HomeMy WebLinkAboutCC 1 MINUTES 03-05-90MJ ''ES OF AN ADJOURNED REGUT MEETING OF THE CITY COUNCIL OP .E CITY OF TUSTIN, CALIFORNIA FEBRUARY 20, 1990 I. CALL TO ORDER/PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE The meeting was called to order by Mayor Edgar at 7:00 p.m. in the City Council Chambers, 300 Centennial Way. The Pledge of Allegiance was led by Mayor Edgar. II. INVOCATION The Invocation was given by Elie Spitz, Rabbi of Congregational B' Nai Israel. III. ROLL CALL Council Present: Richard B. Edgar, Mayor Ursula E. Kennedy, Mayor Pro Tem John Kelly Earl J. Prescott (Council position vacant) Council Absent: None Others Present: William A. Huston, City Manager James G. Rourke, City Attorney Mary E. Wynn, City Clerk Christine Shingleton, Dir./Community Development W. Douglas Franks, Chief of Police Royleen White, Dir./Community & Admin. Services Dana Kasdan, Engineering Services Manager Susan Jones, Recreation Superintendent Judi Rowland, Recreation Supervisor Valerie Whiteman, Acting Chief Deputy City Clerk Approximately 20 in the audience IV. PRESENTATION - DONATION TO TUSTIN AREA SENIOR FUND, INC. Judi Rowland, Recreation Supervisor, presented a check in the amount of $1,671.50 from the City's proceeds of the 1989 Tiller Days 5-10K Run to the Tustin Area Senior Center Fund. Margarete Thompson, on behalf of the Tustin Area Senior Center, thanked the athletes who participated in the 5-10K run and the Community Services Department for the donation. V. PROCLAMATIONS 1. CHAMBER OF COMMERCE POLICE OFFICER OF THE MONTH Mayor Edgar read and presented proclamations to the 1989 Chamber of Commerce Police Officers of the Month as follows: February, John Hoffman; March, Tara Cyr; April, Terrie L. McLaughlin; May, Paul Garaven; June, Joseph G. Stickles; July, Keith L. Arrants; August, Michael R. Lozeau; September, William P. Fisher; October, Delbert Pickney; and December, Ronald Frazier. Mayor Edgar noted the following police officers also received a proclamation but were unable to attend the meeting: January, Andrew Higgins; and November, Deana Bergquist. Mayor Edgar stated each of the officers were being recognized for service above and beyond the call of duty to the community of Tustin. 2. CONGREGATION BINAI ISRAEL - TENTH ANNIVERSARY Mayor Edgar read and presented a proclamation congratulating Tustin's only synagogue on its tenth anniversary to Elie Spitz, Rabbi of Congregational B'Nai Israel; Susan Steinberg, President; and Michael Schneider, Board of Directors Member and Head of New Building Committee. Susan Steinberg thanked the City for the recognition and support over the past ten years. She stated they were looking forward to providing the community with more facilities, programs and activities as they grew in Tustin Ranch. CITY COUNCIL MINUTES Page 2, 2-20-90 Michael Schneider stated that working with the City, the Irvine Company and the private sector over the past ten years had been very rewarding. VI. PUBLIC HEARINGS 1. RECOVERY OF CITY INCURRED COSTS OF THE ABATEMENT OF A PUBLIC NUISANCE LOCATED AT 170 EL CAMINO REAL Christine Shingleton, Director of Community Development, reported that adoption of Resolution 89-25 declared the property located at 170 El Camino Real a "public nuisance" and required performance of certain work that included clearance of the property and securing the structure. She stated that since the work was not completed within thirty days, City staff had to undertake the necessary work at City expense to maintain the property and keep it secured. The cost incurred by the City due to those actions was $3,725.43. Mayor Edgar opened the Public Hearing at 7:15 p.m. There were no speakers on the subject and the Public Hearing was closed. It was moved by Kelly, seconded by Kennedy, to adopt the following Resolution No. 90-20 approving a special assessment of three thousand seven hundred twenty-five dollars and forty-three cents ($3,725.43). RESOLUTION NO. 90-20 - A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF TUSTIN, CALIFORNIA, ASSESSING THE PROPERTY LOCATED AT 170 EL CAMINO REAL FOR THE COST INCURRED BY THE CITY FOR THE ABATEMENT OF DANGEROUS BUILDINGS The motion carried 4-0. 