HomeMy WebLinkAboutPH 3 G.P. AMEND 89-02c 06-19-89Ar ~~~lr~ ~ ,..,...~ ~ PUBLIC HEARING I =ltl%Il i#1 ~ NO. 3 ~ ~1 ~ ~~ ~/, ;/'~ ~ 6-19-89 DATE: 4U~E 19; 1989 ~ ........... I TO: FROM: SUBJECT: HO. MOP, ABLE IMYOR AND MEMBERS OF THE CITY COUNCIL CoILqUNITY DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT · GENERAL PLAN AMENDMENT 89-02 (C), ZONE CHANGE 88-02 AND FAST TUSTIN SPECIFIC PLAN AMENDMENT 88-01 APPLICANT- THE IRVINE COMPANY 550 NEWPORT CENTER DRIVE, BOX I NEWPORT BEACH, CALIFORNIA 926S8-8904 GENERAL LOCATION: SECTORS 7 AND 11 OF THE FAST TUSTIN SPECIFIC PLAN ENV I RONMENTAL STATUS'. AN ADDENDUM TO EIR 85-2 HAS BEEN PREPARED REQUEST-. RECOMMENDATION A CHANGE IN THE GENERAL PLAN LAND USE DESIGNATION, ZONING PLAN MAP DESIGNATION AND FAST TUSTIN SPECIFIC PLAN DESIGNATION OF CERTAIN PROPERTY GENERALLY LOCATED IN SECTORS 7 AND 11 OF THE EAST TUSTIN SPECIFIC PLAN. CERTAIN TEXTUAL CHANGES TO THE EAST TUSTIN SPECIFIC PLAN ARE ALSO PROPOSED TO IMPLEMENT THE REQUESTED LANO USE OESIGNATION CHANGES~N THE SPECIFIC PLAN It is recommended that the City Council' 1. Approve Addendum 89-01 to the East Tustln Specific Plan EIR-85-2 and recertify Final EIR'8542 and all subsequently adopted Supplements and Addendums by adoption of .Resolution No. 89-87. 2. Approve General Plan-Amendment 89-02(c) by the adoption of Resolution No. 89-88. 3. M.O. that Ordinance i024: for Zone Change 88-02 have first reading by title only; and M.O. that Ordinance 1024: for Zone Change 88-02 be introduced. June 19, 1989 GPA 89-02 (C), ZC 88-02 ETSP Amendment 88-01 Page two 4. H.O. that Ordinance i026 for East Tustln Specific Plan Amendment 88-01 have first reading by title onlyl and M.O. that Ordinance 1026 for East Tustin Specific Plan 88-01 be introduced. BACKGROUND . The Planning Commission at a regular meeting on June 12, 1989 recommended to th~ City Council adoption of General Plan Amendment 89-02(c), Zone Change 88-02 and East Tustin.Spec!fic Plan Amendment 88-01. The intent of these entitlement changes is to .implement the School Facilities Agreement between the Irvine Company and the Tustin Unified School District dated March, 1988 and a Letter of Understand~g.bel~n the Irvine'Company and the City. of Tustin, dated March 11, 1988 and ~qXbseqUern'c~y-amended on April 3, 1989. · The Letter of Understanding with the City requires the Community Park originally proposed on Lot 7 in Tract 12763 of Sector .11 of. the East Tustin'Specific Plan to be relocated north 'of I~vine Boulevard within Tract 12870 and Sector 7. The Park's relocation is to accommodate the expansion of the original high school proposed in Sector 11 to a 40 acre site. The portion of the project site locate~t-.in Sector 7 is northwest.of the intersection of Ir_vine Boulevard and Jambo. r. ee Road. The portion of ~e projec.t site within~-Sec, t'em~-11, is bounded by Irvine Boulevard on the north, Myford Road on the east, Heri_tage Way on the south and Tustin Ranch Road on the west. Each of the proposed p~oject components is discussed below' 1. General Pilan-Amendment 89-0.21,(C) - The existing General Plan Land Use Designation" ~.~th~in the project site and proposed General Plan Land Use revisions ar6~-~repicted in Exhibits 4 and 5 of the attached Addendum to Final Environmental Impact Report (EIR) 85-2. The proposed-General Plan AmenJment wou'~-d" revise General Plan land use configurations as follows' ..Changq th~e.~easterly 10 acre portion of the former high school site located at;Irvine Boulevard and New Myford Road 'in Sector 11 of the East Tustin~ Specific Plan from High School (HS) to Planned Community Residential~ (PCR); Change the designation of the. former 16 acre Community Park site located at Irvine Boulevard and Tustin Ranch Road in Sector 11 of the East Tustin Specific Plan from Community Park (CP) to High School (HS); ° Change. the designation' of a former 20 acre residential'site located in Community Development Department Ctty Council Report June '19, 1989 GPA 89-02(C), ZC 88-02, & ETSP Amendment 88-01 Page' three Sector 7 of the East Tustl'n Specific Plan adjacent t'o Jamboree' Road north of future Keller Drive from Planned Community Residential (PCR) to Community Park (CP). -- 2. Zone Chan~e 88-02 - the existing Zoning Plan Map designation within the projecl~ sit~ and the proposed Zoning Plan Map revisions are shown in Exhibits 6 and 7 of the attached Addendum to Final EIR 85-2. The specific Zone Change requested would revise the Zoning Plan Map as follows: Change the easterly 10 acre portion of property currently classified as Planned Community - Community Facility (PC-CF) located at Irvine Boulevard and New Myford Road in Sector 11 of the East Tustin Specific Plan to Planned Community Residential (PCR); Change the designation .of a 20 acre site currently classified as Planned Community Residential (PCR) located adjacent to -Jamboree Road and north of future Keller Drive in the East Tusti'n Specific Plan to Planned Community - Community Facility (PC-CF). Since a Zoning Map must be consistent with a City's General Plan as required by Stare'law, the proposed Amendments will establish consistency between proposed General Plan land~-s~e changes and the City's ZOning Ordinance. . Specific Plan Amendment - Proposed Specific Plan Amendments are map amendments to the Specific Plan Land Use Plan and narrative amendments which implement and establish textual consistency in the Plan with the map amendments. The existing Specific Plan land uses and proposed Specific land uses for Sectors 7 and 11 are depicted in Exhibits 2 and 3 of the attached Addendum to Final EIR 85-2. Narrative amendments are provided in Appendix A of the Addendum. Language to be removed from the plan is cross-hatched and new language is bolded' and underlined. Proposed specific Land Use Amend~nents can be summarized as follows: Change the,easterly 10 acre portion of the former high school site located at Irvine Boulevard and New Myford Road in Sector 11 of the East Tustin Specific Plan from a High School (HS) designation to a Medium High Density (MH) designation; Change the 16 acre Community Park (CP) designation in Sector 11 to the High School (HS) designation: Change the designation of a former 20 acre site loca'ted adjacent to Jamboree Road north of future Keller Drive 'in Sector 7 from Medium High Residential (MH) to Community Park (CP). Community Development Department cttY Counct1 Report June 19, 1989 GPA 89-02(C), ZC 88-02, & ETSP Amendment 88-01 Page .four ' Once the above Speclftc Plan Amendments are approved the new "approved" land use Hap w111 be used as a base for a revised repr.lnt of the East Tustln Specific Plan and all maps in the Spectfic Plan by' the applicant. These maps are ~not assigned a page number In the text, so they will be listed by section number and Exhlbtt letter as follows: SECTION # EXHIBIT TITLE 2 D Circulation Plan 2 F Drainage & Flood Control Concept Plan 2 G Sewer Concept Plan 2 '' H Water Concept Plan 2 I L~ndscaPe Concept Plan 4. Addendum 89-01 to EIR 85-2 as Previously Amended- The initial General Plan, zone Chafig'~I 'and ~pe6~fic Plan Aj_rendmentS necessary to adopt the East Tustin Specific Plan were considered in EIR 85-2 certified on March 12, 1986 and the subsequently adopted supplements and addendums. EIR 85-2 includ~ed a project description, identification of environmental impacts and project mitigation measures. The California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) authorizes the preparation of an Addendum to an EIR when only minor technical changes or additions are necessary to make the EIR under consideration adequate under CEQA. An Environmental Assessment has been prepared for the project as an addendum to Final EIR 85-2, as previously modified. No new significant environmental issues other than those raised in EIR 85-2 have been raised by the proposed project. · A copy of Addendum 89-1 is attached. CONCLUSION ii The proposed General Plan Amendment, Zone Change and Specific Plan Amendment have been reviewed for conformance with the California Environmental Quality Community Development Department · City Councl] Report 'June 19, 1989 GPA 89-02(.C), ZC 88-02, & ETSP Amndment, 88-01 · gage five Act, State Subdivision Map Act, State Development and Planning Law, the T~sttn Area General Plan and the Tustin City Code. The proposed amendments will implement terms of a Letter Agreement between the applicant and the City of Tustin and also the adopted School Facilities Agreement between the applicant and the Tustin Unified School District. Addendum 89-01 with recertification of EIR 85-2 is considered adequate under CEQA. Staff recommends approval of the attached'resolutions approving the subject project request. Christine S~ngleton ~e Director of Community velopment CAS'ts Attachments: Planning. Commission Resolution No's. 2629, 2630, 2631 and 2632 Addendum 89-1 Resolution No. 89-87 .. · Resolution No. 89-88 Ordinance No. 1024 Ordinance No. 1026 Community. Development Department PLANNING COrdPITSSION RESOLUTIONS 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 2O 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 RESOLUTION NO. 2629 A RESOLUTION OF THE PLANNING COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF TUSTIN CALIFORNIA, RECOMMENDING THAT THE CITY COUNCIL RECERTIFY FINAL ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT REPORT EIR 85-2 FOR THE EAST TUSTIN SPECIFIC PLAN AND ADDENDUM NO. 89-01 FOR GENERAL PLAN AMENDMENT 88-02 (C), ZONE CHANGE 88-02 AND EAST TUSTIN-SPECIFIC PLAN AMENDMENT 88-01 AND FIND THAT THE FINAL EIR, AND ALL SUBSEQUENT ADDENDUMS AND SUPPLEMENTS ARE ADEQUATE FOR THE PROJECT AND ALL FEASIBLE MITIGATION MEASURES HAVE BEEN INCORPORATED INTO THE PROJECT The Planning Commission of the City of Tustin does hereby resolve as follows: I. The Planning Commission finds and determines as follows: A. That an initial study questionnaire was prepared for General Plan Amendment 88-02 {C), Zone Change 88-02 and E~st Tustin Specific Plan Amendment 88-01 (the "Project"), and it was determined that Environmental Impact Report (EIR)' 85-2 (East Tustin Specific Plan including all certified supplemental and , addendum documents), with an Addendum (No. 89-01), could, be employed to describe this project, in accordance with California Environmental Quality-Act (CEQA). B. That the environmental documentation was prepared by City of Tustin and Michael Brand~han Associates. C. That the City provided public notice of its initial study and its intention to prepare an Addendum for the project. EIR 85-2 (including all. certified supplemental and addendum ~documents) and Addendum No. 89-01, including comments, have bee'n reviewed and considered by the City of Tustin. D. That EIR 85-2 (including all certified supplemental and addendum documents) and Addendum 89-01 was prepared in compliance with the California Environmental Quality Act, and CEQA Guidelines, and the policies of the City of Tustin. E. That pursuant to CEQA, EIR 85-2 (including all certified Supplemental and addendum documents) has previously been prepared and certified and adequately addresses the general environmental setting of the project, its significant environmental impacts, and the alternatives and mitigation measures related to each significant environmental effect, and that no additional environmental impacts or mitigation measures were identified in Addendum 89-01. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 IG 17 19 2O 2i 23 24 25 '26 27 28 Resolution No. 2629 Page two F. That Addendum 89-01 prepared for the project addresses only minor tecl~ntcal changes or additions and none of the conditions described in Section 15162 of the CEQA Guidelines have occurred. Ge All tmpacts, mtttatlon measures and project alternatives identified In the previously certified envlronmenta] documents identified in Sectton I A. of this Resolution have been reviewed and considered, mitigation measures have been Incorporated into the proposed project, as applicable, that eliminate or substantially lessen the significant environmental effects as Identified In each of the previously certified documents and it ts determined that any remaining significant effects on the environment found to be unavoidable have been balanced against the benefits of the Project and against the Project alternatives and those beneflts have been found to be overriding on each significant impact Identified in the previously considered environmental documents. Findings and a Statement of Facts supporting such ftndtngs and mitigation measures are 11steal tn Exhibit A of Resolution No. 86-28 and Exhtbtt A of Resolution No. 87-76 and are incorporated heretn by reference. II. The Planning Commission does hereby recommend that the City Council certify that EIR 85-2 for t~e. East Tusttn Specific Plan (including all certified supplemental and addendum documents) and Addendum 89-01 are adequate to serve as the'~roject EIR and that such documents have been completed in compliance with State CEQA law and Guidelines. PASSED AND ADOPTED at a re(~Llar meeting of' the Planning Commission heldd on the /~~ day of~. , 1989. /Q ~ A. L. Ba ~.~ ~~.~ Chairman l~ni Foley Secretary STATE OF CALIFORNIA ) COUNTY OF ORANGE ) CITY OF TUSTIN ) I, PENNI FOLEY, the undersigned, hereby certify that I am the Recording Secretary of .the Pla,n[pi, ng Commission of the City of Tustin, California; that Resolution No. ~~;~ was duly passed and. adopted at a ~ular meeting of the Tj~stin Plann~ing Co~mmiSsion, held on the ~v~ day of(~ _ . . , PENNI FOLEY Recording Secretary 1 2 3 4 5 6 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 19 21 22 23 24 25 27 28 RESOLUTION NO. 2630 A RESOLUTION OF THE PLANNING COMMISSION OF THE CITY 'OF TUSTIN, CALIFORNIA, RECOMMENDING APPROVAL TO THE CITY COUNCIL. OF GENERAL PLAN AMENDMENT 89-02(c), A REQUEST TO CHANGE THE GENERAL PLAN LAND USE DESIGNATION OF CERTAIN PROPERTY LOCATED IN SECTOR 7 AND 11 OF THE EAST TUSTIN SPECIFIC PLAN PROJECT AREA. The Planning Commission of the City of Tusttn does hereby resolve as follows: I. The Planning Commission finds and determines as follows' A. Government Code Section 65358 provides that when it is deemed to be in the public interest, the legislative body may amend a part of the General Plan. B. That a proper application has been filed by the Irvine Company for the purpose of reclassifying the General Plan Land Use designation of property generally located in Sector 7 and 11 of the East Tusttn Specific Project Plan area. The portion of the project located in Sector 7 is northwest of the intersection of Irvine Boulevard and Jamboree Road. The portion Of the project with Sector 11 is bounded by Irvine Boulevard qn the north, Myford Road on the east, Heritage Way on the south and Tusttn Ranch Road on' the we~_ Ce Government Code Se¢~ton 65358(b) states that no mandatory element of a General Plan shall be amended more frequently than four times per calendar year. However, each amendment ma~f include more than one change. Appropriately in conjunction with General Plan Amendment 89-02(c), four other Amendments are being considered which shall be considered one Amendment per Government Code Section 65358{b). D. That a public hearing before the Planning Commission to consider General Plan Amendment 89-02{c) was duly called, noticed, and held on June 12, 1989. E. This General Plan Amendment has been reviewed in accordance with the California Environmental Quality Act and an Addendum to EIR 85-02 has been prepared. F. The propo, sed amendments are in the best interest of the public and surrounding properties in that the proposed amendments are consistent with terms of a Letter of Understanding between the City of Tustin and Irvine Company dated March 11, 1988 and amended April 3, 1989 and will guarantee designation of an adequate high school site and community park sites to serve the communi ry. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 Resolution No. 2630 Page two G. The proposed General Plan Amendment is consistent with other elements of the General Plan. II. The Planntng Commission hereby, recommends to the City Counctl approval of General Plan Amendment 89-02(c) as shown on Exhlbtt A and more specifically described as follows: A. Change the easterly [0 acre-'portton of the former high school stte located at [rvtne Boulevard and New Myford Rdad In Sector [! of the East Tusttn Specific Plan from Hlgh School (HS) to Planned Community Residential (PCR); Be Change the designation of the former 16 acre community park stte located at Irvtne Boulevard and Tustln Ranch Road In Sector 1! of the East Tusttn Specific Plan from Community .Park (CP) to High School (HS); and C. Change the designation of a former 20 acre residential site located In Sector 7 of the East Tusttn Speclftc Plan adjacent to Jamboree Road north of future Keller Drlve from Planned Community Residential (PCR) to Community Park (CP). PASSED AND ADOPTED at a regul~jne, etlng of the Tustln Plannln~ Commission, eqeld on the//~r:~J4C day of (.~]X~.~.~_ 1989. Penni Foley Secretary , ',~ J ~' ~ '.~ · ~ ,~ .****'".*.o ,.**.. *. '" ' '." '~..' '~,..:i. , -. '" · ~ 'i ~ .,"~... j ,. ~.. · ,d, d* * * :...':)':. '."...' · ~ ,:.!; .: ~' . .-"~a ' . in,., _..~., ~ . . '.~, &. ~ . ~ e~ ...... '..,7 · '." ._" .... '.';...'.~.