HomeMy WebLinkAboutRDA D.R. 88-56 05-15-89 REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY DATE: MAY 15, 1989 ~ ' .- TO: WILLIAH A. HUSTON, EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR FROM: SUBJECT: COI~NI~ DEVELOPHENT DEPARTMENT DESIGN REVIEW 88-56 (EL'-CAHINO ENTERPRISES) APPLICANT/ OWNER: LOCAT I ON: ZONING: ENV I ROIOIENTAL STATUS: REQUEST: HR. ROD ANDERSON EL CAMINO ENTERPRISES P.O. BOX 1247 TUSTIN, CALIFORNIA 92681-1247 705 EL CAHINO WAY C-2: CENTRAL COI~RCIAL A NEGATIVE DECLARATION HAS BEEN PREPARED FOR THIS PROJECT TO APPROVE A DESIGN REVIEW TO CONSTRUCT A 5,737 SQUARE FOOT PROFESSIONAL OFFICE BI.~ILDING IN THE TOWN CENTER REDEVELOPMENT P RO~IECT AREA. RECONqENDATION It is recommended that the Redevelopment Agency' le Certify the Negative Declaration for Design Review 88-56 by the adoption of Resolution No. RDA 89-13; and e Approve Design Review 88-56 by the adoption of Resolution No. RDA 89-14, subject to the conditions contained in .Exhibit A of Planning Commission Resolution No. 2591, attached thereto and incorporated herein by reference. BACKGROUND The Community Development Department has completed a review of t~e site plan and architectural design of the proposed project. The. design review process emphasized the following issues' Architectural compatibility with surrounding facilities; ° Design of on-site parking and circulation; and Redevelopment Agency Report 705 E1 Camtno Real May 15, t989 ' Page two ° Conformance with Zoning Code and development standard requirements. As required by the Town Center Redevelopment Plan, the final site plan and architectural design is subject to the review and approval of the Redevelopment Agency.' With the exception of the specific items noted in the draft resolution of approval, staff considers the submittal to be complete and recommends that the Agency approve the project as presented. The applicant proposes to construct a 5,737 square foot office building on a 10,789 square foot site located within the C-2 (Central Commercial) zoning di stri ct. The project site is situated on the southwest corner of E1 Camino Real and E1 .Camtno Way and is within the Town Center Redevelopment Project Area. The Town Center Redevelopment Plan gives Design Review authority to the Redevelopment Agency for proposed developments within the Project Area. o The site is presently developed with a 1,744 square foot chiropractic office and is in fair condition. Surrouhding uses include a motel to the south and retail commercial uses to the north, east and west. ? This item does not require a public hearing; therefore, no formal notification was transmitted. The. applicant and architect were forwarded a copy of the meeting's agenda and staff report for this item. ANALYSIS Staff has reviewed the project and identified certain issues and highlights of the project which are discussed below' ® Zonl..n~ Requir_ements - Submitted development plans proposed demolition of the existing structures' and construction of a 5,737 square foot professional office building. The proposed project is in conformance with all applicable development standards and code requirements. On April 24, 1989, the Planning Commission adopted Resolution No. 2591 to approve a Conditional Use Permit to authorize over 50% office use within the C-2 (Central Commercial) zoning district pursuant to City Code Section 9233(e). 2. Traffic and Circulation - Presently, the site has two access points, one f~om 'El Camino Rial and one from E1 Camino Way. Submitted plans propose removal of the driveway on E1 Camino Real restricting access to an existing 28 foot wide drive approach on E1 Camino Way in order to help reduce vehicular conflicts with ingress/egress on E1 Camino Real. The Public Works Department has indicated the existing street system is adequate to accommodate the anticipated development in that professional office uses typical ly generate fewer vehicle trips per day than retai 1 Corn n~unity Developmen~ Depar~rnen~ Redevelopment Agency Report 705 E1 Camino Real I~ay 15, 1989 Page three commercial uses and the street system is designed to accommodate retail commercial uses. . Architecture - As previously mentioned, the project tncludes a complete rebuJld of the stte. The proposed architecture tncludes 'a two-story structure wlth parking on the flrst floor and offtce space on the second floor. The proposed architectural treatment reflects a spanlsh flavor wtth one and two story elements, stairwell towers, pitch roof elements, and balconies. Details Include window moldings, stucco bands, pot shelves, and multt-paned wtndows and doors. Architectural detatl ts provlded on all elevations. The blank wall surface on the south elevation will predominately be screened from view by the existlng motel buildlng on the adjacent property. Overall, the project design appears appropriate for the area and is compatible with other projects in the Town