HomeMy WebLinkAboutCC MINUTES 1966 06 06 MINUTES OF A REGULAR MEETING TUSTIN CITY COUNCIL June 6, 1966 CALL TO Meeting called to order at 7=33 P.M., by Mayor Mack. ORDER ii. PLEDGE OF Led by Mayor Mack. ALLEGIANCE III. ROLL Present~ Councilmen~ Mack, Coco~ Miller, Ring CALL Absent= Councilmen= Klingelhofe'r Others Present.~ City Adminis~rator~i Harry Gill City Attorney, Jame~s Rourke City Clerk, Ruth Poe Planning Director, James Supinger APPROVAL Moved by Coco, seconded by Ring, that minutes of May 16th OF MINUTES meeting, ~e aGoroved as mailed. Carried. V. PUBLIC 1. SIGN ORDINANCE - REVISED HEARINGS TO CONSIDER AMENDING THOSE SECTIONS OF ORDINANCE NO. 157, AS AMENDED, PERTAINING TO SIGNS IN THE CITY AND TO CONSIDER THE ADOPTION OF A REVISED SIGN ORDINANCE, REPEALING THE EXISTING SIGN OR- DINANCE, ORDINANCE NO. 183 Hearing opened a~ ~35 P.M. Mr. Donald Hefner, chairman of Tustin Planning Commission~ s~sted that the Commission is not in concurr?nce with May 16th revised Ordinance° He felt that Tustin is and hopefully wil~ remain s unique residential commun- ity and the Commission is opposed to s liberal smgn Ordinance ss it would not be in keeping with the gen- eral planning of the area, Specifically, the Commission reiterated their organized recommendations 1. Pole signs, no~ to exceed twenty (20) feet in height. 2. Attazhed signs, not to exceed fifty (50) square feet maximum area, 3- Industrial ares poll signs, not to exceed ~wo hundred (200) square feet. 4. Service Station poll signs, not (20) feet Ln height with eighty (80) square feet maximum, 5. Servi~e Station attached signs, forty (40 s~uare feet maximum. 6. All signs for Service Stations, one hundred and thirYy ~i30) square feet maximum. Co ::,, s, c d Council Minutes 6/6,/66 Pg. 2 ~.~. Hernet asked no go on record as objecting zo the sign Ordinance being passed as now proposed. Mr. Bud Koch, 13762 Parker Drive~ representing a citizens group~ stated, that this new proposed Ordinance has no zeeth in it and will not do the job. The Coun- cil should gmve a stronger ear to the Planning Comm- ission. Mr. A1 Tneurich. 17882 irbolada ~y, stated~ he failed Ordinance, any elimination of to note in the proposed Service Station signs or restrictions on lighted signs after normal business hours. He also stated that commendations of the Fl[nning Commission shotCLd be adopted. Mr. John Jamieson, ~5 South ~!D''l' Street, s~ated the ~ ' One major concern ms an Ordinance both business and re- should be. !f a sign is no~ mn good taste, ow sign can be as offensive as some h±gh signs. Mr.. Jamieson fet~ another Workshop on height and size of signs, should be held. We are here zo b~mild a community con~ Zo none. M~. Nick ~rr]~ttr~ Santa Ana-Tustin, Board oYf Realtors, stated, the real estane people are not in opposition ~o proper~y owners. He felt this Ordinance couZ~ be im- proved, but is willing zo live with it. Mr. Barle~a recommended passage o£ this 0rdinance~ but is agree- able to working further. Mr. Rollin Mah9ney~ 13661 V&eeler Place, sza~ed, as a home owner he is in favcr of annexation~ but homes do no~ support a community and we need business to keep taxes down° An Ordinance is needed to limit signs, but small signs can be a traffic hazard. The Business man is entitled ~o advertise his business. There being no fi~,ther commen~s or objections~ the hearing was declared closed az 8:00 P.M. Mr. Miller stated, he felt that some of the comments of the Plarnning Commission were valid, especially those regarding Service Stations. Upon questioning by Mro Coco, Mr. Hernet stated, the gommission objected to all four conditions regarding Service Station signs as contained in the proposed Ordinance. Regarding the Commission's requested restrictions mn Industrial Zones, Mr. Coco commented that these propose~ Standards were taken from Standards set forth by the irvine Ranch: o~mers of a good part of our In- dustrial area. Mr. Ring stated, he felt Service Stations should have no greater or lesser restrictions, than any other Commercial developments. Mr. Coco felt that perhaps more ~onsideration should be given to Service Station signs, percentage of copy on signs, rcs'zr:'aZinq iLj.i. after business houz, s~ and i!luminati~}n _iov~ bZ '- .... '-:X tp,-i, t-,- heF, rln~ · a --- 6/6/66 Pg. 3 VI. OLD None BUSINESS VII. NEW 1. SPEED ZONE CHANGE BUSINESS ..