HomeMy WebLinkAboutRPT 2 ST NAMING COMM 05-15-89,~ mm ~ ~ ~ m .... ~R REPORTS 'DATE: MAY 15, 1989 ~ ' ! TO: FROM: SUBJECT: tJILL%AM A. HUSTOH, C%TY MANAGER CHRiSTiNE SHINGLETOII, DIRECTOR OF COM~NITY DL:'~ELOPMENT · o STATUS OF STREET NAMING COMMITTEE RECQIIdlEN~TION iii i Receive and ftle. BACKGROUND The Street Namtng Committee at a meettng on Apr11 12, 1989 approved a comprehensive Street Namtng Concept (wtth minor modifications) recommended by the [rvtne Company tn correspondence to the Street Namtng Committee on March 30, 198'9 (see attached correspondence). The proposal 'recommends an approach of namtng several main infrastructure arterials or major streets that form the spine for the Eastn Tusttn area north of [rvtne Boulevard with topical headings or names such as "Pioneer Road, Orchard Drtve or Townsmen D~tve". Each of the connecting streets within corresponding builder neighborhoods could then be appropriately named from the list of early Tusttn residents (i.e. streets adjacent to Patriot Way could uti It ze mi It tary heroes and casualties, etc. ). To ensure conformance with the Irvlne Company's suggested program as accepted by the Committee, they wlll review recommended street names proposed by Individual builders in Phase III and IV projects prior to final map approvals by the City Council. Director of Community Oev pment CAS'pef Attachments March 30., 19~9 COt, i,',,liJ.~l i y D£..,,£LOP~,iLt.~I. Jerry Feldman CITY OF TUSTIN 300 Centennial Way Tustin, CA 92680 Dear Jerry: In response to your letter requesting that the Pioneer Name Program be implemented starting with Tustin Ranch Phase III builder programs, I have prepared the enclosed items for your review and presentation to the City of Tustin Street Naming Committee. After approval of these concepts at a Irvine Company Tustin Ranch Management Meeting last week, i phone Christine Shingleton to summarize the direction of our recommendations. The following attachments illustrate how the name list prepared by the City Street Naming Com~ittee can be applied on a lot by lot basis in a portio~ of Tustin Ranch P~ase III and continue throughout Phase IV. A list of golf course resource names are enclosed with suggested application'to the lots directly adjacent to the golf course perimeter. The ~ttachments include= · Phase III Street Name Proposal chart and map. Phase IV street Name Proposal chart and map. Three pages of Tustin pioneer names with footnotes corresponding to the suggested application of each list. · The City list of military heroes/casualties list with suggested applications noted· Bo 'The Phase III golf street name resource list with suggested applications noted· In order to achieve theme continuity and the best utilizations of the hours of research that have led to the name list resources, there are two proposals that should be considered· First, I have recommended two arterial s~rg~...~e_~h~nqes in Phase-IIL as show~ on the Ph~-S'e"-III"'m~p and notes· Second, it is probable that add~t~onaI'p'io~ee~-na~es'~l~-'~e needed in order to use them for streets throughout the lots recommended. 550 Newport Center Drive. PO. Box I, New0on Beach, Californ,a 92658-8904 · (71-~ 720-2000 Jerry Feldman CITY OF TUSTIN March 30, 1989 Page .2 I hope these proposals meet with your approval and can be presented to the Street Naming Committee soon for discussion and preparation of a presentation to the Tustin City Council for their consideration. As noted in my prior letter, I will be happyto bring larger land plan exhibits to the nex~ co~ittee meeting to illustrate the continuity and simplicity of this overall plan. Cordially, Shirley Doig Director, Marketing Co~unications & Merchandising SD=v~ Encl. 760-SD Christine Shingleton Jay Pierce 0 0 0 0 Na~e Cha:nd~s 1. Fairgate Drive b ,es Townsmen Drive g. Rawlings* Wa~ becomes, Fairgate To be used as a neighborhood "Pioneer" street mmlm Im Il,III ,-i ,-, 4 4 ! , · TUST[N RANCH PHASE ]:V ' · mem, LEGEr D PROPOSED STREET NANES A. Peters