HomeMy WebLinkAboutORD FOR ADOPTION 05-07-90DA=-GE�l DATE: MAY 7, 1990 TO: WILLIAM A. HUSTON, CITY MANAGER FROM: COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT IINANCE FOR ADOPTION NO. 1 5/7/90 Inter - Com SUBJECT: ESTABLISHMENT OF TRANSPORTATION IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM AREAS AND DEVELOPMENT FEES RECOMMENDATION It is recommended that the City Council: 1) By Minute Order have reading by title only and adopt Ordinance 1037. 2) Adopt Resolution No. 89-165 BACKGROUND AND DISCUSSION After a public hearing, the City Council at their regular meeting on November 20th introduced Ordinance 1037. A Draft of Resolution No. 89-165 establishing Transportation System Improvement Program Areas and Development Fees was also presented for City council information. After adoption of Ordinance 1037, it would be appropriate for the City Council to also adopt Resolution No. 89- 165. A copy of the November 20, 1989 agenda item discussion on each matter is attached. Christine Shingleton Director of Communit evelopment CAS:mas 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22, 23 24 25 26 27 28 ORDINANCE NO. 1037 AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF TUSTIN AMENDING THE TUSTIN CITY CODE BY ADDING SECTION 8101 k. TO ESTABLISH A TRANSPORTATION SYSTEM IMPROVEMENT DEVELOPMENT FEE The City Council of the City of Tustin does hereby ordain as follows: Section 1. Section 8101 of Chapter 1, Article 8 of the Tustin City Code is amended by adding subsection 8101 k. which subsection shall read as follows: K. Transportation System Improvement Development Fee 1. In addition to any other charges or improvement requirements, there shall be a special fee required as a condition precedent to the issuance of certain building permits for construction or improvement on those properties lying at least partially within any portion of the City designated by resolution of the City Council as a Transportation System Improvement Program Area. 2. The Building Official shall require the payment of a special fee in the amount established and regulated by resolution of the City Council within a Transportation System Improvement Program Area before a building permit will be issued when an application for a building permit indicates the following: a. A construction or improvement project which will result in a new building or structure, or an increase in floor area on a parcel of land which lies wholly or partially within the boundaries of a Transportation Improvement Program Area; and b. The estimated cost of the proposed construction or improvement, as determined by the Building Official will exceed twenty thousand dollars ($20,000.00). For purposes of this section the valuation per square foot shall not exceed that listed in the latest edition of Building Standards Magazine containing a building valuation data chart. 3. The following construction and improvement projects are specifically excluded from the 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24' 25 26 27 28 Ordinance No. 1037 Page 2 requirements of the section. a. Construction of single family residential units and accessory structures. b. Tenant improvements and maintenance work which will not increase the floor area of existing structures. C. Off-street parking facilities. d. Any construction or improvements as to which a development fee may not be lawfully be imposed by State law. 4. Any resolution of the City Council establishing a Transportation System Improvement Program Area shall have affixed thereto a map specifically describing the boundary of such Transportation System Improvement Program Area and shall be on file in the office of the City Clerk. 5. The purpose of a Transportation System Improvement Program Area is to identify and designate those areas where the transportation system may experience a significant reduction in the level of service unless corrective measures are instituted concurrent with increased transportation demands. Fees collected for building projects and improvements on properties in Transportation Systems Improvement Program Areas shall be used to improve the areawide transportation system within such area, except said fees may be expended for improvements outside the area when such improvements will substantially benefit the transportation system within the area. 6. All monies received from fees collected pursuant to Section 8101 k. for permits issued within a Transportation System Improvement Authority upon direction of the City Manager pursuant to the provisions of the Joint Exercise of Powers Agreement between the City of Tustin and the City of Santa Ana creating 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17. 