o~ butld~ng brtd.ges~ mi~or thoroughfares, &nd ~o enter ~n~o ~oint exercise o£ ps-ers agreements ~o~m uy be.oo~ec~ed. ~lo bill would au~horise toll reven~e. made avaA~abXe, in ~he ~orm of a subordinated Xsim, another ~oin~ power agency established ~or the purl~oses of designing, ~lnaflc~ng~ and cons~r~ting coordAnaeed and i'n~errelated namer ~horough~ares, l~ specie,ed einding. · are made. 72789 Vot:et flt&':Jorit:y. 11064 t ? IN 8l 0064:34~A, QS: NO. · % APl)ropr~&~:].oflt no. IPllCl], conwittee~ no, ft~at:e-mandat:ed ~.oc&:l,' progratut no, e ee 7278J · 006434 }J~3~ 140. · Aa &c~ ~o &men~ Sec..ion 66484.30~ ~:he (~ove~nmen~ .. · · i 727eg R~CORD f ~0 liP: 89064 17 ~ 5'9 IN 19 006434 I)AG:~ NO. 2 ?H~ PEOPLE OF TH~ STAT~ Or CALIFORNIA DO EH&CT AS. FOLLOWSI- . . . · . .. SECTION 1. Section 66484.3 of the Oove=nment Code is amended to..~ead, 66484.3. [a) Notwithltanding Section 53077.5, city council or councils of any city or cltiel in that county may, by ordinance, require the payment of a condition of approval c~ a final map or aa a condition o~ /ssuln9 a bu/ld~ng permit for purposes of defraying the actual or eskimated co~t of conltruc=ln9 b~ldge~ over Waterways, railways,'~feeways, and canyons~ or cons=ruc~in9 major ~huroughf&rea, · (b) The loeal ordinance may require paymen~ of flee pursuant to this section (1) The ordinance re~e~s to ~he circulation element of the 9eneral pla~ lad, in the Call Of b~ldqel, to the transportation provisions or flood control prov~tions of the general, p~an which ~dentify railways, freeways, slrea~s, or canyons ~or which bridge are required on ~he general plan Or Locat roads, and in the case o~ ~a~or thoroughfares, ko the provisions of ~he c~r~ulatLon element Whl.ch identl£y those major thoroughfares whose primary purpose ~s ~o carry through · 006434 PAQE NO. 3 trafffic and provide · network con. necting p&.rt:o~ ~he et&ti highway oyntem~ &nd CAe cArcul&tlon elemon~ ~ranspor~&~lon p~ovis~ono~ or £~ood con~Fo~ ~rovlsions have been &dop~o8 by ~he ~oca! egenc~ 30 prior ~o t~e f~Ang o~ a m&p or nDp~c&t~on (2)'?he ordicancu provides Cha~ ~hero wA:L be a public hearing held by ~he governing body £or eaeA area beneficed. ~o~ice she:! be given pureuafl~ co Section 65005. ~n addLtion to the requirements o~ Section 6500S, the tie,ice shall con~&ifl preliminary An!armenian related ~0 ~e'boundaries of ~he area o~ bene~i~ ea~ma~ed coa~, and ~he me~hod o£ £ee apportionment. ?Aa a~ea o~ bene~i~ may ~nclude land or imp~ovemen~a An mddltlon ~o ~Ae land or improvements -bAch a~e ~he subJec~ o~ an2 m~p or building permi~ applica~!on considered a~ the proceedings. (3) ?he o~dina~ce provSdea hearing, the bovndatSee o~ ~he area whether &c~ual or e$~Ama~ed, and a ~a~ me~hod o~ ' aXXoca~on o~ coe~. ~o the acea ~ benetAt and Zee ' apportionmen~ are establlsAea, The me~hod of fee eppoc~Aonmen~, iff ~he case o~ major ~hor0~ghfa~eo, RN' 89 006434 80064' I ? ~ S9 PAGE gO. 4 propoled..lmp~ovement excep~ vhere CAe ebu~Ang PrOper~y provtded d~rect ue&ble access to theme]or ~horoush~ere, ~he eoe~a, vhethe~ actual or eetlma~ed~ and ~he me~hod o~ · .~ee apportionment established ae ehe hea~r~ aha~ be ~ncorpora~ed In a roso2u~on o~ the governing body~ eeF~l~e~ c~py o~ vhL'ch sha~! be recorded by ~he governing body conducting ~e hearing ~h the recorder of County of Orange. ~he resolut/on may eubsltl-~ent~y be mo~ed ~n any respee~ by the gOverAAng b<~lz, orLgLns~ reso~utLon. AA~ modL~Lcet~on she~! be sub~ecc Co - the pro~es~ procedures Presc~Lbed by paragraph (6). The . reso~utLon may provide ~or automa~Lc perLodLc o~ ~.e. base~ u~on ~he Ce~L~ornLi Cons~ructLon Cost prepared and published bz ~he Depa~men~ o~ ?ranl~r.~aC~on vl~hout further ace~on of ~he governing body~ includ~ng~ ' bu~ no~ ~m~od ~o, public no, ice o~ hearing. ap~rtioned ~eeo ,ha~ be aPp~/cab~e to a~ property ~olu[ng a building perm~ ~o~ an~ o~ the ~op.~ or Rg¢ORD ! ~0 RI~ 80 006434 to th~s section, the governing bodM ohal2 ma~e prov~s~on to those linde from o~her so,roes, but those sources need no~ be lden~£fied at t~e ~Xms o~ t~e &dop~Xon o~ reso~ut~ofl. (4) ?he o~dLnance p~ovide8 ~bl~ ~4ymen~ o~ ~n addition to~ o~ · FeconsCFu~on st viden~ng existing ma~or ~hor~ugh~a~es oeFv~ng the aFe& &~ o~ ~. adop~o~ o~ ~he boun~ar£es o~ ~he i~e& o~ ~ene~X~. . ($) ?he ordinance pF'ovidel ~ha~ p&2ment o~ ~eea shall not be. require~ unless ~he planned bridge Lo an original br~d~e serving ~he area or in addl~Aon ~o any existing bridge f&c~l~ se~v~g the &tea ~t Fees Imposed pursuant ~o ~Ala sec~£on shall not be expen~ed ~o reimbu~Oe the'coe~ o~ existing bF~ge conmtruc~£on, unless ~heae costs are incvr~ed in connection w~h the'construction o~ en &ddl~lon ~o an existing b~ldge for v~ich ~ees may be required. · (6) ?he o~dinance prov. Ades ~ha~ lf~ withAn ... ~lme vhen protests ma~ be ~lled under its provisions,. there Lsa v~t~en proLesb~ ~lled wl~h ~be clerk of the 7278~ RECORD # 100 body, 006434 P&O~ NO. 6 · b~ the owners oF more chart one-hal~ oK ~he area.o~ the' property co be benefited b2 the Xmprovement, and sufficient pro,sets are hoc w~thdrawn eo aa to ~educe ~he area represented to ieee than one-hal~ o~ i that to be benefited, then the p~opoeed proceedings shal~ be abandoned, and ~he legislative body algal! not, ~or