[.':~., :. ~.~..-.¥ · 'q' ""°. ~ "d,q.. '.* - . .Ir *... ~"* '* · :..~.--:,-... ~.;.~;. .-. ,. -. ,. :~.-..' ,,.~. ~.:. :,, . ~.: ;z,~. .,~}.. ~' .:.:.;.....~ .. · .' ...:.[..,. ,,f :.-.-.;;.'/ .t ..i: * ' · ' .. .l, ..d ..,-' ~*', i:" "" "'"" · . · ·: ..'; *.:o'.a,.', . . · . . . ~.& ~'l .''*~.o ," !' *.'*' .. .**' ,~,.,.,_:* *.' · ,~ .,.$,..,*. ._;~.*.*~,*... 'l . ..~;¶.~.*.~ ~***....* ...'1 *,,..*: ,~: .*..- 1,1 ;,* .j k. **.,' ....~.:..; .. ..... .- ,~. ~-.'.. .-...*. : ~. .. "~ ... . ~ .."~ ·- . · . ..... :;. ;.~ "?. · · ~ ~.1 ' . --'i : '.'.: · .'.. 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I Ill · I I "l Il I Tustin Area General Plan EDAW - REVISED STATE OF CALIFORNIA COUNTY OF 'ORANGE CITY OF TUSTIN I, PENNI FOLEY, the undersigned, hereby certify that I am the Recording Secretary of the Planning Commission of the City of Tustin, California; that Resolution No. ~/~0 was duly passed andadopted at a r~ular meeting of the,T~stin Planning Commission, held on the y/~//'-dayof ~ .... . 198 ,~/.- Recording Secretary . 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 RESOLUTION NO. 2631 A RESOLUTION OF THE PLANNING COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF TUSTIN, CALIFORNIA, RECOMMENDING APPROVAL TO THE CITY COUNCIL OF ZONE CHANGE 88-02, A REQUEST TO REZONE CERTAIN PROPERTY LOCATED IN SECTORS 7 AND 11 OF THE EAST TUSTIN SPECIFIC PLAN PROJECT AREA The Planning Commission of the City of Tustin does hereby resolve as follows: I. The Planning Commission finds and' determines as follows: A. That a proper application has been filed by the Irvine Company for the purpose of reclassifying the Zoning Plan Map-designation of property generally located in Sectors 7 and 11 of the East Tustin Specific Plan project area. The portion of the project located in Sector 7 is northwest of the intersection of Irvine Boulevard and Jamboree Road. The portion of the project within · Sector 11 is bounded by Irvine Boulevard to the north Myford Road on the east, Heritage Way on the south and Tustin Ranch Road on the west. · B. That a public hearing before the Planning Commission to consider Zone Change 88-02 was duly called, noticed, and held on-June 12, 1989. C. This Zone Change ha.s been reviewed in accordanc~ with the California Environmental Quality Act and an Addendum to EIR 85-02 has been prepared. D. The proposed rezoning is necessary to establish consistency with the General Plan as required by law. E. The proposed zoning is in the best interest of the public health, safety, and welfare and would be compatible with the. existing and surrounding uses. II. The Planning Commission hereby recommends approval to the City Council of Zone Change 88-02 as shown on 'Exhibit A and more specifically described as follows: Ae Change the easterly 10 acre portion of property currently classified as Planned Community - Community Facility (PC-FC) located at Irvine Boulevard and New Myford Road in Sector 11 of the East Tustin Specific Plan to Planned Community Residential (PCR); and B. .Change the designation of a 20 acre site currently classified as Planned Community Residential (PCR) located adjacent to Jamboree Road and north of future Keller Drive in the East Tustin Specific Plan to Planned Community - Community Facility (PC-CF). 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 lS 19 2O 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 Resolution No. 2631 Page two PASSED AND ADOPTED at a regular meetlng of the Tustln P]annlng Commission, held on the ~/~ day of ~ , 1989. enni Foley L ~" I Secretary ' ..~~L~. a~C h a trma n - ' :/'. '.. ~"l.'~ .e, · : ; ' , · 'o ~. · ~ · · . . ..~.,. ·. ·. .4'-4 , ~, ......[.,~ [~.,: · ' .o . .i ,.- · . ,il..,.. ~e ~ ~ .,.. .. - .. . ..'.':.. ~. ~,-~. , ;'~ ', ,4 ..."~, · ,/ :...,'-,~'+, , · ~ '~d~ ~ - ~. ~. ''.' · ''.. & w... .~ '.. '.V. ..' , .. ':~'~. 1,~ .~ ; .'~.d. '.- ' ' ' ' .~ ." ".. · ~....~.,~ .. .'. ~ · . · ...~ ~, -.. .,~ .. ~ -......' ~ ~.'~ ,,' .. ~ · '.~,:. '.~.'~-. ~..~..: ~...'.. ,.. .'~ ....~ ~ . · . . . ~'.~.." = .... .,...~:. '..~;. ~.~ ~-i' ':,, ,.. .~,~ ...'.".~...' ..: .'. .' h~:,".~ ~'".~'.". '.~ ' " . .. · .~....... ..· .. · .. ~ ~ .'~.: .... '~......*' .; ... ..;~. '".:::~./:.'.., ~ . ~ ...~ .%' ,~, ;...' .. · ~.,~ ~ ~.~ ~'~..~':~..: ..~..... .~ .... ..',' ,~.. '..~ PCR PCR PCR PCR AVl'. PCldu EXHIB]:T A RESOLUTZON NO. 2631 . · · LEGEND l .c.l · ~ R../u~ co~,~~ c~c~ ~'~ PLA~ COMMUNITY CO~UNI~ ~ACIUTIES PCCF .: · ... · · · I I REVISED ZONING MAP Inc., R~EVISED STATE OF CALIIFORNIA COUNTY OF ORANGE CITY OF TUSTIN I, PENNI FOLEY, the undersigned, hereby certi'fy that I am the RecOrding Secretary of the_Planning Commission of the City of Tustin, California; that Resolution No. ~~/' was duly passed and adopted at a~ meetin£j of the,I~stin Planning C6mmtssion, held on the y/~' day of 198~. Recor. ding Secretary · 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 1! 12 13 14 15 16 17 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 RESOLUTION NO. 2632 A RESOLUTION OF THE PLANNING COMMISSION ~F THE CITY OF TUSTIN,.CALIFORNIA, RECOMMENDING APPROVAL TO THE CITY COUNCIL OF EAST TUSTIN SPECIFIC PLAN AMENDMENT 88-01, PROPOSED AMENDMENTS TO THE SPECIFIC PLAN LAND USE PLAN FOR PROPERTY GENERALLY LOCATED IN SECTOR 7 AND 11 OF THE EAST TUSTIN SPECIFIC PLAN AND NARRATIVE TEXTURAL AMENDMENTS TO THE SPECIFIC PLAN. The Planning Commission of the City of Tustin does hereby resolve as follows: · I. The .Planning Commission finds and determines as follows: A® Section 3.14 of the East Tustln Specific Plan provides that amendments to the East Tustin Specific Plan shall be initiated and processed in the same manner set forth by the City Code for amending the City Zoning Ordinance. B. That a proper application has been filed by the Irvine Company for the purpose of making certain Specific Plan Land Use Plan amendments on certain property generally located in Sector 7 and 11 of the East Tustln Specific Plan. The portion of the project site located in Sector 7 is northwest of the tnl~ersection of Irvtne Boulevard and Jamboree Road. The porti, on of the project site within Sector 11 is bounded by Irvine Boulevard on the north, Myford Road on the east, Heritage Way on the south and Tustin Ranch Road on t~ west. In addition to proposed Land Use Plan amendments, narrative amendments are al so proposed to establish textual consistency in the Plan with the proposed map amendments. C. A public, hearing before the Planning Commission was duly noticed, called and held on June 12, 1989. D. The. East Tusttn Specific Plan has been reviewed in accordance with the California Environmental Quality Act' and Addendum 89-01 to East Tustin Specific Plan EIR 85-02 has been prepared. E. The proposed East Tusttn Specific Plan Amendments is in the best interest of the public heal th, safety, and welfare and would be compatible with the existing and surrounding uses. F. The proposed East Tusttn Specific Plan Amendments will establish consistency with General Plan Amendment 89-02(c) and Zone Change 88-02. II. The Planning Commission hereby recommends approval to the City Council of East Tustin Specific Plan Amendment 88-01. Textual amendments are shown on Exhibit A and map amendments are shown on 1 2 3 4 5 6 ? 8 9 10 11 12 1-3 14 15 17 1,~ 19 ~0 21 23 24 25 27 28 Resolution No.-2632 Page two Exhibit B and can be more specifically described as follows: Ae Be Change to easterly 10 acre portion of the former high school site located at Irvine Boulevard and New Myford Road in Sector 11 of the East Tustin Specific Plan from a High School (HS) designation to a Medium High Density {MH) designation; Change ~he 16 acre Community Park (CP) designation in Sector to the High School (HS) designation; and Ce Change the designation of a former 20 acre site located adjacent to Jamboree Road north of future Keller Drive in Sector 7 from Medium High Residential (MH) to Community Park (CP). PASSED AND ADOPTED at a regul~.r meeting of the.Tustin Planning Commission, held on the ~/JT~ day of ~ , 1989 EXHIBIT A TO RESOLUT[O# #0. 2632 TEXT MODIFICATIO#S Table 2.1 · Statistical Summary Land Use Designation Acreaqe Residential Estate ([up to 2 du/ac) Low (up to 5 du/ac) Medlum Low (up to 10 du/ac) Medlum (up to 18 du/ac) Medium-High (up to 25 du/ac) 415 287 5O 222 188 Open Space Public Neighborhood Parks* Community Parks Golf Course 7~741 150 Commerc I al/Bus 1 ness Neighborhood Commerci al General CommerCial Mi xed Use 10 31 121 Institutional Elementary Schools* Intermediate Schools High School 58 15 40 Other Uses Roads {arterial and major on!y**} 101 ' * Certain park )nd school site acr~a-ges have not been established. Such acreage wi.l-1 be taken from residential land use area. ** Acreage for all roads other than arterial and major roads, has been included in the acreage for the surrounding land uses. Residential Land Use: The Land use Plan designates five residential categories, each of which has maxlmum denslty. Residential densities are controlled In all of the following: land use areas, sectors and the Specific Plan Area. For any residential subdivision map the maximum density range cannot be exceeded for a particular land use area. Lower densities will be permitted in any area. The boundaries and acreage of the land use areas shown on the Land Use Plan are approximate and will be precisely determined in the future when subdivision Maps are reviewed. The land use areas described within each sector are subject to the policies specific to a given sector. These policies are outlined in Section 2.14. 2-2 The total number of dwelling units, for the overall Specific Plan Area may not exceed 7,250 units. However, if the total allowable units in Tentative Tract Map No. 12345 are not constructed, the unbuilt units may be transferred to. the Specific Plan Area. in accordance with the provisions of the following paragraphs. The total number of dwelling units in each Sector may not exceed the figures specified Table 2.4. If a sector is developed with less than the maximum number of units permitted within the sector, then a transfer of units will. be permitted from sector to sector within the Specific Plan Area. These transfers will be closely monitored. When proposing unit transfers, compatibility with adajacent land use areas must be considered. Specific requirements for allowing unit transfers and maximum unit increases in Sectors are outlined in the Development Standards in Section 3.0. Also, in Section 3.0 there are more definitive standards for development of each residential density category. Mixed Use Designation: The Land Use Plan designates 121 acres in the southeast' corner of the site, in Sector 12 between Bryan Avenue and the 1-5 Freeway, as a mixed use area. A 70-acre commercial center and hotel/n~tel will be developed in this area. Additional commercial uses or office and research and development uses may also be developed within this area. The Mixed Use designation permits flexibility for location and configuration of these uses. It also creates the opportunity for development to respond to future changes in economic and market forces. The Development Standards for the Mixed Use Area are defined in Section 3.0. Non-Residential Land Uses: The Land use Plan (LUP) includes a number of non- residential uses' such as: (1) Schools', (2} Parks, (3) Open Space and Recreation Facilities, and {4) Commercial 'Land Use designations. These are summarized in the fol 1 owl ng table: ' · Table~2-',_ Land Uses Integral to the LuP Institutional Use Intermediate School High School Community Park Golf Course Commercial/Business Use General Commerci al Neighborhood Commerci al Quantity Approximate Total Acreage 15 40 )7 41 150 31 10 2-3 Table 2.3 Land Uses Anticipated in LUP Institutional Use Elementary School Public Neighborhood Parks Private Neighborhood Parks qua.nti, l~y 3-6 ~3" Varl es * Approximate Total Acreage 8-10 3-4 * Vari es * * The exact number, location and size of private neighborhood parks will be established with Subdi- vision maps. One high school site is reserved along Irvine Boulevard and one junior high school site is designated for the area along Peters Canyon Wash in Sector 2. Five elementary school .sites are to be distributed throughout the Specific Plan area, and one elementary school has been sited with an adjacent neighborhood park, which encompasses the redwood/cedar stand situated on Sector 3. Four other neighborhood parks are generally located in various sectors of the Plan. Three.($) community parks are more specifically located; they include an eight- acre site near the junior high school, a Ii~ 20-acre site, and a 13-acre site incorporating a knoll situated south of Portola Parkway. Elementary and. Intermediate schools and public neighborhood parks are symbolically illustrated on the Land Use Plan. The specific sizes, location and- numbers of these' facilities will be determined in accordance with the provision of Subsection 2.8. - 2.2 Circulation · . The Circulation Plan, Exhibit D, illustrates the backbone vehicular circulation system for the Specific Plan area. This section describes the existing and planned arterial highway circulation system for the East Tustin Specific Plan. Established Arterial Highway Ali~lnments Street City of Tustin Classification Irvine Boulevard Bryan Avenue Portol a Parkway Santa Ana Freeway Browning Avenue Future Road Myford Road Weir Canyon Road County of Orange Classification Major Major Primary Primary - Major* Freeway Freeway Secondary Secondary Major* Major or Primary* Major* _ Eastern Transportation Corridor - E1 Camino Real Secondary Primary Freeway* * Conceptual ly Proposed 2-4 Table 2.4 East Tustin.Statistical Analysis SECTOR 1 . . Subtotal Acreage '125 125 * Total Max I mum A11 owab 1 e Land Use Density Units i Estate Density Residential 2.0 du/ac i m 188 SECTOR 2 im Subtota 1 SECTOR 3 Subtotal SECTOR 4 Subtotal SECTOR 5 Subtotal SECTOR 6 Subtotal 74 101 .' 50 13 o 10 ** 15 ** 8 ** 271 6 08** 03** 17 118 ~18 · 98 18 116 31 31 Estate Density Resident(al 2 du/ac Low Density Residential $ du/ac Medium Low Density Residential 10 du/ac Medium Density Residential 18 du/ac E1 ementary School Junior High School Community Park Low Density Residential E1 ementary School Neighborhood Park 5 du/ac Estate Density Residential 2 du/ac Estate Density Residential 2 du/ac Low Density Residential 5 du/ac General Commercial 1,010 + 68 + 177 219 SECTOR 7 111 132 10 ** I) $$ ** 150 Medium Density Residential 18 du/ac Medium High Density Residential 25 du/ac Elementary School Community Park Golf Course Subtotal SECTOR 8 Subtotal 436 77 26 o 10 ** 0 4 ** 117 Low Density ReSidential Medium Density Residential E1 ementary School Neighborhood Park 4 du/ac 18 du/ac 3,605 + 349 233 2-24 582 _+ SECTOR 9 Acreage Table 2.4 (Cont'd) * Total Max I mum A11 owab 1 e Land Use Density Units i i i 39 Low Density Residential 5 du/ac i Subtotal 3g 156 SECTOR 10 Subtotal 46 Low Density Residential 5 du/ac 15 Medium Density Residential 18 du/ac o 10 ** Elementary School i i 71 405 + SECTOR Subtota 1 SECTOR Subtotal 57 ~ 56 40 0 10 ** o 4 ** · 10 Medium Density Residential 18 du/ac Medium High Density Residential 25 du/ac High School Elementary School Neighborhood Park Neighborhood Con~nercial i ii ii i 177 1,540 + 121 Mixed Use .- 121 7, gSO *** Total allowablq number of permitted~its' within a given sector may be increased if a sector unit transfer.occurs as described in Subsection 2.1. ** The precise acreage and locations of private and public neighborhood parks, elementary schools and intermediate schools will be determined as part of the review of the Sector Subdivision Maps as identified under Review Procedure Subsection 1.5 and consistent with policies established in Subsections 2.9 and 2.10 of the Specific Plan. -*** If the maximum allowable units in Tentative Tract Map No. 12345 are not constructed, the unconstructed units may be transferred to the Specific Plan area.' This acreage figure is an estimated allocation for this land use. If it changes, other land use acreage allocations in the sector may change. However, the total allowable units for the sector will remain the same. Total Allowable Units assumes that if a school and/or a park currently designated for this sector are not built in this sector and that the acreage goes into residential use. If these facilities are constructed, the land use area density limitation may preclude construction of the total allowable sector units and such unbuilt units would be transferred to another sector. 