HomeMy WebLinkAboutCC MINUTES 1965 10 04454.- MINUTES 0F A REGULAR MEETING TUSTIN CITY COUNCIL October 4, 1965 CALL TO ORDER Meeting called to order at 7:40 P.M. by Mayor Mack. II. PLEDGE OF Led by Mayor Mack. ALLEGIANCE III. ROLL 'Present: Councilmen: Mack, Klingethofer, Coco, CALL Miller, Ring Absent: Councilmen: None Others Present: City Administrator, Harry Gill City Attorney, James Rourke City Clerk, Ruth Poe Planning Director, E. Haworth Attorney, K. Bryant IV. APPROVAL OF Moved by Klingelhofer, seconded by Coco that MINUTES minutes of September 20th meeting be approved as mailed. Carried. HEARINGS 1. Rearing to Consider Certain Amendments to the Zo~'Ordi~nee-Ordinance No. 157 as 'amended. Hearing apened at 7:4~ P.M. Staff report and Planning Commission Recommendation presented by Mr. Haworth. There being no objections or comments, the hearing was declared closed at 7:44 P.M. Moved by-Coco, seconded'by Klingelhofer that propoee~ zone changes heapproved and the attorney' directed to prepare an ordinance for reading at the next regular meeting. Carried unanimous.tyTM. 2. Zone Change 6~-146-Stanvllle ~evelopment Co. To permit a change of zone from PD to R-1-7200 on proper~y located at 1801 S.E. SanJuan, T~stin. Hearing opened at 7:48 P.M. Staff report and Planning Commission recommendation presented by Mr. Haworth. Mrs. S. Francis of San Juan Street asked how many homes would be built at this location. Mr. Raworth stated approximately 25 homes would be built. There being no objections or further comments, the hearing was deelare~ closed at 7:51 P.M. Moved by Coco, seconded by Miller that ZC65-1~6 be approved and attorne~ directed to draft or- dinance for next meetin~ Carried by roll call- all councilmen voting Aye. 455 Crossing Guard ReCuests Mrs. G. Clayell of Elizabeth Way presented a pe~it£on from 10~ parents requesting a school crossing guard at~ Utt and Bryan Avenue. Moved by Miller, Seconded byeCoco that a crossing guard be assigned to Bryan Avenue and Utt Drive until next regular Council meeting when a full report can be presented. Carried. Mr. Hugh Gammon, principal of Columbus Tustin requested a crosswalka~d/Or guard at Freeway on-ramp, "D" Street and NewpOrt Avenue. Request of Mr. Gammon referred to the City Administrator for study and any action deemed necessary. OLD 1. ORDINANCE NO. 291 BUSINESS "An Ordinance of the City of Tustin, California Amending Uniform Building Code." Moved by Klingelhofer, seconded by Coco that Ordi~nce No. 291 have second reading by title only. Carried unanimously. Moved by Klinget~uef~,.~C~ed by Coco that Ordinance N0.2.1, amending the U~iform Building Code be passed and adopted. Carried by roll call - Ayes: Mack, Klingelhofer, Coco, Miller, Ring. Noes: Non~;"Absent: None~ 2. ORDINANCE NO. 292 "An Ordinance of the Cl~y of Tustin Changing Zone of ~ppltcation No. ZC 65-145 of Huntley" (proper~y located on West side of Yorba Street approxi.mately 670' North of'Seventeenth Street). Moved by Miller, seconded by Coco thst Ordinance No..292have second resding bytitle only. Carried unanimously. MovedbyTMCoCo, seconded by Miller that Ordinance No. 292, an 0~inancecha~ging zone on applicstkn No~'ZC 65-145 of Huntlay be passed and adooted. Carried by r~ll call'~ Ayes:' Mack, Klingelhofer, CoCo, Mll~er, Rtng~ Noes: None. Absent: None. VIII. NEW 1. Declaration of Covenants, Conditions and BUSINESS Restrictions ' Den-Els Pr~pe~ties located at 16012 and 16031 Bliss Lane. Moved by Miller, seconded by Klingelhofer that Covenants, Restrictions of Den- Els Corp. be a', executed by the Mayor and City Clerk. Carried. 