HomeMy WebLinkAboutCC MINUTES 1967 10 02 MINUTES OF A REGULAR MEETING TUSTIN CITY COUNCIL October 2, 1967 I. CALL TO Meeting called to order at 7:40 P.M. by Mayor Mack. ORDER !I. PLEDGE OF Led by Mayor Mack. ALLEGIANCE III. INVOCATION Given by Councilman Miller. IV. ROLL Present: Councilmen: Mack, Klingelhofer, Coco, Miller CALL Absent: Councilman: Ring Others Present: City Administrator Harry E. Gill City Attorney James G. Rourke City Clerk Ruth C. Poe APPROVAL OF Moved by Miller, seconded by Klingelhofer, that MINUTES minutes of September 18th meeting be app~oved. PUBLIC 1. AMENDMENT TO LEASE - BOYS' CLUB OF TUSTIN. HEARINGS Bearing opened at 7:42 P.M. Mr. VerLVn Jensan, president of Boys' Club of Tustin, presented four separate plans that had been considered for the development of the Boys' Club, and explained why Plans A, B, and C had been rejected. Mr. Jensen urged that the Council favorably consider their request for an amendment to the present lease which would permit the Boys' Club to proceed with Plan C-2 " and erect and develop a facility of the type intended to be provided- % Mr~ Victor Reed of 555 Pacific Street, spoke objecting to the development of a Boys' Club at this location. He stated that he felt that this area would develop into an industrial area in the future and would not be suitable. In answer to questioning by Mr. Reed, Mr. Jensen stated that they had investigated the school site idea from all angles, but had been turned down by the school board and that they would welcome any talent or help. The committee had exhausted their talents and had found no other available land at this time. He also stated that this hearing was not to determine if a Boys' Club could be built at this location as that was resolved at the hearing last October. They are now asking for more area. Mr. Reed reiterated the points previously stated- Council Minutes 10/2/67 Pg. 2- Mr. Ernest Thompson, 17292 Bergen Circle, stated that children needed an outlet, and he felt that the Council should give strong consideration to the children in the Tustin area. Therebeing no further comments or objections, the hearing was declared closed at 8:06 P.M. In answer to questioning by Councilman Klingelhofer, Mr. Gill stated that this amendment would change the total lease picture, not only the building site. Mayor Mack pointed out that this is not a rezoning and that the recently adopted General Plan generally spells out what is anticipated in this area. This hearing is to consider a specific request to modify the lease now in effect. Councilman Coco stated that it has appeared to some that the original lease area would suffice for the building and that the remainder of the property could remain under City control, and could just as effectively be improved as a ball diamond for use by the Boys' Club. He asked the attorneys present if there were any legal ramifications. Mr. Rourke said he did not know if the Boys' Club felt that the area for the ball park was a necessary part of their development and if they do not have the exclusive right to the open area if they would want to go on with it. He felt that problems such as liability, etc., could be worked out. Mr. Jensen stated that their opinion would be slightly mixed and that this proposition has some merit. Thirty percent of Boys' Club activities are outdoors. They would be concerned with maintenance and they are talking of substantial improvements. Perhaps it could be by some form of license or easement. They would prefer to have all on a lease hold as this simplifies insurance, etc. After further discussion by the Council, it was moved by Councilman Miller, seconded by Councilman CoCo, that the hearing be continued to the next regular meeting and the staff directed to prepare studies for the Council. Councilman Coco stated he would like to see specifically a presentation of the existing lease graphically, and the proposed lease and some suggestion from'the staff in conjunction with the Boys' Club as to legal' possibiliiies of the extended lease plus the periodic lease. ' Councilman Miller stated that as a portion of the study, he would like to know of the existing acreage, what percent is encompassed in the existing lease ~nd what percentage of the tot~] property woul~ be in the prc~rty in the ~w lease. Councilman Klineelhofer requested that consideration be given to the overall future plans for the Youth Center the potential uses and expansion including the existing property to the west. Council Minutes 10/2/67 Pg. 3 Above motion continuing this hearing carried. Vii. OLD 1. ORDINANCE NO. 368 - First reading ~BUSINESS AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF TUSTIN, CALIFORNIA, REZONING PROPERTY ON APPLICATION NO. ZC-67-159 OF SIEGEL. Moved by Coco, seconded by Klingelhofer, that Ordinance NO. 368, rezoning property on'Application No. ZC-67-159 of Siegel, have first reading by title only. Carried unanimously. 