Center Redevelopment Pro ject Area. 4. LandscaPing - The stte presently includes severa] mature pine trees in addition to varlous shrubs and ground covers. Submitted plans propose removal of all existing landscaping; new landscaping consistlng of palm and sycamore trees wtll be provided. The landscaping concept Identifies a wide use of shrubs,' turf, and ground covers. The proposed landscaping theme is stmtlar to the more recent p4~ojects ~in the Town Center Redevelopment Pro ject Area. CONCLUS]~ON Staff has reviewed the issues associated with the project and has determined that the proposed development, as approved by the Planning Commission, is in conformance wtth City requirements and is an appropriate use for the neighborhood. Staff recommends that the .Redevelopment Agency certify the Negative Declar~tlon by adoptlon of .Resolution No. RDA 89-13 and approve Deslgn Revtew 88-56 by adoption of Resolution RDA No. 89-14, subject to the conditions contained In Exhibit A of Planning Commission Resolution No. 2591. Dante1 Fox ' ~ - Associate Planner .... Christine 'A. Shtn~eton Dtrector of Community Development DF'CAS'ts Attachments: Slte plan & elevations Negattve Declaration Planntng Commission ResolUtion No. 259! Resolution No.'s RDA 89-13 and 89-14 Corn rnuni~¥ Development Depar~rnem ',. ,¸% \, x.\ ;-~ "'~ iii'..' ii} ;i Il:-'- ~i~ l,; '..,; ;;4 .'-,; :., 'i ;: ,:i "~ -"~l i,: ii-: ii i~,~-ii ;-*,-,- ;: ;: ~,, :" ~ .~ 'i ," ~' .-" ':' :'p ~: ;Ii'. ~ll f. ~'1,* "'{ i ' " "'-' ;' '" ~ .... - :'-i iii i:i, .--.i """-~-' ': ~' t' "' : :' ' ;-:~ :: :": ~' ii "~'-i' ~"; :"' "-' i '--- ' " .'i i :~' ' :- '-: t' iii! gl '[II '$I II lI Il'' I ..... II ..... ';' :'~! ~i :' ti,,: .--. ;.'- :; '; '-: .: :;- _-' ':, ': i", :~ i'- ~; PLAN ~1 I G r~iI I proposal ~flce Building for: Jeel E. Jlibew . · oi!l.,'ll, i K~NO~RISES ~ Site LGIIo,I: ~,- IGWAV -~C'mI'.PLANNmO I ~ ~ IlII1 - 1247 ~ ~ ~ UNI~, ~ Iai ~ ~ 714 730-01M (ll4177,,'3 -- - ~. .... ~. +/- ~_+ ELEVATIONS Proposed Office Building roi': Joel R. Ill-,bow 714730-0164 YOnBA LJNOA, CA .~441 . 4714) 771 -- ~ N..EGAT- tE DECLA,,R, AT' O CITY OF TUSTIN . 300 CENTE:HNIAL WAY, TUSTIN, CA. 92680 Project Title: cup 8'~)-11, v~J~ 89-04 Ftle No. Project Location: 705 EL CAMINO WAY - 'Project Description: n request for over 50% office Use in the' C;2 (Central Commercial) District and reduce the parkin§ requirements from 26 to 24 space~ Project Proponent: El Camino Enterprises Contact Person: Danidl Fox Telephone: 544-8890 Ext. 254 i The Community Oevelop~-.~t Department has conducted an tntttal study for the above project in accordance with the City 'of Tusttn's procedures regarding Implementation of the California Envl~'onment~l quallty Act, and on the basis of that study hereby ftnd: DThat there, i'. no substantial evidence that the project may have a significant effect on the environment. That potential significant affects were identified, but revisions have been include6 in the project plans and agreed to by the applicant that would avoid'or mitigate the affects to a point where clearly no significant 6. fects would occur. Said revisions are attached to and hereby made a.. part of this Negative Declaration. Therefore, 'the preparat'on of an Environ~mntal Impact Report is not required. i ,~ imlll ii The initial study ~hich provides the basis for this determination is on file at the Community Development Department, City of Tustin. The public is invited to commeh'~ on the .appropriateness of this Negative Declaration during the review period, which begins with the public notice of a Negative Declaratio, and extends for seven calendar days. Upon review by the Community Development Director, this review period may be extended if deemed necessary. REVIEW PERIOD ENDS 4.30 p.m. on ii I i ii DATED': ~~L ~'~,~.C~)9 April 17, 1989 ! , Co~lflifl~tlty Oeve lopnfeht ~ct0P- 11. C~TY OF TUST~:N C~.~un~-ty 'Oeve~opment Oepar~ment Et.I~ROHMENTAL INITIAL STU.OY FORM · · I. E~ Wlll .,u p .es?ooa. 1 resJIt lm' ~. I.lflstebl~ .arth cenditleru er lfl ch~es . 2. 3~ rect'lm' ,oft w~rter rnovement:~ in either m~ir~ ~r; freah w~rtem?. . Altm~tl~, 1~ t~ ~ou~ ~ flow of flc~cl .. cl. ChQ'v~ in l he czrnaunt of ~urfaca ~'tm" in. my wcmr body? all~mtf~ of ~~ ~t~r q~iity, in- dl.~N~l ~r~jen or ~J~idit~? f. Alter~tm of ~ dlr~lm ~ mm of .. ~i~e ~.~ ~i~ ~Iti~ o~ wi~ ~uif~ bY ~ or · i. E~m ~ ~ pe~31e ae prc~erty to w~?es, lcrted ha~_.cla ~ c~ floodircJ ~r tict~l II ii I X F ., ~. Plc.t Ur-. ,VIII th. prc~c~l r~uit Ir. (::~¢j~ "~ the cllv~slty of sl~=l?., c~ mrnb~ ~,F my species of plcrrl~ (including pl~ts)'( · Redugt{..~ of the nu~ of m~ unk~u~, mm ~ ~er~l m~:i~ of-'pkmt$? lntroc~;tlm of new ~ct~. of p l~nt~ lnt~ m ~ or in = Ix=~i~. to the n~m~i mpim~nt of ..xistlng ~:i.~? cl. Redu~,~-~ In ~ of my agrlcultuml ! . crop? ~ Anim. I Uf~. Will the p~l r~ult Ir. !n the dlv~r,!t~ of specie, ar of my Sl~Ci-- of mirr~l, (birds, lcfii ~i~Ls including r~tlles, fl~h ~ st~llfL~, b~nthic c~janim~. = ~ b. Redugt.