2. ANNEXATION 149 - NEWPORT AVENUE/WARREN TO THE CITY OF TUSTIN Susan Tebo, Senior Planner, reported that the City was in the final stages regarding Annexation No. 149, Newport Avenue/Warren to the City of Tustin and that when finalizing proceedings for an annexation the City Council was required to take the following specific actions: (1) Open protest hearing, (2) Summarize the determination made by LAFCO's Resolution No. 89-63, (3) Receive and file written protests from property owners, (4) Accept public testimony, (5) Inquire if anyone else wished to submit a written protest or to withdraw a protest previously filed, (6) Close the Public Hearing (or continue the Public Hearing to the next meeting if the Council desires), (7) Direct staff to certify the value of written protests on February 20th or report back at the City Council's March 5, 1990 meeting, and (8) Either adopt Resolution No. 90-25 approving Annexation 149 or direct staff to return on March 5, 1990 with an appropriate resolution. She additionally reported on the Annexation timelines during the Local Agency Formation Commission (LAFCO) proceedings. Mayor Edgar opened the Public Hearing at 7:18 p.m. Susan Tebo continued her report noting that LAFCO determined that the boundaries of the territory proposed to be annexed to the City were specifically described and specifically subject territory was found to be uninhabited and was assigned to the short -form designation: Annexation No. 149; that LAFCO found the City of Tustin was designated as the conducting authority and the legislative body; and the City should be liable for and pay all proper expenses incurred in conducting proceedings associated with the annexation. She explained the subject annexation was 7.826 acres which included 6 residences, 2 vacant lots, and 8 office buildings and was within the City of Tustin's sphere of influence. The City Clerk stated a written protest had been received from Joanne F. and E. Reese Allison. It was moved by Kennedy, seconded by Prescott, to accept subject written protest. CITY COUNCIL MINUTES Page 3, 2-20-90 The motion carried 4-0. The following members of the audience spoke in opposition of Annexation No. 149: Nancy Hamilton, 18681 Eunice Place, Tustin Bill Weber, 12747 Barry Lane, Tustin Mayor Edgar acknowledged there were no other written protests to be presented or withdrawal of protests previously filed. There were no other speakers on the subject and the Public Hearing was closed at 7:30 p.m. Mayor Edgar noted the action required by Council was not to dialogue the merits but to certify whether or not adequate number of written protests had been filed to stop the annexation. Christine Shingleton, Director of Community Development, stated the Council had the authority to order the territory annexed because less than 50% of the property owners filed a protest. It was moved by Prescott, seconded by Kelly, to adopt the following Resolution No. 90-25 approving Annexation No. 149: RESOLUTION NO. 90-25 - A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF TUSTIN, CALIFORNIA, ORDERING TERRITORY DESIGNATED AS "ANNEXATION 149 - NEWPORT/WARREN" BE ANNEXED TO THE CITY OF TUSTIN The motion carried 4-0. XII. NEW BUSINESS (AGENDA ORDER) 7. INITIATION OF ZONE CHANGE PROCEDURES FOR ANNEXATION 149 Council concurred to take this item out of agenda order to coincide with the adoption of Resolution No. 90-25. Mayor Edgar stated the City had committed to rezoning the subject area consistent with the North Tustin Specific Plan. It was moved by Kennedy, seconded by Edgar, to instruct staff to initiate zoning of Annexation No. 149 to maintain consistency with the North Tustin Specific Plan. Mayor Pro Tem Kennedy stated the Council was extremely concerned about this