HomeMy WebLinkAboutNB 1 COMM APP'S 12-17-90DATE: TO: FROM: SUBJECT: DECEMBER 17, 199 WILLIAM A. HUSTON, CITY MANAGER ADMINISTRATIVE SERVICES DEPARTMENT COMMISSION AND BOARD APPOINTMENTS RECOMMENDATION: Pleasure of the City Council. BACKGROUND: NEW BUSINESS N0. 1 12-17-90 Inter - Com On November 19, 1990, the City Council requested staff to review past practice regarding Committee and Commission appointments and length of terms. Staff has identified all Commissions, Committees, Boards, Citizen Task Forces and other related groups. I. COMMISSIONS A. Planning Commission: The Planning Commission is subject to the provisions of State Law and is regulated by the provisions of the Government Code of the State of California. The Commission consists of five (5) members who are registered voters of the City during all times they hold office. The Planning Commission was established by approval of City Ordinance Number 874. The terms of office are for two (2) years ending on the third Monday in February of odd -numbered years. Meetings are held on the second and fourth Monday of each month, are conducted according to Robert's Rules of Order, and comply with the Brown Act. All members serve at the pleasure of the City Council and may be removed upon motion of the City Council adopted by at least three (3) affirmative votes. Each member of the Planning Commission receives compensation of fifty dollars ($50.00) for each regular meeting attended. The purpose of the Planning Commission is to serve the City Council as an advisory body on issues related to growth and development. The process for selecting Planning Commissioners is guided by the City Council direction to staff to publicize announcements of available appointments. Letters of interest are reviewed by the City Council and candidate interviews are scheduled. Appointments are made by motion of the City Council and adopted by at least three (3) affirmative votes. Page 2 COMMISSION AND BOARD APPOINTMENTS B. Park and Recreation Commission: The Park and Recreation Commission consists of seven (7) members who are residents of the City during all times they hold office. The Park and Recreation Commission was established by approval of City Ordinance Number 1009. The terms of office of three (3) of the first appointed members is from the time of their appointment until the third Monday in February, 1990 and the four (4) remaining members are appointed until the third Monday in February, 1991; terms thereafter are for two (2) years. Meetings are held on the third Thursday, bimonthly, follow Roberts's Rules of Order, and comply with the Brown Act. All members serve at the pleasure of the City Council and may be removed upon motion of the City Council adopted by at least three (3) affirmative votes. Each member of the Park and Recreation Commission receives compensation of twenty-five dollars ($25.00) for each regular and special meeting attended. The purpose of the Park and Recreation Commission is to serve the City Council as an advisory body on recreation, parks, park design, facilities, and programs within Tustin. The process for selecting Park and Recreation Commissioners is guided by the City Council direction to staff to publicize announcements of available appointments. Letters of interest are reviewed by the City Council and candidate interviews are scheduled. Appointments are made by motion of the City Council and adopted by at least three (3) affirmative votes. II. ON-GOING COMMITTEES A. The Audit Committee: The Audit Committee consists of five (5) members, who meet one of the three prescribed criteria: (1) a registered voter of the City; (2) a registered voter within the area served by the Tustin Water Department; or (3) an owner of a business in the City. The Audit Committee was established by approval of City Ordinance Number 1022. The terms of office are as follows: two (2) first appointed members will serve from time of their appointment until the second regular meeting of the City Council in February, 1992, and three (3) of the members will serve until the second regular meeting of the City Council in February , 1993; terms thereafter are for four (4) years. Audit Committee meetings are held on a quarterly basis, follow Roberts' Rules of Order and comply with the Brown Act. All members serve at the pleasure of the City Council and may be removed upon motion of the City Council adopted by at least three (3) affirmative votes. Each member of the Audit Committee receives compensation of fifty dollars ($50.00) for each meeting attended. Page 3 COMMISSION AND BOARD APPOINTMENTS II.A. The Audit Committee - Continued Established by City Ordinance, the purpose of the Audit Committee is to provide oversight on the preparation of the City's annual financial audit and make recommendation on the City's financial operations to the City Council. The process for selecting Audit Committee members is guided by City Council direction to staff to publicize announcements of available appointments. Letters of interest are reviewed by the City Council and candidate interviews are scheduled. Appointments are made by motion of the City Council and adopted by at least three (3) affirmative votes. B. Cultural Resources Advisory Committee: The Cultural Resources Advisory Committee consists of five (5) members who reside within the City of Tustin. The Committee is made up of at least one (1) architecture or design professional, one (1) person knowledgeable in local history and historical preservation, one (1) person engaged in business within the designated Cultural Resources District, and a member of the Tustin Area Historical Society. The Cultural Resources Committee was established by approval of City Ordinance Number 157. The terms of office are as follows: two (2) members for three (3) years, and three ( 3 ) members for four ( 4 ) years. Meetings are held on an as needed basis, by direction from the City Council and/or Director of Community Development. All members serve at the pleasure of the City Council and may be removed upon motion of the City Council adopted by at least three (3) affirmative votes. Members of the Cultural Resources Advisory Committee are not compensated for services rendered. The purpose of the Cultural Resources Advisory Committee is to review the renovation of historical buildings. The process for selecting Committee members is guided by the City Council direction to