HomeMy WebLinkAboutNB 1 CHURCHES INDUS 01-15-90DATE: TO: FROM: JANUARY 15, 1990 WILLIAM A. HUSTON, CITY MANAGER COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT SUBJECT: PROPOSED GUIDELINES INDUSTRIAL DISTRICTS RECOMMENDATION Receive and file. NEW BUSINESS N0. 1 1-15-90 Inter -- Com FOR CHURCHES LOCATED IN THE BACKGROUND Last November the Planning Commission reviewed and approved a request to establish a church within the Irvine Industrial Complex - Walnut. At the same time, the Commission requested staff prepare a set of policy guidelines and criteria to evaluate future requests for churches in Industrial Districts. The Commission reviewed and approved the policy guidelines on December 11, 1989. A copy of the resolution, Planning Commission staff report, and minutes from the meeting are included as Attachments A, B & C respectively. On January 2, 1990 the City Council requested staff submit the Policy Guidelines for review at this meeting. ANALYSIS The guidelines include requirements relating to: 1) necessary submittal information required to evaluate CUP applications; 2) guidelines and criteria to be used in reviewing church requests and 3) standard conditions to be utilized in approving CUP requests. The Planning Commission staff report includes a detailed analysis of the guidelines, including issues relating to parking, compatibility and minimum separation requirements. Please refer to Attachment B for the analysis. CONCLUSION The Planning Commission reviewed and discussed all aspects of the policy guidelines in detail. In addition, the Commission also considered input from residents of the community and churches in the area. The Planning Commission determined the policy guidelines City Council Report Church Guidelines January 15, 1990 Page 2 incorporated the necessary conditions to address their concerns. See Attachment C for the minutes of the December 11, 1989 Planning Commission meeting. Sara J. Pashalides Associate Planner SJP:CAS:kbc Christine A. Shingle Director of Comm it Development Community Development Department 2 a RESOLUTION NO. 2715 A RESOLUTION OF THE PLANNING COMMISSION OF THE CI'T'Y OF TUSTIN, CALIFORNIA ESTABLISHING POLICY GUIDELINES TO BE FOLLOWED IN REVIEWING CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT REQUESTS FOR THE ESTABLISHMENT OF CHURCHES IN INDUSTRIAL DISTRICTS The Planning Commission of the City of Tustin does hereby resolve as follows: I. The Planning Commission finds and determines as follows: A. That certain guidelines shall be considered by Community Development staff and the Planning Commission when considering Conditional Use Permit applications for establishing churches within industrial districts. B. That the following guidelines shall be utilized in reviewing churches proposed on all industrially zoned properties, including but not limited to: Planned Industrial District (PM) ; Industrial District --(M) and the Planned Community - Industrial District (PC -I). C. That certain information specifically related to church uses is necessary to adequately process a Conditional Use Permit for churches in industrial districts. In addition, to the information and application forms required for all Conditional Use Permit applications, the following additional information is required: 1. Floor plan indicating the size of rooms, location and number of seats and the proposed use of all areas within building, including office, classrooms, conference rooms, and assembly areas. 2. Site plan showing other existing uses on the site and the gross square footage for each specific use (i.e. office, manufacturing or warehouse). 3. Proposed days and hours of operation of church, church school, ' bible study sessions, -administrative meetings, ATTACHMENT A sx: I Resolution No. 2715 Page 2 3 congregational meetings, special/holiday services and social events. 4. Anticipated number of persons attending all of the events and activities noted in #3 above. G 5. Hours of operation of other uses on the i site. S, 6. Location, size and number of persons attending other churches within 1,200 feet of the proposed church. .I 101 7. Mailing address of other tenants on site ll and any Master Association. 8. A parking demand analysis and/or a 12traffic circulation impact study prepared 1 ; '1 I by a traffic engineer, when determined by the Director of Community Development and the City Traffic Engineer to be 11� necessary. r 9. When off-site contiguous parking is IGI�i proposed, a listing of all uses on the contiguous site, the gross square footage for each specific use (i.e. office, manufacturing or warehouse) and verification that the proposed reserved parking is .above the minimum parking required for uses on the alternative site. 90 I� �I D. That in addition to provisions contained in Section 9291 of the Tustin City Code each Conditional Use Permit application to establish churches on industrial zoned properties shall be reviewed based on the •, following criteria: i 9 1. The desired minimum separation distance ��I� between church uses and between church •,;��' uses, public and private schools (not part of a church use) and hospitals shall •��� be 1,200 feet from the exterior property boundaries of an existing or approved •�� church site and existing or approved off- I I i Resolution No. 2715 Page 3 2. 3. 