HomeMy WebLinkAboutCC MINUTES 1967 08 21 MINUTES OF A REGULAR MEETING TUSTIN CITY COUNCIL August 21, 1967 CALL TO Meeting called to order at 7:30 P.M. hy Mayor Mack. ORDER PLEDGE OF Led by Mayor Mack. ALLEGIANCE III. INVOCATION Given by Councilman Ring. IV. ROLL Present: Councilmen: Mack, Klingelhofer, Miller, Ring CALL Absent: Councilman: Coco Others Present: Harry E. Gilt, City Administrator James G. Rourke, City Attorney James L. Supinger, Planning Director Marjorie Breen, Secretary V. APPROVAL OF Moved by Miller, seconded bV Ring~ that minutes of MINUTES August 7, 1967 meeting be apprOved as received. Carried. VI. PUBLIC 1. VARIANCE 67-189 - APPEAL HEARINGS APPEAL OF THE DECISION OF THE TUSTIN PLANNING COMMISSION DENYING THE APPLICATION OF DEAN EVANS '"~ ON BEHALF OF MARTIN WINN (.V-67-189) FOR A VARIANCE TO PERMIT AN ADDITION ON EXISTING HOME TWO AND ONE-HALF (2½) FEET FROM THE REAR PROPERTY LINE AT 1271 LANCE DRIVE. (ZONING ORDINANCE REQUIRES AS MINIMUM REAR SETBACK OF FIVE (5) FEET.) Hearing opened at 7:35 P.M. ~r. Supinger reported the C~uncil had all the corres- pondence on this matter, and the staff had nothing further to add. ~.~r. Dean Evans, 18051 East Fourth Street, representing the applicant Martin Winn, described the situation and stated the following reasons why he felt the situation warranted consideration by the Council: 1. There are 1300 square feet of open rear yard space .remaining, which exceeds the 1000 minimum. 2. The nearest building is 100 feet distant. 3. Variance was filed because that is the only method they know which would make the situation ~-- legal. ~{.c. Evans further stated he and Mr. Winn felt the v~riance to be a justified request, and to their knowledge, there have been no objections from other property owners. TL~ere being no further comments or objections, the hearing was declared closed at 7:40 Council Minutes 8/21/67 Pg. 2 On questioning by Councilman Klingelhofer, D.tr. Evans stated that Mr. Winn would be glad to submit the name of the builder, but the records have been lost. Councilman Klingelhofer said he would be in favor of the Variance if Mr. ~inn could submit a notarized statement that he was not aware of the failure to secure the proper permits, and furnish the name of the builder. Moved by I<lingelhofer, seconded by Miller, that action on Variance 67-189 be deferred until the next regu"i'~ meeting. Councilman Ring requested the Mayor direct Mr. Evans as to wha~ exactly is wanted by the Council. ~ayor Mack so directed, and asked that Mr. Winn attend the next meeting. Above motion carried unanimously. 2. ZONE CHANGE NO. 67-157 REZONING ON A PORTION OF ASSESSOR'S PARCEL NO. 14-291-25 FROM M (INDUSTRIAL DISTRICT) C-2 (GENERAL COMMERCIAL DISTRICT) (EAST SIDE OF PASADENA AVENUE, SOUTH OF McFADDEN AVENUE)!. Hearing opened at 7:45 P.M. Mr. Suplnger presented' the~staff report including .t~e following reasons for Planning Commission approval: 1. Property owner ~S developed northern part of property with commercial uses and has approved plans for 'subject area. 2. Rezoning will remove industrial zoning from a residential area. Mr. Charles Greenwood, 366 East First Street, representing the owner of the property, stated he would be glad to answer any questions. There being no further comments or objections, the hearing was declared closed at 7:46 P.M. Moved by Ring, seconded by K!ingelhofer, that Zone Change NO. 67-15-7 be approved and the Cit~; Attorney directed to draft the n~cessary ordinance for reading at the next regular meeting. Carried unanimously. 