HomeMy WebLinkAboutCC MINUTES 1967 04 17 MINUTES OF A REGULAR MEETING TUSTIN CITY COUNCIL APRIL 17, 1967 I CALL TO Meeting called to order at 7:31 P.It. by IIayor Mack. ORDER II. PLEDGE OF Led by Mayor Mack. ALLEGIANCE III. ROLL Present: Councilmen: Mack, Klingelhofer, Coco, Miller, CALL Ring Absent: Councilmen: None Others Present: Cit~ f~.dministrator, Rarry Gill City [~ttorney James Rourke Cit~ Clerk Ruth Poe Pla~aing Director James Supingot IV. APPROVAL Councilman Coco reqaested addition of original motion by OF MINUTES Councilman Miller for two weeks continuance of the Hospital hearing, and vote on this motion and the addition original vote and recoumt by roll call on motion to deny entertainment permit request of Jim Dandy's. Moved by Coco, secondeddy Klingelhofer that minutes of April 3, 1967 with corrections and minu~es of April 10~1967 meetings be approved. Carried. PUBLIC 1. U.P. 67-290 0F ROGER MCCUNE - APPEAL HEARINGS APPEAL OF THE DECISION OF THE TUSIN PLANNING COMMISSION DENYING USE PERMIT NO. 67-230 FOR THE CONSTRUCTION OF BOTH A POLE SIGN WITHIN THE REQUIRED FRONT SETBACK AREA, AND A ROOF SIGN. Mr. Supinger reported t~aere was nothing further to add otl~er than ~'~hat is in the Comcil books, unless the Council has any questions. tIearing opened at 7:35 P.It. Mr. Carl Sherbondy, representing Security Title Co. and ~i'r. iicCune, spoke on the backgromd of this application and stated that in order to comply with City regulations, they have completely rodesigned the building to comply with regulations as to square footage and reduced size of sign on front of building from a length of 90' to 30', and complied with the request of Public Uorks Department that polo sign be moved back to eliminate any conflict ~'~itl~ traffic signals. lit. Sherbondy also stated that they did not consider this a roof sign as it is a canopy and does not project above the roof of tl~e building, They felt this to be a facial sign. Ilr. Sherbondy then respectfully requested the Council to override the Planning Commission ~d grant this request. Mr. ~ohn Jamieson spoke o~ behalf of Roger licCme stating that he did not believe this sign to be a roof sign referred to in the Sign Ordinance which defines a roof sign as bei~ on or above the roof. This sign on tlae face of canopy does not, in his opinion, fall into this category. There being no objections or further comments, the hearing was declared closed at ~:44 /~ discussion by the Comcil follo~,~od regarding the intent of the Sign Ordinance and ~'~hether or not t. his sign r~ould be classified as a roof sign, facial sign, or what classification it wo~ld come ~der. It ~as the opinion of the majority of the Council that as this sign is on the face of the canopy and does not project above the roof of the buildi~, it should be classified as an ~ttached sign. Council Minutes 4/i i~g. 2 Moved by Klin~elhofer, seconded by Coco, that this attached sign, as submitted in this application, be aDdProved and that the Engineering Department's recomen- dation of the free standing pole sign being moved back behind the property line to eliminate any possible conflict with traffic signal be complied with; CarriedL The City Administrator was requested to prepare a clarification of this section of the Sign Ordinance so that the Council migl~t review it at the earliest possibleI date. IIr. Gill stated that this has been part of a staff review ~.rith the City Attorney and that their report will be coming to the Council with recommendations. 2. TO CONSIDER APPOINTMENT OF A MEMBER TO THE TUSTIN PLANNING COMMISSION Mayor [.lack reported that one application had been received and that IIr. Shaw, the applicant, was unable to attend tonight ' s hearing. Moved by Coco, seconded by Klingelhofer, that this hearing 'be continued to the next regular meeting. Carried. The Couhcil announced the invitation for applications and requested coverage by the press. VI. OLD 1. PRESENTATION OF RESOLUTION NO. 873, COMMENDING BUSINESS DON HEFNER. Mayor iiack road this Resolution and then presented a copy Of the Resolution to lit. Don Hefner. 2. PZ 67-104 - SADDLEBACK MEDICAL DEVELOPMENT DECISION ON PZ APPLICATION NO. 67-104 CONTINUED FROM APRIL 3rd MEETING. Mayor Hac'k informed those present of the procedures of a Public ]~earing as held on this matter at the last. regular meeting and the fact that the hearing had been closed to the public and was now before the Council for discussion. There would be no presentations a~ this meeting _ only persons to speak are those questioned by the Council. Councilman Miller asked if there was a representative present from the Orange County Medical ~ssociation and said he would like to ask him what the position of this Association is in this matter, and if he could hear an enumeration of their reasons for their position. Dr; Richard Opfell stated that he is a member of the Board of Director~ of Orange County Iledical Association with authorization to speak for them and as indicated in '- their