2. ORDINANCE NO. 369- - First reading AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF TUSTIN, CALIFORNIA, PREZONING PROPERTY ON APPLICATION PZ-67-105. Moved by Coco, seconded by Mille~, that Ordinance No. 369, prezoning property on Application PZ-67-105, have first reading by title only. Carried unanimously. 3. RESOLUTION NO. 902 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF TUSTIN, CALIFORNIA, URGING THE PRINCIPLE OF TAX SHARING. Councilman Miller stated that he believed his position and that of the Council at the last meeting was to oppose this principle of Federal tax sharing and, as this Resolution seems to approve this principle, he would like to see this referred back to be redrafted by'the staff. With the approval of the Council, Mayor Mack directed that Resolution No. 902 be redfawn and presented at the next meeting. VIII. NEW 1. ORDINANCE NO. 370 - First reading BUSINESS AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF TUSTIN ADOPTING THE TUSTIN TRAFFIC ORDINANCE REGULATING THE USE OF AND TRAFFIC UPON THE STREETS, SIDEWALKS AND OTHER PUBLIC AND PRIVATE PLACES IN THE CITY, AND THE USE, PARKING AND CONTROL OF VEHICLES THEREON, AND REPEALING ORDINANCE NO. 328 AND ALL ORDINANCES AMENDATORY THEREOF, AND ADOPTING BY REFERENCE THE 1964 EDITION OF THE UNIFORM TRAFFIC ORDINANCE OF THE LEAGUE OF CALIFORNIA CITIES. Moved by Klingelhofer, seconded by M~ck, that Ordinance No. 370 be read by title'only. Carried unanimously. In answer to questioning, Mr. Rourke stated that this Ordinance did not require a public hearing, but that there was nothing tO prevent a hearing if it was desired. Councilman Miller said he felt this to be a fairly stringent Ordinance. As an example, the $500 fine or six months in jail, or both, for not licensing a Council Minutes 10/2/67 Pg. 4 bicycle. This should receive publicity for the children. It might help if the Police Department went to the schools more regularly. He also felt that this was too s~iff a penalty. Mr. Gill explained that the licensing of bicycles had been turned over to the Fire Department and more frequent visits to the schools are planned. He also stated that Tustin stamps the frame of a bike which makes it identifiable anywhere in the country. A discussion followed as to the reasons for licensing bicycles and the protection it affords the owner in recovering lost or stolen bicycles as well as a means of identification in the event of an accident. It was felt by Councilman Miller that more information should be spelled out in writing as to the purpose of bicycle licensing in the language that the purpose really is to protec~ the child and not the City. In answer to Councilman Klingelhofer, Mr. Gill stated that the bicycle shops would have to be contacted as to the correct forms and procedure for bought or sold secondhand bicycles. 2. ORDINANCE NO. 371 - First reading AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF TUSTIN, CALIFORNIA, ADOPTING SPECIAL SPEED ZONES, THROUGH STREETS, PLACEMENT OF STOP SIGNS AND DESIGNATION OF GRADE CROSSINGS, ETC. Moved by Coco, secorrded by Klingelhofer, that Ordinance No. 371 ha~e first reading by title only. Carried unanimously. .. 3. RESOLUTION NO. 903 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF TUSTIN, CALIFORNIA, AUTHORIZING THE EXECUTION OF A SAFE DEPOSIT BOX RENTAL AGREEMENT WITH FIRST WESTERN BANK AND TRUST COMPANY, AND DESIGNATING ACCESS TO CERTAIN AUTHORIZED PERSONNEL. Moved by Miller, seconded by Coco, that Resolution No. 903 be read by title only. Carried unanimously. Moved b~; Klingelhofer, seconded b~; Coco, that Resolution NO. 903, authorizing the execution of a safe deposit box Irental agreement with First Western Bank and Trust Company, and designating access to certain authorized personnel, be passed and adopted. Carried by roll call. Ayes: Mack, Klingelhofer, Coco, Miller. Noes.: None. Absent: Ring. 4. RESOLUTION NO. 904 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF TUSTIN, CALIFORNIA, AUTHORIZING CANCELLATION OF TAXES BY COUNTY OFFICERS. Mr. Rourke asked that this matter be continued to the next regular meeting as the County Counsel has Council Minutes 10/2/67 Pg. 5 requested that uniform resolutiom be adopted by all cities and this will be forthcoming by the next regular meeting. Mayor Mack directed deferment of this Resolution to the next regular meeting. 