4. site parking sites utilized by said church sites. The following parking standards shall be applied to.church uses: Assembly area and foyer - one parking space per every three seats or one per every 35 square feet of gross floor area when seating is not designated. Sunday school, conference and classrooms - (if used simultaneous with assembly area) one parking space per every three seats or one per every 35 square feet of gross floor area when seating is not designated. Parking shall be provided on-site or on a contiguous site. In the event of multiple uses on a site, each use must meet its own parking requirements, a parking demand and/or traffic study must be prepared which supports a variance application, for reduction of required on-site parking, or -the City's zoning requirements for said district must authorize joint or shared parking. If there are zoning requirements necessary for authorizing such joint or shared use of parking, such requirements must be met. In the case of off-site parking, said off-site parking shall be permanently reserved for the church use and shall be above the minimum parking required for all uses on the alternative contiguous site unless a parking demand and/or traffic study is prepared which supports a variance application for reduction of required parking for uses on the alternative contiguous site. If off-site parking is provided, a direct pedestrian corridor and/or sidewalk from the church use to the off-site parking 10 ll 12 13 1 i1 nj Ili 17 1s 19 2(I 95 26 27 28 Resolution No. 2715 Page 4 site shall be provided to eliminate the potential risks associated with pedestrians utilizing the street for access. 5. The proposed site is"adequate in size, location and configuration for the proposed use. 6. Proximity of the proposed church use as an assemblage of large numbers to potential hazards such as storage of hazardous materials. 7. While churches may be permitted on sites with multiple uses and sites with multiple buildings depending on the location, size and separation of buildings and uses on the site, it is more desireable that they be located in an entire building and on separate parcel so potential conflicts can be avoided. Their location within multi -tenant buildings is not desired. E. That certain specific standard conditions in addition to those normally applied against Conditional Use Permits shall be required for all churches approved to be located within industrial districts as follows: 1. The assembly and classroom areas of the church shall be limited to (hours) on (days). 2. The maximum number of seats within the assembly areas shall not exceed • 3. If the use authorized by Conditional Use Permit is discontinued for six (6) months, then it shall be conclusively presumed that such use has been abandoned and the Use Permit will be deemed expired. 4. If at anytime in the future a tenant or customer advises the City that a parking and/or traffic problem exists on the site 4 5 G i R 9 10 12 13 14 1 r, 21 `2 2V '):t 1 2; 26 27 28 Resolution No. 2715 Page 5 or in the vicinity as a result of the church use, or if any of the permitted uses of the district need the uses of their required parking at times that the church is operating and using the parking, then the Director of Community Development may require the property owner/church to prepare a parking demand analysis and/or traffic study. If said study indicates that there is inadequate parking or a traffic problem, the applicant shall be required to provide mitigation measures to be reviewed and approved by the Planning Commission. Said mitigation may include the following: a. Establish alternate nours UL operation. b. Restrict the maximum number of seats and/or increase the number of services. C. Secure off-site parking from adjacent property owners. (In the event of a parking variance in conjunction with a church Conditional Use Permit use.) 5. The church and property owner shall sign and return an Agreement to Conditions Imposed form. 6. All activities shall be located entirely within the enclosed building. 7. All regulations of the Uniform Building Code and the Fire Department regarding assembly occupancy classification, fire rating and exiting standards shall be met. 8. No schools shall be permitted except Sunday school type activities while the church is in operation as schools are strictly prohibited in industrial districts. Resolution No. 2715 Page 6 :3 4roves the policy .II. The Planning Commission hereby app 5 guidelines to be followed when considering gapplications Conditional Use Permit �► for establishing churches in Industrial Districts. D AND ADOPTED at a regular Planning Commission PASSE 1989. meeting held on the lith day of December, c� lU Leslie Anne Pontious 11 Chairman 12 14 Penni Foley Secretary I 1i 1� -0 22 v, � 5 26 2 STATE OF CALIFORNIA ) COUNTY OF ORANGE j CITY OF TUSTIN FOLEY the undersigned, hereby certify that I am the Recording I, PENNI California; that Secretary of the Planning Commission of the City at , gular meeting of Resolution No. �%/ 5 was duly passed and p day of the Tustin Planning Commission, held on the �--- � 1982—. Je - P NI FOLEY --npcordi ng Secretary Report to the Planning Comrnission, ITEM N0. 