~n of the numbe~ of ~ unique, mr. ~ enda~ered sl~cie~ ~ m ~; ~~lt iff a ~l~ ~ ~ ~ ~t~i~=lm ~ ~l~ f~ ~ wildlife ~it~? N~I~. Wl!l the p~l m~lt im a. 1~.~ In .xistlng mb Itoh? b. ~,. of people to s~vem'n~i~ levels? 7. Light ~ C;~r~. Will the propo~l produce new light ur glare? 8. L.ond Lbs., ',¥Ill the p~l reeult Iff a sub- stantlal alt<,~tlon of ~he pre~.~t or planned land ~ Re~-,~==, Wlll the propcx~al reeult Ins a. I~ In the rate of use of my ncrtuml .. ii .o b. Substantlel de;letion of my nmrenewable. ncrmral r~saur¢-? · 10. Risk' c~ ~, ~/ill the .pmp~. lmmt~ A rL~ of -~t eCl~~ ar tl~ limited t~ oil, ~~i~ ~~ ~ ,. 12. Houdng. Wlil the prc~a~l' affect exL~tlng lng, or c~crte a ~ .f~' addltlmd ha~ing? 13. Tr~~mtla.~'Gmul~tt~n. W111 th, result im ~. C~neratlu~ of substantial additlanal · vehicular, movement? b. Effects. ¢~., existlncj Ix~kincj fadli~les~ ar clemand ~c~ new parkirig? c.-. Sut~tanti_! lrr~c~'t ~ exL~ting trt~af- tcrtion ~/stefm? cl. Alteftrtlc~: to present I~l'term of circula- tim or moving? of peagle and/ar gom~? Aiteratlc,.~ to waterbarnes mil. ~r air traffic?' 14. f. lncm~e; ::~ traffic hazards to rmtor vehicles0 ~icycllsts c~ pedestrian? Public Se~iC::s. Will the pmpmal have m effect ~ant:, ¢." result in a need fc~ new or aJ?er~! gav~,'.mentai servic~ in ~ of the following area~. a. FTre pr~ i':ctian? b. Pollc~ !~ ~tectlm? · c. Schools? iii II _ I i iii I III ~ 15. · · Mainten~oe of'publk: facilities, ir~ludlng roa~? ~' · f.- ' -- 'Othar~go~.mmental ~. Will the. prapaeal result Im c. Water? d. SO~' a. septic tcr~s? e. '$tarm w.'.a' drainage? f, Solid '~::'l and dLsoo~l? 17. ~ H~alt:', *Wlll the pmpo:ml m~uit im 18. 19. C..'~I~'~ :)f Crly. health I'~gic~:J or potential I',~1~ *1'~ (~1~1i~,t mental h~lth~' b. Exposur~ of peeple m potential h~lth hazcrds? Aesthetic:s- ~,/111 the pr~i result In the obstruction Of my scenic vista or view open to the' publl¢~ or will the pmpo~l result in the creation of a,, aesthetically offemive .site open to public view? p, ec~aztien, i WIll the proposal result in c~ impact upc%~i the quallt-f or quantity of existing ~ianal, opportunities? 20. Cuil~rat ReS_m==~. Will' the ,x~x~al mault In the alta'ation of ar the dgstrt~icm of a prehistoric: .ar historic .rctmeaiogk:al site? 21. ~ the p, ojec't have the potential to degra~ tl,e quality of the envirmment, substmtlally reciuc~ the habit~ of cz fish ar wildlife species, ca, se a fi~ ar wilcO. life papule, ion to drag below self taining le~lz, threaten 'to eliminate a plmt or ,_.:mai commun/ty, ~ r~mb~' ar re.~n'ict the rcr~je of a rare endange~ plerrt ar animal ar eliminate important examples of the major l~eriacLs of Callforn.a histcx~, ar prehLsm~? b~ ~ the. i...ojacf have the potential to achieve d.~rt-term, to the dL~dv~toge af lc~g.l.a.m:, .~wirc:nmental goals? (A short-. term imp,.~t an the environment is w~ich occ 'r~ in a mlcrrJvely brief, definitive period of T.me while long-term impacts will endure well into the · ~ the !project hove i~ which are individually Iimited~ but cumulatively ~ siclerable? (A project mc~ impact an two ar more ....~,ca~te resources where the impc~."t an ea~ re:~urce is relatively small, but where the effe~ of ~he total of tha~ impactz cn the envira~ment L~ significarrr~ Does the ~.mje~ have environmental w~ich will cause substantial adver~ on ~uman ~,eir~, eith~ directly ar indlr~ly? !!1. Dl~c~mia~ of Envir..m~mTkSi E,~alucrtian IV. Oet~i~i~ ('i'o be completed b~, the Eeod Agency) o . On the bash .of l:hb !. "rlal e.~21uatlam . a~ th~ envirmm'm~l', cn*,;.l cl NEGATI¥1~, 'IDEATION will be prepared. men?, an ENVI~O, IMENTA,~ IMPACT P, EPGP, T L~ r'equ~ DISCUSSION OF ENVIRONI'iSNTAL EVALUATION · CUP 89-11, VAR 89-04 '(El Camino Enterprises) PROJECT DESCRIP9'[ON SUPPLEMENT - The proposed project is a request for a Conditional Use Permit to allow over 50% office use in the C-2 (Central Commercial.) District to accommodate a 5,737 square r'oot office building and' to reduce the required parking from '26 to 24 spaces to'accomm0~ate 1,675 square feet of medical space Within the proposed building, as the project is not parked at medical office ratios. Yhe property is located at 705 E1 Camino Way. . · The 10,789 square foot site is presently developed with a 1,7%% square foot chiropractic office. The proposed project includes a complete demolition and rebuild of the sire. The project site ~s situated in an urban area at the southern edge of the City's To%{~ Center Redevelopment Agency Project Area with development adjacunt on all sides, consisting of a motel located to the south a~%d retail'con~ercial uses to the east, west and north. EARTH - The p]-.uposed project could result in changes to the existing earth conditions of the site since the site will be demolished and completely rebuilt along with minor grading and compaction for i~:ew foundations. Appropriate soils reports and grading