2. Policy regsrding private access adjacent to Freeway recaps. Upon request of applicant for access to Red Hill Av. South of LaCuna Road, action on this policy was deferred to next~regular meeting. 456 3. Presentation of Goals and Purpose of Friends of Tustin Library - Jan Waddell. Mrs. Jan Waddell explained the goals and purpose of Friends of Tustin Library and stated she hoped they would fare.their Membershlp..Drive during the month of'October. 4. Request of Harbor Hall of fame Homes, regarding Freewey wall at Tract 5726, south C of Santa lara S~reet, bordering the East side of NewportFreeway, Mr. Gill explained location eli wall.and. re- commended an alternate solution of requiring the developer to put in a handscape buffer to be watered and maintained by the City. Moved by Coco, seconded by Miller that the developer establish a landscaped buffer along existing chain link fence - said landscaping to be maintained by the City. Carried. 5.. Approval of Demands Moved by Klingelhofer, seconded by Miller that demands in the amount of $23,470..30 be approved and paid. Carrled~ VIII. CORRES- Action on Harbor District deferred pending further PONDENCE report from Mr. Gillafter Orange County League Executive Meeting and report from Attorney General's office. Moved by Klingelhofer, .seconded by Coco that corres- ~ pondonce be receiyed and filed. Carried. IX. OTHER Moved by Coco, seconded by Klingelhofer that Main BUSINESS Street between "D~ Street and Prospect Avenue be closed for Tiller Days on October 16th. Closum shall be under the directionof Public Works and Police Department. Carried. Mr. Miller expressed the hope that when First Street is widened on the North that Ithe Crepe Chestnut opposltelthe intersection of "H" St. can be saved. Mr. Coco asked for a report on the 17th Street center divider hY next meeting.. Mr. Gill reported on the following: 1.Tree planting~program is underway with the planting ofapproximately 100 trees on "H" amd Fourth Streets First, · 2. It is anticipated that the Jacobson Memorial at Lsgunaand--"D" Streets will be completed by Tiller Days. Work to be done by City forces with the expense to be offset by the Chamben 3.Contractorlis ,working onconstructlon atBryan & Red Hill and,no further delay is anticipated. X. ADJOURN- Meeting adjourned go a personnel session. MENT Present: Counctlmen~ City Administrator, City Attorney and City Clerk. Moved sec6nded and duly carried that meeting beadJourned. M~OR ~U~ILTY CLERK City of*'Tustin Demands October 4, 1965 Demand Nov P, aid to the order of: DescriDtio,n Amou~lt. 0469 Betty Armstrong Rent- September $ 160.00 0470 Dr. Ronald Klingelhofer Uouncil-September 25.00 0471 A.J. Coco Council-September 25.00 0~472 CliftOn C. Millsr Council-September 25.00 0473 DUane J~ Ring ' Council-September 25.00 0474 DonaldB~ Hernet P1.Comm.-September 25.00 0475 Laurentz R; IMarSters P1. Comm.