HomeMy WebLinkAboutCC MINUTES 1965 11 15 MINUTES OF A REGULAR MEETING TUSTIN CITY COUNCIL November 15, 1965 CALL TO Meeting called to Order at 7:37P.M. by ORDER Mayor Mack. PLEDGE OF Led by Mayor Mack. ALLEGIANCE III. ROLL CALL Present~ Councilmen= Mack, Klingelhofer, Coco, Miller, Ring Absent~ Councilmen: None Others Presents City Administrator, H. Gill City Attorney, K. Bryant City Clerk, Ruth Poe City Engineer, Jo Carlsen ~Plauning Director, E. Haworth IV. APPROVAL OF Moved by Coco, seconded by Miller that minutes of MINUTES November 1st meet~ingbe approved as mailed. Carried° HEARINGS 1. ZONE CHANGE 65-147 - CITY OF TUSTIN To permit a ct~ange of zone from C-3 (Heavy Commercial) tol C-1 (Retail Commercial) on approximately 9.2 acres located on the Easterly & Westerly sides of Newport Avenue approximately 250' South of Main Street, Tustin. Hearing opened at 7:40 P.M. Report and recommendations from the Planning Com- mission and Staff presented by ~. Eaworth. Mr. Don Goodnell, Newport Avenue property owner spoke in protest of any zone change at this time. Clerk reporEed correspondence from three property owners and a petition of 34 names protesting zone change. There being no further comments or objections, the hearing was declared closed at 8~50 P.~. Moved by Coco,' seconded by Ring that Zone Change 6~-l~Flbe approved and the City Attorney be directed to draft an Ordinance rezoning said property. Carried by roll callo Ayes: ~ck, Klingelhofer, Coco, Miller, Ring. Noes~ None. Absent~ None. 2. SIGN ORDINANCE To consider amending those sections of Ordinance 157, as amended, pertaining to s~ns and to con- sider the adoptio~ Of a revised ~ign Ordinance, repealir~ the existing Sign Ordinance No. 183. Hearing opened at 8:09 P.M. Moved by Ring, seoonde~ by Kllngelhofer that hear- ing be contlnuedlto December 20th meeting and a Joint workshop be heldby the Council, Planning Commission and Chamber of Commerce prior to that d~e. Carried unanlmouSi]~ November 15, 1965 Page Mayor ~.~ack set 7:30 p.~_~ednesday, December 1st, as time and date of said Workshop. . AMENDING ORDINANCE NO. 157 -Parking Requirements, continued from November l~t meeting. To consider amending sections of the Zoning Or- dinance, regarding parking requirements in Residen- tial Zones. Hearing opened at 8=13 P,~'L- Moved by Ring, seconded by Coco that hearing to consider amending sections of the Zoning Or- dinance regarding parking requirements in Residential zones be cOntinUed to the next regular meeting. Carried unanimously. 4. PLANNING COMMISSION APPOINTMENT, To consider applications for appointment of a member of the planning Commission. Term to expire November 1969- Hearing opened at 8:14 P.M. City Clerk reported that the following appllca- ~ion had been received: Laurentz R. Marsters, for.re-appointment There being no further applications and no comments, the hearing was declared closed at 8:15 P.M. Moved~by Coco, seconded by Klingelhofer that Resolution No. 797 be read by title only. Carried unanimously. Eoved byetiller, seconde~ by Coco that Resolution No. 797 appointing Laurentz R. Marsters to ~he Planning Commission be adopted. Carried by r011 call. Ayes~ Mack, Klingelhofer, Coco, Miller, Ring. Noes~ None. Absent~ None. VI. 'OLD 1. RESOLUTION NO. 795 RED HILL CENTER ANNEXATION BUSINESS "A Resolution of the City Council of the City of Tustin, California, Regarding protest to the Red Hill Center Annexation." Moved by i{lingelhofer, seconded by Ring that Resolution No. 795 be read by title only. Carried unanimously. Moved by Ring, seconded by Coco that Resolution No. 795, regarding protest to the Red Hill Center Annexation be passed and adopted. Carried by roll call. Ayes: F~ck, Klingelhofer, Coco, ~lller, Ring. Noes~ None, AbSent: None. 2. ORDINANCE N0. 