HomeMy WebLinkAboutCC 12 RALPH ANDERSON 07-02-90DATE:
June 26, 1990
William A. Huston, City Manager
Administrative Services Department
Inter - Com
Direct staff to execute attached agreement with Ralph Andersen and
One of the terms of the agreement reached with the Tustin Police
Officer's Association is that the City shall conduct a feasibility
study of modified work schedules. The City distributed Requests
for Proposal earlier in the year for such a study. Three firms
responded and were interviewed.
The interview committee consisted of the City Manager, Director of
Administrative Services, and the Police Chief. It was the
consensus of the staff that while all the firms were qualified,
Ralph Andersen and Associates had the most specific, results -
oriented proposal and demonstrated same in the interview.
Subsequent reference checks provided information that Ralph
Andersen and Associates have done similar studies with excellent
and objective results.
Ralph Andersen and Associates was slightly more expensive than the
other two proposers; however, neither of the other two proposers
had experience doing this particular type of study. The fee for
the study is $28,000.
The City attorney has reviewed the attached agreement and approved
Royleen A. White, Director
Community and Administrative Services
Attachment: Professional Services Agreement
Ralph Andersen
& Associates
1446 Ethan Way
Suite 101
Sacramento, CA 95825
(916) 929-5575
Ralph Andersen & Associates (Consultant) agrees to provide the services described
herein to the City of Tustin Police Department (Department) in conducting an
Analysis of Modified Work Schedules (Study) of the Department.
1. Study Initiation --The Consultant will conduct a series of meetings
with individuals and groups from the Department and City to initiate
the Study. These meetings will review the scope, objectives, and timing
of the Study and will identify any points in need of clarification. The
meetings will be as follows:
a. City Manager and the Director of Community and Administrative
b. Chief of Police
c. Police Department Command Staff
2. Conduct Initial Data Collection --At the time of the initial meetings,
the Consultant will provide a listing of information needs and review
the list to confirm the specific data needs. The information will be
reviewed with the project liaison, who would be designated by the
Chief of Police.
3. Conduct Literature Search on Modified Work Schedules --The
Consultant will conduct a general review of the literature to identify
a representative sample of recent analysis of modified work schedules
in police agencies. The literature search will focus upon analyses
which relate to cost comparisons, absentee rates, job satisfaction, and
the impact on training.
Sacramento - Dallas - Newport Beach
Professional Services Agreement
City of Tustin Police Department
Page 2
4. Conduct On -Site Data Collection --On-site data collection will require
several specific tasks including various meetings and interviews with the
Chief of Police, Division Commanders, and a sample of supervisors in
the Department. During the course of conducting the meetings and
interviews, the Consultant may identify and collect additional materials
and documents relevant to the analysis of modified work schedules.
5. Prepare and Review an Interim Report --After completing the initial
data collection, interviews, and literature search, and before conducting
the detailed analysis, the Consultant will prepare an interim report.
This will involve preparing documentation of the organization, services
and delivery systems. As a part of the interim report, the Consultant
_. will prepare specific definitions and examples of the major types of
modified work schedules. A summary of the results of the literature
search will be provided to report on the general nature and extent of
analysis done by others. The Consultant will identify issues and
directions based upon the results of the study conducted through this
task. The Consultant will meet with the City Manager, Director of
Community and Administrative Services and Chief of Police to review
the interim report.
6. Conduct Detailed Analysis --The analysis will focus upon the
identification of the Department's major service standards as detailed
in the proposal. The purpose of the analysis is to provide a base from
which to determine how these standards would be impacted by
modified work schedules. The analysis will examine current
deployment practices, operational controls, systems and procedures,
workload, and productivity. The analysis will also focus on the
organization structure of the Department including the administrative
procedures and systems and operating policies. The comparative
analysis will relate to a comparison of the current situation with
modified work schedules. Additionally, the comparative analysis will
Professional Services Agreement
City of Tustin Police Department
Page 3
indicate what, if any, service level deterioration will occur if modified
work schedules are implemented without additional staff.
7. Prepare and Review a Draft Final Report --After completion of the
detailed analysis the Consultant will prepare a draft final report. The
report will be reviewed at one meeting with the City Manager,
Director of Community and Administrative Services, and Chief of
8. Conduct Follow Up Analysis --To the extent it may be required based
on the review of the draft final report, this task will provide for the
conduct of any needed additional analysis.