property, because it did abut a residential area and because of respect for the North Tustin Specific Plan, and had publicly stated that the Council would respect and maintain the existing overlay. She questioned if it could be matched exactly. Christine Shingleton, Director of Community Development, stated that the mechanism available was adoption of a Planned Community zoning designation and then adoption of, by reference, the development standards that were in the North Tustin Specific Plan as it related to the site. Mayor Edgar noted that during the interim period before final approval for the rezoning, the land had a Conditional Use Permit. In the Conditional Use Permit process, anything requested by a developer would be subject to Public Hearings and anyone who had concerns regarding specific development would be given the opportunity to address the Planning Commission and the Council. The motion carried 3-1, Prescott opposed. S. AB 939 MANDATORY RECYCLING Council concurred to take this item out of agenda order to accommodate members of the audience. Dana Kasdan, Engineering Services Manager, gave a staff report regarding the process necessary to meet the mandatory recycling requirements set by AB 939 that became law October 30, 1989, which mandated a 25% reduction in solid waste to land fills by CITY COUNCIL MINUTES Page 4, 2-20-90 1995 and a 50% reduction by the year 2000. He stated staff did not foresee any problems in meeting the mandated deadlines set by the State. The following members of the audience addressed the Council regarding the benefits of recycling: Margaret Henke, representing American Assoc. of Univ. Women Carol Bailard, representing American`Assoc. of Univ. Women Todd Ferguson, 14872 Alder Lane, Tustin Jim Potts, 2161 Marselina Street, Tustin Mayor Pro Tem Kennedy noted she had attempted to initiate recycling even before it was mandated by the State and had received more phone calls and mail concerning recycling in the last year than on any other subject. She stated it was economically feasible to recycle because the cost of dumping was escalating and she wanted the City to commit formally to a policy of buying recycled goods to become part of the economics of making recycling profitable; to set a beginning target date which would include finding a pilot area in the City; and to investigate the economic feasibility of cost to the residents or the City sharing the cost with the residential community. She felt the recycling program would be a three-step process and wanted to start before the State mandated recycling deadline. Mr. De Lacuesta, Great Western Reclamation representative, informed the Council that his company was prepared to implement a City program within three to four months. Mayor Edgar stated he was in complete support but expressed caution of proceeding too rapidly because the legislature was currently in the process of creating new laws. He stated a 60 - day time period would be adequate for staff to devise a plan towards achieving recycling in Tustin. It was moved by Kennedy, seconded by Prescott, to direct staff to submit a plan for the City to purchase recycled products. The motion carried 4-0. It was moved by Kennedy, seconded by Edgar, for staff to submit within 60 days a financial feasibility report after meeting with Great Western Reclamation. Councilman Prescott stated he wanted the City to bear all additional recycling costs. The original motion was amended, maker and second agreeable, that the financial feasibility report state all funding options, including the entire cost at City expense. Council discussion followed regarding different aspects of a pilot program. The amended motion carried 4-0. VII. PUBLIC INPUT 1. MEASURE M - REAPPEARANCE ON BALLOT Carole Bryant, 15500 Tustin Village Way, Tustin, expressed her opposition to placing the sales tax increase on the ballot again and requested the matter be agendized at the March 5, 1990 Council meeting. Council concurred. 