HomeMy WebLinkAboutCC 21 TOPOGRAPHIC MAP 02-05-90DATE: i �O: 'SROM: .,,,:,,SUBJECT: JANUARY 30, 1990 WILLIAM HUSTON, CITY MANAGER CONSENT CALENDAR NO. 21 2-5-90 Inter - Com PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT/ENGINEERING DIVISION PROFESSIONAL SERVICES AGREEMENT FOR FIELD SURVEY AND TOPOGRAPHIC MAP FOR ORANGE STREET WIDENING AND RECONSTRUCTION (EL CAMINO REAL TO SAN JUAN STREET) RECOMMENDATION: `-';For consideration by the City Council at their meeting of February 5, 1990. It is recommended that the City Council approve a professional ;services agreement with California Civil, Inc. for pre -design ;'topographic survey and corresponding map preparation for the Orange 4Street widening and rehabilitation project in the amount of $6,208.00, ,and authorize execution of the agreement by the Mayor and City Clerk. BACKGROUND: As part of the 1989-90 Capital Improvement Program, $159,000.00 was budgeted for a project to widen and rehabilitate Orange Street between --El Camino Real and San Juan Street. The majority of the project will teal with improving the west side of Orange Street. Proposals were solicited from four consulting firms. Three proposals ,were received with one firm declining to propose due to previous ,,,;commitments. _a "I The recommended proposal, that of California Civil, Inc. was chosen abased upon the consultant's demonstrated competence, professional qualifications, and timeliness necessary for the satisfactory performance of the services required. The process utilized to evaluate ,consultant proposals is a result of recent communications with the City `;Attorney regarding consultant selection as provided in recent �1,flegislation dealing with Government Code Sections 4525-4529.5 (see "-"'ilattached memo from City Attorney). These sections clearly state that -.the consultant selections by governmental agency shall be on the basis demonstrated competence and professional qualifications and not on the basis of competitive bidding, but the proposed contract fees shall `'T,;l!be fair and reasonable to the agency. In order of preference, the p'lresults were as follows: 1. California Civil, Inc. ` s 2. BSI Consultants, Inc. 3. Bush and Associates, Inc. In this case, the preferred consultant, California Civil, Inc., also offered the most competitive proposed fee of $6,208.00, with BSI Consultants, Inc. offering a proposed fee of $8,672.00, and Bush and Associates, Inc. proposing a fee of $11,000.00. California Civil, ,Inc.'s proposed fee is considered fair and reasonable pricing.) w.��' 4���i[.�is-' { 4r. Dana . Kasd n Bob Ledendecker Director of Public Works/City Engineer Engineering Serv' es Manager Y Mr1'1 f 1 Ali �II,i' DATE: 12/7/89 TO:, DANA KAS DAN FROM:CITY ATTORNEY Inter—Com SUBJ°ECT:. REQUEST FOR PROPOSALS FROM ARCHITECTS, ENGINEERING, LAND SURVEYING AND CONSTRUCTION PROJECT MANAGEMENT FIRM CONSULTANTS; FORMS -AND PROCEDURES The provisions of Government Code sections 4525-4529.5 impose certain limitations on the way private architect, engineering, land ' surveying and construction projection management firms shall be selected. Section 4526 states "...it shall be considered to be the ' public policy of the State of California and any political .�' subdivision thereof that selection by a state or local agency head 1 for professional services of private architect, engineering, land surveying or construction project management firms shall be on the basis of demonstrated competence and on the professional qualifications necessary for the Satisfactory performance of the services required. State agencies are required to contract for such services through procedures "that assure that these services �$ are engaged on the basis of .demonstrated competence and qualifications for the types of services to be performed and at fair and reasonable prices to the public agencies.' The procedure 4x` prescribed forstate agencies is(a) the agency shall encourage i firms engaged n the lawful practice of their profession to submit annually statement of qualifications and performance data; (b) when ;;. the selection is to be made the agency shall evaluate the current statements of qualification and performance data on file together with those that may be submitted by other firms regarding the project and shall conduct