9. Prepare and Review a Final Report --The final report will include all
of the information from the draft and, in addition, will include an
executive summary. The Consultant will review the final report with
the City Manager, Director of Community and Administrative Services,
and Chief of Police. In addition, it may be appropriate to present the
report to the members of the Command staff.
The proposal prepared by Ralph Andersen & Associates dated May 23, 1990 is
incorporated by reference.
For the services rendered under this agreement and described above, the City of
Tustin agrees to compensate Ralph Andersen & Associates the fixed amount of
$27,850 for professional services and expenses. Expenses include such items as
travel, printing and binding, postage and delivery, long-distance telephone calls,
and clerical charges. Ralph Andersen & Associates will prepare and submit
monthly billings to the City of Tustin. Payment by the City of Tustin is due upon
receipt of the bill.
Professional Services Agreement
- City of Tustin Police Department
Page 4
This agreement shall become effective upon execution by the City of Tustin and
shall remain in force until the completion of the Study. The time required to
complete the Study workplan is 90 days from the date of Task 1 of the workplan.
City of Tustin
Ralph Andersen & Associates
Date: Date:
f e-�O
Prepared By:
1446 Ethan Way
Suite 101
Sacramento, California 95825
(916) 929-5575
May 23, 1990
Sacramento - Dallas - Newport Beach
The Community and Police Department 4
Background and Objectives S
Scope of Study 6
Participation 11
Task Descriptions 12
Workplan 12
Summary 18
Firm Overview 19
References 20
Project Organization and Management 21
Our Underti dig of the Assignment
This section of the proposal provides a brief discussion of the background,
objectives, and scope of the Analysis of Modified Work Schedules in the Police
Department. Ralph Andersen & Associates has had an opportunity to review the
City's request for proposal and have not simply repeated the thorough information
already supplied by the City. The information presented in this section is meant
to confirm our understanding of the assignment and presents the foundation of the
study approach contained in Section III of this proposal.
The City of Tustin is located in Orange County and has a current population of
approximately 47,000. The continuing development of the Tustin Ranch Area is
estimated to increase the City's population to more than 60,000. Currently, Tustin
Ranch and other development is causing a surge in the City's growth.
The City of Tustin operates with the Council -Manager form of government and
provides a comprehensive range of municipal services to the community. Among
those are law enforcement services provided by the Tustin Police Department.
The Department has a current budget of $6.4 million and a total authorized staff
of 109, including 58 sworn, 18 sworn management employees, and 33 civilians.
The 58 sworn officers in the Department are members of the Tustin Police
Officers' Association (TPOA) which represents their members in collective
bargaining with the City.
Pane I
Our Understanding ,, e Assignment
In negotiating the current one-year agreement with the TPOA, the City agreed to
conduct a study of modified work schedules in the Police Department. The issue
of modified work schedules was a high priority for the TPOA during the most
recent negotiations. In general, the TPOA was interested in implementing the
modified work schedule (principally the 4-10 plan) while the City opposed the
implementation on cost and operational grounds. The conflict between the TPOA
and the City regarding the implementation of a modified work schedule is not
uncommon. Employees typically desire the modified work schedule to reduce the
number of days they spend on the job and, increasingly, can cite other comparable
organizations that have implemented 4-10 plans or some other modified work
schedule. In the case of the TPOA, they were able to cite the nine neighboring
cities used to compare salaries. The City's response to the modified work schedule
approach was based upon an analysis by the Police Department management that
indicated it would be significantly more costly (personnel and equipment) than the
current work schedule. By agreeing to study the issue, both the TPOA and the
City have indicated their desire to have a comprehensive factual data base upon
which to discuss the issue in the future.
In developing its request for proposal, the City identified or implied several
objectives for the analysis of modified work schedules in the Police Department.
