HomeMy WebLinkAboutCC 13 JAMBOREE EXTEN 06-19-89· . DATE. JUNE 12 , 1989 TO: WILLIAM HUSTON, CITY MANAGER FROM: PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT/ENGINEERING DIVISION SUBJ£OT: JAMBOREE ROAD EXTENSION (EDINGER AVENUE TO BARRANCA PARKWAY) CONSTRUCTION ADMINISTRATION AGREEMENT RECOMMENDATION: That the Tustin City Council at their meeting of June 19, 1989 approve the Jamboree Road Extension 6~struction administration agreement with the City of Irvine and authorize the Mayor to execute said agreement. BACKGROUND: The Jamboree Road extension project between Edinger Avenue and Barranca Parkway has been a cooperative project between the Cities of Irvine and Tustin and the Irvine .Company for the past several years. It is anticipated that approvals from all of the affected governmental agencies will be finalized sometime in July of 1989. Due to the size of the project and the staffing'required to administrate it during the construction phase, it has been determined that- it would be in both cities' interests to have the City of Irvine's staff administer the construction admin&$tration and routine inspection services for the project. Tustin would be responsible for providing the bridge inspection services and construction surveying services by the use of consultants. In addition, Tustin would be responsible for advertising of bids, award of construction contract and the payments to the contractor. The construction and all construction administrative costs will be borne by the following parties and at the previously'agreed upon percentages of cost sharing: City of Irvine - 46% Irvine Company - 36% City of Tustin - 18% DISCUSSION: The attached agreement has been jointly prepared by the staffs of both Irvine and Tustin. It outlines the particular duties of each agency as mentioned above. The City Attorney's office is currently reviewing this a. greement with respect to format. Both cities have worked under a similar type cooperative agreement for the' improvements along Edinger Avenue (formerly Moulton Parkway). JAMBOREE ROAD EXTENSION JUNE 12, 1989 PAGE 2. It' is requested that the City Council appr6Ve this Jamboree Road extension construction administration agreement and authorize the Mayor to execute the~ same on behalf of the City. Director of Public Works/City Engineer BL:mv JAMBOREE ROAD EXTENSION CONSTRUCTION ADMINISTRATION AGREEMENT This Agreement, made and entered into this day of . by and between the CITY OF IRVINE, a municipal corporation of the State of California, hereinafter referred to as ~IRVINE~, and the CITY OF TUSTIN, a municipal corporation of the State of California, hereinafter referred to as ~rUSTIN~, is an agreement between the parties with respect to the following: WITN. ESSETH WHEREAS, an agreement exists between TUSTIN, IRVlNE, and The Irvine Company, dated June 10, 1986, (the oROAD FUNDING AGREEMENT~) attached hereto as **Exhibit Aw, specifying the terms under which certain improvements (the *'PROJECT") will be designed .and financed; and WHEREAS, the PROJECT has been designed to provide six travel lanes (three in each direction) with a raised center.median, .and grade separations to pass over. both Warner Avenue arid Moffett Road; and -;- ~ WHEREAS, TUSTIN and IRVINE mutually desire to enter into a supplemental Agreement referring specifically to"'the construction, administration and inspection of the PROJECTi and - WHEREAS, IRVINE and TUSTIN agree that they shall be responsible for 'their respective share of the full cost of administrative and support services, and roadway improvements lying within the corporate boundaries of the respective agencies, more specifically described in the ROAD FUNDING AGREEMENT; and WHEREAS, IRVINE and TUSTIN do mutually desire to cooperate, and jointly partici- pate in administering and constructing PROJECT, and desire to specify herein the terms and conditions under which PROJECT shall be administered and constructed: and WHEREAS, IRVINE and TUSTIN, in an effort to coordinate construction, have deter'mined that it will be to the mutual benefit of IRVINE and TUSTIN to use members -1- 3IE252-03/CDD(1) of both TUSTII~s and IRVINE's staffs in the administration and PROJECT; and inspection of the WHEREAS,-IRVINE has-obtained Federal Aid Urban funds to pay f..or part of its project share and these funds require that certain procedures be followed in accordance with Caltrans Lo, al Programs Manual; and . WHEREAS, IRVINE has submitted a proposal to TUSTIN for providing construction manageme.nt services for the PROJECT, attached hereto as Exhibit "B". NOW, THEREFORE, IT IS AGREED by the parties hereto as follows: 1. TUSTIN shall be the Lead Agency, and responsible for the following: ,' ,o A. Submittal of plans, specifications, estimates, and bid documents to Caltrans, Federal Highway Administration, Orange County Environmental Management Agency, the Marine Corp, and IRVINE for review and approval. S. Adv~ertise ang bid the PROJECT'and, subject to ~the apprgval of Caltrans, Federal Highway Administratiorl," and Irvine, award a contract to the lowest responsible bidder for construction of the PROJECT. Ce De E. Designate a qualified engineer to supervise the PROJECT, approve and process all payments, approve contract change orders, and be liaison with Caltrans on the PROJECT. ' Designate a person to monitor and enforce the Disadvantaged Business Enterprise programs for the PROJECT. Disperse payments for services provided by IRVINE employees 'on the entire PROJECT as set forth in "Exhibit B" within forty-five (45) days of date IRVINE submits an invoice. F. Provide copies of all TUSTIN codes, ordinances, and procedures to be followed within TUSTIN'S corporate limits during construction to IRVINE's designated administrator. 3IE252-03/CDD(1) Ho Prepare and supply to IRVINE reproducible copies of "as built" plans of the PROJECT lying within IRViNE's corporate boundaries. Contract for all consultant suppo~ services to the PROJECT. Support services shall include but not be limited to: 1. Sm-veying services. 2. B~idge inspection.and engineering services. 