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August 16, 1965
CALL TO Meeting e~.lled to o.rde.r at 7:30 P.M. by Mayor Mack.
PLEDGE OF Led by Mayor Mack.
ROLL CALL Present~ Councilmen: Mack, Elingelhofer, Coco, Miller, Ring.
Absent: Councilmen: None
Others Present: ~ City Administrator, Batty E. Gill
City Attorney, James Rourke
City Clerk, ~Ath C. P~e
PRESENTATION MSyor Mack read Council Resolutton~ commending William
WILLIAM Leinherger for his years of service to theICit~ as
LEINBERGER Treasurer and presented Mr. Leinberger with a Jewelry
set bearing the City Seal.
APPROVAL OF Moved by Ring, seconded by Klingelhofer that minutes
MINUTES of August 2, 1965 be approved as mailed. Carried.
PUBLIC HEARINGS 1. Red Hill-Valencia Annexation
Hearing opened at ?:35 P.M.
Them being no comments and no written or varbal protests,
the hearing was declared closed at 7:37 P.M.
Moved by Coco, se~onded~by ~ t~ Ordi__w~_~ce No, 290,
· An Ordinance Approving the Annexations. of certain
Uninhabited Territory, Designated sRed ~q]-Va'tencia
Annexations to the City of Tustin, California,s have
first reading by title onlY. Carried unanimous~.
OLD None.
NEW ~. Resolution No. 791
"A Resolution of the City Council of the CityI of Tustin,
Amending ResolutionnNo. 75~."
Moved by Miller, seconded by Coco that Resolution No. 791
be read by title only. Carried unanimously.
Moved by Ring, seconded by Klingelhofer that Resohtion No.
791 be ~ssed and adopte~. Carried by roll call . ~s:
Mack, Klingelhefer, Coco, Miller, Ring. Noes: None.
Absent: None.
2. Dance Permit. Chez Jacque
Moved by Coco, seconded by Ring that request of Cez Jacque
for a ~ance P&rmit at 6~2 Sout~ "D" Street be approved and
permit grante. d~ Carried.
3. Tentative Map Tract No. ~l~2-hstin Vil~mge Way
Moved by Ring, seconded by Klingelhefer that a o~a year
extension be granted the Use Permit and Tentative Map Tract
51~2, for Tusttn Village Way. Carried.
a~ptance of Improvements - prospect Avenue from
b Fourth Streets,
Moved by l~iller, seconded ~ Rin~ that the contr~c% with
Hardy and Harper, Inc. for improving Frospect Avenue
beWeen First Street and Fourth Street be accepted in
the amount.of $28,979~35~ Carried.
5. Pa~nnent of Deman..ds.
Moved by Klingelhofer, seconded by Miller that
Demands in the amount of $29,814,05 be approved
and paid. Carried.
CORRES- Tustin Tiller Day Banner REQUEST
Moved by' Coco~ seconded by. Ring that permission be
granted.to the Taskin Cham~er of Comeroe to place
ban~ers as requested in letter dated August 5, 196~,
Said banners to ba'= remOved By October 18th. Carried,
It was diree%ed that the placing of said' banners~ he
under tb~ supervision of the Public Works.' Department,
Moved by Klingelhofer, seconded By' Coco~ thor..permiss~om
- he granted to the Tustin Ck~m~ber of Comuerce~ ~e utilize
parade route as marked pending ap~t.~£~F~lice'~/Fire,
& Public Works Departments~] Carried,
City Administrator directed to follow through' onepark!rig
requirements on Sixth Street and Pacific Strew% a~d
correspondence ~from Mrs~ Gaylord and Mrs; Robbins~ Mr.
Gill also asked to check into correspondence' fros~rOaT1
Kymla of Orange County Economic Development Conference
.j~ecutive: Com~tee'~
Moved by Coco, seconded Byl ~ing that correspondence be
received and filed. Carried.
Moved by Klingelhofer, seconded By Coco that proposed
minute order regarding Bryan and REd Hill Improvements
he read in its entirety. Carried,
Moved By Miller, seconded By Cocothat: "Whereas-an
agreement for public imprevemonts was entered into August
18, 1964 By the County of Orange and Greenwich Development
Compan~ for Tract ~68~ and a bend provided 'in ' favor of-the
County Of Orange; and, whereas said Tract No. 468~ was there-
after annexed to the City of TUstin; and, whereas said
Agreement provided for completion of said construction
within 347 days of August 18, 196~ and w~ereas said
construction has not been completedand the unfinished work
constitutes~ a ~menace to public. heat%h and safety; pursuant
to Government Code 35156, request is h~reBy made of the
BOard of Supervisors of the County of Orange that all .work
of public ~mprevement ~n connection wi~h Tract No. 4687 be
completed By the County of Orange end resort be made to the
ImprOvement Bond, if necessary~:"
It was then directed that a photo of area involved be
forwarded:: to the County Board of Supervisors with a
Certified Copy of.above minute order.
2. Travel. ExpenSe Request
Moved by Ring, seconded by Miller'tMt' the City honor
travel expense of Hal Ball in the amount of $228.00. Carried.
It was noted that henceforth all'reports on trips 'and
conventions be s~bmitted within ~a maximum of 30 days.
3. RequeSt from Morgan Hilton to Attend Fire ~h~efn'
Meetin~ in' Oregon.
