HomeMy WebLinkAboutCC MINUTES 1966 06 20 MINUTES OF A REGULAR MEETING TUSTIN CITY COUNCIL June 20, 1966 CALL TO The meeting was called ~o order a~ 7:33 P.M. by Mayor Mack° ORDER PLEDGE OF Led by Mayor F~ck. ALLEGIANCE III. ROLL Present: Councilmen: 1,~ch, Xlingelhofer, Coco, Miller, CALL Ring. Absent: Councilmen: None Others Present: City Administrator, Ha~ry Gill City Attorney, J~mes Rourke City Clerk, Ruth C. Poe Plannmng Director, James SupLnger APPROVAL It was moved by Coco, seconded icy Mack, that minutes of OF MlNUTES June 6th meezinE, be aDproved as mailed~ C~rried. V. PUBLIC 1. SIGN 0RDINANCE - ORDINANCE NO. 305 MEETINGS T0 CONSIDER THE ADOPTION OF A REVISED SIGN ORDINANCE REPEALING THE EXISTING SIGN ORDINANCE, ORDINANCE NO. 183 AND AMENDING THOSE SECTIONS OF ORDINANCE NO. 157, AS AMENDED, PERTAINING TO SIGNS. He~ing opened at 7:35 P.M. Comcihan Rhg arrived at the meezing. ~. Supinger, Plaming Director, presented tx.~o possible visions - one cove~Lng the intensity of light vathim one- hunted (100) feet of residences, and the second !i~miting the lighting of signs to working ho~s. The follo~ag persons spoke relative zo the proposed Si~ 0rdinace. Blanche Wolf - Tustin Heights Shopping Center_ requested more explicit i~o~ation on any changes made on the May 16th edition of the proposed 0rdh~ce. Y~. Ed Cronh - ~ecutive Director of the Southern Calif- fornia Electrical Sign ,Issociation- stated -chat his orga~- zation subs zribes ~o recov~endations for light~g ho~s ~d the intensity of signs~ but tlney felt there would be a problem ~f ~nforcemsn~ oen-'csining ~o the after hom~ light- ing factor. ]'.Zaat consY:~ cue!mess ho~s? ~. Cronin stated that one 0~zinanc~w ~.~oul~ bs s. ccepted~. as drafted .Zay lSth, and wh~ C~.ncn! sk_c:n!a Lake mnoth~ look a~ the Council Minuzes 6/20/66 Pg. 2 Mr. John Jamieson - Chamber of Co'~aerce - referred to a letter senL to the Council, upholding the Ordinance as now m~itten, but stated that if this ~rdinance is still met with mixed motions, the Chamber of Com~aerce is in favor of another work session. Mr F ok arle%~a- President of the Board of Realtors - stated that the Real Estate Board is not agaZnst property ~mers, either residential or c~mnercial. If it is felt that this is no~ an equitable Ordinance~ additional Lime should be granted for shirt sleeve sessmons. The Board of Realtors ms ready zo accepL the May 16thedition, but is willing ~o za!k further. Do__n~efner - Planning Commission Chai~aan - stated that the memorandum zo the Council states the Cormmission:~ stand, which is not new. l~r. Hefner stated nothing ~ould come from continued I'roPkshops, but the Commission is willing ~o go into them, if desired. Walt Fredrickscn - speaking as an individual, stated he felt that as this proposed Drdinance has been under study smnce November 1965, the Council as the governing body should reach a decision. There being no further comments or objections, the heal~- mng was declared closed az ~:55 P.M. Councilman Coco stated he was in agreement with ~. Fredrickson. Some changes have been discussed and what- ' ever changes are incorporated, will be available az the City Hall. M~. Coco s~rongly sug~ssted that a discussion be held hy the Council, and Ordinance No. 305 have first readin/at this meeting. In answer ~o ~uestioninf by Counci]nan Klingelh.ofer, Cronin stated 'that four-hundred and fifty (~50) feet Lamberts mn a sign would be comparable to the La Palema Restauranz Sign. iir. Coco stated that the nmnber of Lamberts could ah~ays be amended, but although he is in favor of some fo~ of restriction pertaining to after business hour lighting, it could take more s~udy. ~ieved by KlingelHofer, seconded by Ring that Ordinance No. ~0.5, reSu!ating the construction, erection, alteration, repamr and maintenance of Advsrtisinz Sirens and their supportS, have first readinsbytitle on]~y_. Carried unani- mously. I¢~. Nick Bar!etta questioned the adoption a~ this time ~.