2-25 Sector 7 o This is the largest of the 12 sectors in terms of acreage. The site is virtually flat and encompasses 436 acres. It is situated along the eastern boundary of the site and is bounded by Portola Parkway on the north, Myford Road on the east, the Future Road on the west, and Trvlne .Boulevard on the south. The stte includes a hlllslde knoll located south of P0rtola Parkway, a visually prominent landform feature which contrasts with the flat topography within the rest of the Sector. Eucalyptus windrows occur along Peters Canyon Wash and in the easterly portion of the Sector. This area is planned to encompass a variety of residential densities to be developed around an 18-hole privately owned and operated golf course which is to be open for public pl ay. Residential uses including medium and medium high densities are planned for this Sector. Densities general ly decrease from east to west with the medium-high areas located along Myford Road. Also planned for ~thls area is an el~-m-entary school which has not been precisely located at this time, however; it is currently allocated for the southwest quadrant of this sector. The precise location and size of this school shall be determined as per Subsection 2.10 of this Specific Plan. A regional riding/hiking trail, and bikeway are planned in accordance with County Master Plans {Class I}. The trail may be located away from Peters Canyon Wash in order to avoid conflicts with the golf course. The trail location in Sector 7 shown on the Land Use Plan {Exhibit C) following along arterial highways is conceptual and may be adjusted to meet specific site conditions and to ensure trail continuation in the adjoining City of Irvine. A neighborhood park has also been generally allocated for this same quadrant. The size and location of this park will be precisely determined as per Subsection 2.8. Finally, a 13-acre community park has been .precisely located to encompass the knoll at the northern most end of the sector. Aa additional 20 acre conmzunit), park will be provided near the southeast comer oft~re sector. The following policies apply to Sector 7: A. The maximum number of dwelling units permitted within this sector are as shown in Table 2.4. B. The golf course as shown on the Land Use Plan illustrates a conceptual boundary. The precise edges of the golf course may vary as long as the 2-37 area of the oth'er residential land uses remain generally consistent with the Statistical Summary and that the relative location of residential land use are consistent with Exhibit C. There may be an adjustment of increased acreage from the minimum acreage of 150 to the golf course from that-shown on the statistical summary. Any adjustment,, however, shall be at the discretion of the landowner, and can encroach On the residential land use parcels within this sector. Such an adjustment would change acreages within those land use parcels, however, the total maximum number of units allowed within the sector will not be exceeded. The golf course provides a strong visual image within the sector as well as the whole community and visibility shall be provided from the arterial roadways, therefore the golf course shall directly front on Myford Road, 'and Irvine Boulevard, and shal'l have at least two frontages on the Future Road. A minimum of 250-feet of lineal frontage shall be provided at each of these points. Incorporation of existing eucalyptus windrows shall be considered within the golf course. C. In addition to the specific submittal requirements for the Subdivision Map of this sector, reefer to Section 1.5, a conceptual landscape plan for arterial roadways adjoining this Sector shall also be submitted with the Subdivision Map' for approval by the Director of Community Development, refer to Section 2.12 Implementation for specific requl rment s. ' D. A community park shall be located along the edge south of Portola Parkway and shall include the north side of the knoll located south of this road. Development policies re'i~ted to this knoll are established in Section 2.13, Hillside District'Guidelines, Landform Modification. ~ln additional 20 acre Commu~tity Park shall be provided ad/acent to Jamboree Road and north of lrvine Boulevard. E. Where feasible and consistent with flood control requirements, the treatment of Peters Canyon Wash {Exhibit L) should retain a natural appearance by {1} minimizing concrete channelization such as vertical walls and concrete channel or trapezoidal soil cement; (2} retaining or replanting indigenous vegetation along the drainage course, and/or {3} locating the drainage course within open space areas. 2-38 Sector 11 This sector consists of approximately 183 acres. It is bounded by the Future Road alignment on the west, Irvine Boulevard on the north, Myford. Road on the east, and Bryan Avenue on the south. Several land uses are proposed within this sector. The residential uses include medium density which is to be located in the southwest quadrant of the sector. Medium high residential development is to be situated along the eastern boundary of the site encompassing the entire area between Bryan Avenue and Irvine Boulevard. A 40-acre site has been designated for a high school just south of Irvine .Boulevard. This will be centrally located to both Myford and the Future Road extension. northeast corner of the sector, a lO-acre . neighborhood commercial slte has been planned at the Intersection of Irvine Boulevard and Myford Road, an important entry point lnto the City from the east. An elementary school has been generally located between the medium and medium high residential development. The preclse sf~z-es and locatlon of schools shall be determined as described in Subsection-2.10 of this Speciflc Plan. A neighborhood park has been generally located in the area of the medium residential development. The preclse locatlon of this park is to be determined as described in Subsection 2.8 of this Specific Plan. The following policies apply to Sector 11: A. The maximum number of residential units permitted in this sector are as shown on Table 2.4. B. In addition to the specific submittal requirements for the Subdivision Map of this Sector, refer to Section 1.5, a conceptual landscape plan for arterial roadways within this Sector shall also be submitted with the Subdivision Map for approval by the Director of Community Development, refer to Section 2.12 Implementation for specific requirements. 2-43 _C1). A buffer for the E1 Modena channel 'shall be provided. The methods for buffering shall include, but not be limited to fencing and landscaping. 2-44 F_~ eT TUSTIN STATISTICAL ANALY~ SECTOR 1 Subtotal Acreage 1.25 125 Maximum Land Use Density Estate Density Residential 2.0 du/ac * Total A11 owab 1 e Units i i i i i 188 - · SECTOR 2 Subtotal SECTOR 3 Subtotal SECTOR 4 ii Subtotal SECTOR Subtotal SECTOR 6 i Subtotal 74 101 5O 13 0 10 ** 15 ** 8 ** 271 6 08** 03** 17 118 118 98 18 116 31 31 Estate Density Residential 2 du/ac Low Density Residential 5 du/ac Medium Low Density Residential 10 du/ac Medium Density Residential 18 du/ac Elementary School Junior High School Co..nuni ty Park Low Density Residential E1 ementary School Neighborhood Park i i i 5 du/ac Estate Density Residential 2 du/ac Estate Density R6sidential Low Density Residential 2 du/ac 5 du/ac General Con~nercl al 1,010 + 68 + 177 219 SECTOR 7 Subtotal SECTOR 8 I211 ~1 132 o 10 ** I) $$ ** 150 ii 436 77 26 o 10 ** o 4 ** Medium Density Residential 18 du/ac Medium High Density Residefitial 25 du/ac E1 ementary School Community Park Golf Course Low Density Residential Medium Density Residential E1 ementary School. Neighborhood Park 4 du/ac 18 du/ac 3,605 + 349 233 Subtotal 117 582 + 3-13 - · , EAST TUSTIN STATISTICAL ANALYSIS (C~nt'd) SECTOR 9 Acreage 39 .. Subtotal 39 Maximum Land Use Density Low Density Residential * Total Allowable Units 5 du/ac. 156 SECTOR 10 Subtotal SECTOR 46 15 o 10 ** 71 57 ~ 56 40 o 10 ** o 4 ** 10 Low Density Residential Medium Density Residential Elementary School i 5 du/ac 18 du/ac ii 405 + Subtotal IB;) 177 SECTOR 12 121 m, Subtotal 121 Medium Density Residential 18 du/ac Medium High Density Residential 25 du/ac High School Elementary School Neighborhood Park Neighborhood Commercial 1,540 + Mi xed Use 7,950 *~'* Total allowable number of permltted'~lts within a given sector may be increased if a sector unit transfer.occurs as described in Subsection 2.1. ** The precise acreage and locations of private and publiC' neighborhood parks, elementary schools and .intermediate schools will be determined as part of the review of the Sector Subdivision Maps as identified under Review Procedure Subsection 1.5 and consistent with policies established in Subsections 2.g and 2.10 of the Specific Plan. *** If the maximum allowable units in Tentative Tract Map No. 12345 are not constructed, the unconstructed units may be transferred to the Specific 'Plan area. This acreage figure is an estimated allocation for this land use. If it changes, other land use acreage allocations in the sector may change. However, the total allowable units for the sector will remain the same. Total Allowable Units assumes that if a school and/or a park currently designated for this sector are not built in this sector and that the acreage goes into residential use. If these facilities are constructed, the land use area density limitation may preclude construction of the total allowable sector units and such unbuilt units would be transferred to another sector. 3-14 . CF C. Zoos or nature centers with live animals in conjunction with a publlc park slte. O. Hospitals outside the Browning Aircraft Approach and departure corridor for MCAS Tustin. E. Commercial recreational centers located on public park and school sites. F. Residential uses - compliance with Residential Regulations' detailed in Section 3. 6.1 through 3. 6 4 (medium density) G. Temporary uses - shall be regulal~ed pursuant to the applicable section of the city municipal code. H. Unlisted uses - those uses not. specifically listed in this Section 3.9.2 are subject to Community Development Department determination to be either permitted, conditional or prohibited uses pursuant to the objectives of this zoning regulatory document and the purposes of the individual land use category. Decisions of the Community Development Department may be appealed to the City Planning Commission. 3.9.3 Site Development Sl~ndards A.. Building site area: no minimum requirements. B. Building Height limit: 35 feet unless Community Facility Land use is located totally within a land use area allowing greater building height, in which case the greater height limit~hall be allowed. · . C. Building setbacks: same setbacks allowed for .the land use area in which Community Facility Use is located. For uses not located entirely within one land use area, the most restrictive setback standard for any adjoining area shall prevail. O. Landscaping: a minimum of fifteen (15) percent of the building site area shalI] be 1 andscaped. E. ?larking: compliance with parking regulations detailed in Section 3.10. F. Signing: compliance with signing regulations detailed in Section 3.11. G. Lighting:. all lighting, exterior and interior shall be designed and located to confine direct rays and glare to the .premises except sports field lighting which may be allowed subject to a conditional use permit (Section 3.9.2.A.8). H. Trash and Storage Areas: All storage, including cartons, containers and trash, shall be shielded from view within a building or area e.,,., *,lsed by a masonry wall not less than six (6) feet in height. No such d,,-, shall be located within fifty {50) feet o-f any residentially designated ,~'ea unless it is fully enclosed. 3-45 RESOLUTION N0.2632 EXHIBIT ' B' i LEGEND . Revised Land Use Plan EAST'TUSTIN SPECIFIC PLAN City of Tustin i~ SEE EXHIBIT I-1 / I-IA FOR SITE SPECIFIC DETAIL El)AW Inc. REVISED ................... STATE OF CALIFORNIA ) COUNTY OF ORANGE ) CITY OF TUSTIN ) I, PENNI FOLEY, the undersigned, hereby certify that I am the Recording Secretary of the Planning Commission of the City of Tustin, California; that Resolution No. ~J~..~_ii was duly passed and adopted at a~cQgular meeting of the~stin Planning Commission, held on the ~/:2m~. "day of ~ . , 198 '~7'. ~-~ -- Recording Secretary CZTY COUNCTL RESOLUTZONS lo 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12' 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 201 21 22 23 24 25 26. 27 28 RESOLUTION NO. 89-87' A RESOLUTION OF THE-CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF TUSTIN CALIFORNIA, RECERTIFYING FINAL ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT REPORT EIR 85-2 FOR THE EAST TU~TIN SPECIFIC PLAN AND ADDENDUM NO. 89-01 FOR GENERAL PLAN AMENDMENT 88-02 (C), ZONE CHANGE 88-02 AND EAST TUSTIN SPECIFIC PLAN AMENDMENT 88-01 AND FINDING THAT THE FINAL EIR, AND' ALL SUBSEQUENT ADDENDUMS AND SUPPLEMENTS ARE ADEQUATE FOR THE PROJECT AND ALL FEASIBLE MITIGATION MEASURES HAVE BEEN INCORPORATED INTO THE PROJECT The City Council of the City of Tusttn does hereby resolve as follows: I. The City Council finds and determines as follows: A. That an initial study questionnaire was prepared for General Plan Amendment 88-02 (C), Zone Change 88-02 and East Tustin Specific Plan Amendment 88-01 (the "Project"), and it was determined that Environmental Impact Report {EIR) 85-2 {East Tustin Specific Plan including all certified supplemental and addendum documents), with an Addendum (No. 89-01), could be employed to describe this project, in accordance with California Environmental Qual i ty Act (CEQA). B. That the environmental documentation was prepared by City of Tustin and Michael Bma~dman Associates. C. That the City provided public notice of its initial study and its intention to prepare an Addendum for the project. EIR 85-2 (including all certified supplemental and addendum d°cuments.) and Addendum No. 89-01, including comments, have been reviewed and considered by the City of Tustin. D. That EIR 85-2 (including all certified supplemental and addendum documents) and Addendum 89-01.was prepared in compliance with the California Environmental Quality Act, and CEQA Guidelines, and the policies of the City of Tustin. E. That pursuant to CEQA, EIR 85-2 (including all certified supplemental and addendum documents) has previously been prepared and certified and adequately addresses the general environmental setting of the project, its significant environmental impacts, and the alternatives and mi ttgation measures related to each significant environmental effect, and that no additional environmental impacts or mitigation measures were identified in Addendum 89-01. 1 '2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12' 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 2O 21 :/2 23 24 25 :26 27 28 Resolution No. 89-87 Page t~o F. That Addendum 89-01 prepared for the project addresses only mtnor technical changes or additions and-none of the conditions described tn Sectlon 15162 of the CEQA Guidelines have occurred. G. All Impacts, mlttatlon measures and project alternatives Identified In the previously certified envlronmental documents. Identified in Section I A. of thts Resolution have been revtewed and considered, mitigation measures have been Incorporated Into the proposed project, as applicable, that eliminate or substantially lessen the significant environmental effects as Identified tn each of the previously certified documents and It ts determined that any remaining significant effects on the environment found to be unavoidable have been balanced agatnst the beneftts of the Project and agat nst the Project alternatives and those beneftts have been found to be overriding on each significant lmpact tdenttfle(l in the prevlously considered environmental documents. Findings and a Statement of Facts supporting such findings and mitigation measures are llsted in Exhlbit A of Resolution No. 86-28 and Exhtbtt A of 'Resolution No. 87-76 and are Incorporated heretn .by reference. II. The-Clty Council does hereby certlfy that EIR 85-2 for the East Tusttn Spectftc. Plan (l~cludtng all certified supplemental and addendum documents) and Addendum 89-01 are adequate to serve as the project EZR and that such 'documents have been completed In compliance with State CEQA law and Guidelines. PASSED AND ADOPTED by the City Council of'the City of Tusttn, at a regular meeting on the day of , 1989. Ursula E."Ken6&'dy, Mayor Mary Wynn, .... City Clerk 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 2O 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 RESOLUTION NO: 89-88 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF TUSTIN, CALIFORNIA, APPROVING GENERAL PLAN AMENDMENT 89-02(C), A REQUEST TO' CHANGE THE GENERAL PLAN LAND USE DESIGNATION OF CERTAIN PROPERTY LOCATED IN SECTOR 7 AND 11 OF ~THE EAST TUSTIN SPECIFIC PLAN PROJECT AREA. The City Council of the City of Tustln does hereby resolve asfollows: I. The City Council finds and determines as follows: A. Government Code Section 65358 provides that when it is deemed to be in the public interest, the legislative body may amend a part of the General Plan. B. That a proper application has been filed by the Irvine Company for the purpose of reclassifying the. General Plan Land Use designation of property generally located in Sector 7 and 11 of the East Tustin Specific Project Plan area. The portion of the project located in Sector 7 is northwest of the intersection of Irvine Boulevard and Jamboree Road.' The portion of the project with sector 11 is bounded by Irvine Boulevard on the north, · Myford Road on the east, Heritage Way on the south and Tustin Ranch Road on the west. C. Government Code Seci~Fon 65358(b) states that no mandatory element of a General.Plan shall be amended more frequently than four times per calendar year. However, each amendment may include more than one change. Appropriately in conjunction With General Plan Amendment 89-02(c), four other Amendments are being considered which shall be considered one Amendment per Government Code Section 65358(b). De That a public hearing before the City Council to consider General Plan Amendment 89-02(c) was duly called, noticed, and held on June 19, 1989. E. This General Plan Amendment has 'been reviewed in accordance with the California Environmental Quality Act and an Addendum to EIR 85-02 has been prepared. F. The proposed amendments are in the best. interest of the public and surrounding properties in that the proposed amendments are consistent with terms of a Letter of Understanding between the City of Tustin and Irvine Company dated March 11, 1988 and amended April 3, 1989 and'will guarantee designation of an adequate high school site and community park sites to serve the communi ry. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 2O 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 Resolution No. 89-88 Page two G. The proposed General Plan Amendment Is consistent wlth other elements of the General Plan. II. The City Council hereby approve General Plan Amendment 89-02(c) as shown on Exhibit A and more specifically described as follows: A. Change the easterly 10 acre portion of the former high school site located at Irvine Boulevard .and New Myford Road in Sector 11 of the East Tustin Specific Plan from High School (HS) to Planned Community Residential (PCR); B. Change the designation of the former 16 acre community park site located at Irvtne Boulevard and Tusttn Ranch Road in Sector 11 of the East Tustin Specific Plan from Community Park (CP) to High School (HS); and C. Change the designation of a former 20 acre residential site located in Sector 7 of the East Tustin Specific Plan adjacent to Jamboree Road north of future Keller Drive from Planned Community Residential (PCR) to Community Park (CP). · PASSED AND ADOPTED by the City Council of the City of Tustin, at a regular meeting on the day of , 1989. Ursula' E'" k&nnedy, Mayor MarY" W~nn~ City Clerk 8L¥ I o , EXHIB~~ - RESOLUTION ~10. 89-88 -.- LEGEND J PC.~ J'FU~NED COMMUNITY RESIDENTIAL PCR COMMERCIAL ~ PLANNED COMITY COMMERCIAL I , PUBLIC ANC) II~ITERMEDIATE SC_J-C)OL l c.I I COMMUNrW PARK P-'"4  REGIONAL · , " / ..--.~. .o RECREAT~DN !i ~:' I ~o~ co~ I , I~VISED LAND USE D~AGRA~-~] _ I i m IIII II I I I I · Tustin Area General Plan REVISED El)AW Inc. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 2O 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 ORDINANCE NO. 1024 AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF TUSTIN, CALIFORNIA, APPROVING ZONE CHANGE 88-02, A REQUEST TO REZONE CERTAIN PROPERTY LOCATED IN SECTORS 7 AND 11 OF THE EAST TUSTIN SPECIFIC PLAN PROJECT AREA The City Council of the City of Tustin does hereby ordain as follows: I® The City Council finds and determines as follows: A. That a proper application has been filed by the Irvine Company' for the purpose of reclassifying the Zoning Plan Map designation of property generally located in Sectors 7 and 11 of the East Tusttn Specific Plan project area. The portion of the project located in Sector 7 is northwest of the intersection of Irvine Boulevard and Jamboree Road. The portion of the project within Sector 11 is bounded by Irvtne Boulevard to the north Myford Road on the east, Heritage Way on the south and Tustin Ranch Road on the west. B. That a public hearing before the City Council to consider Zone Change 88-02 was duly called, noticed, and held on June lg, 1989. C. This Zone' Change has been reviewed in,accordance with the California EnvironmelitCal Quality Act and an Addendum 'to EIR 85-02 has been prepared. D. The proposed rezonlng is necessary to establish consistency with the General Plan as required by law. E. The proposed zoning is in the best interest of the public health, safety, and welfare and would be compatible with the existing and surrounding uses. II. The City Council does hereby approve Zone Change 88-02 as shown on Exhibit A and more specifically described as follows: Ae Change the easterly 10 acre portion of property currently classified as Planned Community - Community Facility (PC-FC) located at Irvine Boulevard and New Myford Road in Sector 11 of the East TuStin Specific Plan to Planned Community Residential (PCR); and Be Change the designation of a 20 acre site currently classified as Planned Community Residential (PCR) located adjacent to Jamboree Road and north of future Keller Drive in t~e East. Tustin Specific Plan to Planned Community - Community Facility (PC-CF). 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 2O 21 22 23 24 25 :26 27 28 Ordinance No. 1024 Page two PASSED AND ADOPTED by meettng on tl~e the Ctty Councll of the City of Tusttn, at a regular day of _ , 1989.' Ursula E. Kennedy,- ~layor ~ary l~yiin, ctty Clerk 1 2 3 4 5 ORDINANCE NO. 1026 AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF- TUSTIN, CALIFORNIA, APPROVING EAST TUSTIN SPECIFIC PLAN AMENDMENT 88-01, PROPOSED AMENDMENTS TO THE SPECIFIC PLAN LAND USE PLAN FOR PROPERTY GENERALLY LOCATED IN SECTOR 7 AND 11 OF THE EAST TUSTIN. SPECIFIC PLAN AND NARRATIVE TEXTUAL AMENDMENTS TO THE SPECIFIC PLAN. 7 The City Council of the. City of Tustln does hereby ordain as follows: 8 I. The City Council finds and determines as follows:- 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 2O 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 Ae Section 3.14 of the East Tustln Specific Plan provides that amendments to the East Tustin specific Plan shall be initiated and processed in the same manner set forth by the City Code for amending the City Zoning Ordinance. B. That a proper application has been filed by the Irvine Company for the purpose of making certain Specific Plan Land Use Plan amendments on certain property generally located in Sector 7 and 11 of the East Tustin Specific Plan. The portion of the project site located in Sector 7 is northwest of the intersection of I rvtne Boulevard and Jamboree Road. The portion of the project site within Sector 11 is bounded by Irvine Boulevard on the north, Myford Road on the east, Heritage Way on the south and Tustin Ranch Road on ~ west. In addition to proposed Land Use Plan amendments, narrative amen[lments are also proposed to establish textual consistency in the Plan With the proposed map amendments. C. A public hearing before the Planning Commission was duly noticed, called and held on June 19, 1989. D. The East Tustin Specific Plan Amendments have been reviewed in accordance with the California Environmenta.1 Quality Act and Addendum 89-01 to East Tustin Specific Plan EIR 85-02 has been prepared. E. The proposed East Tustin Specific Plan Amendments is in the best interest of the public health, safety, and welfare and would be compatible with the existing and surrounding uses. F. The proposed East Tusttn Specific Plan Amendments will establish consistency with General Plan Amendment 89-02(c) and Zone Change 88-02. II. The City Council does hereby approve East Tustin Specific Plan Amendment 88-01. Textual amendments are shown on Exhibit A and map amendments are shown on Exhibit B and can be more specifically described as follows: A. Change the easterly 10 acre portion of the former high school 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 -13 14 15 16 17 18 19 2O 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 Ordinance No. 1026 Page two Be Ce site located at Irvtne Boulevard and New Myford Road in Sector 11 of the East Tustln Speclftc Plan from a High School (HS) designation to a Medtum High Density (MH) designation; Change the 16 acre Community Park (CP) designatlon in Sector 11 to the High School (HS) designation; and Change the designation of a former 20 acre slte located adjacent to Jamboree Road north of future Keller Drive in Sector 7 from Medtum High Residential (MH) to Community Park (CP). PASSED AND ADOPTED by the City Council of the City of Tustln, at a regular meeting on the day of , 1989. Mary Wynn, City .Clerk fJrs{ila" ~.1 Kennedy, Mayor EXH:]:BZT A TO ORDINANCE NO. 10E6 TEXT PtODZFICAT]:ONS Table 2.1 Statistical Summary. Land Use Desi gnati on Acreage Residential Estate (up to 2 du/ac} Izdw {up to $ du/ac} Medium Low {up to 10 du/ac} .Medium {up to 18 du/ac} Medium-High' (up to 25 du/ac) 415 287 50 222 188 Open Space Public Neighborhood Parks* Community Parks Golf Course ~741 1§0 Commerci al/Busi ness Neighborhood Commerc i al General Commercial Mi xed Use 10 31 121 Institutional Elementary Schools* 58 Intarmediate Schools 15 High School 40 · Other Uses Roads (arterial and major only.*.*) 101 * Certain park and school site acr~,ages have not .been established. Such acreage wi:ll be t~ken from residential land use area. ** Acreage for all roads other than arterial and major roads, has been included in the acreage for the surrounding land uses. Residential Land Use: The Land use Plan designates five residential categories, each of which has maximum density. Residential densities are controlled in all of the following:, land use areas, sectors and the Specific Plan Area. For any residential subdivision map the maximum density range cannot be exceeded for a particular land use area. Lower densities will be permitted in any area. The boundaries and acreage of the land use areas shown on the Land Use Plan are approximate and will be precisely determined in the future when subdivision Maps are reviewed. The land use areas described within each sector, are subject to the policies specific to a given sector. These policies are outlined in Sect;,·:n ~.:14. 2-2 The total number of c ling units, for the overall ~ecific Plan Area maY not exceed 7,950 units. However, if the total .allowable units in Tentative Tract Map No. 12345 are not constructed, the unbuilt units may be transferred to the Specific Plan Area in accordance with the provisions of the following paragraphs. .. The total number of dwell.ing units in each Sector may not-exceed the figures specified. Table 2.4. If'a sector is developed with less than the maximum number of units permitted within the sector, then a transfer of units wil. 1 be permitted from sector to sector within the Specific Plan Area. These transfers will be closely monitored. When proposing unit transfers, compatibility with adajacent land use areas must be considered. Specific requirements for allowing unit transfers and maximum, unit increases in Sectors are outlined in the Development Standards in Section 3.0. Also, in Section 3.0 there are more definitive standards for development of each residential density category. Mixed Use Designation: The Land Use Plan designates 121 acres in the southeast corner of the site, in Sector 12 between Bryan Avenue and the I-5 Freeway, as a mixed use area. A 70-acre commercial center and hotel/motel will be developed in this area. Additional commercial uses or office and research and development uses may also be developed within this area. The Mixed Use designation Permits flexibility for location and configuration of. these uses. It also creates the opportunity for development to respond to futuhe changes in economic and market forces. The Development Standards for the Mixed Use Area are defined in Section 3.0. Non-Residential Land Uses: The Land use Plan (LUP) includes a number of non- residential uses such as: (1) Schools, (2) Parks, (3) Open Space and-[lecreation Facilities, and (4) Commercial Land Use designations, lhese are summarized in the fol 1 owing table: Table-~-.2 Lart~ Uses Integral to the LU~ Institutional Use Quantity Approximate Total Acreaqe Intermediate School High School Community Park Golf Course 15 40 )7 41 150 Commercial/Business Use General Commercial Neighborhood Commercial 31 10 2-3 Table 2.3 .,Land Uses Anticipated in LUP Institutional' Use Elementary School Public Neighborhood Parks Private Neighborhood Parks Quantity 3-6 ~3' Vari es * Approximate Total Acreage 8-10.. 3-4 * Vari es * * The exact number, location and size.of private neighborhood parks will be established with subdi- vi sion maps. One high school site is reserved along Irvine Boulevard and cne junior high school site is designated for the area along Peters Canyon Wash in Sector 2. Five elementary school sites are to be distributed throughout the Specific Plan area, and one elementary school has been sited with an adjacent neighborhood park, which encompasses the redwood/cedar stand situated on Sector 3. Four other neighborhood parks are generally located in various sectors of the Plan. Three ($)community parks a're more specifically located: they include an eight- acre site near the junior high school, a I6 20-acre site, and a 13-acre site incorporating a'knoll situated south of Portola Parkway. Elementary and Intermediate schools and public neighborhood parks are symbolically illustrated on She Land Use Plan. Th~ specific sizes, location and numbers of these facili'ties will be determined in accordance with the provision of Subsection 2.8. 2.2 Circulation ~_~ The Circulation Plan, Exhibit D, illusl~ates the backbone vehicular circulation system for the Specific Plan area. This section describes the existing and planne,-? arterial highway circulation system for the East Tustin Specific Plan. Established Arterial Hiqhway Alignments Street City of Tustin Classification County of Orange Clas,si fication Irvine Boulevard Bryan Avenue Portol a Parkway Santa Ana Freeway Browning Avenue Future Road Myford Road Weir Canyon Road Major MajOr Primary Primary - Major.* Freeway Freeway Secondary Secondary Major* Maj.or or Primary* Major* - Eastern Transportation Corridor - E1 Camino Real Secondary Primary Freeway* * Conceptually ~Pr'oposed 2-4 SECTOR ! · Subtotal SECTOR 2 ii Subtotal SECTOR 3 Subtotal SECTOR 4 Subtotal SECTOR Subtotal SECTOR 6 Subtotal SECTOR 7 Subtotal SECTOR 8 Subtotal Acreage 125 125 74 101 50 13 o 10 ** 15 ** 8 ** 271 6 08** 03** 17 · 118 118 98 18 116 31 31 132 o 10 ** I3 33 ** 150 436 77 26 o 10 ** 0 4' ** 117 East Tustin.Statisticai Analysis Land Use / Maximum Density i i * Total A11 owabl e Units Estate Density Residential 2.0 du/ac 188 Estate Density Residential 2 du/a¢ Low Density 'Residential 5 du/ac. Medium Low Density Residential 10 du/ac Medium Density Residential 18 du/ac Elementary School Junior High School Community Park i , 1,010 + Low Density Residential E1 ementary School Neighborhood Park Estate Density-Residential Estate Density 'R'~sidential . Low Density Residential 5 du/ac 2 du/ac 2 du/ac 5 du/ac 68 + ii i 177 219 General Commercial · Medium Density Residential 18 du/ac Medium High Density Residential 25 du/ac E1 ementary School Community Park Golf Course .,, 605 + Low Density Residential Medium Density Residential Elementary School Neighborhood Park 4 du/ac 18 du/ac 349 233 2-24 582 + Maximum Acreage Land Use Density * Total Allowable Units.- SECTOR 9 Subtotal 39 Low Density Residential 5 du/ac 39 156 SECTOR 10 46 Low Density Residential 5 du/ac 15 Medium Density Residential 18 du/ac o 10 ** Elementary School Subtotal 71 405 + SECTOR 57 ~ 56 40 o 10 ** o 4 ** 10 Medium Density Residential 18 du/ac Medium High Density Residential 25 du/ac High School Elementary School Neighborhood Park Ne i ghbo rhood Commerc i al n i i Subtotal ~83 177 1,540 + SECTOR 12 121 Mi xed Use i i i Subtotal 121 7,950. *** .Total allowable number of permitted-~u~its within a given sector may be increased if a sector unit transfers:occurs as described in Subsection 2.1. ** The precise acreage and locations of private and public neighborhood parks, elementary schools and intermediate schools will be determined as part of the review of the Sector Subdivision Maps as identified under Review Procedure Subsection 1.5 and consistent with policies established in Subsections 2.9 and 2.10 of the Specific Plan. *** If the maximum allowable units in Tentative Tract Map No. 12345 are not constructed, the unconstructed units may be transferred to the Specific Plan area. This acreage figure is an estimated allocation for this land use. If it changes, other land use acreage allocations in the sector may change. However, the total allowable units for the sector will remain the same. Total Allowable Units assumes that if a school and/or a park currently designated for this sector are not built in this sector and that the acreage goes into residential use. If these facilities are constructed, the land use area density limitation may preclude construction of the total allowable 'sector units and such unbuilt units would be transferred to another sector. 