HomeMy WebLinkAboutCC MINUTES 1968 05 06 MINUTES OF A REGULAR MEETING TUSTIN CITY COUNCIL May 6, 1968 CALL TO Meeting called to order at 7:33 P.M. by Mayor Coco. ORDER II. PLEDGE OF Led by Mayor Coco. ALLEGIANCE III. INVOCATION Given by Rabbi Robert Bergman, Temple Beth Sholom. IV. ROLL CALL Present: Councilmen: Coco, Mack, Miller, Marsters Absent: Councilman~ Klingelhofer Others Present: City Adminislrator Harry Gill City Attorney James Rourke City Clerk Ruth Poe Assistant Planner Les Pa!~,i V. APPROVAL OF Moved by Mack, seconded by Marsters that the minutes MINUTES of the ~pril 15th Regular Meeting and the April 16th ~egular Adjourned Meetinq be approved as mailed. Carried. VI. PUBLIC 1. ZONE CHANGE 68-172 OF THE IRVINE COMPANY ~ontinued HEARINGS from 4/15/68) APPLICATION OF THE IRVINE COMPANY (ZC 68-172) FOR REZONING FROM M-1 (INDUSTRIAL) DISTRICT TO PC (PLANNED COMMUNITY) DISTRICT. PROPOSAL IS FOR ADOPTION OF PLANNED INDUSTRIAL STANDARDS. Site contains 117.76 acres and fronts 1,320 feet on the Southwes~ side of Valencia Avenue, 2,640 feet on the Northeast side of Waraer Avenue, and 1,291 feet on the Southeast side of the Newport Freeway. Hearing opened at 7:36 P.M. Location and surrounding area described by Mr. Palyi. Mr. James Taylor, representing the Irvine Company, spoke on behalf of the application. There being no further comments and no objections, the hearing was closed at 7:38 P.M. Moved by Miller, seconded by Mack that Zone Change 68-172 of the Irvine Company be a~roved and the City Attorney directed So draft the necessary Ordinance. Carried by roll c~l!. Ayes: Coco, Mack, Miller, Marsters. Noes: None. Absent: Klingelhofer. Council Minutes 5/6/68 Pg. 2 2. ZONE CHANGE 68-169 ON PROPERTY OF STUTSMAN PLANNING COMMISSION INITIATED REZONING (ZC 68-169) OF A PARCEL TOTALING APPROXIMATELY 5 ACRES FROM 100-C-1-~-10,000 (RETAIL COMMERCIAL AND COMBINED PARKING) DISTRICT TO R-3-1750 (MULTIPLE RESIDENTIAL, 1750 SQ. FT. PER DWELLING UNIT) DISTRICT. Site fronts 330 feet on the East side of Newport and 660 feet on the North side of Walnut (property is owned' by Carl Stu~sman, Jr.). Hearing opened at 7:40 P.M. Location and report presented by Mr. Palyi There being no comments and no objections, the hearing was declared closed at 7:41 P.Mi Councilman Miller stated that he felt th~ previous zone change on adjacent property was a mistake, and 'he has not changed his opinion with regard to this application as he is concerned with the increase in density. Moved by Mack, seconded by Mars'ters tha~ Zone Chanq~e 68-169, rezoning property of Stutsman, be approved and the City Attorney directed to draft the necessary Ordinance. Carried by roll call. Ayes: Coco,.Mack, Marsters. Noes: Miller. Absent: .Klingelhofer. 3.APPOINTMENT OF THREE MEMBERS OF THE TUSTIN PLANNING COMMISSION ~ayor Coco presented the list of applicants. Councilman Marsters explained the duties of a Planning Commissioner. Mayor Coco stated that in part, the criteria used in selecting a Commissioner are geographic location, pro- fession, prior interest in the community and willing- ness and ability to serve. Moved by Miller, seconded by Marster~ that the Council reappoint Norman A. Halus for a term to expire May 28, 197.2.. Carried. Moved by Miller, seconded by Mack that Robert M. Oster be reappointed to the Commission for a term to expire May 11, 1972, Carried. After further discussion,.it was suggested by Council- man Miller that a committe~ be appointed to interview candidates for the vacancy created by the resignation of Laurentz Marsters. Mayor Coco appointed Councilmen Mack, Miller and Marste~ to a committee to interview applicants. Interviews will be held Monday evening,May 13th, in the office of the Police Chief. Clty Clerk to notify applicants of specific times. Resolution No. 940 Moved by Marsters, seconded by Mack that Resolution No. 940 be read by title only. Carried unanimously. Council Minutes 5/6/68 Pg. 3 Moved by Mack, seconded by Miller that Resolution No. 