HomeMy WebLinkAboutCC MINUTES 1965 09 07 MINUTES OF A REGULAR MEETING TUSTIN CITY COUNCIL SEPTEMBER 7, 1965 CALL TO Meeting called to order st 7:30 P.M. by Mayor Mock. ORDER IIo PLEDGE OF Led by Mayor Mock. ALLEGIANCE III. ROLL Present: Councilmen: Mack, K1Lngelh0fer, Coco, CALL ~ Miller, Ring. Absent: ~UOUncflmen: None Others Present: City Administrator, Harry E. Gill City Attorney, James Rourke City Cl~rk, Ruth Poe* Planning Director, Edward HoWT~th IV. APPROVAL Moved by Ring, seconded byKlingelhofer that minutes of OF MINUTES Autust 16th Regular Meeting and August 31st Special Meeting b~S approved as mailed. Carried. PUBLIC 1. To consider certain amendmentsto the Zoning HEARINGS OrdinanCe, Ordinance. No. 157, as amended. Heorling opened at 7:3~ P.M~ Mr. Haw0rth explained the following proposed amendments: 1. To eliminste the construction of sidewalks as a reqdirement in'the "M" (Industrial) ZOne. 2. To change pgrtionsof the existing numerical des/ignation in the ~oning Ordinance. 3-To delete the introduction sentence "All uses allowed in C-1 District except residential .... buildings, schools, churches," and replace ~ith sentence, "All uses allowed in C-1 District." 4. Parking re~ulrements for allowed uses if not combined with the "P" District to be subject to the standards under the C-1 zone. 5. To delete that portion of Section 4.13 of Zoning Ordinance stating that the potking requirements for a hotel i.s one (1) parking space for eoch three (3) seats and insert the following - off-street parking for ~-~ hotels-one space for each two guestrooms. 6. To include both o real estate office and food market os ollowable uses in the C-1 District. There being no objections or comments, the open portion of the heoring was closed st 7:35 P.M. Councilman Miller questioned the general standards in other cities of Amendment #5. Moved by Coco, seconded by Miller that hearing be continued to ne~t regular meeting. Carried. VI. OLD 1. Ordinance No. 290 Red Hill-Valencia BUSINESS ANNEXATION "An Ordinance Approving the Annexation Of Certain Uninhabited Territory, Designated 'Red-Hill-Valencis Annexation' tot~ne City of Tustin, California." Moved by Miller, seconded by Coco that Ordiaance No. 290 be read by title only. Carried un- animously. Moved by Coco, seconded by Miller that Ordinance No. 290 - "An Ordinance Approving the Annexation ~ of Certain Uninhabited Territory, Designated 'Red Hill- ~ Valencia Annexation' to the City of Tuetin, California" ~- be passed and adopted. Carried by roll call - Ayes: L~ Mack, Klingelhofer, Coco, Miller, Ring. Noes: None. ~ Absent: None. VII. NEW 1. Resolution No. 792 BUSINESS "A Resolution of the City Council of the City of Tustin, consolidating the Alcoholic Beverage Fund into the General Fund on June 30, 1965, and Trans- ferring Funds for Engineering Salaries from the Soecial Gas Tax Fund to the General Fund on June 30, ~'~ 1965, and Creating the Trust and Agency Fund on July l, 1965." Moved by Nlingelhofer, seconded by Coco that Resolution No. 792 be read by title only. Carried unanimously. Moved by Miller, Seconded by Klingelhofer that Resolution No. 792 be pas~e~yandL~opt~. Carried by roll call - Ayes: Mack, Klingethofer, Coco, Miller, Rin~. Noes: None. Absent: None. 2.Aporovsl of Crossing of Valencia Avenue b~ A.T. & S.F.R.R. Tracks Moved by Coco, seconded by Ring that the Atchison, Topeka and Santa Fe Railway Company be granted per- mission zo construct two additional lead tracks across Valencis Avenue as shown on submitted map and on the following conditions: 1. Railroad ~o assume all costs of construction. 