3. ZONE CHANGE NO. 67-158 APPLICATION OF WILLIAM AND ELIZABETH HATCH FOR REZONING OF ASSESSOR'S PARCEL NO. 14-291-03 FROM C-2 (GENERAL COMMERCIAL) TO R-3 (MULTIPLE FAMILY RESIDENTIAL) AND FOR PREZONING OF ASSESSOR'S PARCEL NO. 14-291-06 AS R-3 (MULTIPLE FAMILY RESIDENTIAL) (WEST SIDE OF PASADENA AVENUE, SOUTH OF MCFADDEN AVENUE). Hearing opened at 7:50 P.M. Mr. Supinger presented the Planning Staff report on this Zone Change. Council Minutes 8/21/67 Pg. 3 There being no comments or objections, the heari2~g was declared 61osed at 7:52 P.M. Councilman Ring asked for continuity in the presentation of maps and relation of parcels. Councilman Miller stated his appreciation for the General Plan in that it makes the job of the Council easier in cases such as this. Moved by Ring, seconded by Miller, that Zone Change No. 67-158 be approved and the City Attorney directed to draft the necessary ordinance for reading at the next regular.meeting. Carried unanimously. 4. ACCESSORY STRUCTURES TO CONSIDER AN AMENDMENT TO THE ZONING ORDINANCE RELATIVE TO LOCATION OF ACCESSORY STRUCTURES. Hearing opened at 7:53 P.M. Mr. Supinger presented the staff report. Mr. Charles Greenwood, 366 East First Street, stated he was in favor of the Ordinance, and it is a good example of the cooperation between the Planning Commission, staff, builders, and land owners. There being no furthe~ comments or objections~ the hearing was declared closed at 7:55 P.M. Councilman Miller stated that originally requirements in Section C were to apply to Planned Developrent District as well as 2-3 and R-4, and asked~that the Section be amended to include PD Districts. XY~ ~ourke stated this would have to be adopted. ~ater as a further amendment after proper noticing of hearings. ~oved b~ Ring, seconded by Miller, that Ordinance ~o. 365, relative to location of accessory structures, have first reading by title only. Carried unanimously. Councilman Ring requested that the staff be directed to follow-up on the amendment to include PD Districts. M~or Mack so directed. VII. OLD 1. ORDINANCE NO. 353 - Second Reading BUSINESS AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF TUSTIN, CALIFORNIA, AMENDING ORDINANCE NO. 157, ZONING ORDINANCE, AS AMENDED, RELATIVE TO FENCES, HEDGES AND WALLS. ~}ved by Klingelhofer, seconded by Ring, that Ordinance No. 353 have Second reading by title only. Carried unanimously. Moved by Miller, seconded by Ring, that Ordinance No. 35~, relative to fences, hedges and walls~ be passed and adopted. Carried by roll call. Ayes: Mack, Klingelhofer, Miller, Ring. Noes: None. Absent: Coco. ~!~!~.~ Council Minut~ · 8/21/67 Pg. 2. ORDINANCE NO. 364 - Second Reading AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY '! OF TUSTIN, CALIFORNIA, REZONING PROPERTY ON APPLICATION NO. ZC-67-156 OF GREENWOOD. Moved by Miller, seconded by K!inqelhofer, that __ Ordinance No. 364 have second readinq by title only. Carried unanimously .... Moved by Ring, seconded by~Miller, that Ordinance No. 364, rezoning propertyon Application'No. 67-156 of Greenwood, be passed and adopted. Carried by roll call. Ayes: Mack, Klingelhofer, Miller, Ring. Noes: None. Absent: Coco. VIII. NEW 1. RESOLUTION NO. 900 BUSINESS A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF TUSTIN, CALIFORNIA, COMMENDING OSCAR C. PHILLIPS ON HIS 25TH ANNIVERSARY AS AN EMPLOYEE OF THE CITY OF TUSTIN. Moved by Ring, seconded by Miller, that Resolution No. 900 be read in its entirety. Carried unanimously. Moved by Miller, seconded by Ring, that Resolution No. 900, commending Oscar C. Phillips on his 25th - anniversary as an employee of the City of Tustin, be passed and adopted." Carried by roll call. Ayes: Mack, Klingel.hofer, Miller, Ring. Noes: None. Absent: Coco. Mayor Mack presented the Resolution to Mr.