Moved by Ring,, seconded by M~]ler that Chief Hilton be
authorized to attend Facific Coast Inter-Monntain Association
of Fire ChiefS, September 13 through September 16th at an
estimated cost of $175.00. Motion failed. All Councilmen
voting No~
The Council felt it Should be a requirement'of all Commissioners
and Department Heads to Justify additional
to be obtained from the ~ity in long range trips.
M~ved by Ring, seconded by Elingelhofer, that Oil'Administrator
G~]l be authori~.ed to represent the City at the Managers,
Conference in Montreal at a cost not to exceed $500.00; Carried.
Jacobson Memorial
Council directed that the City complete the Jacobson
Memorial at nD" Street and Laguna~Road and any expense
incurred to be carried by the Chambe~ of. Commerce.
PUC Hearing
Mr. Gill announced that PUG hearing regarding the crossing
at First and Newport Avenue will be held in Tustin, October
6th and 7th.
ADJOURN- Meeting adjourned to a personnel session. Present:
MENT City Council,-City Administrator~ City, Attox-aey~, ,City Clerk.
Meeting adjourned at 9:10 P.M. to Tuesday, September 7th.
01ty of Ta~ Dema~ada Auger+., i6~ 196~
Demand No, Faid to the order of: Description Amount
0201 United States Poet Office postage meter $ 81.92
0202 jeanne Michaux Fee Reimb. m~5.00
0203 Grace J. Edwarde Summer BOca,-Ref. ~,~0
020~ J. Arthur Development CO. BOf. sign deposit 100o00
0205 Ralph McCune Bopairs-old fire track
0206 T~etin Water Worke Service "128.92
0207 Se. Counties Gas Co. Utility 15.76
0208 Facific Telephone Co. service 392.5~
0209 'Youz~ &lane Tires, hbes, gas 90.67
0210 Testin Nardware ~uppliee 65.99
0211 D & G Auto l~rts WeMLtn~ set, etc. 172.50
0212 Orange Cty. Blueprint Maps 13.27
0213 Tastln Woodshed Concrete, boards 67.19
0214 Teetin' BlaCksmith 3hop Water tank, repairs 405.91
0215 Hardy and Harper construction, and
pavin~ repairs 8,614.9~
0216 9nth C, Foe, petty cash ~p~liee, lunch, etc. 28.68
0217 Andi~__me Bostaurant Council - July 6; 1965 22.68
0218 Gerald 0. Nack Ezpenses 125.00
0219= Wilhelm ' s Iancheons 12. ?1
0220 R, Bor~e~mn l~dt:et Foms 16.80
0221 Teetin S~CO one doz key rings 1.01
0222 Clark D~e Hardware DSnno tapes 10.19
0223 Noland Faper Co. ~upplies 23.46
022~= The Bogister Ad for plan chock er~. 8.~0
0225 James 3..File Frofessional:services 250.00
0226 Chorles L. Robinson FrofesSienal servlees 250.00
0227 Eataform ~ales Co. A~Countin~ supplies 233.01
0228 Rourke & Holbrook July services 607.50
0229 Ted B. Adsit July servtees 207.30
0230 VOID
0231 3torlin~ Art &Eng. ~ppltes
0232= Tustin Bldg. Naint. Jul~ services 2~8.~0
0233 Orange Cry. Wholesale Fluorscent lam~s
023~ Buel A. Williamson Expense report-July 43-00
0235 Southern Cal. C.D. Membership 12.00
0236 The Tastin News B~siness cards-Brook 8.32
0237 Win. L. Carnahan Expense report-July
0238 Fred V. Brook Jr. Expense report-july 38.12
0239 John W. Coffey Expense report;July 42.81
02~0 Orvac Electronics Inc. Batteries 12.48
0241= COunty of O~e Ammo, teletype agreement 40.00
0242 Dr. Kenneth Hebard Ju]~,servicee
0~3 Glenn V. Siseel Expense report. 7,80
02hA. 3i.~l O11. Coo Gesoline 209.95
02~5 De3utter Richfield 3er~ices 31.8~
02~6 Van~ove Garage 3ervices 91.20
024? Wardlaw Fire Equipment Boots, hose brackets
02J~8 Industrial Fire Equip. Bofill extin~uishor 3,50
O2~9 Desmond~s jacket-Womeck 33,80
0250 Nail. Fire ProtectiOn Brochures
0251 Valley Consultants, Inc. Oity ~n~. Services 300.00
0252 Graves & Howley, Inc. Weed Oil 16.6~
0253 Waltor D. ~a-~er Discin~ 2Ore00
025~ Blyetone Machinery Bontals 28.96
0255 Foothill Tool & Equip. Bontals 30,15
0256 Signal Flash Barricades 370.53
0257 Fierce Dickenson Broom refills 81.68
0258 U.S. Forcelain Flant Signs 8.39
0259 Tustin Auto Farts Bulbs, filters 13.52
0260 Oren~e Coast LurebeT Co Doug. fir ~umber 18~.~9
0261 Aquatic Center Air Card 10,00
0262 Atlas Coverall Monthly charge 9,00
0263 LaFaloma Dhlners, lunchoon 51.31
026~ Dick May Bopair St. Equil~nent 110.90
0265 Lumbermen' s Mercantile Lumber, bench 32.'09
0266 James Hein Fayroll-Aug. 15, 1965 220.00
0267 Bank of America payroll-Aug. 15 14,868.76