staff to publicize announcements of available appointments. Letters of interest are reviewed by the City Council and candidate interviews are scheduled. Appointments are made by motion of the City Council and adopted by at least three (3) affirmative votes. III. OTHER A. Street Naming Committee: This Ad -Hoc Committee establishes a list of possible street names to be incorporated into the East Tustin Development and assess the historical value of street names. The Street Naming Committee consists of five (5) members; four (4) residents of the City and one (1) Residential Marketing Page 4 COMMISSION AND BOARD APPOINTMENTS III.A. Street Naming Committee - Continued professional from the Irvine Company. Upon direction from the City Council, staff advertised by public notice in local newspapers, interested persons submitted letters and appointments were made by the City Council. Members of this ad-hoc committee convene on an as -needed basis and are not compensated for their service. B. Ad Hoc Child Care Committee: The Ad Hoc Child Care Committee was established by the City Council upon recommendation from the Park and Recreation Commission. Staff publicized a public notice of the initial meeting in local newspapers; the meeting was identified as an "open meeting" conducive to encouraging participation from a large diverse base. All interested persons are allowed to participate on this Committee. This Ad Hoc Committee was enacted to develop a comprehensive report on Child Care needs and resources in the Tustin area. Members of this working group, which currently number forty-eight (48), are made up of local child care professionals, social services agency representatives, business representatives, Community Services organization members, and parents, as well as School District and City staff members. This Ad Hoc Committee continues to address and study child care issues; participants do not receive compensation for their services. C. Senior Advisory Board: The Senior Advisory Board was appointed by the City Council upon recommendation of the Senior Center Steering Committee (SCSC). This five (5) member advisory board consists of the former SCSC members and one member at -large. This Board meets on a regular basis and fulfills the philosophy of involving area seniors in program planning for the Tustin Area Senior Center. Lots were drawn for three (3) members to hold two (2) year terms, and two (2) members for three (3) years; the reappointment process will actively involve Tustin area senior citizens. The Senior Advisory Board receives no compensation for services rendered. D. Non -Profit Assistance Task Force: This ad-hoc citizen task force was enacted for the purpose of recommending, to Council, the allocations of funds to non-profit agencies who serve the Tustin Community. The Task Force consists of five (5) members who are residents or business professionals of Tustin. In the past, individuals were selected for their knowledge of the Tustin area, their Page 5 COMMISSION AND BOARD APPOINTMENTS D. Non -Profit Assistance Task Force - Continued impartiality, and the fact that none had close ties to any of the non-profit organizations which applied for funds. Staff has recommended the Task Force members to the City Council for approval. This Citizen Task Force meets one time to discuss, review and evaluate applications from Tustin Area non-profit agencies; Citizen Task Force recommendations are submitted to Council for approval of fund allocation. E. Tustin Area senior Center Fund, Inc.: This group was established as a Non -Profit Public Benefit Corporation. The Directors consist of the one member of the City Council, the City manager, one member from the Senior Advisory Board, and two members at -large. This non-profit corporation functions independently of the City and satisfies the regulations set forth by the State of California. This corporation was established for the sole and limited purpose of organizing fundraising activities and soliciting donations for the Tustin Area Senior Center. The TASCF, Inc. meets on a regular basis and receives no compensation for their services. F. Park Design Citizen Task Force: The Park Design Citizen Task Force is used to enlist citizen participation in park and facility design. Neighboring residents are encouraged to participate; all interested persons are invited to take part on the Task Force. Members include site-specific residents, members from the Park and Recreation Commission, City staff and the project consultant. The Citizen Task Force is formed to collaborate with staff and the consultant to produce the best possible design. The Park Design Citizen Task Force is used for the initial design phase on any park, facility or major construction project. The initial meeting of the Task Force is a joint meeting of the Citizen's Task Force and the Park and Recreation Commission (sitting in a "workshop" mode); the Task Force becomes the working group with two or three Commissioners in attendance. This is a design process which is brought to the citizen, which results in excellent facilities. G. Chili Cook -Off: The Chili Cook -Off Committee consists of volunteers who work in partnership with City staff to perform various duties which are not only necessary to the event, but allow the individual and/or Page 6 COMMISSION AND BOARD APPOINTMENTS G. Chili Cook -Off - Continued volunteer committee to be creative and supportive of a community project. The volunteers are individuals who express an interest to staff and demonstrate a commitment to the event and community. These volunteers supply the "people -power" necessary to run events of this size and popularity. H. Tiller Days: The Tiller Days Committee consists of Tustin area residents who contribute their talent and genuine commitment to this annual event. The committee functions independent from City staff; however, the staff of Community Services coordinates and consults regularly with committee members. I. SR -10K Run: This volunteer committee works in partnership with City staff to perform various duties which are not only necessary to this event, but allow the individual to be creative and supportive of an annual Tustin event. Area residents continue to demonstrate their commitment to Tustin and quality community programs by volunteering to assist staff in event related procedures. 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