7 DATE: DECEMBER 11, 1989 SUBJECT: PROPOSED GUIDELINES FOR CHURCHES LOCATED IN THE INDUSTRIAL DISTRICTS LOCATION: THE PROPOSED GUIDELINES WOULD APPLY TO ANY PROPERTY ZONED FOR INDUSTRIAL USE THAT ALLOWS CHURCHES AS A CONDITIONAL USE REQUEST: AUTHORIZATION TO ESTABLISH POLICY GUIDELINES FOR LOCATING CHURCHES IN,INDUSTRIAL DISTRICTS RECOMMENDATION: It is recommended that the Planning Commission adopt Resolution No. 2715 to establish policy guidelines for reviewing Conditional Use Permit requests for churches in Industrial Districts. BACKGROUND On November 13, 1989, the Planning Commission reviewed and approved Use Permit 89-24 and Variance 89-12 to establish a church within an Industrial District. At that time the Planning Commission directed staff to prepare a set of standards and guidelines for reviewing CUP requests for churches located in industrial districts. Staff. has reviewed and evaluated the standards and conditions of approval for the previous two churches located within the industrial districts and requirements for churches in other cities. On this basis, staff have drafted proposed policy guidelines to be followed on Conditional Use Permit requests for the establishment of churches in Industrial Districts (as contained in Resolution No. 2715). The proposed Guidelines include the following three basic sections: ° necessary submittal information required to evaluate CUP applications for churches in Industrial Districts (Section C) ; ° guidelines and criteria to be used in reviewing church requests in Industrial Districts (Section D); and ° standard conditions to be utilized in approving CUP's for churches in Industrial Districts (Section E). A discussion of specific issues that relate to each of the above sections of the policy guidelines follows. ATTACHMENT B Community Development Department Planning Commission Report Church Guidelines December 11, 1989 Page 2 DISCUSSION The first section of the Policy Guidelines includes a detailed list of all the information that may be necessary to adequately evaluate Use Permits for churches located in Industrial Districts. Information necessary to fully evaluate a specific proposal includes such items as detailed floor plans, site plan information regarding other uses on the site and actual operational information related to church activities. Information on other uses on the site (i.e. types of uses and hours of operation) is also necessary to fully evaluate compatibility of uses. Staff may also find it necessary to require preparation of a parking demand analysis and a traffic study to evaluate the adequacy of parking, on-site circulation and the surrounding street system. If the church proposes to utilize off-site parking to meet their required parking, then additional information regarding the hours of operation and types of uses located on that site and the availability of parking in excess of what is required for that site will be needed. The second part of the Policy Guidelines includes criteria to be considered by the Planning staff and Planning Commission when evaluating the Use Permit. Staff have developed review criteria that relate to parking requirements for churches, minimum separation between uses, the type of development site that would be most conducive to such church uses and compatibility with surrounding uses. These factors are summarized in more detail below: 1. Parking Issues An important issue in reviewing churches in, the past has been what appropriate standards should be applied to a church use. While the use permit, itself, has typically dictated thorough the use 'of conditions these parking standards required for the use, the aactual consistent application of the same parking standards in all 'church applications in the past has not been validated. While the Planning Commission has recently used a consistent standard for church uses (one space/three fixed seats or one space for every three persons permitted by UBC maximum occupancy plus one space/200 square feet of office and/or classroom area) , the standards for office and classroom area are extremely restrictive since parking was required for office and classroom areas even if these areas were not used concurrently with the assembly area. Additionally, the previous standard was not consistent with other zoning requirements for churches elsewhere in the City (i.e. East Community Development Department Planning Commission Report Church Guidelines December 11, 1989 Page 3 Tustin Specific Plan) nor consistent with standards found in nearby communities such as Irvine and Costa Mesa. Staff are, therefore recommending that the following parking standard be used for church uses: Assembly Area and Foyer - one space per three seats or one space per 35 square feet of gross floor area when seating is not designated. Sunday School rooms, Conference and Classrooms (if used simultaneous with assembly area) - one space per three seats or one per 35 square feet of gross floor area when seating is not designated. In meeting required parking, current provisions of the City's Industrial Districts would require parking standards for the church use to be met on the site where the church is proposed or on a contiguous site. Parking provided on a contiguous site requires the owner of said site to stipulate to the permanent reservation of the alternate site for parking location. The commitment to reserve spaces on an alternative site must also be above the parking requirements for those uses on the contiguous site. Current provisions in Districts and the twc District regulations Industrial Complexes c of shared or joint p discussed with the Con on the same site or different parking neee the separate applicati all uses not opera