discussions with no less than three firms regarding anticipated concepts and the relative utility of alternative methods of approach and shall select no less than three q of the firms deemed -to be the most highly qualified to perform the services. The state acfeency is then to "negotiate a contract with the best. qualified firm... at compensation which the state agency }! head determines is fair and reasonable to the State of California or the political subdivision involved"; (c) should the state agency head be unable to negotiate a satisfactory contract with the firm considered to be the most qualified at a price the agency head detdrmine$ to be fair and reasonable,. -negotiation with that ' firm shall be formally terminated and then the agency goes to the second of the three firms selected and tries to negotiate a fair price and ,'if ',,hat fails goes to the third and tries to negotiate with that fad., the agency shall select additional firms in order of their com 'etence and qualifications, and continue negotiations until an agr' `Ment is reached. 1 4 `In reference to the procedures to be followed by a local t J agency (which includes a city, general or chartered) these statutes only state: "When the selection is by a local agency head, the local agency head .max,. undertake the . procedures described... (above)". Thus, while state agencies must follow the procedures described above, the City is not tied strictly to that procedure. However, as cumbersome as it sounds, it may be that this procedure of negotiating with the first and then with the second, etc., may not be as onerous as it might appear at first blush. Accordingly, we suggest that proposals be solicited through an RFP in the form similar to that attached (which includes as part ofithe proposals that the proposed fees and costs be inserted) and that the most qualified proposer will be selected and that there be�!Idiscussions/ negotiations with that consultant about what the fees will be. You will have the proposed fees set forth by that firm as well as those of the other firms and I think that the Public Works staff could make determinations based upon those p.pposals as well as other '"information available to -the Department asto what reasonable fees would be for the job and then would siri ply sit down with the selected firm and try to negotiate a price at',°'or close to the figure you would see as being reasonable. If the firm Was not willing to come to. a price .you feel is reasonable, then we would simply thank them and go to the next most qualified bidder and go through the same procedure. - Does burdensome practical, it seem that this would be a practical problem, too or time consuming? If you would deem it is not there are other ways we can approach this. Attached is on.which we have this law. the Request for Proposals on the Venta Storm Drain revised portions of pages 1 and 2 to conform to Please review and then w JGR=rr:R:12/7/89:f69.tw(3-4) Enclosure cc j. Robert {;; William Ledendecker Huston e can s'' thin matter. J S ROURKE City Attorney December 6, 1989 To: RE: Request for Proposal - Consultant Services: Project (City file # ) Dear Sirs: This letter represents a services for the furnishing construction of: Request for Proposal for consultant of design plans and specifications for and appurtenant structures. Your firm has been selected as one of those being considered to provide this service. Selection of a firm to provide this service will be based on demonstrated competence, professional qualifications necessary for the satisfactory performance of the services required and familiarity and prior experience with providing this type of service, including the consulting firms to be used to provide the necessary services. Upon our selection of the most highly qualified firm to provide the required services we will negotiate the price for the work to be done. If we can reach a price we deem fair and reasonable., the contract will be awarded. If we are not able to negotiate a price we deem to be fair and reasonable to the City of Tustin, •. we will thank you for your proposal and we will proceed to the next most highly qualified firm to provide -the requested service and will 'seek to reach a negotiated price with that company, and so on. A). It is required that the following be submitted with your proposal: 1.. ,, A brief list of similartypes of projects which your firm has previously performed, including scope, cost and agency for .