2-25 . Sector 7 /,, This. is the largest of the 12 sectors in terms of acreage. The site is virtually flat and encompasses 436 acres. It is situated along the eastern boundary of the site and is bounded by Portola Parkway on' the north, Myford Road on the east, the Future Road on the west, and Irvine .Boulevard on the south. The site includes a hillside knoll located south of Portola Parkway, a visually prominent landform feature which contrasts with the flat topography within the rest of the Sector. Eucalyptus windrows occur along Peters Canyon Wash and in the easterly portion of the Sector. This area is plahned to encompass a variety of residential densities to be developed around an 18-hole privately owned and operated golf course which is to be open for public play. Residential uses including medium and medium hi~)h densities are planned for this Sector. Densities generally decrease from east to west with the medium-high areas located along Myford Road. Also planned for this &rea is an e~ementary school which has not been precisely located at this time, howevelr.., it is currently allocated for the southwest quadrant of this sector. The precise location and size of this school shall be determined as per Subsection 2.10 of this Specific Plan. A regional riding/hiking trail, and bikeway are planned in accordance with County Master Plans (Class I). The trail may be located away from Peters Canyon Wash in order to avoid conflicts with the golf course. The trail location in Sector 7 shown on the Land Use Plan (Exhibit C) following along arterial highways is conceptual and may be adjusted to meet specific site conditions and to ensure trail continuation in the adjoining City of Irvine. A neighborhood park has also been generally allocated, for this same quadrant. The size and location of this park will be precisely determined o as per Subsection 2.8. Finally, a 13-acre community park has been precisely located to encompass the knoll at the northern most end of the sectorj An additional 20 acre community park will be provided near the southeast corner of the sector. The following policies apply to Sector 7: A. The maximum number of dwelling units permitted within this sector are as shown in Table 2.4. B. The golf course as s.hown on the Land Use Plan illustrates a conceptual boundary. The precise edges of the golf course may .vary as long as the 2-37 area of the other ~idential land useS remain b .~rally consistent with the Statistical Summary and that the relative location of residential land use are consistent with Exhibit C. There may be an adjustment of increased acreage from the minimum acreage of 150 to the gol.f course from that shown, on the statistical summary. Any adjustment, however, shall be at the discretion of the landowner, and can encroach o'n the residential land use parcels within thi's sector. Such an adjustment would change acreages within those land use parcels, however, the total maximum number of units~ allowed within the sector will not be exceeded. The golf course provides a strong visual image within the sector as well as the whole community and visibility shall be provided from the arterial roadways, therefore the golf course shall .directly front on Myford Road, and Irvine Boulevard, and shall have at least two frontages on the Future Road. A minimum of 250-feet of lineal frontage shall be provided at each of these points. Incorporation of existing eucalyptus windrows shall be considered within the golf course. C. In addition to the specific submittal requirements for the Subdivision Map of this sector, refer to Section 1.5, a conceptual landscape plan for arterial roadways adjoining this Sector shall also be submitted'with the Subdivision Map for approval by the Director of Community Development, refer to Section 2.12 Implementation, for specific requi rments. D. A community park'shall be located along the edge south of Portola Parkway and shall include the north side of the knoll located south of ~his road. Development policies related to this knoll are established in Section 2.13, Hillside District..Guidelines, Landform Modification. ~ln additional 20 acre Community Park shall be provided adjacent to Jamboree Road and notch of Itvhte Bottlevard. [. Where feasible and consistent with flood control requirements, the- treatment of Peters Canyon Wash (Exhibit L) should retain a natural appearance by (1) minimizing concrete channelization such as vertical walls and concrete channel or trapezoidal soil cement; (2) retaining or replanting indigenous vegetation along the drainage course, and/or (3) locating the drainage course wi.~hin open space areas. 2-38 Sector This sector consists of approximately 183 acres. It is bounded by the Future Road al ignment on the west, Irvine Boulevard on the north, Myford Road on the east, and Bryan Av.enue on the south. Several land uses are proposed within this sector. The residential uses include medium de'nsity which is to be located in the.southwest quadrant of the sector. Medium high residential development is to be situated along the eastern boundary of the site encompassing the entire area between Bryan Avenue and Irvine Boulevard. A 40-acre site has been 'designated for a high school just south of Irvine .Boulevard. This will be centrally located to both Myford and the Future Road extension. ~ ~t~i~y ~()~X ~ ~)t~t northeast corner of the sector, a lO-acre neighborhood commercial site-has been planned at the intersection of Irvine Boulevard and Myford Road, an important entry point into the City from the east. An e)ementary school has been generally located between the medium and medium high residential development. The precise s+zes and location of schools shall be determined as described in Subsection 2.10 of this Specific Plan. A neighborhood park has been generally located in the area of the medium residential development. The precise location of this park is to be determined as described in Subsection 2.8 of this S~ecific Plan. The following policies-apply to Sector 11: A. The maximum number of residential units permitted in this sector are as shown on Table 2.4. B. In addition to the specific submittal requirements for the Subdivision Map. of this Sector, refer to .Section 1.5, a conceptual landscape plan for arterial roadways within this Sector shall also be submitted with the Subdivision Map for approval by the Director of Community Development, refer to Section 2.12, Implementation for specific requirements. 2-43 CI~. A buffer for the E1 Modena channel shall be provided. The methods for buffering shall include, but not be limited to fencing and landscaping. 2-44 SECTOR 1 Subtotal Acreage 125 125 * Total /Maximum A1 lowable Land Use Density Uni ts Estate Density Residential 2.0 du/ac 188 S CTOR 2' Subtotal SECTOR 3 Subtotal SECTOR 4 ii Subtotal 74 101 50 13 10 15 8 271 6 o8 o3 17 118 118 Estate Density Residential 2 Low Density Residential 5 Medium'Low Density Residential 10 Medium Density Residential 18 Elementary School Junior High School · Community Park Low Dens i ty Res i dent i al Elementary School Neighborhood Park Estate Density Residential du/ac du/ac du/ac du/ac du/ac du/ac . 1,010 + 68 + 177 SECTOR 5 Subtotal SECTOR 6 Subtotal, 98 18 116 31 31 Estate Density .Residential Low Density Residential General Commercial 2 du/ac 5 du/ac 219 SECTOR 7' I28 vi 132 o 10 I3 33 150 Medium Density Residen. tial 18 Medium High Density Residential 25 Elementary School Community Park Golf Course du/ac du/ac Subtotal SECTOR 8 Subtotal 436 77 26 .o 10 o 4 117 Low Dens i ty Res i dent i-al Medium Density Residential E1 ementary School Neighborhood Park 4 18 du~ac du/ac 3,605 + 349 233 582 + 3-13 - Acreage Land Use .4aximum Dens i ty * Total Allowable Units SECTOR Subtotal 39 39 Low Density Residential 5 du/ac 156 SECTOR 10 Subtotal 46 · 15 o 10 ** 71 Low Density Residential Medium Density Residential E1 ementary School 5 du/ac 18 du/ac 405 + SECTOR 11 57 ~ 56 40 o 10 ** o 4 ** 10 Subtotal. I~33 177 SECTOR 12 121 Medium Density Residential 18 du/ac Medium High Density Residential 25 du/ac High School E1 ementary School Neighborhood Park Neighborhood Commerci al Mi xed Use 1,540 + Subtotal 121 7,95.0 *** Total allowable number of permitted~u~its within a given sector .may be increased if a sector unit transfer..occurs as described i~ Subsecti. on 2.1. ** The precise acreage and locations of private and public neighborhood parks, elementary schools and intermediate schools will be determined as part] of the review of the Sector Subdivision Maps as identified under Review Procedure Subsection 1.5 and consistent with policies established in Subsections 2.9 and 2.10 of the Specific Plan. *** If the maximum allowable units in Tentative Tract Map No. 12345 are not constructed, the unconstructed units may be transferred to the Specific Plan area. This acreage figure is an estimated allocation for this land use. If it changes, other land use acreage allocations in the sector may change. However, the total allowable units for the sector will remain the same. Total Allowable Units assumes that if a school and/or a park currently designated for this sector are not built in this sector and that the acreage goes into residential use. I'f these facil.ities are constructed, the land use area density limitation may preclude con~*ruction of the total .allowable sector units and such unbuilt units wbuld be transferred to another sector. 3-14 CF C. Zoos or nature centers with live animals in conjunction with a public park site. D. 'Hospitals outside the Browning Aircraft Approach and departure corridor for MCAS Tustin. oE. Commercial recreational centers located on public park and school sites. F. Residential uses - compliance with Residential Regttlations detailed b~ Seca'on 3.6.1.through,3.6.40nedium densi~) C G. Temporary uses - shall be regulated pursuant to the applicable section of the city municipal code. H. Unlisted uses - those uses not specifically listed in this Section 3.9.2 are subject to Community Development Department determination to be either permitted, conditional or prohibited uses pursuant to the objectives of this zoning regulatory document and the purposes of the individual land use category. Decisions of the Community Development Department may be appealed to th~ City Planning Commission. 3.9.3 Site Development Standards A. Building site area: no minimum requirements. B. Building Height limit: 35 feet unless Community Facility Land use is located totally within a land use area allowing greater building height, in which case the greater height limit-~)hall be allowed. · C. Building setbacks: same setbacks ali"~wed for the land use area in which Community Facility Use is located. For uses not located entir,~ly within one land use area, the most restrictive setback standard for any adjoining area shall prevail. D. Landscaping: a minimum of fifteen (15) percent of the building site area shal 1 be landscaped. E. Parking: compliance with parking regulations detailed in Section 3.10. F. Signing: compliance with signing regulations detailed in Section 3.11. G. Lighting: all lighting, exterior and interior shall be deSigned and located to confine direct rays and glare to the premises except sports field lighting which may be allowed subject to a conditiona.1 use permit (Section 3.9.2.A.8). H. Trash and Storage Areas: All storage, including cartons, cmr.*.~iners and trash, shall be shielded from view within a building or area ,. ~ed by a masonry wall not less than six (6) feet in height. No such ~ '~hall be located within fifty (50) feet of any residentially designat¢c~ ~,ea unless it is fully enclosed. 3-45 ORDINANCE NO. 1026 .. , , · ~ o '., -'. **.. i* · . 2' ' *. ', . . ...,.. * ... ,.,. ~,~* .-. · · -, ,,,o.. ;..,..,, · · · --*..*':'*~.-'*i :, -_ 7 ..,% '.% , ~,. ,~,..". ... -. ,. ~ **, · . . .~7~i.,'--~~**/' '~- · ..~ a,,.~m~,..~- % -~ %.. ~,.-- .... ~ ~-....:.:,;~' '*%..*','~% .. :~ o' ~**~ .'.'... ,~ ;,-'~ .~ · '..*.~, ~ ... ~, · ~ . . ~' ..' · ;i*~.. .. ..:..**'*-'' '~*- .'. % - ~ . .* . '~...*.,. · ~ . , · .. . -,.. ~ -~ :*'; '... '*' * ,"I' '.'~.~ .%....* '. ~.3.,~ ..;.'*'3,.~-:'.. ~..i**** ..... ,..~.23:. ~ ~ '.._. ~-., . ., . ,* . ~,..,~. . . .~, ~.~h, ..*~'~ ~ ,- % t ...:*~".~., ~-,~-.% .... ;- ~*.~ , ~* ..~:. ~'~%' =' · *~ ~- , ', . %. ~;'** ·, , r~f.. '~ : - . .. . , ~ ''" %. ...~' .. E LEGEND INSTITUT~NAI./RECREATIONAL ~ ~,~ ..... · o- Revised '.and Plan I I II I I I II EAST TUSTIN SPECIRC PLAN City of Tustin SEE EXHIBIT I-1 / I-lA FOR SITE SPECIFIC DETAIL ) EDAW Inc.. REVISED °. · ADDENDUM TO FINAL ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT REPORT 85-2 EAST TUb'TIN LAND USE REVISIONS (SCH No. 8505221?) l~repared for= City of Tustin 300 Centennial Way Tustin, California 92680 (714) 544-8890 Contact: Ms. Christine Shingleton Director of Community Development Prepared by: Michael Brandman Associates Carnegie Centre 2530 Red Hill Avenue Santa Aha, California 92705 (714) 250-5555 Contact: Michael E. Houlihan, Project Manager May 1989 TABLE OF CONTENTS Seetion Pa~e Introduction 1-1 Environmental Checklist Form ................................... 2-1 Discussion of Environmental Evaluation 3-1 · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · e · · · · · · · · · · · Appendix A - East Tustin Specific Plan Text Modifications Appen. dix B - Traffic Analysis LIST OF TABLES Table Page East Tustin Land Use Revisions .................................. 1-3 LIST OF E~ITS Rwhibit Follows Page Project Site Map ............................................... 1-2 Approved Specific Plan Land Uses 1-2 ®e®®e®eeeeeeeee eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee. Proposed Specific Plan Land Uses ................................ 1-2 Approved General Plan Land Uses ................................ 1-4 Proposed General Plan Land Uses ................................. 1-4 Approved Zoning Designation .................................... 1-4 Proposed Zoning Designation ' 1 4 JBX/0190013Dlt SECTION 1 INTRODUCTION PURPOSE In conformance with the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA), this environmental assessment has been prepared as an addendum to Final Environmental Impact Report (EIR) 85-2. This addendum, in conjunction with final EIR 85-2, is intended to fully address the potential environmental impacts of the proposed land use revisions in an Initial Study format. The proposed discretionary actions covered by this addendum include (1) general plan amendments, (2) specific plan amendments, and (3) zone changes. Section 15164 allows the preparation of an addendum to an EIR when only minor technical changes or additions are necessary to make the EIR adequate under CEQA, and when the changes or additions do not raise important new issues about significant effects on the environment. This addendum evaluates proposed land use revisions for the project that Was considered in EIR 85-2. No new significant environmental issues other than those that were raised in final EIR 85-2 have been raised by the proposed land use revisions. An addendum need not be circulated for public review, but can be included in~ or attached to, the final EIR. CEQA requires that a local decision-making body consider the addendum with the final EIR prior to making a decision on the project. Final EiR 85-2 was certified by the Tustin City Council on March 17, 1986. In conformance with Section 15121 of the State CEQA Guidelines, final EIR 85-2 and this addendum are intended to serve as documents that will generally inform the decision makers and the general public of the significant environmental effects of the proposed project and the potential mitigation measures for the proposed project. Final EIR 85-2 is hereby incorporated by reference into this addendum. Following is a description of the project location and the characteristics of the proposed project. Section 2 includes an environmental checklist that provides an overview of the potential impacts that may or may not result from project imple- mentation. Section 3 elaborates on the information contained in the environmental JBX/0190013D1 1-1 eheeldist and identifies any differences in environmental impacts between the proposed land use revisions and the approved land uses that were analyzed in EIR 85-2. PROJECT LOCATION The project site is located in Sectors 7 and 11 in the East Tustin Specific Plan area (see Exhibit 1). The portion of the project site that is located in Sector 7 is northwest of the Irvine Boulevard/Jamboree Road intersection. The portion of the project site that is located in Sector 11 is southeast of the Irvine Boulevard/Tustin Ranch Road intersection. Regional access to the site is provided by the Santa Ana Freeway (I-5) and local access to the site is provided by Irvine Boulevard, Jamboree Road, and Tustin Ranch Road. PROJECT DESCRIPTION The proposed project involves revisions to approved land uses (land uses that were · proposed in EIR 85-2) in the East Tustin Specific Plan area. The approved and -proposed specific plan land uses for Sectors 7 and 11 are depicted in Table I and illustrated in Exhibits 2 and 3. The proposed land use revisions are a reconfiguration of existing approved land uses. The proposed narrative amendments to the East Tustin Specific Plan are provided in Appendix A. Also proposed, is a modification of the list of conditional uses in Section 3.9.2 of the City of Tustin Zoning Ordinance for the Planned Community 'Community Facility zone by including residential uses subject to a Conditional Use Permit. Additional environmental analysis would be required if residential uses are proposed in a Planned Community Community Facility zone. The purpose of the proposed land use revisions is to provide a 40-acre high school site in which the Tustin Unified School District has control over the entire 40 acres. When the tentative tract map for the high school area was approved, the project applicant anticipated that a joint use agreement could be negotiated allowing, a 34- acre high school site and an adjacent 16-acre community park to be used in a complementary manner. However, the school district determined that it requires unilateral control over at least 40 acres to ensure a successful high school program and the city requires unilateral control of the adjacent 16-acre community park JBX/0190013D1 1-2 . . .. .' · . . . · I · . ,~-.