commercial/industrial church uses). Until. Zonina Code or the PC the Tustin City Code for the PM and M adopted Planned Community Industrial for Red Hill Industrial and Irvine o not currently recognize the concept irking. This concept, as previously mission recognizes that different uses within a mixed use development have s or demands which may not necessitate on of certain parking requirements for :ing at the same time (eg. most ries do not operate at the same time as Such requirements. are included in the Districts are amended. most churches have not been able to meet parking requirements on mixed use sites and have had to apply for a Variance. In reviewing said requests under such conditions it is extremely important that a parking demand analysis be prepared that documents potential parking use conflicts and recommends mitigation measures to ensure that outright permitted uses in the Industrial District will not be inhibited and conflicts with existing and future uses can be avoided. In permitting off-site parking on a contiguous parcel staff Community Development Department Planning Commission Report Church Guidelines December 11, 1989 Page 4 have concerns- that most industrial districts do not have public sidewalks adjacent to the street. In order to minimize potential conflicts with pedestrians and vehicles, staff has included the requirement for a pedestrian corridor where church uses are providing parking on an adjacent site. 2. Minimum separation and Compatibility Issues The purpose and intent of the Industrial Districts is to encourage a combination of industrial businesses and professional offices, all of which are compatible with each other. The Districts were established to provide adequate standards for separation between uses that may not be compatible based on considerations such as parking, traffic, land use, operational characteristics, and financial impacts (re: City revenue generation). A more specific example is the Irvine Industrial Complex. When the Irvine Industrial Complex was established, an EIR was originally prepared to evaluate the traffic impacts and the impacts to surrounding uses. The EIR assumed that the majority of uses would be those encouraged as outright permitted uses in the District. The EIR did not consider that the District would include a concentration of a large number of Public and Institutional uses, such as churches. As a result, the traffic impacts and impacts on surrounding uses from a large number of institutional uses were not addressed in the original EIR. Without changing the basic premise of the original EIR and going back to revise the document and PC standards, any review of conditional use permits for institutional uses in the Irvine Industrial area such as churches would need to be framed in the context of being a use that was not anticipated to occur in large numbers in the District. In order to ensure that the integrity of the Industrial Districts are maintained, staff believes a minimum separation criteria between church uses is appropriate. A separation criteria will minimize traffic impacts at peak hours for church uses, will avoid conflicts between parking for separate church uses in a particular vicinity, and will ensure that a majority of the City's land area proposed for 'revenue producing industrial uses will not be removed from the tax rolls (non-profit churches are provided with property tax exemptions). Given these considerations, staff are proposing that the Commission utilize a minimum separation of 1,200 feet between church uses and between a church use and other Community Development Department Planning Commission Report Church Guidelines December 11, 1989 Page 5 institutional uses (such as public or private schools, or hospitals). In order to minimize the potential conflicts relating to noise, parking or operational characteristics of --industrial uses, staff have also included a requirement recommending that churches not be established in multi -tenant buildings. It is our belief that under these conditions the potential conflicts between operational characteristics of different uses would be more difficult to buffer (i.e. noise, parking, circulation, etc.). The last portion of the Guidelines lists standard conditions of approval that should be required of all churches in Industrial Districts. These conditions set limitations on church hours, days of congregation uses and location of activities. A condition requiring the church to prepare a parking or traffic study is included to address any future problems. Staff believes that the addition of these conditions will ensure the church use will be compatible with surrounding uses and that should there be any, future parking/traffic problems, the applicant will be required to mitigate those impacts. CONCLUSION The Planning Commission requested staff to prepare Policy Guidelines for review of Conditional Use Permit requests for churches in Industrial Districts. The criteria of evaluation and proposed conditions of approval are intended to provide a basis for evaluating churches in Industrial Districts, determining compatibility with adjacent uses and minimizing potential impacts. While Guidelines are proposed as interim Guidelines at this time, staff would also recommend that any standards contained in the Guidelines be included in future amendments to zoning in all Industrial Districts. Based upon Commission direction such amendments would be prepared and completed as staff time permits. 