~ithou~ seeing all corrections or additions,, and was told that this ~ms onbx the first reading and that revised copies would be available this week. 2. PARKING REQUIREMENTS TO CONSIDER AMENDING ORDINANCE NO. 157, AS AMENDED, ESTABLISHING THE REQUIRED PARKING IN CONJUNCTION WITH A BILLIARD OR POOL HALL USE. Hear-,n{ Council Ydnutes 5/20/66 Pg. 3 Staff report presented with recommendations from the Planning Comm~issmon to establish a parking requirement Billismd or Pool Halls of one space per one-hundred (lO0) square feet of floor area. I.~. L. 3erd~ spoke on parking problems in conjunction ~ith these facilities. There being no objections or further commen~s, the hear- ing was declared closed at 8:16 P.H, Moved by Coco, seconded byKlingelhofer, that Ordinance No. 314, providing stand~yds for off-streeT paH~i~E re- guirements for all billlard smd ~ool halls in the C-2-P istrict, be read b~ ~ only.' C[~?ed ~nanimously. Councilman Ring beceae ill and left the meeting at 8:20 P.M. VI OLD None BUSLNESS NEW 1. RESOLUTION NO. 831 - 1966-67 .Budget BUSIESS A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY OF TUSTIN, ADOPTING THE CITY BUDGET AND APPROPRIATING REVENUE OF THE CITY FOR THE 1966-67 FISCAL YEAR. Moved by Klingelhofer, seconded hy Coco, tha~ Resolution No. 831 be read by title only. Carried unanimously. Moved by Coco, seconded by Miller, that Resolution Moo 831, adopting the City Budget and ap]Drop2iatinE Revenue of the City for the 1966-6~ Fiscal Year, be nassed and adopted. Carried by Roll Call. fJes: i.'~ck, Klin~elhofer, Coco, Miller. Noes: None Absent: Ring 2. RESOLUTION NO. 832 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF TUSTIN, CALIFORNIA, INFORMING THE ARTERIAL HIGHWAY FINANCING PROGRAM ADVISORY COMMITTEE OF THE STATUS OF THE CITY OF TUSTIN MASTER PLAN OF ARTERIAL HIGHWAYS. Moved by Kling ~lhofer, seconded by Coco, that Resolution No. 832, be read ~y title onl' ~. Carried unanimously. Moved by Coco, seconded by [(lin~elhofer, that Resolution No. 832, informing the ~irterial Hi~h~,zay Financina' Program Advisory _Committes of the sza~us of the City of ~ustin MasteF Plan of j.rterial Hi~huaFs be Das'S~d and ado'oted. Carried by Roll Call. Ayes: Mack, Klingelhofer, Coco, Noes:. None fibs ent: Ring 3, RESOLUTION NO. 833 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF TUSTIN CALIFORNIA, TRANSFERRING FUNDS BETWEEN DEPARTMENTS IN THE 1965-66 BUDGET. Council Minutes 6/2C/66 Pg. 4 }ioved by KlinMelhofer, seconded by Killer, that Resolution ~o. 833, be read by title only. Carried va~ani~nously. Moved by Xlinge!hofer, seconded by Ki!lem No. 833, transferring funds between departmenzs in -she 1965-66 ~adge~, be passed and adopted. Carried by Roll Call. jjes: Hack, Klingelhofer, Coco, ifiller. Noes: None ,tbsen~: Ring 4. ORDINANCE NO. 313 AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF TUSTIN, CALIFORNIA, ADD- ING SECTION 4-23 TO THE TUSTIN CITY CODE, REGULATING THE KEEPING OF ANIMALS, POULTRY, AND LIVESTOCK IN THE CITY OF TUSTIN, CALIFORNIA. l{oved by Miller that Ordinance No.gl$, adding