2. Ultimate crossing protection as pre- scribed by the Public Utilities Commission shall be installed at the ultimate width of Valencia Ave. and the railroad shall assume all costs of providing such protection. Motion carried. 3. Request of Civil Defense Director to ascend Civil Defense Council Meeting. Moved by Ring, seconded by Klingelhofer that permission be granted the Civil Defense Director to attend the U.S. Civil Defense Council Meeting in Clark County, Nevada, October 3rd to 9th at a cost not to exceed $175.00. Mayor directed that request to attend conferences and meetings shall be accompanied by letter of justification and value to the City and a report will be tendered to the Council after a conference on the specific value of a trip to the department involved. 4. Amendment to Group Health Insurance Contract Moved by Ring, seconded by Klingelhofer that the City Administrator be authorized to execute an amendment to the Group Health Insurance Contract with California Physicians' Service, effective September l, 1965. Carried. 5. Appointment of City Administrator pro tem during the week of Sectember 19th and authorizing the City Administrator to be excused from attendance at Council Meeting on September 20, 1965. Moved by Ring, seconded by Coco that Ruth C. Poe be a'0pointed City Administrator pro tem during Administrator Gill's absence the week of September 19th and that the City Administrator be excused from attending the Council meeting of September 20th. 6. Tuition Reimbursement Council Policy City Administrator instructed to rewrite policy regarding Tuition Reimbursement to include coverage ~-~ for personnel on a probationary status. 7. AccepTance of bids for placing Asphalt Concrete Surfacing on Bryan Avenue fnom Browning Avenue to 660' NW'ly. Moved by Miller, seconded by Coco that Sully-Miller Contracting Co. beawarded the c.ontract for placing Asohal~ Concrete Surfacing on Bryan Avenue from Brownir~ Avenue to 660' NW'ly in an amount not to exceed $1,300.00. Carried. 8. Aooroval of Demands Moved by Klingelhofer, seconded by Miller that demands in the amount of $25,920.23 be approved and paid. Carried. City Administrator was directed to investigate cost to install wall drinking fountains in Building & Planning Departments. VII. CORRES- Mr. Ring stated the Council's appreciation for the PONDENCE letter of gratitude from the Tustin Area Senior Citizens. Moved by Ring, seconded byKlingelhofer that correspondence be received and filed. Carried. IX. OTHER 1. Economic Development Conference BUSINESS Mr. Haworth spoke on the EconomicalDevelopment Conference to be held October 28th and urged all City Officials to attend. '445 2. Policy of the City of Tustin on Industrial Development CityCAttorney directed to peruse presented policy for any legal complications and report to the Council. 3 Report on TAYC Dances City Administrator was requested to further a feature article in the papers regarding TAYC Dances. 4. Survey of Insurance Mr. Gill reported on progress of the insurance survey made by Mr. C. Robinson, Insurance Consultant, end recommended that the Council authorize Mr. Robinson to prepare soecificstions and put insurance coverage out for bid. Moved by Klingelhofer, seconded by Ring that Insurance Consultant prepare sOecifications, solicit bids and recommend award of City Insurance in ~n amount for services not to exceed ~00. Carried. 