1Z Sara J. Pashalide6l Christine Shingleton Associate Planner Director of Community Development SJP: pef Attachment: Resolution No. 2715 Community Development Department Planning Commission Minutes December 11, 1989 Page 12 Council approval of Vesting Tentative Tract Map 13824 by adopting Resolution No. 2718, revised as follows: Exhibit A, page seven delete item 5.6 and renumber 5.7 as the new 5.6. Motion carried 5-0. NEW BUSINESS 7. PROPOSED GUIDELINES FOR CHURCHES LOCATED IN THE INDUSTRIAL DISTRICTS Presentation: Sara Pashalides, Associate Planner Commissioner Kasparian commented that he felt that the guidelines were good as a start. lie asked if the tone of their position in the report was such that the needs of any church wanting to come into an industrial area would be subservient to the industrial needs; for example, if industry needs to work on Sunday and was noisy, could the church not complain. Staff replied that any church is evaluated with the adjacent uses; and if a church needs to add interior noise attenuation to buffer surrounding noises, then they would need to do so. The Director asked if a conditionally permitted use should regulate the tone of the regularly permitted use. Whether it be a church or other conditionally permitted use, philosophically, the intent of the district would not be achieved, and would be inconsistent with the intent and purpose statements in the districts. Commissioner Pontious noted that it was unfortunate that churches are having difficulty finding other locations; that this was their effort to find an affordable place with the space that they need; but that the City is trying to accommodate the churches, but at the same time not overrun the purpose of the industrial district. Commissioner Baker asked for a clarification of the 1200 feet requirement. Staff replied the requirement is for churches within the industrial area that are adjacent to a different zone that happen to have other churches, schools, hospitals, etc within 1200 feet. The Director noted that the church on Sixth Street is an example of this problem, where there is a school and another church in the vicinity. ATTACHMENT C Planning Commission Minutes December 11, 1989 Page 13 Commissioner Pontious asked for a clarification of Item 7. The Director noted that on the second line they should insert "and sites with multiple buildings..." after multiple uses. Commissioner Baker asked if this would be discouraging the usage on Sixth Street but not prohibiting. The Director affirmed. Commissioner Pontious commended Ms. Pashalides and staff on their efforts. Commissioner Kasparian asked if they could postpone their acceptance of the document for one week so that he could go over it further. The Director replied that since they have a number of applicants waiting for approval, they need the guidelines in order to have the ability to impose conditions or modify an action. Nova Pack, Attorney and church member of Harvest Fellowship, noted that he agreed with Commissioner Kasparian in that the plan needs more study; since the classrooms would be utilized more by young people who do not drive, the parking requirements seem to be impractical; he was concerned with the hours of availability, due to church functions mainly being held at times when there would be no parking problem; was concerned with the restriction requiring churches to be limited to single buildings since most of the industrial buildings were in a condominium fashion with common walls; was concerned with noise restriction rights; and that the Commission should not make general rules like being more than 1200 feet from any other pubic institution; the plan is too generalized and he would like to see it more specific. The Director noted that the parking requirements contained in Guidelines are less restrictive than what the City has been using; it is also consistent with the East Tustin Specific Plan and the City of Irvine and City of Costa Mesa. The provisions of several of the PC Community districts specifically state that the off-site parking has to be above the minimum requirements of that district. The only way to justify it is by a Parking Demand Analysis. This protects the outright permitted uses within the district. Even with the existing planned community districts, with the large propensity of multiple buildings there are many single tenant buildings that would provide adequate opportunity. It is difficult to regulate tenants of multi -tenant buildings, and it would be a Planning Commission Minutes December 11, 1989 Page 14 constant monitoring problem. Commissioner Pontious noted that this does not prohibit a small congregation from going into a multi -use building. The Director commented that regarding the issue of the 1200 foot minimum, there are events related to the schools, annexations may extend the industrial boundary, and there may be technical schools, etc, which may have higher trip generation factors related to them. She also noted that if the Commission directs the staff to come back with a code amendment in the future, they would then isolate the types of uses and the trip counts associated with them. At this point, they have nothing to use as a basis for getting the adequate information they need for reviewing an application. John O'Hanion, 12282 Singing Wood Drive, Santa Ana, member of