Sacriga 4-29 ~o the Tustin Cit7 Code, be read by titl~onl.v. Ylotion died for lack of second. Councilman Coco felt that more study should be given sections of this Ordinance such as requirement that aniraals, fowls, ezc. shall no~ be kept within fifty (50) feet~ of the owner~s residents, he also objected to provisions of the Ordinance that would prohibit certain common house pets. The II~yor directed that a revised Ordinance be prepsred for the nex~ reoo~.lar mee~ing. 5- FIRST STREET IMPROVEMENTS Acceptance of con~rac~ m First Street improvements ' between Prospec~ and Nev(~or~ Avenues, with O. E. Henderson Construction Co. Moved by l',iiller, seconded by Coco that the conzrac~ with O. E. Henderson Construction ComDanY for improvin¢ First Street from Prosz sc~ Avenue '~o Nevoor~ Avenue, be S. OOeDt-- e__d in the amount of ~29,172.90. Hotion carried. 6. TRACT 5142 - DEPOSIT REFUND Refund of Cash Deposit for Tract 5142 in lieu of Monumen~a~ion Bond. Moved by Klin~jelhofer, seconded by Miller, that the refund of the 8500.00 cash deposit for monumentation in Tract No. ~142, ~e aDDroved. Carried, 7. COOPERTIVE PERSONNEL SERVICES - TESTING PROGRAM Authorization for the City Atministrator ~o execute Cost Service Contrac~ Agreemen~ l,~th the State of California Moved by Coco, seconded by Klingelhofer, that the Cit~ ~.dministra~or be authorized to e~ecute the Cost Service Contract ?~Zr~me_nj with thg State Personnel Board, Cooperative Persorme! Services. Herion ~'arried. 8. APPROVAL OF DEMANDS Hoved by _,C!llr~ :!},:cn,ie: dy l'! in~ elhofer, that Demands in the ~zx _.i.. "X~-.t -%._[~rJ,i,2ved a'nS -i__iS. !Cotion Council }iinutes 6/20/66 Pg. 5 VIIi. REPORTS & 1. PUBLISHED BUDGET - Sale Price OTHER BUSINESS Moved by Miller, seconded by [(lingelhofer, that a herice be established for copies of the 1966-67 Budget at r~2.00 per copy. Motion carr'ied. Councilman Xlingel~ofer suggested that a Budget be s. vail- able if borrowed on a %2.00 ier~sit. 2. AGREEMENT FOR COUNTY SERVICES Moved t~y K!ingelhofer, seconded by Coco, that th.c li~ayor and City Clerk be e. uthorized to e~ocute ~,.greement with the County of Orange, for the continuation of the following= services: 1. Construction, Engineering, and Inspection 2. Street Painting and Stripmng 3. Soil Tests and Material Control Tests 4. Road ITaintenance Motion carried. 'CORRESPON- 1. REQUEST FOR BLOCK PARTY - Wheeler Drive DENCE Moved by Klingelhofer, seconded by Coco, that pervaission be granted to the res idents of the 13500-13700 block ~'$neeler Phce, to barricade the s~reet on July 4th, between the hours of 5:00 P.M. and 8:00 P.M., for the holding of an annual block party. Suject to approval of Police and Fire Departments. iCotion calftied. 2. REQUEST FOR BLOCK PARTY - Pacific Street }'ioved by ]f!ingelhofer, seconded. by Coco, that permission be granted to the residents of the 14000 block of Pacific ,Street, to barricade the szreeL bet%~een the ho~s of 5:00 P.}i. ~d 8:00 P.M. on July 4th. Subjecz ~ ~pproval of the Police and Fire De][ ~r~raen~s. 3. AMERICAN INSTITUTE OF ARCHITECTS City Clerk directed 'co file lisl of noises recom'c=~ended by the f~erican Institute of Architects as eligible per~ns uithin the area ~o serve on a Co'~ission. ADJOURNMENT Mayor i,iack declared the meeting adjourned to a Petsotto, el Session, Present: Counciim~,n: ~.iack, X!in~eihofer, Coco, Miller, City Ldministrator, City Clerk, City Attorney. Moved, seconded and duly carried, that meeting be adjourned to ?:30 P.M., Tuesday, July 5, 1966.