Those objectives are to:
• Identify and document service demands, service level standards, service and
cost relationships, and organizational structure%services
• Document, analyze, and assess the Department's current staff deployment
• Prepare a factual base for the comparative analysis of current work schedules
with modified work schedules focusing on the 4-10 and 9-80 plans
• Conduct a literature search to identify comparative analysis done by others
(such as POST) relating to modified work schedules
• Identify and analyze secondary issues of modified work schedules such as
the impact on training, equipment, supervision and management, overtime
use, incidence of injuries on duty, recruitment and retention, and related
• Identify and analyze technical issues created by modified work schedules,
including leave accumulations, holiday pay calculations, and related matters
Prepare a comprehensive comparative analysis of the current work schedule
with alternative modified work schedules, including a comparison of such
"� Page 2
Our Under., ,ing of [lie Assignment
■ factors as productivity, cost per unit fielded, total units fielded, service
demand/staffing patterns, and related matters
• Document the results of the analysis in a comprehensive written report
delivered to the City no later than October 1, 1990.
It is understood that the objectives of the study include the use of a project
management system that ensures timely communications with the City, the
provision of periodic status reports, and completion of the engagement on time.
The scope of the analysis of modified work schedules is intended to be com-
prehensive. The issues analyzed will be clearly identified and documented; all
analysis will be documented, including the use of comparative analysis techniques
(alternative work schedules and staffing requirements, cost analysis, service
delivery practices, performance, etc.); and a comprehensive, written report will
be delivered to the City to document the entire study process and analyses. We
understand the broad scope of the analysis and have prepared study methodologies
and a workplan that incorporates this scope of study.
Page 3
Page 4
Afethodol rics
This section of the proposal contains a brief description of the methodologies that
will be used in conducting the analysis of modified work schedules for the Police
Department. Each methodology is described below.
• Detailed Data Collection --The analysis workplan described in Section III
of this proposal requires extensive data collection activities. That data
collection will include both records and documents and personal
interviews. Prior to conducting the initial meetings to initiate the project,
the consultants will provide the City's Director of Community and
Administrative Services and Police Chief with a detailed list of records
and documents required for subsequent review and analysis. This list of
records and documents is anticipated to be extensive (see Section III,
Workplan) and will provide much of the initial basis for analysis. In
addition, the consultants will conduct personal interviews to gain
additional insight into the study background, to collect additional
information, and to help place the operation of the Police Department
into perspective. These personal interviews will include the City
Manager, Director of Community and Administrative Services, Police
Chief, Police Department Command staff, and a sample of first-line
supervisors in the Department.
Literature Seanrh--Several law enforcement -related and many police
agencies in California have conducted analysis and case studies of
modified work schedules. The consultants will conduct a search of the
literature on this subject and conduct an assessment of the results of the
analysis reported. The City should be aware that the analysis of modified
work schedules has been conducted for the past ten or more years in
California. It is fair to interpret the results of much of the analysis as
indicating that modified work schedules are employee benefits and
provide few or no long-lasting operational benefits for the police agency.
Because these conclusions are well-known in law enforcement, the
literature search conducted as a part of this study is not intended to be
exhaustive. Rather, it will be a sampling of analysis of modified work
Page 5
schedules and will include a summary of the results of the sample
Standards ldenti kation and Ana_ sis--The Department's service standards
will be identified and documented to help provide the basis for the
comparative analysis of modified work schedules. Standards such as
response times to calls for service by priority will be identified and
documented by referring to records and documents and in discussions
with Department staff. The purpose of identifying the Department's
service standards is to enable the comparison of those standards with the
current work schedule and the modified work schedule. This analysis will
enable the consultants to estimate the impact of alternative work
schedules on the Department's current service standards.
Management and Operations Analysis --The focus of the management and
operations analysis will be upon the documentation of current resource
deployment practices. This will include examining patrol workload by
time of day and day of week and reviewing current staff deployment
practices. In addition, this methodology will include an identification and
analysis of training, equipment needs, and related matters.
• Organization Analysis --This analysis methodology will consider overall
organization structure, reporting relationships, chain of command, spans
of control, supervision, direction, and communication. The purpose of
this analysis is to document the existing situation in the Department.
Having done so, any changes made necessary by modified work schedules
can be clearly identified and evaluated.
Administrative and Policy Analysis --To some extent, administrative
procedures and policies drive the allocation and use of resources in the
Department. The methodology used for administrative and policy analysis
will be to identify and document important factors affected by work
schedules. These may include such factors as time -off provisions, the use
of special units, call priority designations, leave provisions and use, and
related matters.