one year ~rom the ~lll'n~ O£ that ~r~tten proteet~ commence or carry on any proceedings For the name ~mDrovement or &c~lui$1tion under ~hl~ section, 'un~ess the protests are overruled by an a~f~rm&tive vote of four-~etha o~ legislative body. NOt,lng 'i~ fhia section abel! preclude the processing and rec~o~dation o~.maps in accordance with o~her provisions o~ this .division l~ proceedings are abandoned. Any protests may be withdrawn in writing by owner who filed the 'protslt; at any time prior ~o the conclusion o~ a Dubli~ hearing held ]~ureuant to the ordinance. If any m~o~Xcy protest .is d~rected against only · · portion o~ the improvement then. al~ further proceedingl under the prov~s~Onll Of th~.e portXon of the improvement so protested against shall be ba=red ~or a'period'of one year, but the leg~elative body 72789 110 i9064 1 ?: S9 R]4 80 0064:34 /)A~Ca~: HO. shall not be barred'from commencing ney .p[ooeedXngs. not Including' any parc of the improvement or.&cqulli~lon protested against. Nothing in this section shall prohibit · the legislative bod~, within the one-year peziod, from commencing and car~£n9 on ney proceetings £oc she conlCruction of & portion et the improvement lo pr~Cested against l~ l~ ~Lnds~. b~ the affirmative vote o~ ~our-~ilth$ o~ its ~e~beri, that the ovneri of more one-half o£ the'area o~ the property to be benefited are in ~avo~ o~ going ~var~ vith that portion of the improvement or '(c) Fees 'paid pursuant ~o &n ordinance adop~s~ pursuant to this section ih&.1! be deposited in a preened bridge [acll£t~ or ~a~or thoroughlare fund. A fund shall be established for each planned bridge f&clli~¥ pro~ec~ or each planned ~a~o~'t~orough£are pro~ect. If the benefit a~ea ii one in ~hlc~h more ~han on~ bridge or thoroughfare iS required'Co be ¢onscructed~ a Cund ~a~ be so esC&bltshed covering all o£ ~hi bridg~ or thoroughfare prelects in the ben,fit area, ~oneys in the fund shatl be exp~ad4d solel~ ~o: ~he cons~ruc~io~ or reimbu~semen~ for construction o~ ~he Improvement serving ~e area to be benZOl'ted and [~om which ~he fees comprising the f~n~ vere collec~ed~ o~ to :eimbu~se the · · improvement.'- -' Id) An ordinance adopted pursuant to thAs · section may provLde ~ the acceptance o! oons~deratAons in lieu o~ the ~eymln~ o£ ~eas. (e) ?he coun~ o~ a cit~ imposing £.e. pursuant to this section may advance money £rom ltl general ~und or road ~und tO pa~ th~ ~ost o£ constFucting the lmpfovementO and may reimburse t~e general ~u~d or road fund £rom planned bridge ~aclil~los 'or ma~or thoFough£are8 fundo established to ~na~ce the construction o~ the- to khls section may'L~cur ·n lntezest-bearLng'indebtedness loc ~he conlCrucclo~ of bridge facilities cc eject thoroughfares, and ~ay enter into Joln~ exercise of povers agreements ~lth o~hlr ~ocal agencies ~mpolin~ fees pursuant to this left,on, ~or the-purpose o~, among others, Joi~k~y exercising is a duly a~horized original power . established by ~is section, An addition ~o thole ~hrough · Jotn~ exercise of po~ers agreement, thole po~ers' · authorized in Chapter 5 (commenc.[ng vith Section 3~100.) Division 17 o£ the S,reets and HAghwa2$ Code for the purpose of coastr~Ct[ng bridge facilities and =&Jot Itl~ 80 006434 PAGI: 140. 8 RI:CORD ti 130 BF: 89064 17 ~ 59 006434 PA0~ NO. 9 gac/~e8, -and, notwithstanding ~ec~on '31200 0~' ~he punch, se, o: eminen~ ~om&~n, ~n~ ~:4no~oe, rights, " privileges, easements, oF o~heF lnto~es~ el tAe~ ~ea2 o~ por~6~i~, ndoels~ therefor on oegmen~8 o~ ~he s~i~o highviF l~s~om, including, bu~ no~ 3/mi~ed ~o, federal participation pursuant to Title 23 of the United ~tatea Code. An em~l~y constructing bridte facilities and ma~or thoroughEares pursuant to this section shall design and construc~ the bii69e'~acA'lAtles sad ~Jo~ t~oroug~fares to ~h~ e~andarda and apeclilcations Department oE ~ransportation t~en in effect~ and m~).~ any :ime, tramsEer ail or a portion of the bridge ~acillties and major ~ho~ou~.h~ares the terms and conditions as shall be Director o~ ~he Dep~r~ment of ~rans~tation. Any these bridge faclll~i'ea ~nd ~Jor thoroughfares shall be designated as ~ port, ion ot the state highway aye~e~ prior tO i~l transfer ~~~~~'.~~' ~~1, ~e par~lci~antl in I ~o/nt .. R~CORD I 141 ,B?~ 8J064 17,S9 006434 PAOS HO. 10 .exerctse of' powers a~c'eemenc may a3. so exwrcisi as a .duly authorized or lgtnal ~owe~ es'cabllshed by thta section the ~ower co establish a:nd collect toll charges only £or ]~aylng ~or the costs of construction o~ the ma:Jot thorough/~are for whl:C~l the toll Is charged and for the · costs of collecting tyre tolls& excep.~ th~at ~olI revenue~ ~ b~ mad~ available_ ~o another., , _ = ~ power_ ~ established for the'~ o~ deet~nlnq, financing, and constr.,.,u..ct~nq Cq,o, rd_$d'a~ed ~nd Inter_related ~ thoroughfa_re. ~ i_~n---tBs form, __of _a __,ubord~nated__ _ _lean_; to pa~ fo_._[ th__e ~os~. o__~ .coni~ruc~ton an__~ toll c_o[1.ect[on_ ,,,, _ __of ~ _th_ore, ~ql~fa rea 9ther thegn th__e ~ ~horouqht:aros for which the ~ ~_s chancre.ali ~ a_ ~ b_z ~.he dono~ Jo~n~ powers, a_q_ency Chat t;h__e ~ C_horouqh~_ar.!. fo_.~r which .th__e l:ol.._.~l i..