HomeMy WebLinkAboutCC MINUTES 1967 02 06 MINUTES OF A REGULAR MEETING TUSTIN CITY COUNCIL February 6, 1967 CALL TO Meeting called to order at 7:37 P.M. by Mayor Mack. ORDER II. PLEDGE OF Led by Mayor M~ck. ALLEGIANCE III. ROLL CALL Present: Councilmen: Mack, Coco, Miller, Ring Absent: Councilmen: Klinge!hofer Others Present: City Administrator Harry Gill City Attorney James Rourke City Clerk Ruth Poe Planning Director James Supinger IV. APPROVAL OF Moved by Coco, seconded by Ring, that minutes of the MINUTES January 16, t967 meeting be approved as mailed. Carried. V. PUBLIC 1. PARKING ON PRIVATE PROPERTY HEARINGS AMENDMENT TO ORDINANCE NO. 157, AS AMENDED, PROVIDING FOR THE REGULATION OF PARKING OF CERTAIN VEHICLES ON PRIVATE PROPERTY Staff report and action of the Planning Commission presented by Mr. Supinger. Hearing opened at 7:39 Mr. Henry Badg~2[ o~ 14721 Brookline Way stated that the parking of undesirable vehicles on private property was brought to the attention of the Council one year ago hv the presentation of a petition of approximately 35 names. This petition was stimulated by an objectionable vehicle in their area. Mr. Badger said he feels this is a beautiful City and a lot has been done for it with the tree program and Sign Ordinance,' but if certain parking and storage is allowed, the other ordinances are of little or no value. He then requested that the Council put some teeth into this Ordinance and pass it. There being no objections or further comments, the hearing was declared closed at 7:41 P.M. Councilman Miller reported that he had been the Chairman of a Committee to study the problem and present an effective Ordinance. He had met with the Police Department, Mr. Supinger, Mr. Badger and one other citizen. The Police Department had suggested wording in line with the Traffic Ordinance and the City Attorney had suggested certain revisions and Mr. Gill had suggested this simple, less technical language. Councilman Miller said that good points.had been made at the hearing of the Planning Commission and that this is a simple Ordinance but hard to tell just what it excludes. Perhaps there is some value to limiting by weight and size. Mr. Rourke suggested that a change in wording from passenger vehicles to private passenger automobiles would meet some objections. Mr. Gill stated that he had met with representatives of the Ford Motor Company as to different classifica- tions and weights. The original thoughts for omitting weight and size were to make the Ordinance sxmple enough without getting into technicalities so that Police Officers would not get involved with these weight problems. Councilman Coco suggested that Section 512.11 as written be divided into two paragraphs with an additional paragraph covering amount of advertising matter allowed on vehicles. Councilman Miller said this had been discussed by the Committee, but the.degree of advertising could not be decided upon. Councilman Coco felt that perhaps the degree could be taken care of by the discretion of the public. Common sense, common courtesy would probably rule, and he did not expect complaints on advertising that is not offensive. Mr. Rourke recommended that the Council get an Ordinance no broader than that which will take care of the problem and one that can be enforced. It was then decided that the wording of this Ordinance regarding exceptions be amended to read "motorcycles and motor scooters, private passenger automobiles, or travel trailerslother than mobilehomes." Moved by Miller, seconded by Coco, that Ordinance No. 338 have first reading by title only. Carried unanimously. Mr. Gill suggested to the press that they convey that this ordinance does not restrict normal vehicles on private property. VI. OLD 1. ORDINANCE NO. 332 BUSINESS AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF TUSTIN, CALIFORNIA, AMENDING SECTION 2-36 OF THE CITY CODE RELATIVE TO THE POWERS OF THE DIRECTOR OF PERSONNEL. Moved by Miller, seconded by Ring, that Ordinance No. 332 have second reading by title only. Carried unanimously. Moved by Coco, seconded by Ring, that Ordinance No. 332, amending section 2-36 of the City Code rel~e to the powers of the Director of Personnel, be passed and adopted. Carried by roll call. Ayes: Mack, Coco, Miller, ~'~g. Noes: None. Absent: Klingelhofer. Council Minutes 2/6/67 Pg. 3 2. ORDINANCE NO. 336 AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF TUSTIN, CALIFORNIA, AMENDING ORDINANCE NO. 208 RELATIVE TO PLAN CHECK FEES. Moved by Coco, seconded by Ring, that Ordinance No. ~36 have second reading by title only. Carried unanimously. Moved by Ring, seconded by Coco, that Ordinance No. 336, amending Ordinance No. 208 relative to plan check fees, be passed and adopted. Carried by roll call. Ayes: Mack, Coco, Miller, Ring. Noes: None. Absent: Klingelhofer 3. ORDINANCE NO. 337 AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF TUSTIN, CALIFORNIA, APPROVING THE ANNEXATION OF CERTAIN UNINHABITED TERRITORY, DESIGNATED "FREDRICKS ANNEXATION", TO THE CITY OF TUSTIN, CALIFORNIA. Moved by Coco, seconded by Miller, that Ordinance No. 337 have second reading by title only. Carried unanimously. Moved by Coco, seconded by Miller, that Ordinance No. 337, approving the annexation designated "Fredricks Annexation", be passed and adopted. Carried by roll call. Ayes: Mack, Coco, Miller. Noes: Ring. Absent: Klingelhofer. VII. NEW 1. Dance Permit Request - Safari Room BUSINESS Moved by Coco, seconded by Ring, that a dance permit be issued to the Safari Room, 672 South "D" Street, Tustin. Carried. 