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 Ordinance No. 1037 Page 3 the Tustin -Santa Ana Transportation System Improvement Authority. PASSED AND ADOPTED at a regular meeting of the City Council held on the day of May, 1990. Mary E. Wynn City Clerk Richard Edgar Mayor 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 RESOLUTION NO. 89-165 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF TUSTIN ESTABLISHING TRANSPORTATION SYSTEM IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM AREAS AND SETTING INTERIM DEVELOPMENT FEES THEREFORE WHEREAS, Section 8101 k. of the Tustin City Code establishes the authority of the City Council to create Transportation System Improvement Program Areas and to establish fees on development in such areas to pay for transportation system improvements located in or benefitting such areas; and WHEREAS, the City Council deems it appropriate to establish two Transportation System Improvement Program ( "TSIP" ) Areas in Tustin, hereinafter referred to as TSIP Area "A" and TSIP Area "B" which are identified in Exhibit "A" attached hereto and incorporated herein by reference, as distinct TSIP Areas and to establish interim transportation system improvement development fees in each area; and WHEREAS, a partial list of improvements prepared by the City of Santa Ana in the vicinity of TSIP Area "A" shows that over twenty-two million dollars ($22,000,000) in public improvements are needed which include the widening of Grand Avenue on the east side between First and Fourth Streets, the widening of First Street and Fourth Street at the Costa Mesa Freeway, intersection improvements at Fourth Street and Yorba, and intersection improvements at Tustin Avenue and 17th Street; and WHEREAS, preliminary transportation system improvement costs in TSIP Area "B" within the City of Tustin are expected to exceed, twenty million dollars ($20,000,000) and will include the extension of Newport Avenue, the extension of Tustin Ranch Road, the construction of an overpass at Edinger, the widening of Edinger and Red Hill, and the extension of Jamboree Road to Barranca; and WHEREAS, the Transportation System Improvement Program will be applied to all types of development projects including residential, commercial, office and industrial, subject to certain limited exceptions set forth in Section 8101 k. of the Tustin City Code; and WHEREAS, the use of the fee for transportation system improvements is reasonably related to all types of development projects because the owners, the occupants and visitors of all types of uses will be benefitted by improved vehicular traffic flow; and 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 Resolution No. 89-165 Page 2 WHEREAS, the need for the public facilities is reasonably related to all types of development projects because all types of development projects generate vehicular traffic; and WHEREAS, the restriction of the use of fees to transportation system improvements which are located in, or which substantially benefit, the area of the city from which the fees are derived assures that the fees derived from any given development project are used to provide those transportation improvements which most directly address the needs created by such development projects; and WHEREAS, allowing further development within each TSIP Area without developer contributions toward funding needed circulation improvements would be injurious to the public safety, health and welfare. NOW, THEREFORE, be it resolved by the City Council of the City of Tustin as follows: 1. TSIP Areas "A" and "B",, consisting of that territory identified in Exhibit "A", are hereby established. 