-September 20.00 0476 Frank E. Bacon P1.Comm.-Sep~embe~ lO~00 0477 Norman A~ Halus P1.Comm.~September 20.00 0478 Harry A; Brand P1.Comm.;Sep~ember 10.00 0479 James B. Sharp P1.Comm.-September 20.00 0480 Robert M. Oster P1.Comm.-September 20.00 0481 Quentin Fleming P.&R.Comm.-September 15.00 0482 Melvin Cohen P .&R. Comm. -September 7 - 5~ 0483 Leonard Miller P .&R. Comm. -September 15.00 0484 Edward Bering P.&R.Comm.-September 15.00 0485 Harold Ball P.&R.Comm.-September 15.0~ 0486 Fred V. Brook Advance-Convention 185.00 0487 Xerox Corporation Copies,supplies 167.26 0488 Santa Aria Engraving One half tone engraving 10.t~ 0489 Santa Ana Blueprint Supplies 121.02 0490 Tustin SEMCO Supplies 102.50 0491 Amer. Inst. Planners One Membership 30.00 0492 Amer. Soc. Planning Two Memberships 30.00 0493 Germantown Comm. Council One copy booklet .25 0494 lIRA & Bureau Public RoadsOne copy booklet ~ 0495 Superintendent Documents One copy booklet 0496 State of Calif. Document One copy book 2.08 0497 Superintendent Documents One copy booklet .140 ~h.98 St. Emp. Retirement Syst.Ret.Fund Reimb. 58.3? 0499 Charles L. Robinson Professional Services 100.00 0500 Buel a. Uilliamson Ex .Report-Sept~ 61-39 0501 Int.assn. Elect. Insp. 3 ~65 Elect. codes 3.00 0502 3 M Company Supplies 82.63 F. Morton Pitt Co. Bandages 37.52 0505 David Windll Uniform allowance 30.00 0508 Laurence Hart Uniform allowa~ce 30.00 0507 County of Orange Comm. Agreements 66.61 0508 Kenneth G. Hebard,M.D. Services-Sept. 30.00 0509 Russ Long Woodworking Birch plywood ~ · 33 0510 VOID 0511 Holthe Disposal Trash collection-Sept. 2,395.20 0512 Sully-Miller Contr. Co. Asphalt-Bryan Ave. 1,242.81 0513 So. Calif. Edison Co. Utility 35.64 0514 Jim Peckenpaugh Weed cleaning serv. 24.00 0515 Santa Ana Valley Cont. Replace irrigation valve 17.85 0516 National Lead Co. Paint, cement 25.58 0517 Dunbar-Nunn corp. Batteries, lens,etc. 64.31 0518 Hines Wholesale Nursery Plastic tape~etc. 21.32 0519 VOtD~ "~, · ''~" 0520 D.C. Hans~n,Secy. Assessment notice 1.6} 0521 Kleen-line Corp. Supplies 17.51 0522 So. Counties Gas Co. Utility 16.45 Tustin Water Works Utility 98.25 0525 Calif. Phys. Service Health insurance 434.32 0526 Tustin Office Supply Supplies 27,/70 CONTINUED CONTINUED DEMANDS ISSUED: Demand No. Paid to older Of Description Amount 0527 Volu~lteer Fire Dept. Train July,Au~,Sep. 425~1}0 ~28 Glenn V. Sissel Exp. Rep.-Sept. 13-75 0529 Benjamin Wheelock Mileage Rep. Sept. 33.43 0530 Secretary of State Fee-Notary Public 5.00 0531 Tiernan's Stencils, dry ink 92.98 0532 Bank of America Payroll Sept 30'65 13,129.86 DevldWlndh Pay-Reserve Off. 9/30/65 18.92 0535 Harry E. Gill Exp. Rap. Sept 42.36 0536 Edward E. Haworth Exp. Rep. Sept 42.99 0537 James E. Taylor Exp Rep. Sept. 47.6~ 0538 Oxygen Service Co. D Cylinder refill 2.76 0539 League . Cal. Cities Advance Registration 60.00 0540 Pacific Telephone (V) Utility(see o549) 231.62 0541 Orange Cry Sanit. Quarterly panment 2,557-50 0542 Standard Ins Co. Life Ins.(Employees) 190.08 0543 John W. Coffey Exp. Rept. Sept. 50.92 0544 William L. Carnahan Exp. Rept. Sept 50,:86 0545 William V. Hess Exp. Rept; Sept. 8.85 0546 Gerald Mack Council Sept. Esp. Mayor 150.00 0547 Fred V, Brook Exp. Rept. Sept 41.75 Total $23,470.30