3. Back up soils consultant to be available when the County of Orange EMA cannot respond. I. Contz~et for a consultant or consultants to perform the following: 1. Intez'pret.plans and specifications du~ing construction; a. nd 2. Prepare plans and specifications for contract change orders during · eonstruetiom and. , , 3. Review and approve shop drawings, provide consultation for traffic control and detotte plnnal and- · 4. Prepare as-built plans f~.ofn red-lined prints submitted by the~ Contractor and inspector. Je Consult with the City of Iz;vine project engineer regarding recommended consultants prior to issuing contracts for the services listed under subparagraphs H and I. 2. IRVINE shall be the supporting agency, and responsible for the following: Upon receipt of completed plans, specifications, estimates, and bid documents, approve same within fifteen (15) days of submittal by TUSTIN. Be That in the event IRVINE fails to approve the plans, specifications, and estimates, costs of modification shall be borne solely by IRVINE. In the event that IRVINE shall fail to approve the final plans, specifications~ and · estimates, the provisions of this Agreement shall terminate and all costs accrued to that time, including project administration costs, tabulations 3IE252-03/CDD(1) -3- shall be borne by the parties hereto in accordance with the allocation set forth in the ROAD FUNDING AGREEMENT. C~ Except as provided in Paragraph 3.0 below, payments by IRVINE to TUSTIN shall be made within forty-five (45) days of receipts of itemized statements from TUSTIN for: 1. Progress payments for PROJECT made to contractor in accordance with the construction contract; and 2~ Final billing of all costs associated with PROJECT, including engineering and administrative costs as set forth in the ROAD FUNDING AGREEMENT and as evidenced by the final report for the PROJECT. . , D. Provide the day to day construction administration services on the PROJECT in accordance with the. services described in Exhibit "1~". E. Provide all necessary inspection services on the PROJECT in accordance with the serviees deseribed in Ex~ribit "B". :: F. Provide aeeounting services and maintain the PROJECT files. Ge Provide services to monitor and enforce Equal Employment Opportunity policies and disadvantaged Business Enterprise programs on the PROJECT. Ha Prepare a final report containing all costs involved in the preparation, construction, and administration of the PROJECT, delineating the fiscal responsibility of each of the parties hereto. Submit to TUSTIN a monthly invoice for services rendered per D, E, F, G and H above. · 3. It is mutually understood and agreed: 3IE252-03/CDD(1) -4- Am TUSTIN shall notify IRVINE not less than ten (10) days prior to advertising a contract for PROJECT, and within ten (10) days after award of contract .for PROJECT. During construction, IRVINE shall designate a Resident Engineer/Inspector, who shall be ehar~ed with overall project' administration and on-site inspection for the PROJECT. The PROJECT shall, however, be subject at all times to inspection by the authorized representatives of TUSTIN, and said representatives will be cooperative and consult with each other, but orders of the. engineer appointed by TUSTIN pursuant to Paragraph 1.C above shall be final. C. In the event IRVINE desires any additional or extra work over and above that specifically provided for in the approved final plans and specifications, such work shall be paid for by IRVINE and accomplished by means of an · executed Ch. ange Order approved by TUSTIN S desi~mated engineer after receipt by TUSTIN of a deposit of funds from IRVINE to cover the.cost ~f such. work, plus five percent (5%) for contingencies and nineteen percent · (19%) for construction enBdneering, administration, and overhead. Change Orders deemed to b~ of an ~~ey nature in the interest' of the public*s general health, safety, and welfare may be initiated immediately at the discretion of the Resident Engineer/Inspector. Any required deposit shall thereafter be provided within thirty (30) days of notice from the Resident Engineer/Inspector. Dm In the event TUSTIN desires any additional or extra work over and above that specifically provided for in the, approved final plans and Specifications, such work sh~ll be paid for by TUSTIN and accomplished by means of an executed Change Order approved b'y TUSTIN*S designated engineer. Em F. That TUSTIN shall submit to IRVlNE,. a Notice of Completion within thirty (30) days after final acceptance of work on PROJECT. That neither TUSTIN nor any officer or employee thereof shall be respon- sible for any. damage or liability occurring by reason of anythin~ done or omitted to be done by IRENE under or. in connection with any work, -5- 3IE252-03/CDD(1) . authority, or jurisdiction delegated to IRVINE. It is also understood and agreed that pursuant to Government Code Section 895.4, IRVINE shall fully · indemnify and hold TUSTIN harmless from any liability imposed for injury (aS. defined by Government Code Section 810.8),-occurring by reason of anything done or omitted to be done by IRVINE under or in connection with any work, authority, or jurisdiction delegated to under this agreement. O. That neither IRVINE nor any officer or employee thereof shall be responsible for any damage Or liability occurring by reason of anything done or omitted to be done by TUSTIN under, in connection with any work, authority, or jurisdiction.delegated to TUSTIN. It is also understood and al~eed ttutt pursuant to Government Code .895.4~ TUSTIN shall fully indemnify and hold IRVINE harmless from any liability imposed for injur~ . (as defined by Government Code Section 810.8)~ occurring by reason of 'anything done or omitted to be done by TUSTIN, under or in eonneetion with any work, authority or jurisdietion delegated to TUSTIN under this agreement. .. · H. That IRVINE ~nd TUSTIN shall each' retain the obligation and responsibility of repair and maintenance of stl-. public facilities within their, respective · corporate boundaries in the are~ of the PROJECT, but whieh are not part of the PROJECT as defined by the plans and speeifieations. 'I. Upon receipt of the above referenced Not-lee of Completion and aeeeptanee of PROJECT, each party to this agreement shall assume full maintenanee responsibility for. the portion of the PROJECT within its eorporate boundaries~ except as may be otherwise identified in the eontraet specifications. TUSTIN and IRVINE will eoordinate, eooperate, and eonsult with each other, but the deeision of the engineer, appointed by TUSTIN pursuant to Paragraph 1.C above, shall be final. Ko Ail services performed under this Agreement shall be in eompliance with the California Department of Transporta.tion Local Programs Manual. 3IEII51I-03/CDD(1) -6- Notwitl~standing the financial obligation of IRVINE as stated in Para. apb 2.C 'above, and the ROAD FUNDING AGREEMENT, TUSTIN shall advance the funds for ali payments required in the construction 'and administration · of the PROJECT. IRVINE'shall' invoice Caltrans for the total PROJECT Federal Aid Urban Funding share. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties hereto have .caused this AGREEMENT to be · execUted by their respective officers, duly authorized, the provisions of which AGREEMENT are effective as of the day, month and year herein above written. CITY OF IRVINE Approved as to form: Attorney of the City of Irvine BY Mayor City Clerk Attorney of the City of Tustin CITY OF TUSTIN BY Mayor By City Clerk 3IE252-03/CDD(1) -7- EXI=I~IT 'nAn ROAD FUNDING A(~REEMENT 3IE252-03/CDD(1) -8- COIqSTRUCTION MANAGEMENT SERVICES TO BE PROVIDED BY IRVINg 3IEII52-03/CDD(1) -9- E~$~ON OF' 'Z'ZmOb*b'~ flCAS-TU~X'XM · -. Tills A~iL~IT is made effective , 1986, [[VISE ~HP~ ("Company"), v[[h ~espec[ [o che ~~, T~s~in ~d l~[ne (col[ecciveL~ referred co as cae "C~Cies") have each dece~ned cha~ caere is an ~d~ace need ~o provide an addi~o~L rejional north-south arterial roed~ay co co~ecc J~ree and H~ord Roads ~hrouih ~he United S~a~es Hat,ne Corps A~r S~a~ion-Tus~[n ("~CAS- Tuscin"); and ' ~, a~Cer 'havin~ scudded varioua a[ce~acive su~ an arcer~a~ roadv~y, Tuscan an~~ine ha~ each detect,ed chac the best a~ce~ac~ve is co extend Ny[ord Road southerly through NCAS-Tusc~n Co connect rich ~boree Road ~enera~y as sho~ on Ezh~b~c "A" hereto (the "~ro~ecc"); and ~~3, .Tuscan, ~rv~ne. and ~ompany have entered. [nco States as represented by c2e Department of the ~a~ and the Un,ced States Nar~ne Corps (~he "United States") co obtain the r~hc-o[-vay lot the Project; and WHEREAS, [n cons£derat[cn for such r[shc-of-way, the Un[ced States w{ll obtain [rom.the Company, among ocher things, (l) dedication of av{sacion · easements over certain o£ the Company's land commonly kno~ as the 8ro~ning and GCA Corridors, (2) dedication of easements restr{c:ing the use of the [and in the BrovninE and ¢C~ corridors, (3) d~ii'cacion in flee of~ care&in ocher lind, o~ed b7 the Company, [or deve~o~enc o[ mid,car7 hous~nS, and (G) relocation o~ the Corp8 Helicopter ~ce~4~ L~c Tra~nin~ Facilities, consc~ccion cost o~ the Project, aL~ aa se~ Eorch in cae ~ree~nc; and ~~, c2e va~ue o~ the right of ray co be required [rom ~rine Corps has be~ appraised by the Oeparc~nc o~ the ~a~; and ~E~, the cost o[ acquirin~ the r~shc-o[-vay ~or ~he Project through chose dedications and re~ocac~on ~ ~n~cia~y be bo~e by the Company; and ~~ ~he parries desire co establish a fair s~re basis for aX~ocac~on of the costs of the Project ~n~ thyselves, ~nc[ud[n~ ~he costs o[ acqu~r~n~ the r~h~-o[~ay and o[ desisnin~ and consc~cc~ns the roadvay, ~d Co develop a pro~r~ for overa~ ~din~ o~ .the Project; ~V, ~~FORZ, in cons~de~c-~on o[ the premises and ~cua~ promises . . and covenants here~n, the parches aKree as conca~ned in the "~7~ord/Jamboree Extension Projec~ Description" '~repared by Khe [[~ o[ ~rr7 Se~n & Associates, acKached hereto as Ezh[b~K (exc~ud~n~ Khe &rade-separa~ons described under "~on~-Ran~e ConcepK Plan") and ~he Pre~m~nar7 En~ineer~n~ Plan prepared by ~ldan & Associates, a~Kached heraKo as Exhibit '"C." 2. Based' upon ~ra[[[c usage, jur~sd[cK[ona[ boundaries and ~he c~r- cuter[on ~enef[cs of the Project, [c is agreed chac the Compan7 '~_ conKr~buce cherry-six percent (~6~) of ~he coca,.costs of che Projec~ 'KoKa~ cosCs sha~ ~nc~ude r~hc-o[-vay acqu~s[c~on/ded[cac[on, end,nearing, consKrucn[on and ~rocess[n~ coscs) as [cs lair share a~[ocaK[on, and · re~tainder of such costs. ~t is asreed chat Tuscin Iha~ be responsible [or eishceen percent (182) of the total costs of ~he Project, and Ir~ine sha~'L be responlible for forcF-siz percent (&&2) of the 'toca~ costs o[ the Project. · 3. As its initial responaib~cy co the Project, the Company sha~ (i) provide the consideration demanded by the Corps for acquls~tion o[ the rishc-o~-uay for the Project, consistent Way A&reemenC, inc~udin$ dedication o{ the avisacion easements over the · Brovn'in$ and CCA Corridors, dedication o~ easements restrict£n~ t~e use 'of ~he 1and'in the BrovninK and CGA Corridors, and dedication of land [or development of eilitar~ housins; (~i) upon conveyance o[ the risht-o[-vay easement [or the · Project by the united. States to the Company,' convey tha't risht-o£-vay to · Tustin and Co lrv~ne, determined by jurisdictional boundaries, along v~ch such additional easements crossin$ Compan.~-.~vned property as may be required [or · . construction and the [uture ma£ntenance o£ the Project; and (iii) administer the des~$n and construction requ£red [or re~ocat£on of ~2e Helicopter Heav~ Lift Tra£nin$ Facility; (£) Serve as ~ead asency [or the Pro~ect for purposes of completing the enviromnencal processin$, secur~n$ FAO Funds, and/or other · [unds, retainin$ consultants for the project desisn, and providin~ overall manasemenc for the Project; ~nd · ([[) Accept dedication o£ ~hose por~;ons improvements ~chin the ~ur[sd[c~[ona~ boundaries (iii) ~a~nca£n a~[ improvements constructed ~[ch[n'[~s ~ur[s- dlctional boundaries; (iv) Pay its appropriataf Share, as sec forth in parasraph 2 above, of the coca~ cost of the Pro~ec~; and .. " (v..) Take all appropriace measures c-o support . action by the Corps co ru~diace the conc~inaced soi~s site identified by the ~i~onia ae~iona~ ~acer ~iCy Control aoard ~ichin c~e proposed PrOject ri Sh c-o ~ ~ay. ~. As its ~iniciaL responsibility co the Project, Irvine sha~: (i) Cooperate rich and provide assistance 'co cG~LeCins the enviro~ncal processing ~or, securins FAO and/or ocher Funds . , ~or, ~d iept~nc~ns cae Project; (i~) ~cepc dedication of chose portions of the easement and cae-[~rov~encs violin c~e jurisdictional boundaries of iurisdiccional bo~daries; and . (iv) ~y ic's appropriate share, as' sec forc~in parasraph 2 above, of che cocal' cost of che Projecc. 6. E~ibic 'D' hereco represents an esci~ce of che coscs Pro~ecc, co,ether ~i~h a calculation o~ ~he allocation bi each party's cost ~ili~ies of c~e par~ies ~or the Project. Nocvichs~andin~ anychinK para&r&p~s ] ~hrouK~ 5 above co c~e contrary, once C~e total costs o{ the Proiec~ have been ~oincly dece~ined, in c~e even~ chac c~e exqenses incurred by any party covard c~e ~ocal costs o~ ~e Pr~c~ exceeds its required contribution as stated by percentage in paraKrapfi 2 above, ~en each ocher party v~ic~ has incurred expenses coward ~he total cos~s o~ .~he Pro~ec~ tess than its required concri0u~ion shall reimburse eacfi such o~her party proportion ~o ~he respective required contributions o~ each par~y no obtisacion for reimbursement sha~ arise unci~ each party provides an accounCin$ o~ the expenses it ha~ incurred, a~on$ rich aupporcin$ docu-~ · en~acion, co each ocher party,-and the parties agree chac the expenses · incurred are project costs. · 7. It is tmderscood-Chac the Company's participation in cae acquisic£on o£ the r~shc-of-vay [or the Project by asreein$ to land use resCrictions to accommodate heLicopt&r over[~i&~ts of the BroVnin$ and · Corridors, b7 asree~n$ to dedicate avisac£on easements, by aKree~ni co dedicate fee cic~e co Land lot deveLo~en~ o[ military housin~ and by asree~flK Co relocate cae HeL~copcer Hea~ ~C Trainin~ Fac~licies,'is under ~he tarmac by Tuacin and Z~ine co acquire such ~and, eas~encs and restrictions by cond~a~on as ~y be required co acquire the rishc-o~ay lot ~he Project from the On, ced States. . . . 