~ _c~arged v~ll benefit ~om the const~uction of the _othe_r ~ thor_ou_~l~a.r,e w~.lch ~_Es t_o b__e paid _~rom the toll Major thofo~.phgarea from which tolls a~e chatged lhall uti:ize i:he toll collect ton equipment most capable of moving vehicles oxped'.~Lously and efflciently~ best suited ~or that purl~oBe as determined by 'the partJ, clpants In the Joint exerc~be of powers agreement. Rowever', tn no event shall thj powers authorised::in Chapter $ (commencing with Section 31100) sE'Division 17 o~ the Etcee.ti and H~ghwayl Code be extrcised unless a resolution ~8 f/rat 727e9 R~CORC) t 1S0 BF~ 1~064 17~S9 004,434 PACI~ ~40. ! 1 · adopted by the legtllktLva body o£ t~e agency £/ndlng t~at adequate..ZundLng fo~ ~he J~orc~on o£ khe cost o[ constructing those bridge facilities and major · thoroughfare8 not ~Jndsd by the develoi~ment fees' collected ocher Iource. (g) ?he t~rn "constfuction," as used Ln th~s · section, Lncludes d:esign, acquisition Q~ r~ghcs-of-way, and actual ccns~tuotion, includ~ng, bu~ ncc l~ted to, all d~rect and ~n~'rec~ environmental, cOntract, s, and och'ec services necesiar¥ t~ere~or. The te~m "constr~ction"'41so includes re&son&bis ge~era~ agency admAnistra~£ve expenses, not exceeding three hundred tBousand dOllarl ($300,000) Ln any calendar a~er ~anuary. 1, 19~4, aB adjusted annually ~or 'any increase cr decre&se Ln the Consumer Price Zndex c~ ~he Bureau o~ Labor Statistics c~ t~e ~n~ted Braces De~&rCment · Of Labor for all U~ban Ccnsumers,::'~o. Angeles-Long Beach-Anaheim, Cal~fOrnia (1~$7-100), aa published M2 the United. States me~a~tment of Commerce, by each agency .. · · i 7278~ RgCORD t 160 B~ 80064 I?;SO RN 80 006434' i)AO;E: #0. 12 6500) of Ch&pier S O~ Division ? o~ Title 1 £or the purpose of constructing, bridges and ~a~or thorQughfares. "General agenc7 a~ministratlve expenses" ~e~n8 those o~lce,-personnel, lng other customary and norm&l expenses ammo¢iated with the'~lrect management.and administration · £ the &~enoy0 but Ao~ in¢ludln~ costs si construction. (A) Not~iflg In this section'mhall be conmtrued to pre¢lu~e thm Cou~b¥ o~ Orange or any city within that county from p~ovt~i~9 ~unds ~or the construction o~ bridge · ~a¢lXltlei or ma~or thoroughfares to de~r&y Coots not allocated tO ~ne arem~o~ benefit. (t) Any city w£~hln the County og Orange may require the p&¥men~ sE ~eel In accord&nee with this section as to any p~opert~ In en area ag b~neglt within the city's boundaries0 ~or ~&¢tltties shown on its general plan or the count)'i general plan, whether the £acllitlem are situated within or outside the boundaries o~ the city, end the county may ix~end feem ~a¢illtlmm or ps, Clans thereof locatmd withlb cltlmm in the Count). · (~) this section Shall ~ot be contemt"~d le ~n) &etlon or i . proceeding unless c~enced within (0 ~&)S after recordation o£ 7278~ RECORD ~ 170 lff'~ l~0~4 17!$g ]tN eg 0064:34 PA(3Z: NO. 1:~ of subdivision (b). ~he pCovielona o£ Chapter 9 (commencing'.wtch 9ectl0n 860} of Title 10 of Part 2 'off the · Code off Civil Procedure ihaXl be applicable to any Ouch action or proceeding. Thio aubdiv~a~on ohalL a~oQ appXy · to modifications ofi:£me progr&me. thaC county have En~e*red tfleo'a Jotflt po#ors agreement for the purpose o~ cons~rvcting the bridges and major thoroughfares refer'red to l~ Sections ~002~ and 66484.3, and if ~ proposed change of organ~zaC~ofl or reorganization IncLudes any terrttQry of an drea of bene[it established pursuant to Sections '50029 and 6648~'.3, wlthZn a successor local agency, tho l'oca~ agency shall not Cake a~y action that would tmpalr,.~elay, ~umtra~e, obstruct, or oche~v~se Impede t~e construction off the bridges and major thoroughfares referred ~o In this section. o0- ?J789 0064:34 PAGE #0. I r.,EG:f'SL, ATZVE COUNSel'S D:I:GEST BA3.1 No. ~. as Ln~rcduced, ' , General Subject: O~ange County: highways, toll revenueo. Existing ~&w auth~tizes CAe Board of Superv£sors Orange County and the*city countY'1 o~ any c~ v~hLn thac caution, ~o reqdire the pe~en~ of development ~ees, 0pecl~ed, ~or' ~r~oes o~ de~raying the calco o~ buildin9 bridges, m~JOr thoroughfares, and to enter into ~oint exercLse of l~)Verl agreements to construct toll tolls may be collected, o. This bLl~:would authorize toll revenueo to be made available, in ~he form o~ a subordinated loan, to another Joint power agency established for the purposes of des/gnlflg, £1nanC/n~, and oonstrU?ting coor. dAna~ed and lnterrela'~ed ~Jor ~horoug~ares, it specified f~nd~ngs itl made. · ! 727B9 I~¢ORD t $0 ! 09064 17!59 Aid 84) 006434 l;'A~Ji; NO. 2 Vol:et · nO. · n~ot,t,'ty. App'~oprAa~on, no. ~'iacal ~l't~-m~ndi't~d :~oc&! prog~&m~ no. : ! · , · d~4304 RBCORD # Bill )Jo. General SubJect~ 'orange County: highways, bridges: development Eees., the Board o£ Supervisors o~ Orange County, and tt~e-city council o~ any' city w/Shin that count]~, .to requl r~ the 9ayment o~ development ~ees, · as s~ec~fied, for pUrpo~e$ o! de,raying the costs o~ bu~ld},ng bg'~ges ~lnd major thoro~gh~'area, and co en~.e~ Joint exeroLie o~ powers agreements to construct toll roads. ~he me~ho~ of appor~lonim9 the ~ee~ is required to be lncorpor&~ed '~h a resolution adopted by the board of supervSsor$ or cl~y council In accordance w~th specified · Drocedures. Existing lay provides tha~ such ~ reeoYu~Lon may be modified p~r, uan~ ~o th~ same Drocedures. · This bi21 would au~ho~se, L~ a ~oin~ powers agency has been ~r~ed, ~he resolutions of a city or- 24304 · I agreement to be'modified by the ~oint po~e~$ agencM · follQving public n~ce and hearing. Vote: ~~tit¥. &pp~opr~tlon~ no. F~scal coeu~lt~ee~ no. 8~&te-~&nda~ed local no. program~ t · · · · · 24304 · 30 8Ft Y4R O.S 1.9.89 80064 PJ 80 006436 PAGE lOC). An &c~ ~o &~end 8ec~.ofl 66484.3 o~ I:he Gove~runea~ Code, re~at~ne to hLghvliyl. · I · e ~4304 oo 006436 :PAGI~ 140. i , 81C¢T201'1' 'i, fSecC~,on 66484,3 of ~.he Ooverr.