~, ,; '. .. .~' · . , . . .. '. ... ... '~, .:.., .:,.. ..... . ~ . . · --~-,"~ '.. ...... -: "-~ .-.. ~ ... . .~ y' ° ~ '-'.'~...-.'..'~ ..'.i .... ', '.~::, .-.?'? :.. .... -..-~..;.,...,.:..~.; '..'.. ~ · '-'.';-..; :~ :. '.':.i ~::'.:'. ".' :' ... '. ..~,*. ~':.~..= ." . .. ':, ....: .=- *. ,. ... .... . ~.'; .~.~ ~ ~-: ;.'; ~..'.-.: - . - .. -... .~ i 2 4 3 7 I ,-'Projedt Site i ..-.. Project Site Map East Tustin Land Use Revisions City of Tustin Ma~ !1 0 1400 2800 FEET Exhibit I LEGEND ~IS~NAI./I~Ci~.&TIOKAL. I Approved Specific Plan Land Uses East Tustin Land Use Revisions City of Tustin No~ May 1989 !1 0 1400 2800 FEET Exhibit 2 !:-'-5::~"~ *~':"":' ::' ":" ~,.. ~:.-' -,~.,.. .... ~.- -4- .:~; ':...":: .:: "..~...'1~ :7;..' ~, '~, ~ o ' '"':-' T' -~ · ' o-...... .. _ · '4 ' "o° ...;' . · o. ML i- LEGEND. ~I'TI'UTIONAL/RECREA~ COMMERC~U./BUSINE$$ Proposed Specific Plan Land Uses East Tustin Land Use Revisions City of Tustin May 1989 !t o 140o 280o FEET Exhibit 3 Approved 128 acres 13 acres 3 acres TABLE 1 EAST TUSTIN LAND USE REVISIONSa Medium-Density Residential 18 du/ae Community Park Neighborhood Park Sector 7 111 acres 33 acres 0 acre Proposed Medium-Density Residential 18 du/ac Community Park Neighborhood Park Sector 11 46 acres Medium-High Density 25 du/ac 56 acres Medium-High Density 25 du/ae 16 acres Community Park 0 acre Community Park 40 acresb High School 40 acres High School Includes only the proposed revisions to the land uses in Sectors 7 and 11 and does not include a complete composite of all the uses in Sectors 7 and 11. 'The housing density caps provided in the specific plan for both Sectors 7 and 11 will not be modified/increased as a result of the proposed land use revisions. EIR 85-2 analyzed a 40-acre high school site. During tentative tract map approvals~ the high school was identified as encompassing 34 acres and the project applicant anticipated that a joint use with an adjacent 16-acre community park could be negotiated with the city and the school district to provide adequate acreage for the high school. The joint use was not approved and the high school is currently proposed to encompass 40 acres. to ensure efficient operation of the park facility. As a result, the land uses proposed in EIlt 85-2 require revisions to provide a 40-acre high school site and a minimum 16- acre community park. The 16-acre community park in Sector 11 would be eliminated; however~ an additional 20-acre community park would be provided in Sector 7, north of Irvine Boulevard. JBX/0190013D1 1-3 DISCRETIONARY ACTIONS The proposed project consists of the following discretionary actions, all of which are the subject of this addendum. GENERAL PLAN AMENDMENTS The approved and proposed General Plan land uses are illustrated in Exhibits 4 and 5 and described below. Sector 11 Delete the easterly 10-acre portion of the former high school site designation from High School (HS) change to Planned Community Residential (PCR). Change the designation of the former 16-acre Community Park site from the Community Park (CP) designation to High School (HS). Sector 7 Change the designation of Planned Community Residential (PCR) on a former 20-acre residential site to Community Park (CP). SPECIFIC PLAN AMENDMENTS The approved and proposed specific plan land uses are 'illustrated in Exhibits 2 and 3 and described below. Sector 11 Delete the 16-acre Community Park (CP) designation and replace with the High School (HS) designation. Delete the existing High School (HS) designation of the 10-acre portion adjacent to New Myford Road and replace with a Medium High Density Residential (MH) designation. ~eetor 7 Change a 20-acre portion of the Medium High Residential (MH) designation to Community Park (CP). ZONE CHANGES The approved and proposed zone changes are illustrated in Exhibits 6 and 7 and described below. 1-4 JBX/0190013D1 . PCR PCR PCR PCR · IRMA# A~ PCMU PCR · LEGEND RESE:)ENT]AL ~ PLANNED COMMUNR'Y COMMERCIAL J pcc J PLANNED COMMUNITY COMMERCIAL 'PtJ- BLIC AND IN:STfTI.~ONAL I ...... I$. ~ I~'FERMEDIATESCHOOL J, HO J HiGH SCHOOL COMMUNITY PARK l',,"'".J ~a~o~^~ ..~ REGIONAL PARK ~TION Approved General Plan Land Uses East Tustin Land Use Revisions City of Tustin .Ntich~I I~ndm~ 0 1400 2800 FEET Exhibit 4 PCR COMMERCIAL · I ~cc I PLANN~)~~IW COMMERCIAL. PUBUC AND ~,.S'TiTUT'X2~ ~'rERMEDIATE S~L HI~ ~~L ! .... CPI COMMUN~ PARK RE~~N I"". ~, I ~,~~~ Proposed General Plan Land Uses East Tustin Land Use Revisions City of Tustin May 1989 !! 0 1400 2800 FEET Exhibit 5 -" '~ . PCR · ., .o. o · [.,. ~ . ,~."-' %, ~..- , .,..q....o~,., .r ,, . ~ ~-. .. ~ ..t .;.' : . .., ..~: ~.'~ . .~ --~ .... ~. . . "~ .-. ..,.. .. ' . : · .~; .. · ~ - ~ '~. ..:'. ;.... . .... · "": '.i.. ;~ ' '.':~ i:::.'. ', :..:: :..~ ?:.' · 22-- . ....~. . .. · ~ ~' ' ;.... [ - ~.:"' ~.:~ . --":: ' '~ 5:' "-.':.-:':--'." "'" . '~. PCR PCR PCR PCR PCCF PCR PCC .. ! PCCF Approved Zoning Designations East Tustin Land Use Revisions City of Tustin LEGEND I PC,q ! P~ED COMMUNITY RESIDENTIAL ~ PLANNED COMML~ COMMERCIAL I I~MU I PI_ANNED COMMtJN~ MIXED ~ ~ R_ANNED COMMUNITY COMMUNITY FACILITIES N(~rTh May 1989 o 1400 2800 FEET Exhibit 6 PCR PCR PCR PCR PCCF PCC ,... Proposed Zoning Designations East Tustin Land Use Revisions City of Tustin ~- LEGEND ! PCR I PLA~E~ CC)~ F:~ES~,AL { Pcc 1 PLANNED COMMUNITY C.,O~E~CIAL { PCMU{ PLANNED COMIVLJNITY'MIXED USE I pcc'~l PLANNED COMMUNITY COMMUNITY FACii. JTIES il 0 1400 2800 FEET Exhibit 7 Sector 1! · Change the zoning classification of Planned Community Community Facility (PCCF) to delete the easterly 10-acre portion adjacent to New Myford Road and change this area to Planned Community Residential (PCR). Sector 7 · Change a portion of the property zoned as Planned Community Residential (PCR), to the elassifieation of Planned Community Community Facility (PCCF), which is the preferred Community Park Land Use designation. JBX/0190013D1 1-5 SECTION ~ ENVIRONMENTAL CHECKLI~ FORM I. Baekground As noted previously, the proposed land use revisions are a reeonfiguration of the existing approved land uses for the project site. Environmental analysis has been conducted for the approved land uses in EIR 85-2. The proposed reeonfiguration of the land uses are not expected to result in any new significant environmental effects that were not discussed in EIR 85-2. Following is an environmental analysis that identifies any differences in environmental impacts between the proposed land use revisions and the land uses analyzed in EIR 85-2. Differences in Environmental Impacts Between the Proposed Land Use Revisions and the Land Uses That Were Proposed in EIR 85-2 (Explanations of all "yes," "maybe," and "no" answers are provided on attached sheets.) 1. Earth. Will the proposal result in: Yes Maybe No a. Unstable earth Conditions or in changes in geologic substructures? X b. Disruptions, displacements, compaction or X overcovering of the soil? c. Change in topography or ground surface relief features? X d. The destruction, covering or modification of X any unique geologic or physical features? e. Any increase in wind or water erosion of X soils, either on or off the site? f. Changes in deposition or erosion of beach X sands, or changes in siltation, deposition or erosion which may modify the channel of a river or stream or the bed of the ocean or any bay, inlet or lake? ge Exposure of people or property to geologic hazards such as earthquakes, landslides, mudslides, ground failure, or similar hazards? X 2. Air. Will the proposal result in: ae Substantial air emissions or deterioration of ambient air quality? X JBX/0190013D1 2-1 b. The creation of objectionable odors? Alteration of air movement, moisture, or temperature, or any change in climate, either locally or regionally? 3. Water. Will the proposal result in: ae Changes in currents, or the direction of water movements, marine or fresh waters? course of in either Changes in absorption rates, drainage patterns, or the rate and amount of surface runoff? c. Alterations to the course of flow of flood waters? d. Change in the amount of surface water in any water body? e® Discharge into surface waters, or in any alterations of surface water quality, including but not limited to temperature, dissolved oxygen or turbidity? f. Alteration of the direction or rate of flow of groUnd waters? Change in the quantity of ground waters, either through direct additions or withdrawals, or through interception of an aquifer by cuts or excavations? h. Substantial reduction in the amount of water otherwise available for public water supplies? Exposure of people or property to water related hazards such as flooding or tidal waves? 4. Plant Life. Will the proposal result in: a® Change in the diversity of species, or number of any species of plants (including trees, shrubs, grass, crops and aquatic plants)? b. Reduction of the number of any unique, rare or endangered species of plants? Yes Maybe No X X X X X X X X X X JBX/0190013D1 2-2 Introduction of new species of plants into an area, or in a barrier to the normal replenishment of existing species? d. Reduction in acreage of any agricultural crop? 5. Animal Life. Will the proposal result in: a® Change in the diversity of species, or numbers of any species of animals (birds, land animals including reptiles, fish and shellfish, benthic organisms or insects)? b. Reduction of the number of any unique, rare or endangered species of animals? Introduction of new species of animals into an area, or result in a barrier to the migration or movement of animals? d. Deterioration to existing fish or wildlife habitat? 6. Noise. Will 'the proposal result in: ® Se a. Increases in existing noise levels? b. Exposure of people to severe noise levels? Light and Glare. Will the proposal produce new light and glare? Land Use. Will the proposal result in a substantial alteration of the present or planned land use of an area? 9. Natural Resources. Will the proposal result in: a. Increase in the rate of use of any natural resources? 10. Risk of Upset. Will the proposal involve: a® A risk of an explosion or the release of hazardous substances (including, but not limited to, oil, pesticides, chemical or radiation) in the event of an accident or upset conditions? Yes Maybe No X X X X X X X X X X X X JBX/0190013D1 2-3 11. 12. 13. 14. bo Possible interference with an emergency response plan or an emergency evacuation plan? Population. Will the proposal alter the location, distribution, density, or growth rate of the human population of an area? Housing. Will the proposal affect existing housing, or create a demand for additional housing? Transportation/Circulation. result in: Will the proposal a. Generation of substantial additional vehicular movement? b. Effects on existing parking facilities, or demand for new parking? e. Substantial impact transportation systems ? upon existing d. Alterations to present patterns of circulation or movement of people and/or goods? e. Alterations or waterborne, rail or air traffic? f. Increase in traffic hazards to motor vehicles, bicyclists or pedestrians? Public Services. Will the proposal have an effect upon, or result in a need for new or altered governmental services in any of the following areas: a. Fire protection? b. Police protection? c. Schools? d. Parks or other recreational facilities? e. Maintenance of public' facilities, including roads? f. Other governmental services? Yes Maybe No X X X X X X X_ X X X X X X X X JBX/0190013D1 2-4 15. 16. Energy. Will the proposal result in: a. Use of substantial amounts of fuel or energy? b® Substantial increase in demand upon existing sources or energy, or require the development of new sources of energy? Utilities. Will the proposal result in a need for new systems, or substantial alterations to the following utilities? a. Water? b. Sewer or septic tanks? e. Storm water drainage? d. Power? e. Natural gas? f. Communications system? 17. Human Health. Will the proposal result in: 18. 19. a. Creation of any health hazard or potential health hazard (excluding mental health)? b. Exposure of people to potential health hazards? Aesthetics. Will the proposal result in the obstruction of any. scenic vista or view open to the public, or will the proposal result in 'the creation of an aesthetically offensive site open to public view? Recreation. Will the proposal result in an impact upon the quality or quantity of existing' recreational opportunities? 20. Cultural Resources. a® Will the proposal result in the alteration of or the destruction of a prehistoric or historic archaeological site? Will the proposal result in adverse physical or aesthetic effects to a prehistoric or historic building, structure, or object? Yes Maybe No X X X X X X X X X X X X X JBX/0190013D1 2-5 e. Does the proposal have the potential to cause a physical change which would affect unique ethnic cultural values? d. Will the proposal restrict existing religious or sacred uses within the potential impact area? 21. Mandatory Findings of Significance. a. Does the proposed project have an increased potential, compared to the approved land uses, to degrade the quality of the environment, substantially reduce the habitat of a fish or wildlife species, cause a fish or wildlife population to drop below self sustaining levels, threaten to eliminate a plant or animal community, reduce the number or restrict the range of a rare or endangered plant or animal, or eliminate important examples of the major periods of California history or prehistory? b. Does the proposed project have an increased potential to achieve short-term, to the disadvantage of long-term, environmental goals, compared to the approved land uses? (A short-term impact on the environment is one which occurs in a relatively brief, definitive period of time while long-term impacts will endure well into the future.) c. Does the proposed project have impacts that are individually limited, but cumulatively considerable, to a greater extent than the approved land uses do? (A project 'may impact on two or more separate resources where the impact on each resource is relatively small, but where the effect of the total of those impacts on the environment is significant.) d. Does the proposed project have greater environmental effects that will cause substantial adverse effects on human beings, either directly or indirectly, than the approved land uses do? Yes Maybe No X X X X X X JBX/0190013D1 2-6 SECTION 3 DISCUSSION OF ENVIRONMENTAL EVALUATION Explanation of all "No" Answers No significant unstable earth conditions are known to exist on the project site, and the proposed project, as well as the land uses proposed on the site in EIR 85-2, would not alter geologic substructures because extensive grading would not be required. Development of the proposed project would require minimal grading activities to alter the topography of the site because the site is relatively flat. The proposed alteration is not expected to be significant. de e® No unique geologic or physical features exist on the project site. The proposed land use revisions would add impervious surfaces on the project site; however, the additional amount of impervious surfaces from the proposed land use revisions would 'not be significantly different than the impervious surfaces that would be created by the land uses proposed in EIR 85-2. Since no significant differences would occur from the addition of impervious surfaces between the proposed land use revisions and the land uses proposed in EIR 85-2, no significant differences in water runoff from the impervious surfaces would occur. f® The proposed project would not modify any river or stream channels or lake beds because the project site does not contain these features. JBX/0190013D1 3-1 ge Air a. No active or potentially active fault zones are located on the project site according to EIR 85-2. In addition, landslides and mudslides would not occur because the terrain is relatively flat. EIR 85-2 identified that temporary dust would occur during construction and long-term impacts to ambient air quality would result from automobile emissions. The temporary dust and long- term automobile emission impacts to air quality created by the proposed project would be similar to the impacts to air quality that would be created by the uses proposed_ for the site in EIR 85-2. be The implementation of the proposed land use revisions, as well as the land uses proposed in EIR 85-2, would not result in the creation of objectionable odors because the proposed land uses are not associated with objectionable odors. Ce 3. Water The proposed project, as well as the land uses proposed in EIR 85-2, would add impervious surfaces on the site. Implementation of the proposed land use revisions or the approved land uses for the site would result in similar minimal increases in temperature in areas with impervious surfaces. a. Ce The project will not affect water movement in either marine or fresh water because neither sea water nor fresh water exists on or adjacent to the site. The project site is not located in a 100-year flood zone according to the Flood Insurance Rate Maps prepared by the Federal Insurance