8. ~C is further aKreed chac the execution of the A~reemenC vh~ch requires, the Company's [inancia~ co~icnenc o[ 362 on the pro,eec (Shor~ Range .,Improvement per ~xhibic ~) sha~ fu~f[~ a~ of the Company's [~nanc~a~ responsibilities v~ch respect co fairshare participation of ~he Supers~reec (LonB Range I~provemenc per ~hibic ~) reIacin~ ~o cae development of the co~n~:y of Wescpark (PA 14) [n ~he City o~ l~ine per Condicion 3.16 Tentative Trace Hap ~o. ~2355. ~i's is based on'the Company's decision apply cae :o~a~ shor~ range improvement cost attributable co ocher' villages as identified in the fair share analysis, agains-c ~he identified ~0% We.s~park share of an estimated cosc $]7 million Sopers~reec projecc. No credi~ s,all be given co ~he Company [or.fur~2er developmen~ of ocher contributing Villages unless ic i's in excess of the Wescpar~ long range-10% co~[~menc. ~CD~381 Company's ob~isacion co restrict deveLopment ~eve~s co chic specie,ed condition (i.e. chic &tveL chic Seneraces A3Z trip ends per day) 3.L2 o. gesoLucion ~o. obtain the ~unds £or their ~air 'share participation ~n the costs-oE the Pro~ecc. A~ parties asree to cooperate in sood ~a~h to carry o~t · Project ~n a timely manner, vith the SOiL O~ compLec£nS the construction by · ~une 30, ~988, or as soon thereafter as practicaL, and co execute such documents and subsequent asreemencs as ~ny be necessary co carry ouc cae ~nc~c o~ ch~s Asremnc. ~0. IC ~s ~cuaL~7 a~eed Chic the r~hc-o(~ay costs, as established by independent appraisals, and Co-be included ~n the CQCa~ COSTS shaL~ hoc exceed $7,~&&,OOQ (or L~ds co be acquired ~rom cae Corps and $3,3~0,000 [0~ ~ds %o be~Uired ~rom ~ompany ~or~a . . $~O,A~,O00 un~ess ~he amount o~ r~hC-o~-va7 required ~flcreases beyond ~he . area ~denc~fied ~n ~e appra~sa~ report, due co ~na~ design ~nan~es. ~e appraisa~ reports sha~ be 5ubmicce~ co'Irv{ne and Tuscin ~or rev~ev an~ approva~ prior co any pa~enc or Credits co Company. Sai~ rev~ev end app=ova~ . shall be provided ~n vricin~ by cae City Hamster within 60 days o~ submittal of the appraisa~ reports. I= {s ~cua~y agreed =ha= ~o= purposes o~ ' paragraph 6 the r~hc-of-vay expenses co be incurred by the Company ~n sa'cisfaccion o~ ~cs ~nic~a~ responsib~iuias described ~n paragraph (~i) sha~L ~e deemed ~o= =o exceed =he appraised values of =~e r~h=-o~-~ay sec ~orch above. intended to be several and not jo{nc or collective, and noch~n$ herein contained shell ever be consc~3ed to create an AlSOCieC~On, jOiflC venture, C~sc or partnership, or to impose · cz~3sc or partnership coy·nanc, obLisacion · or Liability on or rich re$ird to either parry. Each percy shell be individually responsible [or i~'S ovn covenants, obliSa~ons and liAbil~£es as herein provided. Heither percy shell be under the control o[ or shell be deemed to con~rol the ocher party. Neither.party shall be the as·nc o[ or · hive · fiSh,.of pover to bi~d ch· o~her percy vichou~ such ocher percy's express vri~cefl cons·nc. 12. Edch p4rcy ezpressLy v4rrart)cs and represents chic the person sisn~n& chis ~$reemenc on Cheer beha~[ ~as the authorities co ezecuce c~is C~Y ATTQK'~ ~ · - City of T~scin By: C~cy of Irvine Irv{ne Co ~ a Michigan corporation C. Bradley Olson, Uice Presiden~ Iom ~a~a~, ~nC Secretary EXI. I~T III -% / ! [MAR~C · CORPS 4JO ' · ' PROJECT '~"' ' · · ': ~. '~/,/",. ~ ./ %.- ..~ ~\ / ,',.,. ~'.,./'-. -. · ;- / ', :,.. · . . / ';.. · .ql~ · · & N 0 1000 2000 i~..,... ~oposed Extension '- PROJECT L N~r~ Itesc~nce ~ PRO~ECT DE $C~ ] PT ] ON · The proposed extension of Hyfo~ Road/~lamboree Boulevard extends from the Intersection' 'of Barranca Road and the existing Jamboree Boulevard to' the proposed intersection of Ploulton Parkwa.y and Nyford Road for a length of 1.3 miles. From Jamboree/Barraflca, the proposed center, the ex~ends north- easterly for approximately 1,300 fee~ paral~e~ ~o, and the San ~oaquin Road center, the. ~he a~tgnment 'lhen begtns a 1,700-foo~ radius curve easterly ~owards Peters Canyon Wash, w~th a grade separation passtng over Warner Avenue, and providing (or a four-~ane Warner Avenue. 'The alignment then parallels Peters Canyon Wash, with a gr'ade separation passing over .Ploffett Road, whtle providing.for a four-lane Idoff~tt Road. North of Hoffett, 'the road continues, generally para11.e1 to Peters-Canyon Wash. The alignment connects to In at-grade Intersection vtth the extst tng Ploulton Parkway. The road will then continue over the A?&SF Railroad. ' · · · · The extsttng San Joaclutn Road wtll be abandoned and porttons reserved for potential use as an access frontage road~, for extsttng and future develop- ment of adjacent parcels (Bloc~, 47, attached plan). The project plans for the extension call for stx through lanes, three in each direction, with a raised center median all within a typical section that varies between 228 to ]38 feet (see typical cross section, attached plan). The varied typical section is required to accon~nodate additional turning lanes at the intersections with Houlton P. arkway and Barranca Road. A minimum seven-foot-high.concrete block wall will be provided.along the southeasterly edge of the roadway north of Warner Avenue extending from the City of lusttn/City of Irvine property boundary northeasterly to the Santa Aha-Santa Fe Channel to provide noise mitigation for the existing Marine Corps Housing. The design height of the wall above minimum will be deter- mined and verified after completion of the noise analysis studies. On the northwestern side of the roadway a seven-foot-.high barrier will be p~ovided for base security purposes and joined to the existing chain-link fence beginning .at a point north of tdarner Avenue at.the City of Irvine/IqCAS property' boundary line, extending along the roadway edge to a point appr. oxi. motel? ZOO feet north of the begi'nnin9 of the embankment al~proaching the Iqoffett Roaa overcros'sing. Final design of the barrier will be either a seven-foot concrete ~loc)~ wall or a five-foot block wall ~ith two feet of barbe¢ wire or other deterrent material satisfactory for security purposes. ,. ,o I I I The f?ve-foot-h?gh block val~ ts requlred to protect motorists ~rom tq tng debris due to potential helicopter accidents. The area northerly of the point approximately 200 ~ feet north of the begtflfltflg of ~he embin~eflt &ppr. oach. tng goffett Drive and Iqoulton Parkway shall either be a seven-foot concrete block masonry wall or a seven-foot chain-link fence including security wire along the top. A graded and paved Base perimeter and security road eight-feet wide with .-compacted two-foot shoulders, will be provided along the road right-of-way line on the northwestern side of .the roadway 'from I~ou)ton Parkway to the Ctt" of Irvtne/l~CA$ property boundary line north of Warner Avenue. From thac point, the perimeter road will connect .into the existing security/perimeter road Ind continue along the Base property line. The perimeter road will be relocated (as an eight.foot-wide graded, and paved' road) as .necessary for .right-of-way encroachments southwesterly of Warner Avenue and will be extended to Barranca Road along the .northerly side of the flood-control ditch inside the chain-link fence. The project includes relocation.of the exi. stlng, greed earth, flood-cont,) ditch along San Joaqutn Road, as necessary for right-of-way enc~mchmen~s. Landscape treatment .for slopes at overcrossing locj. tions will be provided as an erosion control measure. Curbs will be provided along the raised median. Existing traffic signals at Barranca Road and Moulton Parkway will require modification with implementation of the FAd project. LOHG-)UKNG~ C:ONCI~PT PtAN The Long-Rancje Concept Plan for t~e extension of Iqyford/Jamboree is similar to the plan described above, with the' exception thit there will be grade-separated interchange overcrossings of Barranca Road and Houlton Parkway. Turning movements at both locations would be accomplished through diamond interchange designs. No additional right-of-way would be required for the ultimate long-range plan. The median area and all slopes may be landscaped in the future. I r I k ~m~ ' ~ ' -- "'-- : ;'t, ,;'--'~ L, ............ ~-. 14 ~1 '.: .... ' " -- '. ~ "-~ ~,, ,',-,',,, !1 .' --,-,.-- .' ~ ..----,d__. __ · _ .. ~ · ~~~ _' . i ~i ~ ....... ~ -'"_--. ~-- -4.-- ,---- -- --L .i i l -----I. ". ,, ~. ,...,. , .~ ~__ .--., .,.. '".,,~':.<.",~ ,.-.,,-~. ,:, , . ' , I ~ --- .,.m~,-' ,,.w,[ ~ ""~*~- I,I .... _-.. I' \ ' 1,I:,~, '..---"~",..-r..~--,----' · ~-~,_",.~."- · I~1 ~,;:.~ I'. ~ ~ ~l '1 I~ 4~~ I1' - I. I - , .. · :15 :1 " i ',~...,....l..- ~r... \ I · , . ,,;,~.. &,,~ / , ~ ~ .;;2~._"--~..~ ,::.: .... LONG RANGE CONCEPT PLAN JAMBOREE / MY.FORD EXTENSION '" Z",', " .... :" '" '-' ~ ,,mm,mo EXHIBIT .Co III · m ~ik)~,,mB · ,,.T...v,4.~.~, ~ r~- klC & $ Cw! ?US?tN ' EXHIBIT D HYFORO/JAMBOREE ROAD COST AND ALLOCAT!ON Z. Pro~ect Costs' Rights-of-Way 1. Government-owned land to be acquired · · Z. Irvine Company land required Total Rights-Of-Way $ 7,144,000 . 3~310t000 $10,454,000 B. Desi 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. gn and Construction Costs Road des i gn Road construction Design of helicopter, external lift relocation Construction of' he1 icopter' externa 1 lift relocationI 220 S,O00 ZOO 1,800 Con t i nsenc i es 1 ~ 000 Total Design an~d ~o~struction. $ 8,220 .000 ,000 ,000 ,000 ~000 ,OOb C.'. Total Project Cost $18,674,000 II. Cost A1 location A. City of 1trine {46~) B. City of Tustin (18~) C. The Irvine Company (36~} $ 8,590,040 3,361',320 6,722~640 -S18,674,000 * Based on preliminary estimates July 18, 1986 The Honorable Don Sal:erelli Mayor CITY OF TUSTIN 300 Centennial Way Tustin, CA 92680 Dear Sir: At its regular meeting of June Council took =h~ matter: Reference: 10, 1986', Myford/Jam~oree Extans Barranca to Moultcn/ Irvine Center Dr Fund/ the Irvine City folluwing action regarding the above. 1. Authorized the Mayo'r to sign and the .City Clerk to attest the funding~.~agreement for the 'construction of Myford/Jamboree .Ex=ension between BarranCa and Moulton/Irvine Cen%er Drive, subject to the City Attorney's approval that The Irvine Company and all other .parties have satisfied Section II.5 regarding appraisals of the Final Agreement ( "Browning' Corridor" ) as executed on July 9, 1985, by the City of !trine. Attached are four executed duplicate originals of the funding agreement for execution by the City of Tustin. After execution, please retain one duplicate original for your records 'and return the other three to this office. We shall provide a signed duplicate original to The Irvine Company, City of Irvine, etc. . Thank you for your assistance. Should you need further clarification, please call this office. Sincerely, NANCY C. LACEY City Clerk NCL: wr ~ncl. CONSTHUCTION MANAGEMENT ,SERVICES TO BE PROVIDED BY [HVINF. · · 31E252-03/CDD(1) -9- August 3'1, 1988 City of Tus=in 300 Centennial Way Tus=in, CA 92680 Attention: Mr. Robert Ledendecker, Director of PUblic Works/ City Engineer Gen=lemen: The City of Irvine's Public Works Department is pleased to submit a proposal for cons=ruction Hanagemen= Services for =he Jamboree Road Project. The City recognizes the importance of t-his project since it will also.be a beneficiary. 'Public Wor~s'.will provide an experienced team of Professionals for Cons=rue=ion Hanagemen.= and Inspection Services for the' City of T~s=in. This professional team will be. responsible to assure quality control, scheduling, budge= management, coordination and effective communicanion. · · . I will be ha.u.~y to meet and discuss specific details cf this proposal a= ,Tour conveni,e~nce. If you have any .cues=ions or need any add'tic=al informa=ion, please con=ac= me a= your convenience. Sincerely, HARRY EHRLICH Acting Director of Public Works HE/RT: nc cc: Bob Storchheim Russell Thiele RTRL CITY OF TTISTIN ~/~AGE~ENT-SERVICES JAMBOREE. ROAD from BARRANCA =o HOULTON PARKWAY CONTENTS .. INTRODUCTION 1.0 Experience 1.1 1.2 1.3 Overview Specific Experience Represen=a=ive Proj ac=s/Experience 2.0 Hanagemen= Plan 2.1 Organiza=ional Approa~-hj 2.2 Personnel '.~ 2.3 Approach =o Services 2.4 Work Plan Phases 2.5 Dura=ion of Services '~ 2.S Evalua=ion of Services 3.0 Remunera=ion Personnel Cos= Direc~ Projec= Expenses INTRODUCTION Public Works recognizes the Jamboree Road projec= as a ma~or under~aking for bo=h =he ci=ies of Tus=in and Irvine. We view =he Reques= For Proposal as an expression of the impor=ance of =his projec=, 'sensitive to the realities of the design and cons=ruc=~on process and as an acceptance of the scphis=ica=ed managemen= role Public. Works taus= assume in t. he developmen= 'process. .~ublic Works will provide the leadership necessary to in=ergra=e a team which will result in a mos= successful p=ojec=. We feel uniquely qualified .since we have already completed many public works projects involving complex roadways, drainage facilities and bridges. 1.0 OV~R%-I-=W AND EXPERIEN~ -3- l. 1 Overview Public Works provides comprehensive project/cons=rut=ion management services for the City' s Capital.. Improvement Projects. Currently, over 1S0 projects are now being managed. Our long involvem.en= with major Capital Improvement Projec=s provides unique insight =o =he management needs of =he City during the design and cons~_~uc=ion process. ' 1.2 Specific Expertise Public Works is eminently qualified and prepared Co represent =he City of Tus=in as irs agent. Our ability =o perform is-subs=annia=ed by the following: o Over 200 successfully completed projects within t. he pas= 5 years; Our experience in providing similar professional semites to onher public agencys with broad organizational structures and competitive procurement re=uiremen=s which dictate strong managemen.= disc'i~l£ne: o The depth of organization which affords access ',o the specialized resources necessary .to address the unique aspecns of the projecn; Com~letion of 2-vehicle overcrossings for the Sta~e of California over I-5 and SR133. o Completion of 9-major vehicle bridges within the City of Il'vine. o Completion of four recent FAU projects, and one currently under cons=rUt=ion.. 1.3 R. epresen=ative Project/Experience Services we are providing, on the irvine Cen~er Drive (I-405 to Lake Fores=) project are in part very similar to 'the owner-agent services requested by the City of Tus=in.