~ent 66494.3. (a) Notwithstanding Section S3077.S, the Board of Super~lkor" se the County of Ocaflge and the city counoil or co~nClls st any · county may, b~ ord~n&nce, require ~he fm~neflC of & tee al a condit~on of &pp~o~a! of & fin&~ map.or as a cond~tion actual or eo~ima~'e~ Cost o~ const=u~Lng bridges oveF , · wa~erways~ rallwa~k, freeways, and' c&nyons~ constructing ma~or'~horoughf&ceo. (b) The ~o~a~-ordinance may requite pa~men~ o~ / ~ees pu~suan~ ~o t~i, section (1) ~he. ~rd~nance re,ers element of the gan#rS1 .plan and, in the case of b=~dges, to the ~c&noport&~ion p=ov£aions or ~lood cent=el provisions of the ~jehera! plan which identify cat,ways, : freeways, otreams, or canyons for which bridge cross,ago a~e required on ~h& 9enmra~ plan or loci1 roads,, and ~n ~he case of major ~:hocouqhfares., to ~:he 9rovillons si the ,.. circulation elemen~ .which ide~¥ those ma~o: , thoroughfares whose pr£mar¥ pucpoae ~l to ca:tM ~hrough i · i 24304 R~¢ORD # ,. DF f 006436 PAGE ~O, 3 traffic and prov~'dj'a network connecting to or .. part of ~ho state ~iph~a¥ 8ys~om and the c/rcu~ation · element, transportation provisions, or flood con~ro~ prior to the filing of · map or application got & building permit. Bridges vh/dh are pa:~ o~ a nm~or ~horough~aro need no~ be eep&r4~bZ~ LdentL~Led Ln tho tt&nsport&tLon or · elood oontro! provLBLons Of the gonorll plan. (2) ~Ae 'okdtninco provides public heirLn9 he~'d"by ~Ae governing bod~ for e&ch lre~ benefL~ed. Notice SA&l! be given pursuant to Section 6690S. :n &dd~tion'tO the requirements of SeCtion 66905, the'no~i~e o~·~! co~lSn Pre~mLflary in~o:m4~ofl re~e~ed to ~he boundaries o~ ~e are& of beneffL~, estimated cos~, and ~he me~od of ~de &PPor~Lonmen~ · area o~ benefit nay include land or Improvement8 ~n &ddl~on ~o t~e Znnd or improvements ~hl~h are ~he sub~ect o~ any m&p or · building perm~ app~Sca~'~on co·aid, ered &~ =he proceedS·ga, · (3) ~e ore£nance provides ~11~ ·~. the public hearing, ~he bound&riel o~ ~he area whether actual or eu~ma~ed, and a ~air me~bod of ' allocation o~ cos~n ~o ~he area O~ bsne~l~ ·nd fee &Ppor~'Lonmen~ &re established. ?he me~hod of fen appor~onmen~ in ~he oase of m&~o'r thoroug~&rea~ 24304 RECORD t0 BP*: 8g~064 14 ~ S~ 0064:36 PAGE HC). 4 .ltot provide Eot higher Ceil off land vh~tch abuts the pcopoied ~mpCovemeA~ excep~ whets the abutting-~ropet~y provided d~ec~ us~le lccesl ~o ~he mm~o: ~ho:ough~are. A de~oripC/on' et the boundi:Lel o~ ~he 4rei o~ benefit, ~he coe~s, vhe~her ~u41 or el~imi~ed, and ~ht me,hod /ncorpo~e~ in I ~do~u~Lon o~ the governing bod~, certified copy o~ whY'ch lhal~ be ~ecorded by ~he governing ~dy conducting ~he' Hearing v/~h ~he records: o~ che County o[ Orange, ~h'~ :eso~u~io~ may subsequently be · odL~ied Ln any res~eC~ by ~he governing body. Mod/fioac~ons shall; b~ adop:ed i~ ~he same manner O~ ~ v~,~ch has:entered in~o a ~oin~ exercise o~ lub~eoC ~o ~he pro~ee~ procedu~ea ~reec~Lbed by paragraph (6). The reioLu~o~ m~y ~ovide ~o~ au~c~o periodic · d~vs~men~ of tees ~aled upon ~he Ci~Zornia Construction Cos~ Index prepared'a~d pub~iehed by the Department of ~lnepor~ac~on, v~t~ ~ur~her.:~4~lon o~ ~he governS:n9 ~, including, bv~ 'no~ L~ml~ed ~o, public aocice hearing. ~he apportioned ~eel shall be a~plicable 24304 RB¢ORD t 80 RiPs. ': ' · : · a, a condAtAon o£ d~roval o~ a final B~ or as a condition of lesuifl~'a building pe:mit .6 p~operty ozr po=t:Lon'b ic)~ the propert:M, benefit J, ncZudea 3.a~da not: aub~ect: t:o P34 80 006436 PAGE #here the area provision £or p&~meh~ se ~e o~a~e o~ improvement co.~s apportioned to thOmb ~anda £rom o~her sources, bu~ those of the ~esolutton. .. (4) ~he'o[dtnance provides ~h&~ pa2ment of fees shall no~ be requir~d~nlesa ~he ~alor t~oroughfarea a~e la addition ~o~ or existing major ~Or&~h~&res serving the area aC the ~lme O~ ~he adoption o~ ~& bouflda~es .~ the / a~e~ of benefit. (S) ~Ae ot~d~nanoe pFovide$ tA~ pa2men~ o~ ~eeo .. shall not bo :equirdM~unleaa the planned bridge ~acilit2 As' an original brl~tr~'serving t~e area or an addition ~o' any exalting 'bridge~lc/llt2 serving the &re& at the time of the adoption o~:~ boundaries of ~he area of benefit. Feel-imposed pursul~J~o ~hts lec~lon I~all no~ be' '1 expended to reimbur~'~he COSt el existing bridge [aci. ll~2 sons,ruction, unlel~ ~ese coots 'connection vl~h the ~dns~ruc~ion o~ an Addition to' an . ~ ' . Il . , .' for any o,~ t:Ae 24304 . RZ~OR~ ff ! 0() BFs 40064 ! S t S6 AH 89 006436 PAG£ NC). 