5- Public Works Uniforms Recommendation that Public Works employees wear uniform clothing with City patch was deferred pending further information regarding uniform rental service. 6. Sanitation District #7 Report Mr. Miller reported that Sanitation District #7 had an increase in assessed valuation of 20 million dollars and a decrease in the tax rate. X. ADJOURN- Meeting adjourned to a oersonnel session. MENT Moved by Ring, seconded by Coco that meeting be adjourned. MAYOR 446 Ci=~y of Tustin Demands September 7, 1965 Demand No. ~aid to the order of: Descrintion AmOUnt 0268 Int. City'Manager's Assn. ICM Cony, Sept. $ 80.10 -I0269 Ruth C. Poe, Petty Cash 38.59 0270 Orange Cty. Chamber Comm, Dinner meeting 5.50 0271 Mrs. Robert Adler Ref. Rec, Excursion 1.50 ~'~ 0272 Mrs. H. Borland Ref. Rec. Excursion ~ 38 0273 Mrs, J. Boswell Ref. Rec. Excursion ~ 0274 Mrs. G, Boudreau Ref. Rec, Excursion 3,00 0275 Mrs, I. Bridge Ref. Rec, Excursion 1.50 0276 Mrs. J. Buck Ref. Rec. Excursion 4.50 0277 Mrs. J. Cochran Ref. Rec. Excursion 1.50 0278 Mrs. D. Cohen Ref. Rec. Excursion 1.50 0279 Mrs. S. Davis Ref. ReC. Excursion 1.50 0~80 Mrs. C. Dunham Ref. Rec. Excursion 3.00 0281 Mrs. M. Emery Ref. Rec. Excursion 3.00 0282 Mrs. C. Engelhard Ref. Rec. Excursion 4.50 0283 Mrs. J. Estes Ref. Rec. Excursion 1.50 0284 · Mr. B. Field Ref. Rec, F~cursion 1.50 0285 Mrs. J. French Ref. Rec. Excursion 1~50 0286 Mrs. E. Gomberg Ref. Rec, Excursion 0287 Mrs. M. Graff Ref. Rec. Excursion 4.50 0288 Mrs. H. Greenberg Ref. Rec. Excursion 1.50 0289 Mrs. S. Gregory " 1.50 0290 Mrs. E. Gutierres " 1.50 0291 Mrs. J. Hachey " 1.50 0292 Mrs. T. Hannegan " 6.00 rs. P. " 3.00 Mrs. J. Abercrombie " 3.00 0295 Mrs, H. Horwitz " 4.50 029~ Mrs. J. Howert~on " 1.50 0297 Mrs. M. Kee " 1.50 0298 Mrs. J. Lavelle " 4.50 0299 Mrs. C. Leffler " 6.00 0300 Mrs. D. Lengel " 1.50 0301 Mrs. P. McCue " 1.50 0302 Mrs. J. Magnemi " 1.50 Mrs. Marshal " 6.00 Mrs. D. Maynes " 6.00 0305 Mrs. S. Means " 1.50 0306 Mrs. R. Mifflin " 1.50 0307 Mrs. M. Morioka " 1.50 0308 Mrs. A. Moskowitz " 6.00 0309 Mrs. S. Overholt " 1,50 0310 Mrs. J. Parchen " 3.00 0311 Mrs. D. Plenert " 1.50 0312 Mrs. M. Pryor " 3.00 0313 Mrs. D. Rialson " 3.00 0314 Mrs, M. Rutherford " 3.00 0315 Mrs. R. Sallot " 4'50 0316 Mrs. S. Schultz " 3.00 0317 Mrs~ W. Roe " 3.00 0318 Mrs. P. Shiffler " 1.~0 0319 Mrs. T. Singer " 1,50 0320 Mrs. W. Speer " 1.50 0321 Mrs. L. Stockland " 03221 Mrs. E. Triman " 3.00 0323 Mrs. O. Ueland " 3.00 0324 Mrs. V. VanCamp " 3.00 0325 Mrs. S. Vickery " 1.50 0326 Mrs. R. VonBerg " 1.50 0327 Mrs. J. Watson " 4.50 0328 Mrs. C. Wilson " .1.50 0329 VOID CONTINUED 44 7 CONTINUED DEM~I~DS ISSUED: Page 2 Demand N0, F~id to the order of Description AmoUnt Normandy Inn League Dinner 60.50 0332 L.C.C. Housing Bureau 67th Annual Conf. 40.00 0333 Bank of america Aug. 31 Payroll 14,233.18 0334 James Hein aug. 31 Payroll 220.80 0335 Robert M. Conway Aug. 31 Payroll 87.32 The total payroll amount of $14,541,30 will be posted to AugUst, 0336 Pacific Telephone Utility 239.15 0337 Desmond's Uniforms 73.06 0338 So. Counties Gas Co. Utility 12.59 0339 TustinSEMCO Office Supplies 60.07 0340 Tiernan's Typewriter cleaned, supplies 55.52 0341 Gerald C. Mack Council-A~ust Expenses-Mayor 150.00 0342 R. Klingelhofer Council-August 25.00 0343 A,J. Coco Council-August 25.00 0344 Clifton Miller Council-August 25.00 0345 Duane J. Ring Council-August 25.00 0346 Donald Hefner P1. Comm.