• Comparative Analysis --The general scope of the analysis of modified work
schedules in the Police Department demands the use of comparative
analysis techniques. In general, the comparative analysis will be used to
clearly show the differences between modified work schedules and the
current work schedule. These differences will be identified and
documented in terms of response times, total staffing requirements by
function, equipment, and cost of providing services. In addition, estimates
will be made and compared to the current situation with regard to
overtime use for court time, time -off provisions, and training. The
comparative analysis will be the primary methodology used in providing
answers to the central question of the study; what (if any) Are the
financial and operational costs to the City of implementing a modified
work schedule in the Police Department?
All of the methodologies described here have been integrated into the workplan
described in Section III of this proposal.
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This section describes the workplan which has been developed to conduct the
analysis of modified work schedules for the Tustin Police Department. More
specifically, this section contains the following:
An overview of the City staff participation in the study process
A brief description of the approach used in the task descriptions
The workplan consisting of a series of specific steps in the study process.
The workplan provides for participation by City and Police Department officials
and staff. More particularly, we anticipate the following participation:
City Manager --We have assumed the City Manager will be involved in the
study and expect to provide him with detailed briefings at key points in
the study process. In addition, the consultants will meet with the City
Manager at the start of the study to review the background and to
identify any specific interests or concerns. All draft and final reports will
be presented to the City Manager.
Director of Community and Administrative .Services --We have assumed that
Ms. White will serve as the City's project coordinator for the study. The
consultants will coordinate all aspects of the study with the project
coordinator, including conducting briefing sessions, product review
meetings, and providing the project coordinator with periodic, written
status reports.
• Chief Police --The consultants will meet with the Chief of Police at the
beginning of the study, meet to review and confirm operational
- information during the course of the study, and review draft reports (with
the Director of Community and Administrative Services).
Page 9
• Command Staff --At the beginning of the study the consultants will meet
with the members of the Police Department command staff to review the
workplan and discuss the study objectives. Subsequently, each of the
members of the command staff will be interviewed by the consultants to
identify potential operational impacts of modified work schedules.
• Supervisors --The consultants will meet with a sample of the Department's
field supervisors to discuss the potential impact of modified work
schedules from an operation viewpoint.
Police Department Project Liaison --We recommend the Chief of Police
name a member of his support staff to serve as the project liaison to the
consultants. The role of the project liaison will include coordinating the
assembly of records and documents requested by the consultants and
arranging meeting and interview schedules.
The task descriptions included in the suggested workplan are generally listed
sequentially although some tasks will be conducted concurrently. The task
descriptions are brief but designed to convey specifically what will be done, how
it will be done (in conjunction with the description of methodologies), and why it
will be done.
The following describes the tasks and sub -tasks necessary to complete the analysis
of modified work schedules in the Tustin Police Department.
Task 1 --Study Initiation
The analysis of modified work schedules will be initiated with a series of
meetings, each of which are described below:
Task 1.1 --Meet With The City Manager And The Director Of
Community And Administrative Services --As the first step in the study,
the consultants will meet with the City Manager and Director of
Community and Administrative Services. The purpose of this meeting
is to review and confirm the study objectives and scope and to review
the workplan and timing. In addition, the consultants will use this
meeting to discuss the background of the study in detail. Doing so
Page 10
will assist the consultants in placing the analysis of modified work
schedules into perspective. It has been assumed that the Director will
serve as the City's project coordinator, and the consultants will use this
meeting to discuss the specific timing and format of project status
Task 1.2 --Meet With The Chief Of Police --The consultants will meet
with the Chief of Police to review the study objectives, scope,
workplan, and timing. In addition, the consultants will use this
meeting to begin discussions regarding the organization and services
of the Department and to review the potential impact of modified
work schedules on service delivery practices. Also, the consultants will
review the results of the internal analysis of the modified work
schedules that have been previously conducted by the Department's
management staff.
Task 1.3 --Meet With The Police Department Command Staff --With
the Chief of Police in attendance, the consultants will meet with the
members of the Chief's command staff (division heads). The purpose
of this meeting is to review the study objectives, scope, workplan, and
timing. This meeting will also serve as an introduction for the
consultants who, in subsequent tasks, will be conducting more detailed
meetings with the command staff to help develop an understanding
of the current service demands facing each unit of the Department.