5. CIVIC CENTER REPORT Mr. Gill presented a report on the Civic Center study, stating that beginning about October of 1965, the City staff proceeded to investigate the matter of the need for such. This study was conducted for the past two years in a five phase program which developed what responsibilities would be assigned in the matter, what building needs would occur now and in the future, and how the City will proceed with the investigation and implementation of master programming. It is felt that the City cannot continue to grow with existing City owned buildings and property that we have today. We find that a Civic Center area would bring together in closer proximity those activities of government which should be housed near each other° We find that the public conven- ience would be such that by activities being grouped together, the public would be better served. We have also found that the space needed now and in the future certainly demands additional housing of such services. We need an area for better record keeplng and the safety of such records, and to help identify the community and stimulate growth in the Tustin core area. The study indicated that the City through 1981 and its ultimate development would require some 80,000 square feet of floor area and some 51,000 square feet of ground area to handle all the activities of the City that would be located in any one Civic Center. Such activities would include the City Hall, Police building, Fire headquarters, Council Chambers, and the possibility of a library and community center. We found that in the past acquiring sites in the piecemeal fashion as we have done does not provide the total adequate land needed as well as the price of such land is far in excess of any major land purchase. The most recent purchase was approximately $2.00 per square foot. The report before the Council outlines the needs and conclusions found by the City staff. It makes the recommendation that the City at this time execute an option to purchase land at Ma~n and "H" Streets, approximately 5.8 acres, at about $1.00 per square foot. The total purchase price would be $260,000. This would be acquired in five separate parcels over approximately three years. The City has reserve money in the budget for this on an annual basis and this will not necessitate any change of present financing of the City or tax rate increase. This · s a portion purchase and the monies are available for this type of acquisition. In answer to questioning by Councilman Miller, Mr. Gill stated that the option before the Council is for a thirty day period which would, once executed, CounCil Minutes 10/2/67 Pg. 6 permit the City to receive an additional indepen- dent appraisal on the land to finalize the land value compared to the negotiated price. If de- sired, the City would have the opportunity to make a thorough investigation of the site and at the end of the thirty day period, to decide as to the desirability of the purchase of this land. The $500 deposit for entering into escrow would be to guarantee the availability of the site at the prxce as negotiated today. This is one of the eleven sites studied in the downtown area. All eleven sites were of adequate size, each had to be over five acres, available for purchase, and in the town center area. All such sites were evaluated in some 19 separate factors to determine the suitability of the site to fit the type of community. This site scored highest in both the factor rating and the price per acre. Councilman Miller stated that he was sure there would be a great deal of public interest in this and the execution of the option would allow adequate time for the citizens of the City to express themselves and yet hold this property at what seems to be a reasonable price. Moved by Miller, seconded by Klingelhofer, that the Mayor and City Clerk be authorized to execute the instructions for the deposit of $500 for the option at this time. Councilman Coco complimented Mr. Gill on the thorough report and stated he was pleased that the City will be able to go into ~his program of purchase without issuing bonds or in otherwise indebting the City even with the recent tax out. Above motion carried. Moved by Coco, seconded by Miller, that an outside independent appraisal to be completed prior to October 30th, be authorized. Carried. Mayor Mack solicited written comments to the Council from any interested citizens and any other property owners on this matter. Comments should be submitted,. as soon as possible and not later than October 30th. Councilman Klingelhofer suggested that this excellent report be made available at the City Hall. 6. CHARTER OF THE TUSTIN CITY BEAUTIFICATION AWARDS COMMITTEE - Concurrenceby the City Council Councilman Mille~ stated that he is pleased that the Parks and