plans 'will be required as part of the City's design review and permit process £'or all improvements (source: Building Division]. MitigatioB/~knitoring - Prior to the issuance of any building permlts, an erosion coWtrol pla~ will need to be prepared and approved by the Community Development Department. The Conununity Developmenc Department is responsible plan checking and field inspection for compliance with this requirement. AIR - This proj=ct would not result in any degradation to the existing air quality based on review of AQMD standards for preparing EIR documents. WATER - The propol;ed project would not result in any change to the existing water c~nditions based on a review of the site by City s~aff. T~e site ~s presently developed with adequate drainage and impervious sur£~.ces; however, existing drainage and structures will be removed and new drainage and impervious structures created. Proposed drainage will be reviewed as part of the grading plan rev~.w to ensure adequate drainage. The project site is not located in proximity to any rivers, streams, or' other bodies of water (source: Field Observation and Building Division). PLANT L%FE..- The.existing site presently includes several mature pine trees and other landscaping. The proposed plans include the removal of all existing landscaping and the addition of new DISCUSSION OF ENVIRONM2NTAL EVALUATION . CUP 89-11, VAR 89-04 (El Camino Enterprises) Page 2 · landscaping cons].stin~ of palm and sycamore trees, as well as other shrubs and ground covers con, on to the area. The proposed treatment will provide adequate landscaping on the site and consistency with other projects located in ~he Town Center Redevelopment Agency project area. While no mitigation is required, all landscaping shall be installed and maintained in accordance with the City's Landscaping and Irrigation Submittal Requirements. ~'he Community Development Department will be responsible forl field inspections for compliance with this requirement (source: Community Development Department). ANIMAL LIFE - Tile project is currently a developed property in an urban area and free of any significant population o'f animals, fish, or wildlife (source: Field Observations). NOISE ~ - The ~'oposed project would not increase the existing noise levels in the immediate area in that the site is presently developed with a~ office building and will be replaced by an otfice buiiding~ The proposed use as a office building would typically generafe less noise than retail commercial uses on the property. Local businesses may experience short term impacts rela~ed to construction activity ~ (source: Community. Development. Department). · , Mitigat~on/~l,n~tor~.n? - Construction activity shall be limited co tire hours of 7 a.m. through 6 p.m., Monday .through Friday, pur;:uant to Section ~61~(2) of the Tustin City Code. The Community Development Department is responsible for resolving any complaints related to construction activity. NQISE b - Given the proposed use and surrounding land uses, an office building would not expose people to severe noise levels as office uses are tlot typically identified as significant noise generators (sou£ce: City Zoning Code and General Plan Noise Element]. LIGHT AND GLA~; The proposed .project would not produce new light or glare. The existing site presently has parking lot and exterior lighting. While no mitigation is required, the City's Design Review p,'ocess will ensure that any proposed lighting modifications would be subject to review and approval by the Community DeveldFment Department to ensure that: ~) The minimum amount of lighting is provided in accordance with the City's Security Code; at:d 2) That the lighting does not produce direct light rays or iglare on adjacent properties. The Community Development Depg~tment will be responsible ~or field inspection for compliance with this requirement.(source: Field Observations and Community Degelopment Department). DISCUSSION OF ENVIRONPX2NTAL EVALUATION ' CUP 89-11, VAR 89-04 (El Camino Enterprises) Page 3 8. LAND USE - The ?~oposed project slte is located within the C-2 (Central Commercial) District. .The General Plan Land Use Designation for the property is C (Commercial). The proposed use, as an office building, is a permitted use within the C-2 zoning district and is' in conformance with the land use designatioD; however, since the project proposes over 50% office use, a conditiona£ use permit is required to be approved by the Planning Commission pursu~-~nt to Section 9233e of the Tustin City Code. 9.' NATURAL RESOURCE~ - The proposed project would riot result in any increased use O~ natural resources given the relatively small scale of the ~velopment and the existing conditions and improvements on the site (source: Community Development Department). , 10. RIS~ OF UPSE°~ .t The proposed project would not result in any increased risk Of upset to the property or the neighborhood. New construction will require compliance with all applicable building and filc codes to significantly reduce the potential for fire or upset. ~ The site is not located within any seismicly sensitive areas {source: Community Development Department, Building Divisio~, Fire Department, and City General Plan). ~QPULATION_- The ~roposed project would not result in any increase in population i.