~ RECOMMENDATION OF SPEED ZONE CHANGE ON FOURTH STREET FROM NEWPORT AVENUE TO 450 WEST OF CHARLOMA DRIVE. Moved by Miller~ seconded by Coco~ that Ordinance No. 312~ have first read_~by title only. Motion carried unanimously. Moved by Ring~ seconded by Miller~ that Ordinance No~ 3129 have second reedin_~_gby title onlyo Motion carried unanimously. Moved by Coco. seconded by ~ing~ that Ordinance No. changing ~eed zone on Fourth Stree~ from Newpor~ ~0~ wes~ of Charloma Drive~ be ~aseed and adopted as an urgency measure~ Carried by Roll Callo Ayes= Mack~ Coco~ Miller~ Ring Noes= None Absent= [lingelhofer 2. RESOLUTION NO. 830 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL 0F THE CITY OF TUSTIN, CALIFORNIA, ADOPTING A PLAN OF EMPL0YEE CLASSIFISATI0N Moved by Miller~ seconded by R~ng~ that Resolution No. 830 be read by title only. Carried unanimously° Moved b~ Miller~ seconded by Ring~ that Resolution No~ e3~ adopting a ~]~n of ~mployee classification, be hassad and adonted. Carried by Roll Callo Ayes~ Maces Coco~ Miller~ Ring Noes= None Absen~ Kiingelhofer 3. MILITARY LEAVE _ City administrator Moved by Coco~ seconded by Miller~ that the City Cier~ be aPPointed ~o serve as City adminis~ra~or Dro-~em~ during the MilZtary Leave of the City Administrs~or~ from July 9th thru July 23rd. Carried. 4. .TRACT 6200 APPROVAL OF FINAL MAP OF TRACT NO. 6200 AND AUTHORI_ ZATION FOR MAYOR AND CITY CLERK TO EXECUTE THE NE- CESSARY DOCUMENT. Moved by Miller~ seconded by Ring~ that the Tinsl mad be ~pp~v~a and the Mayor and Clerk be authorized execute the necessary documents. Carried. 5. TRACT 5883 APPROVAL OF FINAL MAP OF TRACT NO.5883 AND AUTHORI- ZATION FOR MAYOR AND CITY CLERK TO EXECUTE THE NECESSARY DOCUMENT. _Grad b ~/l ....~z 5~!3c:,,u~ -~=~ Coco~ that the 2ra - ,- l: ...... ~.__ _~ nd the Mayor Council Minutes 6/6/66 Pg~ 4 6. APPROVAL 0F DEMANDS Moved by Ring~ seconded by Coco, that Demands in the. amount of ~ 26~59~.25 be a~oroved end paid. Carried. VIII~ ' REPORTS & 1. FIRE CHIEF'S CONFERENCE REPORT OTHER BUSINESS Mr. Miller commented on Chief Hiltonas report on the Fire Chief~s Association Conference and specifically on the point regarding the use of the Fire DeparTment as Peace Officers aT a certain point of a disturbance. It was brought out that Tustin does not have a specific riot plan of action other than that of the Civil De- fense Program. 2. BUDGET PRESENTATION Mr. Gill presented the 1966-67 Budget to the Council for their consideration. The Coundil set Monday~ June 13th, a~ ?~00 PoMo~ in the Conference Room, ss the time and place for a Budge~ Study Session. 3. MAYOR COUNCILMEN INSTITUTE Mr. Ring reported that he and Dr. Klingelhofer had artended this conference and would present a written report in the near future. IX. CORRES- ~. Janmce Boer - Harbor District de-annexation PONDENCE -- Mr. Gill reported that a representative of the City would be present aT the LoA.F.C. hearing, on the pe- tition of Mrs. Boer to de-annex her property from the Harbor District. The following correspondence received - no sotion taken. 1. Edgar Kaiser~ National Chairman, U.N. Day. 2o Thomas H. Kuchel~ re~ curbside mail. 3- City of Costs Mess - proposed alternate for SC.G. 4o Orange County Firemen~s ~ssociation - Fifth Annual Fire Show~ ADJOURN- Business portion of meeting closed and Fire Chief Hilton MENT showed s film on Fire Prevention. Mayor Mack declared the meeting adjourned to a Perso~s~el Session. Moved by Ring~ seconded by Coco, that the meeting be adjourned. Carried.