° whom completed and individual in responsible charge of the project. i 2. ! ` Identification and resumes of individuals and their titles who will supervise and perform the service; including the i' consultingfirms to be used to provide the necessary services i discussed n the Scope of Work (submit as Exhibit A). 3. Time schedule (submit as Exhibit B) broken down according to the tasks listed in the Scope of Work (submit as Exhibit A) for accomplishing the project through completion of final design within ninety (90) calendar days of the issuance of a notice to proceed. l! 4. Fee schedule (submit as Exhibit C) indicating the proposed cost for completing each task listed in the Scope of Work (submit as Exhibit A). The proposed cost to complete each i�i task shall include the costs of all administration and G overhead, project site, visits, and attendance at meetings. 1 5. Schedule of hourly rates (submit as Exhibit D) for your firm's employee titles or various classifications. 1f (Continue on the same manner as in the standard project request for proposals.) JGR:rr:R:1/11/90(f69.tw/5-6) cc: WH RL �I r 5 f�l�t 1 i,� TTS f �li 1 � f yyIu �It y➢( �. 1 7 y 1^ V 1 1 i I i� IIGI 1w'1�• ,Irrt Yltdd PROFESSIONAL SERVICES AGREEMENT THIS AGREEMENT, made and entered into this day of 1990, by and between CITY OF TUSTIN, a municipal corporation (hereinafter referred to as "City") and CALIFORNIA CIVIL, ZNC. (hereinafter called "Consultant"). k WITNESSETH: r WHEREAS, City desires to employ Consultant to furnish the necessary �j erv'ices for providing topographic survey and base map preparation services for the improvement of Orange Street, from El Camino Real to ban .Tuan Street, hereinafter referred to as "Project"; and 4 'WHEREAS, Consultant is qualified to provide the necessary services in connection with said Project and has agreed to provide the necessary ;services; and 'WHEREAS, Consultant has submitted to City a proposal dated January 4, 1990, a copy of which is attached hereto and is by this reference incorporated herein as though set forth in full herein ("the Proposal"). y NOW, THEREFORE, City agrees to employ and does hereby employ Consultant to provide the professional services for the Project, and 4 II' { ,Cityand Consultant, for the consideration hereinafter set forth, agree as follows: 4 "A Section l: Scope of Consultant's Services. Consultant agrees to furnish to City consulting services for the Project. These services !shall include all of the services solicited in City's Request for i. Proposal dated December 13, 1989, a copy of which is attached hereto, Viand ;,as specifically included within Consultant's proposal and marked t; xhibit "A". 1,'Section 2: Time for Completion. It is hereby understood and tutully agreed that the time for completion of the work to be performed a , by Consultant is an essential condition of this agreement. Consultant grees that it shall prosecute regularly and diligently the work of this ,agreement accordingly to reasonable schedules established by City for ,the various items described and as outlined within Consultant's proposal and marked Exhibit "B". Consultant shall not be accountable for delays h;dn the progress of its work caused by any condition beyond its control ,,land without the fault or negligence of Consultant. Any delays shall not entitle Consultant to any additional compensation, regardless of the ,`;party responsible for the delay. M Section 3: Compensation. The compensation to be paid under this .agreement shall be as set forth in the Consultant's proposal and marked ''Exhibits "C" and "D",with a total cost estimated at $6,208.00. !Progress payments for work completed will be paid as the work - progresses, within thirty (30) days of the date of Consultant's invoice. Section 4: Statement of Costs. Pursuant to the provisions of California Government Code Section 7550, the total amount expended by ;City relating to the preparation of the report and documents prescribed .herein shall be set forth within the final edition thereof, in a ,separate section, in a statement substantially as follows: "Pursuant to ,,California