letter, they do not feel this proposed hospital is in the public's interest. tie stated the Boar~ did not enumerate or make a detailed list of various reasons why, but that the vote was unanimous and he could enumerate his feelings on various considerations. Councilman Ring stated he felt it unwise to open the meeting I'or 'opinions of one man: The opinion of the Board has been stated and to listen to opinions of one man would mean hearing should be re-noticed. Council Minutes ~/17/67 Pg. 3 In answer to questioning by Councilman Klingelhofer, Dr. 0pfell stated that creditation can be obtained in many ways: 1. Inspection by an appointed joint committee from certain bodies who inspect on basis of physical facilities, safety, by-laws, and committee structure~ 2. State Board of Hospitals has a licensing bureau dealing primarily with brick and mortar. 3. California Medical Association sends a team of physicians to judge primarily on quality of medical treatment. Dr~ Opfell also stated that lack of creditation does not stop a hospital from operating. In ans~.~er to further questinning, Dr. 0pfell said he had been authorized to negotiate for the 20 acre parcel north of Fourth Street and Uest of Tustin ~:venue for Santa Ana Community Hospital expansion in the construction of the Santa Ana-Tustin Memorial Hospital, That there is no restriction as to the hospital being in any one jurisdiction. It is the feeling of tl~e Board and the consultant that the hos~ital sl~ould be located within a one mile radius of the ~ourth and Tustin location. That the building of the proposed proprietary hospital · --- could present a serious problem to the expansion program~ That the Santa~kna-Tustin Memorial Hospital could not be built in less than three years, possibly four or five. Councilman Ring stated he is not against free enterprise, but restated h~s position again as follows: "I do not feel that it is good zoning to have a hospital in that area. I am directly opposed to letting that in to this area.. I personally think if they want to build in the middle of Tustin, that,s another consideration, but to go out of the bounds of the City of Tustin to bring these people into the City for that specific purpose, i'm totally against the zoning of it. I can not agree. I am against this particular PZ 67-104 to have the Prezoning favor." p.ouncilman Coco stated the following for the record: "Us sent out a questionnaire to a list of Doctors. These Doctors in the list were agreed to be both sides of. this matter. Uith the exception of tl~s applicants of this proposal, the returns we have from the pt~ysicians were. 17 to i in opposition to this Particular application a~ this time. I have every one of the questionnamres returned. Most of this has been from the medical profession, some from laymen. On the questionnaire sent out, as I said, with the exception of the applicants, 17 'co i were against this. They ~'~ere against it for various reasons that I would like to get into. How, I will make this as brief as I can and this is being ~aped so the Clerk can copy what she ~ants. Council iiinutes 4/17/67 Pg. 4 The citizens, that is the non-medical profession, were both pro and con on this. Those who arc against it, I think one or mwo of ti~e citizens who are aga~ast this, primarily on location basis. They thought it would generate traffic. Ue have a traffic study. I don't think that's a major consideration right now. These citizens who arc for this have ~wo major points: l) wanted a hospital nearby. Felt Santa Aria hospitals too far away, especially for emergenames. 2) they felt that there ms a shortage of beds in emergencies or not emergencies if the beds are short, thore'd probably be more beds. The~e are not members of the medical profession. All the medical response, again, with the exception of the applicants, made throe points; 1) The hospital board should pass on this first, before the Council, that is. 2) A small hospital whether it be proprietary or not is inadequate, usually has been historically inadequate to provide the facilities of adequate, modern, expensive machinery that are necessary. 3) Proprietary hospitals in Orange County traditionally have been inferior to the non-proprietary in other ways, Professional ethics - things like that have been mentioned, but again I don't believe that's our primary concern here. The last point that the medical profession mentioned was that the Santa Ana Community and St. Joseph's propose to come nearby forcing the proprietary hospitals ~o consider the profit motive to greater degree than if they wore not being expanded. Mr. Mayor, from the first body of data in front of me, i'm convinced ~f the probability, probability now - not a certainty that a small hospital will have maybe inadequate facilities that might jcO~ardize the expansmon of a hospital that might best serve the community, On the othcr hand, the City pride and the desire for taxes in the community make me fccl the opposite way. Always like 5o see