Colonial Bible Church, felt that it was important to address these - issues today even though they were only standards. Regarding the 1200 foot distance between uses, he felt that the availability of parking should be the determining factor in case of incompatibility; and that regarding reciprocal parking, if the adjacent property owner is willing to dedicate his land in parking on weekends and restrict his own parking, that should not go into the equation for parking requirements. Since the church has made a significant financial commitment prior to these guidelines being adopted, they are highly motivated to see these points be considered; and suggest that churches with applications in process be considered independently of the guidelines. Robert Plummer, Reverend Colonial Bible Church, noted that they have committed themselves to the City of Tustin at great cost. They would have liked to have been in the new developments, but could not feasibly finance it. The only way they could economically survive was in an industrial building. Having fulfilled all the standards and requirements and submitted their application, they are now, retroactively, being given something that may jeopardize their ability to survive as a congregation. He asked that the Commission at least do something about the 1200 foot requirement which directly impacts their pending facility. He supports Mr O'Hanion's suggestion that the City continues to process those applications that were filed prior to the adoption of the guidelines. Commissioner Shaheen asked how many applications there are for churches in the industrial area. The Director replied that there have been two and there are possibly two more. Also, that this particular church has submitted Planning Commission Minutes December 11, 1989 Page 15 an application which has been determined to be incomplete. Commissioner Pontious asked what is within 1200 feet of their facility. The Director noted that the statement was made that the issue should be the adequacy of parking, but that the staff tried to concentrate on what is the intent of the industrial district. In reviewing the EIR for the industrial district, it did not consider that there would be a propensity of closing concentrated institutional uses and without such a standard, the original EIR might be inadequate. This would have to be reviewed with the City Attorney's office. There are two alternatives: 1) to shut everything down while they do a supplemental EIR to address the particular issue; or 2) does the City provide guidelines that let's the City justify that there is not a significant concentration of institutional uses within the district. Commissioner Pontious noted that this would eliminate the need to go back to the EIR, which would be a time consuming process that would hold up any applications in process at this point. She questioned the speakers as to whether or not they understood the issue. Mr. Plummer affirmed. Commissioner Baker asked what their concern was regarding the 1200 foot requirement; and asked staff how the 1200 foot figure was determined. The Director replied that it is a little less than a city block; it was not designed to preclude individual church applications; it was determined by the purpose and the intent of the district. Churches are not even an intended use in that district. Commissioner Kasparian asked if this Resolution was passed, would it then be retroactive to those who have already applied. The Director replied that these were guidelines for consideration only; these were created based on direction of the Commission from the last meeting. Commissioner Pontious noted that the 1200 foot requirement does not prohibit their project. It is just a guideline. Mr. O'Hanion noted that their people were contacted that day. Commissioner Pontious asked what the other use was that was within Planning Commission Minutes December 11, 1989 Page 16 the 1200 feet. Mr. Plummer replied that there was a church 1150 feet away, and that the church that was continued this evening, was 900 feet away, both with parking on-site. Commissioner Le Jeune asked when their issue would be coming before the Commission. The Director replied that since their application was currently incomplete, she did not have a scheduling date available. Commissioner Le Jeune noted that he felt that staff had provided exactly what the Commission requested in a short period of time; and that every issue would be carried on its own merit; these are not cast in concrete. Commissioner Baker noted a change to Item 8, as moved; and noted that the guidelines are within the best interest of everybody. Commissioner Pontious noted that she would not look unfavorably at a 50 foot differential, but that the guidelines are necessary. Commissioner Pontious noted that all comments made this evening would be taken into consideration. Staff asked if the Commission was interested in staff pursuing a code amendment as their time permits. Commissioner Le Jeune moved, Shaheen seconded to establish policy guidelines for reviewing Conditional Use Permit requests for churches in Industrial Districts by the adoption of Resolution No. 2715 revised as follows: Page 4, item 7 line two, after "and" add "sites with multiple"; and page five, item 8 last line delete "school" Motion carried 5-0. OLD BUSINESS 8. STATUS REPORTS Daniel Fox, Senior Planner No Commission action necessary. STAFF CONCERNS