2. ILLEGAL CONDUCT/MISUSE OF POWER BY COUNCILMEN KELLY AND PRESCOTT Jack Miller, 17352 Parker Drive, Tustin, reported acts of possible illegal conduct and misuse of power by Councilmen Kelly and Prescott. Alex Carrassi, 17961 Arbolada Way, Tustin, commended Councilmen Kelly and Prescott for their aggressive actions. CITY COUNCIL MINUTES Page 5, 2-20-90 3. PROPOSED ONE-YEAR CONTRACT BETWEEN CITY AND TUSTIN POLICE OFFICERS ASSOCIATION (TPOA) Pat Welch and Robert La Barge, 300 Centennial Way, Tustin, addressed the Council regarding the proposed one-year labor contract between the Tustin Police Officers' Association and the City. Mayor Pro Tem Kennedy requested charges against the Council made by Police.Officers Welch and La Barge be agendized. VIII. CONSENT CALENDAR Mayor Edgar requested the discussion pertaining to the Child Development Program in the Minutes be corrected to reflect.adoption of Mayor Pro Tem Kennedy's substitute motion requesting subsidizing of the part-time students and financially burdened parents. Item No. 3 was removed from the Consent Calendar by Councilman Kelly. It was moved by, Kennedy seconded by Edgar, to approve the remainder of the Consent Calendar with the correction of Item No. 1. The motion carried 4-0. 1. APPROVED MINUTES FEBRUARY 5, 1990, REGULAR MEETING 2. "PROVEDDEMANDS IN THE AMOUNT OF $2,177,478.16 RATIFIED PAYROLL IN THE AMOUNT OF $227,646.16 4. MID -YEAR REQUEST FOR NEW POSITION, WATER METER READING/CUSTOMER SERVICE SUPERVISOR Approved a new position in the water Enterprise to be at the same level as a` Maintenance Supervisor but to be titled Customer Service Supervisor and approved a supplemental appropriation from the unappropriated reserves of the Water Enterprise in the amount of $40,500 to fund this position for the balance of the current fiscal year. 5. RESOLUTION NO 90.32 - A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF TUSTIN, CALIFORNIA, AUTHORIZING THE DESTRUCTION OF CERTAIN CITY RECORDS, DOCUMENTS AND PAPERS IN THE POSSESSION OF THE POLICE DEPARTMENT OF THE CITY .OF TUSTIN NO LONGER REQUIRED FOR THE CONDUCT OF CITY BUSINESS PURSUANT TO THE AUTHORITY GRANTED BY SECTIONS 34090, 34090.5 AND 34090.7 OF THE GOVERNMENT CODE OF THE STATE OF CALIFORNIA Adopted Resolution No. 90-32 allowing the destruction of selected records, documents and papers as allowed by law. 6. RESOLUTION NO. 90-30 - A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF TUSTIN, CALIFORNIA, RELATING TO THE COMPENSATION OF PART- TIME EMPLOYEES OF THE CITY OF TUSTIN Adopted Resolution No. 90-30 adjusting.part-time salaries. 7. RESOLUTION NO. 90--29 --A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF TUSTI.N, CALIFORNIA, APPROVING THE DESTRUCTION OF CERTAIN RECORDS Adopted Resolution No. 90-29 allowing for destruction of applications and testing materials for recruitments which have been closed for over two years. S. 1990 L.P. REPERTORY AGREEMENT Approved 1990 agreement with L.P. Repertory and authorized staff to execute same. 9. RESOLUTION NO. 90-27 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF TUSTIN, CALIFORNIA, IMPLEMENTING AB 4680 REGARDING THE MODEL FILMING PERMIT PROCESS Approved the Model Filming Permit Process as submitted by the California Film Commission and revised by the Community Development Department by adoption of Resolution No. 90-27, as submitted or revised. 10. AB 939 - COUNTYWIDE WASTE MANAGEMENT TASX FORCE Approved designation of the orange County Waste Management Commission as the countywide task force required by AB 939. CITY COUNCIL MINUTES, Page 6, 2-20-90 11. RESOLUTION NO. 90-33 - A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF TUSTIN, CALIFORNIA, AMENDING THE CLASSIFICATION PLAN Adopted Resolution No. 90-33 amending the Classification Plan of the City of Tustin to include the management position of Resident Project Engineer; approved compensation of Resident Project Engineer at $65.77 per hour; and authorized an annual increase to equal the Consumer Price Index. 