a hospital in Tustin, it's good for the bankroll, it's good for the health of the community - economic health of the community. Uith these things as background, we l~ave another letter here, This letter was not written to the Council or to the City Administrator, but this letter was written t'o the press. This gentlemen decided ~o go to the public wit~ his comments. It's from a long-time citizen in the ar~a, an influential citizen. Uith your permission, I would like to read just a couple of paragraphs or excerpts from it. "It's time to blow the whistle on our City Council. the last two year~ record is one of constant harassment of private enterprise..." "These things ape none of the Council's business. These considerations belong to those who arc putting up their "Again I'm concerned with the degree of intrusion by our Council into concerns traditionally reserved for'the private scctor. I think it has a great deal to do with the stagnation of our City in recent months." He talks about the planting of Olive trees and and says outside of the beautifioation, what have we aceomplishedo Council Hinutes 4/17/67 rg- 5 Last paragraph "In all justice, our Ilayor Jerry iiack must be cxcludcd from the onus implicd by the record. Generally he has tried manfrilly to hold his colleagues to the specifics of their trust. as for some of the others, [l~eir talents for intruding into the details of the life of the citizen would bc more appropriate in llinsk or Ilavana," And he signs l~is name, i understand tonight that this ms only half of thc letter and that we haven't heard anything yet, and that the rest of it wilt be published in the Tustin News. Now, these are the fasts. IIo. 1, I have been on the Council for those two years than he mentioned. IIumber 2, I'm not the IIayor. Number 3, both Havana and IIinsk are communist cities. llow from this it ms reasonable to assume I have been called a communist - that is, my actions have been called communistic. Now, i've been thinking over the last two years t have always acted with regard to community. Sometimes free enterprise and the welfare of the community, as I see it, conflict inevitably. I've ah.mys ac~cd in accordance with my own conscience. Itowever, there is very little Dublie response from those who are in agreement with the way I've acted over the past couple of years. I have had private response, by the way, people with telephone calls or seeing me on the streets, and so on. But the only things published are things like this. ilow perhaps ~his man is right, and since I don't wish to be called. a communist any further - .I.therefore move for aoprovc.] of this zone change application. Iiotion seconded b' Ilayor liack. Mayor Mack stated he had seconded this motion on the 'basis that this has been a problem area with no cut and dried another, area is adequate for this use and the hospital must be aidproved by the State Bureau of Hospitals in regards ,to plans and the State Fire iiarshall. The inspection of the operation is done by a State Accreditabion Board on an annual basis. I feel that the zoning is in the best use of the land in that area. Councilman Klingelhofer - As to have reviewed the materials presentcd and after hearing what Councilman Coco , I agree with him in the sense that the ihw does not permit me ~o cast a negative vo~c. However, I fool I'm not willing to cast a positive vote. I therefore express my abstention in this .vote. Above motion for approval of PZ 67-104 failed by tie vo~e. Roll Call- Ayes: Hack, Coco. tIoes: Millcr, Ring. Abstained: K1 lngelhofor. Absent: llone. Hayor llack ~Glled a five minute recess. 3. ORDINANCE NO. 348 AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF TUSTIN, CALIFORNIA, REZONING PROPERTY OF LA POINTE ON APPLCIATION NO. ZC-67-152, Moved by ~oco~ seconded by Rinf~ that Ordinance i-To. 348, rozoning property of La Pointc on application ,~C-67-152, have first readinG by title only. Carried unanimously. Council iiinutes 4/17/67 Pg. 6 4. ORDINANCE NO. 345 AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF TUSTIN, CALIFORNIA, AMENDING ARTICLE III OF THE TUSITN CITY CODE, RELATIVE TO THE PLANNING COMMISSION Iioved by I.(linF~elhofer, seconded by Rin~, that Ordinance i[0. 345 have see. end reading by title only. Carried unanimously. Iioved bV Kl. ingelhofcr, seconded by RimE, that OrdinanCe, lie. ]45, amending Article III of the Tustin City Code, relative to the Planning Commission; be Passed and adopted. Carried by roll call. ilack, Klingelhofer, Coco, Hiller, Eing. Noes: None. Absent: IIone. VII NEW 1. Cstabtishmen~ of Procedures for Council and BUSINESS Planning Commission Iiinutes. .Councilman Coco commented on the suggestions sub- mittcd by the City Clerk, that minutes show action only and only names of persons speaking before the Council and whether pro or con, IIr. Coco said he would hopc this would not result in less information mn the minutes than they have been receiving. IIe would like the same kind of information in the minutes and retention of ~apes for 3 or 6 months. ,~.o. unci~man Ililler agreed with Iir; Coco and with suggestion from the Planning Commission regarding their minutes. Counqilman Coco requested that tapes be retained for 6 months. City Administrator ~as requested to prepare a policy on this ma~tcr for presentation at the nexn regular meeting. 