-~Phillips and expressed the gratitude o£ the City for his conscientious service to the City. Chief Sissel and Mr. Gill presented a gift of appreciation from the City employees. Councilman Miller requested that a transcript of the presentation be prepared for Mr. Phillips. 2. MINUTE ORDER - ORANGE COUNTY WATER DISTRICT AUTHORIZATION TO REPRESENT THE CITY IN PROCESS IN LITIGATION BETWEEN THE DISTRICT AND OTHERS. Moved by Miller, seconded by Klingelhofer, that the City Council authorize the Orange County Water District to represent the City at such time as they may be served with process in litigation between the Orange County Water District and others. Carried unanimously. On questioning by Councilman Klingelhofer, Mr. Rourke stated this request was regarding use of underground basins and, in litigation that has been going on, the threat has been raised of the upstream users filing a cross complaint. The District has agreed, should this happen, to undertake representation of Orange County cities at no expense to the individual cities, ~'"~ ....... Council Minutes 8/21/67 Pg. 5 3. MINUTE ORDER - DEPARTNENT OF HOUSING AND COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT NOTICE THAT THE CITY ENFORCES AN ORDINANCE PRESCRIBING MINIMUM STANDARDS EQUAL TO OR GREATER THAN CERIAIN SECTIONS OF DIVISION 13, HEALTH AND SAFETY CODE. Moved by Miller, seconded by Klingethofer, that The gity CounciI'oft'l'~'Ci'ty of Tustin determines and notifies the Department of Housing and Commaunity peveiopment that the City is enforcin~ ~ local ordinance prescribing minimum standards equal to 9r greater than Part 1.5 and Chapters 1,'2 and 3 of Divis~n 13~ ~'ealth and Safety Code, State of Cailfornia. Carried unanimously. 4. MINUTE ORDER TRAVEL REQUEST - INTERNATIONAL FIRE CHIEFS~ ASSOCIATION REQUEST FOR AUTHORIZATION FOR ATTENDANCE BY FIRE CHIEF AT THE INTERNATIONAL FIRECHIEFSl ASSOCIATION. ~oved b_~v Ring~ seconded by Klingelhoferl 'ana~ uhe m~e Chief be z~.~ authorized to att~ ~ ~fnternaciona! Fire Chi~s' Association meeting i~ San Francisco from September 9th through September 14th, and to incur all necessary costs at City expense. Carried unanimously. . 5. MINUTE ORDER - APPROVAL OF DEMANDS b~oyed by Klingelhofer; seconded by Ring, that demands zn the amount of $26,034.81 be approve~ and,,paia. Carried unanimously. IX. OTHER I. CITY ADMINISTRATOR BUSINESS None 2. CITY ATTORNEY None X. CORRESPONDENCE The following correspondence was received - no acE~on required: 1. Letters to California Highway Commission Harry Gill 2. Letter from K.E.C. Company "' 3. Legislative Bulletin League of California Cities 4. Minutes o~'7/27 meeting of Orange County League of Cities 5. Minutes of 8/10 meeting of Orange County League of Citles 6. Air Pollution Regulations - Chief Ill!ton 7. Monthly Fire ~epartment Report - Chief Hilton Council Minute~ 8/21/67 pg. 6 XI. OTHER 1. CITY COUNCIL BUSINESS Councilman Ring requested that a study be made of the feasibility of a stop sign at the off-ramp of the Newport Freeway and Tustin Village Way. 2.PUBLIC None XII ADJOURNMENT Moved by Ring, seconded by Miller, that the meeting be adjourned to Tuesday~ Septembjr 5~ 1967. Carried- MAYOR