2. Effective January 1, 1990, the fee to be charged pursuant to Tustin City Code Section 8101 k. for Transportation System Improvement Areas "A" and "B" are hereby established as follows: A. For TSIP Area "A" two percent (2%) of the costs of construction or improvement which is the subject of a building permit application for which payment of a fee is required by Section 8101 k. B. For TSIP Area "B" an amount based upon the square footage of added gross floor area by land use as follows: Commercial/Office $2.60 per square foot of building floor area R&D $1.80 per square foot of building floor area Industrial $1.00 per square foot of building floor area C. The purpose and use of the above said fees is set forth in Section 8101 k. of the Tustin City Code as follows: 1'i 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 101 11� 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 Resolution No. 89-165 Page 3 "The purpose of a Transportation System Improvement Program is to identify and designate those areas where the transportation system may experience a significant reduction in the level of service unless corrective measures are instituted concurrent with increased transportation demands. Fees collected for building projects and improvements on properties in a Transportation System Improvement Program Area shall be used to improve the areawide transportation system within such area except said fees may be expended for improvement outside the area when such improvements will substantially benefit the Transportation System within the area." PASSED AND ADOPTED at a regular meeting of the City Council held on the day of May, 1990. Mary E. Wynn City Clerk RICHARD EDGAR Mayor DATE: TO: FROM: SUBJECT: 'A NOVEMBER 20, 1939 xl� PUB1-TC rEARiNa il0111-20-°� ih'ILLTA.iv A. ,�USTOlgl CITY i�.yitiTA GEr� COMMIUNITY DEVELOP-MENT DEPARTMENT E'' a`'r`: S• r � .-,a 4 rte; f'.1 ESTABLISIL%1ZINTT OE TRAitiTSPORTATION IMPROVE-MENT PROGR"Alm- S AND DEVELOPME��T FEES RECOY12✓=DATIONT M.O. Waive further read--l-n-, of- Ordinance 1037 and have first reading by title only. M.O. Introduce Crdinance _70-3,7. BAcnGROU-TD AND DISCUSSTO,q Based on actions taken by eaCh respective City council- on -November 6, 1909, the City of "Distin and Santa Ana entered i nto a point Powers Agreerent which created a Transportation Svstem Improvement Authority. The purpose o? said Agreement is for Santa Ana and Tustin to jointly develop and maintain a program for transports tion system improvements in certain Trans ortaticn System Improve�^ent Program (TSIP) Areas referred -Co as T T -- SSP Area A and B, to comprehensively idea�.ifv all needed transportation sys� m i mprovements and their pr ori-�. i �� r^ T " �--• L n each , S Area, =co determ=ne the appropriate develo-er fees -'Co finance a i ' r- S�_Q _l::p_ O v L-�..en �.S � and t0 control 'he expenditure of apprOpr�ate c:evelOp^;enteC Y'eVenL'eS for areawide transportation improvements which benefit each respective TSIP Area. Environmental Ir^pact reports and preliminary traffic studies within each TSIP Area indicated Cr1�4 cal C'`Cfi ciCnC.1Cs: in the C 47,,1 t_1 C:1 system serving each TSIP ArcL tyh,Ch could riO t bC CCrr CCtCCi riOr fully funded from traditional revenue sources -oiiti.out the firanci al assistance of developing properties. Another alternative ;s to assign each developer m„i riga ting i mprove�°�2nts on a case by case basis. However, critical deficiencies are areaT�-ide improvements and this would prove difficult to assign_ or complete in pieces. A partial list of Lm lovements p=ep ared by the City of Santa Ana in the Vi cinit of TSI ^ i -i r that over T- Y -- y P A 1�.en�y_ieS t_.c.t over t.�en,-Y tti.o million dQllarS 1n areaW4 traf�ic improve---en'cs are needed benefitting both 'h ' citi eS :-.hi Ch ` include the i; :.de`_ -?-g � Gra d Ave»ue on the east Side between. 'firs,., aned, Stree-s, Cne wideningTirsl. S, -.Lee - and Fourth Street at tCost aa Cosa Mesa i ree�ti'ay and , F =2terseCtlOn City Council Report Transportation System iMProvement program November 20, 1989 Page 2 i=�prove;;en is at Fourth and y Yb Street. °�- a and Tustin Avenue an; Prel in inary transpo 1J �,'1t�1117 t};C �- (.o`7' . ,•-• _ ., ' of T�._, in cI,,? ��o c1��ccted to , , � . rlilAroa lion doll��rs t,�hich i t_e ti- r� `xcc.�L- ncludes ', c_.tcn_.ion of Nc�,�port �'1verue, extension of Tustin Ranch woad and tru ct� o Edinger, ', 4 en Ln, c, Cif Ed�'� �::�d RE'C` CC`ns, ;; O.� min cvcrL�aS .-fit Road to Darranca . H1 �.nd eltensi.on of Jan;boroc Since future developments ,Y,,; thin prescribed TSIP Areas w i ll benefit front construction transportation �t� Y, C _ .