Task 2 --Conduct Initial Data Collection
The consultants will identify and collect a wide variety of information about
the Tustin Police Department. This information will be used throughout the
study and will be identified early in the process.
Task 2.1 --Prepare A Detailed List Of Data Needs --Immediately upon
being selected to conduct the study, the consultants will prepare a
detailed data collection checklist. This list will be prepared so that
it is available for the review meetings described .in Task 1. Among
the information that will be included in the checklist are the following:
• Department mission statements
• Department annual reports for the past five years
• City budgets for the past five years
• Organization charts
• Personnel statistics for the past three years
• Current work schedules and shift assignments
• Beat maps
• Call for service and related data for five years
• Investigative caseload data for five years
• Response time data for five years
• Call priority designation information
Page I1
City demographic data and growth forecasts
Internal reports on modified work schedules
Overtime expense records for three years
• Current position classification and compensation plans
• Current MOU's
General and special orders and SOP's
Staff/personnel utilization reports
Current management reports (monthly or quarterly)
• Annual training calendar
• Listing of vehicles and equipment
• Workers' Compensation data for three years.
Task 2.2 --Review- Data Needs With The Proiect Liaison --It has been
assumed that the Chief of Police would designate a member of his
staff to serve as project liaison to the consultants. This individual will
serve as the focal point for the assembly of documents and will
schedule meetings with Department staff. The consultants will review
the data needs list with the project liaison to make sure there are no
misunderstandings of the nature of the information desired by the
- Task 2.3 --Conduct Initial Information Review --After collecting all of
the information described in the preceding tasks, the consultants will
review it to gain an initial understanding of the organization and
operations of the Tustin Police Department. This information will be
used by the consultants as background in conducting the on-site data
collection described in Task 4.
Task 3 --Conduct Literature Search On Modified Work Schedules --A great
deal of information currently exists on modified work schedules in police
departments. This information includes studies conducted by other police
departments and studies conducted by law enforcement resource groups such
as POST. The consultants will conduct a general review of the literature to
identify a representative sample of recent analysis of modified work
schedules in police agencies. The literature search will focus upon analyses
which relate to cost comparisons, absentee rates, job satisfaction, and the
impact on training.
Task 4 --Conduct On -Site Data Collection
On-site data collection will require several specific sub -tasks, each of which
are described below.
Task 4.1 --Schedule On -Site Data Collection --Coordinating with the
Department's project liaison, the consultants will schedule meetings
with the Chief of Police, Division Commanders, and a sample of
supervisors in the Department. These meetings will typically take
from one-half to one and one-half hours, depending upon the
Page 12
organizational level of the person being interviewed. The purpose of
the meetings is to assist in gaining an understanding of the organiza-
tion and operations of the Department and the potential impact on
those operations of modified work schedules. In addition to meeting
with Police Department staff, the consultants will meet with a member
of the City's finance and personnel staff, if necessary, to gain
information regarding such matters as overtime use.
Task 4.2 --Conduct interviews --The interviews and meetings will be
conducted as described in Task 4.1. In addition to discussing specific
items of interest about the Department's operations, the consultants
will, as appropriate, make direct observations of activities such as
records and dispatch and tour the Department's facilities.
Task 4.3 --Identify And Collect Additional Data --During the course of
conducting the meetings and interviews, the consultants may identify
and collect additional materials and documents relevant to the analysis
of modified work schedules.
Task 5 --Prepare And Review An interim Report
After completing the initial data collection, interviews, and literature search,
and before conducting the detailed analysis, the consultants will prepare an
interim report. The purpose of the report is to provide the City Manager,
Director of Community and Administrative Services, and Chief of Police
with an early opportunity to review the status of the study and to discuss the
specific issues and directions for the balance of the study. The sub -tasks
required for the preparation and review of the interim report are described
Task 5.1 --Prepare Documentation Of The Organization, Services, And
Service Delivery Systems --To provide a factual basis for the
subsequent detailed analysis of modified work schedules, the
consultants will document the current organization, resources, resource
deployment, and management of the Department. Using the data
collected to this point, the results of the interviews, and any direct
observations, the consultants will prepare an overview profile of the
Department and each of its major organization units. The service
delivery methods and systems of the Department will be included as
a part of this profile.