6 existing bridge fo~ ~h/ch fees me7 bo rocluLred. .. {'4) The brain&nee provides ~me vhen'protes~s;'mky be ~iled under its provisions, there Ls · wrLt~en'pro~es~, filed vith the ¢~erk o~ the legislative body, by'tho owners of the area of the pr~per~y to be bene£ited by the improvement, and #~f~Lcient pro~esks ere not vl~hdr&wn as to reduce the tL~ud represented to be abandoned, a~ ~he legislative body shall nec, ~or one ~ear ~:om the f~lL~g 'o~ tha~ vrLt~efl ~rocest, conu~ence.Or carry on any procee~'ngs ~or tho acqul~i~on unde~'t~L~ aoC~LOfl, unloll ~he protel~s are overruled by in aff~r~atLve vote legislative body. / Nothing Lh th~s section ~hal~ preclude the processing and reco~dk~fon of ~ps An tcccrd4nce Other prov~o~oAs Of:t~s d~v~l~on ~ 9rocled[nga are abandoned, , · coflcluelon o~ t publ'ie' hearing held pureuafl~ to the ordinance, · directed against only ~4304 ' RS:CORD -# 1 '~ 0 B,F' ~ 89064 J6tsf 006436 PAGI: 140, . congtruct/on of a-p~:t~on ag the improvement · · galnmt.Lf it ££ndsi by the affirm·t/ye vote Of £our-fL£~he of l~e ~e~berl, that the cvners of more than one-half o£ the ar'el OE the proper~y ~o be benefl~ed are. i ~n favor of going foulard v/~A ~h·C portion oE the improvement or acqu~s.ltLon'. / ~urSu·nt ~0 ~hts section eh·~l be deposited ~n · planned bridge Eac~lity or ~aJof thoroughfare f~nd. A fund sha~l be eec·bi/shed for ~dh pIanned bridge facility project or each planned major' ehO~ough~are pro~ect. If the benefit area ia one in v~c~ ~ore than one bridge sc major' thoroughfare is ~eq~i~ed to bo c~Ps~uc~ed, a fund maz be .lo established cover:lng al~ of the bridge or major thoroughfare pro~ec~ in the benefit area. 'Moneys ~n the · portion of tho i~tovemen~ then al~ further proceedings under the p. rov~sioflu'of this section to construct that · · barred Jar a period o~ one year, b~t the legislative body shall no,.be barred~ ~rom commencing new p~oceed~nge ~ncludLng any'part of ~he improvement or acquisL~lo~ protee~ed ·ga/nsc · 'Not,lng in th~s section sha~l prohibit the legislative bOd~, vL~hin the o~a-yeaf period, from co~u~enc~ng and car:y~hg o~ new proceedings for the 34304 RE~ORD # · P~ 89 006436 PAGE lb~:). 8 fund shall be expe~dbd solely ~or the construction or reimbursement ~or ~ohscructio~ of the the area to be bene£tted' and 'from vh~c comprising the funs ~ere collected, or ~o ~eimburse the county or a city. fOr'the cost of co~s~ructing ~m~roveme~t, ' (d) An O~d[nance &dop~ed pursuan~ to section may prov~dO for the acceptance of considerat~ono ~n l~eu o! ~he payment of fees. (e) The to t~ls section ma~ advance money ~rom i~a ~e. neral fund or road ~und to pay t~e cos~ of cons~rucCin9 the i~provemen~s and ma~ reimburse ~e general ~und or road fund ~com planned bridge fac~lities cr · established to £~nl~ce the construction o~ t~e ~mprovsmente, t9 this section ma~: incur an ~nterest-be&rlng indebtedness for the cons~fuctl~.of bridge facil~tie$ or major thoroughfares, an~=may enter ~nto Jo~n~ exercise o~ povers agreements with ot~e~ local agencies lmpos~flg fees pursuant Cc thio s~c~ion, for the purpose o~, among o~hers, ~o$n~1~ exercising 'aS'a duly authorized original'power established by t~l~ ~ect~on, In addition to those through 24304. RECORD 89064 16:S6' fm 80 006436 PAGE NO. g · . authorizid in Chapter $ (oommenc~ng vLth. Sectlon. 3:1100) . OLvLsiofl ~7 o£ ~hei~treets and HlghvaMs Code for · purpose of eonntrvi~ng b~ldge ~acl~t/es and ma~or thoroughfares in ~tu o~ a Canna! &nd appurcenant ~acl~l~es~ end, nO;~lths~andLng Section 31200 sC the S~reets and H~ghva~u Code, mt~ acquire b~ dedication, purchase~ or tmifleA~ domsln~ any ~ranchlse; rights, pr~v~egel~ e&eame~i, or o~hec An~ereit in ~ropertz, eL~her rea~ or perJ~a~, necessarM therefor off segments the state highw&Z s~itim, including, but not limited to, those segments o~ ~e s~ate ~ighya~ s~ste= eligible Zbde~&i participation pu~sua.~t to ?itle 23 o~ tAe Unite~ ~ta~eo Code, An entit~ ~onstructin~ bridge ~acllities and ma~or thorough~ared p~suan~ to ~l...ctlon shall design and construct the ~Z~dge ~acllitieo &Ad thoroughfares to t~e'a~and&rds and ipecif~cations o[ ~e Department of Tr&n~p0rt&tion ~hen in e~ect, and .sam time, transfer ;all or a portion o~ the bridge facilities and ma~'thoroughfares to ~he state subJec~ the terms and conditions as shall be eatis~&ctory ~o ~he ..o Director' of the De~a~ment of ?r&~sports~lon. An2 o~. these bridge facill'tfes and maJo~ thoroughfares shall be' · ~4304 P.N 19 006436 ]SAGE: NO.10 J Or ni~o: thorough~i~es Eunda. ~e pa:~cipa~n exercise o~ ~ern ~'a~reemen~ nay also exnrc~ne an a du~y authorized o~iginn~ ~ower established by C~s section . . ~ve~ to estab-lishi~d collect toll charges only ~Fin9 for the coe{~ of construction o~ the major costs o~ collecting' ehe tolls. ~alor thozoughfares which tolls ire c~i~ed .snail utilize th~ toll collection. equipment most capable oF moving vehicles exp~d£tious!y and e~flcien~ly,-b~m~ luitid for that purpose as determined by the padCicipan~s in the lolnt' exercise o~ ~verm agreement. ~dwever, In no even~ a~all ~he · uthorized'tn Chapter 5 (~o~encing vl~ Secclon 31100) Division 17 O~ the ~'reebs and ~lghva~s Code be exercised i , unless a resolution. 1~ ~ir.