12. ACCEPTANCE OF PUBLIC IMPROVEMENTS AND RELEASE OF BONDS FOR TRACT NO. 13053 Accepted the public improvements within Tract No. 13053 and authorized the release of the following bonds in the indicated amounts: Faithful Performance Bond No. 1253 - $888,200.00; Labor and Materials Bond No. 1253 - $444,100.00 and Monumentation Bond No. 1254 - $18,000.00. 13. RESOLUTION NO, 90-34 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITYCOUNCILOF THE CITY OF TUSTIN, CALIFORNIA, ACCEPTING WORKS OF IMPROVEMENT AND AUTHORIZING RECORDATION OF NOTICE OF COMPLETION FOR MAIN STREET RECONSTRUCTION - OCUTT PHASE III, PACIFIC STREET TO ROUTE 55 Adopted Resolution No. 90-34 accepting said work and authorized the recordation of the Notice of Completion. -14. RESOLUTION NO. 90--31 - A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF TUSTIN, CALIFORNIA, RELATING, TO THE COMPENSATION OF CONFIDENTIAL EMPLOYEES Adopted Resolution No. 90-31 relating to the compensation of Confidential employees. 15. AGREEMENT REGARDING ASSIGNMENT OF RIGHTS AND DELEGATION OF OBLIGATIONS - LAURELNOOD R.V. STORAGE AREA RECONSTRUCTION Approved and authorized the Mayor and City Clerk to execute subject agreement. CONSENT CALENDAR.NO. - 3 - RESOLUTION NO. 90-26 ESTABLISHING PRECINCTS, POLLING PLACES, PRECINCT BOARD MEMBERS, AND COMPENSATIONS Councilman Kelly stated that being consistent with his opposition of moving the elections from November to April, he would vote against adoption of the Resolution. It was moved by Edgar. seconded by Kennedy, to adopt the following Resolution No. 90-26: RESOLUTION NO. 90-26 - A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF TUSTIN, CALIFORNIA, ESTABLISHING VOTING PRECINCTS AND POLLING PLACES, APPOINTING PRECINCT BOARD MEMBERS AND FIXING COMPENSATION FOR THE GENERAL MUNICIPAL ELECTION ON TUESDAY, APRIL 10, 1990, CALLED BY RESOLUTION NO. 89-176 OF THE CITY COUNCIL - Councilman Prescott questioned the City Attorney as to what would occur if the Resolution was not adopted. James Rourke, City Attorney, responded that statutorily the Council was required to adopt the Resolution and the statutory. process could not be interfered with unless there was opposition to a specific procedural point. Mayor Edgar noted that if the Council did not pass the Resolution, the City would immediately be obliged to go to court. The court could overrule the Council's decision and the City would incur the court costs. Councilman Prescott stated he consistently voted against moving the election from November to.April and to remain consistent with his record, he would vote against the Resolution. Council discussion followed regarding validity of the April election and the use of persuasive Council power to initiate change. Mayor Pro Tem Kennedy stated adopting the Resolution was a "housekeeping" item and asked that professionalism prevail and the Council move forward in an orderly way. Further Council discussion followed regarding the changing of the election date from November to April. CITY COUNCIL MINUTES Page 7, 2-20-90 The following members of the audience spoke in opposition to Councilman Kelly's proposed action: Carl Kasalek, 235.2 Caper Tree, Tustin Jack Miller, 17352 Parker Drive, Tustin The following member of the audience spoke in support of Councilmen Kelly's and Prescott's proposed action: Alex Carrassi, 17961 Arbolada Way, Tustin The motion died 2-2, Kelly and Prescott opposed. RECESS - The meeting recessed at 8:35 p.m. and reconvened at 8:45 p.m. IX. ORDINANCES FOR INTRODUCTION - NONE X. ORDINANCES FOR ADOPTION NONE XI. OLD BUSINESS 1 STATUS REPORT JOHN WAYNE AIRPORT NOISE MONITORING PROGRAM PWA), COALITION FOR A RESPONSIBLE AIRPORT SOLUTION (CRAB), AIRPORT SITE COALITION (ABC) AND HELICOPTER OVERFLIGHT PROGRAM - TASX FORCE (HOPTF) Christine Shingleton, Director of Community Development, stated a report on the noise monitoring system and potential cost would be presented at the March 5, 1990 Council meeting. She