Government Code Section 7550, the City of Tustin expended the ;;total amount of $ for the preparation of this report and/or documents." Section 5: Job Site Conditions. The City agrees that in ;accordance with generally accepted construction practices, the construction contractor will be required to assume sole and complete responsibility for job site conditions during the course of construction Of j�this project, including safety of all persons and property and that thi'srequirement shall be made to apply continuously and not be limited I � to normal working hours. -2- 't y i. Section 6: Miscellaneous Provisions. A. City and Consultant further agree to the following conditions: (1) City, by notifying Consultant in writing, shall have the ight to terminate any or all of the services covered by this agreement 'r t any time. In the event of such termination, Consultant shall be paid ,,I G ,or services rendered to the effective date of the termination. (2) Consultant agrees that it shall proceed immediately and • Agreement upon �iligently to perform the services provided for in this g p eceipt of notice from City to proceed therewith. (3) The terms and provisions of this agreement shall extend to nd be binding upon and inure to the benefit of heirs, executors, '1,,'` `dministrators, successors and assigns of the respective parties i thereto. (4) Consultant shall perform the services hereunder as an _ndependent contractor and under no circumstances or conditions shall :onsultant or any of its agents, servants and employees, be considered is an employee or agent of the City. (5) Consultant shall perform all services required under this agreement using that degree of care and skill ordinarily exercised under similar conditions in similar localities, and shall be responsible for all errors and omissions for services performed by Consultant under the kerms of this Agreement. Consultant agrees to indemnify, defend and ,fold City, its agents, employees, successors and assigns harmless from .any loss, damage, injury, sickness, death, or other claim made by other ,persons and from all costs, expenses and charges, including attorney's fees,� arising from Consultant's negligent performance of this agreement. 'onsultant shall maintain in full force and effect during the term of ilhis�-,"'Agreement its existing policies of insurance for which certificates of insurance have heretofore been delivered to City. -3_ t (6) Consultant shall carry and pay for such compensation insurance as is necessary to fully protect Consultant and its employees nder California Worker's Compensation Insurance and Safety Laws, to elieve City from all responsibility under said laws in connection with he performance of this agreement, and upon execution of this agreement, o file with City a certificate certifying to said protection. ,'b'' ! (7) Consultant certifies that there shall be no discrimination gainst any employee who is employed in the work covered by this greement, or against any application for such employment, because of ace, religion, color, sex, or national origin including, but not imited to, the following: a. Employment, upgrading, demotion or transfer, recruitment, or recruitment advertising, lay-off or termination, rates of pay or other forms of F. compensation, and selection for training, including apprenticeship. (8) Consultant shall provide City monthly with a detailed temization of all work performed, and the fees accrued thereon, in complete and sufficient detail to fully apprise City thereof. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, this Agreement was executed by the parties on he day and year first above written. CITY OF TUSTIN, a Municipal Corporation Be 4!y Mayor err ITTE8T: City Clerk ,PPR a F CALIFORN C V By rney cel l� -4- CALIFORNIA C I V I L I�N_ C. January 4, 1990 Our Ref. P -271/025C City of Tustin 300 Centennial Way Tustin, CA 92680 Civil and Utility Consultants • Planning • Engineering • Surveying Attention: Dana Kasdan Engineering Services Subject: Orange Street Widening & Rehabilitation Project Engineering Proposal Dear Dana , California Civil, Inc. is pleased to submit this engineering proposal for the subject project as def fined in your letter of December 13, 1989. In general, California Civ il' s responsibility will be to provide a Topographic Survey Exhibit (111=20, 1' contours) and cross section views for all sections (25' on center) . ISCOPE OF WORK (EXHIBIT "A") 1..0 Orientation: Meet with City, review available existing data. Prepare Base Plan for field survey crew. 2.0 Field Topographic Survey of Orange Street - Survey 25' on center cross sections from back of walk (east) to 30' beyond right of way (west) . Also, survey entrances to Orange Street to at least 150' beyond Orange Street. Stations will be marked in the field. Cross section shots will include: Centerline, E. P . , Flow Line, Lip at Driveways, T.C. , Back of Walk, and West Limits. 