940, appointing Norman A. Halus to the Tustin Planning Commi,ssion, b~ passed and adopted. Carried unanimously.. - Resolution No. 94'1 Moved by Mackr seconded by Marsters that Resolution No. 941 be read by title only. Carried unanimously. Moved by Ma'ck, seconded. by Miller that Resolution No. 941, appointing Robert M. Oster to t'~e Tustin ~lanning Commission, be passed and adopted. Carried unanimously. VII. OLD 1. ORDINANCE NO. 393 - Second reading BUSINESS AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF TUSTIN, CALIFORNIA, REZONING PROPERTY OF CHRISTESON ON APPLICATION NO. ZC 68-167. Rezoning a portion of property located 330 feet North of the centerline of Walnut Avenue, and 660 feet East of the centerline of Newport Avenue from 100-C-1-P-10,000 (Combined Parking and Retail Commercial) District to R-3 (Multiple Residential) District. Moved by Mack, seconded by Marsters that Ordinance No. 393 have second readinq by title only. Carried unanimously. Moved by Mack,~econded by Marsters that Ordinance No. 393, rezonlng property of Christeson on Applicatlon No. ZC 68-167, be passed and adopted. Carried by roll call. Ayes: Coco, Mack,Marsters. Noes: Miller. Absent: Klingelhofer. 2. ORDINANCE NO. 394 Second reading AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF TUSTIN, CALIFORNIA, REZONING PROPERTY ON APPLICATION NO. PZ 68-1D6 OF MULLIN AND BORCHARD. Zoning approximately 50 acres to the M (industrial) District. Property includes parcels owned by the Mullin Lumber Co. fronting 755 feet on Edinger and 300 feet on Red Hill, and by the Frank P. Borchard Ranchms fronting approximately 1,300 feet on Red Hill and extending for a depth of approximately 1,320 feet from the centerline of Red Hill. Moved by Mack, seconded by. Miller that Ordinance No. 394 have second reading by title only. Carried unanimously. Moved by Miller, seconded by Marsters that Ordinance No. 394, rezoning property on Application No. PZ 68-106 of Mullin and Borchard,.be passed and adopted. Carried by roll call. Ayes: Cocor Mack, Miller, Marsters. Noes: None. Absent: Klingelhofer. Council Minutes 5/6/68 Pg. 4 ~ .... 2 ..... 2-2!.. C. ~.._].. c: - :. 3. ORDINANCE NO. 395 - SECOND READING AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF TUSTIN, CALIFORNIA, REZONING PROPERTY OF GREENWOOD AND WINDOLPH ON APPLICATION NO. ZC 68-170. ~" ~h'~"R~j '(~'i~l~. Re~ia'en~i~l') District. }L~Qpe~ fronts-2.~,~, feet on the North side of McFadden, approximately 296 feet West of the · ~Icenter~ine of Tustin ~llage Way. Moved by Mack, seconded by Miller that Ordinance No,.. 395 have second reading by ~i~le ~hly. Carried ~nanimously. Mo~ed .Sy Madk,"Sec0n~e~ by'MarChers'that Ordinance No. 395, rezon~ng p~operty of Greenwood and Windolph ~ication No. ZC 68-170[ be,~pab~ed and 'adopted. ~r~ie~ by r611 daI1. '~yes: Cocd, Ma~,'Mill'er, M~s~ers. Noes: None. Absent: Klingelhofer. 4. ORDINANCE NO. 396 - SECOND READING AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF TUSTIN, CALIFORNIA, APPROVING THE ANNEXATION OF CERTAIN UNINHABITED TERRITORY DESIGNATED "PASADENA AVENUE AND MCFADDEN AVENUE ANNEXATION" TO THE CITY OF TUSTIN !.~, ~.~6 ~cre parcel located at 159~1 Pasadena Avenue, __ .... approximately 240 feet South'of"Md~adden Avenue. ~y-Marsters, s~conded by Miller that Ordinance No. 396 have second reading by title only. Carried unanimously Moved byMitler, seconded by'MaCk that Ordinance No. 396, approv~ng Pasadena Avenue-McFadden Avenue ..... Annexation,'be passed and adopted. Carried by roll _call. Ayes: Coco, Mack, Miller, Margters. Noes: ~Q~e._::Absent:.Klingelhofe~t- .... 5. ORDINANCE NO. 397 - FIRST READING AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF TUSTIN, CALIFORNIA, AMENDING THE TUSTIN AREA GENERAL PLAN. )5.~.T0 show heavy density residential use {25 units : per.acre) fdr the area bounded by Fourth Str'eet on ~he North, North "B" St:eet on'the East, First Street on the South and North "A" Street on the West. Present designation j.s medium density residential use (.4 units per acre). Moved by Mack, seconded by Miller that Ordinance No. 397, amending the T{~stin Area General Plan, have first reading by title only.. Carried unanimously. 