noted that staff and Kathy Weil, CRAS representative, attended the Fifth Annual Airport Noise Symposium and that the City's press release for a citizen representative on airport issues was published in Tustin Today on February 20, 1990. Staff would provide an additional list of interested citizens at the March 51 1990 Council meeting. It was moved by ..Kennedy, seconded by Prescott, to receive and file subject report. The motion, carried 4-0. XLI. NEW BUSINESS 1. ORANGE COUNTY EMERGENCY SERVICES FEES William Huston, City Manager, stated Councilman Prescott had requested agendizing an article regarding a proposal by the County to implement paramedic and fire prevention fees. The major impact for residents would be a paramedic fee, which would. be either a curb -call fee of approximately $150.00 or a subscription service of $35.00 - $50.0.0 per year for unlimited use of paramedic services. The only way the fees could be implemented in Tustin was by City Council adoption. If the Council did not adopt the fees, then the Council would need to review alternative funding to cover the cost to the Fire Department. Specific information regarding the dollar amount would not be available for 2-3 months and staff would review the mattes at that time. 2. WAIVER OF CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT FEES FOR NURSERIES OR NURSERY SCHOOL (CHILD CARE CENTERS) It was moved by Kennedy, seconded by Kelly, to adopt the following Resolution No. 90-35 exempting Day Nurseries or Nursery Schools from a Conditional Use Permit Fee: RESOLUTION NO. 90-35 - A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF TUSTIN, CALIFORNIA, MODIFYING THE CITY'S PLANNING FETES TO EXEMPT DAY NURSERIES/NURSERY SCHOOLS FROM PAYMENT OF CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT FEES The motion carried 4-0. CITY COUNCIL MINUTES Page 8, 2-20-90 3. AWARD OF CONTRACT FOR TRAFFIC SIGNAL IMPROVEMENTS AT MAIN AND STONEGLASS, MAIN AND EL CAMINO REAL, AND WALNUT AND FRANKLIN It was moved, by Kennedy. seconded by Kelly, to award the contract for the subject project to Intersection Maintenance Service in the amount of $145,000.00 The motion -Carried 4-0. 4. RELOCATION OF SEWER PUMP STATION NO. 6168(R) AND CONSTRUCTION OF FORCEMAIN AND GRAV'I'TY SEWER FOR JAMBOREE ROAD EXTENSION It was moved by Kennedy - seconded by -Kelly, to award the contract for the subject project to s. C. Engineering in the amount of $362,370.50. S. AB 939 MANDATORY RECYCLING See Page 3. 6. LEGAL FEES (JOHN KELLY AND EARL PRE;SCOTT VS. RONALD HOESTEREY) Councilman Kelly requested the City obtain an impartial, outside decision -on paying former Councilman Hoesterey's legal fees. He said it had never been established in the correct forum whether or not Councilman Hoesterey was a legal Tustin resident and entitled to defense resources of the City. Councilman Prescott wanted the Council to request an impartial opinion from the Attorney General, Legislative Council or a court to determine whether Ronald Hoesterey was a Tustin Councilmember on November 20th and, if he was, the City should pay all legal fees Mayor Edgar stated that in compliance with the law a Councilperson had the authority to request and receive legal support. The suggested action was not appropriate because a legitimate bill, incurred in compliance with State law, was not to be paid. The Council would be directing staff to disobey the law and he did not have the authority to direct anyone to disobey the law. James Rourke, City Attorney, stated that the Attorney General and the State Legislature did not have control over who held office. When a person was elected to City Council, their election was certified by the Secretary of State and they held office by virtue of the fact that the people of the City elected them The courts were the only body that could make a determination that a Councilmember was not holding office legally. One such court action had been brought and was not successful Third