3.0 Prepare a Topographic Map Exhibit at 1"=20' with 1 foot contours. 4.0 Prepare cross-section views for all stations at 1"=1' vertical and 1"=101 horizontal. ESTIMATED FEE California Civil, Inc. will provide the above services and products for an estimated not to exceed fee of $6,208.00. Reproductions and blueprints requested by the City will be provided at costs as a direct reimbursable ( $140.00 has been budgeted) . As stated in the City's request for proposal, we will negotiate a fair and reasonable fee if selected. i As requested, an outline of estimated manhours and crew hours and fees per task has been provided as Exhibit "C". A schedule of hourly rates has been provided as Exhibit "D". 3197-C Airport Loop Drive • Costa Mesa, CA 92626 • (714) 557-1059 SIMILAR PROJECTS 1. L'1C:1d :;urVey a Main Or- L1:eCL f1:o►11 Pac1flc vL'recL Lo 1-1lghway 55 ovci:ha.7J, City of 'Tustin, Public Works. Engineering fee was ►2,955.00. Responsible I'nginter was Al Moro. 2 . Prepara Lion of Aare Map:; for water main replacement, Sussex Place, Eton Place, Rebecca Lane, Gwen Avenue: and Lucinda -Way, City of 'PuG Lin . Scope of work incl udud field Topographic Survey and preparation of Vase Maps. Engineering Lee was :�S, 630.00 1tc5-1)on--'1*blc Engineer was Al Moro. 3. Cubbon Street ;survey, City of Santa Ana. Scope: of work included Field Topographic Survey, preparation of Topo Exhibit and cross section. Engineering tee was $2,480.00 Responsible Lng inter was S Leve Runk. PROJECT TEAM The project Team will consist of Al Moro as Project- Engineer and Mike Kowalski as Pro_yccL Designer. All work including L'ield Surveying will bu PC1:1:oi.►ncd "in huusc". l�csumc:� of the Project Tcam :arc enclosed. California Civil, Inc. is prepared to begin work on this project immediately following authorization to proceed. A schedule of acLiVIL-Ic ; has been provided as ExhibiL• "13". Thank you kor this opportunity Lo offer our services. We feel we have worked well with t -he City of Tustin Engineering staff in the past and believe wu have: an • excellent understanding of what is cx pec Led of Lhe con:;ul Lan L- . very truly yours, CALIFORNIA CIVIL, INC. C-1"/mlo�r 6 - PRINCIPAL a I I I I i 1 i , I� 0 lSd l m [a �] co t9 I t» vl rr I I to rr x to ►-� V. O ; FI: pe ' O n; a ! O I m v> U I v> CJ H W i 1 U) j to z I I 1 U) 9 CJ m r1a M) I t!, �) t:.t w FJ tw W I tp N I rI H M tSt �A -t• t4 I m to m U). . U> U> I • :J M —4 I �A U) U> U)- j I th I In �r I H I I N lit � N I(r. w N U (+l I w cv I t>D m [tl ra is r.l 1 I r. I 1 O ~ I U) W I U) W t N a fY w x FC m U t9 w w Q- X U) E-■ 'T. r r N W t N .n u S' � N r-1 o ► U) U H � � u, H u rf: O m u7 r.l w cn (Y. X fL T C Ca li f. a w z L.3 4 W. 6 N v' 1 C W k > 'I. to V $-t G C� J Z to N H v1 I ..l E fa W. F Q I f. O Q rC c C7 G7 N (.1 I r` U) rti h W � c>a I O \ ►-. re o. X >+ a, U c X W 3: U U 0 1 [a vl rr I I to rr x to ►-� V. O ; FI: pe ' O n; a ! O I I U M cY U 1 Z IY. H W i [}. H fa j to z I � H o. , E-• U u1 G. W N I rI j E+ U U 0 a O rr x to ►-� Fr O ►-t f.� O cY U C [}. W o. N I .rE to H I C� fG lit � N �r cv I t>D r1 [tl 1 rai: O O I a o. W I U) a fY w FC m t9 w F+■ Q- X U) In n rl r r N W t y w o �; ' � I N H rr t■1 O m u7 r.l w cn X fL T H rn li a w z L.3 7 r.1 Q 1 O ■-) r[: 0 to V $-t I J Z to N .t. t -•t I ..l W. F r I O Q rC I �t (.1 I 3 [■1 U) O a. H M %t 7 E' O I y O O I I H cn (Y. 1 (a o H E of 1 ' a U U) V U) U :C 'I. [.] J [■1 H 1 I 41 r[: Gl U) O V) ac n; CQ I" 1 0 1 1 + rn H U) 1.1 I , 1 O 7. o U7 U cn E• , I! W H O w O.r. • 1 T. tox 1 U) i U ac U v) E-■ O U F- O l t] 0 •-+ W r t ft: rl: 7 Z I W �c i U U ' r < '' » rn 1 1 1 t. ; 1 ' r 1 1 ; 1 .