~ that no additional · dwelling units would be created with this development. Office uses of this scale typically service the existing pop~lation~and businesses of the area {source: Housing and Land Use. Elements of the General Plan). 12 ~oUSING - The f, roposed project would not create a need for additional housin given the scale and type of development. The proposal will not displace any existing housing (source: Community Developn%ent Department). 13. T~NS~O~TATION ;~|D CIRCULATION a. c~ d. e. and f - The proposed project would ~ot have a significant impact on the existing circulation and street system and movement of goods and services, as the project would generate less vehicular trips per day than retail commercial uses' The existing street system is adequate to acconm~odace the anticipated traffic. In addition, the existing driveway apProac~ on El Camino Real will be eliminated in eCforts to ~urther red~.ce vehicular conflicts alohg E1 Camino Real. Access to this property will be through one driveway approach on E1 Camino Way (sn~.rce: City Traffic Engineer). TRANSPORTATION AN'..CIRCULATION b - The proposed project includes a variance request to reduce the required parking from 26 spaces to 24 spaces to accon~odate a 1,675 square foot chiropractic office DISCUSSION OF ENVIRONb[[:NTAL EVALUATION* CUP 8'9-11, VAR 89-04 (El Camino Enterprises) Page ~ ' within the 5,737 square foot building. The project is not parked at the 6/1000 meqical use parking requirements of the Tustin City Code. The reduction of required parking could have an impact on existing parking facilities in that the existing "downtown" area presently experiences a parking shortage. Due to the project's. location, the availabilfty of on-street parking is . largely non- existent and by ~ude can not be considered as satisfying minimum parking requiremel~t. M~tigat~on/~.i,*.nitoring - In order to avoid further parking impacts toithe "downtown" area, the project would need to satisfy the mi~J. mum parking requirements on-site as required by the TuStin City Code. fn the event that the Planning Commission should entertain approval*of a variance from those minimum requirements~ the applicant should be required to enter into.an or*~-site parking agreement with the adjacent property owners to provide the deficient parking or 'further detailed parking studies would be required to be prepared by a Traffic En.$ineer for consideration. 14. PUBLIC .S~RVIC~S - The proposed project would not result in any change to existing public services or create a need for new public services. All services are in place and are adequate to serve the site and develcFment (source: Fire and Police Departments, Community Deveiol..~ment Department, and Public Works Department). 15. ENERGY - The proi',osed project would not result in any significant increase in the use of energy given the scale and type of development (source: Public Works Department). 16. UTILITIES - The proposed project would not result in a need for additional utilities in that utility service is currently available to the .cite (source: Public Works Department). 17. HUMAN HEALTH - The proposed project would not result in any e~fects to human health, as office land uses typically do not create conditions which negatively effect human health. An office project in this!area would not expose persons to health hazards given the surrounding uses and location outside of a 100-year flood area (source: Flood Insurance Rate Map, Police Department, and Community Dev.:.lopment Department). AESTHETICS - The proposed project could have a significant impact ' co the aesthetiCs in the area. Special care has been taken as part of the Desi.~n Review process to ensure a quality development given its location within the Town Center Redevelopment Project Area. The project would greatly improve the aesthetics of this property and neighborhood given the existing.conditions of the site (source: Conm]unity Development Department). DISCUSSION OF ENVIRONMENTAL EVALUATION CUP 89-11, VAR 89-0%. (El Camino Enterprises) Page 5 M~tiqatioD/[~onitoring - The Redevelopment Agency shall review and approve all development plans in accordance with the City's Design Review process to ensure a quality development consistent ~[th the Town Center Redevelopment Plan. 19. RECREATION - The proposed project would not result in an increased need for recreat'ional opportunities. Office uses typically do not demand extensive recreational amenities of the community as do residential uses (source: Con, unity Development Department and Land Use Element;. 