- -4- Our scope of service as Cons=ruction Hanager entails .fu.ll coordination and responsibility for the SS mi!lion dollar developmen% including: o o o o o o o o o Programming and program documentation, Quality standard development, Design professional in=efface and direction, Con, fac= =ego=ia=ion, Review and approval o'f all proj disbursement including professional service and cons=ruction con=facts. Pre-c~ns~.ruc=ion coordination, Cons=ruction phase management, Bid document evaluation assuring c.lari=y, Planning and coord'.l~a=ing owner and' ex"cernal agency approvals, Schedule development and maintenance for all projec= activities, EsCimaC~g, Sawer and waterline administration for IRWD SCa=us reporting and coordination, Coordination with City departments and CalCrans staff. . Budge= formulation and management for all program cos=s, I~spec=ion (Typical Inspector Duties) , o o o o o o o o o o Prepare DaLly Report. s, Prepare Weekly Statement of ~orking Days, Establish and mainnain files in accordance wi~h =al=rahS recommendations, Conduct labor compliance interviews, Schedule and control testing and su.--vey, Hain=din record drawings, Review progress payments, Track and main=din submi==a!s and Submit=al log, Observe and con=roi all excavan~on and backfill, Monitor and inspect concreUe placement, Inspect form work and reinforcing Observe and inspect all phases of co=dui= cons=ruction, ie: Storm drains, sewer, wa=er, SCE, PT&T, etc. Calculate and monitor material quantities, Verify required pavement sUrucnura! sec%ion, Inspect entire traffi.c signal ins=alia=ions, Review con=fac=ors" Schedule and progress. 2.0 MANAG~ _=LAN This sec=ion describes the organize=ion and approach Public Works will initiate in providing service no the City. of Tustin. . · Organizational Approach Public Works will service ~-he Ci{Y .directly as its agent and will report to .the City's designated manager. Public Works intends to utilize a team approach in providing services to ~he project. This approach will allow responsibility =o be identified, affords. direct communication =o the City and irs consultants allows a depth of specialized resources =o ~e utilized when necessary and insures support and necessary backup to our service. This team will consis= of =he following: O O o Project Engineer .who will have overall responsibility for t. he project. The Project Engineer will be directly involved in major- projec= decisions and performance evaluation. Con=tact Administrator wh~ will 'be responsible for the day.to day tasks and responsibility. Field S%perin=endent/Supervisor who will be responsible '~or inspection and direc'~ communication with ~ke contractor. Inspectors who will be responsible for the daily quality control. The assigned individual will remain with '~he project throughout ~.he construction period. Specialized Personnel These resources will be called upon and utilized a= various stages of our service in a consultive 'role. These resources are on staff in =he areas of: Contract strategy, Scheduling; Cos= engineering and evaluauion Surveying 2.2 Personnel' Public Works plans to utilize a team comprised of the following individuals' -6- Pro'~ ac= En~inee~ Russell Thiele is a gra. dua=e Civil Engineer ragis='ered in four (4) states including California. His' 30 years of. experience is broad based in both private and public work. His experience spans building projects as well as design/cons=ruction management of major' roadway, drainage, utility and bridge projec=s. Con=tact Administrator David Niknafs is a Graduate Engineer with a Master's degree in Civil Engineering and professional regis=La=ion. He has seven (7) years experience in Public Works/Cons=z-ac=ion Management of roads, bridges, drainage and utility proj acts. Field Suuerintenden=/$uuervisor James O'Connell has over 15. years experience in t. he cons=ruction indus=~-! in the fields of contracting, quality, control, aclminis=ra=ion and inspec=ion. His pas= 11 years has been heavily involved in major Public Works construction. · Insuectors ~-- · . · . Edward Fernandez, ~he lead inspector, has over IS years of cons=.~.--ac'~ion ex~_erience. He is particularly skilled wi=h bridge projects and has' a thorough knowledge of 'the Ca!T_-ans Standard specifications as they re!ate to Hridge and roadway work. He speaks fluent Spanish which is ~eneficzal' for conduct!hq the required la, or compliance interviews'. Other equally qualified inspectors will be assigned or available a~ =he quantity of works dictates the inspection need. Our project management inspection team operates under guidelines specified in a policy procedures manual. This manual aids in achieving uniformity of performance. 2.3 Approach to Services The following is intended t'o articulate the approach we will use in providing Construction Management Services. -7- .1 coordination be=ween =ethnical consul=ants · .2 .3 .4 client and the This as-a continuous activity co=duc=ed on a formal and informal basis. We anticipate our communication · role =o be the focal point of The corners=one of this =ask is =he weekly meeting whic~ we will chair and document in both meeting minute and .ac=ion log form. Review and monitor project budgets. .This is a function which requires discipline ~n both es~lishing project scope and budge=, s on-oing sensitivity and evaluation as well a . 'g~ __,....a. 'We cannot Cake. a structuring =he direc=ion and decisions necessa~ =o meet budge= objectives. Honi.~or progress against con=fac= schedule. We in=end =o structure our sc.~edule which in=ergra=es all program tasks. This sc_hedLLle' representing' t.~e time plan will. be monitored weekly a= project meetings. Specific =as~' necessarY to meet schedule will be iden=ifie~ and tracked in ac=ion log form weekly. It is important t. ha= this aDProach address not simplY. ,,con=tact" time bun the interrelationships be=ween con=facts suc.~ as technical consultant response and owner decisions as these equally affect overall performance · provide regular reporting to the owner cn proj ec= sCa=us. We intend a periodic written submission to the owner in Executive SCa{us form. This report will address overall status in terms of: o current and 9roi ected budget o schedul~ sCa=us; o · current activities; o 16ok ahead activities; o team performance; o issues which may affect project In addition to-writ=et fedoras overall, weekly owner cooralna=ion meetings will be co=duc--e= ~.o advise on shot'- term ~_ssues and actions. -"" '~"::;' ~"~;:i ' ': ::' .5 Coordinate design consultants Entity during construction. and Cons%ruction This task is initially addressed in the design phase by coordinating contractual responsibilities. Our approach during cons=rut=ion is to ensure =/~at bilateral obligations are .met or resolved. In par=icular we anticipate direct· involvement in daily coordination, resolution of inspection and testing discrepancies and an active role in project closeout and acceptance. Work·Pian Phases "We plan for services to be provided in three .overlapping areas of emphasis or phases: .1 Initial start-up and planning. .2 We plan an intense period of review to anatyze, develop and document project status, contract responsibilities and procedures. This period will .result in a project plan -which confirms and articulates scope, bUdge=, schedule, procedures and approval stru~ure. Operational ~ode. This phase will entail =he daily management cf the projec'~, consistent with =he project plan and covers the preconstruction, construction, and completion phases. .3 · Project closeout and final "audit". This phase will focus on the details of acceptance, approvals and con~ract closeou~ including release, of retention to contractor and the management of latent or warranty items. Concurrent with occupancy we will provide an overview report articulating performance to goals. 