• ; � � it � I r7 W 1" n 1 ►- o In .. u + LY. O tX 1' � . j . 5 �J o' F- ca F- V ^+ - A UJ T. % ^• S ij- W o-+ 0- 1..1 J ILI R I..J 0- W V) l.J w r. o- ct '-s K fr- c% s 1 O a I.L. n ol. EXHIBIT D CALIFORNIA CIVIL, INC. FIEL SCHEDULE Cr.AS STF'TCATTON Principal/Project- Manager Project Engineer DeGligner/Survey Tech/Planner Dra f L=a n Clcrical/Support Staff Survey Crew (2 -man) Survey Crew (3 -man) 1.1001 -Y RATS 75.00 $ 70.00 $ 60.00 $ 44.00 $ 25.00 X135.00 $160.00 Two hour Minimum time for ;iurvey Crew. Sat/Sun survey iS charged at 1.5 times the hourly rate. AL MOR O PRINCIPAL 1:a PER T1°.NCE Mr. Moro has held re:;ponsjble positions in both public and private 1ndu:;Lry. His work experience began at the: Lo;; An(jeles• County Flood ConL-rol Dis3Lr1cL whurc: he gained experience in flood control and drainage facility While at the DisLricL, Mr. Moro helped k�rcparc the Di:uric L•' '- C0l1p1:chC'"'3ivC Plan for Floud Control and WaLcr Conr;eL"vaLion and was; A:;ziz;LanL Project Manager of * he Ma3Ler Planning unit for the Yedcral L'lood Insurance Project; a x314001000 MUD 171:ojcct that identified and a3I ;C:JJcd flood ha Lards In *.hc Los A n g c 1c:5aLc:aJ. For the pa5L- nine years Mr. Moro has worked with consulting and Land DevelopmcnL- firms directing and managing off ices and engineers Oil various;-ubdivi5ion and infrasLrueture f)rojccL:; throughout Orangc County. Project: lnvolvemenLs have included a 300 acre 1:c3ldcn tlol and mixed u;;c: Jubdiv izion, a 2000 acre feasibi*l i t•y study, a 120 srluare mile waLer:;hcd inventory report, and a 1.5 mile sLrccL widcnincl and sLorrn drain improvcmenL plan. Wi L-I'l Call fora is Civil Mr. Moro ham been involved in such projecL's a:;: The &SouLh Coa-,)L CorporaLu CenLer in Co;La Mesa, duties include, conL'racL' adminl.:,;LriaLion and cost analysis; the SanL-iago HI11s reJidenL-ial devclopmcnL in cas-VL Orange, duLics include preliminary and final devclopment dc:;ign, quantity esLlmaLcs and co:�t aiialys;is; and, 13arranea Parkway roadway design in the City of Irvine, duLics include drainage analysis, hydrology and hydraulic calculaLzons and ;.;Lorin drain design. EnUCATTON M.B.A. , California SLate Univcrsi. L -y at Los Angeles, 1977 Dachclor of ;;cicticc, Lrtgincering, Univer:;iL-y of California, LoJ Angcic;-,, 1972 r.TCEN;;E.S Reg isLered Civil Engineer: California !E 25673 Nevada 4 04 821 Pl:nig E'SSTONAr, nl' 1.,- Tr.TATTONS Arizona 1E 11965 Colorado 4 16003 Member, Amcrican SocicLy of Civil Engineers MIKE KOWALSKI 11550CIATE CIVIL ENGINEER EX 1) ;RTE, NC 1-1 Mike Kowai:;ki ha:; devoted the lasL three year:; a -s a design eng in*eer wzLh Willdan nsaoc1aLes, Ljublic Works "Section. He ha:; been Primarily involved in the design of the Day Creek Mcll-Roos Project, gaining valuable experience in flood control design and r'91 -IL -of way acquisi Lion . Mr. Kowalski also was rcuPonslblc ' for PrclI'll ill ary alignmenL and co:;L :;L'udie:; for Lhe uxLcn:;ion of -valley D::ivc Lor SOUL-hcrn California Edison. Mr. Kowalf►ki recently C011lPlcLcd the desicln and PreParaL•ion of L' -0&E for a commercial :;ubdivi:.;ion in Irvine, California. flans included street imProvcmcnt:;, :;Ower, waLer and ffinal mapping. ED0C'ATT0N: Bachclor of Science in Civil Engineer - Cal Poly, Pomona, June l� �4 L. TCI; NS L•;S: ReglZiL-ered Civil Engineer - California D44029 PROPE,S,STONAL, AF TL.TATTONS: Member - American o-ociet-y of Civil Engineers December 13, 198.9 I Dt-pirtnn-iir of NuWic Works/Engineering Cary R. Siegel 160 Centennial Way Tustin, CA 92680 Re: Request for Proposal - Consultant Services Orange Street Widening & Rehabilitation Project: E1 Camino Real to Spin Juan Street Dear Mr. Siegel: This letter represents a request for proposal for consultant services for the furnishing of a topographic survey for the design, by the City of Tustin, of i the Orange Street Widening & Rehabilitation Project. The project will include the entire length of Orange Street between, El Camino Real and San .duan Street (see attached project location map). Your"firm has been selected as one of ':hose being considered to provide this service. Selection of a firm to provide this service will be based on demonstrated competence, professional qualifications necessary for the satisfactory performance of the services required and familiarity