~ adopted by the legisla~ive body of the agenc~ ~ihdin9 ~ha~ adeq~,be f~nding for portion of th~ cosbi:o~ constructing thole brid~e f~cill~ies ,nd ma~ot thoroughfares not funded b~ develo~en~ ~,es ~[lkcted bZ the:agency Is no~ available fr~ ~n~ fe~er~l, s~lte, or other source. An~ thoroughfare oons~r~cted ~nd opera,ed ,s ~ ~o~1 road f. · 24304 RECORD · 1S0 BF': ! sbs~l only be constructed .p&'ralle.l. ~o. other Public thoroughfares and highways. " · # · (g) The ~efm "construction, &t used Ln this section, includes deiign, acquls~t/on o~ r~ghts-o~-way, and actual oons~ru~c~on, ~flelud~ng, but not limited co, · all diroc~ and /ndL~4ct envLroflmental, eflgLnee:~ng, acc°un~ing, lega~,~admin~stra~Lon o~ ~ons~rvc~on · contracts, and othd~'services ~erm "construction" ~so includes reasonable general agencyedmin~$trati~e expenses, not e~cseding three hundred thousand do'il'ars ($300,000j ~n any calendar-year after ~anuary ~, 19~6', as adjusted &nnual~y for any · increase or. decrease ~n the Conaumsr Price Index o~ the " 9each AnaheLm, Ca~L~ornia~~he On/ted States Oepart'm&n~ o~ Commerce, by each agency /~./~ cfea~ed pureuafl~ ~o~rtlcle 1 (Oo~enc~ng with Section 6S00} o~ C~apter ~ 6~ Division ~ o~ ~ltle 1 purpose o~ conBtruc~'idg bridges and ~JoE thoroughfares. "General agency administrative expenses" means th~oe efface, personnel, lnd-o~her c~o~oma~y t~d normal expenses associated vi~h ~he t~frec~ management and o~ the agaric2, bu~ n~k 'includAno CCatO O~ conatruck~cn. 24'304 R~C~ORI) # 160 {h). #othi~ in 69064 I6~SS IN 89.006436 I, AG~ #0. 12 to preclude the county of Orange or any city within that oounty from providing funds ~or t~e ¢onatcuctton o~ bridge allocated to the acta of beneath. e (t) Any c~t2 within tl~e County of Orange may require the payment 'o~ flees tn accordance with this section as to any property in &n area of benefit within the cl~y'a boundarA~s~ for facilities sh~n on l~a general plan or the county'S general plan, ~hether the ~ac/lttie. are situated within o~ ..o~s~de the.boundaries of the c~y, And ~he county may.ex,end ~eaa ~or f~C~l/~lea or ~tionm thereo~ located wtthi~ cities tn the county. (~) ~he validity o~ amy ~ee require~ pursuant t:o · this section IhAll not be conte~ted in any action or proceeding unless ~ommenced vithin 60 days after ~eco£da~lon of ~he ~esol~lon described in -o~ subdivision (b]. The provletons o~ Chapter 9 (commencing with Section 860) o~ ?i~le 10 of Part 2 o£ the Code o~ Civil Procedure shall be applicable ~o any such action or proceeding. T~is subdivision shall al~o apply tO modifications o~ ~ee (k) l~ ~ha County of Orange a~d any · that county have e~tered into a ~o. int po~ers agreement'~o= I. ! this lec:'ion lhall be conar, rued :Z4~04 8~0~4 l S ~ S6 IW 80 006436 PAGE 140. -; ,. ~horough~ares ce~eF~ed ~o ~n Sections S0020 and 66484.3, and l~ a proposed ~hinge o~ o~afllzncXon or reorganization in~udo8 any ~e~ri~O~y o~ an i~et o~ benefi~ eo~ab~ohed l)urluaflt: to Sections 50029 afld 66484.3, within 4 successor i agency, the ~oca~ agency shaft not t~ke an~ action I vou~d impair, de~ay, ~um~rate, obstruct, or othe~W/le Impede the construction of the bridges and malJor thoroughfares re~er)~ed to in tills mectlon. · ; RECORD 40 BF': I , 1989 80063 ~0,43 006437. PAOE NO. 1 Bi13, No, introduced, Genera]. Sub,eot: l~tgt~va.va, b~tdges= developmen~ ~ees. of Orange County arid t:~e c~,ty couno~.3, of &ny c~.t:y wi. thin ~:l~at couaty, to ra<iuire the payment of develop~en~ ~ses, al speclf~ed, for p~oses o! de~ra2Lng ~he coats of ~o~nt exercise o~ ps,ers &~=eemen~s to construct · roads· T~e term "~ons~r~ction" Is deC,ned for ~heoe purposes to include, ra~Oflg otaer th~nga, adminis~Lon of oons~ruc~Lofl eon~r&cE.. T~il b~l~ vould expand ~he term "con~ruotion" include costs ., Voter ~lJOrl~y. Appr~pri&~lon~ no. FisCal commit, test no. st(:a~.e-m;,ndat:ed local program, no. gOg6? "~lt 04 ~81 69063 1914,8 30 BXPs IH O'J 00S43"; PAC3~ t4C). I An act to amend 9ectXon 66484.3 of the Ooveznment i code, re2.&~Ldg I · .* · o .. · 9.ECTION 1, SectXon 66484,3 o~ the.Government . Code ~o amended ~o reads 66'484,3. (nj NOtWi~hotandLng Section $3077,5, the Board of 8upervioo~s o~ the Couflt¥ of Orange and city counc~ or counct~, o~ &n~ c~y or c~e. ~n county ma~, by ordinance, require the payment o~ · fee as a cond~tion o~ &pprove~ o~ · ~n.~ map or. as & condition ac~ua~ or estimated cos~ of cono~r~C~l'n9 bridges over waterw&ys, railways, ~reew&ys, and e&n¥ons, or constructing ma~o~ ~ho~ough£ares, (b) The loo&l ord£nance may =equ~re paymen~ ~ees pursuan~ ~o ~hie section (~) ~he ordinance reeez, to'the element o~ the general plan and, In the case o~ bridges, to ~he transportation provisions o~ e~ con~o~ ~eeways, s~reems~ or canyons ~or which bz~dge cross~ngs are required on the general plan.or local roads, and the case o~ ~Jor ~horo~gh~aree, ~o ~he provisions o~'~e ct~ul&~ton ele~en~ ~htch ldentl[y those~or thoroughfare8 whose pr~ma~y purpose' lo to carry through 90967 80063 10 = 40 RECORD lIN 80 006437 PA~B HO. 3 ! element, transPorta~o~, provisions, or £1ood control provisions have been' a~opted by the Local agency 30 days pr~or ~o ~he filing ~'a ~p or application for a building permit, Bridges w~l~h' are ~r~ o~ ~ mm~or ~ho~ough~a~e need no~ be .epa:a~e~y .~den~ed An ~he ~rafla~r~a~on or ~lood control provie~o~s o~ ~he general plan. · {2) The ordinance provides tha~ there will be a l~ublic hearing ~.~d b7 ~he gove~n~n~ .b~ ~or eac~ area benefited, ldotlce s~a'll be given pu'rsuant to .Section 6590S. In addition :tO ~ho requirements of ~ec~on 65905~ · the no~ce .ha~l co~'~a'~a pre~lminar~ An£ormat~on re~a~ed to t~e boundaries off ~he~area o~ benefit, estimated coat, a.