HomeMy WebLinkAboutOB 1 J.W. AIRPORT RPT 06-19-89 END OLD BUSINESS ATE UNE 19, 1989 TO: FROM: SUBJECT: WILLIAM A. HUSTOll, CITY MANAGER COMMUNITY DEVELOI~ENT DEPARTHENT AIRPORT STATUS ~PORT: JOHN WAYNE AIRPORT (JWA), AIRPORT SITE COALITION (ASC), COALITION FOR A RESPONSIBLE AIRPORT SOLUTION (CRAS) AND HELICOPTER OVERFLIGHTS TASK FORCE (HOTF) RECOI~ENDATION i' Receive and file. DISCUSSION .JWA - There ts no new information to report at this time. ASC - There is no new InfOrmation to report at this time. The next meeting is m , scheduled for 8:30 a.m. on Saturday, June 24, 1989. CRAS - An advertisement for a resident appointee for the CRAS Board was pu--~-~Ttshed in the Tustin News on Thursday,~J-une 15th. Interested pyties were asked to respond to the Community Development Department by noon on Friday, June 30, 1989. Staff hopes to have a list of potential appointees for the Council's use at their July 3rd meeting. The following amendments were made to AB 1830- Added Imperial County to the Joint Airport Authority (originally consisted of Orange, Riverside and San Diego Counties); Majority approval by Board of Supervisors of County in .which a site is proposed is now required; and The Joint Airport Authority will consider existing studies (i.e., ASC and SANDAG Studies ) Despite these amendments, CRAS continues to oppose AB 1830 for the following reasons' 1. The legislation duplicates and could undermine existing efforts in the region to identify an airport site, including studies by the Airport Site -/ Clty Councl 1 Report Airport Status Report June [9, [989 Page two I I ' Coalition, the San Diego Association of Governments,' and the Southern California Association of Governments. Many members of CRAS have been acttvely participating In these atrport studles, and passage of AB [830 would render moot the recommendations of these.efforts. Although the amended verslon of the btll requtres the approval of the Board of Supervisors In the county In whlch a proposed airport is located, the legislation significantly dilutes local control by allowing other counties to recommend and push for a site that will be located outSide their jurisdiction. The b111 was scheduled for its thlrd and flnal reading before the Assembly on June 8, [989, 1ts next stop wtll be the Senate Transportation Committee. CRAS has sent a letter to a11 members, accompanied by a sample resolution (Attachment [)', requesting that th&y adopt said resolution or a stmtlar verston, oppostng AB [830, and send it to elected officials (11st provided). A sample letter is also provided (Attachment [[) for our use. Staff has prepared a draft resolution oppostng AB [830 for the Counctl's consideration. Also .attached to this report is a letter from Sally Anne Sheridan, Chairman of '. the Board of Directors, responding to Mayor Kennedy's request for a Tustin representative on the Board (Attachme~t III). The letter requests that a Tustin representative be present at the upcoming ~-eting at the June 26th Board meeting to .request appointment to the Board. As the City will not have a canditate representative until the July Board meeting', staff will prepare a letter to CRAS notifying them of such. The next Board meetifig will be held at 6'00 p.m. on Monday, June 26th at the .Leisure World Administrative Building, Laguna Hills. HOTF - There is no new information to report at this time. The next task force meeting will be held at 5:30 p.m. on Wednesday, July 26, 1989. As an additional piece of information, staff has followed up on an earller Council request and written to the Marine Corps, requesting a helicopter tour of the Browning Corridor for the Planning Commission. Staff hopes to arrange this for early July. ' Steve Rubi n Seni or Planner Director of Community Development SR:CAS:ts Attachments. Attachments I, II, and III Draft Resolution No. 89-93 Communi'ty Development Department A ,.. Coalition for a , ' c c: AIR,PORT SOLUTION "- .........