HomeMy WebLinkAboutOB 2 APPT AUDIT COMM 06-05-89OLD BUSINESS NO. 2 ~ · TO: FROM: SUBJECT: #ILLIAM A. HUSTON, CITY MANAGER RONALD A. NAULT, DIRECTOR OF FINANCE APPOINTMENT OF TWO NEW AUDI~ CONNITTEE NENBERS RECOMMENDATION: Appointments to the Audit Committee are at the Pleasure of the City Council. It is recommended that the Council set the term of appointments as stipulated in Section 2 of ordinance 1022, by setting the term of office of the two new appointees to be until the second meeting in February of 1992, and setting the terms of office of current Audit Committee members, Well, Sullens and Greinke 'to the second meeting in February of 1993. DISCUSSION: After ~he Citj Council has appointed the two new Audit Committee member~, it would be appropriate to set the terTM of all the members by filling in the blanks in Section 2 of Ordinance 1022. Terms of appointments are made at the Pleasure of the City Council. Our recommendation is conviently base'd on the fact that we have three sitting members and two new appointments. Ronald A. Naulk~ ~ Director of F::.nance RAN:ls Attachments AUDIT CONNITTEE APPLICANTS Glen Weber 14432 ¢loverbrook Drive Tustin, CA 92680 (714) 544-7023 home (714) 640-5000 work George Jeffries 14261Galy Street Tustin, CA '92680 (714) 838-4187 home (213) 974-2191 work Luella Wagner - 16791 East Main Street Tustin, CA 92680 (714) 547-2695 home (714) 731-4041 work Arnold J. Gaunt 17331 Village Drive Tustin, CA 92680 (714) 838-0971 home (714) 762-8220 work Cheryl E. Gunderson 13592 Eucalyptus Street Tustin, CA 92680 (714) 832-0643 home (714) 777-3018 work 5/9/89 o. OBJECTIVE EDUCATION 17331 Village Drive Tustin, CA 92680 ~/~4~O/~/~3fO Home: (714) 838-0971 Work: (714). 762-8229 · ~)~'~o~. - A pd-sition' on the' ~ity of Tustin Audit Commi tree University of California, Los Angeles B.S. in Engineering -' June, 1986 IIONORS Summa Cum Laude, UCLA, 1986 Tau Beta Pi, National Engineering Honor Society Eta Kappa Nu, National Electrical Engineering Honor Society ADDITIONAL TRAINING Principles of Account. lng (two semesters) 0kange coast College WORK EXPERIENCE Member of the TechniCal Staff, II 7/86' 3/89 . Rock~ell International Anaheim, CA "INTErESTs · · PERSONAL' Lead Systems E~gineer for Missile Guidance Control S~%/Missile Electronics and Computer Assembly Acceptance Test Program. % · . Fishing, huntihg, weig~lifting, skiing, backpacking, koreign policy, reading, language Tustin resident since 1967 Attended Helen Estoc]¢, Columbus Tustin, and Tustin High Secret clearance from Department of Defense !'c.ruol~al ,.~.~cl Puofcssional references ~¢ill be furnished upon request Agril 13, 1989 Mayor and M~. tubers of the Tustin City Council 300 Centennial Way Tustin, CA 92680 To Whom It May Concern: The following letter is written in response to the article that was placed in the Tustin News, April 13, 1989 for volunteers to serve on an independent Audit Committee. As a citizen, I am very intereste~ in working for the City of Tustin. I have lived in Tustin for over two years and I have a strong desire to become an-'actiVe member in the ' ~ommunity. . My background includes four years of teaching and I am . currently working.for the Law Offi6es of Paoli and Paoli, inc., located here in Tustin. · I hope you consider my applicatio.n and if there are any questions, don't hesitate to call me. My home ~hone number is (714)547-2695. My work number is (714)731-4041. I look forward to hearing from you soon. Sincerely, : , Luella Wagner 16791 East Main Street Tustin, CA 92680 April 20, 1989 REC.EIVED APR 2 7 1989 ADMINISTRATION .. Mayor and Council Members City of Tustin 300 Centennial Way Tustin, CA 92680 Dear Mayor and Councilmen: I apply to serve on your Audit Committee, · . understan~Lng the required three meetings per year and conflict of inte?est statements. Enclosed is a recent resume, which generally outlines my background and potential qual%.fications for your consideration. :~. · Enclosure Very truly yours, ' o . · .' ./.i,,~'""' ,,f. · , ../ ...'