-August 12.50 0347 Laurentz Marsters P1. Comm.-August 20.00 0348 Frank Bacon P1. Comm.-August 20.00 0349 Norman Halus P1. Comm.-~ugust 10.00 0350 Harry Brand Pt. Comm.-~kugust 10.00 0351 James Sharp P1. Comm.-~ugust 10.00 0352 Robert Oster P1. Comm.~August 10.00 0353 Quentin Fleming P&R Comm~-~ugust 15.00 0354 Harold Ball P&R Comm.-~kugust 7.50 0355 Leonard Miller P&R Comm.-August 15.00 0356 Mel Cohen P&R Comm.-~ugust 7.50 ~57 F~ward Bering P&R Comm.-august 0358 Harry E. Gill Exp. Report August 52.03 0359 General Binding Corp. Plastic binding 12.72 0360 Noland Paper Co. Mimeo paper 36.96 0361 Xerox Corp. Copies 92.94 0362 Santa ana Engraving Zinc halftone 10.65 036~ Ruth C. Poe Exp. report ~ugust 13o50 0365 The Tustin News Legal Advertising 25 0366 The Register Employment ~d 5.64 0367 Western City Classified ~ 0368 Orange Daily News Legal ~dvertising 109.78 0369 Renee M. Robbins Exp. Report-Hugust 3~05 0370 Edward E. Haworth Exp. Report-august 37.26 0371 James E. Taylor Exp. Report-~ugust 33.43 0372 Orange Cty. League of Cities Membership dues '66 92.50 0373 Calif. Physicians' Serv Health Ins. 431,39 ~374 Buel ~. Williamson Exp. Report-Hugust 29.50 0375 Arrowhead & Puritas Water 8.78 037~ Santa Ana Office Supply. onepoint section 9.83 0377 Fred V. Brook Jr. Expense Rep. ~ugust 39.73 0378 John W. Coffey Exp. Report-August 55.35 0379 Betty Armstrong Rent-.~ugust 160.00 0380 George F. Cake Co, 3 Colt troopers 205.46 0381 Tustin Water Works Fire Hydrants l, 6 35.00 0382 ONC Motor Freight Freight bookcovers 8~65 0383 So. Calif. Edison Co. Utility 411.07 0384 Holthe DispoSal Waste Collection 2,395.20 0385 Orange Cty. Wholesale Electric Desk lamp 35.46 0386 Sterling Art Ziptone sheets 1.97 0387 Standard Ins. Co. Emp. Life Ins. 190.00 0388 Tustin Bldg. Maint. ~ugust services 258.50 0389 S.S. Kresge Co. Flannel 12.17 CONTINUED Page 3 CONTINUED DEMANDS ISSUED: Demand NQ~- Paid t01the order af Amoun~ 0390 Oxygen Service Co. Oxygen refill $ 2.76 0391 Halprin Supply Co~ Liners, helmets 53.04 0392 Wardlaw Fire Equipment Rubber mask, boots 20.38 Dray Publications Parcel Post Expense 0395 Montgomery Ward Regulator 7.26 0396 Benjamin Wheelock Exp. RepOrt-aUgust 38.47 0397 Traffic Signal Maint July Mal~en~Qe ~ ~3-00 0398 Murray Wildbore Weed &leaning service 240.00 0399 Miyamoto Nursery Lawn ~eed,etc.- 16.96 0400 Econolite Cap visors 6.24 0401 Dunbar-NUnn Corp. Flasher barricade 687.90 T strips 2.50 0402 Screenprint & PlaS- e~h Dept. 0403 National Lead Co. Paint & Thinner 29.89 0404 Knox industrial Supp.I Hoses,clamps,etc. 17~60 0405 Kleen-line COrp. Towels &' Cabinet 15.66 0406 Saunders Lawn Store Lawnmower sprockets 19.11 0~07 William Carnahan Exp. Report-August 44.98 0408 Santa ~na Chain Lawnmower chain 2.25 0409 Champion Trophies Trophies & ribbons 52.27 C~lO Winn's Music Gift Certificates 19.46 0411 Neal Sporting Goods Used tennis balls 8,53 0412 House of Trophies Trophies & Engraving 0.58 0413 George Beaman Exp. Rep.~une-Aug. E5-75 0414 Tustin Village TV Intercom 42.74 0415 D & G Auto Parts Bench grinder,etc. 50.92 ~416 Dennis Printers Receipts 96.20 0417 Valley Consultants Services City Eng. Survey party 433.00 0418 Dresco Blueline pser 21.33 0419 Hardy & Hatper Paving r pa~s- ug. 1,340.35 e A 0420 Don's Lawn Mower Shop DUst Bag-mower 13.00 0421 Pacific Coast Map Serv. Two wall maps 41.96 0422 Young& Lane Tire Co. Lawnmower & car maint. 59.79 Total $25,920.23