20. CULTURAL R~SOURCES - The proposed project would not have any effect on cultural resources in that the General Plan and the Historic Resources Survey do not identify any cultural resources on this property (source: City General Plan and Historic Resources Survey). 21. MANDATORY FINDINGS OF SIGNIFICANCE - Potential impacts related to earth and water conditions, plant life, noise, light and glare, traffic and circulation, and aesthetics have been identified as a result of this p£oject. The project, as deskgned, conditioned, and mitigated as discussed, has reduced these potential impacts to a level of insi~nificance and will. not result in any adverse environmental 'impacts (source: Community Development Department). DF: ~2 19/: 22 23 24 27 28 RESOLUTION NO. 2591 .A RESOLUTION OF THE PLANNING COMMISSION O~ THE CiTY OF TUSTIN, APPROVING CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT 89-11 FOR OVER SO% OFFICE USE TO ACCOMMODATE A 5,737 SQUARE FOOT OFFICE BUILDING IN THE C-2 (CENTRAL COMMERCIAL) DISTRICT AT 705 EL CAMINO WAY. The Planning Commission of the City of Tustln does hereby resolve as fol 1 ows: I · The Planning Commission finds and determines as follows. · A. That a proper application, (Use Permit No. 89-11) has been fil on behalf of El' Camlno Enterprises to authorize over 50% office use in the C-2 District to accommodate a 5,737 square foot office building at 705 E1 Camino Way. B. That a public hearing was duly called, noticed and held on said application 'on April 24, 198g. .C. That establishment, maintenance, and operation of the use applied for will not, under the circumstances of this case, be detrimental 'to -the health, safety, morals, comfort, or general welfare of the persons residing or working in the neighborhood of such proposed use, evidenced by the following findings. D· 1. DeVelopment of a professional and general office building would be more compatible with surrounding offices in the area than permitted retail commercial uses given the site, location, parcel configuration and development potential of this relatively small parcel. 2. The proposed use is in conformance with the General Plan and Zoning Code. , 3. The use applied for is a conditionally permitted use in the C-2 (Central Commercial) District. That the establishment, maintenance, and operation of the use applied for will not be injurious or detrimental to the property and improvements in the neighborhood of the subject property, nor to the general welfare of the City of Tustin and should be granted. , Proposed development shall be in accordance with the development poli'cies adopted by the City Council, Uniform Building Codes as administered by the Building Official, Fire Code as administered by the Orange County Fi re Marshal and street improvement requirements as administered by the City Engineer. 2 3 4 · o · . · · '' '! · . 9 10 12 ]3 14 :{5 191~ 21 22 23 24 27 Reso]utio~' No. 259! Page two '- F. A Negative Declaratfon has been pr-epared for thfs project fn conformance wft~ the Ca]ifornfa Environmental Oua~fty Act. .The PTanning Commission hereby approves Condltfona~ Use Permft No. 89-11 to authorfze over 502 office use to accommodate a 5,73? square foot off~ce bufTdlng ~n tile C-2 D~str~ct at 705 £7 Camfno ICay subject to the fo~ow~ng condftfons In £xhlbft A attached hereto. PASSED AND ADOPTED at a regul.aj- meetij~g of the Tustin Planning Commission held on the _~_~ day of _~/~~..~ _, 1989. , C~ai rman~,- . Penni Foley ' Secretary STATE OF CALIFORNIA ) COUNTY OF ORANGE ) CITY OF TUSTIN ) I, .PENNI FOLEY, the undersigned, hereby certify that I am the Recording Secretary of the Planning Commission of the City of Tt~sttn, California; that Resolution ~.~~ was duly passed and .a_Uopted at a-~regular.' meeting of' ' /~ ~.' 'r~d ay ~_.' " the ~[~sttn ...lng Commission held on the of 198 ~/. ~-"~ , ' ~IENNI '"FOLEY - Recording Secretary ., · EXHIBIT A CONDITIONAL USE PEEBIT 89-11 CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL RESOLUTION NO. 2591 GENERAL __ - _ . (1.) 1.1 The proposed project shall substantially conform with the submitted plans for the project date stamped April 24, 1989 on file with the Community Development Department., as herein modified, or as modified by the Director of Community Deyelopment Department in accordance with this Exhibit. · (1) 1.2 Unless otherwise specified, the conditions contained in this Exhibit shall be complied with prior to the issuance of any building permits for tile project, subject to review and approval by the Community Development Department. (1) 1.3 Use Permit approval shall become null and void unless building permits are issued within twelve {12) months of the date on this Exhibit. {1) 1.4 The applicant shall sign and return an Agreement to Conditions Imposed form prior to the issuance of any building permits. PLAN SUBMITTAL .. 