~ .i" .George~ W. J~,,fr~e/s GEORGE .W. JEFFRIE. S. 14261 Galy. Street Tustin, 'CA 92680 · · · RESUME' · Telephones Offi. ce: 213/974-2191. Home: 714/838-4187 PERSONAL: SUMMARY: Born--State College, Pennsylvania Height: 5' .11" Date of Birth: 3/'25/31 Weight: 175 Marital Status: Married Health: Good Dependents: 1 · 25 years' experience in U. S. government, agency, money market, corporate, and municipal securities at Los Angeles County, Wells Fargo Bank, Salomon Brothers, and Bank of .America. WORK HISTORY: 1983 to Date LOS ANGELES...COUNTY TREASURER; Cash Management Officer and Chief Investment Officer. 1986 · . total compensatioh - $60,000. Direct in-house investment of $'4 billion. Treasury and short- term ERS funds. Develep and maintain credit and investment quidelines2 Assist other county and governmental units with investment expertise. Manage staff of.four. * Developed and organized bank and thrift rating, program for California'public' agen- cies. * Consistently exceeded Donoghue's Money-Market fund average for short-term portfolio of Treasurer. , · · Re s ume ' GEORGE W. JEFFRIES Page 2 ... * DevelOped system for evaluating credit, · liquidity, and tradability aspects of investment securities for public treasurers. · * Panelist on educationaI programs for 1984 · County Treasurers' Conventions. WORK HISTORY: 1977 to 1983 WELLS FARGO BANK~ LOS ANGELES; Vice President · and Municipal' Sales Specialist. .1982 total compensation--S86,000. Also covered institu- tions for municipaSs and performed government and money market sales to independent banks and public funds.. ~ * 1982 sales oVer $1 billion, resulting in sales credit of $395MM versus goal of $340MM. * Developed and maintained sales rela- tionships with various governmental agen- cies, such as Los Angeles. County, City, and their several retirement systems; counti.es of Orange, San Diego, Ventura, Riverside, San'Bernardino, Santa Barbara, Kern, and · Imperial; dirges-of San Diego,. Lgng Beach, Anaheim, Santa Aha, San Bernardino, and Beverly'Hills. · Resume ~ GEORGE W. JEFFRI'ES Page 3 WORK HISTORY 1966 to 1976 WORK HISTORY: 1956 to 1966 * Served as Southern California liaison for. 15 years with public treasurers. · · S. ALOMON BROTHERS~ LOS ANGELES; Registered Representative Municipal, Government, and · Money Market Specialist. t976 total compensation--S51,000. Institutional sales to public funds, insurance companies, banks, savings and loans, and corporations, as well as to pension and sinking funds. · · * Developed institutional municipal orders ranging to $10MM in bonds and $50MM in notes. · . BANK OF.AMERICA, NT & SA, LOS ANGELES HEADQUARTERS; Assistant Vice President and Head of Southern Division Municipal Bond Department and Assistant Head of Investment Securities aivision. Municipal Bond and Note Traderl 1962-65. Municipal Credit Analyst, -, 1959-62. Special operations and lending program, 1956'59.. · '* Underwrote and traded municipal project notes with commitments ranging to $500MM. Resumew GEORGE W. JEFFRIES Page 4 * Analyzed, compiled and wrote credit repOrts for bank municipal underwriting'and sales o and for' trust department reviews. MILITARY SERVICE: Naval Reserve Officer; Gasoline Tanker 1952 to 1955 Executive officer and Navigator. .Service in central Pacific, Aleutians, Korea, Japan, and French Indo-China. Letter of commendation received for special AEC mission. LCDR-USNR-Retired. * Wrote organization manual for ship type. · · EDUCATION:' Graduate, Penn S~ate University, 1952; B. 'A. · ~ommerce and Finance. Additional courses in financial management, 60 hours of tax training, logistics, and econom- ics of nati'onal security. American Institute of Banking courses including:, credits and collections, analyzing bank statements, bank operations,' negotiable instruments, and 'busi- ness law. .Resume ' GEORGE W.. JEFFRIES Page 5 ORGANI ZATIONS: Member, Municipal BOna club of Los Angeie's, 15 years Member, The Bond Club of Los Angeles Associate member, county Treasurers Association Associate member, Municipal Finance Officers Association Associate member, California Municipal Treasurers Association 'ACTIVITIES: Trustee, Sheldon School District, 2 years · Orange County ~4aster Chorale, 10 y.ears Commissioner,.Bobby Sox Softball .. President, Tusti~ Area Sports Council * Organized and served as president