and prior experience with providing this type of service. Upon our selection of clic. most highly qualified firm to provide elle required services we will "ol;uciate the price for the.work to be done. If we can reach a price we deeiu.fair and reasonable, the contract will be awarded. If we are not able to ne otiaL:u it price be fair and reasonable to chc: City of Tustin, we will chai,lc you for yourem to proposal and we will proceed to the next most highly qualified firm to provide the requested service and will seek to reach a negotiated price with..that company, and so on. - It is required that the following be submitted with your proposal: 1. A brief list of similar types of projects which your Lira► haspreviousl performed, including scope, cost and agency for wham completed and y individual in responsible charge of the project. 2. Identification and resumes of individuals and their titles who will supervise and perform the service. 3. Time schedule (submit as Exhibit B) broken down according to the tasks listed in the scope of work (submit as'Exhibit A) for accomplishing the project -through completion of final base map within thirty (30) calendar days of the issuance of -a notice to proceed. 300 Centennial Way Tustin California 92680 . (711) 511-11890 REQUEST FOR PROPOSAL •2- k. Fee schedule (subinic as exhibit C•) indicating che. prupusad cost for } completing each cast: indicaced in the scope of wort: (::;ub,,,ic as Exhibit A). The proposed cose co complete each Cask shall includ:. Chu costs of adminiscration and overhead, project site visits, and accendance at meetings. 5. Schedule of hourly races (submit as Exhibit D) for titles or various classifications. Y°1L firm's employee ' The scope of work (submic as Exhibit A) to be done by ch,: consulcant Co.' satisfaction of the City shall consist of the followir,l; �;tsks : the 1. Perform detailed Topographic Survey of Orange Screec bu cween E and San Juan Screec. '11 -lis survey shall include full s�:r�:et crossCsectionsamino al from the back -of -sidewalk on the east side to chircy ful:c (30' insid right-of-way line on chc! west side at 25' intervals. CruJs-se) eche also be needed ac all encrances to Orange Screec (driveways, alleys, will including at least 150' frow Orange Street, additioi,ul ui, Bont Bonita Screec Walnuc Screec and alleys pur location ivap.Each il_ ' station will be clearly idenCified in ;the field bynai.l1and`wash, r wicon stationing shown, washer with 2: Prepare a complete copographic^map, with contours ac o„e foot( 1' intervals, to be used by the city as a base ma in pr. -paring plans plans. The wap shall bo prepared with city ticla bloc!:, i<<l: project: design on ad at A scale of one inch equals twenty feet (1�� .. 20,) mylar, 3. Prepare cross-seccion vi::ws for all stations. Cros::-=:iui,:: ll b scale of 1 inch equals 1 fooc vertical and 1 inch ��li,;, 1.:; lU i•c�Cahorizontal Views etre to be prepared oil 10 x 10 cross sacci oni,i�; l�:�l�u r . Mut: ho u Dints . to be idenCified us folluws: P Centerline street,•edga of pavement, flow line of curb driveways), toR Of curb. back of curb and east acid 4,,:sc 1ilipitf , gutter (at The City of'Tustin will be responsible for the following: 1. Provide all available existing data, information, available in city files such as design plans forad�a�4cs' records and maps improvements, soil reports, and surveys which uiay eX1yc11c and existing 2. Provide a project manager, Attached for your use in preparing your proposal -is - •, - Insurance" And "Professional Services Agreement" utilizedby cherificate of work. A location map for the project has also been enclo:.4d city for such i 1 . .g. 'The consultant should also be advised that if selected fur cho design surve i said consultant will also ba highly considered for perfuemir►E tl,e actual y, r construction svrvey work as wall. If your firm is interested in submitting .a proposal for Chis work it must received by 5:00 p.m. Thursday, January 4, 1990 at the Cic be, y s Public Works, Y Engineering Division, � ' Should you require any additional information or have t,,,Y 1 c ul:: Cio , not hesitate to contact* ,,,a or Jerry Octeson at 544-8890.ns, please do i Sincerel f. Dana R. Kas an f' Engineering Se ice Manager Attachments, , _ cc: Bob Ledendecker Jerry Occeson = 0