-.-. - June 8, 1989 Mayor Run Ho~sterey City of Tustin 300 .Centenial Way Tust~n, CA 92680 Dear Mayor Hoesterey~ As you may know, legislation is now being considered by the State Assembly, AB 1830, which would permit the Boards of Supervisors of San Diego, Orange, Imperial and Riverside.Counties to enter into a joint powers agreement for th? purposes of studying, investi atin a establishing an ai~nort f~-~-~ .... g g. nd _ California area. -= ~~u~ =o serve the southern While the bill attempts to address an important issue, the Coalition For A Responsible Airport Solution is strongly opposed to it in its present form for the fOllowing reasons: 1. The legislation duplicates and could undermine existing efforts in the region to identify an airport sit6, including studies by the Airport Site Coalition, .the San Diego Association of Governments, and the Southern California Association of Governments. Many members of our coalition have been actively participating in these airport studies, and passage a~f AB 1830 would render moot the recommendations of these important and costly efforts. 2. Although the amended version of the bill requires the approval of the Board of Supervisors in the co which a ro used a' · unt in _. _. P .? _ _ ~rport Ks located, the legislation s~gnizicantly dilutes local control by allowin counties to recommend and push for a site that%~e~e located outside their jurisdiction. In summary, the Joint powers agreement would create yet another new mechanism to construct an airport that could be etr~mental to the coalition,s efforts to prevent d ' commercialization of Marine Corps Air Station E1 Toro. The coalition requests that the City of Tustin.oppose AB 1830 and adopt the sample resolution or one simil · Resolutions and letters should be ~,~ ~___~=_~ ~ar_to.~t. s~..~ ~,u,,=u~ely to ~ey elected officials and sponsors of the bill (see attached list with names and addresses.) Sincerely, Sally Anne Sheridan Chairman ATTACHMENT I ·.. A Grouo OpDosed to Joint or Comrnercl~l Use of MCA.S-El Toro 23704-5 El Toro Road, Suite 411, El Toro, Callforni;a 92830 RESOLUTION NO. · A RESOLUTION OF the OPPOSING ASSEMBLY BIT.T. 1830, WHICH CREATES AN AIRPORT JOINT POWERS AUTHORITY' . WHEREAS, Assembly Bill 1830 (Peace, Johnson, Bergeson) has been introduced into the California State Legislature~ and WHEREAS_, Assembly Bill ~830 would create an airport joint powers authority to study, ~nvestigate and establish a major airport to serve the. Southern California area~ and WHEREAS, the supports the concept of local Jurisdictions having the right to approve or disapprove an airport within their boundaries~ and WHEREAS, Assembly bill 1830 dilutes the control of local jurisdictions.over decisions that directly impact them~ and WHEREAS, the , is participating in existing airport site selection-studies~ and WHEREAS, A~.sembly Bill 1830 would duplicate existing efforts to locate an. azrport site in-or around Orange County, and WHE~, the ~-- opposes the commercialization of MCAS E1 Toro but is assisting in th.~ efforts to seek a responsible solution to the County's aviation needs. NOW, THEREFORE, th~ does hereby resolve as follows: ~' ,SECTION 1. To oppose Assembly bill 1830. SECTION 2. To request that the authors of Assembly Bill 1830' Withdraw it from consideration by the State Legislature. PASSED AND ADOPTED by the the ... day of , 1989. on Please direct copies of adopted resolutions to: Terri Mehrguth, PAINE & ASSOCIATES, INC. 535 Anton, Suite 450, Costa Mesa, California 92626 4 '""~':':""'""';" Coalition for~ ~!~i!