6. ORDINANCE NO. 398 - First reading AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF TUSTIN REZONING ON APPLICATION NO. ZC 68-171 OF LATHAM AND WATKINS. Council Minutes 5/6/68 Pg. 5 Rezoning from C-1-P (Retail Commercial and Combined Parking) District to R-3 (Multiple 'Residential) District, Site contains 5.70 acres and fronts approximately 520 feet on the North side of McFadden and 480 feet on the East side of Williams Street. Moved by Mack, seconded by Marster~ that Ordinance No. 398, rezoning property on Application No. ZC 68-171 of.Latham and Watkins, have' first reading by title only. Carried unanimously. 7. AGREEMENT WITH TUSTIN CHAMBER OF COMMERCE FOR SERVICES (Continued from 4/15/68) The Council commended the Chamber on the tremendous progress made during the past year. Mr. Nick Barletta, Chamber President, said he would be glad to answer a~y questions. Mr. Barletta stated that the first year of reorganization was the most difficult and that they had concentrated on being able to function properly. During the second year, most of the ground work will bear fruit and all committees will be able to function properly. He said he believed that after the next twelve months, there would be a membership increase enabling a decrease in the agreement. Moved by Mack, seconded by Miller that the Mayor and ~ity Clerk be authorized to execute the agreement with th~ Chamber of Commerce. Carried unanimously. 8. PURCHASE OF POLICE VEHICLES - Authorization for acceptance of low bid. ~oved by Mack, seconded by Marsters that the purchase of two Plymouth Fury Police units be authorized as per bid of McPeek Plymouth at a cost not to exceed $2,756.00 per unit. Carried. VIII. NEW 1, a) ORDINANCE NO. 399 First reading BUSINESS AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF TUSTIN, CALIFORNIA, AMENDING THE TUSTIN CITY CODE RELATIVE TO ANIMAL CONTROL. Moved by Miller, seconded by Mack that Ordinance No. 399, amending the Tustin City Code relative to animal control, have first reading by title only. Carried unanimously, b) AMENDMENT TO ANIMAL CONTROL SERVICES AGREEMENT Moved by Mack, seconded by Marsters that the and Cit~ Clerk be authorized to execute the amendment to comp~pte animal control services agreement with the County of Orange. Carried. Council Minutes 5/6/68 Pg. 6 2. RESOLUTION NO. 938 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF TUSTIN, CALIFORNIA, ADOPTING COUNCIL POLICY NO. 90-3 RELATIVE TO PROGRAM RECOMMENDATIONS FROM COMMISSIONS AND OTHER GROUPS. Moved by Miller, seconded by Marsters that decision on Resolution No. 938 be continued to the next regular meeting. Carried. 3. RESOLUTION NO. 939 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF TUSTIN, CALIFORNIA, COMMENDING LAURENTZ R. MARSTERS. Moved by Mack, seconded by Miller that Resolution No. 939 be read in its entirety. Carried unanimously. Moved by Mackr seconded by Miller that Resolution No. 939, commending Laurentz R. Marsters, be passed and adopted. Carried by roll call. Ayes: Coco, Mack, Miller. Noes: None. Absent: Kli~gelhofer. Abstained: Marsters. 4. EXPENSE REIMBURSEMENT AGREEMENT WITH ROBERT H. GRANT DEVELOPER, INC. FOR STREET IMPROVEMENTS ON WALNUT AVENUE BETWEEN RED HILL AVENUE AND THE RAILROAD TRACKS EASTERLY OF BROWNING. Mr. Gill explained that this is an agreement for reimbursement to the Grant Company of improvement of center 12 feet paving. Moved by Miller, seconded by Mack that the Mayor and City Clerk be authorized to execute the reimbursement agreement with Robert H. Grant Developer Inc. for street improvements on Walnut Avenue between Red Hill Avenue and the railroad tracks easterly of Browning. Carried. 