an~ · .. ,greatly increased community usage of recrea'tional facilities through.working with city and school district officials. G. W. JEFFRIES (213) 974-2191 · . Trll~uror'$ OffiCe County of Lo~. Angeles 500 W. Temple Street 437 Hall of Administration Lo~ AflgoIeo,'CA 60012 14432 Cloverbrook Drive Tustin, CA 92680' April 24, 1989 May. or and Members' of the City Counsel · 300 Centennial Way Tustin, CA 92680 Dear Mayor and Members.of the. City Counsel: I am interested in serving the City of Tustin as a member of the audit committee. As a concerned citizen of Tustin, I am interested in seeing that the city is well served by its external auditors. I believe that an effective audit ' committee requires members knowled§able about the services. provided by eer~ified .public accountants. As a C.P.A., I am familiar with the services provided by the C.P.A. firms and the customary rate associated with these services. I ' have the abilityeto evaluate the .quality of the manaEement letter and auditors' reports provided by the independent ' auditors to ensure they perform their service as required by their engagement letter. The firm at which I am 'employed, Kenneth Leventhal & Co., Certified Public Accountants, does not presently perform any services for the City of Tustin. Therefore, I see no potential conflicts of interest by serving on the audit committee. Enclosed is my resume. I would be happy to meet and .discuss my qualifications for the position with the Mayor and Members of the City CounSel or their representatives at your earliest convenience: Very truly yours, '~eber enclosure CHERYL E. GUNDERSON 13592 Eucalyptus Street Tustin, California 92680 (714) 832-0643 May 3, 1989 Mayor and Members of the City Couricil 300 Centennial Way Tustin, California 92680 · Dear Madam Mayor and Members of the City Council, ! would like to express my interest in applying for the Audit Committee. i am a new resident of Tustin and am anxious to make a difference in the community in which ! live· I have experience I' think would be Valuable to the committee, specifically in. the areas of PUblic accounting, audits of local governments, auditor/client relationships and analyzing financial statements. If there ever were an opportunity for me to make that difference, this is it. Currently ! am employed at the Yorba Linda Water District as the Business Manager. My position is similar to a City Treasurer and-Financ~ DirectOr. I have been with the Water District for over two years. Prior to thisl. I Was employed as an auditor.for a local Certified Public Accounting firm that specializes in local government auditing. On the client side, I have selec~d auditors, been audited., received management letters and acted on the findings. As an Auditor, I performZed city audits, wrote opinions and management letters. With this perspective of both client and auditor, I believe that I ~can provide some real insight to the Audit Committee and the City Council. I am a member of the California Society of Municiple Finance Officers Association as well as the Governmental Finance Officers Association and the California Municiple Treasurers Association· I am familiar with the California Society of Municiple Finance. Officers Association's Award Program for Cities Annual Financial Reports. This would bo particularly useful in reviewing tl~e City's Financial Statements. ! am currently working toward.becoming a Certified Public Accountantl In addition, i serve as the Finance Committee Chair for the Sycamore Glen Homeowners Association and have been nominated to sit on the Board as a director. Thank you considering my application for the Audit Committee: I am confider~t 'that ! could serve the citizens of the City of Tustin well. Please contact me at the above address arid phone number or during the day at (714)777-3018. Sinc~ely, . . _ · Che~/~ 'Gund/~'bn . · . 1 ORDINANCE NO '322 . ' : ., ORDINANCE FOR THE' CITY COUNCIL, CI%"f OF'TUSTIN, C)%LIFORNIA, AMENDING THE TUSTIN CITY CODE TO' ESTABLISH THE AUDIT COMMITTEE '~' The City Council of the City of Tus.tin Uoe~-~e~r~by ordain as follows.