Management Ag,ney. JBX/0190013D1 3-2 de e. f® go h. No water bodies exist on or near the project site. EIR 85-2 identified that the impervious surfaces created on the pr.jeer site that are used for parking or circulation would result in additional auto-related pollutants (e.g., oil, tire particles, etc.). During storms, these auto-related pollutants would incrementally reduce the quality of the existing surface flows. Development of the pr.jeer.site with the proposed land use revisions would result in a reduction in water quality similar to the reduction from implementing the uses proposed for the site in EIR 85-2. Therefore, no new water quality impacts would occur from project implementation that were not identified in EIR 85-2. Similar to the approved land uses, the proposed land use revisions would not alter the direction or the rate of flow of ground waters. Similar to the approved land uses, the proposed land use revisions would not change the quantity of ground waters through direct additions or withdrawals, or through the interception of an aquifer by cuts or excavations. The proposed land use revisions would use water for domestic and irrigation purposes. This water use would be similar to the water that would be used by the land uses proposed for the site in EIR 85-2. e No water-related hazards are expected to occur on the pr.jeer site because of its distance from substantial water bodies. Plant Life a.,b. EIR 85-2 identified agricultural crops on the project site; however, no significant plant life currently exists on the project site because the site has recently been graded and is vacant. JBX/0190013D1 3-3 Ce The proposed projeet would result in the introduetion of onsite plant species; however, there would be no significant differences between the species that would occur from the project and those that would occur from the uses proposed in EIR 85-2. de EIR 85-2 identified agricultural crops on the site; however, no agricultural activities presently occur on the project site. Therefore, no impacts to agricultural activities would occur. Animal Life a.,be EIR 85-2 identified no. significant animal life on the project site. The proposed land use revisions would result in a similar 'nonsignificant effect on the diversity of species and number of animals as the land uses proposed for the site in EIR 85-2. Ce de No animals would be introduced on the project site. There is no known significant fish or wildlife habitat on the project site. 6. No~e ac,be Existing noise levels would temporarily increase due to construction activities and long-term levels would increase due to traffic generated by the proposed land use revisions as well as the approved land uses. The temporary noise level increases by the proposed project 'would be similar to those increases associated with the land uses proposed in EIR 85-2. The long-term noise level increases by the proposed land use revisions would be slightly less than the approved land uses because approximately 2 percent less traffic would be generated by the proposed land use revisions (see Appendix B). Therefore, less long-term noise associated with traffic would be generated by the proposed land use revisions compared to the approved land uses. JBX/0190013D1 3-4 Light and Glare Similar to the approved land uses for the site, the proposed land use revisions would produce light and glare. The proposed land uses would produce a similar amount of light and glare as the land uses proposed in EIR 85-2. Land Use The proposed project is a reeonfiguration of approved land uses for the project site. Land use revisions in Sector 7 would include a decrease in residential acreage and an increase in park acreage. Sector 11 would result in an increase in residential acreage and a decrease in park acreage. No significant ~lteration to the approved land uses is proposed by the project. Also, no significant differences in land use compatibility effects would occur between the proposed project and the approved land uses. e Naturnl Resources a. EIR 85-2 identified increases in natural gas consumption by the land uses proposed on the project site. Since the proposed land use revisions would result in a reeonfiguration of land uses that were approved on the project site, the increase in the use of natural gas would be similar to the increased use in natural gas by the land uses proposed for the site in EIR 85-2. 10. Risk of Upset a., b. Similar to the approved land uses, the proposed land use revisions would not result in the generation of hazardous materials and would not interfere with an emergency response plan or an emergency evacuation plan. JBX/0190013D1 3-5 11. 12. 13. Population The proposed land use revisions would result in a reeonfiguration of planned land uses for the project site; however, the residential population would be similar to the residential population planned for the site in EIR 85-2. Housing The proposed land use revisiOns would not affect any existing housing units on the project site. The land use revisions would result in a reconfiguration of the housing units planned for the site in EIR 85-2; however, the number of housing units would be similar to the planned units under EIR 85-2. Transportation/Circulation a® The overall Change in project-generated trips between the proposed land use revisions and the approved land uses for the site is anticipated to be minimal. Average daily trips to and from 'the project site are reduced by approximately 2 percent with the proposed land use revisions compared to the approved land uses.. Peak-hour trips would be reduced by approximately 69 in the morning and 131 in the evening (see Appendix B). be The proposed land use revisions would result in a similar demand for new parking facilities as the approved land uses. Therefore, there would be no differences in potential parking impacts between the proposed land use revisions and the approved land uses. c.,d. The proposed land use revisions are expected to transfer trips generated by approved land uses between adjacent sectors (7, 11) with an overall reduction in projected total trips by approximately 2 percent. Therefore, Sectors 7 and 11 will not have any significant impact differences on the level of service at the JBX/0190013D1 3-6 adjacent intersections and/or locations on the roadway between the proposed land use revisions and the approved land uses. e® The proposed project would not alter waterborne, rail, or air traffic. f. Less traffic would be generated by the proposed project compared to the approved land uses. Therefore, the proposed project may result in a decrease in potential traffic hazards. 14. Public Services a. Fire. The Orange County Fire Department currently provides fire protection service to the East Tustin Specific Plan area. The proposed land use revisions would result in a similar demand for fire protection services as the land uses proposed in EIR 85-2. The potential impacts to the fire department were addressed in EIR 85-2. b® C. Police. Police protection in the project area is provided by the City of Tustin Police Department.- The proposed project would result in a similar demand for police protection services as the land uses proposed in EIR 85-2. The potential impacts to the police department were identified in EIR 85-2. The proposed land use revisions do not alter the approved size of the high school that was proposed and analyzed in EIR 85-2. Therefore, no new impacts to school facilities would result from project implementation. de Parks or Other Recreational Facilities. Development of the pro- posed land use revisions would alter the location of planned parkland on the project site; however, the project would provide four additional community park acres compared to the approved ; land uses. No significant differences in the ~mpacts on recreational facilities would result between the proposed land use revisions and the approved land uses. 3-7 JBX/0190013D1 e® Maintenance of Public Facilities, The proposed land use revisions would result in similar impacts to the maintenance of public facilities as the approved land uses, f® Other Governmental Services. The proposed land use revisions would result in similar impacts to other governmental services as the approved land uses. 15. Energy 16. Utilities The proposed land use revisions would not significantly alter the quantity of fuel or energy that is projected for the site in EIR 85-2 because land uses are primarily proposed to be reconfigured on the site and no significant density increases would occur. a, Water. Development of the proposed land use revisions would result in a similar demand for'water as the land uses proposed in EIR 85-2. The potential impacts to water facilities were · identified in EIR 85-2, . . be Sewer. Development of the proposed land use revisions would result in a similar generation of wast.water as the land uses proposed in EIR 85-2. The potential impacts to sewer facilities were identified in EIR 85-2. d, Drainage. Development of the proposed land use revisions would result in similar stormwater runoff as the approved uses in EIR 85-2. The potential impacts to stormwater facilities were identified in EIR 85-2. Electricity. The Southern California Edison Company currently provides service to the project area. Electricity for the site would be provided by a substation located at the intersection of Browning JBX/0190013D1 3-8 Avenue and Bryan Avenue. The proposed land use revisions would consume a similar amount of electricity as the land uses proposed in EIR 85-2. The potential impacts to electrical facilities were addressed in EIR 85-2. e. f. Natural Gas. The project site is within the service jurisdiction of Southern California Gas Company. The proposed land use revisions would consume a similar amount of natural gas as the land uses proposed in EIR 85-2. The potential impacts to natural gas facilities were addressed in EIR 85-2. Telephone. The proposed project is located in the Pacific Bell Telephone Company service area. The proposed land use revisions would demand similar telephone service as the land uses proposed in EIR 85-2. The potential impacts to telephone service were addressed in EIR 85-2. 17. Human Health 18. a.,b. Similar to the approved land uses, the proposed land use revisions would not create significant health hazards. Aesthetics The visual character of Sectors 7 and 11 will be altered minimally, with the implementation of the proposed land use revisions compared to the approved land uses for the site. The visual changes will be limited by the elimination of an approved 16-acre community park in Sector 11 and the addition of a 20-acre community park in Sector 7. Other visual alterations include 10 additional acres of Medium High Density residential in Sector 11 and 17 less acres of Medium Density residential in Sector 7. Since the proposed project primarily represents a reeonfiguration of the land use characteristics in Sectors 7 and 11, significant differences in aesthetic impacts between the proposed project and the approved land uses would not occur. JBX/0190013D1 3-9 19. Recreation The proposed land use revisions include the addition of four community park acres on the project site compared to the approved land uses for the site. The project would reeonfigure the approved location of the community park acres; however, no significant differences in the impacts to recreational opportunities would result between the proposed project and the approved land uses. 20. Cultural Resources 21. ae~be, c.,d. No known cultural resources are located on the project site. Therefore, the proposed project and the approved land uses would not impact cultural resources. Mandatory Findings of Significance a® be Current~lY, the project site. is vacant and has been recently- graded. No impacts to plants or wildlife would result from project implementation or the implementation of the approved land uses. The proposed land use revisions would not result in any new significant long-term adverse environmental impacts that were not identified in EIR 85-2. The project would result in a long-term impact on the visual character of the site; however, this long-term impact was identified in EIR 85-2. The proposed project would not result in any new significant cumulative adverse effects that were not identified in EIR 85-2. de JBX/01900.13D1 The proposed land use revisions would not create greater environmental effects which would cause significant direct or indirect adverse effects on human beings than the approved land uses. Potential adverse impacts on human beings (i.e., noise and traffic) were addressed in EIR 85-2. 3-10 APPgNDIX A EAST TUSTIN SPECIFIC PLAN TEXT MODIFICATIONS Land Use Designation Table 2.1 Statistical Summary Acreage Residential Estate (up to 2 du/ac) Low (up to 5 du/ac) Medium Low (up to 10 du/ac) Medium (up to 18 du/ac) Medium-High (up to 25 du/ac) Open Space Public Neighborhood Parks* Community Parks Golf Course . 415 287 5O 222 'Y88 · ~7~ 15o Commercl al/Busi ness Neighborhood Commercial General Commerci al Mi xed Use 10 31 121 Institutional Elementary School s* Intermediate Schools High School 58 15 40 Other Uses Roads' (arterial and major only**) 101 * Certain park and school site acreages have not been established. Such acreage will be taken from residential land use area. · ** Acreage for all roads other than arterial~ and major roads, has been included in the acreage for the surrounding land uses. Residential Land Use: The Land use Plan designates five residential categories, each of which has maximum density. Residential densities are controlled in all of the following: land use areas, sectors and the Specific Plan Area. For any residential subdivision map the maximum density range cannot be exceeded for a particular land use area. Lower densities will be permitted in any area. The boundaries and acreage of the land use areas shown on the Land Use Plan are approximate and will be precisely determined in the future when subdivision Maps are reviewed. The land use areas described within each sector are subject to the policies specific to a given sector. These policies are outlined in Section 2.14. The total number of dwelling units for the overall Specific Plan Area may not exceed 7,g50 units. However, if the total allowable units in Tentative Tract Map No. 12345 are not constructed, the unbuilt units may be transferred to the Specific Plan Area in accordance with the provisions of the following paragraphs. The total number of dwelling units in each Sector may not exceed the figures specified Table 2.4. If a sector is developed with less than the maximum number of units permitted within the sector, then a transfer of units will be permitted from sector to sector within the Specific Plan Area. These transfers will be closely monitored. When proposing unit transfers, compatibility with adaJacent land use areas must be considered. Specific requirements for allowing unit transfers and maximum unit increases in Sectors are outlined in the Development Standards in Section 3.0. Also, in Section 3.0 there are more definitive standards for development of each residential density category. 'Mixed Use Designation: The Land Use Plan designates 121 acres in the southeast corner of the site, in Sector 12 between Bryan Avenue and the I-5 Freeway, as a mixed use area. A 70-acre commercial center and hotel/motel will be developed in this area. Additional commercial uses or office and research 'and development uses may also be developed within this area. The Mixed Use designation permits flexibility for location and configuration of these uses. It also creates the opportunity for development to respond to future changes in economic and market forces. The Development Standards for the Mixed Use Area are defined in Section 3.0. Non-Residential Land Uses: The Land use Plan (LUP) includes a number of non- residential uses such as: .{1} Schools, {2) Parks, {3} Open Space and Recreation Facilities, and (4) Commercial Land. Use designationS. These are summarized in the fol 1 owl ng table: Table 2.2 Land Uses Integral to the LUP Institutional Use Quantity Approximate Total Acreage Intermediate School I 15 High School I 40 Community Park 3 )7 41 Golf Course I 15-0 Commercial/Business Use General Commercial Neighborhood Commercial 31 10 2-3 Table 2.3 Land Uses Anticipated in LUP Institutional Use Quantity E1 ementary School Public Neighborhood Parks Private Neighborhood Parks 3-6 ~3' Varies * * The exact number, location and size of private neighborhood parks will be established with subdi- vision maps. Approximate Total Acreage_ 8-10 3-4 * Vari es * One high school site is reserved along Irvine Boulevard and one junior high school site is designated for the area along Peters Canyon Wash in Sector 2. Five elementary school sites are to be distributed throughout the Specific Plan area, and one elementary school has been sited with an adjacent neighborhood park, which encompasses the redwood/cedar stand situated on Sector 3. Four other neighborhood parks are generally located in various sectors of 'the Plan. Three ($)community parks are more specifically located; they include an eight- acre site near the junior high school, a II~ 20-acre site, and a 13-acre site incorporating a knoll situated south of Portola Parkway. Elementary and Intermediate schools and public neighborhood parks are symbolically illustrated on the Land Use Plan.. The specific sizes, location and numbers of these facilities will be determined in accordance with the provision of Subsection 2.8. 