party, independent opinions had no bearing on this matter. The following member of the audience addressed the Council regarding conduct of Councilmembers Kelly and Prescott: Carl Kasalek, 2352 Caper Tree, Tustin Council discussion followed regarding payment of the legal fees. James Rourke, City Attorney, restated that under the City's procedures, payment did not have to be approved by Council; it was within the budget and a legal bill. If the Council directed that it not be paid, that would be another matter. Mayor Pro Tem Kennedy agreed it was a legal bill that must be paid and said Mr. Hoesterey was sued by Councilmen Kelly and Prescott in their capacity as private citizens, not as Councilmembers. It was Mr. Hoesterey's decision not to counter sue. Council discussion followed regarding a recently taped telephone conversation between Councilman Kelly and the City Manager concerning Councilman Hoesterey's residency status on November 20, 1989; and rights of the Council to retain legal defense. CITY COUNCIL MINUTES Page 9, 2-20-90 Mayor Edgar stated it was his interpretation that Ron Hoesterey was properly seated as a Counclmember on November 20, 1989, and he had the right to legal counsel because he was being sued. He advised staff to comply with the law and pay the legal fees as presented. 7. INITIATION OF ZONE CHANGE PROCEDURES FOR ANNEXATION 149 See Page 3 XIII. REPORTS 1. PLANNING COMMISSION ACTION AGENDA FEBRUARY 12, 1990 It was moved by Kennedy, seconded by Edgar, to ratify the Planning Commission Action Agenda of February 12, 1990. The motion. carried -4-0. 2. KEY INTERSECTION ACCIDENT SURVEILLANCE It was moved by Kennedy. seconded by Prescott, to receive and file subject report. - The motion carried. -4-0. X.&.. PUBLIC INPUT - None XV. OTHER BUSINESS I. VIDEO TAPE - CITY COUNCIL MEETINGS Mayor Pro Tem Kennedy questioned if the video tapes of City Council meetings were up -to --date. 2 COLUMBUS TUSTIN PARK INADEQUATE LIGHTING Mayor Pro Tem Kennedy stated a. member of the public had requested the City investigate the lighting at the Prospect Avenue entrance to Columbus Tustin Park. 3 ADJOURNMENT IN MEMORY OF ROBERT HOWARD AND RUTH COX Councilman Prescott requested adjournment in memory of Robert Howard, owner of Elizabeth Howard's Curtain Call Dinner Theater, who died on February 18, 1990, in Auburn, Washington. Mayor -Edgar requested adjournment in memory of Ruth Cox, who passed away at the age of 93 on February 5, 1990, and at the time of her death was the oldest living native of Tustin. 4* COMPLETI'ON OF MAID STREET IMPROVEMENTS Councilman Prescott commended the Public Works Department on the Main Street public improvements. S. TUSTIN EAST DRIVE - APARTMENT BANNERS Mayor Edgar requested a March 5., 1990 status report on the Tustin East Drive apartment banner display issue. 6. WARNER AVENUE BRIDGE RECONSTRUCTION COMPLETION Mayor Edgar noted that the Warner Avenue bridge over SR -55 was now fully operational. He urged staff to establish firm completion schedules for future road closures. XVI. CLOSED SESSION Mayor Edgar announced the City Council would recess to Closed Session to meet with its designated representatives regarding labor relations matters pursuant to Government Code Section 54967.6; and to consider personnel matters pursuant to Government Code Section 54957. CITY COUNCIL MINUTES Page 10, 2-20-90 II ADJO'URNMUT At 9:18 p.m., the meeting recessed to the Redevelopment Agency then to the above Closed Session, then adjourned in memory of Robert Howard and Ruth Cox to a joint meeting with the Parks and Recreation Commission on February 21, 1990, at 7:00 p.m. and then to the next Regular Meeting on March 5, 1990, at 7:00 p.m. XVIII. FOLLOWING CLOSED SESSION It was moved -by Kennedy, seconded by K__ e_11v, to approve the one-year agreement between the City and the Tustin Police Officers Association and the Memorandum of Understanding to be formally approved on March 5, 1990. The motion carried 4-0 MAYOR CITY CLERK