2.1 At but.lding plan check submittal: ()) A. Provide construction plans, structural calculations and Title 24 energy calculations. Requirements of the Uniform Building 'Codes, State Handicap and Energy Requirements shall be complied with as approved by the Building Official. (2) (3) Preliminary technical detail and plans for all utility installations including cable TV, telephone, gas, water and electricity. Additionally, a note on plans shall be included stating that no field changes shall be made without corrections submitted to and. approved by the Building Official. (1) (2) (s) Ce Information, plans and/or specifications to ensure satisfaction of all Public Works Department requirements including but not limited to: 1. Construction or replacement of all missing or damaged public SOURCE CODES ~TANDARD CONDITION JEQA 14ITIGATION (3) UNIFORM BUILDING CODE/S (4) DESIGN REVIEW · EXCEPTION. (5) RESPONSIBLE AGENCY REQUIREMEN~ (6) LANDSCAPING GUIDELINES (7) PC/CC POLICY k:~olution No. 25'91 Exhi bi t A Page two (1) 2. (1) (3) (5) (~) (~) C4) improvements will be required and shall include but not be .limited to the followi'ng' a. Curb and gutter b. Sidewalk c. Wheelchair ramp d. A.C. pavement e. Street lights f. Drive aprons g. Street trees h. Underground uti 1 i ty connections Separate street improvement plan (24" x 36" sheet) is required for all work within the public right-of-way and all construction items referenced to the City Standard drawing number. D. Complete landscaping and irrigation plans with lists of plant nantes (common and botanical), size, quantities, irrigation materials and layout, location of backflow preventors, and automatic timers. Said plans shall be prepared in conformance with the City's Landscaping and Irrigation Submittal Requirements. A precise grading plan based on Orange County Surveyor's bench mark datum. F. Prior to the issuance of building permits for combustible materials, evidence that a water supply for fire protection is available shall be submitted to and approved by the Fire Department. Fire hydrants shall be in place and operational to meet required fireflow prior to commencing · construction with combustible materials. 0 Prior to issuance of any building permit, plans for a commercial fire extinguishing system shall be approved by the Fire Department. Such a system shall be operational prior tO issuance of a certificate of use and occupancy. H. Complete details of all architectural elements such as doors, windows, .moldings, rafters, wrought iron'balconies, light ifixtures, etc. {3' SITE PLAN/BUILDING .1 All walls on the south side of the building less than 10 feet from the property line shall have I hour parapet walls or be of 2 hour construction per Section 1709, UBC. Resolution No. 259! Exhibi t A Page three (3) 3.2 All walls less than 20 feet from the property lines other than ones facing the street shall be of 1 hour rated construction. Openings less than 10 feet from . the property lines shall be protected. Opening less than 5 feet from the property line shall not be permit.ted. (3) 3.3. The parking garage, B-1 occupancy, shall be mechanically ventilated per Section 704, UBC. (1) 3.4 All mechanical equipment shall be fully enclosed within the building or roof (4) mounted a minimum of 6 inches below the top of the parapet. (4) 3.5 The proposed stucco band at the top of the parapet on the south elevation shall be simplified and treated across the entire parapet. (1) 3.6 The proposed wood gate for the trash enclosure shall be replaced with a metal ( 4 ) ga re. (r .... 3.7 All shrubs ~hall be a minimum of 5 gallons per the City's Landscaping and Irrigation Submittal Requirements. (6) 3.8 The proposed use of Hahn's Ivy (Hedera Helix) shall be replaced with a ground cover which requires less maintenance and less attractive to rodents. BUILDING USE *** 4.1 The Director bf Community Planning and Development may approve minor revisions to the building design during plan check aS a result of any modifications to the floor area to accommodate medical uses, provided that a parking ratio of 6 spaces/I,000 square feet of floor area is provided on-site and the revisions are in substantial conformance with those plans considered by the Planning Commission unless otherwise approved by the Planning Commission by a Parking Variance. *** 4.2 Medical uses shall not be permitted in the building unless parking at a ratio of 6 spaces/I,000 square feet of floor area for the designated office use can be provided on-site unless otherwise approved by the Planning Commission by a Parking Variance. FEES (1) 5.1 Prior to the issuance of any building permits, payment or verification of (3)._ payment, shall be made of all required fees including, but not limited to the (F following' . a. Applicable building and grading plan check and permit fees to the Community Development Department. b. Applicable new development fees to the Community Development Department. c. Rpplicable school facilities fees to the Tustin Unified School District. d. Applicable City of Tustin or Orange County Sanitation District No. 7 Resolution No. 2591 Exhibit A Page four ee sewer connection fees. Required fees for the Major Thoroughfare and Bridge Fee Program to the Public Works Department. Applicable East Orange Water District fees. Applicable Circulation Improvement fees, per Ordinance 930, to the Public Works Department. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 .8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 1(3 17 18 19 2O ~21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 RESOLUTION NO. RDA 89-13 A RESOLUTION OF THE COMMUNITY REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY OF THE CITY OF TUSTIN, CERTIFYING THE FINAL NEGATIVE DECLARATION AS ADEQUATE FOR DESIGN REVIEW 88-56, INCLUDING' REQUIRED FINDINGS PURSUANT TO THE CALIFORNIA ENVIRONMENTAL QUALITY ACT. The Community Redevelopment Agency of the City of Tustln resolves as follows' ' ' I. The Community Redevelopment Agency finds and determines as follows. A. Design Review 88-56 is considered a "project" pursuant to the terms of the California Environmental Quality Act. B. A Negative Decl'aration has been prepared for this project and has been distributed for public review. Ce Whereby, the Redevelopment Agency 'of the City of Tustln' has considered evidence presented by the Community Development Director and other interested parties with respect to the subject Negative Declaration. D. The Redevelopment Agency has evaluated the proposed 'final Negative Declaration and determined it to be adequate and compl ere. II. Final Negative Declaration has been completed in compliance with CEQA and State guidelines. The Redevelopment Agency, having final approval authority over the project, has received and considered the information contained in the Negative Declaration prior to approving the proposed project and · found it adequately discussed the environlnental effects of the proposed project. On the basis of the initial study and comments received during the public review process, the Redevelopment Agency has found that there is no substantial evidence that there will be any significant adverse environmental effects as a result of the approval of the project because mitigation measures identified in the Negative Declaration have been incorporated into the project which mitigate any potential significant environmental effects to a point where clear, ly no 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 '14 I 1(;~ 17 18 20 21 22 23 ~5 27 28 Resolul;lon No. RDA 89-13 Page two . significant effects, will occur. The mitigation measures are identified in Exhibit A of Planning Commission Resolution No. 2591, incorporated herein by reference. . PASSED AND ADOPTED at a regular meeting of the Community Redevelopment Agency held on the day of , 1989. Ursula EI''. K~nnedy Chairman Mary E. Wynn Secretary 6 7 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 2O 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 RESOLUTION NO. RDA 89-14 A RESOLUTION OF THE 'COMMU~IITY REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY OF THE CITY OF TUSTIN, APPROVING DESIGN REVIEW 88-56, AUTHORIZING CONSTRUCTION OF A 5,737 SQUARE FOOT PROFESSIONAL OFFICE BUILDING AT 705 EL CAMINO WAY. The Community Redevelopment Agency of the City of Tustin resolves as follows: I. The Community Redevelopment Agency finds and determines as follows: A. Pursuant to the adopted Town Center Redevelopment Plan, the Redevelopment Agency shall approve all site plans -and architectural designs of any project proposed within the Town Center Redevelopment Agency Project Area. Be A proper application, (Design Rev.iew No. 88-56) has been filed on behalf of E1 Camino Enterprises requesting authorization to construct a 5,737 square foot.professional office building at 705 E1 Camino Way. C® The Agency has reviewed the proposed project and determines that the project will be compatible with 'the surrounding area." De A Negative Declaration has been applied for and has been certified as complete for the project in conformance with the California Environmental Quality Act. ~ E. Final development plans .shall require approval of the Community Development Department pior to issuance of Building Permits. F® The project is in conformance with the Town Center Redevelopment Plan. II. The Community Redevelopment Agency of the City of Tustin, California, hereby approves the site plan and'elevations for a 5,737 square foot professional office building to be located at 705 E1 Camino Way, subject to the conditions contained'in the Exhibit A of Planning Commission Resolution No. 2591, attached thereto and incorporated herein by reference. PASSED AND ADOPTED at a regular meeting of the Community Redevelopment Agency held on the day of , 1989. Ursula E.. Kennedy Chairman Mary E. Wynn Secretary