2.2 Circulation The Circulation Plan, Exhibit D, illustrates the backbone vehicular circulation system for the Specific· Plan area. This section describes the existing and planned arterial highway circulation system for the East Tustin Specific Plan. Street Established Arterial Highway Alignments. City of Tustin County of Orange C1 assi fi cation C1 assi fi cation Irvlne Boulevard Major Major Bryan Avenue Primary Primary Portola Parkway _ .Major* Santa Ana Freeway Freeway Freeway Browning Avenue Secondary Secondary Future Road Major* Major or Primary* Myford Road Major* _ Weir Canyon Road . Primary Eastern Transportation Corridor - Freeway* E1 Camlno Real Secondary ' * Conceptual ly Proposed Table 2.,1 East Tustin .Statistical Analysis SECTOR 1 mn Subtotal SECTOR 2 Subtotal SECTOR 3 Subtotal SECTOR 4 Subtotal SECTOR $ Subtotal SECTOR 6 Subtotal Acreage 125 125 74 101 50 13 o 10 ** 15 ** 8 ** 271 6 08** 03** 17 118 118 98 18 116 31 31 * Total Max i mum A l l owab l e Land Use Density Uni ts Estate Density Residential 2.0 du/ac Estate Density Residential 2 du/ac Low Density Residential 5 du/ac Medium Low Density Residential 10 du/ac Medium Density Residential 18 du/ac Elementary School Junior High School Community Park Low Density Residential E1 ementary School Neighborhood Park 5 du/ac Estate Density Residential 2 du/ac Estate Density Residential Low Density Residential 2 du/ac 5 du/ac General Commercial 188 1,010 + 68 + 177 219 SECTOR 7 Subtotal SECTOR 8 Subtotal 132 0 10 ** I) $$ ** 150 Medium Density Residential 18 du/ac Medium High Density Residential 25 du/ac Elementary School Community Park Golf Course 436 3,605 + 77 Low Density Residential 4 du/ac 349 26 Medium Density Residential 18 du/ac 233 o 10 ** Elementary School o 4 ** Neighborhood Park 117 2-24 582 + Table 2.4 (Cont'd) SECTOR 9 Subtotal SECTOR 10 mm Subtotal SECTOR Acreage 39 39 46 15 o 10 ** 71 Land Use Maximum Density * Total Allowable Units 57 ~ 56 40 o 10 ** 0 4 ** 10 Low Density Residential 5 du/ac 156 m Subtotal X)~;) 177 Low Dens I ty Res t dent I al Medium Density Residential E1 ementary School 5 du/ac 18 du/ac SECTOR 12 405 + Subtotal Medium Density Residential 18 du/ac Medium High Density Residential 25 du/ac High School Elementary School Neighborhood Park Neighborhood Commercial 1,540 '+ 121 Mi xed Use 121 7,950 *** Total allowable number of permitted units within a given sector may be increased if a sector unit transfer occurs as described in Subsection 2.1. ** The precise acreage and locations of private and public neighborhood parks, elementary schools and intermediate schools will be determined as part of the review of the Sector Subdivision Maps as identified under Review Procedure Subsection 1.5 and consistent with policies established in Subsections 2.g and 2.10 of the SpeCific Plan. *** If the maximum allowable units in Tentative Tract Map No. 12345 are not constructed, the unconstructed units may be transferred to the Specific Plan area. This acreage figure is an estimated allocation for this land use. If it changes, other land use acreage allocations in the sector may change. However, the total allowable units for the sector will remain the same. Total Allowable Units assumes that if a school and/or a park currently designated for this sector are not built in this sector and that the acreage goes into residential use. I~ these facilities are constructed, the land use area density limitation may preclude construction of the total allowable sector units and such unbuilt units would be transferred to another sector. 2-25 Sector 7 Thts Is the largest of the 12 sectors tn terms of acreage. The site is vlrtually flat and encompasses 436 acres. It is situated along the eastern boundary of the site and is bounded by Portola Parkway on the north, Myford Road on the east, the Future Road on the west, and Irvtne .Boulevard on the south. The site Includes a h111slde knoll located south of Portola Parkway, a visually prominent landform feature whtch contrasts wtth the flat topography wtthtn the rest of .the Sector. Eucalyptus windrows occur along Peters Canyon Wash and in the easterly portion of the Sector. This area is planned to encompass a variety of residential densities to be developed around an 18-hole privately owned and operated golf course which is to be open for public play. Residential uses including medium and medium high densities are planned for this Sector. Densities generally decrease from- east to west with the medium-high areas located along Myford Road. Also planned for this area is an elementary school which has not been precisely located at this time, however, it is currently allocated for the southwest quadrant of this sector. The precise local~ion and size of this school shall be determined as per Subsection 2.1b of this Specific Plan. A regional riding/hiking trail, and bikeway are planned in accordance with County Master Plans {Class I). The trail may be located away from Peters Canyon Wash in order to. avoid conflicts with the golf course. The trail location in Sector 7 shown on the Land Use Plan {Exhibit C) following along arterial highways is conceptual and may be adjusted to meet specific site conditions and to ensure trail continuation in the adjoining City of Irvine. A neighborhood park has also been generally allocated for this same quadrant. The size and location of this park will be precisely determined as per Subsection 2.8. Finally, a 13-acre community park has been precisely located to encompass the knoll at the northern most end of the sector. An additional 20 acre community park will be provided near t/ye southeast comer of the sector. -- The following policies apply to Sector 7: A. The maximum number of dwelling units permitted within this sector are as shown in Table 2.4. B. The golf course as shown on the Land Use Plan illustrates a conceptual boundary. The precise edges of the golf course may vary as long as the 2-37 area of the other residential land uses remain generally consistent with the Statistical Summary and that the relative location of residential land use are consistent with Exhibit C. There may be an adjustment of increased acreage from the minimum acreage of 150 to the golf course from that shown on the statistical summary. Any adjustment, however, shall be at the discretion of the landowner, and can encroach on the residential land use parcels within this sector. Such an adjustment would change acreages within those land use parcels, however, the total maximum number of units allowed within the sector will not be exceeded. The golf course provides a strong visual image within the Sector as well as the whole community and visibility shall be provided from the arterial roadways, therefore the golf course shall directly front on Myford Road, and Irvine Boulevard, and shall have at least two frontages on the Future Road. A minimum of 250-feet of lineal frontage shall be provided at each of these points. Incorporation of existing eucalyptus windrows shall be considered within the golf course. C. In addition to the specific submittal requirements for the Subdivision Map of this sector, refer to Section 1.5, a conceptual landscape plan for arterial roadways adjoining this Sector shall' also be submitted with the Subdivision Map for approval by the Director of Community Development, refer to Section 2.12 Implementation for specific requi rments. ' D. A community park shall be located along the edge south of Portola Parkway and shall include the north side of the knoll located south of this road. Development policies related to this knoll are established in Section 2.13, Hillside District Guidelines, Landform Modification. ~4n additional 20 acre Co~nmutzit~ Park shall be provided ad/acent .to Jamboree Road north of lrvine Boulevard. E. Where feasible and consistent with flood control requirements, the treatment of Peters Canyon Wash {Exhibit L} should retain a natural appearance by {1) minimizing concrete channelizatlon such as vertical walls and concrete channel or trapezoidal soil cement; {2) retaining or anting indigenous vegetation along the drainage' course, and/or ~llocating the drainage course within open space areas. . 2-38 Sector This sector consists of approximately 183 acres. It is bounded by the Future Road alignment on the west, Irvine Boulevard on the north, Myford Road on the east, and Bryan Avenue on the south. Several land uses are proposed within this sector. The residential uses include medium density which is to be located in the southwest quadrant of the sector. Medium high residential development is to be situated along the eastern boundary of the site encompassing the entire area between Bryan Avenue and Irvine Boulevard. A 40-acre site has been designated for a high school Just south of Irvine .Boulevard. This will be centrally located to both Myford and the Future Road extension. ~ ~¢~(l~Y I~I)~X I~ ~W~ ~lf~ ~~f f~ f~ ~l~ ~I. At the northeast corner of the sector, a lO-acre neighborhood co~ercial site has been planned at the intersection of Irvine Boulevard and Myford' Road, an important entry point into the City from the east. An elementary schoo) has .been generally located between the medium and medium high residential development. The precise sizes and location of schools shall be dete~ined as described in Subsection 2.10 of this Specific Plan. A neighborhood park has been, generally located in the area of the medium residential development. The precise location of this park is to be dete~ined as described tn Subsection 2.8 of this Specific Plan. The following policies apply to Sector 11: A. The maximum number of residential units permitted in this sector are as shown on Table 2.4. B. In addition to the specific submittal requirements for the Subdivision Map of this Sector, refer to Section 1.5, a conceptual landscape plan for arterial roadways within this Sector shall also be submitted with the Subdivision Map for approval by the Director of Community Development, refer to Section 2.12 Implementation for specific requirements. 2-43 __CI~. A buffer for the E1 Modena channel shall be provided. The methods for buffering shall include, but not be limited to fencing and landscaping. 2-44 F_.AST TUSTIN STATISTICAL ANALYSIS m i SECTOR 1 Acreage 125 Subtotal 125 * Total Max t mum A11 owab 1 e Land Use Density Units Estate Density Residential 2.0 du/ac SECTOR 2 74 101 · 50 13 o 10 ** 15 ** 8 ** mil Subtotal 271 Estate Density Residential 2 du/ac Low Density Residential 5 du/ac Medium Low Density Residential 10 du/ac Medium Density Residential 18 du/ac Elementary School Junior High School Community Park SECTOR 3 6 08** 03** Subtotal 17 Low Dens i ty Res i dent I al E1 ementary School Neighborhood Park 5 du/ac SECTOR 4 118 Subtotal 118 Estate Dens.ity Residential 2 du/ac. SECTOR $ 98 Estate Density Residential 18 Low Density Residential m~ Subtotal 116 2 du/ac 5 du/ac SECTOR 6 31 General Commercial Subtotal 31 188 1,010 + 68 + 177 219 SECTOR 7 Subtotal SECTOR 8 Subtotal 132 o I0 ** I)$$ ** 150 Medium Density Residential 18 du/ac Medium High Density Residential 25 du/ac Elementary School Community Park Golf Course 436 3,605 + 77 Low Density Residential 4 du/ac 349 26 Medium Density Residential 18 du/ac 233 o 10 ** Elementary School o 4 ** Neighborhood Park 117 - 3-13 582 ~ EAST TUSTIN STATISTICAL ANALYSIS (Cont'd) SECTOR 9 Subtotal SECTOR 10 Subtotal SECTOR Acreage 39 39 46 15 o 10 ** Land Use Low Density Residential ! Maximum Density 5 du/ac * Total Allowable Units' 156 71 Low Dens I ty Res I dent I al Medium Density Residential Elementary School 5 du/ac 18 du/ac 57 4O o 10 ** o 4 ** 10 405 + Subtotal I8) 177 SECTOR12 121 Subtotal 121 Medium Density Residential 18 du/ac Medium High Density Residential 25 du/ac High School Elementary School Neighborhood Park Neighborhood Commercial 1,540 + Mi xed Use 7,950 *** Total allowable number of permitted units within a given sector may be increased if a sector unit transfer occurs as described in Subsection 2.1. ** The precise acreage and locations of private and public neighborhood parks, elementary schools and .intermediate schools will be determined as part of the review of the Sector Subdivision Maps as identified under Review Procedure Subsection 1.5 and consistent with policies established in Subsections 2.g and 2.10 of the Specific Plan. *** If the maximum allowable units in Tentative Tract Map No. 12345 are not constructed, the unconstructed units may be transferred to the Specific P1 an area. This acreage figure is an estimated allocation for this land use. If it changes, other land use acreage allocations in the sector may change. However, the total allowable units for the sector will remain the same. Total Allowable Units assumes that if a school and/or a park currently designated for this sector are not built in this sector and that the acreage goes into residential use. If these facilities are constructed, the land use area density limitation may preclude construction of the total allowable sector units and such unbuilt units would be transferred to another sector. 3-14 CF C. Zoos or nature centers with live animals in conjunction with a public park site. D. Hospitals outside the Browning Aircraft Approach and departure corridor for MCAS Tustin. E. Commercial recreational centers located on public park and school sites. F. Residential uses - compliance with Residential Regulations detailed in Seca'on 3. 6.1 through 3. 6. 4 (medium density) C C G. Temporary uses - shall be regulated pursuant to the applicable section of the city municipal code. H. Unlisted uses - those uses not specifically listed in this Section 3.g.2 are subject to Community Development Department determination to be either permitted, conditional or prohibited uses pursuant to the objectives of this zoning regulatory document and the purposes of the individual land use category. Decisions of the Community Development Department may be appealed to the City Planning Commission. 3.9.3 Site Development Standards A. Building site area., no minimum requirements. B. Building Height limit: 35 feet unless Community Facility Land use is "located tOtally w.ithin a land use area allowing greater building height, in which Case the greater height limit shall be allowed. C. Building setbacks: same setbacks allowed for the land use area in which Community Facility Use is located. For uses not located entirely within one land use area, the most restrictive setback standard for any adjoining area shall prevail. D. Landscaping: a minimum of fifteen {15) percent of the building site area shal 1 be landscaPed. E. Parking.. compliance with parking regulations detailed in Section 3.10. F. Slgnin_q: compliance with signing regulations detailed in Section 3.11. G. Lighting: all lighting, exterior and interior shall be designed and located to confine direct rays and glare to the premises except sports field lighting which may be allowed subject to a conditional use permit (Section 3.9.2.A.8). H. ..Trash and Storage Areas: All storage, including cartons, conta, tners and trash, shall be shielded from view within a building or area e,,, ~sed by a masonry wall not less than six {6) feet in height. No such ar,~., shall be located within fifty {50) feet of any residentially designated area unless it is fully enclosed. -45 APPENDIX B TltAF~C ANALYSIS AUSTIN-FOUST ASSOCIATES, INC. TRAFFIC ENGINEERING AND TRANSPORTATION PLANNING 1450 NORTH TUSTIN AVENUE, SUITE 10,8 · SANTA ANA,,CALIFORNIA 92701 · TELEPHONE (714) 667-0496 FAX (714) 667-7952 MEMORANDUM TO: FROM~ SUBJECT: DATE: Michael Houlihan, Michael Brandman Associates Denise Schnarr, Austin-Foust Associates EAST TUSTIN SPECIFIC PLAN TRAFFIC ANALYSIS March 30, 1989 This memo is intended as an addendum to the "East Tustin Specific Plan Traffic Analysis", Austin-Foust Associates, Inc.,' December 13, 1985. The traffic analysis served as part of the application process for the East Tustin Specific Plan and identifies traffic i. mpacts of the land uses subsequently approved in the Specific Plan. The Irvine Company has since submitted an application to the City Of Tustin to revise land uses in two adjacent'parcels,. Sectors 7 and 11. .These land uses (those previously approved and currently proposed) are summarized in the attached Table 1 together with the corresponding trip generation. As is shown, the overall change in project-generated trips is minimal. Average daily trips to and from the project are reduced by approximately two percent, with a peak hour trip reduction of about 100 in both the AM and PM peak. · The land use revisions, in affect, transfer project trips between adjacent sectors with an overall reduction in total trips. It is, therefore, our conclusion that the land use revisions proposed for Sectors 7 and 11 will not have any significant impact on the level of service at ~the adjacent intersections and/or locations on the roadway. Please feel free to call me if you have any questions. i ,-i 0 0 0 cO 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 o 0 0 0 aO aO ,4' 0 0 0 0 0 0 i i 0 0 0 0 z oo~