Task 5.2 --Prepare An Explanation Of Modified Work Schedule
Concepts --It is important that the specific modified work schedule
concepts which are the subject of this analysis be clearly defined early
in the study process. As a part of the interim report, the consultants
will prepare specific definitions and examples of the major types of
modified work schedules.
Page 13
Task 5.3 --Prepare A Summary Of The Results Of The Literature
Search --A summary of the results of the literature search will be
prepared and included in the interim report. While the literature
search is not intended to be exhaustive nor this summary extensive,
it will be prepared in a manner that reports on the consistent findings
of the analysis of modified work schedules in police departments.
The intent of the summary of the results of the literature search is to
report on the general nature and extent of analysis done by others and
their significant findings.
Task 5.4 --Identify Issues And Directions --To help assure that the
detailed analysis to be conducted in a subsequent task is properly
focused, the consultants will identify issues and directions based upon
the results of the study to this point. The issues identified are
expected to be those that relate most directly to the Department's
organization and service delivery methods and how they may be
impacted by a modified work schedule. The directions identified will
focus upon the remaining analysis and are intended to indicate the
expected results from the detailed analysis.
Task 5.5 --Review The Interim Report --The consultants will meet with
the City Manager, Director of Community and Administrative Services
and Chief of Police to review the interim report. The purpose of the
review will be to confirm the consultant's understanding of the current
organization and operation of the Department, to review the major
alternative work schedules, and to review the results of the literature
search. In addition, this meeting will be used to discuss the direction
and timing of the balance of the study.
Task 6 --Conduct Detailed Analysis
The analysis task is the major part of the Analysis of Modified Work
Schedules in the Tustin Police Department. It will require the following
specific analysis sub -tasks:
Task 6.1 --Standards Identification Analysis --This sub -task will focus
upon the identification of the Department's major service standards
such as response time for calls for service by priority, minimum
staffing requirements, and all other major service delivery standards.
In addition to identifying the Department's standards, its current
performance will also be identified. The purpose of the analysis is to
provide a base from which to determine how these standards would
be impacted by modified work schedules.
Task 6.2 --Management And Operations Analysis --This analysis will
examine current deployment practices, operational controls, systems
and procedures, workload, and productivity. The analysis will relate
Page 14
to the current situation and will also identify any impacts caused by
modified work schedules, especially the 4-10 and 9-80 plans.
Task 6.3 --Organization Analysis --This analysis will focus on the
organization structure of the Department and its divisions and sections
to identify what, if any, impact would result from modified work
schedules. It will also analyze the potential difficulties created by
sworn officers working modified work schedules while managers,
supervisors, and civilians work a standard 5-8 schedule.
Task 6.4 --Administrative And Policy Analysis --The focus of this
analysis will be on the Department's administrative procedures and
systems and operating policies. The purpose of the analysis is to
identify which existing administrative procedures and policies will be
affected by modified work schedules.
Task 6.5 --Comparative Analysis --The comparative analysis is the part
of the study which will identify the specific costs and impacts
associated with modified work schedules. All of the analysis will
relate to a comparison of the current situation (5-8 schedule) with
modified work schedules, principally the 4-10 and 9-80 plans. This
analysis will, for example, identify how many additional patrol officers
are required by a modified work schedule, what the cost will be, and
how the Department's organization and operations may be affected.
In addition, the comparative analysis will indicate what, if any, service
level deterioration will occur if modified work schedules are
implemented without additional staff. These service level deteriora-
tions will be expressed in terms of response time and similar measures
of performance.
Task 7 --Prepare And Review A Draft Final Report
After completion of the detailed analysis the consultants will prepare a draft
final report. The sub -tasks involved in this effort are described below:
Task 7.1 --Prepare A Draft Final Report --The consultants will prepare
a draft final report which will include the following:
• Appropriate introductory material, including a description of the
study process and objectives
The profile of the Department prepared cis a part of the interim
The results of the literature search
• Documentation of modified work schedule concepts
Page 15
• The results of the detailed analysis expressed as findings and
observations with documentation supporting those findings and
• Recommendations as may be appropriate.