~d the mettled of ~e'~ apportionment. The area of bene~&t mav include lan~ or imp:ovemen~s in addition to the land . or improvements whic~ are the subject of an~ map or build,n9 permit application conside~ed at the proceedings. (3) The o~dinance ~rov~des Ghat, a~ t2e publ£c hearing, 'the boundaries of tile area of bene£1t~ ~he costs, whether actual or edtimated, and a faiz method og ,' ..o allocation ot~ costs to the area of benefit and fee apport£onment a~e established. The method o£ ~ee · aM~ortionment, in ttle case o~ major thoroughfares, ohall 0006? RECORD 89063 AN 80 00643? P&G~ HO,. body conducting the hearing with the recorder of the .* County o£ Orange, ?he resolution may subsequently be modified In any rel~e~t by t~e governing body, original reSOlutlofl. Any modX~icattofl shall 'be mub~ect to the resolution may ~rov~e ~o~ automatic 9er~odic adjustment o~ ~ees based upon ~he Californl~ Construction Co8~ Index prepared and' pub~is~bd by ~he Departmen~ of ~ranspo~a~lon, w~thout ~urther action of t~e governing body, lnclud£ng, ; but not limited-to, p~bl~¢ not~ce o~ he·ring, The apportioned ~ees ahi'l~ be applicab~e to al~ p~oper~ within the area of ~m~e~l~ and shal! be smyable as a condition o~ a~rov&~ of · final ~p or om a condition:of' ~or any of ~he property or W~ere ~he area o: bene~£~ nec.prowl'de ~Or highl~-.~eee on land Wh~oh abuts the · .proposed ~mprovement'excep~ where the abutttng property A description o~ t~e'boundariee o! the &rea of benef£~, · ~he coats~ whether &ct~&l or emtlmated~ and the me~hod of ~ee ippor~ionme~t es~a~liahed at the hearing shall be incorporated in & rebolut[on of the 9oVe~n[ng body, a certified copy o~ eh'Ich shall be ~ecorded by the governing Rig 80 00643? Zo Chis iece~on, chd governing body shal~ make provJs£on fo~ pa~enc o~ the ih&re of improvement COICl apportioned to those L&nde fro~'oehez Iou~cel~ b~ ~hos~ eo~ces need not be identified. &~.ehe ~l~e o~ ~he &do~tion of resolution, (4) ~e 0~din&nco provides ~hm~pl]~uen~ o£ ~ees ihal~ not be required'unless the ma~o~ thorou~~fares are in iddition to~ o~ & reconstruction or viden~ng o~ any existing ma3or ~AorOu~~.res servln~ th. area a~ ch& ~me of ~he adoption o~ ~he boundaries o£-~he i~ea si (S) ~e o~dinnnce provides ~h&~ p&~en~ o~ sAa~ no~ be required unless the p~anned brSd~e lo an original bridge serving ~he area or afl oddl~ofl , o~ ~e &do~tion o~ ~he boundaries o~ the &rea o~ Fees imposed p~:suant to Chis leo&ion oha~! not be expended to re~mbu£le ~he cos~ o~ existing bridge ~ac~L~7 Conner&isa v£th ~he'uons~uc~lon o~ ~n &ddi~loa to an existing ~ridge ~o~;~hich ~eee ma~ be required. ,.. · there is a written ~:oces~ ~led vl~h ~he clerk o~ · 100 l:r~ 890~3 ' 1 006437 · legLslativs body, by the owners of more than one-h&l~ '0£ .. ~he 4:ea o~ ~e ~:o~y ~o be bene~l~ed b~ tbs . as to reduce tho area represented to leos than One-ha3. f~ o£ that to be benefited, ~en the proposed proceedings shell i bo abandoned, and tbs legislative body shall not, ~or one year ~rom tho ~ill'n~ 0£ that written pro~eo~, commence o'r carry off a~ procee~/ngs ~or the same ~mprov®men~ , acquisition under this section, unless the protests overruled btf an a~ftrma~ve vo~e.o~ ~our-~lftho o~ the body. " Nothing l~ this section shall preclude the processing and recordation of mapo in accordance wi~h oths~ provisions of ~nis division If proceedings ere abandoned. · Any protes~o may be withdrawn in writing by owner who llled th4 pro~eat, at any time prior to the conclusion of a pu~llc ~ea=in~ held pursuant to the ! ordinance. .. If any m&:)Oritl~ protest is directed against only. · a portion o£ the i~prove~eflt ~hen ell £urther proceedlnql 'under the. provisions o~ thio section to construct bha't ~r~iofl Of ~Ae tmprovemo~t so p~o~ea~ed a~ains~ shall be barred ~or a period o~ one year, b~t ~he leglstative bod~ ~0~67 ]t~CC)JtD ~ 110 00643? PAGI: ~Y). 7 · IhaL! not be b~r~ed '8rom oomme~cing new prooeedings · · including &n~ 9art ~ the tn~rovemen~ or acquisition so the xog a acXve w~ch~n the one-yEar period, =omuenc~fl9 &nd carrying on'new p=oceedings loc the construction o~ a ~6~cion o~ the Improvement es pro~ested four-t~fths o£ i~s ~e=bere; that the owners of more than one-hal£ off ~he area O~ the pro~er~y to be benefited are · in Envoi of going forward vi ch thaC pot~on o~ the ~mprovement or acqu~it£on, (c) Fees F&Ld ~U;lU&nt to &n ordinance adop~ed pursuant to th~s~leCt~on ihs11 be deposited ~n a planned bridge {acllity o~ ~a~or ~horoughfare ~und. A {und shall · 'be established for ~aCh planned ~r£dge ~acX~ty proJec~ or each planned ~aJor ~horoughfare project. X~ the benefit &rea ~l one in vhioh ~ore '~hsn cna bridge or ~aJor · thoroughfarg ~s ~equ~red to be constructed, & fund may be es established cove~ing all of khe bridge or ma~r thoroughfare p~oJecks in the benefit &zen. fund shall be expen~e~ solely for ~he cons~t~c~£on or ,' ...o reimburoemen~ for construction se the improvement serv!n t~e &rea to be befall'ted and from ~hich the tees co~r~sing ~he £~ed ~ere co,lacked, or ~o reimb~rse the · · 90967 120 Bxm'z 80063 1 S t 40 .qN 89 006437 PAOg NC)' '8 % · 0. Improvement:. · · Afl lieu of the paymeht, of ~ees, to this section may advance mane2 from Ate general ~und or road ~und to P&Z th.