2. Parks & Recreation Commission Travel Request Authorization for attendance of certain City representatives at the 19th Annual California & Pacific Southwest Recreation & Parks Conference - Fresno. Moved by Miller, seconded by Coco, that the following named persons be authorized to represent the City at the'Tg~nnual California & Pacific Southwest Recreation & Parks Conference in Fresno on February 27-28, at a total cost of $330.00: Quentin W. Fleming - Chairman, Parks and Recreation Commission Leonard Miller - Member, Parks & Recreation Commission Donald Eckerson - Member, Parks & Recreation Commission Ben Wheelock - Director Of Public Works. Carried- Council Minutes 3. Approval of Demands ~pon questioning by Councilman Ring, Mr. Gill explained that the.reason for the increased number of demands is the three week span between meetings and the City going to the modified accrual system and demands are written and posted as received so that some bills normally presented at the next meeting are on this register. Moved by Ring, seconded by Miller, that demands in the amount of $38~741.06 be approved and paid. Carried. VIII. REPORTS 1. Agreement with Continental Mortgage Investors & OTHER BUSINESS Mr. Gill reported that an agreement between the City and Continental Mortgage Investors had been drafted. This agreement is in regard to the incomplete public improvements in Tracts 5726 and 5743. Improvements were covered by bonds and the original developer has defaulted. The new owner will complete these improvements if the City will cooperate in enforcing performance of the original bonds. Mr. Gill recommended that the Mayor and City Clerk be authorized to enter into this agreement. Mr. Rourke informed the Council that this agreement has been drafted and meets with his approval as well as that of Continental Mortgage investors. The Mortgage Company had not advised him of their acceptance until late Friday and as it was of an advantage to the City to have these improvements completed, he recommended approval. Mr. Rourke also stated that there would be no expense to the City as the lender will pay all attorneys' fees, court costs and incidental expenses. Moved by Coco, seconded by Millerr that the Mayor and City Clerk be authorized to execute the agreement with Continental Mortgage Investors. Carried. 2. Tree Planting Councilman Coco commended the staff, and particularly Mr. Wheelock, for their work on the tree planting program. 3.Attendance at Department of Justice and State Meeting for Police at Palo Alto. Moved by Miller, seconded by Rinq, that attendance of the Chief of Police and one officer at the Department of Justice - State meeting for Police and Sheriffs at Palo Alto at a cost of $50.00 plus gas, be approved. Carried. Council Minutes 2/6/67 Pg. 5 Following reports received- no action taken: 1. Civic Center Project - J. Williams 2. Personnel Activity Register H. Gill 3. Institute on Computers - H. Gill 4. Building Dept. Monthly Report - F. BrOok CORRESPON- 1. Costa Mesa - Resolution Re: State Pre-Emption DENCE in field of Vice and Gamblinq Councilman Miller stated there had been several excellent talks on pre-emption by the State at the League meetings in San Diego. He felt that cities are frustrated trying to enforce their ordinances and laws. Councilman Miller requested that the City AttorneV draft a resolution for the City to send to the State legislature. Mayor Mack so directed. 2. California Roadside Council - Effect on local jurisdictions of a provision in the Federal Highway Beautification Act of 1965 ~ouncilman Miller requested that' the City take a stan~ on this matter. Ma~or Mack directed that this be referred to the Parks and ~ecreation Co~ission for report and recomendation to the Council. Following correspondence received - no action taken: 1. P. F. Rice - Comending tree planting program 2. Pacific Telephone & Telegraph - Rate change 3. So. Cal. Edison Co. - Account analysis 4. TASC - Meeting announcement 5. TuStin Union High School District - Junior College District meeting 6. Orange County Water District - Res. 67-~ - endorsing , 46.4 million dollar flood control and water conservation 7. Buena Park - Res. 3032 Supporting College of Medicine at UCI 8. Anaheim - Res. 67R-22 - S~e 9. Wes~inster - Res. 909 - S~e ADJOURNMENT Mayor Mack declared the meeting adjourned to a personnel session. Present: Council (Klingelhofer absent), City Administrator, City Attorney, City Clerk. Moved by Ring, seconded bX Coco, that the meeting be adjourned. Carried. ' ~YOR