Recreation Commission and others have taken the initiative in .forming this to give recog- nition to those who contribute to the 5eautification of our City. Moved by Miller, seconded by Klingelhofer, that the City Council of the City of Tustin concurs with' the Charter of the Tustin Beautification Awards Committee, as presented. Carried. Council Minutes 10/2/67 pg. 7 7. REQUEST OF TUSTIN POLICE DEPARTMENT EXPLORER POST 811 FOR PERMISSION TO PAINT HOUSE NUMBERS ON CITY CURBS. Letter ~rom Tustin Police Department Explorer Post 811 requesting permission to paint house numbers on City curbs as a fund raising project was received. A discussion followed regarding the method to be used to solicit the donations and the uniformity of the numbering- Moved by Coco, seconded by Klingelhofer, that the ~equest of the Tustin Police Department Explore[ Post 811 to paint house numbers on City curbs be grante~"subject to the direction of the applicable City staff. , Councilman Klingelhofer felt that the Explorer Post should have direction zrom City staff and present plans to the Council again. Councilman Miller noted that this Post is one of the outstanding Explorer Posts in Orange County which happens to be one of the outstanding Explorer areas in the whole United States. He hoped that some indication will be given that the Council is behind this project. Above motiun granting permission carried. Mayor Mack directed that the boys of the Explorer Post come to the Council with a proposal on how they are planning to proceed with the project. 8. APPROVAL OF DEMANDS that demands in Moved by Coco, seconded by Miller, the amount of $34,190.33 be paid. Carried. iX. OTHER 1. CITY ADMINISTRATOR BUSINESS 1) Summary of Certain Adopted Legislation Mr. Gill suggested study of this to some extent as there are several things affecting all cities in California. 2) Parks and Recreation Commission, and Planning COmmiSSiOn Expense Reimbursement Mr. Gill requested confirmation of policy adopted in 1966 budget session and an attendance report of both Commissions for the past year was presented'. Moved by Miller, seconded by qOco, that the Council confirm the policy adopted by the City CounCil on May 16, 1966, for reimbursement against expenses f~r members of the Planning Commission and Parks and Recreation Commission on a monthly rather than per meeting basis, and to set such reimbursement at $25.00 per month for the Chairman of the Planning Commission and $20.00 per month for each Planning Cor~missioner, and $50.00 per month for the Chairman Council Minutes 10/2/67 Pg. 8 of the Parks and Recreation Commission and S15.00 per month for each Parks and Recreation Commissioner, and to provide additional mileage and other expenses as required, all of which Being effective the month of july 1966. Carried. 3) Commission Term Expirations Mr. Gill reported that there were three terms expiring on the Parks and Recreation Commission and one term expiring in November on the Planning Commission. Moved by Coco, seconded by Klingelhofer, that Mr. Donald Eckerson and Mr. Leonard Miller be reappointed to the ~arks 'and Recreation Commission with terms to expire December 31, 1969. Carried. ~a~?r Mack stated that there is still another term explrxng on November 2nd, and the present Commissioner does not wish to be reappointed so there will be a vacancy on the Parks and Recreation Commission. The applicant must be a resident of the City of Tustin. Moved by Coco, seconded by Klingelhofer, that pro- ceedings be started to hold a public hearing at' the next regular meeting to consider the appeint- ment of a member of the Planning Commission. Carried. 2. CITY ATTORNEY None X. INFORMATION The following correspondence and reports were AND received: CORRESPONDENCE 1) Celebrit~ Golf Classic - Costa Mesa Proclamation commending the Costa Mesa Golf and Country Club to be drafted for the Mayor's signature. 2) Personnel Activity Register 3) Commendation of Police Officers Albarian and Bixler from City of Newport Beach 4) International Association of Fire Chiefs - Chief Hiltoh 5) Irvine Park Celebration - C. M. Featherly 6) Correspondence and Resolution of Board of SuperVisors regarding agricultural land development encouragement - Andrew Hinshaw Council Minutes 10/2/67 Pg. 9 XI. OTHER 1. CITY COUNCIL BUSINESS 1) Mayor Mack announced that there would be a quorum at the next Council meeting although, due to the League of Cities Conference, two of the Council and some of the staff would be in San Francisco. 2. PUBLIC None XII. ADJOURNMENT Moved by Coco, seconded by Miller, that the meeting be adjourned to 2:00 P.M., October 11, 1967, in the City'Hall, 135 W. Third Street, Tustin. Carried. MAYOR CITY CY~ERK