2. Authorization f. or execution of Escro~.~ instructions Property located at 150 U. Second St., Tustin Mov. Sd.b.,y Klingelhofcr, seconded by Ring, that the iiayor and City Clerk be authorized zo execute Escrow instructions for the purchase of property a~ 150 U. Second St., Tustin. Carried. 3. ORDINANCE NO. 349 AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF TUSTIN, AMENDING THE TUSTIN CITY CODE RELATIVE TO INHALATION OF GLUE VAPORS, Moved by Ring, seconded by Klingelhofer, that Ordinance fI0. '349'_. amending the Cit~ Code relative be inh~:lation of Glue Vapersf ~d~o first readinM by title only. Carried unanimously. 4. ORDINANCE NO. 350 AN ORDINANCE OF TtIE CITY OF TUSTIN, CALIFORNIA, AMENDING CHAPTER I OF THE TUSTIN CITY CODE, RELATIVE TO VIOLATION OF ORDINANCE, ISSUANCE OF CITATIONS, ETC. In answer to questioning by Councilman Coco, iir. P~ourke said Section 1-7 of this Ordinance refcrs to fact that a person causing, by having causcd the condition to exist and then leaving it, that they would not protected in that they would be subject to one citation or one fihe. Until corrected each day they are subject to an additional citation as an added offense. Hr. Rourke said he saw no deficiency mn the Ordinance as to discreet violations. Hoved by Klil~gelhofer, seconded by Ring that Ordinance No., 5.~0 amending the City Code relative to vio].ations of Ordinances, ~ssuance of Citations, etc., have first r.eading by title only~ Carried unanimously. 5. RESOLUTION UO. 874 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUUCIL OF THE CITY OF TUSTIN, CALIFORNIA, REQUESTING ACTION BY THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS OF THE COUNTYU OF ORANGE TO CURTAIL NUDE & SEMI NUDE DANCERS AND WAITRESSES APPEARING IN PUBLIC [loved by Coco, seconded by Ring that Resolution i!o. be read by title only. Carried unanimously. [loved by Ililler, seconded by Klingelhofer tha5 Resolution .87L~, requesting action by the Board of Supervisors to curtail nude & semi-nude dancers and waitresses appearing in public places, be passed and adoOte~]. Carried by roll call. Ayes: Ilack, K!ingelhofer, Coco, rilllet, Ring. Hoes: IIone. Absent: None. 6. APPROVAL OF DEMANDS IIoved. by Klingelhofer seconded by i iller tha.t demands "~'n the ~mount~of ~..;25,~??.25 be Da~d. Carried VIII REPORTS 1. I.Ir. Gill presented draft of a policy re & 0THER Responsibility for General Street Improvements and BUSINESS explained the purpose for such a policy. IIr. Gill stated that this policy requires detailed review, should be rea. d carefully and that the Council might want to meet on this policy. Following reports presented: 1. Budget Analysis - Harry Gill 2. Amermcan institute of Planners repor~ - Lena Danielsson 3, Fire Prevention and Fire Suppressmen _ Chief IIilton 4, Building Dept. Activity Reports - F. Brook IX CORRESPON- Following correspondence received: DENCE 1. Flood conditions HcFadden & I.lyrtle - G. 'jenck 2. General meeting information Orange Co. League of Cities Letter of commendation _ Pastor ShowaitcF 4.Use of State Hwy. Construction funds - Southern California Regional :':ssoc. of Co. Supervisors 5, SB53~ - support request - County of Orange 6.Dissenting report and recommendations on the law of pre-emption - Warren Dor~, Co. Supervisors Association of Californma 7.. Civic Beautification _ Orange Co. iiemorial Garden Center 8. Tax Reform _ League of California Cities 9- Legislative Bulletin 4/8/67 - League of Calif. Cities 10. Legislative Bulletin 3/30/67 - League of Calif. Cities 11. Digests of 1967 assembly and senate bills. Council ilinu~es 4/tv/67 :!g. 8 Comaell.an Fi]e_- requested a letter fro=. the Council ~o Senator Schmitz opposing SB824, be prepared to bc signed by all membcrs of thc Council. iir. Hiller explained that fundamentals of this bill arc ~o increase the Local _.'_goncy Commission by 2 members 5o be from special districts of the County such as Park Districts, Sanitation, etc. itoved by iiiller, seconded by Klingelhofer that a letter opoosing SB824 be scn~ to Senator Schmitz. Carried. I. ir. Gill suggested that as time was important the let set be signed by the Iiayor with unanimous approval by minute orde: of the Council. So ordered. Councilman Coco - In regar~ zo the bill requiring that State 0fficcs and agencies submit a list of Public Uork to be done in their area. Since we have a general plan, should we support this bill? As there was no opposition to this the i.layor directed that a letter be sent to Senator Bradley and Senator Schmitz in support of Senate Bill X ADJOURNED Hove~ by I.Iiller, seconde~ by Ring that meeting be adjourned. Carried. IIA~0B CFY CLEFfi~