2.5 Duration of Services We understand the project currently to De in the Final Design Development phase with award scheduled for December 1988 and construction start of January 1989. · Assuming services are commenced in late December 1988, an lS month construction phase and a ! month s=ar=-up/closeou= period, we annicipa-.a our sea;ices to be urovided, over a _~9 monnh .=e--cd-"~ -9- 2.6 Evaluation of our Serv~es The role of an owner's agent is one Which by necessity requires =rust. To ensure t. hat t. he iS-in a position to~ evaluate our services on =heAr behalf we will be. p~oviding specific work products by which our performance can be evaluated. In addition to periodic reports on overall proj sCa=us, the following are detail products 'which will subs=an=late, performance. · 1 Pro~ ec= Program Schedule. .2 .3 This schedule will be developed =o ref!ec= the major activities of all team members s'o that project progress is. both visible and verifiable. 'Project Financial Reporting. Rep0r=s will be prepared =o reflect all commitments, expenditures and es=lea=ed cos= =o' complete. We expect periodic audi= of budge= reports =o ensure that they are co=sis=an= with ac=ual accounting records. Action Log Repor=ing. This tool is u~i_lized on a continual basis and tracks ,=he ac.~ivi=ies ~f the .team. This repoz~: is maintained by completed and pending status and forms the basis for meeting schedule and idennifica=ion of po=annlal problems in team performance. Remuneration -for service is predicated on es=lea=ed staffing 'commitment and resources over time. We recognize that the staffing needs will vary from time no time and Public Works is capable, of .uroviding the 'needed personnel t~hroughou= -the project. The remuneration we propose is based on an average of service throughout the 19 month period· 3.1 Personnel Cost o Personnel expenses will be reimbursed monthly at employment cost. The 'following is the proposed staffing: · ~ Hrs/da_~x Projec= Engineer (Regis=ered). Con=rt.== Adminis=ra=or Field Superin=enden=/Supervisor Inspec=ors 12 Es=ima=ed cos=s will average $15,120 per month and $287,280 for =he en=ire projec=. This es=ima=e is predica=ed on =he assump=ion =ha= proj cons=rue=ion will progress in a normal manner wi=h no significan= delays resul=ing from ac=ions or even=s ou=side of our con=fol. 3.2 Direc= Pro~ ec= Expenses. Direc= projec= expenses are ma=ariel or services u=ilized directly for ~he projec= and are to be reimbursed monthly a= cos=. PG. Z:~JX~. X.D. ~!~ (E1~UXPPLEHT OR F..AIOI ! ~ t t , I ! . ,. · II I I I I I I I I I I 'orm --,'65-21 · ., /~ ilU SIGNATURE CiTY OF IRVINE WEEKL':' STATEMENT ¢omrac; I:D. ¢oae PUSUC WORKS ~m MeOw OF WORKING DAY R~on No. I~. ~ 92714 PROJECT: To .. Cantrc Tim f~ ~ dm~tlm mmMmm e~ ~me'~Iml dm ~ Mlammmfeetbe~emii~ , 19_ TIMI ~ CCO Nembe~ 0mm ~em'mm ' (NM 3t CCO i i COMI~/TARON OF EXTENOED 0ATE FOI~. COMIR. ETIQN 1. O/M~w~ ........ " , ~ W~qd~~b~, , ~- , ..... 3. COM~ DA~ ~1 C~~QN (if ~1 _dm ~ m:~e). .... 4. ?omi fl~ e~ dm e~ te dam ~CCO =tu. o~) ~ Tom ~m~i~ dm m m ~b &) ............... 6. Sub ro~ (U~e 4 ~ ~ J) 7. ~OED 0ATE ~l COMe.ION rune 3 alms UN 61 ......... 10. WORKING DAYS R~AINING (t;fle 8 mi~ L;ne 9)__ i Coaffoillml Oi~limli~ (Note 6) (Conlia. e on revere) the Conf~ as corr.. NO~: All fMom are on rm side. ;QRM N(~ 62-20 CZTY OF IRVINE REPRESENTATIVE CIP NC. PILE DRIVING CONT' R PILE CAPACITY PILE DRIVING REPORT I I 40 , F'"' ~L I NSPEC~ON CORR£C ~' LIST · o l'htll G~ITICItQI~ II1 rill'iCI I)rJI' tO I~.lIIIInci. ~ ti'Il fllllI inlOic'.,or for recIIIC~ ~ ill illmi are com~lelicI at ' .. ! ii iiii i ' · ' I i II I t ' · ii i ' · ii t i SPECIAL NOTES FOR CONTRACTOR ' T. An as:ertsic (') 13reciecling I co--lion item =enot~ trill such corrigan must ~ Liqmali~ aameq~ are c~l~elolt On I~o am~flt at S ............ for elC~ Ctllflalr ii ~ ~ays Remaining I ~uat OI scfl~uJe~. I ~ C:e8runco r~usr~ from ~tfl~ agofl~ Type of Final Inspection Sewer unclergrouncl only Storm ~Iraifl un~ergroun~ only $Ireet ~qnt~ng Full final Ot~er. Plan NumOer~ CGnstrucT~on. Oiatrtct -- ~uGervlsor .o .. ..~' N OTICE-T O--C O RRECT--W ORK III JOB NAIVE: JOB ADDRESS: ONNER/CON'I'KAC'rOR: T~ISI~ECTOIt: DEPT. OF PUBLIC WORKS [NSPEC~ON DIVISION 17200 JAHI~OtUiE [RV'[NE, CALIFORNIA 9271& (714) 660-3676 DAT~: I I I i I DO-NOT-REMOVE-THIS-NOTICE FORH 65-50 A TRAFFIC SIGNALS JOB LOCATION. , CONTRACTOR: TRAFFIC SIGNAL DESIGNER: PROJECT/P~T NO. 24 HOUR PH. % PHONE NUMBER: INSPECTION APPROVALS APPROVED PLANS FOR SIGNAL & STRIPING. METER APPLICATION BY: POLE FOUNDATIONS - INSPECTOR DATE DATE NO BY BY CABIN~ FOUNDATION - INSPECTOR · ~ULLBOX - INSPECTOR DATE U/G CONDUIT - INSPECTOR · LOOP PLACEMENT - INSPECTOR · POLE'& HARDWARE INSTALLATION - INSPECTOR DATE DATE DATE CABINET/CONTROLT.~-~. INSTALLATION/TEST TRANS,/INSP DATE ( INTERCONNECT ] BY BY BY BY BY BY SIGNING & STRIPING - INSPECTOR TURN ON .APPROVAL - TRANS.'- INSPECTOR FINAL ACCEPTANCE - TRANS. - INSPECTOR TRANSPORTATION REPRESENTATIVE DATE DATE DATE BY BY DATE PUBLIC SERVICES REPRESENTATIVE INSPECTION REPRESENTATIVE DATE DATE MANAGER, INSPECTION SERVICES DATE FORM ~65-15 (revised 4-25-88 · . CITY OF IRVINE DAILY EXTRA WORK REPORT CONTRACTOR · DESCRIi~"ION OF WORK REPORT NO. PAGE OF DATE OP'------~PORT PROJECT NO. P.O. NO. DATE WORK PERFO~ LABOR T~ EOUIPMENT MATERIAL AND/OR WORK DONE BY OTHERS · VERIFICATION OF TIME, MATERIAL AND EQUIPMENT ON~'-~ CON'~KACTOR ' S REPRESENTATIVE - CITY REPRESENTATIVE-----'----'---- WHI?E - P.M. YELLOW - CONTRACTOR PINK - INSPECTOR Rev'.' 5/87 ,o ii REQ.U,JT FOR QUO . '-.. DATE ~FQ ~ CIP # PROJECT TA't ~ON CONTRACTOR QUOTATION DESCRIPTION DISTRIBUTION Project Manager Project Ins~eccor ~rniec: File -:Y..