~:" ..... ::~'~.'S'I.BLE AIRPOR', ,30 ~ii!ii:::~:!i:;::,~ ~,:!i::.:.:::.:.:.:::.:.:::.i.:.:.:i:.:..:.............. ..... LUTION , June 8, 1989 Mr. Brian Kidney Chief Clerk of the Assembly Room 3196 State Capital Sacramento, CA 95814 RE= Opposition. to Bm 183.0 Dear Hr. Kidney: The California Leaislature is AB 1830 · g s~n D,~;o'~9-Y°u~ P~.~9 th~ So~rd~ of Sup~~or~ of ~ , ur~n~e, zmper&a£ and Riverside Counties to enter into a Jo&mt p~wers agreement for the ur oses o studying, investiaat~n, and es*-~=-~, .... P- p . f = o .... ~ ~= ~uu~nern call=ornia area· While the bill a~tempts to address an important issue, the Coalition For A Responsible Airport Solution is opposed to it in its present form. We believe our position deserves close consideration by the Legislature and the bill's sponsors· The Coalition For A Responsible Airoo~ ~nl,,~.. consists of mor? than 4,000 individual me~b-&r;-i~-8~;~; County, the cities of Tustin, Laguna Beach, Mission VieJo and Zrvine, which together haVe a population in ~kcess of a quarter o~ a million ~eople; the community.of Leisure World and more than 20 homeowners associations. We are the most active group on airport issues which affect Orange County and are intensely ~pterested. in this, and any legislation impacting =ne airport site selection process. While the specific amendment in the bill that re~ires a majorit~ approval of the Board of Supervisors in the County an which the airport facility would be located has some merit (section 24004), we still, oppose the bill, and are urging our members and other jurisdictions to do the same. AB 1830 ignores', duplicates and would render moot the current 22-month FAA-funded study being conducted by the Southern California Association of Governments, in conjunction with the Airport Site Coalition and the Inter-County Airport Authority. Many members of our coalition, as well as hundreds of other well-meaning and dedicated individuals have spent countless long hours participating in this unique effort to identify a site through consensus. Furthermore, many cities in Orange County, as well as the FAA, have contributed significant taxpayer funds to the study. ATTACHMENT II · .. A GrouD Ol~posed to Joint or Commercial` Uae of MCAS-EI Toro 2~704-6 El Toro Rond. Suite 411. El Toro. C-llfornln f3~n Should AB 1830 be passed, the task of studying and establishing an airport site in southern California would suddenly fall under t~e Jurisdiction of a newl creat ~?uthern CaliforniaAirport Joint Au~=--~- Y. e~ . u~u~uy, unaercu~tlng =ne current con~ensus process and effectivel render its recommendat&ons meaningless. Y .&ng Passage of AB 1830 would clearly ~ate Legislature and the bill's demonstrate that the sponsors have no faith in ne cu~ren= consensus process. At best, it would signiflcantly lessen the /mportance o te ' · · . . -- f the consensus am s f~nd~n s w g , h~ch m&ght cause man · and su orters , .y.of.~ts sponsors .... PP _ to withdraw their Dart~c funding. At.worst, it may result in com lete dest of the consensus , P ruction approach which in our view, may be the last and best hope of ever identifying a buildable airport site in the region. We urge the sponsors of AB 1830 to withdraw the bill. Sincerely, Sally Anne Sheridan Chairman KEY ELECTED OFFICIA?.S Assemblyman Steve Peace 430 Davidson St. #B Chula Vista, CA 92010 619/426-1617 Senator Marian Bergeson 140 N~ l~ort Center Drive Suite 0 Ne~~ Beach, CA 92660 714 0-1137 Assemblyman Ross Johnson 1501 N. Harbor. Blvd. Suite 201 Fullerton, CA 92635 714/738-.5853 Assemblyman Willie L. Brown Jr. Assembly Speaker 350 Mc Allister #5046 San Francisco, CA' 94102 ' 415/557-0784 ..