HomeMy WebLinkAboutOB 2 P.C. APPOINTMENT 06-04-90��\ V -"'"
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JUNE 41 1990
Pleasure of the Council.
Inter - Com
Attached for the Council's consideration are the applications
received to date for appointment to the Planning Commission.
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Christine A. Shinglet,6n
Director of Community Development
April 20,1990
Director Community Development Christine Shingleton,
My name is John Norman Butler and this is my application for the available position on
the Tustin Planning Commission. My desire is to contribute my time and capabilities in
serving the City of Tustin. My occupation as a Real Estate Broker in our local area makes
me uniquely qualified because I have background knowledge of all properties within Tustin
and our surrounding communities. Our Planning Commission needs this additional exper-
tise in understanding the planning & development of Tustin.
My Qualifications include:
26 year Tustin area resident
12 year Tustin Real Estate Broker
Education from University of California at Fullerton
Former member Tustin Water Board
Flexible hours available for extra -curricular work
My desire to serve Tustin is evident by 3 attempts to run for the Tustin City Council
position. Our last election indicated that almost 33% of the voters supported me forthe City
Council position and I'm sure they would endorse me for this position. With your appoint-
ment I will be able to serve Tustin. If other documentation is needed from the City or you
would like to contact me on a individual basis, please call anytime at ( 714 ) 850-5816.
Thank you for your support.
J n Norman Butler
17431 Parker Drive
Tustin, California 92680-2337
cc: Chuck Puckett Richard Edgar
Jim Potts Jim Potts
Earl Prescott Valerie Whiteman
MAY - 3 1990
Tustin City Hall
Attn: Mary Wynn, City Clerk
300 Centennial Way
Tustin, CA 92630
Dear Mrs. Wynn,
It is my understanding there is an opening on the Tustin Planning
Commission. When I called the city offices, I was told to send my
request to be considered for that opening to you. Please accept
t -� i s request and attached resume as my app i cat. i on -tro f i 1 1 the
vacant seat on the Tustin Planning Commission.
I own my home in Tustin and have no other property or business
interests that would hinder me in making honest and impartial
Please let me hear from you if there are any other requirements.
As a member of the Tustin Water Board, I have completed the
financial disclosure forms and they should be on - i le jit City Hall.
If you wish to contact me, please call me at 832-6627.
Rex Combs
RESUME - Harold Rex Combs, Jr. April 27, 1990
Completed four year Bachelor of Science program at Texas A&M
University in May 1966. Forty One hours additional graduate
science work at Stephen F. Austin State College and Baylor
University College of Medicine.
Three year tour in U.S. Army, with one year in Viet Nam, ended in
July 1972. Along with the usual campaign ribbons I was awarded the
Bronze Star, Joint Services Commendation, Army Commendation and
Good Conduct Medals. I left with an Honorable discharge and was a
Specialist Five in grade.
Currently I am aSales Representative of Keystone USA based in
Ontario. Keyston.
,is a manufacturing company located in Houston.
I call on industrial and municipal accounts as well as engineering
f i rms . We make va 1 ves and va 1 ve contro 1 s. I started w i th Keystone
in January 1988. In addition to sales, a s i gn i f i cant. part of my .,
job is to assist engineers in specifying the correct valves and
contro 1 s for the i r app 1 i cat i ons. I enjoy great success in my work.
Sales in my territory increased by 224% in 1969 over 1988.
Prior to Keystone I was with Triple A Containers in Buena Park, CA.
I was in outside sales -covering most of Orange county. This was
-taken as an interim position after a lay-off by Rockwell while
looking for a suitable position in my field of valve sales.
From November 1985 through October 1986 I was a Senior Sales
Representative with Rockwell International's Flow Control Division.
I so l d va 1 ves i n Southern Ca l i forn i s i n a var i ety of i nclustr i a 1 and
municipal markets. Due to the s i gn i f i cant downturn i n o i l f i e l d
business they restructured the division and laid off many. I was
new and one of the obvious ones to cut. I SUCCUS SFUI ]y opened the
Bakersf i e 1 d market for them and made s i gn i f 'i cant- -..-J 1 tis tto Southern
California Edison.