Task 7.2 --Review The Dram Final Report --The consultants will review
the draft final report at one meeting with the City Manager, Director
of Community and Administrative Services, and Chief of Police.
Task 8 --Conduct Follow Up Analysis
To the extent it may be required based on the review of the draft final
report, this task will provide for the conduct of any needed additional
Task 9 --Prepare And Review A Final Report
Based upon the review of the draft and supplemented by any needed follow
up analysis, the consultants will prepare a final report. The final report will
include all of the information from the draft and, in addition, will include
an executive summary. The consultants will review the final report with the
City Manager, Director of Community and Administrative Services, and
Chief of Police. In addition, it may be appropriate to present the report to
the members of the Command staff.
The workplan designed for the analysis of modified work schedules for the Tustin
Police Department is meant to be comprehensive and to specifically identify the
financial, operational, and policy costs associated with modified work schedules.
Further, the workplan is intended to result in a detailed and thoroughly
documented report in recognition of the events giving rise to the study and the fact
that the report will be provided to the Tustin Police Officers' Association by the
Corporate Stuff Qualifications
This section provides an overview of the corporate and staff qualifications of
Ralph Andersen & Associates to assist the City of Tustin in conducting an analysis
of modified work schedules in the Police Department. The section contains:
• An overview of the services and experience of the finn
• References
• Project organization and management
• Project staff qualifications.
Ralph Andersen & Associates was formed in 1972 and has provided a wide range
of consulting services to cities, other local governments, and to the private sector
since that time. The firm is based in Sacramento and has additional offices in
Newport Beach and Dallas. The firm provides services in the following areas:
• Organization and management analysis
• Personnel management and systeins development
• Financial management and analysis
• Executive search
• Staff training and development.
The management consulting practice of Ralph Andersen & Associates is oriented
primarily to local government. Although focused in California and the Western
United States, the firm's practice is national in scope. Current local government
clients are located in Arizona, California, Colorado, Florida, Illinois, New Mexico,
North Carolina, Oklahoma, Oregon, Texas, Washington, and Wyoming.
gage 1 i
Corporate and Staff Q
The local government management consulting practice of Ralph Andersen &
Associates is characterized by the provision of practical services based upon the
comprehensive understanding of local government by experienced consultants.
The senior staff of the firm are experienced managers and analysts who have
worked directly in local government and who have extensive local government
consulting experience. We know local government.
The references listed below are representative of the recent consulting engage-
ments undertaken by Ralph Andersen & Associates in law enforcement.
• Cj& of Long Beach. Calt ornia--Qnerational Staffin�quiremertts
Evaluation of the Police Department --This assignment involved a
comprehensive analysis of the use of existing resources, current and future
service needs, and the identification of opportunities to improve efficiency
and effectiveness. This engagement involved the analysis of issues involving
major points of contention in labor-management relations. Appendix A to
this proposal is the executive surrunary of the final report and is provided to
illustrate the product quality of the services of Ralph Andersen & Associates.
Contact: Mr. Jim Hankh4 City Manager, (213) 590-6812
City of Arlington. Texas --Police Department Resource Utilization Analvsis--
This assignment involved a comprehensive analysis of the organization,
workload, staffing, and operations of the 500 -person police department in the
Dallas -Fort Worth Metroplex. The results of the assignment included
increased civilianization, beat redesign, redeployment of sworn officers, and
the savings of $4 million over a two-year period. Contact: Mr. Bill
Kirchhoff City Manager, (817) 459-6101.
City of Roseville California--Anulysis of Workload Stang, and Scheduling
Practices .in Selected Units of .the Police Department --This engagement
included the analysis of workload, staffing, and scheduling practices in the
investigations, communications, records, property/evidence, jai4 and
administrative sections of the Police Department. Contact: Chief Greg
Coward Chief of Polio (916) 781-0100.
Cily of f Commerce City, Colorruio--Organization and Performance Review
of the Police Department --This assignment was prompted by a significant
morale problem in the Department. The analysis included conducting a
comprehensive organization climate assessment, organization and staffing
review, and identifying operational problems and solutions. Contact: Mr.
