HomeMy WebLinkAboutRPT 1 P.C. ACT AGENDA 05-15-89 GENDA ACTION AGENDA TUSTIN PLANNING COHIqISSION REPORTS NO. 1 5-15-89 REGULAR PIEETZNG RAY 8, 1989 CALL TO ORDER: 7:00 p.m., City Council Chambers PLEDGE OF ALLEGZANCE/iNVOCATZON ROLL CALL: Present: Baker, Ponttous, Le Jeune, Kasperian Absent' Shaheen PUBLIC CONCERNS: (Limited to 3 minutes per person for items not on the agenda) IF YOU WISH TO SPEAK TO THE COMMISSION ON A SUBJECT, PLEASE FILL OUT THE CARDS LOCATED ON THE SPEAKER'S TABLE. ALSO, PLEASE GIVE YOUR FULL NAME AND ADDRESS FOR THE RECORD. CONSENT CALENDAR' (ALL MATTERS LISTED UNDER CONSENT CALENDAR ARE CONSIDERED ROUTINE AND WILL BE ENACTED BY ONE MOTION. THERE WILL. BE NO SEPARATE DISCUSSION OF THESE ITEMS PRIOR TO'THE TIME OF THE VOTING ON THE. MOTION UNLESS MEMBERS OF THE COMMISSION, STAFF OR PUBLIC REQUEST SPECIFIC ITEMS TO BE DISCUSSED AND/OR REMOVED FROM THE CONSENT CALENDAR FOR SEPARATE ACTION.) . M.i..n. utes of the April 2.4, 19.89 Plannin0 Commission Meeting Lois Jeffrey noted the following changes to be made in the mtnutes: 1) Page 17, bottom paragraph, second 1the, last phrase should read: 'ts not an expiration statute...' 2) Above paragraph, ltne 8 should be 'request' not 'suggest'. 3} Page 18, fourth paragraph, 11ne 11, delete 'branched' and replace with 'granted'. Commissioner Ponttous moved, Le Oeune seconded to approve the consent calendar as revtsed. I~lotton caroled 3~0-1 (Kasparfan abstained). PUBLIC HEARINGS (,, Withdraw.a. 1 of.Va.r!anCe ,89-04 (El. Camin0 ,Enterprises) Presentation' Daniel Fox, Associate Planner Commissioner Ponttous moved, 89-04~ HotlOn carried 4-0. Le deune seconded to accept the withdrawal of Variance Planning Commission Action Agenda May 8, 1989 Page two .- 3. Amendment to Use Permit 88-8_ APPLICANT' OWNER' L OCAT I ON: ZONING: ENVIRONMENTAL STATUS: REQUEST: DON CARTER D.D.S. 14711 CHESHIRE PLACE TUSTIN,.CALIFORNIA 92680 COLCO PROSPECT L.P. 17320 RED HILL #190 IRVINE, CALIFORNIA 92714 17602 E. SEVENTEENTH STREET, SUITE 105 PLANNED COMMUNITY - COMMERCIAL THIS PROJECT IS CATEGORICALLY EXEMPT FROM THE REQUIREMENTS OF THE CALIFORNIA ENVIRONMENTAL QUALITY ACT PURSUANT TO SECTION 15301 a (CLASS 1) AMENDMENT OF CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL OF USE PERMIT 8e-8 WHICH PROHIBIT MEDICAL OFFICE USES AND LIMIT OFFICE USES IN GENERAL TO A MAXIMUM OF 50% OF THE AREA OF A NEW COMMERCIAL DEVELOPMENT Recommendation' It Is recommended that the Planning Commission deny the Amendment to Use"Per~it 88~8 by adopting Resolution No. 2598 as submitted or revised. Presentation: Eric Haaland, Assistant Planner. Co,missioner Ponttous moved, Le deune seconded to deny the Amendment to Use Pen[it 88-8 by the adoptlon of Resolution No. 2598 submitted. Motion carrted ..4-0.,.... . APPLICANT' OWN ER: LOCATION: ZONING: ENVIRONMENTAL STATUS: REQUEST- Use Permit 89-10 ' JEAN HAILER - MORRISON & AssoCIATES 3333 MICHELSON DRIVE; SUITE 525 IRVINE, CALIFORNIA 92715 MC KELLAR DEVELOPMENT 18500 VON KARMAN AVENUE; SUITE 150 IRVINE, CALIFORNIA 92715 14272 FRANKLIN AVENUE; SUITE 110 PLANNED COMMUNITY - INDUSTRIAL THIS PROJECT IS CATEGORICALLY EXEMPT FROM THE REQUIREMENTS OF THE CALIFORNIA ENVIRONMENTAL QUALITY ACT PURSUANT TO SECTION 15301A (CLASS 1) AUTHORIZATION FOR (1) A SANDWICH SHOP IN AN EXISTING INDUSTRIAL COMPLEX; (2) SALE OF BEER AND WINE FOR ON-SITE CONSUMPTION IN CONJUNCTION WITH A RESTAURANT USE (LICENSE TYPE 41); AND (3)AN OUTDOOR SEATING AREA IN CONJUNCTION WITH A RESTAURANT Recommendation' It is recommended that the Planning Commission approve Use Permit 89~10 subject to deletion of outdoor seating by adop:ing Resolution 2600 subject to the conditions contained in Exhibit "A", attached thereto, as submitted or revised. Presentation' Eric Haaland, Assistant Planner Commissioner Ponttous moved, Le deune seconded to approve Use Permit 89-14 by the adeptlon of Resolution Ilo. 2599 as sub.dttedj Notlon carrled 4-0. Planning Commission Action Agenda Hay 8, 1989 Page three 5. Use Permit 89-14 _ APPLICANT' OWNER- LOCATION: ZONING: E NV I RO NME NTAL STATUS: REQUEST: OMEGA #8 14551 NEWPORT AVENUE TUSTIN, CALIFORNIA 92680 MINOS XILIKAKIS 12622 ELIZABETH WAY TUSTIN, CALIFORNIA 92680 14551 NEWPORT AVENUE C-1, RETAIL COMMERCIAL CATEGORICALLY EXEMPT (CLASS 1) TO AUTHORIZE THE CONSTRUCTION OF A DRIVE-UP WINDOW AT AN EXISTING 1,950 SQUARE FOOT, 52 SEAT RESTAURANT. Reco~ndatton: It ts recon~ended that the Planning Con~nt ssi on approve Use Perm~lt 89-14 by adopting Resolution No. 2599 as submitted or revised. Presentation' Eric Haaland, Assistant Planner Commissioner' Pontlous moved, Le Jeune seco_re!ed_ to approve Use Permit 89-14 by the &dop~ton' Of-~esolui~ton No~"2599 as submitted. Motion carried 4-0. 6. Use Permtt 89-15 APPLICANT/ OWNER: LOCATION' ZONING' E N V I RONMENTAL STATUS' REQUEST: DURFEE GARDENS P.O. BOX 19608-168 IRVINE, CALIFORNIA 92714 14372 S. YORBA {S/E CORNER OF YORBA AND NORWOOD PARK PLACE - TENTATIVE TRACT MAP 13822) R-l, SINGLE FAMILY RESIDENTIAL THIS PROJECT IS CATEGORICALLY EXEMPT PURSUANT TO THE PROVISIONS OF SECTION 15303e (CLASS 3) OF THE CALIFORNIA ENVIRONMENTAL QUALITY ACT. AUTHORIZATION TO CONSTRUCT A COMBINATION RETAINING/F, REESTANDING WALL WITH A MAXIMUM HEIGHT PERMITTED OF 10 FEET, EXCEEDING THE 6'-8" MAXIMUM HEIGHT PERMITTED UNDER SECTION 9271i OF. THE TUSTIN CITY CODE. Recon~nendation' It is recon~nded that the Planning Comission approve Use Permit 89-15 by adopting Resolution No. 2601 as submitted or revised. Presentation: Steve Rubin, Senior Planner ~o.mtsstoner Ponttous moved, Le Jeune seconded to approve Use Permit 89-15 by the adoptlon of"Resol'u~ion No. 260I as sub~/tted. Morton .carrted 4-0. Planntng Commission Actton Agenda May 8, 1989 Page four ® APPLICANT/ OWNER: LOCATION: ZONING: E NV I RONME NTAL STATUS: REQUEST: Amendment to Use Permit 88-23' PACIFIC BELL 177 E. COLORADO BOULEVARD PASADENA, CALIFORNIA 91105 14451MYFORD ROAD PC-I, PLANNED COMMUNITY INDUSTRIAL:- IRVINE INDUSTRIAL COMPLEX PLANNED DEVELOPMENT REGULATIONS A NEGATIVE DECLARATION WAS PREVIOUSLY CERTIFIED FOR USE PERMIT 88-23, NO ADDITIONAL ENVIRONMENTAL DOCUMENTATION IS REQUIRED AMENDMENT TO USE PERMIT 88-23 Recommendation' It ~s recommended that the Planning Commission approve an A~ndment tO use Permit. 88-23 by adopting Resolution No. 2602 as submitted or revised. Pr. esentatlon: Steve Rubln, Senior Planner Commissioner Le Jeune movedr Pontious i1.~, oflde~, to approve an Amendment to Use Permit 88-~3 by th~ adoption of ResOlution No. 2602 with the folloutng revisions to Exhibit "A": vdelete 'Install a car wash,' from line 6. change TO read: 'That the project ts Categorlcaliy Exempt tstons of Secttons 16301 (e.2) and 15311 (b) of the California Environmental Quality Act.' after "Department,' insert 'wtth the elimination of Exhibit A e 11.3 line 1, insert 'all' after "unless". , EXhlblt A a · z L.b change to read: 'Hours of operation of the fuel dispensing a.m. to midnight.' Delete Exhibit A, 1.0. Renumber items 1.7 and 1.8. Exhlbtt A a e--~-;-~--~-~T delete 'and the car wash'. h b t , e , .! b) should be changed to read: 'Condition No. 2.1 (e) of x t TO eso ut ~o. 2544 is amended as follows: 'A soltd eight (8) foot tall concrete block wall shall be Installed along the southerly property 1the adjacent to the training yard as originally required by Use Permit 88-23. Tn addition, should the