In June 1979 I began as a sales -trainee with DEMCO in Houston, TX.
I advanced rapidly and within 17 months I was j_)roti-io-U ed to District
Sales Manager of the West Coast District due to a 3, i cin i f i cant
increase in sales to my customers. As district manager I was
responsible for sales to key customers, marketing surveys, setting
goals, and organizing 'the sales efforts of my representatives. I
was also responsib1e for training, hiring, motivating, -(= i r i ng, and
ass i st i ng agents i n seven states. Our products were vej I ves and o i 1
Field equipment. With the down turn in oil field sales came lay-
offs. DEMCO went from 1200 to around 300 employees. I was laid
off toward the end in March 1985.
During the period from June 1973 through April 1979 I was with New
York Life Insurance Company. I started as an Office Manager
Trainee in Austin, Texas on a two year training program, but was
p7,omoted after one year -to an office in Houston, Texas. I was
responsible for- hiring, firririg, training, motivating and
supervising a staff responsible for aiding and advising agents and
Po 1 1 cy ho 1 dens as to the i r prob 1 ems, comp 1 a i nts and quest i ons wh i 1 e
insuring the prompt issuance of policies. One of my
accomp 1 i shments was to observe, ana 1 yze and e.va 1 uatC. a h i gh 1 y
po 1 ar i zed staff , then redef i ne the i r dut i es accord i rig to ab i 1 i t i es
and -thus provide a much more mot 1 vested, cohes i vc_, grid cuff i c i ent un i -t
which increased -their production significantly.
In summary, I have enjoyed both managerial and sales
responsibilities of varying demands and have gained a reputation as
an honest hard working knowledgeable businessman.
February 27, 1990, Wallace G. Wilkinson, Governor of the
Commonwealth of Kentucky honored me with that st.ate's highest
honor. He commissioned me a Kentucky Colonel. In September 1989
I was appointed to the Board of the Tustin Water Corporation.
Also, I am a member of the Texas A&M Former Students Association,
VF=W Tustin Post, Full Gospel Businessman's Fellowship chapter in
Santa Ana, and a member of Colonial Bible Church in Tustin. My
wife and I have lived i n Tustin since June of 1983. In the Fall of
1988 I was elected to the Board of Directors of -the Tustin Meadows
Community Association. In my first year I was Recreation Director
and enjoyed organizing our Fourth of July parade and activities.
October 1989 1 was elected President of our a-:_-soc i at i on. In
October I will celebrate -the 46th anniversary of my birth. I have
one son, living with his mother in Texas.
Rex Combs
1 642 Roanoke Ave 4�..
Tustin, CA 92680
Mayor Richard Edgar
300 Centennial way
Tustin, CA 92680
Dear Mayor Edgar:
May 21, 1990
It is my understanding that there is currently an opening on the
Planning Commission. I would like to be considered for the
I have been a resident and home owner in Tustin for the past
twelve years. My children attend Tustin schools and are active
in local sports. I have a genuine concern for the future welfare
of our city. I believe it would be exciting and rewarding to be
directly involved in the future development of Tustin. I am a
person of common sense, fairness, and possess the ability to work
well with others.
I appreciate your consideration and look forward to hearing
from you soon.
Mar jor i ;A.t7kaZsaletZk
2352 Caper Tree Drive
Tustin, CA 92680
(714) 838-1135
24 May 1990
Ms. Mary Wynn, City Clerk
City of Tustin
1,00 Centennial Way
TUStin, California 92680
Dear Mary:
1 am writing this letter asking that I be considered for the open
vacancy for the Tustin Planning Commission. I feel that based on
my experience in the private sector, and my experience of the
last election for City Council, I would provide a good balance to
- the commission.
Thank you for your consideration in this matter.
? ....................
Dennis E. Pedersen