HomeMy WebLinkAboutRPT 2 TRAFFIC SIG RVW 09-04-90AG E N D A Z /' jo? DATE: TO: FROM: AUGUST 27, 1990 WILLIAM HUSTON, CITY MANAGER REPORTS 1,10. 2 9-4-90 Inter - Com PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT/ENGINEERING DIVISION SUBJECT: NEWPORT AVENUE TRAFFIC SIGNAL REVIEW RECOMMENDATION: Receive and file. BACKGROUND: At a previous City Council meeting staff was requested to review Newport Avenue with respect to traffic signals and determine if there is a need for any additional signal installations along that roadway. The segment of Newport Avenue that was reviewed by staff extends from Wass Street on the north to the AT&SF railroad/flood control right-of- way on the south a distance of approximately 1.9 miles. DISCUSSION: There are currently thirteen (13) sections along Newport Avenue of which operated by the City, and one (1) Caltrans (southbound off -ramp of I-5 intersecting arterial roadways secting local/collector streets Street/Sixth Street and Mitchell are are traffic signal controlled inter - twelve (12) are maintained and is maintained and operated by freeway). Each of the ten signalized and two of the inter - signalized. These are Walnut Avenue. There are six remaining intersection local/collector streets and three public alleys that are not signalized. None of these unsignalized intersections require signalization at this time. Caltrans will be widening Newport Avenue under the I-5 freeway and reconstructing the northbound I-5 on-ramp from Newport Avenue with the Stage III construction contract of the I-5/Rte. 55 interchange project. These on-ramp modifications will cul-de-sac E1 Camino Way and extend the on-ramp southeasterly to Newport Avenue. This ramp intersection may require signalization to clear left -turn vehicles to the on-ramp from northbound Newport Avenue. Caltrans has been requested to review this intersection as a part of their freeway design. Four traffic signal modification projects have been included within the 1990-91 capital improvement program budget which will tie the intersections of Mitchell Avenue, McFadden Avenue, Walnut Avenue and Sycamore Avenue into the citywide computerization control system. The remaining intersections between the I-5 freeway and Irvine Boulevard are currently under modification as a Caltrans mitigation measure for the I-5 widening/reconstruction. NEWPORT AVENUE TRAFFIC SIGNAL REVIEW AUGUST 27, 1990 PAGE 2 At this time staff does installations/modifications as planned for the immediate not recommend any additional other than what is currently future as mentioned above. 71, Bob Ledendecker Director of Public Works/City Engineer traffic signal in progress or DATE: TO: FROM: AUGUST 29, 1990 WILLIAM A. HUSTON, CITY MANAGER PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT/ENGINEERING DIVISION SUBJECT: I-5 WIDENING FROM JAMBOREE ROAD TO NEWPORT AVENUE MILESTONE SCHEDULE RECOMMENDATION: Receive and file. nT9C:TT99TnN: REPORTS NO. 3 9-4-90 Inter - Com At their meeting on August 20, 1990 the City Council requested a Milestone Schedule of all freeway construction underway and planned within the city. This report covers the work on I-5 from Jamboree Road to Newport Avenue. A follow-up report will address the work, current and planned, in the I-5/SR-55 interchange reconstruction under stage II. JAMBOREE ROAD OVERCROSSING @ I-5 November 1, 1990 All freeway on and off ramps will be opened to traffic. December 1, 1990 Jamboree Road will be open for normal two lanes of traffic in each direction with signals in operation. April 1, 1991 Project complete. TUSTIN RANCH ROAD OVERCROSSING @ I-5 November 1, 1990 Tustin Ranch Road will be open to one lane of traffic in each direction. All retaining and sound walls will be complete. March 1, 1991 Freeway northbound off and southbound on ramps opened. Project complete. October 1992 Northbound on-ramp to freeway and southbound off ramp from freeway complete. I-5 WIDENING - JAMBOREE ROAD TO NEWPORT AVENUE September 10, 1990 Nortii half of E1 Camino Real from Red Hill Avenue to Newport Avenue complete including pavement curb and gutter and sidewalk. November 1, 1990 South half of Nisson Road from Browning Avenue to Red Hill Avenue complete including pavement, curb kind gutter and sidewalk.