Irvtne Industrial Complex regulations require a block wall around outdoor storage areas (to lnclude the training yard) satd concrete block wall shall be extended along that portion of the westerly property 1the adjacent to the training yard. Should such wall not be required by the Irvtne Industrial Complex regulations, an eight (8) foot tall, screened chain ltnk fence shall be Installed in that locatton~ Any wall Installation shall be decorative in design to match the but 1 dl rig." Oelete Exhtbtt A, page 2, 2.1 (c). Delete Exhlblt A, page 2' 2,5 - Moti on ~arrt ed 14:0. Planntng Commission Action Agenda · May 8, 1989 Page ftve OLD BUSINESS e COnt. tnuatto,,n of Design Revl,,~e.,w.. 88=45, (Tract 13701) APPLICANT' ONNER- LOCATION- ZONING' ENVIRONMENTAL STATUS' REQUEST- AKINS DEVELOPMENT COMPANY 1 CIVIC PLAZA; SUITE 175 NEWPORT BEACH, CALIFORNIA 92660 LYON COMMUNITIES/AKINS ASSOCIATES LOTS 1, 2, A, B AND C OF TRACT 12870 PLANNED COMMUNITY LOW DENSITY RESIDENTIAL - EAST TUSTIN SPECIFIC PLAN · THIS PROJECT IS COVERED BY A PREVIOUS EIR (85-2) FOR THE EAST TUSTIN SPECIFIC PLAN. NO ADDITIONAL DOCUMENTATION IS REQUIRED. APPROVAL OF SITE PLAN AND ARCHITECTURAL DESIGN OF A SUBDIVISION OF 34.5 ACRES INTO 161 NUMBERED AND 25 LETTERED LOTS FOR SINGLE FAMILY DEVELOPMENT Reconunendation: It is reconunended that the Planning Coneission approve Design ~view 1'88-45, by adopting Resolution No. 2583 as submitted or. revised. Presentation' Eric Haaland, Assistant Planner. Commissioner Pontlous moved. Le deune seconded to approve Oeslgn Review 88-45 by the adoptlon of'Resolution No. 112583 with the foliowtng revisions to Exhibit A. item 3.1 A: 2.)'anda' should be 'and' and item 3) 'mriblmum" shou-~l~~~~~ 'mXlmUi'. Iqot~on carried 4-0. i i iii NEW BUSINESS STAFF CONCERNS ge A. ction Agenda of May !, 1989 City Counc,,l,l!, meeting Presentation' Christine Shingleton, Director of Con~nuntty Development COMMISSION CONCERNS COmmissioner Le deune asked what the terms of the Comdsstoners were; some general questions regarding the red rocks and landscaping at the Market Place and noted that at the north end of Jamboree (at the dead end) he had noticed some recreational vehtcles uslng the property and was concerned with the City's liability. Staff noted that the terms of the Commissioners were for two years; that there probably would not be any more red rock Installed in the Market Place. that there would be bougainvillea planted along the pickets; and staff wtll inform the Publtc Works Otrector of the trespassing at the end of Jamboree. Commissioner' Kaspart. an., noted that the stop sign was gone' at Anglln and Mellna. · . Staff noted that they would notify Public Works. Plannlng Commission Action Agenda May 8, ~L989 Page stx Cometssloner Baker noted that he preferred ~hat developers not provtde the Co,mrisslon wi~h handouts at 'the meettng that staff has not had prtor knowledge of. Lots deffrey noted that tn a publlc heartng 1terns co, ld be brought to the Co,~lsslon, however, she felt that the Commission could reatnd professionals of the opportunity to present thetr lnfor.mtlon to staff prtor to the meettng. She also noted that hand out l tees need not be read t nto the record but the tttle of the document and a short description should be noted. Commissioner Le Jeune asked why the applicant (Hr. Tutt) dtd no~ make the application for th~ appeal of the Plannlng Commission dectslon regarding his billboards. The Dtrector noted that the 1tern ~11 be on the Play 15, 1989.Clty Council agenda and that a the appeal, fee ts watved tfa Counctlperson appeals the decision. ADdOURI~qE#T AT 10:20 p.m. to adjourn.to the next regular ~eettng on unct1 Chambers