~c~et of constructing ~he Improvements and ma2 reimburse ~h$ general £und o: road ~und ~om planned bridge ~acllLtXes or ma~or thoroughfares ~unda ~mprovomen~mj for the constructionist bridge ~ctlitiee or ma]o~ purmuant to th~m .ec~L~fl, ~or ~he purpose o~, among Jointly exercising ~/ a du2y aut~o:~zed or~g~n&~ povec established by them.SeCtion, ~fl addition to those through ~v~s~on I? o~ th. s~ree~. ·nd H~g~·y$ Cod. £or puFpooe o~ constructing bF~dge ~&¢~llC~e. nnd -i ; ,. !. R~¢O3tD I 130 B~ t~043 1! ~ 48 /tN 19 00~437 PAGI: NO. ~ · thorough£ires Ln 1LEu o~'& tunne! and ,' £acinX~es, and, no~v~hltafldXng Section 31200 o~ Streets lad HLghva~' ~ode, m~y acquire by dsdica~£on, purchase, or em/nen~.domiL'n, any franchise, rights, · privileges, easements, or other interest An property, either roll Or personal, necessary therefor on segments the .~ite highway $~8Cem, inc~udln9, but nos 2~mited ~o, States Code. An enter2 cama~ruc~ing bridge ~acA1L't/es and l~lJOf thoroughfares ~ursuafl~ ~o this. section shall and construct the brAdqo ~acill~Xes and ~horouqhfareo ko tie o~andards and specifications of ~par~neflt of ~rans~.r~an~om then la e~ec~, and nay any tine, transfer t~l or a ~rt/on o~ the bridge , ~acXlitLes and ~JOr' thoroughfares to the state subject ~o the terms and condit~s aa shell be oetisfac~o~y to ~he Direckof of 2ho ~pa~t~eflt o~ Transportakiofl. Any of these bridge ~acAlit~eB and major thorougA~areo shall be doeigna~ed as 4 pof~o~ o~ the et~.~e hlghwaM nyl~em ~r~or to' L~o transfer. .Thd Bole eecuf~ny ~or re~y~ent o~ indebtedness ehanl be moneys Ln planned bridge or ~or ~horoughffri8' funds. The Part~c~nts Lna joLn~ ' ~10967 RECORD ) 140 BF~ AN 89 00643'7 ex'e~c],se"o.~. .powers &tr~ement =m~ else exercise es a .; · aut.~orized origin&! ~c~er established by this section the ; povtr to establish &~d collect toll charges only £or paying £or the cootw d~ construction of the ma~or esot8 o~ colleettn9 :khe tolls, tta~or thoroughfares from · vhic~ tolls ire c~lrged shall ut$1tse the toll collection equipment moot capable o.; moving vehicles expeditiously and e~tctently, be~t su/tsd ~o~ th&~ purpose as determined b~ the pg~tclpants tn the ~otnt exercise · · Division 17 of ~e Streets end Htg~v&~, Cods be exorc~sed · un2eos a reso2ucton ts ~:st adop~ed by the bod~ of t~e ageflc~ ~d~flg t~&t adequ&~e eufldlng ~or the F~or~ion o~ the cost o~ constructing those bridge fscilitioi and maJo~ thoroughfares not £unSed by developmen~ fees coilected by the agency Is not &reliable any federlZ, oCate~ or o~he~ lource. .Any ma~or thorougl~fare cons~Tucted and opera,ed es & toll road pursuant to thJ, s section shal'l only be ooflstructsd paralle~ to o~her publ£c Chcrouqhfa~es and highways. ; R,~.ORD I 150 BY8 RN lO 006437 PM~ HO, 1.1 I an~d aetual aonstru~itOn, including, but nsc limited ~o, a~l d~tea'~ and ~ndt~t~ env~ra~enta~, eng~fleer~ng, n~Coun~lng, /egn~, ddmAnXotza~on o~'~nit~uotlon contracts, ~oet~ ~ ~ ~lnancinq, and other tervieei necessary therefor. '~he term "constructions alia includes reasonable gefleral ~ney a~lnta~re~tve i~enlel~ not exeoedlflg ~hree hufldr~d thousand dollars ($300,0002 in any oalendat year a~cet ~uary 1, 1986, aa adjusted annually ~or any increase oz ~e:eise Ln ~e conifer o~ the Bureau o~.~ab~r. S~atLicL~u oC the ge~ar~men~ of ~abor ~o~ al1 Urban Consumers, Aflgolem-~ong'neach-Ahaheim, California (,~~ , published by the V~i~.~ State. Deparcm.nt~:, each agency ereated ~utauenc co Art~e~e ~ (c~eflcing vi~h the put. se cE conSt[uttlng bridges lsd ~or thoroughfares. ' (h) No~hi~ In this section shall be construed to preclude the Count¥'og Orange or any city within Chat county ~rom prOvidin'I Eun~s ~or the construction of b~ldge ' · · ~60 BP: 8904,3 1 RN 19 006437 PAG,B 140. · · £&cill~/es or.major it~torOughfares to d~fray eo$~:a not , allocated to .the &fda 'of bene.~it. · (l) Any c£ty within the County o~ Ofange~y require the ~ayment'of £eee .in accordance with section ac ~o any ~foper~y iff an a~ea o£ beneffit V/th~ the cLty'l boundarLdl, tot ~aoL1/tLe$ lhovn On Lta general plan or the oounty.~. ~ener&l plan, whether the ~acil/t[em are ainu&ted eLthLa 'or outllde the boundaries of the city, sad the count~ ~ay dX~e~d £ses for facilities or thereof located vit~ cities Ln ~he (J) The vat~dL~ of any eec required pvrsuin~ to proceeding unless o~enced within 60 dayl Of lubdivll~o~ (b).' ~he ~rovisionl of Chapter 9 (co~enctng vLth ~e~tLon ~60) cE ~/cle 10 o~ Parc 2 o~ the , Code of Civil Procedure s2all be applicable ~o any such lct~on or P~OCledtn~. This subdivision shall eZto apply to modieica~ion, oe'Tde that county hlv~ en~efed Late a JoL~ ~overs agreemen~ ~or ~e pur~se.og co~s~r~c~inq the bridges and thoroughgar~ re'erred to Ln set,Lens 500~9 and ~6484.3, and Ag a proposed Cha~ge o~ organAzatton o~ reo~gsnLsa~Xon , ~09~7 R co D # 170 Dl~ 006437 l)AGg NO. ' 13 ! pursuant to Sections; ~029 and 66484.3, vithLn a succellor local agency, the l~a'l agency lhal~ no~ ~ake any action ~haC vould impaLr, ~l~y, frvltrate, obi~ruc~, ct oChervise Lmpede ~he' ~ona~rucCion .E ~he bridges And ~Jor t'horough~areg reeefr~d co In ~hta section. : e0.