Steve Crowel4 City Manager, (303) 289-3627.
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Corporate . Staff Qualifications
Qy of Costa Mesa; Caliirnia--Clrganization and Management Review of
the Police Department --Ralph Andersen & Associates conducted two
assignments for the Costa Mesa Police Department. The first was an
organization and management review of the Department with a special focus
on overall organization structure and an analysis of workload and staffing
for all units including patrol, investigations, administration, and special
services. The second assignment involved the development of a computerized
system (Police Services Impact Model--PSIM) to forecast calls for service
and police staffing needs resulting from the development of different land
uses in the City. Contact: Chief David Snowden, Chief of Polio (714)
Ralph Andersen & Associates has conducted a large number of other consulting
assignments involving police departments and other law enforcement agencies.
Those described above are representative of the types of projects conducted by the
firm. We would urge you to contact these past clients to gain further information
on the quality of service provided by Ralph Andersen & Associates.
Because of the sensitive nature of this assignment and the need for the consultants
to have a comprehensive understanding of police department operations and labor
relations, the consultant team will include our most experienced staff. Although
some routine data analysis and the literature search may be assigned to others on
our staff, the principal consultants will be Mr. Clay Brown, President/CEO of
Ralph Andersen & Associates, and Dr. Roland C. Dart III, DPA, Special
Consultant with Ralph Andersen & Associates.
Mr. Brown will serve as project manager and lead consultant on the assignment.
He will be responsible for all aspects of the assignment, including client com-
munications, schedule and quality control, and report preparation and presentation.
Dr. Dart will serve as principal consultant on the assignment and work closely with
Mr. Brown on all aspects of the analysis. To the extent it may be necessary, Mr.
Brown and Dr. Dart will be assisted by other members of the firm's staff. It is
anticipated that such assistance will involve routine data analysis and conducting
the literature search.
The consultant team of Clay Brown and Roland Dart have worked together
extensively in the past including the recent police department analysis assignments
conducted for Long Beach and Arlington. Brief summaries of their professional
experience is provided below.
• Clay Brown is President/CED of Ralph Andersen & Associates and its
principal shareholder. He has more than twenty years of experience in local
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Corporate and Staff 0
government management and consulting including the past ten years with
Ralph Andersen & Associates. Mr. Brown is active in all areas of the firm's
services with a particular focus on organization and management assign-
ments. On recent studies involving police departments, he served as project
manager and lead consultant on the study of the Long Beach Police
Department. He had the same role in the Arlington Police Department study
and also conducted the analysis of the Costa Mesa and Roseville Police
Departments. Prior to joining Ralph Andersen & Associates in 1980, lie
served in a variety of positions with the Cities of Austin, Texas; Phoenix,
Arizona; and Palo Alto and Pleasanton, California. In Palo Alto lie served
as Deputy City Manager and Budget Director and was responsible for costing
labor agreements. As City Manager in Pleasanton, lie negotiated all labor
agreements, including those with the police officer's bargaining unit. Mr.
Brown received his Bachelor's Degree in Public Administration from the
University of North Dakota and his Master's Degree from the University of
Texas at Austin.
Dr. Roland G Dart III, DPA, is a Special Consultant with Ralph Andersen
& Associates and an Associate Professor at California State University,
Sacramento. Dr. Dart has served as a special consultant with Ralph
Andersen & Associates for the past three years and has been a member of
the firm's consulting teams for the Long Beach and Arlington police studies.
In addition, he has been a member of consulting teams on studies in the
Alameda, Belmont, Sacramento and San Carlos Police Departments. Prior
to becoming an Associate Professor at California State University,
Sacramento, Dr. Dart served as Chief of Police in Vallejo for more than ten
years. He also served as Superintendent of Law Enforcement for the Navajo
Indian Nation; Chief of Police in Lafayette, Louisiana; Assistant Director
of Field Services for the IA CP; and as a Deputy Sheriff and Sergeant for the
Sacramento County Sheriff's Department. Dr. Dart is a graduate of the first
class at the POST Command College and holds the Bachelor's and Master's
Degrees from California State University, Sacramento. He also holds the
Master and Doctor of Public Administration Degrees from the University of
Southern California.
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