~r. Brian Kidney Chief Clerk of the Assembly Room 3196 State Capital Sacramento, CA 95814 916/445-3614 Assemblyman Gil Ferguson 4667 Mac Arthur Blvd. Suite 350 Newport_Beach, CA 92660 714/756 0665 Congressman Ron Packard 2121 Paloman Airport Rd. #105 Carlsbad, CA 92009 619/438-0443 California League of Cities Orange County Division 1200 N. Main Suite 710 Santa Ana, CA 92701 Att= League of California Cities Ms. KathrynA. NelSon Clerk of the Board San Diego County Board. of Supervisors 1600 Pacific Hwy., Rm. 402 San Diego, CA 92101 619/531-5700 Ms. Linda K. Weaber Clerk of the Board Imperial County Board of Supverisors 940 W. Main St., Rm 212 E1 Centro, CA 92243 619/339-4220 Ms. Linda D. Ruth Clerk of the Board Orange County Board of Supervisors 10 Civic Center Plaza Santa Ana, CA 92701-4061 .714/834-3100 Supervisor~Tom Riley Chairman Orange County Board of Supervisors 10 Civic Center Plaza Santa Aha, CA 92701-4061 714/834-3100 Hr. Gerald Maloney Clerk of the Board Riverside Count~ Board of Supervisors 4080 Lemon Street Riverside, CA 92501 714/787-2717 June 9, 1989 Honorable Ursula Kennedy Mayor, City of Tustin 300 Centennial Way Tustin, CA 92680 A ....;...:~:i.'i:,.:.....:.-' Coalition for a ~1< c.,,,,~,,~ ~~iiiiRiEi~..i:....~.~I:B~.E. AI.FI,.p..O.FIT SOLUTION. "' ~iii~iii~i~iiiiii!!iiiiiiiiiiiiiiii~iiii~iiii.......iiii~.....:ii~.~...i~.:...~.:~.~.....=?..~...~ ...................... IIII 'RECEIVED -- i i !,Jr l lq I 2 ~ [ A- MINISTRATION i i iml iii ii Dear Ursula: Thank you for your letter of May 17, 1989 requesting that Tustin have a representative on the Board of Directors for the Coalition for a Responsible Airport Solution. Due to the recent resignation of a boardmember, there is currently one vacancy on the Board. The Board is interested in filling this position with a representative from Tustin. Our next meeting is on Monday, June 26 at 6:00 P.M. at the Leisure World Administration Building, 23522 Paseo de Valencia, Laguna Hills: We request that a representative from TuStin be present at this meeting to request an appointment to the Board. The Coalition certainly appreciates the contribution that Tustin can make ~to our organization. ~l~e look forward to working with your City in our. efforts to prevent joint or commercial use of MCAS-E1 Toro. Sincerely, SHERI DAN Chairman SAS/ES: es/tuscras Cc: Steve Rubin, City of Tustin Eve Somjen, City of Irvine ATTACHMENT · ·. A Group Opposed to Joint or Commercial Use of MCAS-~I Toro 23704-5 El Toro Road. 8ulte 411, E! Toro. California 92630 II! RESOLUTION NO. 89-93 DRAFT A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OFTHE' CITY OF TUSTIN, CALIFORNIA,' OPPOSING ASSEMBLY BILL 1830, WHICH CREATES AN AIRPORT JOINT POWERS AUTHORITY. WHEREAS, Assemby Bill 1830 (Peace, Johnson, Bergeson) has been introduced into the California State Legislature; and WHEREAS, Assembly Bill 1830 would create an airport joint powers authority to study, investigate and establish a major airport to serve the Southern California area; and WHEREAS, the Clty of Tustln supports the concept of local jurisdictions having the right to approve or disapprove an airport within their boundaries; and WHEREAS, Assembly Bi 11 1830 di lutes the control of local jurisdictions over decisions that directly impact them; and WHEREAS, the City of Tustln is participating in existing airport site selection studies; and WHEREAS, Assembly Bill 1830 would duplicate existing efforts to locate an airport site in or around Orange County; and WHEREAS, the City of Tustt~ opposes the commercialization of MCAS E1 Toro but is assisting in the ef~b~ts .to seek a responsible solution to the County's aviation needs. .- NOW, THEREFORE, the City of Tustin does hereby resolve as follows- SELECTION 1. To oppose Assembly Bill 1830. SELECTION 2. To request that the authors of Assembly Bill 1830 withdraw it fro~ c-onsideration by the State Legislature. PASSED AND ADOPTED by the City Council of the City of Tustln, at a regular meting on the day'of , 1989. Mary Wynn, City Clerk U~Sbla E" Kennedy, Mayor