=: x~, 1. The Tustin City Code is hereby amended by the ' addition thereto of.Part 4 of Chapter 5, Sections 1537 1538 and 1539, to read as follows- ' 8 Par~ 4 AUDIT COMMITTEE 1537 ESTABLISHMENT OF THE AUDIT COMMITTEE 10 11 12 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 24 28 The Audit Committee of the City of Tustin is hereby established with composition, 3urisdiction, duties, terms of office, compensation and other characteristics as specified in this Part. The Audit Committee shall perform duties of oversight, review, investigation and reporting and shall provide recommendations to the City Council on matters of finance, investments and audit as shall be prescribed by the City Council from time to time. Compensation of the members of the Audit Committee. shall be as pre'scribed by the City Council~from time to time. . 1538 MEMBERS AND QUALIFICATIONS · . The Audit Committee shall consist of five (5) members, four (4) of whom shall be registered voters of the City during all time's they hold office and one (1) who. shall' be a registered voter within the area serged by the Tustin Water Department. Provided, however that the persons heretofore appointed to the Audit Committee may continue to. serve without 'compliance with the foregoing, so long as they comply with. the conditions in 'effect at the time. of their appointment. -. 1539 A.PPOINTMENT AND TERMS Members of the Audit Committee shall be'appointed' by the City Council. Two (2). of the first appointed members shall serve frOm'the time of their appointment until the second regular meeting of the City Council. in February, 1992, and three (3) of-the first appointed members shall serve from the time of their appointment until the 10 11 12 13 15 16 17 19 20 21 Ordinance ~=_ 1027" Page Two second regular meeting of the City Council in February, 1993. The term of each'of those offices shall thereafter be for four (4) years, commencing on the expiration date of each office as provided hereinabove. All members of the Audit Committee shall serve at the pleasure of the City Council and may be removed upon motion of the'City Council adopted by at least three (3) affirmative votes. Ail members of the Audit Committee shall serve until their respective successors are appointed and qualified. 2. The following persons are hereby appointed as the first .members of the Audit Committee' to serve until the second regular ,' meeting Of the City Council in February, 1992; · to serve until the second regular meeting of the City Council in February, 1992; · to se-~ve until the second regular · , meeting of the City Council in February, 1993; ; to serve until the second regular meeting of the City Council in February, 1993; to serve until the second regular~ , meeting of the City Council in February,~1993. 3. The com9ensation for each member of the Audit Committee shall be Fifty Dollars ($50.00) for each meeting attended. Compensation maya-be changed and/or deleted from time to time by the City Council. PASSED AND ADOPTED at a regular meeting of the City Council, City of Tustin. California, held on the 20th day of Ma~ch , 1989. ATTEST ' City Cl~kk MAYOR · 'JGR-rr' R' 3/13/89(10a.sh) (1-5) STATE OF CALIFORNIA ) COLrNTY OF ORANGE ) SS CITY OF TUSTIN ) MARY E. WYNN, City Clerk and ex-officio Clerk of the City Council of the City of Tustin, California, does hereby certify that the whole number of the members of the City Council of the City of Tustin is five; that the above and foregoing Ordinance No. ~022 was duly and regularly introduced and read at a regular meeting of the City Council held on the 6th day of March, 1989, and was given its second reading and. duly passed and adopted at a regular meeting held on the ~0th day of March, 1989, by the following vote: AYES :- COUNCILPERSONS: NOES : COUNCILPERSONS: '-"TAINED: COUNCILPERSONS: ENT: COUNCILPERSONS: Kennedy, Edgar, Kelly, HoeSterey, Prescott None None None MARY E. ~YNN, CItY CLERK · TO: WIL . HUSTON, CITY MANAGER RONA~IRECTOR OF FINANCE APPOINTMENT OF TWO NEW AUDIT COMMITTEE MEMBERS FROM: SUBJECT: Ms. Luella Wagner called Friday, June 2 at 3 p.m. to ask that her name be withdrawn for consideration for appointment to the Audit Committee, as She will be moving out of the country. RAN:is