296 - RED HILLI CENTER ANNEXATION "An Ordinance Approvlng the Annexation of Certain Uninhabited Territory Designated 'Red Hill Center Annexatilon' to the City of Tustin, California" 475 November 15, 1965 Page 3. Moved by Coco, seconded by Miller that Ordinance No. 296, approvlngthe Red Hill Center Annexation have first reading by title only. Carried un- animously. 3. ZONE CHANGE 65-143 - ASSOCIATES FUNDING (Hearing closed November lst) Study and discussion continued from November 1st meeting on zone change to permit a change of zone +'~. from R-3 to C-1 on property located at Newport Avenue and Sycamore (free~ay off-ramp). ~- Report submitted by Mro ltaworth, including current 24 hour traffic count in the area. Mr. Art Nisso~ representing applicant, spoke re- garding recent Joint workshop. Moved by Klingelhofer, secondedby Ring that application for Zone Ohange 65-143 of Associates Funding be denied. Carried by Roll Call. Ayes= Ring, tliller, Klingelhofer, Noes: Coco, Mack. Absent= None. 4. ORDINANCE NO. 295 - SECOND READING "An Ordinance, Amending Section 23-.9 of the Tustin City Code~ (Official Tree List) Moved by. CocO, seconded by ~iiller that Or- dineace No. 295 have second reading by title only. Carried unanimously. Moved by Miller, seconded by Coco that Or- dinance No. 295, amending Section 23-9 of the Tustin-City Code be passed and adopted. Carried by roll call. Ayes~ Mack, Klingelhofer, Coco, Miller, Ring. Noes~ None. Absenti None. 5. POLICY REGARDING PRIVATE ACCESS ADJACENT T0 FREEWAY RAMPS (continued from November 1st meeting) Attorney Bryant reported that Mr. Dudley Wright, attorney for applicant, had requested this matter be continued. - · Moved by Ring, seconded by Klingethofer that policy regarding private access adjacent to Freeway ramps be deferred to next regular meeting. Carried. VII. NEW 1. RESOLUTION NO. 796 BUSINESS "A Resolution of the City Council of the City of Tustin, California, Amending the 1965-66 General City Budget." .Moved by Ring, seconded by Coco that Resolution No. 796 betcad by title only. Carried un- anim~uSly. Moved by Ring, seconded by Klingelhofer that ResOlution No. 796, amending the 1965-66 General.City BUdget, be passed and adopted. Carried by roll Call. Ayes: Mark, Klingelhofer, Coc0, Mill&r, Ring. Noes= None. Absent= None. November 15, 1965 Page 4. 2. APPROVAL OF DEMANDS Moved by Coco, seconded by Miller that Demands' in the amount of $8,642.93 be approved and paid. Carried. VIII. CORRES- Moved by Ring, seconded by Klingelhofer that PONDENCE correspondence be received and filed. Carried. OTHER 1. Speed Zone on First Street - Newport to BUSINESS Red Hill Speed check report and recommendations for a uniform speed limit of 30 MPH presented by Mr. Gill. Approximately 15 residents of First Street were present requesting a uniform speed limit of $5 MPH in this area. Moved by Coco, seconded by Klingelhofer that an Ordinance be drafted establishing a uniform speed limit of 30 ~PH on First Street. between Newport and Red Hill. Carried by roll oall. Ayes~ Ring, Klingelhofer, Coco. Noes= Miller, I~ack. 2. Chamber of Commerce -requestsfor fullds. Moved by Miller, secondedby Ring that payment request from the Tustin Chamber of Commerce dated November llth in the amount of $2,040, be approved. Carried unanimously. Council requested that Mr. Gill write to the Chamber regarding request for financial partici- pation by the City for the Tiller Days events. It wasTelt by the Council that this ~as not a Justified request and that the City had furnished many manhours of Police, Fire and Street work for TillerDays a~ considerable expense. 