___ Associate Proiecr. Enoineer /,J m AG~DA DATF~ TIMF~ LOCATION: PROFECT: PROJECT NO.: SUBJECT: CITY OF IRVINE HEi~ HES~TATIV~S: ENGLNEER: PRECON~TRUCTION MF2~TING PRINCIPAL PROJECT ENGINEER ASSOCIATE PROJECT ENGINEEH PROJECT-INSPECT. OR · · CONTRACTOR: UTILITIES,AND OTHERS: SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA EDISO~ COMPANy 'SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA GAS COMPANY IRVINE RANCH WATER DISTRICT PACIFIC 'BELL COMMUNITY CA.BLEVISION THE IRVI. NE COMPANY · .e PART A. UTIE~ES Al. A3. Requests for location shall be made by the Contractor. Cont~aeto~'i~ required to contact U.S.A. (18'00-422-4133) at lea~t t~vo daw prior to any excavation and obta/n an inqui~j, I.D. number. City of I~vine Form 42-27 shall also be completed and ~eturned pr/or to any excavation. · All coordination with utilities and adjacent propert~y owne~ shall be the resl~onsibillty of the Contractor. .. PART El. ADMIKISTRATION' ElL B3. will act a~ the Project Inspector and will monitor and enforce compliance of. mater/a~, methods ~d workm~hip with ~1~, spe~ificatio~ ~d permit ~~men~ ~e P~jeet I~eetoe will represent the Ci~ of ~ine eomm~ieatio~ ~d dee~o~ ~lated to the con,et with the City. . ~ co~pondence s~ ineAude ~e ~jeet. name ~d C~ num~e~ ~d s~ be ~ted to , , ~oeiate P~et En~neer. Con~etor s~ commence co~etion on o~ before the date spec/fled [n ~he "NOTICE TO PROCEED" ~d shah complete ~ required wi~in _ workin~ days. L/qu}~ted damaqes of will be ~e~ed for each co~eeutive c~end2: day that the p~jeet remai~ incomplete after the completion date es:a~Hsbed ~e "NOTICE TO P~OCEED." . . ~e Contractor will receive a "Wee~y Statement of Workin~ Days" whicb will show the contract completion date, days cha~ed to and da~s remainin~ on :he Written reques~ for time exte~ions shah be submitted by the Contractor to the ~oeiate Project EnEinee~ pr/or to the expira:ion of the ori~in~ con:fac: :ime. Prior to the st~t of any work, the Ccnzractor ~hall prepare and submi: :o :he City of ~ine for approv~ a proposed Co~truetion ~ro~e~ Schedule. A revised schedule reflectin~ actual pr~e~s ~hall be prepared and submitted the Contractor w~en requested by the A bar graph wi~l be acceptable. Progress payments will be contingent upon having a current approved Construction Progress Schedule. ' Progress payment requests shall be submitted on PROGltESS.PAY3YENT" forms provided by the'Cll:¥. "CERTIFIED iNVOICE FOR Prior to the preparation and submittal of the pro~'ess payment request, the Contractor and Inspector st~ai! review and agree upon the quantities/percentages being billed. · .. ,'/GGS31-01/PWD(.) Rev. 08-22-86 /' ~ .88. Pro~ress payment reques~ shall be ~bmitted by the Contractor to the City no more often t~ once each mont~, and no late~ t~an the dead[ne for ~u~mit~in~ invoices. (Refer ~o c~en~ Wee~y W~n~ Sche~e.) De~aflo~ f~m pl~ or spee~a~io~ sh~ be executed in ~he following maflne~ Ciariffeatton Bulletin - Clarification only. No -.nanq, e in contract price - issued by the City. Requ. est fop Quotation - Clarification with chanqe in contract price- issued the CitT with. eXPlanation included. Chan~'e Order Request- Lasued b7 Contr-aetor with an itemized breakdown'of costs and profit matin. Contract Chan~'e Order- Lasued by the City. ~eld Order - Ma7 ~e u~ed as authority to. proceed with Chang.e Orcter work aftra completion ot neqotiations, but betore t~e issuance of the formal Chan~'e Order. go' payment for chang'es in work will be made un/ess chang'es are covered by.a written Chan1~e Order. TI~e City's representative may order minor chang.es in the work not involving' ~..... incre~e or deere~e in the contract amount. If the Cont~etor ~elieves that any orde~ for minor ~hanges in the wo~ involves ~ges ~e contract amount, he shall notify the C:~'?s representative immediately of his estimate of the c~anges. The Ci~ will: then determine if this extra cost ~ j~tified ~nd' will notify t~e Contracto~ of [~ decision. . . PART C. [NSPECTIO~q Cl. :nspeetion will be by City Inspector. The Ins.bettor must be notified a minimum of 24 hour~ prior to commencing, construction. Overtime compensation to the City for inspections on Saturdays or holidays shall be artanqed for and paid by the Contractor. The required Overtime Per'i: will be ol~tained from the Inspection Department. ', C2. Worl~ may be performed within the City during' the following' hours.' 7:00 A.M. to dusk, Monday tkrough Friday 9:00 A.M. to $:~0 P.M. Saturday No Sunday work is allowed. Additional restrictions may apply to working, hours. Refer to Special Provisions. Prior to performing' work on Saturdays, the Contractor shall consult with the [n. spection Division to determine whether inspection will be required. Any work done Without the required inspections will be sul~ject to rejection. ' MGG53 [-O 1/PW D(.) Rev. 08-22-88 C3. C4. CS. C$. C7. C8. C9. Znspection will be provided between the hour= of ?:00 A..~. and 4:00 P.M., ~onday throu~tt Friday. If inspections are required outside of tl~ese hours, an OverTime ( Permit must be obtained prior to the inspections bein~ perfo, rmed. · R. eqt!est for and coordination of testing sci-vices shall be l~anciled tl~rouqtl tl~e Project Inspector. , The City will provide the necessar~ surge!ring upon two (2) working days advance notice from the Contractor. ' Ail smwey requests and dh'~ctions to Survey Team will be handled through the Project Inspector. City of Irv~ne-approved Project drawings and specifications sha~ be maintained on the site at ail times' A~-Built'reeord drawings shall be maintained by the Contractor and shall be reviewed and approved by the Projecl: Inspector prior ~o the submission of eaci~ proCress I~illing. The Contractor shall desiq'nate a project supel'intendent who shall be present at the jPb site at ~ times while work is in pro~ess. A Traffic Con~rol Plan, Erosion Control Plan and a Construction pro,ess Schedul~ m~ ~e submitted and app~ved p~or to st~t of construction. ?repavinE meetin~ will be ~eld prio~ to the st~ of ~ph~t.pavinq. ~e Contrac~or'will supply'a list~ 24-hour telephone nu~er= for~se by the Police Dep=~men~ in c~e of an em~ency. The list sh~ be u~da~ed ~ necessary. 3! GG 511 I-0 1/P ~'; D(.) Rev. 08-22-S6 DATE: TO: FROM: PROJECT TITLE: 'CZ.~ NO.: =.~OPOSED C?.ANGE · RECO~.~MENDAT~0,N .. MANAGER OF P~.OJ"E~T :.fANAGEI~ENT PRO~IECT ' lWJtNAGF. R PROPOSAL: RE!.tAR!<S :. CZ'FY OF lEV[NE of: _..~tracl:.'Change O~ar ~o. · o '0: ~ , , , Contractor 'ou are hereby directed to m~ke the following described changes from the plans and saacifi- :atio.n$ or do the following described work not included in the plans and specifications on :his contract.' )escrip=ion 6f " ' w~ t~ Ue aane, estimate of quantities, aha prices to Oe paia 'as ~eterminea in ~ccomlance wtth the s~ectf~cactons. .. SUMMARY OF CONTI~ACT COST STATUS Original Contrac: Awartt Price 2receaing Changes This Change New Estimated Con:rac~ Cos:: reason of this or, er, t~e time for coma!etlon will be · ii e, the undersigned contractor, agree that if this 'proaosal' is aaaroved, we will 'provide all qui.oment, furnish all materials, excemt as may. otherwise be noted above, and ~erform all em~ices necessary for t~e work above s:ecified, and will accept as full payment therefore the rices shown above. cc .d Da te ' . Contractor Tftle. uomi tied by: III I A~roval Recon~ended- :~roved by: _ , Date: , ~ · ¢1-II LI J NO SCA LE