Canyon Road B. Pt°neet Road C. Ptoneer ~lay D. Townsmen Drive * E. Orchard Ortve* F. Patriot ~/ay 4-'_:- .. * Alignment subject to change. · PROP£R NARES - EARLY TUSTIN 'PIONEERS' 113189 GRO¥£RS/AGR!CULTURAL. BUS ! N£SS Wtlcox, _Charles - came' to T. usttn In 1874 and helped founded .the Ftrst ~lattonal Bank tn TuSttn, one of the ftrst to plant oranges tn the area; the ftrst to graft ftve varieties of cttrus tn one tree; helped to start ftrst orange packtng plant tn Tusttn and later founded the Santiago Frutt Gro~er's Association In Orange. Adams~ .P. T~ - Ctvll Nar so]diet who came to Tusttn; was an early orchardist. a ' early orchardist, rancher, farm developer; the faintly ts st111 l, ctvtc and philanthropic activities. Stevens~ Sherman, - came to Tusttn t~ 1882; dabbled In .business and orchards; was In partnership wtth both dames !rvtne and C. E. Utt. founded the San doaqutn Frutt Company. Steven's House .on H&tn Street tn Tustln ts named after htm. He Joined C. E. Utt In opening residential sectton of Lemon Hetgh~s wt~h a tract of 900 acres. ' orchardist, Chatrmn of Tustln Chamber of Commerce before ted, president of Tusttn Branch of the Farm 'Bureau. Prescottr Hah. e. 1 - came to Tusttn t 1912, opened her own orange packtng house tn Horth Tusttn; owned orange groves ~n Tustln, so,me of whtch were purchased from Sam Tusttn. · .. .. Preblet Sam - owned acreage for orange groves tn 1870. Rtcer,..~.ames - came to Tustln from Cleveland; htS wtfe was dames Irvtfle's stster; contributed to cultural development of area as a member of the elite social circle; ralsed cattle. Gouldr dohn - early grover. Ahem~ Gene - early grower. Haut Sam- early grower. Albee, ...Charles..& A11ce - owned large parcels of property whtch they sold to lfld/vJdual' famtl'f~s for development, stgnlflcaflt to cttrus and avacado Industrtes. · Hartln, W.W. - came to ?usttn tn 1874, owned large parcels of property which were sold for development, belteved to have butlt the house at 640 1st Street. Suggested Application: Tustin Ranch Phase IV - Lots 7/8, 12, 25 A/B No~ce: Any names left to be, used on Lots designated "Pioneer: General" BUSINESS · PROPER NAHES- EARLY TUSTZN 'PIONEERS' Z/3189 Bo.~nr Charles.and I~tlltam - I~tlltam butlt tony homes Including 'those for the Zrvtne's and th~ Utt~'s and the Tusttn Presbyterian Church; Charles founded an early orchard fumfgatton business. Gultck - along Ntth lt1111am Huntley operated the Tustln Garage Nhtch also served aS'.'Tusttn's ftrst fire statton. Russ, EdNtn - cashier, one ttme president of Tustln Bank; his Nlfe Nas ftrst female' Sch~l Dtstrtct Trustee t n 1880' s. Xrtzr Charles - operated an early general store. Sche11~houser Arcy- o~ned and operated UtC 3utce Company from 1930 to 1970. Cra~ford B ton ,B?rne.': - B. R. Cravford Nas the first Hayor of Tusttn, serv ng rom to 9 ; fatally of merchants; Planager of Tusttn Htlls Cttrus Association Packtng House; one branch.started Smart and Ftnal. Pteperr John - ran a fuel, feed and seed store tn Tusttn. Sauersf Charles - ran a grocery store early Ih this century; Nas on the first Board of Trustees for Tustln Htgh School. · Ahern~ Gene - ~orked for Ledts 14oulton. ~' Cheney, 1/tlltam - came to Tusttn around the turn.or-.the century renting 960 acres f'i~om"be~t friend James Zrvlne; co-founded .Farmers Znsurance Company; early businessman, and e&rly contributor Co Yalencla industry. Geetttn~l, Bob - early businessman. Rethlf Pete - early businessman, grocer and butcher shop. Sudd&by, 1/t111am - one of Orange County's successful stores, one of the first presJdents of Smart & Final.  - o~ner's of Tusttn cyclery Shop; a member ,of one of eer families; Oscar's grandfather, Issac H. came ~o Tustln from Sonoma County tn 1874 purchasing 10 lots from Columbus Tustln. Shatto: ~ftlllam Lynch - came to' Tusttn helped "~o build tony Tusttn bUildings, Church. around 1879, he Nas a carpenter and Including the Ftrst Advent Christian Suggested Application: Phase [[! - Lots 3, 4/5, 8/28 Note: Any names left to be used on lots designated "Pioneer' General" 1/3/89 PROKR 1lAIrS - EARLY TUSTZII 'PZONE~£RS' COI4UN~ OFFICIALS · ill i i Humestonf Vincent, - long ttme htstory teacher ·t Tusttn Htgh; ·]so a Mayor at one ttme. Nelson'~ I/. R. - Superintendent of Elemntary School Dtstrtct 1946-1966. , Mc Charles~ Dav!d ·nd F!orence -Davtd was a carpenter. Tustln Townshtp Justice from 1916'1919 ' and TuStln dusttce of the Peace from 1927 on. Florence taught the Tustln Publtc School from 1882 to 1908. Ktddt dames - early Tustln Mayor. e ' longttme Police Chtef and Clty's only policeman from rved as 'a butldlng Inspector for the Clty. Zleltant dohn 'Zeke' - principal of Tusttn Grammar School 1899-1906; also served two terms on the TuSttn School Dtstrtct Board of Education. %- came to Tusttn tn 1890 ·t ten years of ·ge; Mayor of-Tusttn · s · member of the.first City Counctl .In 1927; co-owner 'of the Tustln Garage and · member of the Volunteer Ftre Department. Schwendemant F, L. - one of the first Tustln Clty Gounctlmen; early grower. -early grower; one of ~.,e first Ctty ~ounctlmen, servtng from* K!,serr Edmun.,4 - one of Tusttn's first Ctty Councilmen; carpenter. Bacont Frank - Counclimn from 1947-1960 - Superintendent and principal of Tustln Union Htgh School from PO. 11ard~ bralter - first ctty treasurer, servtng from 1927 to 1944; partner tn #.d. Pol~ard and Son, · poultry ranch at 1362 Pollard In Santa An·. Hewest Davtd- Probably one of Tusttn's wealthiest pioneers, he made hts fortune prJor to hts move to Tusttn; renowned for having donated the Golden Sptke used to mark the completion of the Transcontinental Ratlroad tn 1869; played a ma3o~ role In the establishment and construction of the Tustln Presbyterian Church. Suggested Application: 'Phase IV- Lots 13, 24/26 -3- Note: Any names left to be used on-lots designated "Pioneer: General" #ZLZTART IIEROES OR WORLD WAR l Ho..1. derman, Nelson- WWI hero .WORLD WAR Il AND KORF. AN CONFLICT X/3/8 A1,stot, Charles O. BrtstcM, £cbard R. Bruno, ~]ohn R. Burrter. f Edward R. .Ca. steneda., Guadalupe Costellor Ernest R. Dtshnaflr Arthur R. G~ray, Harvtn £. Ktmba11, Paul C., ~Jr. H.Uel, 1er ~ Charles E. Plumb r Peter R. Taulbee, Theodore kfolert, Oerrel C. Tntqu.es , Donald E. Yappf Luther D. Suggested Application: Tustin Ranch Phase IV -, Lots 1, 2/3 VZETNAN Preliminary 11sttng of men who dted tn the Vtetnam T/ar from 'hostile, combat ktlls'. The reference to hostile combat ktlls does not lnclude men that uere ktlled durlng the uar under such circumstances as a troop plane crashtng or during a tratnlng exerc t se. ~ Swatmf Allan Gregory; Army Sgt., born I2-28-46 dted 8-1-68, Sertal t 298 766X~ Peebler, .Chrtst~ Albert; Army Sgt., born 1-24-47 dted 6-13-69 Oblesb~, John R.; Army P.F.C., born 7-30-47 died 6-15-68, Sertal t 567 10899 C§urcht11r Lawrence Jeffrey; L.C.L.P., USHC, born 9-6-48 dted iO-i8-67 Sertal 1223 6896 ' -4- 3/22/89 754-5D ~antilly Olgiata Cascade Concord Pin~l~urst Palmetto Doral Riviera Colonial Rincon Kingston Ternberry Dunes Glyfada Aquasanta La Mange Estoril Tequestra Homestead Canterbury Scioto Inverness Butler Princeville Tryall Highland Saunton Burnham Berkshire Sussex Woodhall Moortown Pevero St. Simons Seaton Harbour Town Sunningdale Ly~ham Augusta St. Andrews Castle Pines Olympic Hazeltine Riveria Ternberry Pebble Beach Myrtle Beach TUSTIN RANCH PHAS2 III' GOLF STREET NAME RESOURCE LIST II DESIGNERS Trent Jones Cotton Faz.io Lee Alister Clifford Thompson Colt Alison Ellis Maxwell Mackenzie Fowler Arena III Miller Nicklaus Boros Sebastian Miguel Vicenzo LeGrange Snead Trevino Balding Player Hogan Lacoste Runyan Turnesa Middlecoff Ryder Jacklin sper IV Classic Bunker Elite Victory Cardinal Challenger Masters Majestic Contour Terrain Hallmark Precision Pacific Maestro Sandhill Parkland Venture Ravine Trophy Plantation SuaaestedADDlf~ation I Courses: Lots 9/10, 11, 12, 24/25, 26, 27 II Designers: Lots 13, 18, 19 III Champions: Lots 21, 22 IV Terms: Lots 14, 20