�t oL L-altsportation s sten, Lin r r -- �.,, - Y p_ ove:«en is , i t was ae ter tined that f.z future developl � ,l , �. melt s,_cz�la nav a portion of these cos C.s In the City. Allc-„�4 - T ,r 1...1.._e nese within each '?'SIP Area without developer ntr4, , p co_.�_ _b,?ti ons to���araf., �; „n circ�.:laticn ; `{ndin needed y:,:pro cements :'could be injurious to the health and welfare. As r��.•�:� Public safety, �o*�*ers Agreemer_t e sect -ion 3 of t, -he approved Jont �: es the Cy ty of Tustin to adopt -by 3r_uary 1990 the r ? ? • ., - OO.. g L -?anspor -atoYSystem Development i TSIP A 20 of the cost of construction TSIP Area B An amount based on the square footage of added gross floor area by land use as follows: Commercial/office R&D Industrial $2.60 per square foot of building floor area $1.50 per square foot of building floor area $1.00 per square foot of building floor area Upon completion of comprehensive traffic studies within each TSIP Area within a orox_imatei - 1 days- the TSI_ Au -ho__t,� tom- � �' S � �' - � tr'r, r i ' may recommend modifications to the interim fee program to reflect the adopted TSIP for each TSIP Area. Any future fee increases would require ',tore City Council action. 1j4. LJ r.. 4 City Council Report Transportation System ImMrovemer_ t 1:1v-ogra;� November 20, 1989 Page 3 C. p_..e..- _ ee would be required for any construction or improvenent roject :vhi Y - 1, P � cl. t�:.,.�ld �Esul�- i n a ne::- building or structure or an increase in floor area w i t2� i n i `'S ; r Area provided said imps roevement�. exceed $2 0, 000 .1 va 11:e . :r ee�. Lti WCuIA-d not. }: e r c 1:1rcd for cons;-,- - ^?; O.'� � r � , units and accessory str��ct�.:res, tenant i:•�pr ever :errs ;�,.ic;z tail' net increase floor area, O -Stree t nark----, far- 1�tiesand ani' cOnstructic4A for w :ic,� .� fcc ,�,`. .,ct ',c As noted above, the City of Tustin i s now legally Obligated to adopt a Trans o --rt- ation P py S ste T �,Y ,� ,,;- r �r r -r 1 , 'che C :f _.. rope «e,�.. ee __og�a.L. _� i -v does not adopt the pre-scribL--, ,fee p -"o5 ' ? ;dart; tied-�o�,•e, provis;ons contained in the Oof __c = owT""s t greement ;-Mold ?"ems ?-, re the City to pay the TSIP ;gut horicv she �* ount of i:h^ of=ier: i s e required Develo- ent Tee out 10 C .'may General Funds. n conpl iance with Prov i s ions of the recently adopted JPA, staf f .ave prepared an enabling ordinance and accompanying resolution which would designate certain TSIP Areas and set actual development fees in each TSIP area. Ordinance No. 1037 would add Section 8101 k. to the Tustin City Code which would establish the authority o�= the City Council to create TSIP Areas and authorize the City Council to establish fees by resolution that developers must pay for transportation innrovements located in or benefitting a '_SIP Area. Resolution No. 89-165 would establish TSIP Area A and B as shown on Exhibit A accompanying the Resolution . Area A i s located in the nor -hwest portion of the City :'forth of th0 I--5 i r?eway, west of a "Dortlon or- Newport fNewport Avenue and Prospect Avenue. Area B is located in the southerly portion cf the Ci; -v south oz the T - Development Eees would be collected as of January 1, be required to be in effect pursuant to the JPA as i r% n a-' .r I� ... , v r ^ A` r r y rl -'5 T- f -,n y 'v i. r ... .... L n n V{ G. L 1 �. 1 t City Council Report Transportation System Improvem`nt Program November 20, 1989 Page 4 CONCLUSION Provisions of the recently anpr Dyed ^1 te: CC. S,1nt�i r�:� i?;;C; Tustin legallv obligate the C ty to have in place System, AT'' y Ti,b'-�oy+ CI'1L� OC;�?11 Lcvc'l 1 ^c�: J_��' v'i'�t:� �' 1 1990. �Mached nor .e City Council '"0 coin crablirr 1 r � ?nc� J. 1 for in od�c�i cr. onS S� and RoL,oiu`tio.n TSIs Area A and b and setting the DCVO -1 ,,ent Fee for each arca fer adoption on December 4, 1989, Christine Shir_gleton / Director of Community Develo-oment %S: pef Attachments: Ordinance No. 1037 Resolution No. 89-165 LEGEND: �.... PROPERTIES FRONTING BOTH SIDES OF THE STREET ARE ENCLUBERM IN THE FEF AREA FAIRHAVEN AVENUE Z z<4:: Z SEVENTEENTH STREET loth va < FRUIT ST FOURTH ST. IRVINE BOULEVARD FIRST CHESTNUT ST::;'�Q JO MC FADDEN EDINGER AVENUE WARNER AVENUE DYER RO SCALE: U 1/2 1 MILE EXHIBIT A SANTA ANA/TUSTIN TRANSPORTATION IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM (TSIP) BENEFIT AREAS