5. APPROVAL OF DEMANDS Moved by Miller, seconded by Marsters that demands be paid in .the amount of $73,299.60. Carried. OTHER Mayor Coco presented the Resolution from the State BUSINESS Senatel introduced by Senator Schmitz, relative to the Tustin Centennial. CITY ADMINISTRATOR t. Firework Stands Mr. Gill presented correspondence from Dr. Dreibelbis requesting that only charitable institutions be permitted to sell fireworks within the City, and a memo from Fire Chief Hilton as to safety of all fireworks and recommending that the City prohibit the sales of all fireworks except for public display. After a discussi6n as to safety, advertising and false promotion, it was requested that, as it is rather Council Minutes 5/6/68 Pg. 7 late to take any action for this year, the Fire Chief and City Administrator find out what other cities are doing, as well as the County, and settle the issue by next'year. 2. SPEED LIMIT ON FIRST STREET from 200 block East to the 900 block West. A report from Chief Sissel was presented. Mr] Gill stated that an oral report had been made to the Chamber, and a written report would be sent to them. Mr. Fred Waitman, Chamber Manager, said he did not know what request, if any, would be forthcoming from the Chamber. They had made a request for a reason for the 25 mile per hour speed limit for information purposes only. CITY ATTORNEY None CITY COUNCIL The following items of correspondence were publicly noted by Mayor Coco: 1. Correspondence commending City Clerk Ruth Poe - Fred Koch, Director of Administration, Orange County Schools 2. Commending Tustin Police Department Harry Gill 3. Appreciation to Council, Public Works, and Parks and Recreation for beautification program William M. Wells 4. Commending James Williams ~ Everett Parks, Associated Architects 5. Commending Luigi Pollini - Boys' Club of Tustin PUBLIC 1. Mr. J. Zahlen presented a request from the Tustin Jaycees to permit a Memorial' Day scene to be placed in the center divider on Fourth Street. The scene would be put up on the afternoon of May 28th, and removed the evening of June 2nd. Moved by Mack, seconded by Miller that ~ermission ........ for this project be granted and the Jaycees instructed to work out all details with the Public Works Director and City Administrator. Carried. 2. Mr. Fred Waitman, Chamber Manager, reported that he had talked with the Edison Company regarding the recent advertisement appearing in the Wall Street Journal promoting the City of Tustin. He said the Edison Company reported the amount of inquiries received to this date was normally three or four, and to t~is dat~, they had received ten five from California, one from Georgia, one from North Dakota, one from Michigan, one from Illinois, and one from New York. Council Minutes 5/6/68 Pg, 8 3. Mr. Cass Hare announced a meeting of the Tustin Centennial Committee to be held Thursday night, May 9th, at the' Tustin Area YOuth Center. All local clubs and organizations will be represented and they will be getting at the meat of things to get this Centennial rolling. __ CORRESPONDENCE The following correspondence and reports received: 1. Conunending Sheriff's Department - Harry Gill 2. Commending Santa Ana Police Department - Harry Gill B.Letter of appreciation Santa Ana Police Chief E. J. Allen 4. Report regarding injuries to firemen - Chief Hilton 5.20th Annual California Redreation and Parks Conference - George Ritsi 6. Senate Bill 10!, creating California"Bicentennial - Lieutenant Governor Robert H. Finch 7. Re'solution relative to proposed detachment of Huntington Beach from the Orange County Harbor District Local Agency Formati'on Commission 8. Resolution No. 6758 supporting SB425 (preemption) City of Newport Beach 9. Monthly Fire Department reports - Chief Hilton. 10. Personnel Activity Register - Harry Gill 11. Executive Meeting Notice and Minutes of General Meeting - Orange County League of Cities 12. Invitation to Installation of Officers - Hillview Post No. 9203, Veterans of'Foreign Wars' 13. Budget Analysis - James Williams. X. ADJOURNMENT Moved by Mack, seconded by Miller that meetin~ be adjourned. Carried. MAYOR CITY CLERK