3. Vehicle Storage in Residential Areas. Councilman Miller requested that the City Attorney and City Administrator investigate the possibility of an Ordinance that would prohibit large vehicles from being parked or storedin residential areas. 4. Annexation Study Moved by Klingelhofer, seconded by Ring that Mr. Gill instruct the Planning Department to make a study of a~mexation feasibility of certain land on Newnort Ave. north Of the current annexation. Carried. 5- Pre-Zone Study ~yor Mack ordered a study and report and re- cohendamSons for a ~-Zon~n~ Ordin~noe. ADJOURN- Moved by Coco, seconded by Ring that meeting be MENT adjourned. Carried. :' ""'='~!:~ C~ ~)/~.~-~'~- 4!V7 City of Tustin Demands November 15,1965 ~-~ De_._mand No. ~jd ~.__the Order of: pes__.c_ription ~mount 0680_ Tustin Office Supply Supplies $ 114.28 0681 Orange Coast Lumber Ref. Sidewalk Dep. 200.00 0682! San Diego Stamp Co. l~otary seal, plate lO.T1 Tiernan's Supplies 23.61 0685 Tustin News Legals, Special Report Business cards 232.34 0686 Pacific Telephone Utility 6 3 3.09 0687 So. Calif. Edison Co. Utility 543.94 0888 Tustin Hardware Supplies 38.47 O 0689 Young & Lane Tire Co. Vehicle Maint. 246.44 ~'~ 0690 The Livery Five coats 208.00 ~ 0691 Carl Entenmann & Son Jewelry, badge 16.58 ~ 0692 Kleen-line Corp. Towels 18.06 ~ 0693 Arrowhead & Puritas 8.31 0694 Revere House Council,luncheon 67.94 0695 LaPaloma Lunch-PCU Itearing 18.49 0696 Xerox Corp. Drum cleaning webs 10.40 0697 Calif, Notary ~ssn. Four yr. membership 6.00 0698 Rourke & Holbrook October Services 570.00 0699 Miller,Nisson & Kogler Legal fees-outside 500400 0700 Sterling Art Supplies 2.91 0701 Ariahelm Sewer Consto Digging & Pumping 75.00 0702 Orange Cty. Wholesale 24 F40 KW lamps 14.39 ._ 0703 Into City Mgrs~ assn. One booklet 2.50 0704 Orange Cty. Insurance Final payment 838.33 0705 Tustin BlUeprint Negative,prints 26~.30 0706 Orange Cty~ Blueprint Maps 21&64 0707 Business Forms Press 5000 sheets 39-47 07'08 Clara Pomaville Mileage-P&R meeting 4.20 0709 Int~ Conf. Bldg. Offic. One yr. membership 40.00 0710 Coast Envelope Co. Supplies 19.74 ~711 Pirate Bookstore 2 copies Penal Code 16.64 0712 Orvac Elsct~onics Batteries & Lamps 15.52 0713 Desmond~s Uniform-Carruba 50.34 0714 County of Orange Teletype agreement 27.50 0715 ~V~ Registration 0716 Dr. K.Go Hebard Oct. Services lO.00 0717 Signal Oil Co. Gas,oil,grease 424.31 0718 DeSutter Richfield Vehicle Maintenance 44.82 0719 Joaquin Haskel Car Washes 7.00 0720 Van Hove Garage Vehicle Maintenance 258.85 0721 Tustin Auto Wash Oct. car washes 49.50 0722 E.J. Ryan,MoD. Exam-Betten 10.00 0723 D & G Auto Parts Supplies 9.66 0724 Harol. d Ferdig Heimb. GE light 12.90 0725 Instructional Mat.Ls~o One copy EVCR 4.40 0726 Valley Consultants City Engineer-Oct. 300.00 0727 Hines Wholesale Trees 260.21 0728 Foothi'll Rentals Posthole auger 35.00 ~'~ 0729 Hines Wholesale Stakes,tape,etc. 78.52 0730 Traffic Signal Maint. October maintenance 80.00 0731 Western Highway Prod. Signs, mountings,etc. 486.77 0732 County of Orange Sto Haint. Sept. 972.02 0733 Hardy &'Hatper Repairs 96.12 0734 National Lead Co. Uhite rags 20.80 0735 Tustin Blacksmith Repairs 12.32 0736 The Rainmaker Ha%e~isl-Jacobson Hem. 91.82 0737 Miyamo~o Nursery " " " 84.94 0738 Tustin Woodshed Stakes,concrete 28.02 0739 Pierce Dickenson Broom refills 168.72 0740 Orange C~y. Auto Parts Pump,door ease 8.06 0741 Bay City Bearing Co. Fafnir bearings 8.34 0742 The Conveyor Coo Segments & Pads !42.99 CON~Ih~ED 4~8